Journey of Comets - Cipher32 - 崩坏3rd (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Good Old Friends Chapter Text Chapter 2: A Shoulder For the Past Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Never Let You Go Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: The Breeze of Your World Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: The Despondent Crowd Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Where to Go Where to Come Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: No More Fear of Right or Wrong Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: To the Heaven I Dream Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: Embraced Under My Shield Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Tiniest Tenderness Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: Buried Deep in The Earth Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Right Away Torn Apart Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: Across a Land Bare and Dark Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: Far From the World Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Winter Space Between Light and Dark Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Frozen and Banished Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Go Fight Against Your Fate Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: To Wake Up a Dreamer Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Let My Shadow Stand by Your Side Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: New Stories Have Yet to Start Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: To Taste the Love and Pain Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: For One to Memorize Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Life Blooms Like a Flower Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: The Beauty of This World Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Where Will You Belong Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: I Feel Your Sigh and Breath Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Every Night Brings A Dream Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: For One To Read Through The Lines Notes: Chapter Text Notes:

Chapter 1: Good Old Friends

Chapter Text

Chapter 1: Good Old Friends.

"There is no time to explain"

It began with that. A sentence consisting of 6 words and 22 letters, delivered in a suppressed urgency by a familiar voice through her phone for her brain to process. Said brain deciphered the information in less than half a second later for her heart to react with the appropriate emotions and feelings but above all one stood obvious.


It began with dread, and then the confusion and unfounded panic emerged. She had asked back the what and why but all she received in return was a vague you'll know, as if it would explain everything and wash away her worry.

It began 5 hours ago.

It began with a blinding flash of light that awoken the residents sleeping in night hours with her being the exception. She hadn't gotten a sleep since the call ended, switching between pacing around her room in the dark and staring anxiously at the pale white rocks that seemed to glow in the endless nights surrounding them outside her building. Waiting and expecting something she didn't even understand the what.

Then the light came and she immediately rushed out, snatching her jacket from the hanger behind her door. It rattled and fell to the floor but the owner had long gone to care or notice what fate befell it.

Kiana jogged to her destination, passing through many confused scientists on her way out who looked at her for answers she couldn't provide. Slipping her resized Valkyrie jacket around her body, she zipped it up to her chest level just in time for the last airlock to open, exposing her body into the cold temperature of the moon.

Countless stars hung above, twinkling in the boundless sky as guides for those who looked. Despite the bright blue energy dome covering the base and allowing its relatively hospitable environment, it couldn't really take away the breathtaking view. It made for a good date, something she could vouch for both herself and Mei.


The thought of the purple haired woman sent a surge of urgency in her veins her steps turned into an outright sprint, a dull ache on her finger where a silver ring rested was a reminder of what dear for her. Kiana traversed the catwalks connecting the base exteriors to where the Stargate was, eyes glued to its ever glowing center signaling a transit in progress.

She spotted a head of red hair on the observation area and made her way there, careful not to step on the energy lines dispensing the excess heat the Stargate created.

"Doctor Tesla?" She called out but when the smaller woman didn't budge a bit on her second call Kiana decided to go at her. "Doctor, are you okay?"

Kiana grabbed the woman's shoulder gently, pulling the redhead out from her stupors. Tesla blinked and adjusted her glasses, glancing back towards Kiana. "Ah, sorry, you were saying?"

Kiana frowned internally. "I said are you okay?"

Tesla seemed to ponder the question a bit and it scared Kiana more than anything. She had worked intensively with the woman for almost a decade now, though worked was not really work but just her sitting on a chair with various instruments and questions directed at her but nevertheless. Kiana never seen Tesla this unsure and the way she kept not so subtly glancing at her made Kiana nervous on her feet.

"Kiana. If, this is an if, Mei was taken from you and you had a chance to take her back at the cost of someone close to you...Will you take it?"

"Did something happen to Mei?!" Kiana almost yelled in panic but she was quickly suppressed by an exasperated Tesla before she could bombard her with questions which the ultimate answers were no's.

"It's a rhetorical question" Tesla clarified and when Kiana blinked at her blankly she elaborated. "A question that is more to elicit a response than for information"

"Oh... I swear I heard that word before" Kiana chirped and Tesla chuckled, though Kiana noticed it was a bit different than normal. She also looked less enthusiastic today and more melancholic for some reason. "Well, I wouldn't want to burden that someone but I wouldn't be giving up on Mei either"

"So, what would you do?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Kiana grinned in hope to alleviate whatever worry the good Doctor was having, although it seemed to have the opposite effect when the redhead's smile faltered a little before she forced a wider one. "I believe in Mei as much as she believes in me. We both would want to meet and we both would do whatever we could to reunite and be happy. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next week or year but we wouldn't be giving up on each other. There will always time and chances, no matter how small and unlikely, and the people around us would definitely help us out if they could"

"You and your love story" Tesla admonished jokingly with a roll of her eyes. "You both are not really a good example of ideal relationship"

Kiana laughed merrily, showing her ringed finger. "Hey, we've got our happy ending so it works out"

"Mei beat you up for being an idiot"

The Kaslana shrugged and grinned slyly in return. "Mei likes it rough"

They both stared at one another until Tesla chuckled while Kiana gave her a suggestive raise of her eyebrows. Whatever turmoil Tesla had, had simply been forgotten in the little banter between the two friends. "But seriously, what is going on?"

Tesla sighed, her mechanical arm flexing as she thought over her words. Once, she got a direct contact with Honkai and it costed her an arm. The itch hadn't been noticable until recently. "You've got the message from Overseer Theresa?"

"I did. But Aunty didn't tell me anything except a vague foreboding that something is coming"

Tesla nodded. "There has been... a happening. I would like to tell you what but the Overseer gave her strict order to wait for her" The flexing of her fingers stopped and Tesla crossed her arms, cold metal over warm flesh. "It's Welt"

Kiana blinked, her jaw dropping in surprise as she straightened up. "Mr. Yang? Is he okay? Do we know where he is?"


Before Tesla could spill the beans, the light intensified and out of it five figures emerged. Kiana immediately recognized every single one of them and jumped out to greet the newcomers.

"Guys!" She shouted, excitedly running towards the dying light of the Stargate transport beam, only to tackle a certain woman into a spine shattering hug. "And Mei!"

Mei giggled, returning the hug with the same intensity. She planted a kiss on Kiana's forehead as her hand moved to brush a stray strand of white hair. "Hello, Kiana"


"Annnnddd they're sucking on each other's faces" Bronya said flatly, appearing from behind Mei. Her stare was as emotional as her words as she looked at the two, which to say as devoid as the night sky itself. "This is why I refused to travel together to the Moon"

Kiana tactfully flipped her the bird.

"I'm sorry, Bronya"

"No you are not, Mei" Theresa interjected with a barely concealed amusem*nt as she joined the trio. Mei sent her an apologetic look after she pushed Kiana's face to her bosom so she could free her face from Kiana's clutch. "But you're not one to talk either, Bronya. Don't think I'm oblivious to what's happening behind that door whenever Seele visits you"

Bronya huffed and turned around to hide her reddening face, a bad move because it allowed Kiana a clear picture of it. Face still planted on Mei's chest, the Kaslana sent Bronya a smug grin the latter returned with a glare.

Kiana would've teased Bronya more. It was all good jab and poke between long time friends that knew each other so much to make fun of their own predicaments, the small smile on Bronya's face was unmistakable nor was the one on Kiana's own. This was her family of a lifetime and all of them was just as precious. She did, she had and she would sacrifice herself again and again just to see their smiles, a notion all of them shared towards another.

Bronya had sacrificed herself once to save them from Cocolia's grasp so had Mei for Kiana. For her, the little circle of friends were her everything and it only got bigger now with more joining the once three figures.

Case in point was her older sister.

"Bianka!" Kiana greeted cheerily at the other woman, releasing her hug on Mei only to envelope the blonde in her arms. Bianka reciprocated the gesture with a smile. "How are you? How's papa?"

"Dad is doing well, he's currently on a vacation" Bianka replied softly, pulling back to look at Kiana in the face. "So am I"

Kiana's eyes traced the gentle curve of her sister's smile and equally gentle blue eyes. So much of what Otto did to her had worn off as more and more of the woman's true self surfaced. Her hair had more white streaks on it, almost as much as her golden locks. Kiana knew because she had been secretly paying attention to it the last time they brushed each other's hair.

"The doing well part or the vacation part?" Kiana asked cheekily and her sister chuckled.

"I'm sorry, but I'm here for work"

"Ah, bummer"

It had taken the newfound father-daughter a while to catch up. The first few months had been stiff and a little awkward with Siegfried open eagerness and Bianka's tentative acceptance mostly hindering the progress. Siegfried being Siegfried tried to talk to Bianka every possible time Theresa had to kick him out once when he intruded into a meeting he wasn't supposed to be in for a simple reason he wanted to ask his daughter for a lunch together, said daughter happened to be the one to report in said meeting.

Bianka reasonably freaked out. Though the girl had never truly lost her composure in the years Kiana knew her yet the distress was obvious when her sister called her on that exact same day. Bianka was afraid she had offended her father and wanted to apologize but didn't know how so there she was asking Kiana, the only living relative with direct relation with the old man.

"Papa is like that" She had told her sister then with a laugh through the phone. "He does whatever he does. Don't worry, just talk to him and he'll forget it ever happened. Besides, it's not your fault Aunty had to kick him out. Look, just go have a lunch with him and talk, it'll make him a happy old man"

"I don't know what to talk with him" Bianka replied anxiously, as if Kiana had just sent her into her yet most difficult battle.

"Just be yourself" Kiana smoothly assured. "He loves us too much to care about the details. To have you there with him is a great joy for him"

"Well, if you say so..."

"Sis, I know him enough. I want you to know him, too. Look, don't look into it too much and just go. You'll know what to do"

"Okay, then. Thank you"

"Make sure he doesn't embarrass himself, though. Send me pictures of your get-together, okay? Love you, and tell him I love him too. Now go, you've got this"

So that was the first few months, after that they found their own pace without Kiana needing to help. She was more than content to hear either Siegfried or Bianka talking about their days together, which usually followed with a wistful words of her being there with them to complete the family. Kiana did what she did best and comforted them it wouldn't be a dream for long, with Honkai manifestation rapidly climbing down all over the world it would be a reality in a few years to come.

She held that thought deep in her heart as a reminder of what she fought for and what her hardships were for. Her family had grown big so it was her duty to keep them safe together, as they would to each other.

Kiana pulled back from the hug entirely, letting her hands rested on Bianka's arms for a moment before she let them go. Still smiling, she turned towards the last newcomer, expecting a greeting only to find her already knee deep in conversation with a certain redhead.

Doctor Einstein, Tesla's long time friend and coworker, was just as precious as any of her other friends. The decade she knew her, Kiana had grown a fondness for the bluenette the same way she did Tesla. She was not as... temperamental, as Tesla with most of her banters strictly reserved for the redhead but she was a honest and good companion. She didn't sugarcoat stuff, always talk from the scientific point of view when encroaching a topic which allowed Kiana a firsthand experience of the past.

It was from Einstein she truly learned what happened during the Second Eruption for the good Doctor was there herself. While Tesla also talked about it, her story was mostly about how mad she was to what Otto had done, which from then would spiral into a cursing and cussing. Kiana was sure she would tear the late Overseer's soul apart had he heard her.

Right now, Einstein was currently speaking with Tesla in a hushed tone and whatever it was it had the redhead looking hopeful and anxious at the same time. Kiana caught the latter glancing at her for a split second before she redirected her gaze to Einstein.

"So, what's the occasion?" Kiana asked out loud, giving her sister and friends a sweep with her smile. A smile that faltered immediately when she noticed their tight expression. "Something wrong?"

"How about we head inside first?" Mei proposed, offering a hand to Kiana who immediately accepted it. "I'll cook something for you"

"Won't say no to your cooking!" Kiana said with a grin, dragging Mei away from the group while giggling.

"Lovebirds" Bronya muttered under her breath, following the duo. Bianka chuckled and fell a step behind the silver haired woman.

Mei was an excellent cook but few knew it wasn't a skill she born with. When Kiana met her in Nagazora all those years ago, before the tears and disasters, Kiana was a terrible cook through and through.

Mei was a heiress of one of the biggest technology companies in the world. Her father, Raiden Ryoma, was a leading genius who pioneered many breakthroughs in both military and civilian worlds. After he was framed by Cocolia and the subsequent fall of the company, Mei was left alone to face an uncaring reality. Her once vibrant world was left dull after her teachers and 'friends' shunned her, even the staff who once worked and cared for her also saw her with leering eyes in her own house.

Mei's life was not an easy one. A lie took everything she had once. She was a kind hearted girl who looked after everyone with equal eyes despite her title and upbringings, always mingling with those around her without discrimination. Yet that lie proved those people around her wanted nothing but her wealth, which Kiana found stupid because nothing worth more than that kindness itself.

It was that same kindness that connected Kiana and Mei, a kindness that had dulled but burned bright again once Kiana reached out towards it. Mei never told just anyone that Kiana was the reason she was a good cook, not out of shame but because if there's something special between them it was that little secret they shared.

Kiana nuzzled that lonely girl's hand and that girl fed and took her into her heart like she would a cat. Kiana wasn't complaining though, in fact she loved it.

Dinner was filled with merry talks and stories, a familiar sight for the St. Freya girls. They had this before, exactly before everything. While nobody said a word about it, it was a thought residing in their minds since years after their reunion. Eight chairs, seven occupied and one empty with a can of full, opened beer as opposed to the half or empty cans on the table, reserved in memory of her per tradition whenever they had dinner together.

Mei picked a stack of dirty plates and maneuvered her way to the kitchen sink, intending to wash them. Kiana who saw her smile silently stood up and followed, ignoring Bronya's not so subtle eye roll.

"Hey" Kiana whispered to Mei's ear, wrapping her hands around the taller woman's stomach. Mei hummed in response but didn't say anything in return, simply relaxing into the embrace. "I miss you"

"It's been a long month" Mei said just as silently, putting a cleansed plate into the dryer and picking another dirty one to wash. "Did I miss something?"

"Moon rocks" Kiana mumbled, voice muffled by Mei's shirt as she buried her face into her back. "How's the kids?"

"They're doing alright. You know you're barely ten years older to call them kids, right?"

"Eh, doesn't matter. They remind me of us"

"Carole is as energetic as ever. Everyday she's turning into you more"

"I like her" Kiana giggled, the vibration made Mei's chest rumble pleasantly. "She's a good kid"

"I'm sure you do, you both get along fine. Maybe it's the recklessness"

Kiana hummed but didn't say anything more, content to hold her and feel her warmth. Mei took her time to turn off the faucet and dry her hands with a rag, still not moving from their interlocked position. When Mei's cold hands found Kiana's warmer ones, the latter barely flinched from the contact.

"Something happened, right?" Kiana mumbled and it was Mei's turn to flinch. It was all Kiana needed for confirmation, releasing a sigh Mei couldn't see. "I see"

Kiana released her hold and retreated back to the table, her demeanor returning to her cheerful one as she rejoined the conversation. With nothing to hold, Mei's hands fell to her sides and clenched at nothing, seeking a warmth that was no longer there.

"Kiana, what I'm going to tell you is a question you will have to answer with a yes or no. I will tell you the consequences of each so I hope you'll make a wise choice"

"Wise doesn't mean correct, does it?" Kiana joked but there's a hint of bitterness in her tone. Einstein who sat across from her simply stared back. "Sorry, that was inappropriate"

The Doctor nodded. "To put a week worth of headache into a short story; we found Welt"

Kiana blinked, once and then twice, processing the information she just received. "Oh... Is he alright?"

"We don't know" Tesla answered and for the first time Kiana remembered there was other people in the room. Usually, her sessions had one of the Doctors only accompanying her but now she had half her family with her. "We only received a message, at least according to it he is"

"What does it say, precisely?"

"He's in a journey" Einstein answered and Kiana furrowed her eyebrows in thought.


"Yes. Apparently, he lost Void Archives shortly after he entered the portal and got picked up by someone. He also mentioned Aeons, Astral Express and Antimatter Legions"

Kiana scratched the back of her head in confusion. "I don't understand what those are"

"Don't worry, neither do we" Tesla exhaled frustratedly, her prosthetic finger tapping her thigh as she thought over her words. "But he said it might give us a lead about Sky People"

Kiana's expression darkened at the mention of Sky People. After Honkai had mostly been sealed, these strange group of enemy began to appear all over the world to wreck havoc, destroying everything in their path like Honkai itself. But they were not Honkai, they didn't even know what they were except that somehow they're capable of harvesting Honkai energy. For what purpose remained a mystery the scientists still couldn't figure out to this day.

Her friends had been fighting them actively for the last decade while all Kiana did was watch with her thumbs fiddled. It pissed her off once and still did but Kiana understood she had her own duty to conduct. She trusted Mei and the others enough to hold on, even if Kiana had to vent her anger and worry when she learned Mei almost lost her life to them a while back on the moon. The kilometers deep craters on the dark side of the moon was her doing, marks of her frustration that would stay hidden for the rest of the time, hopefully.

Kiana was the Princess of Honkai itself, yet she couldn't protect her most beloved nor come to her rescue. Thankfully, the kids were able to get her to safety or otherwise.

Otherwise she might actually descend and lay waste on the invaders.

"What about it?" She asked slowly, just to hide the growl threatening to slip out of her throat.

"Astral Express is an interstellar train capable of superluminal travel. He mentioned that these Antimatter Legions bear great resemblance with the Sky People in terms of nature although also with great difference. The amount of destructive race out there is astounding, to say the least, and it is imperative for us to send our own vanguard force"

"... you want me to go to him"

"I ask if you want to accept the job" Einstein emphasized. "Like it or not, the force attacking us right now is merely a beachhead for a larger invasion force. If we don't get to the bottom of this, we'll lose"

"Does he know? The homeworld, I mean"

"No" The blue haired Doctor said with a shake of her head. "However, the Astral Express itself has a lot of navigational data on its databank. Even if it doesn't have a fix on it, there's plenty of sapient race in the galaxy that might be of help in this quest. For every sparks, there's fire in the making, so if the Sky People have been doing what they're doing for long there's a big chance someone knows something"

"It's a witch hunt. Just in a forest with your eyes closed in the middle of the night with said witch hiding in a mouse hole" Tesla explained. "The only clue you have of its existence is a piece of paper you found in the bathroom that morning that might or might not have been true"

"The odds are against us" Einstein added.

"Have they ever not?" Kiana asked back with a sigh. "The odds have always against us yet here we are now"

Here we are now in a world won against an adversary with yet another struggle.

Perhaps, she was looking too much into it but who could blame her? In all honesty, Kiana was tired. Only so much a woman could do to protect the world and its beauty, a thought born not out of pessimism but reality instead. Even right now her friends were still fighting for a tomorrow uncertain.

No rest for the weary.

"Was it a yes?" Einstein began anew, watching Kiana standing up to her feet. The Kaslana paced about the room, blue eyes tracking nothing in particular until they stopped on a certain purple haired woman.

She made her way to Mei and the rest on the far wall. "I have my happiness here, Doctor" She said, grabbing Mei's hands between her own, eyes never leaving a pair of amethyst. "Should I abandon it..."

"Oh, you misunderstood us"

Kiana blinked and turned on her heels to look at the scientists. "Sorry?"

Tesla put her prosthetic hand to her hip and smiled, co*cking them to the side. "Bronya and Mei are going with you"

Kiana's lips parted in surprise, staring at Tesla dumbly and then Mei and Bronya. The former simply smiled while the latter crossed her arms and stared back impassively.


Mei grabbed Kiana by the cheeks. "We promised to stay together until the end and we will"

"That, and the more technical reasons" Bronya piped in. "Honestly, I'm sick being the third wheel so I would've refused if I could"

"You didn't want to go?" Kiana asked worriedly and Bronya fell quiet. Sighing, Bronya then gave Kiana one of her rare smiles. Smiles that were reserved for her family.

"I said I'm going so I will"

"What about Seele?"

"Seele understands. She is more mature than you in that regard" Kiana protested but Bronya ignored her with a nonchalant shrug. "This journey will require us three anyway"

"The power of Truth and Origin are indispensable" Einstein explained when she noticed the question in Kiana's gaze. "As well as Bianka's Genius system"

"Finality is a power immeasurable" Tesla joined in. "And without guides we risk damage, or worse, destruction of countless universes"

"Hold on, let me be the one asking. It's a bit overwhelming"

They shared a glance and nodded, gesturing for Kiana to sit down again. Silently, Kiana pulled the chair and took a seat, eyes glazed for a moment as she pondered where to begin. A vague warmth rested on her shoulder and drew her attention, revealing Mei's hand.

Her gaze found the silver ring there and it gave her the resolve.

"So... You need me for what, exactly?"

"We received Welt's message via one of our Quantum Beacons with its source being the cardinal quadrant of what we call Cluster Heinrich. Deep Space Scout Scope pointed out the real time equivalent being a galaxy seventy six million light years away from the Perseus Arm's edge of our own galaxy. To put it simply, Welt is far away from home"

"Okay, but Quantum Beacons?"

Tesla waved her prosthetic hand dismissively. "Mophead dumped tons of them a few years back into The Deep with Seele's help. Better not ask the technical"

Kiana wisely nodded. "I'm guessing you want me to open up a portal and go there?"

"That would be impossible" Einstein replied curtly. "The distance itself would take forever for you to scale even with Void power. However, by drawing power from the Imaginary Tree itself with your Finality Authority, we're given access to limitless energy already. What you need is a guide and helping hands"


"Origin" Einstein repeated with a nod. "Origin and Finality are one and the same. With Origin's help, Finality is unstoppable in time-space control. Mei will help you create a path while Bianka's Genius system will be the guide to your destination" She paused and gave Bronya glance. "I don't think I need to explain why you need Truth"

"Create everything Bronya wishes, yadda yadda"

"Precisely. Once you make contact with Welt, Bronya will need to acquire the necessary information to create a working Subspace Communication Network so you can establish permanent contact with home and a way back"

"So, that's all?"

"Based on what we know, yes. You will have to act accordingly, however, because circ*mstances are most likely to differ"

"Do you accept?" Tesla asked and Kiana could sense the hopefulness in her tone.

"... with a cost" The Kaslana said with all the seriousness. Tesla who saw the glint in those blue orbs immediately narrowed her eyes.

"Name it"

Kiana grinned and it sent a chill down Tesla's spine. She knew that grin, a devilish expression befitting a cat that had caught the canary. The last time she saw it they had to clean a mess the couple left behind everywhere. "3 months vacation for Mei, in which she'll stay on the Moon with me"

"Are you serious- Ugh, fine. Just... don't go too overboard with it this time, please. The stains from the last time are still on the ceiling"

"Oh, my..." Mei mumbled, face red and thoroughly mortified. Kiana gave her a wink that deepened her blush even more.

"No promises, Doc"

Both scientists worked fast in setting up all the equipments necessary for Kiana to ramp up her Finality power to its highest since the fight against Kevin all those years ago. With Honkai gone, the opening of the floodgate might cause some unprecedented outcomes that might risk a sudden spike. Kiana, despite being its ultimate ruler, hadn't tapped into it for a long time so it was better to be ready for all scenarios.

Deep in the recess of the Moon Base, almost a kilometer underground was the heroes of the Honkai War. Each busy preparing themselves for what to come and go. Bianka and Theresa being Schicksal's top echelons had to stay put in case of emergency, leaving the trio and duo scientists to deal with the actual operation.

Currently, Kiana was talking with her sister about the application of the Genius system and how to use it but frankly, the woman hardly understood a word her older sister said.

"So, it's a compass?"

"In short, yes. Overseer Theresa made a few modifications to it so it's now compatible to be used with the power of Finality. A few limitations have also been liberated with the advancement of technology"

Kiana scratched the back of her head sheepishly. "Walk me through? Again?"

"Of course" Bianka put the circular device into Kiana's open palm and it immediately glowed up upon contact. "Former Overseer Otto's research data was set to open use upon his retirement which allowed us a good look on many sort of apparatuses, one being the Genius Device. From here we developed it further"

"Otto was a selfish prick but he loved his Valkyries and hated Honkai with passion so I'm not surprised"

"Indeed" Bianka agreed, smiling fondly at her little sister. "He gave a lot for us to cherish, actually"

Kiana chuckled softly, rubbing the back of her neck. "Hey, now. Don't get all sentimental on me. We've talked about it"

"Sorry, I just... I don't think I've told you how grateful I am to have you as a sister"

Kiana looked at her sister's face and smiled, putting her hands behind her back knowing Bianka wouldn't talk about job at the moment. A rare occasion, but she learned she did that often when she was around Kiana. "Wanna talk about it?"

The blonde hummed affirmatively. "Dad sent his regards, he wishes you luck and, um..."


"... he said 'woo as many women and spread the charm of the Kaslana in the galaxy in your journey' and I must tell you that because it's important"

Kiana, understandably, face palmed. "That old man... He does realize I'm married, right?"

"He was there"

"He was there" Kiana deadpanned. "Do me a favor and tell him I only have eyes on Mei, and that Mei would absolutely murder me if I flirt with someone else in her presence, God knows she could. Not everyone has the same patience as Mom"

"Sure. Anything else?"

Kiana's lips quivered, her expression softening. "Tell him to not worry, because I know he is. I have my family with me so I won't be alone this time, you too"

"... Is it that obvious?"

"Nah, I just know. Call it sisterly intuition" Kiana winked and grinned. "So, how do you use this thing? And please spare me the technicals and give them to Bronya, just tell me what to do"

"Right, so the Imaginary Tree..."

The next morning saw a buzz of activity on the Moon Base with the heroes of the Honkai War and the Princess herself gathering in the Main Test Room. After a night long of sleepless preparations and explanations, the trio were finally ready to embark on their journey across the universe in a seemingly impossible quest to save the galaxy.

But first thing first, they had one final obstacle they needed to remove.

"In order for this to succeed, Kiana will need to revitalize the Herrscher Authorities of both Mei's and Bronya's" Einstein explained, dropping a heap of equipment onto the floor where it then clicked on place as its magnetic clamps engaged themselves. The room was in Zero-G state to help the scientists moving around equipments with everyone except Kiana wearing magnetic boots to help them stay glued on the floor. "To do this, you will have to act as a relay with the Imaginary Tree for them both"

"How do you want me to do it?" Kiana asked, sidestepping to give a worker carrying a person size energy coil a way. The man gave Kiana a thanks which she returned with a nod and smile.

"The same way you did to Mei years ago; by connecting your consciousness with theirs and tapping into their power to establish contact"

"The Herrscher Core inside Mei went dormant after we sealed Honkai on the moon" Tesla joined in. "Though, due to the unique nature of Reason's power, Bronya's simply weakening. For this you'll have to inject them both with a healthy amount of Honkai energy to fish out their powers back"

"I don't have the Herrscher of Reason's Core anymore but I'm still a part of the ad idem. Unlike yours or Mei's, my metamorphosis is also unique on itself. Kiana don't have to worry about tapping my power back up, I will guide it on my own"

"So in short, you just need a recharge?" Kiana asked and Bronya nodded.

"That is correct"

"I feel like there's a catch to this..."

"Nothing major" Tesla assured with a wave of her hand. "It sounds easy because it is. To begin with, the only reason Mei and Bronya lost their powers is because we cut Honkai's manifestation on Earth, disallowing them to draw energy from nearby. We don't return them because it might cause incident in Honkai-free Earth but with you around you can act as a gate to control the flow of the energy"

"You sure it won't cause an Eruption, right? Because if we're to go out there, I'd rather we don't bring a disaster with us"

"Kiana, you're the ultimate ruler of Honkai. You can snap your fingers and it will stop existing for all we know. Besides, Mei and Bronya also have absolute control over their powers so you don't have to worry about them losing it"

Kiana shrugged. "Just voicing my thoughts"

"They are a good thoughts" Mei said softly, the clicking of her magnetic boots echoing in the room. Stopping beside Kiana, she crossed her arms and gave the scientists a smile. "Compassion towards fellow sapient beings is a quality we must have in this journey. We cannot disregard any possibility that we might accidentally harm them due to negligence. Honkai is destructive by nature, we all know this more than anyone else, so we must be careful when using its power out there"

"We've been fighting since we learned of its existence" Mei continued, glancing to everyone and stopping on Bronya. "Some are earlier than the others. We survived because we are strong, but most importantly because we are together. Until we can confirm the situation, we must limit the use of our powers"

"I concur" Bronya said. "As Mei said, Honkai is destructive in nature. We risk contamination on local biospheres if we are not careful"

"Welt should be able to help you in that regard" Tesla added helpfully. "He's been there for a while now so he must have a good grasp of the surroundings. Consult with him before you go all out"

"But of course" Said a familiar voice from the doorway, drawing their attention and revealing a smirking Theresa. "We won't send you guys without... precautions"

As soon as she finished talking, the Overseer stepped aside to allow a group of workers inside. They carried with them metal crates of various size, each floating in the cycled air of Zero-G environment. One of them set the crate he carried down near the trio, followed shortly by his friends.

"All done, Madame" The man said respectfully to Theresa who thanked him with a nod. Giving a nod himself, he gestured for his friends and not long after they vacated the room again.

"What are these?" Kiana asked curiously, approaching the smallest of the three crates. There was something written on its surface and she focused on the white letters.

7th Divine Key.

Kiana gasped, eyes wide and mouth open. Hands moving before she could stop them, she quickly opened the lock and then the crate, gaze fixed on the dual handguns in it.

Her fingers traced the smooth surface, feeling the signature ambient warmth she hadn't felt for a long time on the sensitive skin of her index and middle fingers. Grabbing the grips, Kiana pulled the weapons out and tested her grips on them, smiling a nostalgic smile all the while.

"Judgment of Shamash..." She muttered, twirling the guns as her muscles regained their dormant memories. These were the signature weapons of the Kaslana family, the banisher of Honkai and the creator of martyrs. Countless Kaslanas had died wielding Shamash in the past in their duty to be the shield and sword of humanity sans three so far.

Kevin, her father and Kiana herself were the only Kaslanas who ever wielded Shamash at its full potential and survived. In her case, she was about to keep using it, as intended for a true Kaslana.

"I didn't know you guys managed to recover it"

The weapon was listed as 'lost' following the war, for Schicksal to be able to recover it showed how far their technological level had reached. After all, it was a relic from the Previous Era and nobody really knew how they worked, similar to many other Divine Keys.

"I figured, rather than to keep them on storage collecting dust I should just give them back to you guys" Theresa said. "With Honkai gone, the Herrscher Cores in Divine Keys went inert and they become dormant. We have no use for them anymore without Honkai powering them"

"But we should be able to use them still" Mei softly piped in and Kiana tilted her head curiously when she saw her unlocking another crate. This one read 3rd Divine Key. "It's been a long while, old friend"

Unlike Kiana, Mei simply took the weapon straight from the crate, holding it in her right hand as her left traced the sharp edge of the purple sword. Like Kiana, she was also hit by a sudden wave of nostalgia, of a head of pink hair and cheerful greetings.

"Hi, Mei~"


The Third Divine Key; Key of Sanction. More commonly known as the Seven Thunders.

Each Divine Keys were unique on their own rights and the Seven Thunders was no different. It was a weapon made of the Previous Era Herrscher of Thunder's Core and had shape shifting ability because Vill-V thought it would be cool, or funny, for a weapon to have its own moods. Natasha had told her once all those years ago when she joined World Serpent how the weapon almost got her killed because it shifted into a catapult in the most dire of situation. Apparently, it could and would decide whether it liked its wielder or not by itself.

Mei never had the problem, though. Being the Herrscher of Thunder, the weapon bent to her every will because it recognized her power. In a way, it had become an extension of her power, greatly improving her already strong constitution towards lightning.

Sighing, she sent a jolt of electricity to it from her weak Core, watching it pulsated weakly with purple energy before it disappeared. Even now, sending a few volts took so much effort compared to back then and Mei had no doubt it was only possible because she was on the Moon where traces of Honkai existed.

Kiana watched Mei's smile with a fond smile of her own, deciding to let her be she shifted her attention to the last crate. This one was bigger than the other two and thicker, almost twice as thick as the one containing Seven Thunders in fact. Kiana was a curious girl by nature, often compared to cat in that regard, so it was not her fault when she lost to her urge to find out what it actually contained.

She only managed two steps before she froze on place, smile disappearing from her face. Large crate meant large letters and large letters meant they were clearer and more visible from the distance.

6th Divine Key.

"It can't be...?" Her blue eyes turned about the room until they found another pair of blue. "Why is it here?"

"Because you will bring it with you" Bianka explained gently, moving to unlock the last crate. Kiana could only watch as her sister took the weapon and presented it to her. "Come, take it"

"But... It's yours"

"And I'm giving it to you" The blonde took Kiana's limp hand, holding it on her own until it loosened before she put it on the handle of the weapon, fingers wrapped around Kiana's own. "Well, technically it belongs to Schicksal so..."

"Sis, I can't take this. I know how much it means to you!" Kiana protested but Bianka shook her head in an obvious disagreement.

"It means to protect everyone I hold dear and right now this is the only way for it to be useful in that regard"

Despite the Zero-G environment, the weight of the lance nearly caused Kiana to topple over when Bianka let her hand off. The 6th Divine Key, the Key of Creation was probably the most valued weapon in their small family due to its history.

Designation Abyss Flower, it was a weapon made of the Core of the Herrscher of Death of the Previous Era. The lance could actually split into two; Black Abyss and White Flower, each possessing powers opposite to one another. Due to its nature with Death, Black Abyss could quite literally kill and corrupt any living being. Anything damaged by Black Abyss would wither and die with only one way to reverse it; White Flower, the exact opposite of it which was restoration.

Combined, both weapons became Abyss Flower, the night in day of Death and Life. However, it also had a special relation with the Schariac Family, an ability that only a Schariac could use.

Honkai neutralization.

It was unknown exactly how but the Schariac Family, the designated Holy Maid of the Three Houses, had a special genetic make up in their blood that gave it anti-Honkai characteristics. Unlike the Kaslana and their immense Honkai resistance, Schariac could control and neutralize Honkai if the blood was potent enough. The previous wielder of Abyss Flower, the one and only beloved mother of Kiana and Bianka, sacrificed herself by using Abyss Flower to draw her blood and scatter it across Siberia to cure the state-wide Honkai Corruption during the Second Eruption in 2000. It costed her her life, but her blood sowed the flowers of future generation. Everything was thanks to her deed, that Kiana and Bianka could be here right now talking as sisters.

"I don't think I'm worthy..." Kiana muttered, giving Bianka a look that had the blonde frowning. "It's Mom's, and you're her daughter. I have Judgment of Shamash from Papa so if I were to take Abyss Flower too..."

"Kiana" Bianka began sternly. She did not like the way Kiana admonished herself. "You are more worthy than anyone else I know. Abyss Flower is a prized weapon of us, the Schariacs, but at the end of the day it was just a weapon. We trained together for years so trust me when I say you are an excellent lance user. Abyss Flower is in a good hand"

"I..." Kiana drawled before she gave up and sighed. "Thank you"

"You are as much as a Schariac as you are a Kaslana. Remember what I taught you and you will be fine"

"I understand" Kiana shot Bianka a grateful smile the blonde returned. Patting her shoulder fondly, Bianka stepped back to give Kiana some space. She knew what she was about to do, so did Mei and everyone else in the room. "I'm going to use Void power to store these, is there anything else?"

"That would be all. I'm sorry but Welt has the Star of Eden, Bronya" Theresa admitted solemnly to Bronya who simply shrugged.

"It's fine, Madam Overseer. Falcon Flare is enough for me, besides I don't think I will need it anyway"

"Well? Where's your weapon so I can store it too?" Kiana asked but Bronya waved her hand dismissively.

"I will construct one later. I designed it myself after all so I know the ins and outs of it"

"If you say so"

Kiana took a deep breath, relaxing her muscles and closing her eyes. Around her, both Tesla and Einstein quickly returned to their respective terminals to monitor a possible deviation in Honkai energy flow. It never happened before, but they were not taking risks when it came to Honkai.

A spark in the air, then a sudden expansion of a void portal right beside Kiana. When she opened her eyes again, her irises were crossed and glowing slightly from the steady flow of Honkai inside her. Kiana grabbed Abyss Flower and put it inside the portal gently, doing the same with Seven Thunders when Mei handed it over, and unceremoniously chucked Judgement of Shamash inside before she closed the portal. The weapons were now safe in her dimension pocket, undisturbed even if the universe was to come to an end.

"Proceed at once" Einstein ordered and Kiana nodded, extending both hands towards Mei and Bronya. They silently took her hands, one held on each, and they closed her eyes in concentration.

Kiana focused her mind on the throbbing heat in her chest, beating incessantly with each rhythmic beat of her heart. That heat was the flow of Honkai she allowed to exist, small and almost insignificant. A little push and the flame was stoked, burning brighter and hotter until it enveloped all her veins.

She then directed that heat to the points of contacts on each of her hands, balling her fists to hold tighter on the warmth flesh of her friends' hands. The warmth crept and spread to their limbs, straight towards their chests. For Mei, it was as if she had been shocked awake, feeling her skin tingling and heart beating erratically. She gritted her teeth and panted, finding it harder to keep her mouth shut instead of open in fear she would scream from the pain.

Kiana didn't notice because she kept injecting Honkai energy into her, otherwise she would have stopped and refused to continue until they figured out how to revitalize her Core without hurting her. If she screamed now, it would be for nothing, so Mei opted to keep her mouth shut and jaw clenched.

The pain subsided, receding like a hot wave from her skin until all Mei could feel was coldness. When she opened her eyes again, everything was dark and silent.

It was not dark dark without light. It was dark as if a fog had just descended upon her mind and blanketed her thoughts with nothingness. She found herself standing on a familiar room of a house no longer existed, but instead of the warmth daylight she remembered it was the abyss staring back at her from outside the sliding doors to her left.

This was her old house, back in a district in Nagazora. This was her old training room where she would train her kenjutsu after school, often alone until the sun set over the horizon.

This was built with her memory.

She felt rather than saw the gaze piercing her body, scrutinizing and sharp with confidence. A chill ran down her spine yet Mei couldn't help but smile crossing her arms as the sliding doors slid open to reveal a void.

A pair of narrowed amethyst eyes and red horns looked at her, unblinking like a tiger scouting its prey. They glowed in the dark, the only light in an otherwise lightless abyss.

"Thunder" She greeted simply, tone flat betraying her smile. Thunder's eyes narrowed even more until Mei could see her approaching, stopping only when she reached the veranda.

It was a familiar face. A youthful one Mei had a decade ago, cladded in her old Thunder Armor. It seemed when her Core lost its energy, time stopped for her other self.

"Raiden Mei" Thunder said back, voice thick with echoes and coldness Mei came to associate with the Herrscher of Thunder incarnate. Once, she was terrified of her, but that was once when she still feared many things. "I did not expect we would meet again"

"You are always a part of me" Mei replied warmly, if not fondly, and it had the Herrscher frowning.

"How many years have it been?"

"Long. Almost a decade now"

"I see..." Thunder paused and for a second Mei could see her mask falter, only a second though. "How is she?"

Mei's smile broadened. If there's someone who loved Kiana as much as Mei loved her, it was Thunder. Long ago she made a vow she would be the one to kill Kiana, an attempt to hide her fascination towards their silver haired knight who reached out and saved both of them, quite literally. Thunder would never admit it, or maybe she would now, but her love for Kiana was so big Mei had to fight her to make her understand Kiana had to go to the Moon. Mei wasn't sure if she still held a grudge on her because of it, most likely did still.

Wordlessly, Mei raised her hand, giving Thunder a clear view of the ring around her finger. What happened next was almost comical because Mei had never seen Thunder look stunned she was rendered speechless, despite her time sharing a body with her.

"Oh..." The Herrscher of Thunder muttered, still in apparent shock, before she recovered as quick as lightning itself. There was a glint in those amethyst eyes when she looked up again, a glint of determination Mei saw on her own face on daily basis when she woke up everyday on her room in Elysian Realm. "I want to talk with her"

Mei chuckled. "Sorry, but you'll have to wait. We have a situation and—"

"Fine, whatever, call me when you need me. When can I talk to her?"

"Later" Mei promised and Thunder must have seen the sincerity because she didn't argue back. Thunder was an embodiment of determination and conquest, always getting what she wanted when she wanted it. It's hard to appease her so this victory was rare. "I'll let you borrow the body for a day when we're on the clear"

"You promise" It wasn't a question, it was a statement from Thunder. Crossing her own arms, Thunder flashed her a warning look. "I get what I want"

"Of course" Mei said with a nod. "It's good talking with you again, but I'm afraid I have to go"

Thunder didn't say anything and Mei expected as much. She gave one final smile before she turned around and headed for the door, intending to leave her other self behind when said other self suddenly spoke.


Mei's smile widened as she stepped out.

Bright blinding light, as cliche as it sounded it was exactly what washed over them the moment their bodies accepted the power they once had in abundance. Like a dried sponge, the Core inside Mei absorbed everything Kiana gave her, opening the dead floodgate and filling the dam to its brim.

Bronya was no different. Although she had no Core anymore, the unique characteristics of Reason and her Truth allowed her access to the power past beyond any real Herrscher of Reason could. Material was the true power of Reason, the ability to create anything from nothing. This same reason applied to their Core and its rule, wherein other Herrschers required them a Core the Herrscher of Reason only needed to be accepted by the power itself to wield it.

She was accepted once, by none other than the progenitor Welt Yang himself after she finished his trials. From there on, Bronya developed the power further until she broke the barrier of Truth, a barrier no other Herrscher of Reasons had ever broken through in the past. Bronya was the first to do so, and most likely would be the last, with a power to transcend time and reasons itself, she could stand in an equal ground with both Origin and Finality as a representative of humanity and its will.

The three women stood their ground, seemingly unaware with the change of their attires. Mei's pained expression relaxed until all she showed was passive serenity, the flow of Honkai finally stabilizing. Their bodies, trained well to resist the Honkai as Valkyries, showed great resilience and it paid off, both in the past and present.

Kiana was the one to open her eyes, blue with a deep tint of purple in her crossed irises as the power of Finality flooded over her body. She traced her gaze on both Mei and Bronya, noticing the familiar armors cladding them both, and she smiled in content.

Feeling sufficient, she cut the flow and lowered her hands, bringing down both Bronya and Mei's. They noticed the shift and opened their eyes too and for a moment they only looked at each other.

"I must say" Kiana begin, voice a whisper for only them three to hear. "You look super hot in Origin armor"

Bronya promptly sighed and let go of Kiana's hand. "If you both want to flirt with each other, please refrain from doing so with me around"

Mei gave Bronya an apologetic look, releasing Kiana's hand too. "Sorry about that" She said, ignoring a purring Kiana to look at Einstein and Tesla instead. She couldn't see neither Theresa or Bianka so they most likely had vacated the room as agreed. "How was that?"

"All within acceptable thresholds" Einstein replied, gaze locked on her terminal. "We're good for phase 2"

"If you guys have something to say, this is your last chance" Tesla reminded them and for a moment Kiana looked hesitant. The Kaslana gave both Bronya and Mei a concerned look but they waved it off.

"I've told the kids and my father" Mei explained. "Don't worry about me"

"Likewise" Bronya chimed in. "I have my goodbye with my team and Seele"

"Okay, then. I guess we're good to go"

"You don't want to say anything to your father?" Tesla implored gently and Kiana paused. "Just say something, it's recording"

Grimacing, Kiana shifted to face one of the cameras. "Papa, I uh... I'm sorry I can't tell you this in person but I'm going now. I've saved the world once so I figured I should up my game and save the universe now" She chuckled, but it came wet with unshed tears. Mei moved and grabbed her back in a comforting manner, an action Kiana was thankful for. "I know Bianka told you but I need to say it myself; I love you. I love you and Bianka and I'm really, really grateful to have you both as my family. Bianka, please take care of Papa when I'm gone, we both know he has a thing for troubles"

"... is that all?" Tesla asked when Kiana fell quiet. The Kaslana pondered the question for a few seconds before she nodded.

"Yep. I'll tell the rest when I'm back. The kids love story and I know I'll get plenty once I return"

Tesla chuckled. Kiana, always the optimistic Kiana. "Alright. Whenever you're ready?"

Nodding once more, Kiana proceeded to tear open space and time with a mere thought. A portal emerged before the trio, meanwhile the two scientists were doing their best to monitor the spike of Honkai energy bleeding into real space, looking for something that might spell trouble.

"We're going now"

"Good luck!"

Kiana glanced back to Tesla with a grin. "You don't say that to soldiers before they go. You say—"

"Good hunting" Mei and Bronya chorused in unison and the Kaslana laughed.

Thus, the three warriors of humanity set foot onto the unknown, braving the darkness as pioneers that would light the way forward. Their story began with a laugh and they were determined to end it with one, no matter how long it would take them to finish.

A thousand years journey began with a single step, one little step for a man was a giant leap for mankind. A new chapter unfolded for a story filled with uncertainties, yet none of them could wait to see what it had to offer.

A story's end was not the boon, it was the journey that mattered most. They had theirs once, and now they would have another.

The Origin, the Truth and Finality walked into a void, ready to embrace their destiny once more.


I've had this idea for a year now and now with Star Rail finally released I can write a crossover I desire so much.

Please leave reviews on your way out, thank you very much!

Chapter 2: A Shoulder For the Past


I did not expect this story to be received so eagerly lol but it's nice to know everyone is interested.

Anyway, things will slow down a bit from here on with the progression and all. It's a slow burn so expect it to be long.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 2: A Shoulder For the Past.

The universe was one giant ball of oddities and chances haphazardly thrown together into a projection of reality as it was known by thinking beings throughout the galaxy. Possibilities, or one might call coincidences, were the drives of life that allowed one to exist in the cosmos.

What was the chance for the Express to be on the space station at the exact same moment it was under attack? More importantly, what was the chance for its crew to make contact with her in that one time, on that one place and precisely that one circ*mstance?

Space and time were the fundamental bases of reality, for them to align to her favor was too much of a coincidence to be just that.

It was almost like her life was a plot of something beyond her humble understanding, as if a wall was erected to keep her away from the slightest of comprehension. Maybe it was a work of a higher being that her fate brought her here but she couldn't be sure. For all she knew, she didn't exist in said being's plane of existence.

Stelle. A young woman of a technical age of 5 hours, began to contemplate existence the moment the clamors quieted down around her. The Express was a welcomed change of scenery, one she expected from such unique bunch of people.

Herta Space Station, the place she was born in, held little 'happy' memories as one would associate with their birthplace. The people were nice but she had to fight a bunch of murderous space anarchists the moment she comprehended breathing, which was not a good start for normal people's list of 'happy' memory lane. Here things were quiet and reserved with the occasional murmured conversations between the crew and the slow albeit solemn melody playing from the music box on one corner was a nice addition to the atmosphere.

Here she could breathe. Here she could think and that brought her thoughts to places. Like Peppy. She missed Peppy already.

The Parlor Carriage was huge. It was, after all, one entire car used to house a gathering for the crew. The rest of the carriages were used for the crew's personal quarters with only the first car being used as March 7th had so graciously explained to her. Stelle would be the first person to use the second car, a little bit lonely but nothing too bothersome.

The four crew... Well, five if she included a certain fluff ball, were that; interesting. She had never met such rag-tag group of people but then again, she only just lived for 5 hours and those hours provided her little to no perspectives on outside world.

Himeko was the Navigator of Astral Express, the space train technically belonged to her although she had no claim on it besides that she took of its operations and technicals. The redhead was the the only mature woman around, and if Stelle discerned right then she must be in her early 30's or so. Himeko was kind and caring even to strangers, and she smelled a lot like homebrew coffee which was rather pleasant. All in all, she didn't look like a bad person and her kindness appear to be genuine.

Welt... Wasn't a bad person either. At times, he appeared to have something hiding under his eyes but it seemed to be the case of 'knowing more than others' rather than malice. His appearance suggested he was in his 50's but the wisdom and care he had didn't fit the age projection. He acted like your average warm-hearted grandpa at times especially around March but his power...

It had Stelle shuddering on the semi circular sofa she was at.

It... felt strange, when he used it on her. When that cane of his touched her forehead it almost like a ripple ran down her very soul, weaving and ebbing her consciousness to force a foreign serenity down her heart. It wasn't a pleasant experience but it didn't cause any harm on her except mild fatigue, which she supposed was better than to have the Stellaron inside her went thermonuclear.

Welt was kind, too. From what little conversations she had with him, he always had a small smile on his face. Nothing big because it didn't fit the aloof visage he exhibited but it was there. Stelle could understand, though, because apparently he was not from this galaxy and that he was lost looking for a way home. She genuinely hoped he succeeded one day but until then he would stay with them as a family.

March 7th was March 7th. Eccentric and cheerful, a textbook definition of energy tank. Lost in space and amnesiac, she stayed on the Express in hope to recover her memories and the knowledge of her origin. The pinkette was the second female around, one around her physical age, so they kind of get along from the get go. Stelle found her company enjoyable, though it would be better if the girl turned down her excitement a little so she could keep up. Oftentimes it felt like March would drag her to one place to another without proper explanation, which often would land them into troubles.

Dan Heng was... Well, she couldn't say much about him except that he mostly kept to himself. Stoic to the boot, the young man was the coldest coal in the burner. He seemed to have his own circ*mstances, too, but Stelle wasn't sure what. Asking sounded rude so she never, knowing he was a good person was enough for the most part.

Last was Pom-Pom. The Express' conductor. Pom-Pom was a mysterious creature that suddenly appeared onboard the Express. Not even Himeko was sure what Pom-Pom was but Pom-Pom took care of the Express as much as Himeko did because they claimed to be the Express itself. Well, ghost stories and stuff but whatever.

So that was her family now. A group of individuals that couldn't be any less distinctive.

And then there was her; Stelle. A Stellaron vessel-turned hero who caught a pure energy blast to the chest in her attempt to save her friend and nearly caused a nuclear chain reaction that would've killed the people she tried to save had it gone off. It sounded like a good idea then but now she realized it was actually very dumb.

But hey, things turned out fine. March was still alive, the people in the Space Station were still alive and she hadn't gone supernova. So yeah, everything was good.

... maybe she would give Welt something later as a thank you, after all. He did save her ass.

A familiar smell of coffee wafted in the air first before she heard Himeko spoke, voice sweet with a certain wisdom in it. "How are you doing, hun?"

She glanced to the woman approaching her, a mug of dark liquid in one hand and what appeared to be a lighter variant of it in another. Himeko gave the latter to her and she accepted with a quiet thanks. "I'm fine" Stelle said, taking a sip and smiling at the taste. Not too strong, not too sweet either. Just perfect. "This is good"

"You younglings like it that way" The redhead said with a chuckle, taking a sip of her own coffee. "Us old people meanwhile prefer it a bit more pronounced. Well, sometimes anyway"

Stelle nodded in understanding. People and preferences. "Thank you for accepting me aboard, by the way"

"Oh, cut it with the formality. I invited you, remember?"

That was probably the first big decision she made in her short life and she was not regretting it. The stake was this, or becoming Herta's guinea pig until she was bored and tossed her away so this option was better by large margin. Of course she could just walk away but this journey gave her purposes and companions so she would rather be here than nowhere in her lonesome.

Stelle offered the woman a seat beside her and the redhead took it with a nod. After that, they talked a bit about pretty much anything that came to mind. From the Express, its occupants, and the journey ahead of them.

In the meanwhile, the Express was slowly moving off the Space Station and entering hard vacuum outside. It didn't take long until Herta Space Station to be nothing but a small twinkling speck, lost amidst the sea of stars in the background.

March joined them at some point, fresh from shower and comfortably dressed in a plain white shirt and short pants. When Stelle asked her why bother changing when she could use the universal hygiene machine to cleanse her clothes in an instant, the pinkette replied with a self assured smile that she enjoyed the feelings of her casual clothes on her skin from time to time. March seemed like the type of person who would do what she wanted as long as it was nice and comfortable.

When Pom-Pom called for the rest of the crew to gather in the Parlor Car for Warp preparations, she couldn't help but to stare at Welt's cane when the man descended down the stairs on the other side that led to the Express' locomotive. He gave them a nod and sat down on the opposite half circle sofa, one foot folded over another and cane resting horizontally across his thighs.

"Where's Dan Heng?" He asked them, eyeing the three females with that calculating gaze of his. There never seemed to be a shortage of thoughts behind those orbs and Stelle wondered if the man actually ever stopped thinking and just drifted like people would.

"Oh, he's busy" March chirped. "Updating the databank and all that. I tried to get him out of his room but you know how he is"

Dan Heng was rather reserved and quiet, opting to stand back and watch. The fact he and March, an opposite of another in personality, could become friends was nothing sort of miracle. But then again, March seemed to be capable of befriending anyone or anything. If given time she would probably befriend an Antimatter Legion soldier, a notion that wasn't so farfetched if Stelle was honest.

Welt hummed. "I see"

Himeko turned towards her, a small smile on her lips. "This your first Warp, right?" Stelle nodded and the smile grew a tad bit larger. "The first time is the most memorable time. After we enter the stream, you are free to walk and enjoy the scenery. It's beautiful, trust me. In the meantime, though, you'll have to sit tight lest you want to slip and lose your balance"

Himeko gave March a meaningful look that had the girl huffing in fake annoyance. "Come on, let what's in the past stay in the past" She whined.

Welt chuckled while Himeko giggled. Stelle wondered if there something deeper in what Himeko told her but decided to not ask for now. Besides, a chance to pester on March was an Ace she could use later on so for now she would hold her cards close.

"Testing, testing! Attention to all passengers! The Express is about to enter Warp, Navigator please go to the control cabin!" Pom-Pom's voice suddenly rung from the intercom, catching their attention. Himeko patted her on the shoulder before she stood up and walked towards the locomotive, Welt following close behind. As the Navigator, she was responsible for the train's course and plotting and Welt there to help in case she needed it. She understood, so after giving them a nod of goodbye she allowed herself to relax a little, knowing her life was in good hands.

As soon as both adults disappeared, March jumped to her feet and began bouncing on her heels. Stelle watched warily as the pinkette stretched her muscles.

"What are you doing?"

"Preparing myself!" She replied excitedly and Stelle couldn't help but to narrow her eyes in suspicion. "This is my eleventh Warp, until I can stand on my own two feet during the transition to hyperspace I will not quit trying"

"You're going to hurt yourself" Stelle warned but March waved her off.

"Oh, don't worry. I did this plenty, what could go wrong?"

There was, in fact, a lot that could go wrong. Or, if one were to be more precise, everything could go wrong. Asking the what in an ultimate possibility scenario was a recipe for disaster.

She was tempted to point these out but March wouldn't be swayed once she made up her mind so she didn't bother to try. She hoped the Express had surveillance cameras aboard so she wouldn't have to explain March's injury later on to the rest of the gang.

Himeko didn't take long to plot the next course because the next time Pom-Pom spoke through the intercom they already had a destination. A planet called Jarilo-VI a few lightyears away which approximately would take them an hour of Warp or so.

Not to long, not too fast either. Enough for Stelle to enjoy herself in the meanwhile.

Taking her empty mug of coffee, she put it on nearby table right beside Himeko's own. She just sat back down when Pom-Pom began the Warp countdown.

Each number increased the beating of her heart as excitement and anticipation flooded her system until all she heard was the rapid thumping, the blood vessels in her ears accommodating the sudden rush of her life giving fluid. When Pom-Pom hit the last 10 seconds, for a moment Stelle thought she was going to get a stroke, which would be funny because she survived getting blasted by a pure energy beam before.

"... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Initiating jump!"

Two things happened and one didn't at that moment. When the Express entered Warp, it broke space in its initial transition. A literal wall of energy separating reality and subspace was pierced, going through the front all the way to the rearmost carriage. Stelle had the first hand experience of watching the blue curtain washed over everything in slow motion as space bent and wrapped to create a passageway.

Another thing that happened was March succeeding in her endeavor. The lurch of the jump caused her to sway and almost fall to her bottom but the pinkette stood firm. March looked surprised for a moment, at least until she realized she had won her little game.

"You see that?! I did it!" She cheered but her voice sounded muddled at the beginning. Just for a second because it returned to its normal volume later on.

The thing that didn't happen was her getting a stroke, so Stelle clapped for March and her inspiring resilience. "Good job"

March threw herself back onto the sofa, feet kicking back and forth as she continued to jitter from the excitement. "Ah! Finally! I don't know how but I did it! Maybe I just needed a spectator, after all"

"I aim to please" Stelle replied with a smile. March's cheerful attitude was infectious, to put it mildly. "Dan Heng never accompanied you here?"

"Nope. He always returned to his room whenever we're back after a mission. Not to say he doesn't socialize because he will join the rest afterward but this time around he's busy"

"I see"

The smile on March's face grew and the girl was suddenly in Stelle's personal bubble, filling her vision entirely. "Which is why we're BFF now"

"Um, okay?"

"Yep, okay!"

Stelle blinked, perplexed, and March retreated back to hear side of sofa.

"Look, that's what Himeko meant"

Still a little confused, she followed at where March was pointing, gasping in awe at the sparks and seams of colors flowing outside the Express. Beautiful did not quite justify the sight, majestic sounded better because it was just so wonderfully expansive. Even from her seat, Stelle could make out the various stars ebbing in the background, their lights massively distorted to create an illusion of countless webbings that seemed to chase after the Express itself.

The hyperdrive also added to the sight. A multitude of shades leaving trails after trails that didn't seem to end. Vaguely she wondered; was this how comets looked to the far-watchers? A ball of light and tail travelling in space, leaving in their wakes countless wonder stricken spectators? If so, then the beauty was truly out of the world.

March grinned at her reaction and the girl proceeded to grab her hand to pull her up to her feet. Stelle let herself being dragged, for once sharing the excitement the pinkette so readily provided. After all, it was a sight deserving to be watched closely.

It was the plan, at least until it no longer was.

They only managed to take a total two steps before they realized something was wrong.

A tremor ran across the carriage, shaking the tables and chairs scattered about it. Then the feeling of free fall took over, churning their stomachs and seeding panics.

It took Stelle half a second to realize she was flying forward to the front of the train, feet no longer connected to the carpeted floor. Her eyes widened as her hands flailed besides her, sweeping until she found warm flesh and held it close.

Her first instinct was to reach for March and held her protectively in her embrace because unlike her she was one step ahead and in direct collision course with a now flying table. There was a tiny gasp of surprise and a grunt from her when March's head accidentally hit her in the chin, causing Stelle's teeth to smash closed on her lower lip. She tasted blood, but it was the least of her worry.

Another half a second passed with her lamenting her fate and exactly two seconds later she felt her back hitting a wall with the speed of a running Peppy.

And damn, little guy could actually run.

They landed in a heap of limbs and bodies. Stelle, having her breath knocked out of her chest by the impact point on her back and weight on her front, could only gasp for air. March, meanwhile, moaned in pain as she tried to push herself off Stelle.

"Wh-what the...?" She muttered, finally successful in freeing herself only to fall back first onto the floor. She laid there for a second until she forced herself off to check on her. "Are you okay?"

Stelle nodded but the motion caused her to reel back when a sudden wave of dizziness hit her. Shaking her head, she put a hand behind her head and hissed in pain when her fingers made contact with a patch of wetness.

"Oh my God you're bleeding!" March shrieked in panic, eyes wide as she stared at Stelle's hand and the crimson liquid sticking on it. "Stay here, I'm going to get a first aid kit"

"Wait!" Stelle called out, gritting her teeth and swallowing. A coppery taste trailed down her throat but she dismissed it. "Check on Dan Heng when you're at it"

March nodded. "Okay" She hurriedly dashed towards the passenger carriage, leaving Stelle.

Not two minutes later she returned, this time with Dan Heng. Their eyes met and Stelle could see a hint of concern in his eyes, meanwhile all she could think about was how kempt he appeared still. Not even a strand of hair was out of place.

She gave him a wave. "Good to see you alright"

His eyes narrowed, a tiniest of sigh leaving his lips. Wordlessly, he scooped her up and moved her to the sofa with March sticking close.

"This is going to sting" March announced quietly and it was all the warning Stelle got before an alcohol soaked fabric was pressed onto the back of her head. Stelle grunted in pain but kept her mouth shut. "Thank you for saving me earlier, by the way"

"It's fine" She replied casually. "I'm fine"

"Your right foot is bruised" Dan Heng stated matter-of-factly and Stelle looked down to see what he meant. True enough, there was a purple patch on her skin just slightly off her shinbone. "March, hand me the med-bot"

March took a cylindrical device from the first aid box and gave it to Dan Heng, after a little bit of button pressings the device hummed to life with its smooth surfaces emitting a green glow. He proceeded to hover it over her bruised flesh after getting a verbal permission from Stelle, dutifully running it up and down.

It hurt at first but the pain subsided rather quickly. Himeko, Welt and Pom-Pom returned after a while, thankfully uninjured.

Himeko casted her a worried look while Welt frowned. Not having the energy to say anything, Stelle simply waved at them.

"You okay, hun?"

It was an identical question, just differently phrased than the one she asked her earlier. But this time her words were thick with concern.

"Dan Heng is a good doctor" She dismissed the worry. "What about you?"

"Welt used his power to dispense the momentum so we are mostly okay if not a little shaken"

Once again her eyes drifted to Welt and his cane but Stelle quickly recovered.

"What happened anyway?" March addressed the elephant in the room, finishing up in her treatment. The pinkette rubbed some sort of gel onto her injury and it sent a cool relief throughout her throbbing head.


Pom-Pom perked up at the mention of their name, looking at Himeko with a scowl that wasn't quite directed at the Navigator. "Sudden influx of unknown energy in the Star Rail network caused the Express to forcefully exit the hyperspace. You are lucky Pom-Pom detected the build up and managed to hit the emergency brake, otherwise we would have gone adrift and lost in the subspace dimension"

"Good job" Himeko complimented the little conductor who only huffed in response. "The damage?"

"Properties onboard most likely, but the hyperdrive has also suffered from the sudden deceleration. Initial examinations showed we need to fix it before we can enter hyperspace and travel in normal speed"

"What about our position?" Welt asked Himeko but the redhead shook her head.

"Literal nowhere. Herta Space Station is at least three light-years away behind us and I'm not fond of the idea of coming back because that means we'll have to go through whatever it was that we hit in the first place. Jarilo-VI, meanwhile, is at least fifteen lightyears ahead of us" She replied, crossing her arms with a hand under her chin, thinking. "Is it still possible for us to move in hyperspace?"

Pom-Pom nodded. "It is, but slowly. With the new speed, it will take us a full day to arrive at the very least"

"We're ahead of schedule so we have time to spare. Pom-Pom, prepare to move again and make sure we don't overstress the hyperdrive. When we arrive, we will begin repair immediately" When nobody objected, Himeko continued. "Alright, then everyone buckle up! The transition will be ro—"

Himeko's words were drown in a shrill scream. All eyes darted to its source where March was standing behind the carriage's exit with a horrified expression on her face. Hands over her mouth, her frantic gaze shifted towards the others. "There's someone out there!" She shrieked, pointing at the door.

Welt moved before anyone could, one hand tightly wrapped around the handle of his cane while his other one pushed March behind him protectively. Cautiously moving towards the door, he peered through the small viewport and looked outside.

"What do you mean? A spaced body in the middle of nowhere?" Himeko urgently asked the pinkette.

Was it another March? Stelle couldn't help but wonder. The crew told her about March's backstory, about how she was found floating in space encased in ice blocks. It seemed the girl knew what they were thinking because she quickly shook her head.

"N-no! It—she—wasn't frozen in ice like I was! I didn't see much besides the white hair but I see her blinking, I swear! And she wasn't wearing EVA suit either!"

A live person in hard vacuum? That was enough to raise some alarms. Not to mention Welt was oddly quiet for quite a long time now.

"Welt? What do you see?"

Welt turned around, his lips slightly parted. It was the first time Stelle saw him looked so surprised, but it didn't compare to her own surprise when Welt silently pressed the open button.

A golden energy barrier sprung in the doorway the moment the door slid open, preventing neither air or pressure to slip through. White, superheated 'smoke' billowed outside, some mixtures of residual chemical reactions courtesy of Express breaking reality and stopping so suddenly. They couldn't see through the thick mist, but something was definitely there.



A hand gripped the doorframe, passing through the barrier as intended for biological creature alike, and then a foot followed by another stepping into the Express.

A terrified March shuffled back to hide behind Dan Heng, Stelle couldn't blame her due to how ominous it actually was. But that fear and anticipation quickly turned to surprise when the rest of the body emerged from the smoke.

It was a woman, a rather well endowed one at that, dressed in an intricate set of blue and white armor. Her hair was tied into a single ponytail with streaks of blue behind her head and her eyes... Silver with accent of pink in the irises.

Those eyes shifted about everything and for a moment Stelle was reminded with the way Welt would look at his surroundings. Silent and calculating, a quality this woman shared. She also didn't miss the way they stopped at her for a noticeable second before they moved towards Welt.

"Mister Welt" The woman greeted and her voice was flat it almost sounded bored. They blinked, puzzled, and only then they noticed she actually carried another person in her arms.

It was another woman, dressed in some sort of elegant white dress. Her hair was a lighter shade of purple in the inside while the outside was darker. She was unconscious so there wasn't much they could discern aside from her outward appearance.

The mystery woman didn't mind Welt's speechlessness and silently enter the Express, causing the occupants to part like a group of fish against a predator. When she stepped near Himeko, however, the woman stopped and her eyes widened slightly.

Her mouth moved as if to say something while Himeko stared at her with open intrigue. After a moment of silent staring, she gained her bearing back and continued on her step, leaving a confused Himeko. She laid the woman in her arms onto one of the sofas, gently setting her body so she was comfortable, before moving back to the door.

"Bronya, how are you here?"

The woman, Bronya as Welt called her, looked at him and smiled.

"We've got your message"

She was out of the door before Welt could say anything more, casually breaking the physical law of the universe by surviving in space. Almost immediately, Welt was bombarded with questions by the others but it was clear Stelle's question was the ultimate one.

"Do you know her?"

Welt took a moment to reply, nodding. "She is my successor"

"Wait, you mean she's from your world?!" March asked, earning another nod.

"She's a Herrscher of Reason" He explained, eyes meeting Himeko's from behind his glasses. The redhead looked surprised before she also nodded, seeming to understand. "The strongest one in fact. She broke the barrier of Truth and became the first Herrscher of Truth"

"What about her?" Himeko pointed at the woman laying on the sofa, a hint of concern in her golden eyes.

"Raiden Mei, Herrscher of Origin and Herrscher of Thunder. She is a Schicksal's Squad Leader and still serving, same as Bronya" Welt paused and looked at the door again, a frown on his face. "If they're here then that means..."

Bronya returned, carrying with her another unconscious woman in a one-sided haul. This one had white hair but unlike Bronya's, hers had purple streaks on it. She was dressed in another white dress similar to Mei's, a resemblance between the two existed but the most glaring one was the pants.

Or lack, thereof.

"Why isn't she wearing pants?" Stelle blurted out and March gave her a dirty look in response.

"You sure you're one to talk?"

Bronya dropped the woman and she fell like a sack of potatoes on the floor, completely different to her gentle and caring action towards Mei. "Don't worry, she has precious little in her head for that to be harmful" She said when she received a few dumbstruck stares.

"... March, Stelle, please take Miss Mei to one of our spare rooms. Dan Heng, go with them and help prepare the room. Himeko, if you would? I have something to discuss with Bronya" Welt ordered, gesturing towards the woman on the floor for Himeko to carry.

The Navigator nodded and picked her up into her arms. A flicker of something swam in Bronya's eyes at the scene and she stepped in front of Himeko before the redhead could move.

"Her name is Kiana Kaslana" She began almost somberly, holding Himeko in place with her stare. "Please look after her and Mei. Don't bother to put them in two different rooms, they're married to each other. And I think it's better for them to stick together right now"

Himeko nodded slowly and Bronya appeared to be satisfied, stepping back while her expression returning to her neutral one. Dan Heng led the way with March and Stelle holding Mei up, one on each of her sides keeping her upright and practically dragging her feet. All the while Himeko quietly followed the teenagers with the white haired woman cradled close to her chest.

When they were gone, only Bronya, Welt and Pom-Pom remained in the Parlor Car. Pom-Pom had already busied themself in tidying the place, pushing overturned tables, chairs and plants back to their original positions so they wouldn't bother them. Reaching for her pocket, Bronya produced a white envelope and handed it to Welt.

"From Doctor Tesla" She said simply, letting Welt took it. "I'm glad to know you are doing well"

Welt's gaze found the writing on the envelope, expression softening at the familiar handwriting. "Thank you, Bronya"

"Go ahead and read it. I will check on Kiana and Mei"

Welt nodded, carefully opening the envelope to read its content. He only managed to read the first line when Bronya called out to him again, voice echoing in the empty carriage.

"Mister Welt... That woman, she's really Himeko?"

Welt glanced up to see Bronya looking back at him, a hint of pain and worry in her expression. But the latter he knew wasn't directed at herself, rather someone else she held dear.


"I see... Does she know?"

The fate that befell our beloved teacher and her relation with Kiana.

The words were there but they left unsaid, Welt understood so he simply nodded. "She does" He admitted.

Bronya left without a word.

Himeko departed not long after putting Kiana down on the bed, bringing with her Dan Heng because she needed a hand in repairing some of the more superficial damage. Dan Heng accepted without complaint, finding it more preferable than to lurk around doing nothing.

So that left Stelle, March and two unconscious adults in the room.

The room was bare of any personal belongings or decorations. Except from the basic necessities, there really was nothing but what the Express had as default. It kind of like Stelle's own room, still yet to be filled with her own things. A prospect harder to realize because she never had something before.

March promised her to help adding some personal items, a notion she found appealing seeing the state of March's room. The girl had a lot of additions and it actually felt homey enough and recognizable as just March.

The door opened and out of it entered Bronya. Both Stelle and March stiffened up at their respective seats as the woman silently went in. After a moment, however, an unmistakable fond smile appeared on her face as she addressed them two.


March and Stelle shared a glance before the former replied. "Um, hi?"

"I'm Bronya, Bronya Zaychik" She introduced herself, extending a hand for them to take. March hesitantly returned the gesture.

"March 7th"

Bronya blinked and hummed. "Forgive me if this comes out rude but that's quite the peculiar name. March is the third month of our calendar system"

"I know. It's actually the day I was found adrift in space"


Finding her float, March relaxed a bit. "Yep. I have no memory of my past so I agreed to use the date I was found as my name"

Bronya nodded sympathetically. "I see" But she didn't offer her any comforting words. March was thankful for it because although it was suck she was neither sad nor sorry for her predicament. She was happy as sunshine, living her days at their fullest here in the Express and not once she regretted it.

Bronya let go of her hand, turning to Stelle. Again, her gaze seemed to harden for a second as she regarded the younger girl, staring at somewhere deep in her chest. "And you are?"

"... Stelle"

"Nice to meet you" Bronya said simply, extending a hand. Blinking her thoughts away, Stelle grabbed and shook it.


She expected it to be the end, but as soon as Bronya let her hand go she began anew.

"I've been wondering... Do you have something inside you?"

March grimaced and Stelle could feel her looking even with her eyes still focused on Bronya.

"I'm a vessel for a Stellaron"

"But don't worry, Miss! She's completely harmless!" March quickly jumped in her defense, stepping closer to Stelle with a nervous smile on her face.

Bronya eyed them warily before she shrugged. "I don't know what a Stellaron is but I'm detecting a massive energy signature in you it's almost like you've swallowed a nuclear reactor with how intense it is. It's not my place to judge because obviously you are here first thus know things better but please understand my concern"

"Stellarons are the seeds of destruction sown by the Aeon of Destruction Nanook across the universe" March explained softly. "Stelle's body is special it somehow successful in containing it without risking it erupt"

"You don't know why?"

"No, but Mister Welt said she's okay"

Bronya's expression shifted at the mention of Welt. "So he knows?" She asked and March nodded. "I see, as expected. Well, if he deemed it safe then she's safe. His judgment is rarely wrong"

"What's your relation with him?" Stelle found herself asking out of pure curiosity. Bronya seemed to hold Welt in high regard, something a lot of people seemed to do for various reasons.

"He is my mentor and predecessor. Do you know what a Herrscher is?"

"Her what?"

"Herrscher. God-like being capable of bending physical laws. He was, and still is I must add, the Herrscher of Reason"

"So, you're a Herrscher too?" March queried, mind replaying the scene of Bronya casually walking out into the vacuum. Suddenly the nonsense of breaking physical law made sense, somewhat.

"Yes. I was the third Herrscher of Reason. I won't indulge on Welt's story because it's something you have to ask him yourself, but I managed to finish his trials when I was 16 and became the Herrscher of Reason. Things happened and now" Bronya gestured towards herself, pointing at the armor she wore. "I am the Herrscher of Truth"

"What's the difference?" Stelle asked just when March dragged a chair for Bronya. She gave her a thanks and sat down, along with both Stelle and March to their own seats knowing this conversation would drag on.

"The Herrscher of Reason rules over the collective consciousness of 300.000 souls. The knowledge of men and women in the past allowed for near limitless access of information. A Herrscher of Reason can create anything if they understand the how's. Weapons, vehicles, even a working body. But Reason cannot see beyond human's knowledge, its power is limited to the past. Truth, meanwhile, represents everything humanity strives for. The dreams and wishes, the ideas and visions for the future. The only absolute Truth of Mankind, is that Mankind's Truth will always change following the aspirations of future generations"

"By understanding this fundamental you have the Herrscher of Truth, one that rules over absolute truth itself"

"I don't get it" March admitted sheepishly, scratching her head in confusion. "So you are saying you can make nothing?"

"Essentially. If that something is not within human's understanding then it is nothing. We have no name for things we don't know exist. But just because we don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist because in the principle it was only a matter of knowing"

"So by doing—" Stelle snapped her fingers, the sound echoing in the room. "—that you can summon a goo of oblivion that will consume anything because it exists somewhere?"

"Yes, that's the gist of it"

"That is one hell of a power"

Bronya chuckled, eyes twinkling with amusem*nt. "You need it to keep up with those two"

Just then Mei stirred awake, blinking blearily as her eyes tried to adjust to the blinding brightness of the overhead lamps. Her muddled thought tried to recall what befell them only to pause when she noticed the three pairs of eyes looking at her.

"Bronya...?" She confusedly muttered, trying her limbs and body that somehow felt so heavy. Mei could feel the soft bed and pillow and figure she was in a bedroom, only that she couldn't remember how.

Her hand brushed a warm flesh beside her and Mei shifted to look at it. What she saw caused her heart to skip a beat as a sudden rush of adrenaline filled her veins. Mei jolted up, swaying slightly from the dizziness courtesy of her action, and grabbed Kiana's head with clear urgency laced with worry.

"Kiana?! Bronya, what happened to Kiana?!"

Mei didn't notice Bronya approaching her until her hand rested on her back. "She is fine, just unconscious. She will wake up soon"

Mei's tense shoulders shook before they relaxed, exhaling a relieved air and glancing back at Bronya. "What happened? I remember we were traversing the Imaginary Space but that was all"

"We've got run over by the Express" Stelle and March shared a baffled glance at that but neither Mei or Bronya saw it. "The Idiotka jumped to your rescue and took the brunt of it"

"I see" Mei mumbled softly, hand reaching out to brush a strand of white hair out of Kiana's face tenderly. She leant down and pressed a quick peck onto her lips, a disapproving frown on her own pair. "Why are you always like this...?"

"I managed to erect a barrier to protect us both, which would've been sufficient to protect us all in the first place. But Kiana being Kiana, she did a Kiana thing"

Mei chuckled, even when her worry was still prevalent. Shaking her head, she turned towards the two teenagers watching them silently, raising inquisitive eyebrows. "So, who are they?"

"I'm March 7th"


They introduced themselves, March smiling while Stelle waved a friendly gesture. Mei gave them a smile of her own. "I'm Raiden Mei, it's a pleasure"

"Nice meeting you, Miss Mei"

"Oh, just call me Mei" Mei assured them with a grin, climbing down the bed to properly shake their hands. Her hand was rough, a testament of her hard works, yet as she gripped theirs her grip was gentle. They could see the protectiveness in her amethyst orbs as she stared them down with gentle eyes.

"You're so tall..." March mumbled mostly to herself but they heard her, blushing from the attention she coughed awkwardly. "I mean, Stelle is tall but you're a proper grown up and, um..."

Mei chuckled, causing the already crimson faced March to turn even redder. If she was Elysia, she would've teased her more but Mei wasn't as sly as her late friend so she mercifully moved on. "Thank you, March. I'm curious, though, if you don't mind me asking? Is March 7th really your name?"

"Oh, yeah" March nodded and began to explain her circ*mstance. Just like Bronya, Mei also offered her a sympathetic look, just like Bronya she didn't offer any comforting words and instead took the information solidly.

"Do I have to explain myself, too?" Stelle piped in, glancing at Bronya and then Mei. The former shrugged impassively while the latter shook her head, clearly knew what Stelle meant.

"No. Everyone has their own circ*mstances. It would be unfair for me to judge"

So basically just like Bronya, perceptive but less intrusive. Unbeknownst to the two girls, however, Mei was talking with Bronya via their Herrscher link.

"The thing inside her is not dangerous, right?"

"The definition of 'dangerous' is relative to the person and what harm it may inflict to its surroundings, Mei. Even if it's to explode, we would be fine but I doubt the same could be said to everyone else. However, it seems stable at the moment and Welt also has deemed it so"

"Well, if Mister Welt thinks so then it must be okay"

Mei paused and blinked at the mention of Welt. "So, where's everyone? Welt?"

"Are you a friend of Welt, too?" March asked and Mei nodded.

"He was a hero in our world and has helped us personally" Mei explained. "So yes, he's a dear friend"

"Grandpa is a war veteran" Stelle muttered to nobody in particular and Mei laughed.

"Yes, he is"

"He's that old?"

"He's in his 80's, I believe"

"You can't be serious" March exclaimed, eyes wide in shock. "Welt is actually that old?!"

"I thought he was in his 50's..."

"Now, kids, I don't think it's polite to talk about someone's else age behind them. How about you girls tell me where the rest of the crew at?"

Still stunned, March could only numbly nodded. "Okay, well, let's go then" She muttered something under her breath that oddly sounded like 'Should I start referring to him as grandpa? He does act like one sometimes' on her way out with Stelle behind her and Mei couldn't help but chuckle.

"Mei, a second?" Bronya fell a step beside her and Mei nodded, glancing towards her. There was a hint of worry in her silver eyes, mixed with melancholy.

Seeing the conflict in Bronya's gaze, Mei gingerly nodded. "Of course"

Bronya had always been a straightforward, no-nonsense person. So when she delivered the news, she did it without preambles or tactful words.

"Himeko is here"

Mei stopped dead on her track, eyes wide and mouth parted. The girls ahead of them were too deep in their own conversation to notice both women had stopped in the hallway.

"What do you mean?" Mei whispered.

"Himeko is here" Bronya repeated. "I saw her. She is a part of the crew"

"But she is..."


Bronya grimaced, sensing the unspoken word. Shaking her head, she explained. "It's not her, not our Himeko. I thought she was but she doesn't recognize me. She is someone with her complexion and name but different entirely as a person"

The worry in Mei's chest grew and her eyes involuntarily drifted towards a certain room. Bronya sensed her concern and sighed.

"You should stay with her" Bronya urged gently, putting a hand on Mei's shoulder. "I don't want to see her hurt again"

Biting her lower lip, Mei nodded. Swallowing the lump in her throat and wiping the tears welling on her eyes. Kiana wasn't the brightest of a person but her kindness was unmatched. Mei loved her for it, but sometimes that caring attitude pushed her too much over the edge she would fall and spiral out of control, out of reach. Mei swore to herself she would be there for Kiana even in her darkest time, no longer would she allow her to feel alone or unloved. That one confession of Kiana almost ending it all when she was drown in her own despair over the death of their teacher pained Mei more than anything she knew.

Mei was no stranger to physical and mental pain, despair was one of the latter she knew the most. To think the girl who saved her almost did the very thing she nearly did, alone without someone to show compassion like she did to Mei, was heartbreaking. Unfair. Mei remembered holding Kiana for an entire night after that talk, hot streams of tears running down her bloodshot eyes, all the while Kiana tried to comfort her with whispers of it was okays.

It was okay.

Truth was, it wasn't okay. Mei made sure to thank Fu Hua after that, for being there for Kiana. Saving her from her demon and showing her the beauty of the world when Mei couldn't, saving her and Mei's dearest from fate that had taken so many. Fu Hua being Fu Hua simply smiled.

"She's a friend in need. I did what everyone would do to someone in that situation. Besides, Kiana has saved us plenty and will have again and again. To help her is a honor in itself"

So she made a vow then, to help Kiana and never leave her again in the face of uncaring world. Kiana had grown since then, all of them had, and they had faced their own demons. They had made their peace, made their goodbyes to their teacher, and carried on her legacy as her kindlings, ready to spark a new fire in future generations.

Yet this was too much, even for Mei. To see her again, her radiant smile and comforting words, were too much. The ache in her heart grew bigger, like forest fire being stoked by a gale, and at that moment a voice echoed in her head.

"I want to stay with her"

It was cold and demanding without a room for argument, not like Mei would argue with it.

Because Thunder was right to Mei's deepest desire.

"I will stay. Kiana, she..." Not ready? That wasn't it. Kiana was ready to let go, she did already. But to introduce herself to someone wearing the skin of her dead teacher was a different matter entirely.

Bronya understood. Being the most perceptive of the three she needed no further words. Nodding in empathy, she gave another gentle squeeze to Mei's shoulder before proceeding ahead, catching up with the two teenagers.

Mei stood there numbly, hands tight in a grip by her sides. Clenching her jaw, she sighed and turned on her feet, silently making her way back to where Kiana was. All the while Thunder was being restless in her head.

"She can't do it"

"She can" Mei assured quietly. "She must"

Mei hoped the silence that followed her statement was Thunder agreeing with her.



Please leave reviews, thank you so much.

Chapter 3: Never Let You Go


So I was told I'm a character driven type of author, since many of you guys probably don't know about me here but I'm actually a writer of 6 years (holy cow 2017 was 6 years ago) and I specialize in angst. So, yeah... That.

Enjoy, I guess?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 3: Never Let You Go.

"Thanks for the help, Dan Heng. Because of you we can continue our journey again"

"You're being generous, Himeko. You're the one who did most of the repair"

"True, but your help is indispensable. Well, I won't bother you now so take a moment to rest. We won't be arriving until tomorrow"


Himeko gave Dan Heng a warm smile he returned with a clipped nod as he returned to his quarters. The door slid closed leaving her alone in the hallway. Steady, faint humming of the Warp engine drowned the silence but even from this far her well-versed ears could hear the strain in its operation. Nothing she could do for now so Himeko was forced to push the concern to the back of her mind.

Priorities reassessed, she had another concern to deal.

After doing a quick check-up on her own room to make sure nothing was damaged in prior incident, Himeko skipped towards the second passenger carriage. Aside from a few strewn mugs and coffee packs, none of her stuff was out of place. She made sure to give her beloved coffee machine an extra attention, though, because it was probably her most valuable belonging onboard the Express.

The prospect of losing her coffee was comparable to death itself.

Passing by Stelle's room, Himeko blinked and took a step back when she saw something through the corner of her eye. The door was ajar and a series of soft clicking noises could be heard from the inside. Curious, she changed direction and peered into the room.

Stelle was sitting behind her personal computer, typing something to someone and Himeko could see her frustration and exasperation from this far. Balling her fist, Himeko rapped her knuckles against the doorframe, smiling all the while.

"Something the matter, hun?"

Stelle twirled on her seat and pouted. "Herta is being an ass, per usual"

She chuckled, stepping inside once she got a verbal permission from Stelle. Nodding to the terminal, Himeko crossed her arms and sighed tiredly. "Sorry about that, the main comm relay is busted so the Express' native network is down. You'll have to use your computer for the secondary relay"

"Nah, it's okay" Stelle waved her off, smiling a reassuring smile. "I needed to sit down, anyway"

"What are you talking with Herta, by the way? She doesn't really speak to people unless it's in her interest"

Stelle ran a hand through her ashen hair, clear aggravation in her tone when she answered. "You remember the Simulated Universe thing she's working on? She wants me to test on it further, but—" She yanked the monitor to face Himeko and the redhead leant in, her golden eyes narrowing to read the chat. "Just look at it yourself"

The conversation was, for a lack of better term, very Herta.

It began with the genius scientist asking if Stelle was there, a noticable time gap between it and Stelle's own reply because of its concurrence with the incident, and then it continues with Herta pestering Stelle to return soon so she could do some test on her.

But it was the last two messages that really caught Himeko's attention.

Stelle: Look, I want to help but we're kind of stranded right now. The Express ran into some trouble and we're in no position to do a quick transfer with the Fast Beam because the hyperdrive is busted. If I use the Space Anchors, I might come in pieces , disregarding the fact I'd be dead I'd also make quite the traumatic view for your people.

Herta: I miss the part where that's my problem.

It was followed with an automatic reply from Herta, signaling she had pretty much signed off and wouldn't want to be bothered. Stifling a laugh, Himeko ruffled Stelle's hair affectionately. "Don't risk yourself. Herta can be rather persistent with her request but she won't hold it against you if you really can't"

"She could've said it herself..." Stelle muttered and Himeko chuckled in response.

"I'll have our Fast Beam fixed as soon as possible once we arrive"

"Take your time" Stelle grumbled. "I'm not really that enthralled with Herta's schemes, anyway"

Smiling a fond, albeit amused smile, Himeko asked if Stelle felt okay after the incident. The girl pondered the question for a moment before she nodded, voicing her concern about the newcomers instead of her own well-being.

"I'm fine. You might want to check on those two, though. They thought I didn't notice but I could see something was troubling them"

"What's your thoughts on our new guests?"

Stelle hummed in thought as she shut down her computer, swiveling her chair around slowly all the while formulating her words. "They're Welt's friends from his world so I don't think they're a bad people"

Himeko nodded. "I can see Welt views them in high regards"

"Yeah, it's as they said; went through some stuff and fought together. Bronya in particular seems to have a close relationship with him"

None of it was clear but seeing how they interacted it was obvious Bronya and Welt were very close. In both of their accounts, they were sort of mentor and pupil with Bronya being the golden child. Welt didn't give out the vibes that he would take just anyone under his wings so it was unknown how many of his so called successors were there back in his world, for all they knew Bronya could be the only one.

"I recall he once told me about them" Himeko began, catching Stelle's attention and she stopped spinning at once. An intrigued eyebrow rose up as she fixed her gaze at the redhead who crossed her arms as she delved into her own memories. "But he was very vague about it. He told me of a group of kids who lived an imperfect life but still found companionship on the others, how that life was torn from them by a cruel fate and how they had to fight for their happy ending"

"One lived a soldier's harsh life, one suffered from her inability to protect those she held dearly, and one aspired to burn as the brightest alone. It's a story of regret and despair" Himeko recited what Welt told her some time ago. "Yet they prevailed and emerged as Humanity's heroes in the darkest of time. Their trials were forged with sharp glasses and each step ahead was more painful than before, but they had never given up once because they believed they could end their wretched story the way they wanted"

"Did they succeed?"

Welt smiled his rare smile, big and unreserved. "They did"

"Did you?"

Deep, icy cold voice echoed in her head, bouncing all the way from her chest to her skull. A feeling of frustration welled up from her distant heart, one she forced to swallow through her borrowed throat to the pit of her stomach where it then rested like an overweight anchor.

"Did you really think she's not ready?"

A snarl of anger, before her jaw clenched painfully it made her teeth creaked. The question had no malice in it but it still made her upset regardless. They were one and the same, one more direct than the other yet they knew one another better than anyone else.

"Answer me, Thunder"

Glowing amethyst eyes snapped open to stare at the woman laying on the bed, a hand reached out towards a limp one belonging to said woman, a pair of silver rings brushing on each other when their fingers connected.

"I do not wish to see her like... that again" Thunder admitted softly, like a moth her gaze was glued to that glinting ring on Kiana's finger. "I'm scared"

There was a long pause from the rightful owner of the body she insisted on borrowing and Thunder used the opportunity to bring Kiana's hand to her face, inhaling the sweet familiar scent she hadn't smelled in years. Despite the situation, a smile curled up on her lips as she continued to held it close.

Mei, currently on the backseat after giving Thunder control, watched it all played out from her eyes. It had always been weird to see everything going on with the sense of passenger in her own body and it took a moment for her to get used again after the years. Still, the feelings were the same, the sincerity was unmistakable so was the vulnerability in Thunder's voice.

After all, Thunder had been in this position before back in Nagazora when Mei had less than a fight but more to a quarrel with Kiana atop their old school. The helplessness must have been immense she was desperate enough to relinquish her power over to Mei so she could succeed in getting away.

Thunder, the ever steadfast and unshaken version of herself, was scared her resolve wasn't big enough in the face of a certain white haired girl. Kiana had certain ways to shake their grounds and plant all sorts of doubts to their intentions. Thunder had all the rights to fear that Kiana would do it again with how easy she tore down that steel wall in their first fight and meeting.

It would've been odd to hear Thunder being so open but ever since they had their fight back then she saw Mei in a more respectable light. Not only did Mei beat her in pure prowess but also resolve, because for once their resolves clashed against the other. Mei's desire to protect Kiana was the same as Thunder's, but wherein Thunder wanted Kiana to not get hurt Mei believed Kiana should make her own choice and that she should be ready to help her instead of dictating her decisions.

"She has grown" Mei explained softly, pacing around in the domain of her mind just to shake the need to move off her spiritual body. "She will be fine"

"Throughout the years I was deep in slumber not knowing what happened afterwards"

"But our memories have reconnected when we met again, right?"

"It was... a lot. I have your memory but I still don't know the current her" Thunder admitted and Mei was compelled to listen. It was rare to see Thunder being sentimental because, just like Mei, she also closed her own heart from the world. The difference being how extreme Thunder took her silence, wherein Mei had learned to open up to her friends and family Thunder still held her gate under locks and keys.

"I can help you to know her again"

"I don't need your pity"

"I'm offering not out of pity" Mei began with a chuckle and Thunder scoffed. "You deserve to love her as much as I do, to know her by your own accord. To be on the sidewalk and watch is the most unpleasant feeling, especially if that desire is fueled by love. Kiana doesn't hate you, you know? She never did"

"What's the point? Once all of this is over, when you return, she'll have to take what she has given back. Without Honkai powering my Core, I'll be gone again and all of it will be a waste"

Mei fell silent at that. Seconds ticked to minutes without her saying anything. Thunder, still holding Kiana's hand, held her hard gaze on Kiana's face as if to commit every soft curves of muscles to her memory. Had Kiana been awake and looked back, she would've seen the sadness in those amethyst orbs.

"To be with the person you love is not a waste" Mei whispered in her head, using her power to project herself to reality behind her real one. The faux body moved to sit on the edge of the bed, dipping it under the weight slightly. Thunder saw her on her periphery but didn't react to her physical presence. "It's not a waste"

Mei put her projected hand on top of her borrowed ones still curled around Kiana's and continued.

"You are never forgotten as long as there's people to remember you. The memories you make are not your own to know if you share them. Kiana loves you like she loves me, and we love her as much. I do not want you to have regrets because I know you have a lot about Kiana"

Two pairs of amethyst met.

"You let her go once" Thunder began with a growl and Mei's smile widened.

"I believed in her. That's the first step you must take to love someone"

"I won't let her go like you did"

"That is the first step you take when you have loved someone" Mei brought her second hand to join the first one around the ones Thunder borrowed and pressed her forehead against Thunder's, still smiling. "You learn to believe and accept, and then you learn to not let go"

Thunder's expression didn't change a bit. Her usual sharp edges remained as she stared into Mei's eyes right in front of her own. It was a fake body made with 100 percent accuracy of Mei's own so Thunder had all the access to Mei's soul as she stared into her windows.

"Someone is coming" Thunder warned and Mei nodded, sending the movement through via their connected foreheads. "Take over"

"We'll talk more later" Mei promised.

Mei disappeared, the fake body dissipated like a burned leaf in a purple fire. The embers rained around Kiana until they were also gone without a trace. When she opened her eyes again, she was staring through her real pair, hands still clasped around Kiana's own.

Humming a comforting hum deep into her chest, she turned around in her seat to face the door, ignoring the scoff that reverberated from her Core.

Not a second later there was a series of knocking from the other side.


The voice was soft and light with certain kindness in it. Himeko was not sure what to expect, some rough edges here and there perhaps since she learned the three guests were war veterans in their home planet, but the feminine voice was definitely anything but. She pressed the door open and stepped into the room, an easy smile on her face that faltered when she saw the woman sitting on the stool beside the bed.

She was beautiful in every sense of the word. Long dark purple hair that reached all the way to her back behind her white and purple suit that had dark undersuit beneath it, black stockings, one light blue glove on her right hand and black heeled boots. It was not the outfit she had when she first came onboard and her confusion must have been obvious because the woman smiled a bitter smile.

But she didn't say anything. Instead, the woman spun on her stool so she was now facing an unconscious Kiana on the bed. Slightly more confused, Himeko approached her slowly, making sure her steps were loud so she knew.

"When I first agreed to join in this journey..." Mei began just when Himeko stopped a few feet beside her, still not looking up. "I have prepared myself for this possibility. The universe is vast, there's a lot of people living in the different leaves of the Imaginary Tree. I'm sure you know because you travel in a train between the stars"

"Long time no see, Miss Himeko"

Gold met amethyst, the former were wide open when they noticed the tears welling in the latter. Mouth agape, Himeko could only watch as the woman before her hastily wiped the tears from her eyes with a wet laugh.

"How odd. I thought I was ready yet here I am crying over it again" Mei's voiced quivered, breath hitching as she tried to swallow the lump in her throat. "I'm sorry"

She didn't say anything. Allowing Mei to calm herself. When her shoulders stopped shaking did she begin, voice even with obvious playfulness.

"I don't recall giving my name yet"

Mei's chuckle was accompanied with another warm tears but when she looked up again she had a smile on her face. "Yeah, that you have not" Mei extended a hand, succeeding in keeping it still as the redhead grabbed it. "I'm Raiden Mei, Schicksal's 3rd Squad leader"

"Himeko, Astral Express Navigator"

Mei hummed, letting go. Himeko didn't miss the way Mei's fingers flexed on her lap once she settled back, as if to test what she touched was real and not an illusion. "It's good to know you"

Somehow Himeko could hear the double meanings behind those simple words, moreover when Mei fell quiet after that. Nodding even though Mei couldn't see it, she dragged another stool and sat a bit behind Mei instead of right beside her, palms on her thighs.

"Thank you for taking Welt on with you, by the way" Mei said with a glance, an unmistakable friendly smile on her lips. "He's a good friend for us and I hope so too to you and the rest"

"Indeed. He helped us plenty and the Express—" Himeko gestured to around her loosely. "— Welcomes all with good intentions"

Himeko's eyes drifted from Mei's face to her hands, watching them tracing a lazy pattern on Kiana's hand. She didn't miss the glint of silver rings around their fingers.

"That's Kiana, huh?" Himeko implored, co*cking her head slightly to the side. She knew the answer so it's practically a rhetoric question.

Mei, however, indulged her still. "Yes. I presume Welt talked about us?"

"He did" Sensing the gentle nudge in Mei's stare she continued. "He talked a little but I can tell you girls have gone through a lot"

"A lot..." Mei muttered to herself with a sigh, hands stopping to rub her face instead. "That's an understatement of the century"


"No" Mei quickly reassured softly, turning her whole body around so she was properly facing Himeko. "It's just... Too much"

"Never enough?" Himeko added and Mei nodded. "It's always been like that, hun. Sometimes we feel like giving up, too drained to continue or too burned out to care. But you lots persevered and that is what mattered the most"

"Our stories are hardly heroic. Bronya and I, we simply tried to protect what dear for us but Kiana..." Mei trailed off as countless memories of Kiana throwing herself into dangers popped up in her mind. "She has always been the righteous one. Always fighting for what's right protecting the helpless and innocent"

"The one who burns the brightest..." Himeko drawled, piecing together Welt's words. Mei eyed her with the same sadness she had earlier and nodded.

"Burns the fastest. That's our Kiana"

A solemn stillness filled the air. They both had had their fair share of meetings and goodbyes. Mei lost a lot in her life against the Honkai. Materials or sentiments didn't matter because they equally disappeared and never returned. Himeko herself understood the pain of departure with countless faces boarding the Express and leaving once they arrived at their destinations.

Parting was normal. A fundamental belief of life. What existed must go, similar to how what lived would one day die. Yet here they were, standing tall and strong despite the pain. For a tree to grow it must first withstand the merciless Mother Nature, sprouting until its roots were deep and strong to support itself reaching the heaven above.

To rise was to first survive and to survive was to first know the pain and hardships. Growing up was never easy, even a baby must first fall and bleed before they learned to walk.

Both women basked in the silence, content to let their thoughts adrift. Himeko couldn't help but to stare at Mei from time to time, noting the tender way she stared at the sleeping woman on the bed. It was very obvious Kiana meant the world to her from that stare alone. She needed not to learn their story.

But Himeko knew, thus it was inevitable for her to bring it up.

"I'm not her" She said suddenly and Mei blinked before she turned her head to look at the redhead. Himeko was smiling a rueful smile when she continued, yet it held no spite. At least not one directed at Mei or Kiana, only fate. "I hope you understand"

"Of course" Mei responded resolutely. "She's dead"

A gust of cold wind from nowhere. If Himeko didn't know any better she would've thought the life support system was troubled but she knew it wasn't in physical level but rather spiritual. The way her heart skipped a beat as cold ichor flowed in her veins couldn't be ignored.

"You can't treat me like you would her. It would taint her legacy"

"I know" Mei agreed. "She was the one and only that burned her soul to save her student because she believed said student could achieve great things. We did what she taught us to do, we fought for the beauty of the world and we've had our goodbye with her"

"Hence..." Himeko prodded and Mei sighed.

"Hence why Kiana will do everything in her power to protect you this time"

Truth and reconciliation, those would be the first two steps they would need to take foremost. Being honest about each other's thoughts were the key to communication. Mei had no doubt Kiana would understand that once they talked, but the shock from the first meeting wouldn't just disappear because of it. Thunder didn't know the current Kiana so even if she doubted her, Mei wouldn't.

"You girls owe me nothing" Himeko stated gently, frowning. "You don't have to protect me because you feel indebted"

But Mei shook her head, a grimace pulling her lips. "It's not about debt or such" She explained. "The bonds we had with our teacher were special. Even if you're not her, you're still her in appearance. That itself will elicit certain feelings we have deep in our hearts. Even now I'm holding myself back from hugging you"

"If I can be of help, then I'll allow you" Himeko offered with a smile. Mei stared at her open arms and bit her inner cheeks, slowly shaking her head.

"I'm afraid I'd lose myself if I do. I'm not Bronya who can keep her emotions in check"

"You're managing well" The redhead joked and Mei laughed softly in response.

"I'm actually on the verge of crying again"

Himeko smiled a sad smile, offering her hand to the distressed woman. This time Mei didn't refuse, taking it with a shuddering breath and holding it tight. As if to ensure I'm real.

"I'd like to know about the three of you more"

Mei nodded, a stray tear ran down her cheek she hastily wiped with the back of her gloved hand.

"Well, it's a long story..."

It was a long story indeed but one she remembered with a crystal clear clarity. One starry night in a city destroyed by a calamity a woman in red faced a god in all her fiery glory for the first time.

That's a story she would never forget, and what after.

Mei sparked the fire and talked.


A push to her side and she groaned, batting the hand away and turning from the source of her annoyance with a deep exhale.

"Hey, wake up!"

The same appendage returned, this time poking her back and she groaned, again.

"Five more minutes..."


"Yesss... Now hush..."

A dead silence. She waited for precisely three seconds before making herself comfortable on the bed, thinking she had won. Only when she began to drift off again she heard another shuffling and the thudding of bare feet in the empty void.

"You asked for this"

Kiana grunted in confusion, her muddled thought trying to decipher the meaning behind those words and failing miserably. She was just so sleepy to simply think. "What do you—"

She cracked open an eye just at the right moment the bed was flipped with her still on it. Yelping in panic, she scrambled at the frames as she felt gravity being reversed around her before the effect dissipated, throwing her and the bed down onto the 'ground' where it landed with a loud rattle and pained groan from Kiana.

"Sirin!" Kiana whined, climbing down now she was wide awake with a hand on her aching back to stalk towards Sirin. "What was that for?!"

Sirin harrumphed, pouting an adorable pout that had all Kiana's exasperation gone down the drain immediately. "I tried to wake you up for almost an hour now and all you said was five more minutes! I'm tired!"

"Okay! I'm sorry, please don't be upset!" Kiana grabbed the girl and enveloped her into her warm embrace. Sirin's purple hair barely reached her breasts, allowing Kiana an unlimited access to the crown of her head as she stroked her lovingly. "I'm sorry, okay? I'm just so tired for some reason"

Sirin didn't respond verbally but Kiana could feel her small arms looping around her lower back. Smiling a fond smile, she held the younger girl close until she saw her nodding against her bosom.

"I want Mei" Sirin said and Kiana had to suppress a laugh but she couldn't stop her body from shaking in amusem*nt. Sirin retreated slightly to look at her with the most adorable glare Kiana had seen from someone. "What's your problem?"

"Nothing!" Except you being so sinfully adorable. "You okay, right?"

Sirin rolled her eyes in what Kiana discerned as disbelief, a disbelief towards her and her action most likely. "I wasn't the one who jumped and got hit by a train"

Kiana laughed sheepishly. "Yeah"

The young girl in her embrace was her other half so Kiana knew her as much as she knew herself. Sirin, whose persona was suppressed by the hatred that was Herrscher of The Void, began to appear in Kiana's head shortly after she departed to the Moon. Her appearance was what Kiana remembered from her other half during her happier memory she shared with her late mother Cecilia in the illusion created by Fenghuang Down's power; long sleeved white dress and black skirt that reached up to her thighs and a twelve year old body.

At first, Kiana thought she had lost her mind when she saw flashes of purple among the white moon rocks on her periphery but her suspicion was quickly squashed when one day she woke up with a pair of golden eyes staring at her blue ones on the bed. Kiana didn't even scream, she silently grasped for a sleeping Mei beside her and said the first thing that came to mind that morning.

"I think you f*cked me to death last night"

Since then, Sirin kept appearing again and again and Kiana had been trying her best to appease her whenever she showed herself up. Her friends and family were surprised when she told them of the girl in her head with Siegfried feeling concerned more than anything. Kiana assured them Sirin did not want bad things and that she was just curious than malicious, she also told them she was not the same as Herrscher of The Void.

"Her whole life she spent as a test subject. She doesn't know of the outside world and has been wanting to find out. I want her to feel happiness"

Mei, unsurprisingly, was the first one to support her. Even though she hated Void for what she did to Kiana, which was a sentiment she shared with Thunder, she didn't blame this new personality for all the bad things that befell them. She learned this when Kiana allowed Sirin the control of her body, that even though her eyes turned gold her personality was anything but destructive. Mei found Sirin to be lovable and Sirin enjoyed her company more than anyone else's she often asked the woman for a cuddle at nights and Kiana had to sacrifice her precious time with her beloved Mei because of that. Needles to say, Mei loved her.

The Doctors were tentative and very confused, trying to figure out how it was even possible. But the K-series Experiment itself was an enigma with a lot of black inks covering the crucial information, almost as if Otto didn't want someone else to recreate what he procreated. That added with the fact a Herrscher Gem itself was like an organic memory chip probably gave birth to this new personality deep in Kiana's consciousness.

Probably. Yeah, right.

So they reluctantly agreed to overlook this happening after holding Kiana under observation for a whole month, obviously not wanting the evil persona to do what she did in the past again.

One evil Sirin was enough. At least in that regard Kiana agreed wholeheartedly.

"I'm going to wake up now. Are you okay if I leave you alone?" Kiana gently asked, squatting down so now she's on eye level with Sirin. One thing Kiana learned about Sirin was she could be rather clingy at times, but Kiana wouldn't blame her especially once she learned she still dreamt of her time in Babylon. She also didn't age whether physically in appearance or mentally, making her eternally a kid in Kiana's head even after almost a decade she knew her.

Sirin huffed, blowing a strand of purple hair off her face and instinctively Kiana reached out to tuck it behind her little ear. "Let me talk to Mei later"

Kiana grinned and nodded. "Okay, but I will have to have her for a little longer. There's something I need to discuss with her"

"Whatever, Kiana. Just remember you've promised me"

"I know you miss her. It's been a long time since you two talk so I will give you control as soon as possible. Just not now, okay?" Sirin grumbled something under her breath but she nodded anyway. Smiling a grateful smile, Kiana patted Sirin's shoulders and stood up, a portal opening behind her waiting for Kiana to enter. "Catch you up later, kiddo"

"Mhm, later"

Giving the girl a parting wave of her hand, Kiana stepped back and entered the gaping void. Almost immediately, her guts twisted as the feeling of free fall assaulted her sense. Kiana didn't react though, simply shoving her hands into her jacket pockets as the darkness around her quickly receded in a blinding white light.

She felt a warm hand on her own and she chased after it, squeezing the appendage and receiving a squeeze in return. It was the first of her sense to return, followed by her hearing and sight.

Blinking her eyes to protect them from burning at the sudden explosion of light, Kiana took a moment to adjust to the new environment. The place was different to her mind's domain, well lit and colorful instead of the dark emptiness of oblivion.

When her eyes finally stopped hurting from the light, Kiana could see the face she admired the most leaning down to cast a shadow and protect her. Mei's purple hair seemed to glow under the light, radiating a halo above her crown as her amethyst eyes met blue orbs.

Kiana smiled lazily and looped her arms around Mei's neck, bringing her down for a quick peck. "I'm glad you're okay" She whispered hoarsely against Mei's lips.

"I'm glad you are okay" Mei repeated and Kiana giggled. Up close, Kiana could see Mei clearly and that including the dried trails of tears she valiantly wanted to hide from Kiana. Clearly a failed attempt from the way Kiana frowned.

"Have you been crying?" Mei didn't bother to lie because it would only make Kiana worry so she nodded with all the honesty of her heart. Kiana's expression changed from happy to sad and worry, feeling Mei's own emotions through their bonds. "Why? Bronya is not dead, is she?"

An attempt of humor and it earned her a chuckle from Mei. They both knew Bronya would be the last of them three to die in a suspenseful situation since she was the most rational one. Still, Kiana internally sighed with relief at the knowledge that her best friend was alright.

"Bronya is fine" Mei whispered. "She took us in to the Express"

"I expected nothing less, honestly" Kiana paused, mind catching up to what Mei said. "Wait, what do you mean she took us in? Are you okay?"

"A certain someone protected me" Memories of them traversing the Imaginary Space returned to Kiana's mind and she chuckled sheepishly. "Even though she risked my ire at the cost of her recklessness"

That chuckle changed nervous when Kiana saw the fire behind Mei's eyes. Twiddling her thumbs, she gave the best puppy eyes as response. "Um, sorry?"

Mei's disapproving look disappeared as she captured Kiana's lips into a kiss. The Kaslana returned it immediately, nearly chasing after Mei when she retreated back. Too soon, too short but then again, she never had enough when it came to Mei.

"Apology accepted"

Kiana grinned slyly, moving forward for another kiss but Mei put her index finger on her lips. If that hadn't stopped her, the way her purple eyes drifted down would've. "What's wrong?"

Mei bit her lower lip anxiously and Kiana followed the movement with a concerned dip of her eyebrows. Sitting up straight on the bed so she was now facing Mei fully, Kiana grabbed her hands and gasped at the coldness in Mei's digits.

"Mei, what's the matter?" Kiana rephrased, holding those fingers and interlocking them in her own to spread her warmth. One quirk she picked up of Mei was that her fingers would turn cold whenever she was deeply anxious as if the blood had stopped flowing altogether. She spent countless nights holding Mei's hands back in Nagazora whenever she had her episodes, sharing her warmth with her. Now was not much different.

Still chewing on her lip, Mei shook her head. "I... There's someone you must meet"

Confusion bloomed in Kiana's chest and she tilted her head inquisitively. "Okay?"

"You might know her, but she's not the someone you know"

Now it was a tentative suspicion that nipped on her heart. "Okay...?" Kiana drawled, still watching Mei closely. The latter inhaled a deep breath before she released it in a long, steadying exhale.

"Come in"

Not a second after Mei uttered those words, the door on the far side of the room opened and Kiana lost her ability to breathe.

Himeko watched the two women with an easy smile, hands crossed over her chest with her hips co*cked to the side, leaning against the doorframe. Kiana's eyes went wide at the sight, mouth opening and closing as words failed her. Stepping inside, Himeko gave Kiana the friendliest smile she could muster.

"Hello, Kiana"

"Kiana, wake up girl! It's time for school!"

"Kiana, have you done your homework? It's due tomorrow and you better hope you have it done by then!"

"Kiana, stop lying on the floor! You're gonna get sick!"

"Kiana! Did you climb off the campus wall again?!"




"Live, Kiana. That is... My final lesson for you..."

Thousands of emotions flashed in Kiana's eyes as she climbed down the bed to approach the redhead. Memories flooded the forefront of her mind, drowning the woman in an incessant river of time. She had seen that face in various states of expressions, the hopeful, the sorrowful, the joyful and the loving and caring. Now that face was looking at her again with the same open friendliness she saw when she first met her dear teacher shortly after Nagazora.

Himeko stayed silent, letting the white haired woman poked her arm once and then twice. Each time Kiana did, her expression twisted as if to discern whether she was real or not, still looking lost. When she did a third time, she suddenly stepped back and clutched her finger, a nonexistent flame burning the digit.

Himeko subtly peered towards Mei who had a tight expression herself.

"Hello, Kiana" Himeko repeated and once again Kiana jumped back, surprised. Her ponytail whipping back and forth as she looked towards Mei behind her and Himeko. A silent communication, one they shared deeply even without their Herrscher link connecting their words. After going on about another half a minute and out of concern Kiana might hurt her neck, she uncrossed her arms and extended a hand. "That's your name, right? Mei told me about you"

It wasn't pity or regret that Himeko felt when Kiana's eyes settled on her for the nth time but the hurt in those blue orbs were so potent she had to fight the urge to recoil and grimace.

"Miss... Himeko...?" Even her voice was timid, eyeing her face and hand with tenuous fear. "You're here...?"

"I'm here as ever I've been" Himeko joked lightly but her tone turned somber almost immediately, shaking her head sadly she said. "But I'm afraid I'm not your Himeko"

The fragile glass of dashing hope shattered. Kiana's expression drew blank. The gears working in her head grinded to halt as her thoughts escaped her. In the end, one word prevailed over the mess of confusion.


Mei moved from her seat, wrapping her arms around Kiana's middle from behind her and resting her lips against Kiana's scalp, inhaling the familiar scent with a shuddering breath.

"She's not her" Mei croaked out, repeating the words like a mantra.

Kiana was as still as a statue in Mei's embrace, still staring ahead and still silent. Himeko was genuinely worried for the woman when she suddenly shrugged.

"Okay" Kiana said loudly and it was their turn to be confused. Smiling to herself, she put her hands on Mei's and patted her there. "Okay, I understand"

The surprise was obvious in Mei's eyes when she stared at Himeko's. Chuckling, the Navigator extended her hand again and this time Kiana took it. "Nice to meet you"

"Yes, nice to meet you. And, um, thank you for taking us in"

"That's no problem. You're Welt's friends, right? You're welcomed aboard to stay as long as you want. I'll have Pom-Pom prepare you the Express' boarding passes so you are recognized as the Express' crew. That should give you unrestricted access to our facility onboard"

"Sounds good. Where's the rest of the crew? I would like to introduce myself to them"

"Oh, just go to the Parlor Car. It's our lounge site and we spend most of our time there getting along with each other"

"Oh, okay then. How many people are there?"


Mei was speechless. Looking blankly as both Himeko and Kiana talked with each other so casually like a pair of long time friends. They talked about some trivial things, like the bathroom, kitchen, the Express and an appointment of coffee time together.


After what felt like an eternity, the redhead excused herself from the two. Mei, despite her astonishment, still caught the glance Himeko shot her on her way out. Finally, they were alone again and it was Kiana who broke her silence.

"You sure were worried" She began, turning around so she was facing Mei. A sad smile on her face as she traced her fingers on Mei's jaw. "Thank you"

Mei looked down towards Kiana's tender gaze. "I thought you would be..."

"Surprised? Shocked? Sad? Well, I most certainly was" She admitted, sighing tiredly as she slumped against Mei who instinctively caught her and held her upright. "She was everything Aunt Himeko dreamt to become"

The clear pain in Kiana's voice prompted Mei to tighten her grip around Kiana. She rocked her body back and forth when Kiana began to sob on her chest, a weight dropping to the pit of her own stomach at the sound the smaller woman let out.

"I couldn't let her see me cry" Kiana continued between sniffles. "I didn't want her to see me cry. I've found my happiness and it would feel like I've... I've..."

"Flawed her expectations...?" Mei offered helpfully and Kiana nodded.


"You don't have to hide your sadness, Kiana. Please, never do so"

"I won't" Kiana assured. "I don't. It's just, well, it will take me time to get used to this. To her. I will talk to her again and tell her how I feel about her"

"And what do you feel?" Mei asked tenderly and Kiana looked up with a blossoming wet smile.

"Hope. That she can still end her story the way she wants"



Never let you go~
It's why I did them all~
For a chance at least ~
To live in your way~
Love of you is my most cherished thing~
So stay alive bravely~

Reviews and kudos are appreciated, thank you so much for stopping by!

Chapter 4: The Breeze of Your World


Writing is basically going "Random bullsh*t go" in the most orderly fashion.

On the side note, while I won't say this is a filler chapter it's definitely "less" important to the whole plot. Basically I was thinking "They need to talk, like super soon but holy crap when tf? Can I make that moment a reality with the whole Belobog arc on the horizon?" so you've got this chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 4: The Breeze of Your World

Curiosity was one of the biggest drives of mankind. It led countless individuals and civilizations to either glory or doom in this infinite cosmos. Curiosity fueled man's desire to reach the stars even with the unknowns standing in his way, eclipsing even the ultimate fear towards uncertainty.

What was it up that steep hill that seemingly never reveal itself? Was there treasure or trap? Was that fruit hanging in the low branch edible? If so was it tasteful or bitter as the biting cold itself? What was it that lay beyond the ultimate boundary of a black hole?

Curiosity killed the cat sometimes, but only at times where it didn't sate the primal desire in its nature. To chase after a... fulfilment, was the way of life. Humans existed solely to fill their needs and desires, nevermind what grand purposes the arrogant tried to make many believe.

It was a hubris. To believe we were meant for something greater than ourselves. It led us to certain doom and dark abyss.

March practically dragged her out of her room despite her protest and Stelle gave up rather quickly once she past the protection of her chamber. Resigning to fate was her to-go formula when dealing with the eccentric girl so despite her weak attempts to protest she knew it was a fruitless endeavor in the end.

But that curiosity... That desire to know that had killed many was unmistakably growing in her chest like a living, malignant super-cell. Fed by the excitement and words of the pinkette, it steadily ate away her resolve to stay firm and preferably asleep in her room. If March's words were enough to cause a genetic disorder that lay dormant in everyone's blood and flesh to become active, then she might have some sort of superpower none of them knew of.

Stelle yawned and rubbed her eyes off the remnants of her sleep, wobbling more than walking a humble step behind March who still had enough energy to obliterate a neutron star from the way she skipped on her steps. Sleep was a great thing, actually, and it was becoming one of her favourite things to do. The ability to simply turn off your cognitive function for certain amount of time was God's greatest invention, if someone were to ask Stelle.

If only she could enjoy it more but alas. Fifteen minutes were hardly enough and she honestly couldn't wait to catch more of her sleep that so suddenly escaped her. She just had her coup de foudre and now she had her fait accompli. Talk about ruthless.

Oh, well...

"Over there, look" March whispered to her ear, her breath tickling ashen hair. Stelle tried her best, she really did, but between the sleepiness and the distance between her and March's subject of curiosity there really was not much she could discern except a bundle of white.

She blinked owlishly.

"That's Bronya and Welt" Stelle almost deadpanned, giving her dead fish stare to March who looked back as if she was an idiot.

"Duh. I asked you to come out so we can listen to what they are saying! It's super interesting"

"Eavesdropping is borderline illegal" Stelle did deadpan this time, already half turning to leave so she could finally sleep. She was tired, her hair was still damp from a shower she took not twenty or so minutes ago and she forgot to put on her boots. The floor was cold and she hated it.

She understood why people told her she looked like a wet dog now because she felt freaking miserable.

"It's okay, here on the Express we don't do secrets!"

Well, that's concerning. She would rather keep a thing or two to herself. Himeko should've told her of this policy before she agreed to board.

"Besides, they didn't seem to mind before. Maybe we could actually join them"

Now that was less concerning and more intriguing, ignoring the implication that March had attempted to eavesdrop Welt and Bronya before. To be entirely honest, Stelle was curious to know what the two mentor-pupil might be talking about and a chance to know Bronya and Welt more was a chance worth dipping her toes over. Welt was a fascinating person by default, he exhibited both resolve and compassion in the extreme. Not to mention she really wanted to ask about his cane because it couldn't be a normal cane, right?

Stelle bit her lower lip hard and contemplated.

Oh, cosmic squirrel on a bike. We might not have the chance later.

Turning back to face March so quickly she startled the pinkette, Stelle digged into her shorts pocket and fished out a rubber band to tie her hair with. She did it so quickly she probably set a new record for ponytail making in the galaxy.

She tidied her black tank top next, smoothing the wrinkles by pushing it down further to make herself as presentable and decent as she could in her sleep wear. She was dressed for comfort with her skirt, coat and shirt absent. Instead, a pair of black shorts and a matching black tank top covered her body. She wanted to sleep, dammit.

"Let's go" Stelle announced flatly, moving ahead the pinkette. March blinked her surprise before she shrugged and followed her, a smile on her face.

Welt was listening to something Bronya said and from his position he could see the two girls approaching. When the man didn't shift or send Bronya a silent gesture to warn her, Stelle figured March was right when she said they might be able to join and listen.

Bronya somehow could feel them approaching and Stelle suspected it had something to do with her ability to detect the Stellaron inside her. The white haired woman was dressed in some sort of dress with one shoulder draped with a cape that resembled bird's wing instead of her blue and white armor. She looked elegant to the boot and beautiful to the bone in that set up.

"I figured as much" Bronya continued whatever it was she said to Welt after giving both girls an acknowledging nod. They were sitting behind one of many coffee tables in the Parlor Car, the one with a chessboard near the sofas. Said chessboard was currently open with its contents set. Bronya accentuated her words by moving a knight. "The Sea of Quanta is a better option"

Welt hummed, pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose. He wasn't so much as thinking as he was musing when he replied. "The Quantum Beacons?" He asked, moving his own piece. Stelle and March sat down on the empty chairs across the ones Welt and Bronya occupied.

"They have enough bandwidths to at least allow us message back and they're in positions where we can reach from here"


"We will need Kiana's power"


"As soon as she wakes up"


"I suggest you wait until we arrive at Jarilo-VI" Welt moved another piece, taking her bishop from Bronya's disposal. "The hyperspace is a fragile little bubble the Express created, if we initiate another spatial anomaly it might cause some unprecedented interferences to the hyperdrive"

"I see" Tap "I thought as much and was actually going to consult you"

"Better be safe. She's running on fume as is"


Both March and Stelle watched with clear fascination as both players went silent. Bronya steadily pushed her attack and cornered Welt to defeat. His verdict was announced with a rather emotionless tone, though.

"Check" Bronya said flatly, folding her hands over her lap and sat back. Welt studied his pieces for a second before he chuckled.

"I yield" He announced yet for someone who had just been defeated he sounded rather proud. They shared a look and Stelle could see Bronya's aloof gaze softened considerably as she stared at Welt, a small smile on her lips Welt returned.

It was a level of communication only family members could share. Welt looked at Bronya the way a father would look at his beloved daughter and Bronya looked at Welt the way a daughter would to her most respected father. There was pride in their gazes, each delivered to the other.

"You did well" Welt praised and Bronya shrugged nonchalantly in reply.

"I have a good teacher"

Stelle suddenly felt out of place and a quick glance towards March revealed the pinkette was in pretty much the same condition as she was. It almost like they were intruding even though they got permission to watch from one of them, well sort of anyway.

The same line of thought must have crossed March's mind because the girl bounced back rather quickly. She grinned and clapped slowly, drawing two pairs of eyes. "That was awesome!" She uttered excitedly. "You're probably the only one onboard who can defeat Mister Welt on game of Chess!"

"Himeko can't?" Stelle asked, a bit surprised. However, now she thought about it, it shouldn't be a surprise to begin with. Welt was your big brain neighbor stereotype, besides being a doting grandpa.

"Himeko is not really into Chess" March explained, watching Bronya storing the chess pieces back into its board. "Dan Heng is usually the one to have a game with Mister Welt"

"Dan Heng can't?" Stelle asked again but this time amusem*nt painted her tone.

March snorted. "It's a slaughter"

Welt who had been watching them in silence shook his head fondly, bringing his mug of coffee to his lips and taking a measured sip from it. "What can I do for you, March? Stelle? You girls should catch some sleep"

"I was" Stelle lamented with a heavy sigh, slumping down on her chair while shooting March a meaningful look. "Before I got dragged off my bed, that is"

Welt peered through his glasses to stare inquisitively at March who had the decency to look bashful under his scrutinizing gaze.

"I'm curious" March admitted, eyeing Bronya who blinked impassively in return. "About you both, I mean. But especially Bronya here. Do you, um, have stories you can share?"

Bronya's eyebrow rose, a knowing smile blooming on her lips. "Ask away, then"

Admittedly, she was ready to be rejected so when Bronya agreed without as much as a condition it took March by surprise she needed a few seconds to rearrange her thoughts back.

Clearing her throat, she straightened on her chair. "How did you two meet?"

Bronya shifted on her seat so she was more comfortable, adapting a stance of a teacher that was about to give a lecture with her legs folded over another and fingers crossed. She smiled softly and hummed in thought, glancing to Welt who had a small smile himself.

"It was a long story, nor was the situation favorable" She began. "Do you want to add your tidbits or should I do all?"

Welt pondered the offer for a moment before he shrugged. "Just a little" He said, turning slightly to face the two girls. "I was a leader of a human resistance organization named Anti-Entropy back in my world. During one of our experiments, I got trapped in the Sea of Quanta"

"Trapped is not really the correct term" Bronya chimed in. "He chose to stay behind to hold back a strong enemy from entering the real world so our scientists can escape"

"Strong enemy? Welt can't defeat it?" Stelle asked curiously, tilting her head.

"It was not it. It was a he. But we couldn't have known the impact he would bring us" Bronya explained bitterly. "His name was Kevin Kaslana but that's a story for another time"

March and Stelle shared a glance before the former shrugged. "Okay. So Welt got trapped in the... Sea?"

"The Sea of Quanta" Bronya supplied gently. "How much do you know of the Order of the Universe?" When both girls shared another bewildered look, Bronya had her answer. "Right"

"The universe is consisted of two reality space" Welt explained, unconsciously mirroring Bronya's stance. "The Imaginary Space and the Sea of Quanta"

"The Imaginary Space is what you would call real space, it's like the light of all things"

"While the Sea of Quanta is the shadow of said things"

"But of course, this example is not entirely correct. Our meager understanding cannot fully grasp the idea so we come up with a pseudo-terminology"

"The Imaginary Tree"

"The Imaginary Tree is not really a tree but rather a prime example of the Order of the Universe. Each leaf is a world or a star system, each branch a galaxy and so on. The Sea of Quanta in this is what you would consider as the 'ground' under the Tree. When a world dies, it withers and falls to the ground where the Sea of Quanta is in this analogy"

Ignoring the fascinating way Bronya and Welt talked after each other, like a completely well tuned mind in two bodies, Stelle asked. "How can a world die? Do you mean destroyed?"

Her confusion was only emphasized when Bronya shook her head. "When Honkai win"

"Honkai?" March and Stelle chorused. The word felt odd on their inexperienced tongues yet it sent an inexplicable shiver down their spines. It struck something primal, a sense of danger where their self-preservation instinct resided, and sent a fight or flight response to the rest of the body.

Welt didn't follow Bronya's statement like he did before, instead Bronya continued with a nod. "Honkai is a force of nature. It brings destruction to whatever it touches. We don't know what it actually is even today but there's some theories about it"

"Is it like the Aeon Nanook? And what are these theories?" March asked curiously.

Bronya glanced at Welt, the man got the memo and followed where she left. "There's one glaring difference between Honkai and the Aeon Nanook" He started with a level tone, taking his cane to his left hand and driving the shaft down to the floor. Its blunt end hit the surface with a thud and glowed slightly. "The Aeons are human's aspirations manifested, they have Paths that generally are a part of human's desires. It's possible to kill an Aeon and one of the ways is if that Aeon lose followers, or if a broader Path assimilate their Path. Aeons are not immortal, but Honkai is"

"One of the theories is that Honkai is a... Police, of the Universe itself. Its job is to test a civilization whether it's ready or not to face a foe far greater than itself. Honkai has no mercy; it kills, it plunders and it destroys yet it never annihilates"

Stelle immediately asked once Bronya finished. "But then how can a world die in the hand of Honkai?"

"When all is lost. When a world loses hope, it dies and falls into the Bubble Universe in the Sea of Quanta before it eventually dissolves into nothingness. Such is the Order of the Universe; what exists must go"

"This is a lot to digest" March muttered and Stelle was inclined to agree. Bronya chuckled and shook her head.

"We're getting sidetracked. We'll talk about Honkai more later. As for how Welt and I met..."

"Right, the Sea of Quanta?"

"Yes. There was a girl whom I love dearly who also got trapped in the Sea. I lost her a few years prior after she sacrificed herself for me" The fond smile on Bronya's face was the most genuine expression from her they had seen so far. For the first time, her pair of silver orbs seemed to grow distant as she recalled what was probably a pleasantly terrible memory, no matter how contradicting it sounded. "When the opportunity rose, I throw myself back to the Sea of Quanta in hope of bringing her back the second time. That was when I met Welt"

"That was kind of romantic" March blurted out and Stelle proceeded to elbow her on the side for ruining the moment. "Oof, sorry"

Bronya gave them an amused look. "Long story short, that's how I became the Herrscher of Reason"

"Did you... Get her out?" Stelle queried hesitantly, trying to tread the topic carefully but when Bronya's smile grew larger she knew her answer.

"Yes, along with Welt but I suppose it's quite obvious" She said with a nod towards Welt.

"What's her name?" March piped in excitedly, sensing the shift in the atmosphere.

"Seele" Bronya said, another small smile adorning her face. "Seele Vollerei"

It was nobody's secret that Kiana was a very curious girl who would easily get distracted by the slightest oddity in the white noise of a background scene. Contrary to what many thought of her, she was a very perceptive person that would notice anything easily unnoticeable to normal person. Mei had the fortune to be on the receiving end of Kiana's sharp sense back in Chiba Academy, how she would approach a girl who hid her pain with fake smiles and terrible I'm fine's to the rare few who asked.

Kiana saw through her veil of lies like a hawk watching a snake hiding in the bush, careful examinations and decision makings before striking a conversation were her weapons to pierce through her wall. She saw a lot and Mei suspected it had something to do with Kiana's wanderer phase. One did not survive the harsh wilderness and dangerous suburbs without learning to sleep with an eye open.

That was Kiana. A warrior by blood and knight by heart because despite the uglies she witnessed, she still found beauty in the flawed sapphire. One did not see the world without knowing its beauty, even if that beauty sprouted amidst the ugly.

So Mei was not feeling annoyed or weary when she had to grab Kiana's hand for the tenth or so time to pull her from her stupor. In fact, she was not feeling anything much aside from fondness as she squeezed said hand and received a squeeze in return.

The trip to the Parlor Car shouldn't have taken more than two minutes but it had been over fifteen since they left their assigned quarters. The reason being Kiana who would stop every time she saw a decoration or picture frame on the hallway, especially one with Himeko in it.

This one she was looking at was the one with a young Himeko in it. The redhead in the picture was holding some sort of tool in one hand while her other one rested on her co*cked hip, grease and oil covering her cheeks and arms and the majority of her shirt yet the blinding smile on her face was unmatched as she stared at the camera.

A pang of hurt throbbed in Mei's chest. Their teacher also had a thing for machinery, being a graduate of an Engineering school and all that, and Kiana must be thinking the same thing judging from the way she stared unblinking at the picture. Mei didn't want her to dwell on it so after gently tugging on the hand in her grip, she whispered to Kiana's ear.

"Let's go"

Kiana nodded almost distractedly and Mei draped an arm across her shoulders, guiding her beside her to continue their walk. She shielded and dragged her from the pictures lining the wall as best as she could but Kiana's eyes would drift to them from time to time.

They passed a room where the smell of coffee was particularly strong. Both of them knew whose it belong instantly and the twitch in Kiana's hand was noticeable. She must be itching to talk with Himeko again.

But she fought the urge, tearing her gaze from it and setting it straight ahead, pushing one foot after the other until they reached the door. Mei pushed it open and the next one in the carriage separator, still pulling Kiana gently until they stepped into the Parlor Car.

Her trained amethyst eyes scanned the new area, noting every single decoration in various positions silently. Mei could feel Thunder's curiosity mingling with hers all the time.

"Woah, what are you?" Kiana squealed and the five occupants inside looked at her. Bronya, Welt, March and Stelle were all seated close together near a pair of semicircular sofas with Kiana's subject of attention being a... Mei wasn't sure what it was.

"Pom-Pom is Pom-Pom!" It said loudly, as if to exclaim its authority to Kiana who approached it curiously. "Pom-Pom is the Conductor of the Express!"

"You look so cute and squeezable. Can I touch you?"

The little conductor narrowed its big eyes at Kiana, scowling.


Kiana blinked, once and then twice. "Oh... Okay" She drawled gingerly as she stopped. Looking a little flustered from the blunt rejection, she instead turned towards the rest of the occupants and waved as if nothing had happened. "Hey, guys"

Bronya snorted dismissively while Welt nodded. March and Stelle, meanwhile, could only stare at her strange antic. Mei chuckled and joined them with Kiana close behind her.

"Mister Welt" She greeted, sitting down on the sofa while Kiana dragged an empty chair to position it near them. Pom-Pom intercepted Kiana and gave her a strict scolding to put it back after she was done using it in the background. Still a little baffled by the small fluff ball of a Conductor, she could only nodded dumbly. "It's been a while"

"Indeed" Welt agreed with a smile. "Bronya has just finished explaining the current situation back home. It seems Schicksal is managing well for the time being"

"The fight is turning to our favor at the moment. Bianka has just returned from her expedition to the Bubble Universe and started assuming her position back in the front line, similar to Rita. Two S rank Valkyries should be enough to fill in our absence"

"Things are doing well with Shenzhou and Grandmaster Hua?"

"They are. Senti and Hua are helping as best as they can. We got to talk to Hua before we departed to the Moon and she said the Far East branch is actually managing better"

"That's good to hear"

Just then Kiana finally succeeded in freeing herself from Pom-Pom's undivided attention, though she couldn't help but to shiver when she felt the Conductor's glare following her all the way until she sat down. "God, what's wrong with that dude..." She muttered to herself before she sighed, a grin growing on her face. "Mister Welt! How're you doing?"

"I'm fine, Kiana" Welt replied gently. "I see you're as happy as ever"

"You kidding? I'm here with my family. I couldn't be happier. Except, of course, if it was just me and Mei that is"

Bronya crossed her arms and scoffed, meeting Kiana's playful gaze with a fake glare of her own. "If I wasn't here, you and your stupidity would've landed you in an entirely worse situation. Personally, I wouldn't care if you're to spend your day trying to chase after the Express once it left you floating about in space but that's a fate I don't want Mei to experience. So, you have me to thank"

"Thank you, Bronya" Mei said sincerely but Bronya waved her off.

"It's nothing"

Welt watched them interact with a fond smile. "How's your father doing, Kiana?"

"Oh! Papa is doing alright. He's old but you know how he is" Kiana chirped happily, turning towards the two girls who silently watch them. "I'm Kiana, by the way. What's your name?"

March and Stelle blinked, staring at Kiana's extended hand blankly. At least until Stelle recovered enough of her brain function to catch up.

"I'm Stelle" She introduced herself while grabbing said hand into a handshake. A part of her was ready for the inevitable question Mei and Bronya asked regarding her special condition but it never came. Instead, Kiana simply nodded and smiled before she turned to March.

The pinkette stared at the hand for too long Stelle was obliged to remind her of basic social courtesy by elbowing her on the side for the second time that day. March drew in a deep breath and grabbed the hand a little too quick.

"I'm March. March 7th"

Again, they waited for the question from Kiana but the white haired woman never delivered them. She either didn't realize or simply didn't care, but judging from the reactions of her two friends before the former was very unlikely.

"You're married to Mei, right?" March began inquisitively, taking a glimpse at the silver rings around Kiana and Mei's fingers. "Does that mean your full name is Kiana Raiden?"

Kiana stared at March's face for precisely three seconds before a massive grin broke on her face. "I like her" she declared with her thumb towards March, glancing at Mei all the while who chuckled in response. March was absolutely flabbergasted by Kiana's response she was at loss for words. "But nah. We keep our surnames because, well, none of our fathers is willing to give up the other"

"Kiana is a member of the Kaslana family" Mei promptly explained. "It's not really in their tradition to give up their surname in marriage, as usual of the Three Houses"

"Three Houses?"

"The Three Houses" Welt chimed in to answer Stelle. "They are the foundations of Schicksal; Schariac, Kaslana and Apocalypse. The Schariac Family is what you consider as the Holy Maid while the Kaslana Family is the Knight in this dynamic, each having their own roles to fulfill"

"What about the Apocalypse?"

"They're the leader of Schicksal. Many Apocalypses were tactical geniuses with unprecedented approaches to various problems. The current Overseer is Theresa Apocalypse"

"Kiana herself is special" Mei said proudly, smiling an equally proud smile. "Her mother was a Schariac while her father is a Kaslana"

"Was?" March asked with a frown to Kiana who hummed affirmatively.

"My mom died in her service as a Schicksal's Valkyrie. She was the strongest S rank Valkyrie of her generation" The white haired woman elaborated solemnly, putting a hand to her chest and mentally patting a certain girl in her head comfortingly. "During the Second Eruption three decades ago, a girl named Sirin ascended and became the Second Herrscher after she witnessed her friends getting experimented on by Schicksal"

"Wait, what? I thought Schicksal is the good guy?" March interrupted, tone a mixture of confusion and horror. Kiana chuckled bitterly at that.

"The previous Schicksal's Overseer was... A very lucrative man towards his sole goal. He was willing to sacrifice the world for his selfish desire. It's changed now, for the better"

"We were Schicksal's trainee Valkyries when we were still teenagers" Mei's nostalgic voice added to Kiana's explanation. "We dreamt of fighting for the good of the world but it turned out our ultimate superior was a wolf in sheep's clothing. He kidnapped Kiana and used her to wake the defeated Second Herrscher"

"So Herrschers are evil...?" Stelle tentatively asked, glancing between Welt and the three women.

"Herrschers are the envoys of Honkai" Welt answered plainly. "It's in our nature to be destructive. However, some that managed to retain their humanity could choose to fight against Honkai itself. So is the case you see right now"

Mei nodded. "The Second Herrscher actually retained her humanity but she chose to serve Honkai because she blamed all humans for her and her friends' sufferings"

"I mean, it's hard to really blame her because what she went through" March muttered dejectedly to herself but they heard her nonetheless. "Although, it's still wrong to try and destroy an entire race because of it"

Kiana who had been quietly listening spoke up again. "My mother thought so too. Sirin was just a child. When everyone tried to stop her through every means necessary, my mother reached out to her in their last moment together so she could understand how it feel to be loved. My mother sowed the seed of my future without knowing it"

"What do you mean?"

Kiana looked up towards Stelle and shrugged, a lazy smile on her face. "I'm actually a clone of the original Kiana. My sister, Bianka her name, is the real Kiana. I was created from her gene and Sirin's for the sole goal of becoming a vessel for the Second Herrscher"

Eyes opened so wide they're almost popping off their sockets, March stammered. "Y-you mean you're not a real person?" Stelle gasped and elbowed March for the third time that day, glaring at the pinkette who just caught up to what she said. "Oh, um... I'm sorry, I don't mean it that way" March dipped her head apologetically, shame flooding her system. "Sorry"

But Kiana simply laughed, catching both girls off guard. "I know what you meant, hell I was thinking the same thing too" She chuckled softly, giving March a reassuring look that pretty much said it was fine. "But, hey, not everyone can brag they're born from a pod. That was pretty cool in itself"

"Idiot" Bronya muttered yet the fond smile on her face was anything but a match to her word. "Lady Cecilia sacrificed herself after she used her blood to cure a state-wide Honkai infection. It was due to her action I can be here. In a way, her action that day affected not just her close ones but also strangers around the planet"

"The sum is always greater than its parts" Mei added. "The combined efforts of our parents created a future for us"

"Even your parents were involved?" Stelle asked and Mei nodded. "Huh, it sounds too much for a coincidence..."

"Mei's father was a close supporter to Anti-Entropy. He is a genius in his line of work" Welt explained. "It was around that time Siegfried and Ryoma met"

"Right, you went to the Moon with Papa to confront Sirin..."

Welt hummed almost absently. "That certainly brings back memories"

"Kind of funny, don't you think?" Kiana chuckled dryly. "Sirin went to the Moon to acquire help from above to destroy mankind. Now I lived on the Moon so I can give people on Earth a chance to live normally"

"Sirin and you are different" Mei said gently, putting her hand on top of Kiana's in a comforting manner. "But I'm sure she wouldn't have done what she did if she was just a bit more fortunate. Fate was cruel to her, yet it wasn't so cruel to us to not give a second chance. You are her second chance, Kiana. A second chance for humanity"

Kiana hummed and patted Mei's hand. "I know"

"Anything else you would want to know?" Bronya began anew after a long pause, directing her gaze to Stelle and March expectantly but March particularly. The pinkette stared back and pondered before she shrugged offhandedly.

"I have another question" Stelle announced. Her expression was tight with all the seriousness as her golden eyes skipped over the four Herrschers before they stopped at the only man there. "What is the deal with your cane?"

Welt raised a surprised eyebrow, slightly bemused. He brought the aforementioned cane up and held it level. "This? It's the Star of Eden"

Stelle's face went blank as she blinked owlishly.

"The what?"

"It's a Divine Key" Bronya cut in before Welt could answer. "Made of a dead Herrscher Core"

"Made of what?"

This time it was Mei's turn to speak before Bronya. "Our world is divided by 2 era's; the Current Era and the Previous Era. The Previous Era is an era before our era. Fifty thousand years ago there was high-tech humans living on our planet already but they lost the war with Honkai and those who survived retreated from the world and civilizations. Unlike the Current Era, the Previous Era's Herrschers were all evil because they couldn't retain their humanity so all the humans had to fight with their own power, this is where the Divine Keys come in validation"

"The heroes of that time, they were called the Flame-Chasers. There was thirteen of them with each possessing power beyond normal human. One of them was Vill-V, a weapon and engineering genius. She was one of the people who designed and created the Divine Keys"

"Their technology far exceeded ours" Welt uttered matter-of-factly, fixing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "They actually managed to create a Divine Key that is similar to the Express"

"No way..." March said breathlessly, appearing shocked. "The Express is created by an Aeon. Are you saying there's human who can create something like it?!"

"Similar but not the same" Welt elaborated. "The Second Divine Key, the Key of Infinity, is a locomotive engine that is capable of travelling the Sea of Quanta. It's a spaceship like the Express and theoretically can do what the Express can do, just a little better since it can travel the Bubble Universe too. However, due to the dangerous nature of the Sea, it's rarely used and its performance is doubtful at most. It's also prone to malfunction but it's mostly because we have little knowledge how it works, compared to other Divine Keys" He emphasized his words by twirling his cane between his fingers before handing it to Bronya. "For example..."

Bronya nodded and began to morph the cane back to its original shape. Much to the girls' fascination, it turned from an elongated stick to one compact ball that crackled with energy over Bronya's open palm. "This is the original shape of the Star of Eden, the 9th Divine Key. It was made of the Previous Era Herrscher of Star who had control over gravity. Although, it's not entirely uncommon for the weapon to shape-shift"

To accentuate her point, Bronya tapped into her Truth power and began to modify the orb with Anti-Entropy's cannon design. It was an indigenous design she came up with during their final battle on the Moon by combining the Domain of Revelation with the Star of Eden. With a Divine Key as its power source, the cannon was significantly stronger than its predecessor.

She undid the modifications after a moment and the weapon returned to its original form, the tidbits encasing it disappeared to thin air. "Many Divine Keys have secondary forms" Bronya finished as she handed the weapon back to Welt. Just like before, it shifted to its cane form in his hand.

"That was cool"

Kiana smirked. "If you think that's cool then you should—"

Bronya moved faster than they could blink, jumping forward to grab Kiana's outstretched hand. The Kaslana blinked inquisitively to Bronya who stared at her impassively, unimpressed. "Don't use your Void power when we're on FTL"

Kiana trusted Bronya more than she would like to admit so when she saw all the seriousness in her gaze she wordlessly obliged with a little nod, folding her hands back down over her thighs. "Okay, guess I'll show you girls later"

"You girls should rest" Welt began, referring to Stelle and March with his stare. "It's getting late and I have a feeling we'll be busy tomorrow"

"Fine by me" Stelle stood up and stretched with a grunt, grabbing March by the hand and dragging her along. "Let's go, March"

"What, why? I want to hear more stories!"

"I'm sure we have time later. This is payback for dragging me out of the bed earlier"

"What?! No! Mister Welt, help me!"

"What makes you think he'll help you? He's the one who came with the suggestion"

"Nooooooooo...! I don't wanna!"

Both girls disappeared. Kiana who watched them couldn't help but giggle. "Sure nice to be young"

"You are young" Bronya deadpanned, receiving a grunt from Kiana. Even though her expression was unchanging, her words were laced with concern when she spoke next. "How are you doing, Kiana?"

Kiana glanced at Bronya, instantly knowing this was Bronya being genuine. Sighing, Kiana slumped down to her chair tiredly. "Mostly alright. Still trying to unpack my thoughts on this" She paused as she closed her eyes to silently ponder her predicament. "You've met her, right?"

A grimace pulled on Bronya's lips and she slowly nodded even though Kiana couldn't see her. "Yes"

"... how are you managing?"


Kiana cracked an eye open to look at Bronya, searching for any lie. When she found none, she frowned. "I see..."

"I'm more worried about you" Bronya confessed, gesturing at Mei with her head. "Mei and I, that is. We thought you would be distressed by this ordeal"

Kiana smiled a grateful smile. She knew she could always rely on her family to care for her. She had learned long ago that her path shouldn't be lonely, that she should share her burden with those around her. As much as it hurt her, it also hurt her friends to see her smile a fake smile as she tried to comfort them with false assurances. She had made a vow to not hide her pain from her family and they took care of their own that way. "I was shocked, maybe a little bit sad too. But..." She bit her lower lip and drew a shaking breath in. "She's not her. I know as much"

"She's gone" Welt began somberly, his grip tightening around his cane. "She was the one and only. I hope you understand that. No matter what we do, we can't save what has already gone"

"But the present is a different matter, right Mister Welt?" Kiana implored and Welt nodded. "The person you said you need to protect in your message is Himeko, right?"

"Was that deliberate?" Mei asked. "You didn't mention her name"

"Because in the grand scheme of things, it's not important. My desire to protect her is a completely selfish goal of mine. However, I won't deny that I was worried how you three would react to the information should I mention her name"

They knew of his past and his relation with their Himeko. If anything, this whole ordeal probably affected him more than any of them. Unlike them, Welt knew Himeko for decades and his guilt for her was big and heavy to carry alone. He had nobody to share the burden and pain except himself.

Kiana understood this, so did Mei and Bronya. They were the closest Welt could share his circ*mstance with yet it still didn't compare. The three of them had their closure but Welt never had that luxury because that self-imposed vow he made to himself after the misfortunes and lies he had to inflict upon the Muratas. It's a necessary evil as many would say, a necessity at its worst. The path to the future was paved with detriments.

They understood, they really did. One thing they also understood was their late teacher so Kiana was confident when she spoke on her behalf. After all, she was her kindling so it was her duty to share the warmth and brightness Himeko sparked for her.

"It's okay, Mister Welt" Kiana began with a smile. Bronya and Mei nodded along, solemnly looking at Welt. There was no pity in their eyes, just plain and naked understanding for Welt to see. "We know what we must do. She taught us everything we needed to understand. You don't need to worry about us"

Kiana didn't say it. It was obvious to begin with. The single unsaid point that they would protect this Himeko the way he would because they knew their teacher and just like Welt they too had a special connection with her. They had seen the side Welt didn't see in his years with Himeko the same way they didn't know the side of Himeko Welt had seen. But it was not important. It was what make their connections special. Each had their own reasons but they shared one common goal.

"She taught you well..." Welt said softly, giving the three women a kind stare that was borderline nostalgic. "All of you"

"In a way we have you to thank" Mei said, smiling also. "You're one of her reasons to become a Valkyrie"

"Even if it's due to a rather unfortunate incident" Kiana breathed out. "But she had no regrets. I can tell as much. I believe she was proud of the path she chose until the very end"

"She was proud of you" Welt stated quietly to Kiana but the Kaslana shook her head.

"She was proud of us. All of us"

A lull. The Express' engine hummed and the floor vibrated slightly. Stars moved and disappeared behind the thick windows as columns after columns of cosmic dust were kicked by the train. A nebula came into sight and they entered it, plunging the spaceship into an endless mixture of colorful clouds.

Throughout this all Welt was silent as he thought of what Kiana said. Ten years ago the subject of Himeko would bring endless pain to the girl but now whenever she spoke of the redhead she always had a slight smile on her face. What goes around, comes around.

Kiana was proud of her teacher. She might not realize it but it was all she told the world. No more despair, only gratitude.

The chair's legs scraped against the floor as Kiana stood up. She hummed to herself, dragging it back to its original position under Pom-Pom's watchful eyes. "I still feel sleepy so I'm going to hit the sack" She announced to the group before her eyes found Mei. Bronya couldn't help but to wrinkle her face when Kiana gave Mei her puppy eyes. "Coming?"

Mei hummed sweetly, standing up from the sofa. She gave Welt a parting wave. "Good night, Mister Welt"

Welt nodded but didn't answer verbally. Bronya waited until Mei and Kiana disappeared before she stood up with a sigh.

She made her way back to the passenger carriage, stopping right beside Welt. Putting a hand on his shoulder, Bronya gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Take a rest"

Welt patted the hand on his shoulder affectionately, nodding. After a second the warmth left as Bronya continued on her way, leaving him alone in his reverie.

Welt returned to his quarters precisely an hour later when everyone was fast asleep, the dull echoes of his cane filling the deafening silence of the carriage like a lonely howl of a lone wolf.



The breeze of your world~
Will wake you up, again~

One question people have been asking me is; "Will Kiana see Himeko's sword in the space station?" And the answer is "no"

The reason? Because there's no acute reason for it to happen. Besides, I do think it's nothing but a simple Easter egg because we saw her sword was recovered at the end of HOD arc with the gang saying their goodbyes to her. It was pointless and cheap angst. I don't do cheap angst lol.

Kudos and reviews are appreciated, thank you so much for stopping by!

Chapter 5: The Despondent Crowd


A little confession; I personally think things are going a little too fast in this chapter especially when compared to the previous two chapters but there's only so much I can fill with how brief the introduction arc of Belobog was. Not to mention I don't want to bore you guys because I'm sure we all know what happens here.

Don't worry, we'll slow down when the Underworld arc begins.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 5: The Despondent Crowd

It began like this.



"Have I told you that I very much hate alarm clocks?"

"That's not alarm clock, Kiana. And yes, you have"

"What if, say, I obliterate it right here right now?"

"You'd make a mess. Also, someone might reprimand us later"

"Oh, come on... I wanna stay on the bed a little longer"

"Duty's call, sweetheart"

It began with Kiana declaring war on all alarm clocks in the universe, a quick kiss, and hasty morning routines when Pom-Pom's voice rung from the terminal for the second time with their names specifically in the announcement. Breakfast was out of the question instantly, much to Kiana's dismay and Mei's regret because she knew how much Kiana was looking forward for her cooking despite Herrscher and their superpower which allowed them to live without food. But old habits died hard, not yet to say it was one of many things Kiana did when she was still a human.

"I don't want to forget who I'm fighting for" Was what she said once when Mei threw her the question. "I'm a human and will forever be"

With that much power, she could pretty much ascend to godhood and abandon all mortal traits but it wasn't who Kiana was. Her mind was simple, her wish even simpler; to fight for all that's beautiful. What was more beautiful than the world where her loved ones lived, then?

Kiana did not wish for power. She saw her strength as a form of trust her friends and family gave her, entrusted as a legacy for her to carry. Most of people on Earth did not even know her face. All they were aware of was that a goddess living on the Moon was looking after everyone down there. Parents told their children to not fear the dark night, for it was when the goddess's sight was the clearest.

It was all she wanted, really. To give people hope.

After grooming Kiana's hair in what admittedly was her best record, Mei set up with her beloved to the Parlor Car. Everyone was there this time, including Himeko and a young man neither recognized because he wasn't with them before. March greeted them with a cheerful greeting they returned while Himeko smiled warmly to the two women.

"All freshened up, ladies?"

"Yup! Even a better sleep! Shame we have to skip breakfast, though. Mei is an excellent cook, you know"

"I'd love to know"

Kiana slipped to an easy conversation with Himeko afterwards and Mei couldn't be more proud of her. She could almost feel the relief deep in her chest from Thunder despite her other self not saying anything at the display. Seeing how Kiana was already knee deep in talk, Mei saw it fit to be the one to introduce themselves to the young man.

"I'm Mei and that's Kiana"

"I'm Dan Heng"

Dan Heng was a polite person. That was the impression Mei got the moment their hands locked into a handshake. Being a teacher and Squad Leader, Mei had the first hand experience of young men vowing themselves to protect everyone including her with forced bravado. A squeeze too tight, a smile too confident. It was kind of adorable, really, because it reminded her of a certain Kaslana so Mei made sure to subtly ground them to reality by beating them in exercise later on to show how much they would need to grow to protect her.

But Dan Heng's grip was gentle. No pretentious strength underneath. Instead, Mei could feel how rough his palm was, showing his hardships even if he wasn't verbal about it.

He reminded her of Adam. Another one of her prized students.

Kiana gave him a wave of greeting amidst her conversation with Himeko and Dan Heng returned it with a nod. Mei observed how he quietly blended with the background and her mind immediately flagged him as the strong silent type. Exactly the type she would need to keep an eye on because they're prone to bigger problems.

Turned out the reason why they're gathered so suddenly was because Himeko called for an emergency meeting and the what for was obvious once they looked outside the window. Jarilo-VI, a lush green planet with sapphire blue oceans in the Express' databank, was very much anything but. The planet was covered in ice from pole to pole with hurricane visibly swirling in one point and just by looking at it they could feel the coldness sweeping in. It drew a horrified gasp from Kiana and a troubled frown from Bronya while Mei grimaced.

There were people living in the planet according to the databank Mei read last night when Kiana was fast asleep. The IPC, a galactic corporation of some sort, had an account of losing contact with the planet local inhabitants for decades now. Mei hoped there were still people around.

Another problem they had was the Stellaron. Himeko told them they had detected an energy signature with patterns similar to the World's Cancer itself and it's interfering with the Star Rail network so even if they wanted to, they couldn't leave until it was destroyed. Dan Heng and the girls volunteered for the job and Mei, being a mother hen she was, decided to join them to make sure there's someone to bail them when they were in trouble. She knew the song and dance, that it was impossible to keep a bunch of teenagers from troubles. They were there once.

Kiana excitedly announced she wanted to go with them, how she finally get to set foot on an actual planet again and interact with people after so long. At least, until Bronya grabbed her by the back of her jacket collar like she would an overly excited kitten and squashed her hope like she would a co*ckroach.

"We have a job to do" Was Bronya's decree to Kiana's diminishing excitement. The Kaslana wailed like Bronya had just demanded her first born all the way until they exited the Express, her scream muffled by the vacuum of space until the door coldly slid shut.

Mei, being the only available adult because Himeko and Welt still needed to fix the Express after their little run in, was now responsible for the kids. She had no problem and plenty of experience so Mei was confident she could look after them. That didn't stop Welt from reminding her of the one crucial rule, though.

"Mei, I'm sure you know but this will be their first expedition alone. You'll have to keep your involvement to bare minimum and let them grow"

"Of course"

It was the pillar of adulthood; to let the youngsters grow on their own accord. Their Himeko didn't intervene much when they were in her squad back then and Mei followed her teacher's teaching to the T. She would be there if they needed her and that was enough.

After Kiana was gone in a swirling void with a defeated expression Mei couldn't help but be sorry for, Himeko announced a suitable place for them to drop the Express' Space Anchor. Turned out, there was a large heat signature in one big place, at least city scale, and if they wanted to look for civilization it would be their best bet.

Frankly, Mei was simply relieved they had a little hope still. The world was harsh it went a literal apocalyptic event at one point that turned it into one giant ice ball. When the Anchor was set and they made their planetfall via the Fast Beam, the extreme cold immediately bit into their clothes unbidden. Thankfully, the path of Trailblazer gave the kids some measure of tolerance against extreme climates amongst many other benefits and the cold was still within the tolerable thresholds.

Mei herself hardly felt a thing. While she wasn't the ruler of flame who was always warm, she was still a Herrscher of equal footing with her Finality. Thunder even snorted at the idea of such a meager inconvenience hindering her, remarking how insignificant it was compared to Ana's power when Mei fought the Herrscher of Ice back in Coral City.

She was not one to brag so Mei gave Thunder a halfhearted shrug as a response for her quirk.

Ambling through the knee deep snow, however, was proven to be the more problematic endeavor. Mei, Stelle and Dan Heng who were in the taller section in physical term fared a bit better compared to March. The pinkette was a bundle of energy, unfortunately the way she skipped on her steps often would fall her into problems. Literally. March had at least two mouthfuls of snow because she dove headfirst into the ground when her foot got stuck on particularly deep ditches.

In the end they decided to slow down, sacrificing time for a more safer travel. Mei was looking into her phone Himeko gave her and replying to Welt's message when a commotion from the trio reached her super hearing. They thought they found a body stuck in a ditch but that body was pretty much still alive and asking for help.

Mei was quick to jump to action, positioning Seven Thunders aside before kneeling down and beginning to dig into the snow. Dan Heng joined her a split second later with March while she ordered Stelle to watch their surroundings for danger. Stelle gave Mei a thumbs up and shouldered her baseball bat, ready for anything.

It took them a while to help the man because, somehow, he was stuck to chest level upside down. It almost like he just jumped off a nearest cliff headfirst into the ground. Once he was freed, Mei was quick to go back to her feet and regarded him.

March offered him water while Dan Heng helped him up. He graciously accepted and thanked them before introducing himself to them.

"My name is Sampo, dearest saviors of mine!"

The way he talked set all sort of alarms in Mei's head and she quickly adapted a more wary stance, quietly listening to the conversation while consulting to Thunder.

"Sweet talker, terrible exaggerated charisma. Even more terrible hairstyle"

The last bit made Mei huff in amusem*nt.

Sampo agreed to help them head towards the city as a return of goodwill, more or less confirming there was still an active civilization with people in it. He warned them to avoid the local military organization, though, saying that the Silvermane Guards would arrest anyone without permits wandering the frozen tundra on the spot before interrogating them in their headquarters. While he assured them the Guards were lawful, it would be best if they stayed low.

Their luck didn't quite allow that, though.

A few minutes into their walk and they already got caught by a squad of Silvermane Guards. Sampo, being a sly fox he was, slipped off while everyone was busy trying to persuade the Guards that they were not local and thus unaware of the law. Mei saw him off but let him, opting to help March convincing the Guard's Captain to not arrest them instead.

His name was Gepard and after a near clash March finally succeeded in persuading him by showing pictures of her journey and the Express. Gepard was a reasonable man so he agreed to help them into the city after seeing the proofs.

Gepard filled them in about the city of Belobog. Starting from a little bit of its history, the hierarchy system and its layouts. Mei listened through it all with great interest, asking a few questions here and there and putting the answers into a proverbial box in her head to unpack later. Right now they were heading to Qlipoth Fort, a massive fortress like structure that acted as Belobog's Center of Administration.

"It looks surprisingly normal" Mei had said to Gepard who followed her wandering gaze.

"We try to maintain a semblance of normalcy around and have been successful for the last few centuries. People are living the best they can under Madam Supreme Guardian's watchful guide"

Mei couldn't help but to admire that resolve. In time of war, it was very difficult to keep the populace from unrest and these people managed to do that for centuries to no end. Generations fought and died for a glimpse of peaceful life, something the Silvermane Guards knew of intimately.

"So this Supreme Guardian... Are they chosen by the people?"

"No, but they are taken from the people. When an individual of exceptional skills appears amongst the folks, the Councils will then try to recruit them to be a Supreme Guardian. Of course, it must be done out of free will so we don't take unwilling individuals. A Supreme Guardian's duty is critical, we cannot have a half-hearted in the seat"

"Heavy is the head with the crown"

"... Is that a proverb from your world?"


"I like it"

He dropped them off right outside the Supreme Guardian's office, the two guards nodded at Gepard from their posts by the door. After a quick apology for his inability to accompany them further due to his duty demanding his immediate presence, Gepard left. Mei decided it was her responsibility to introduce the group and their intentions.

"Fall out" She called and the trio easily trailed her as they entered.

That was two minutes ago. A lot had happened since Mei woke up that morning but admittedly, it was mild compared to what she's experiencing right now.

The moment the door opened and they entered, her mind stumbled to halt along with her step because somehow she was seeing a person she didn't expect to see again after so soon. A person with the face and body of her best friend's. A person with the same voice of her best friend's, just a lot more emotional because she was not mentally impaired as she made herself clear with the heated debate she had with the Supreme Guardian.

Mei's mind stuttered for the second time because, somehow, Cocolia was the Supreme Guardian.

And Bronya was a Silvermane Guard.

"Stranger things have happened, Raiden Mei" Thunder voice echoed in her head, rousing Mei from her stupor. Narrowing her eyes, Mei fought the urge to rest her hand on the hilt of Seven Thunders when Cocolia's eyes landed on them.

Free was here the criminal who conspired against her and her family.

But Mei tried to not judge this Cocolia as a villain she was back on Earth. That Cocolia was jailed for life in the United States for crime against humanity, left to rot in the deepest of hell where the light of salvation could never reach. Mei schooled her expression then. Not friendly but not hostile either, just a mask of indifference she wore when she was still with the World Serpent.

Kiana would scold her if she saw her wearing that face again. She made it clear she hated the dull sheen of coldness because it did not fit her pretty face, so she said.

When Cocolia's attention shifted to the newcomers, Bronya immediately fell quiet and turned to face them. Mei saw the previously rare display of expressions on her best friend's face came and went so quickly on this Bronya's face. Bronya regarded them with a fleeting look before she addressed Cocolia again.

"We shall talk about this matter again later"

Cocolia nodded, although Bronya already turned to leave before she could see the gesture. Mei watched silently as Bronya walked past them, the clicking of her heels echoing in the vast chamber and disappearing behind the door behind them.

"So, what business do you have?"

Mei cleared her throat, swallowing the scathing tone threatening to spill out of her mouth and instead using a more neutral one when she replied. "We are here to offer our help"

"We are the crew of Astral Express. The train built by the late Aeon Akivili? I'm sure you know" March chimed in warmly, a notion Cocolia didn't share as her eyes flicked towards the pinkette. March visibly squirmed under the intense gaze and in a smaller tone she added a quiet "Ma'am".

Mei didn't like the patronizing look Cocolia gave March, that added with her personal grudge against her Cocolia made her step forward to draw the attention of the Supreme Guardian to her again. "We're here to destroy the Stellaron"

Short, quick and decisive. The Gem of Conquest and Thunder's personality mingling with her own resolve. Mei could practically feel the soft approving hum from Thunder when she locked eyes with Cocolia.

"We have no record of this Stellaron whereabouts" Cocolia answered plainly and Mei fought the urge to narrow her eyes in suspicion. The Express' onboard scanners could not be wrong for they were built to hunt Stellaron's energy signature on purpose. Still, she's willing to give the benefits of the doubt to this Cocolia. "But we will help you find it"

"Thank you, Madam Guardian"

Cocolia nodded. "Welcome to Belobog. Now, I'm afraid we'll have to cut this meeting short" She gestured towards the stacks of documents on her table, eyes still locked with Mei's in a silent staring contest.

Mei replied with a curt nod of her own. "Of course"

"I didn't want to say it before but that was super odd" March began in a whisper just when the Silvermane Guard left them in Goethe's hotel lobby to check in. Mei, who was doing the admin works for the four of them, tilted her head curiously to listen.

"What do you mean?"

The pinkette gestured wildly with her hands, responding to Stelle's question. "That and that! First the strict rule to not venture the wilderness and then there's Sampo, wherever he is now, randomly getting stuck in the middle of nowhere. He would've died had we not saved him! And now we have Bronya..."

Mei could feel three pairs of eyes staring at her back so she shrugged noncommittally, fishing out for credits to pay the hotel upfront from her pocket. Himeko had the foresight to provide them enough fund for a month of living, apparently.

"Um, Mei?"

"Yes, March?"

"Are you sure Bronya is not playing prank on us?"

Mei chuckled as she scribbled her signature. "No, March. Bronya doesn't do prank unless you are Kiana. Besides, she's still in the Sea of Quanta building relays so we can call home"

"What do you mean by 'unless you are Kiana'? Does she hate Kiana or something?"

Mei glanced back with a fond smile. "Quite the opposite. You saw how they interacted last night?" When Stelle and March nodded, Mei continued. "Bronya might sound demeaning with Kiana but she loves us all like a family. We are family to her, one and only"

Mei gestured for them to follow, finished with the administration, and handed each of them a key for their respective rooms. March glanced at hers and then Stelle's, noting the numbers on the keychains. "Oh, look. We're neighbors"

Stelle grunted. "So it seems. What about you, Dan Heng?"

"Just right beside you"

"I'll be across you three" Mei said, dangling her key between her fingers for them to see. "Don't hesitate to knock on my door if you need something"

After parting ways and wishing goodnight to each other, Mei quietly closed the door of her room behind her and sighed. The sun had almost set on the horizon, bathing the room in a golden glow of dying light. She checked on her phone to see for any new message and found none before going to the bathroom to freshen up, untying Seven Thunders and its scabbard off her waist and putting it against the bed's frame.

Opening the wardrobe to make sure everything was in order, she meticulously shed her clothes and grabbed a towel, bringing with her her phone into the bathroom.

Mei put it on nearby stand and filled the bathtub with hot water of her preferred temperature before stepping into it and sinking down. A pleased hum left her throat, the water doing wonders to her tense muscles, and closed her eyes.

Fifteen minutes later she was standing behind a sink with towel wrapped around her body, brushing her teeth in the mirror. Per usual, her amethyst orbs drifted down to her neck where a thin line of imperfect skin stood like a sore thumb. Being a Herrscher, she could have easily healed it but Mei refused to do so. After all, it was a reminder of what length she had to go through to save her most beloved.

Finishing up, she washed her face and smiled, fingers tracing the scar absently. Mei would usually hide it from others by wearing a choker or high collar outfits but she did it not out of shame. To her it was special and the only one allowed to see it besides herself was Kiana. Kiana knew what it meant unlike many others, often voicing her love back by showering it with butterfly kisses.

"Wipe that stupid grin off your face. You're not a lovesick teenager anymore" Thunder said with clear distaste and Mei chuckled.

"You said it like you're not proud of it" Mei countered slyly, throwing her dirty clothes into a washing machine and beginning washing them. Thunder huffed but didn't deny it, earning a short laugh from Mei.


Mei stepped out of the bathroom, heading for the wardrobe to look for a pajama of her sizes. It took her a while but she found one after a little rummaging, albeit a little tight fit, and proceeded to wear it. She just finished brushing her hair when a knock resonated from behind her door.

"Room service"

Mei opened it to see a young woman in a familiar Goethe's uniform standing in the hallway, a polite smile on her face Mei returned. "Hello"

"Hello, good evening, ma'am. I'm in charge for tonight's dinner. What would you like to order? I have the menu here"

"Oh, no need" Mei politely declined, still smiling. "I have had my fill. However, I would appreciate it if you bring me a warm cup of tea? And books"

The woman blinked inquisitively. "Books, ma'am?"

"Yes, if it's not too much trouble?"

"Oh, no. That's not what I meant. I'm unsure what sort of books you want"

"Oh, anything is okay. But if you have history books then I would appreciate it if you bring some to me"

"Okay. I will bring you history books from our reading collection along with your tea"

"Thank you, miss, I appreciate it"

Mei closed the door after giving the woman another smile. Now all she had to do was wait.

Midnight descended quietly upon the frozen world. The already cold air turned even colder with frost creeping over the window panes like a self growing spider webs. Through it all Mei was silent as she read through the fifth book she was given to read.

Quick reading, as she found out, was one of the benefits of being a Herrscher of Thunder. To begin with, super speed was the main strength of Thunder besides the lightning and all that. The books were no means slim with each containing at least three hundred pages yet she scanned through everything in mere hours at what she considered as her leisure speed.

Every useful information was stored inside her head and although she didn't have photographic memory like Bronya and Kiana, Mei was a sharp individual by design. It came with the job, really, being a teacher demanded that much.

The warm tea was a nice companion, disregarding the minor inconvenience that had her needing to go to the bathroom every now and then. People of this world used what they called Geomarrow to warm their surroundings and the mineral was also useful to keep a pot of tea warm. Whoever came up with the idea must have been a genius.

Scarce moonlight filtered through her curtained windows and Mei instinctively looked outside for a brief moment before realizing she was not at home where her beloved would've been far up high on Luna. No, Kiana was with her this time and the thought alone sent a warmth down her chest the tea couldn't compare. Smiling to herself, she wondered how Kiana was doing with her little project with Bronya as she had for the past long hours.

Mei glanced at her phone and sighed.

"Can you not?"

Mei blinked and hummed inquisitively. "What do you mean?"

"I live in your head. I hear every single lament and thought you think and it's all about Kiana and her absence. I'm sick of listening you fussing"

"Weren't you the one who wanted to get all handsy with her?"

Mei could feel Thunder reeling in surprise at her bluntness and couldn't help but chuckle.

"You little runt. What I want with Kiana is none of your concern"

"I would know"

"I don't like this you. You're easier to deal with when you're just a timid girl who feared everything"

"You taught me to be assertive. That way I can get what I want, no?"

Thunder fell silent and Mei basked in the moment. She just started reading again when Thunder finally responded.

"You don't have to be so witty about it"

Mei paused. The sentence she just read completely slipped off her mind and tumbled out her ears, forgotten immediately.

"Are you... pouting?"


"You certainly are"

"I've no idea what you're talking about"

Mei smirked in amusem*nt but didn't say anything further, she knew when to stop pushing Thunder's button.

Silence reigned once again, the only sound being the rustling of papers as she turned the book pages and the soft tinking between the ceramic cup and saucer on the table as Mei took occasional sips of her tea.

The subject of her study this time was the Supreme Guardians. These people who led Belobog through turmoils throughout the era of Eternal Freeze. A lot of them was an exceptional individual with countless takes on problems, and a lot of them was simply leading a more stable reign. The current Supreme Guardian had been seated for over a decade with her rule being on the more quiet one.

Then, why can't I shake the feeling that something's off...

Maybe it was Mei's personal prejudice against Cocolia clouding her judgment, a humanly response to precedented aggression inflicted on them. Someone could never truly eliminate that idea from their conscience once it took root. Still, not a lot of things could escape her meticulous observation and Cocolia certainly showed more than she said.

Mei's fingers drummed on the table as she pondered the thought with a frown on her face. Cocolia was somewhat flippant in her greetings earlier, not showing much aside from cold interest in fact. Even her Cocolia was more expressive and true to her feelings when it come to the ones she really cared about.

Bronya told her about her Matushka a lot. Her best friend had made her amends with Cocolia, that despite the misdeeds she had done she was actually very caring towards her foster children and it was hard for Bronya to blame her reason.

"Mei hates Matushka Cocolia and Bronya understands. Bronya hopes Mei does not hate Bronya for forgiving Matushka"

"I will never hate you, Bronya. I don't like Cocolia for what she did but it's not your fault. She was the only mother figure you had. I would never know how it feels to have a mother but I understand as much"

Bronya and Cocolia was not in a good term but Bronya still cared for her enough to visit every now and then along with Rozaliya and Liliya. Seele, the sweet and loving Seele however, couldn't bring herself to go with her. The relationships between Seele and Cocolia had always been complicated, mainly because Seele was the reason Cocolia pushed herself to damnation. Neither was willing to forgive themselves enough to make peace and Bronya made it her personal objective to bridge the two, despite little success.

If this Cocolia was anything like Earth Cocolia, then she must have that drive in her. Mei just needed to find out what but she was certain it had something to do with her position being a ruler of the last standing city on Jarilo-VI.

Taking a sip of her tea, Mei felt her chest rumble as Thunder growled.

"Someone has been watching us"

Mei hummed to herself, not missing the detail how Thunder referred to them as a single entity. "I'm aware"

"Shouldn't you do something about it?"

"Not unless they do something active"

Pretending to stretch, Mei subtly glanced outside her windows through the silky white curtain, seeing an obscure figure leaning near a vending machine. Her enhanced perception allowed her to capture everything to minute details.

Like their clothes and how openly they were staring at her specific room.

"It's a Silvermane Guard" Mei muttered, standing up as casually as she could and walking to her windows. She gently pried the curtain open before proceeding to unlock one window and immediately was greeted by a blast of frigid air.

As expected, the Guard looked down so he was now facing the streets instead of her room.

"The Betrayer has something up her sleeves I reckon"

Mei didn't respond right away, closing the window again after pretending a bout of shivers. She closed the curtains again and sat back down, now no more than a vague silhouette to the Guard and other possible outside observers. "I have a bad feeling about this"

Mei had checked the room for any possible bugs earlier when she entered for the first time by sending a burst of EM radiation and found none so at least she was on the clear in the protection of her chamber. Unless they had a way to spy on someone without using electronic based device, there was no reason to believe she was under direct surveillance. Still, she had to limit her movements and made them as natural as possible from outside perspectives to not raise suspicions even though she did nothing wrong.

It was a Silvermane Guard, meaning the local government itself was the one to order the espionage act. The probability of it being a fake Guard was low since the streets were patrolled regularly and none of the other Guards bat an eye to the one looking at her room. Cocolia was playing a game here.

Mei glanced at Seven Thunders still leaning against her bed and then the books. Thinning her lips, she proceeded to close the latter and grabbed her phone after downing her tea in one go. Mei crawled onto the bed, deftly shifting Seven Thunders so it was within her reach and laying down on the soft mattress.

Unlocking her phone, it chimed softly when a new message popped in. Mei's heart soared and a smile tugged on her lips as she began to read.

Kiana: Meiiiiiiiii!!!!

Kiana: Mei Imiss u so much Brinya is sovslow!!!

Mei chuckled lightly and typed back.

Mei: I miss you too. I've been waiting for your message all day.

Kiana: awwww. don't worry ill be back soon. bronya is reporting to welt rn we finally get the main relay thingy setup so it wont ne long until we done.

Kiana: yuo doing okau?

Mei grimaced.

We might have a little problem

Was what she wanted to say but Kiana would bail on Bronya to come immediately and made Bronya mad for leaving her in the Sea of Quanta if Mei told her that so instead Mei assured her.

Mei: We're on a hotel and resting. Tomorrow we'll start looking for the Stellaron. You won't believe this but there's another Bronya here.

Kiana: WHAT?!

Kiana: Aw man one is enough.

Kiana: oh well, I hope sheekkwslslksskslllaa

Mei: Kiana? What's wrong?

Mei frowned, waiting for a reply. When it came, however, it wasn't from the person she expected it from.

Kiana: Mei, it's Bronya. I'm confiscating the Idiotka's phone because she's been on it playing games all day.

Kiana: She also almost fell into a Void Pit because she's walking while messaging.

Kiana: She's okay. Just stupid.

Kiana: Unfortunately, Truth's power can't fix stupidity. Please don't message Kiana again until we're back.

Mei: Okay, but Bronya? We need to talk. There's something I want to say to you.

Kiana: Okay.

Kiana, or rather Bronya, went offline and Mei stared at the cold string of words notifying her leave with an amused smile. Her day long longing finally sated, Mei finally could rest. She flicked the lamp on the nightstand off, plunging the room into a near darkness, and closed her eyes.

Mei didn't sleep. She had no need to sleep with her Herrscher Core revitalized, feeding her limitless energy that eclipsed human's needs and such. It was a power comparable to ancient god's and she had it in abundance. Food, sleep or even air were nothing but decorum to everydayness, not needs but a simple complimentary.

When someone became a Herrscher, they were no longer human and it was true to not just power level but also how they function henceforth. Mei didn't feel exhaustion. She was as jovial and sharp as ever the next morning, which was why when everyone was confused by the sudden intrusion by a group of Silvermane Guards Mei was ready.

Mei was a protective wolf especially towards her pups. The kids under her command were like her own and she saw it fit to care for them as much. So, when a particularly co*cky Guardsman demanded for March to follow them immediately despite the girl's pleas for her decency Mei didn't hesitate to slam said Guardsman against a wall and pin him on place by the back of his neck with her powerful forearm.

"Whatever you need can wait until she has her clothes on" Mei growled dangerously, sending shivers down whoever heard her. Stelle and March who had never seen this side of her was stunned on the spot, staring with mouths agape. To them, Mei looked like a gentle and loving sister who would smile and laugh at the stupidest of jokes they made but this Mei was true to her warrior side.

Stelle took the opportunity to push March into her room, locked the door and guarded it while her friend changed to her usual set ups. Dan Heng joined her on her side with his arms crossed, offering a quick nod to Stelle as he also stared at Mei, although with more intrigue rather than surprise.

"W—what do you think are you doing?! Assault on Silvermane Guards is a crime!"

"The Silvermane Guards are allowed and well within their jurisdiction to carry out a lawful search and escort an individual or a group of individuals to certain locations they see fit for questioning or if ordered by the City Council or the acting Supreme Guardian. However, should the aforementioned individual or group of individuals request time to fulfill this order and is within reasonable time frame and reasonable cause, then by no means they are to be denied of this request. Silvermane Guards Codex Of Chivalry and Civil Conducts Page 24 Act 3 Line 1"


"Roland!" A voice boomed from the end of the hallway. The Guards who had their weapons raised at Mei the moment Mei showed transgression suddenly tensed up and lowered their cannons, turning around with such speed their armor audibly rattle.

A man pushed past the three Guards, his steps heavy and eyes furious as he glared at the pinned man. Mei could feel Roland shaking as his eyes found the approaching man.

"Captain! I—"

"Quiet, you bugger! I told you to notify them not force them out! Why are you acting on your own?!"

"I... I thought it would be better to bring them up myself?"


Mei blinked and released the man in her hold, watching him scamper away from his very angry Captain.


The three Guards stammered a "Yes, sir" before turning on their heels and walked away. The Captain sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose, and addressed Mei.

"I'm sorry about that, Ma'am. I will punish them accordingly"

Mei nodded, all traces of aggression leaving her body as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Thank you"

The man gave her a nod of his own. "Please deliver my apology to the young miss also"

He left then and not long after March emerged back from her room looking a little shaken, making Mei scowl with suppressed anger. Nobody touched kids under her care, ever.

Stelle put a comforting hand on March's shoulder. "Are you okay?"

March breathed out. "Yeah, well... That was a little scary"

"What do you think caused such lapse of misconduct, Mei?"

Mei realized she still had her hand tightly wrapped around Seven Thunders and relaxed it, smoothing her expression so she appeared less aggressive as she looked at the trio. Dan Heng was as stoic as ever but Mei could see a few concerned creases on his face as he waited for her reply.

"I have my suspicions" Mei said offhandedly with a shrug. "But it doesn't matter. Let's go meet the Supreme Guardian and ask"

It was, in fact, did matter. Verily so.

They just left the hotel when another group of Silvermane Guards approached them again, this time led by none other than Bronya. Unlike before, they were fully equipped with combat gear and ready for aggressions with some sporting heavy armor and shields along with rifles and cannons.

Mei, who still unused to the expressiveness on Bronya's face, narrowed her eyes when she stopped a few meters ahead of them with her hand raised.

"Halt!" Bronya ordered and they complied. "Disarm yourself and put your hands up"


"You are under arrest"

"For what?!" March shrieked in shock behind Mei, still flanked by Dan Heng and Stelle who shared a troubled look with each other. Mei, however, simply raised her eyebrows.

"Treason. Conspiring against the Supreme Guardian"

Oh, what are you playing here Cocolia?

Mei narrowed her eyes, ignoring Thunder's demand for control so she could fix the problem herself. Shifting her stance so she was now directly in front of the trio, Mei put a hand on the hilt of her sword without an intention to surrender.

"That was quite the accusation. What proof do you have?"

"That is to be settled in the court. Madam Guardian ordered for your arrest herself and we are obliged to carry it"

"And if we don't want to surrender ourselves?"

Bronya glared at Mei and it was so foreign and odd to see the face of someone who looked up for her twisted with so much dissent for the first time in her life. Bronya tightened her grip on her rifle, subtly hoisting it up higher until the blue bayonet under its barrel glinted with the morning sun threateningly, her complement of Guards also raising their weapons and shields.

"We are authorized to use force"

Mei for the most part was very calm yet from outside perspectives she looked like a tiger with its muscles taut ready to pounce its prey. Her body thrummed with energy, small lightning bolts cracking around her while her narrowed eyes began to glow. The teenagers behind her saw it all with bated breath, feeling the raw power on their skins.

It intensified when Mei, with a barest of tug, revealed the slightest glint of dark purple metal as Seven Thunders was unsheathed from the scabbard. She didn't even pull it out, just raising a fraction of its length off its scabbard yet the power it had was overwhelming enough the ozone smelled like thunderstorm.

Not wanting to be left behind, they also summoned their weapons. Dan Heng took a defensive stance when his spear materialized in his hand while March stepped a step back to make some distance with her bow ready. Stelle smirked and shouldered her bat, giving the Guards a challenging look.

Frankly, Mei didn't want to hurt Bronya, or anyone else for that matter. But she would rather be a juvenile with the trio than to let herself get thrown into whatever justice system the local had. A huge part of her mind found this whole situation ridiculous and a smaller part thought everything might've been done better if she didn't think so lowly of Cocolia. Yet, here she stood with her disdain proven to be not entirely baseless.

But saying something to slander on the Supreme Guardian would've only made the situation worse and confirmed their suspicion on them. She didn't believe nor want to generalize the Silvermane Guards as the antagonists here. Gepard looked like a honest man with a simple want to protect his home and the people in it, Mei was sure a lot of them was just like him. While Mei didn't know this Bronya and her drives, she refused to believe that someone with her friend's face was evil by default.

Bronya went against the Supreme Guardian yesterday. She was not a mindless robot who would do Cocolia's bidding blindly. That meant Bronya here was acting not out of spite nor malice but rather her sense of duty, something Cocolia clearly exploited.

It was all so familiar and Mei hated it.

"There's a closed route to your left. Two Guards guarding it"

Mei saw it too. She heard they closed the way because of the dangerous condition caused by what the local called Fragmentum Corrosion. She wasn't sure what it was but it's the only available escape route around.

She made her decision.

Sheathing Seven Thunders back, she turned around and was met with three pairs of confused eyes. Mei gestured towards the blockade and said her order as clear as possible.


The moment she finished uttering the word, a series of gunfires erupted as the Guards let loose their projectiles. Mei summoned Thunder's giant mechanical arms to block the attack all the while keeping pace with the sprinting trio, weaving and dodging melee attacks by shocking whoever close enough to reach her with her lightning bolts.

Dan Heng and Stelle raced forward, the former blocked a swing from one of the two Guards guarding the blockade with his spear before hitting said guard with the blunt shaft and knocking him out while the latter slid low to avoid an arching attack and hit her attacker in the head with her bat.

The two guards taken care of, March pulled the string of her bow and jumped into the air, aiming her strike on the pavements below. The translucent quiver she summoned hit the ground where it then exploded and coated it in a thick layer of slippery ice Mei easily evaded with a leap despite the distance.

The Silvermane Guards were not as fortunate.

"Mind the floor!" March yelled cheekily, not looking back at the surprised curses and thudding of metal against rock as the heavily armored Guards slipped and fell like refrigerators on stairs. She chuckled at the thought.

Mei did check with a glance though, noticing the majority of their pursuers were incapacitated in a pile of metal and bodies. But the small amount was still high on their tails, including Bronya who looked even more upset now.

"Which way to go?!" Stelle asked urgently when they came across a forked way. Mei racked her brains for Belobog's schematics and answered her.


Despite knowing the layouts, the Guards were more familiar with local environment. Their wayward thinking allowed them to catch up quickly and before long they were surrounded again.

"Stop right there!" Bronya shouted.

"Why do they always say that?" March whined, frantically looking around for a new escape route only to see Silvermane Guards waiting them there.

"What else do you want them to say?" Stelle responded breathlessly, grip deep on her bat. She pushed a strand of ashen hair off her sweaty face and grimaced.

"I don't know. 'Villains, your days of injustice are over'? That sounds cooler"

"Are we villains?"

"We haven't done anything wrong!"

"Maybe if we did something wrong then she would've said that"



The Guards closed in, trying to box them in a narrow passageway. With no other choice left, Mei was seriously considering to fight back. Her hand was on Seven Thunders again when something in the wind caught her attention.

A whistling. Subtle, as if something was piercing through the air. Mei glanced at the direction it came from, barely catching a glimpse of red and purple before smoke exploded all around them and obscuring her vision.

She held her breath, the simple notion of breathing forgotten. The rest of them was not so lucky, coughing and wheezing as the thick smoke entered their lungs.

"Wh—what is this?!" March stuttered between coughs, vision swimming as a sudden wave of dizziness took over. Stelle was the first to fall and hit the floor, unconscious, followed by Bronya in front of Mei and then March and Dan Heng.

Still alerted, Mei whipped around towards the sounds of footsteps approaching.

"Dear me, I didn't think you would be immune to that" Sampo said as he emerged from the smoke, the smirk on his face never fading. "Oh, well. This means I'll have help carrying them so it's fine, I suppose"

"Why are you here?"

The suspicion was thick in her tone and he noticed it immediately. Raising his hands in a placating manner, Sampo smiled a more reserved smile. "I don't abandon friends who have helped me" He crouched down to pick Dan Heng and Stelle, each on an arm, before continuing. "Come with me, I know a place"

Mei furrowed her eyebrows. He didn't give her much time to think before walking away. Looking down at March, she gently picked the girl up before her eyes drifted towards a head of white hair on the ground. Mei bit her lip and contemplated before she looped an arm around Bronya and carried her too.

"You're bringing Lady Rand with you, my friend?"

"Rand?" Mei asked, surprised. "She's a Rand?"

"You didn't know? She's Bronya Rand, the next Supreme Guardian if Lady Cocolia ever step down. She's the current acting Silvermane Guard Commander, quite a prestigious position"

"I have some questions for her to answer"

"I don't doubt it" He led her through a series of alleyways and shortcuts, going deeper and deeper into the city. "But Milady Doctor asked for me to bring you guys in. I hope you understand, friend, but Lady Rand there won't be my responsibility"

"I'll look out for her" Mei said resolutely, almost challenging. He glanced back and smiled warmly.

"I would appreciate it"

"... Where are you taking us, anyway?"

"A place where the Guards won't be roaming about without scrutiny, the only safe place for you in all of Belobog; the Underworld, of course"



Reviews and kudos are appreciated. Don't worry, I read all of your reviews. Just because I didn't reply doesn't mean I didn't care. There are things I'd rather keep for myself lol.

Thank you so much for stopping by!

Chapter 6: Where to Go Where to Come


I'm in a good mood so I can finish this chapter in just a little over a week. You probably won't be after reading it, though.

Consider yourself warned lol.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 6: Where to Go When to Come

"A soldier must be ready for anything"

From the moment she joined Schicksal's Valkyrie Training Program for budding and talented young girls roughly a decade ago it was the first lesson her teachers had been teaching her and her fellows. Day one, two and the months after, in fact.

Be ready, be vigilant and be smart. No shortage of happenstances could be too little or few to kill them in their line of work. A slight mishap could be all it take and that could begin with a split second hesitation. Those who see first had the highest chance to survive because no strategy was better than a sudden and swift surprise.

Mei taught her students what she was taught. It kept her alive in a job where many died young. She wasn't Bronya who had the most experience in warfare for the Silver Wolf of Ursals herself was born and lived in war. No, Mei was just a normal girl when she was forced to understand the blade at age where many thought of trivial daily life like hanging out with their friends or dumb romance.

War was not always about kill or be killed. Sometimes you had to save lives, sometimes you had to wait in a dark trench. But when the battle started, there was nobody who could truly help you besides yourself. War was as predictable as death itself, meaning it could come to you when you're less prepared.

Mei did not teach her students only to kill. She taught them how to survive which was more important than the act of taking life itself. There was only so much places and times in the variable but the individual was always one, always the same. She taught them so that even if the time and place were wrong, they could always be the right man.

Humans were domesticated but they never forgot how to kill. What they forgot was how to survive without the luxuries of the standards.

And standards were subjective to the person in question.

The Underworld was of standard of its own. The people living there lived a life of struggle from the moment they were born. Jam packed in a single point underneath the earth with no clearway for air or sunlight, everyone here lived with the thought of surviving just another day. It was truly a wonder nobody turned to their basic instinct of savagery so far.

She had read about the Underworld last night and the more she did the more horrified she became. The first Supreme Guardian, Alisa Rand, built Belobog ontop a massive Geomarrow reserve centuries ago to combat the threat of Eternal Freeze. The reserve was enough to fuel the city for millennia to come with its sheer abundance in the hollow earth and from the look of it, it was true.

The original purpose of the Underworld was to be a mining city but throughout the years it had become a second city on itself. Belobog now was divided by two cities, each relying on the other to survive. That, however, changed when Cocolia imposed an order to seal the Underworld to secure Overworld's backdoor from Fragmentum threats spilling in the underground and recalled all her Silvermane Guard detachments to protect the Overworld instead.

Now, the trade between the two worlds was done out of necessity. The Overworld could not survive without the Geomarrow and the Underworld would starve to death without a steady food supply from the Overworld, no matter how scarce it was due to yet another limitations. It seemed Cocolia focused only on her precious Belobog she could see, barely caring for the one beneath her feet.

So, it was only natural for the people here to be so mistrustful towards foreigners like Mei.

Mei could feel eyes following her every movement and it was not the kind one, moreso towards Bronya still in her arm. Men and women either glared or leered at the unconscious Silvermane with spite and Mei did her best to not glare back in warning. She could see the way they twitched with suppressed hatred and for a moment she wondered if bringing Bronya was a mistake she too precariously took without much thought. Fragile as it was, things could collapse around Bronya and Mei would be the one responsible for it all.

She grimaced then, tightening her arm around Bronya protectively. Try as they might, she would make sure nobody touched Bronya the wrong way. Mei should probably message Bronya, her Bronya, to be careful when she joined her later or sooner.

That still threw her in a loop. Their first stop and she already met another version of her best friend. The journey ahead would be interesting.

She absently wondered if she would meet another version of herself, or Kiana's for that matter.

Sampo was oddly quiet during their trip but the same easy smile on his face never faded, thought Mei noticed it wasn't a genuine one as he had showed her earlier. It was his typical smirk, that came out friendly and placating for the most part. Some of the people would also glare at him but it was not hatred or disdain that filled their eyes but rather contempt, mostly contempt. For what she couldn't be sure.

He led her deep into the heart of Belobog's Underworld and as they walked in further, Mei noticed the stares became less jagged until they diminished into normal, not hostile, curiosity. Mei mentally wrote it down to unpack later.

Steps made of yellowing metal creaked and groaned under their combined weights. Mei glanced down and frowned at the rust covering the metal steel. While it was regularly maintained, as proven by the less fortunate buildings and fences of the Underworld, the damp air of the underground was not kind to steel constructs. Most of the buildings were built with reused materials, a far cry to the shiny Overworld with their pristine glory and all that.

But Mei kept the opinion to herself, instead focusing on Sampo as he pushed the doors open for them to enter with his foot. Before her sight could take the new surroundings, a sudden gust of air hit her with an all too familiar medicine stench, making Mei wrinkle her nose. She spent enough time in hospitals and medical wards to know one and this was obviously it.

The building interior, for the most part, was well kept. The paint was faded, telling a silent story of its age, but everything was in good condition, all things considered. Pushing through the double doors before they could close again, Mei carefully maneuvered through the narrow passageway with the two women on each arm so to not run them into the wall.

She scanned the room, cold and calculating amethyst eyes taking in everything within their line of sight. Beds here, IV stands there, tables in the mix and some patients of varying problems in various positions and circ*mstances. It's a clinic or some sort. Mei had no doubt about it.

"You can put them down there" Sampo said, catching Mei's attention. She glanced at him who was still wearing his usual smile and his outstretched hand that was pointing at a row of beds lining the wall. "I'll get the doc"

Mei hummed, watching him left behind a door. Glancing around once more, she was yet met with curious stares from the patients and visitors she ignored in favor of putting both March and Bronya down on the respective beds. After making sure they were comfortable, Mei sat down on the furthest chair in the corner so she could see the entire room without a risk of having her back exposed to attack.

She didn't trust Sampo and rightfully so. After being thrown around like a puppy in a box, Mei was not taking another risk of possible backstabbing.

Thunder was quiet but Mei could feel her restlessness inside her. If she focused and peered inside her heart, she could picture her other self pacing about the domain of her Core with flashes of silent lightning illuminating the red moon above her. She was probably pissed because Mei ignored her earlier but Mei herself was not really in the mood to entertain her and her ruthlessness to problems.

With not much to do, Mei pulled her phone and began typing a report for the Astral Express crew to read, not missing a detail of what they had gone through since they set foot on the planet yesterday. She waited for precisely seven seconds before the first reply came and unsurprisingly it was from Welt.

Welt: That's troubling.

Welt: People are susceptible to their predisposed counterparts' actions. This Cocolia definitely has some traits our Cocolia has and from the look of it she's also manipulative to Bronya like she did back home.

Mei: I thought the same, too, which is why I bring Bronya with me.

Welt: That is probably for the best.

Mei: Speaking of Bronya... Have Kiana and Bronya returned? I checked on them last night and Kiana said they were almost done.

Welt: They have. They encountered a little problem so their work was delayed. They'll be with you soon.

Himeko: Are the kids okay, Mei?

Mei stared at the string of words for a second, a small smile tugging at her lips. People and predispositions, huh...

Mei: They are fine. I'm looking after them.

Himeko: That's good. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask.

Mei: I won't. Thank you.

"Um, is anyone there?" A meek voice called from behind the curtain to her left and Mei blinked. She looked around, a little unsure, and found nobody else besides herself.

"Sorry, are you talking to me?" She implored gently, pocketing her phone back after typing a quick goodbye to the crew. The voice was feminine and youthful and it immediately raised her maternal instinct through the roof.

"Yes, miss. It's okay. I, um, need help"

Mei straightened up on her seat. "Anything I can do"

The girl giggled at her readiness and the sound was so sweet Mei couldn't help but to smile wider. Living an arduous life, she had learned to appreciate the innocence while she could. There was only so much one could take for granted and they learned it the hard way. It was one of the reasons why she became a teacher; the spirits of the youthful were beautiful and worth protecting with her life.

"Thank you so much" She said grateful and Mei could hear the sound of fabric rustling along with the silhouette of the girl as she sat up on the bed. "There's a cabinet on your right and on it should be an orange pill bottle? Can you bring it to me?"

Mei glanced to where the girl told her and spotted the medicine immediately. Humming an affirmation for the girl to hear, she stood up and grabbed it. "Do you need water with this?"

"I can swallow it dry but that would be lovely"

Mei chuckled. "You're very polite"

"You think so? I learned it from the books I read"

"You read? That's good. Education is important. Not many kids like to read books from where I'm from, all they talk about is saving the world and fighting bad guys" Mei found a bottle with clear liquid inside it in the cabinet. After making sure it was water and not some obscure medicine, she walked back to where the girl was.

"Well, everyone wants to be the hero" The girl laughed and Mei joined her. "But not everyone can afford that"

A little confused, Mei pulled the curtain aside and immediately froze. The smile on her face disappearing as her eyes widened in shock, both medicine and water bottles almost slipping from her hands at the sight before her.

On the bed was the girl, sitting up with a smile still on her face. But that wasn't what caught Mei's attention. No, it was her left arm and foot which were nothing but stumps of severed limbs and the webs of burned skin that consumed half her body and face, covered in bandages. The girl saw her falter and her smile turned apologetic.

"Sorry you have to see me"

Mei's heart clenched and she immediately shook her head. The way the girl spoke, soft and reproachful to herself, made Mei mentally double over. Recovering as quick as she could, she handed the pill bottle and uncapped the water bottle, also giving it to the girl once she put the medicine into her mouth.

"I was just surprised..." Mei reassured softly to the girl, trying and failing to keep her gaze away from her imperfections. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare"

The girl laughed as a response and it sent something deep and painful into her seizing heart. Despite her predicaments, she seemed so jovial which was why Mei didn't expect the sight before her.

She couldn't be older than fifteen...

"Don't worry about it! My name is Lysetia" The girl introduced herself while extending her remaining hand for Mei to shake. "I don't think I've seen you around, miss...?"

"Mei. My name is Raiden Mei. You can call me Mei" Releasing a shuddering breath, Mei dragged her chair down beside Lysetia's bed and sat down. "And yes, I'm not from around here"

"Oh, you mean you're not from the Underworld? Then, you must know how the Overworld looks like, right?"

"Well... We didn't have much time exploring Belobog but we saw a few things up there"

"Really? What does it look like? Is it true that the ceiling is so bright and vast like they said?"

"Who's they?"

"The grown-ups! And these!" Lysetia reached out under her bed and pulled up a bunch of books, resting them on her lap. "They all told stories about the endless blue over their head, how it carries a gentle caress to your hair and how fulfilling a lungful of air was! And then the stars at night..."

There was only so much people could take for granted. The phrase had been haunting her and everyone around her for life since they lost everything to disaster and fate. Once again Mei was reminded of it, that you wouldn't know what you have until you lost it to the sea of misfortunes.

For the people above and everyone else who lived the life, the sky was nothing but a normalcy. Something one rarely appreciated despite it being there up over their heads. People would either ask you what about it or simply stare at you as if you were insane if you ever brought the subject up to them.

But for the people down here who never truly saw the beauty it had, the sight was as fascinating as the sea for people who lived far inland. People took everything for granted, that was the norm of it.

"I'm not from Belobog, either..." Mei began, fishing her phone out of her pocket and scrolled through it. March had a dedicated picture gallery for the Astral Express in their group chat and the content was very fascinating. She was mesmerized by the collections Mei spent the better part of her time back on the Express looking through them in the terminal in her shared quarters while Kiana was asleep. "I'm with the Astral Express"

"The Astral Express? What is that?"

"Do you know about the Aeon Akivili?"

Lysetia tilted her head in thought and Mei patiently waited for her reply, finally finding the pictures March took. "Akivili... Oh, the Aeon of Trailblazing who travels the stars in a journey! Yep, I read about them a bit"

Smile widening, Mei showed the girl some of the pictures in her phone. She watched fondly as emotions flashed in the girl's eyes, from surprise to awe and wonder. "Yes, I'm traveling in a train between the stars"

"Then, does that mean you're in an adventure?! Like those heroes in the story books?!"

"You can say that" She replied with a chuckle before her expression turned solemn. "But I'm no hero. Heroes are people who fight for justice and the innocent. I fought for my selfish desire to protect my friends and beloved"

"I don't understand that either" Lysetia sighed and Mei frowned inquisitively. "The heroes I read in the books are all strong and brave. They face evil countless times and win again and again while saving many people. Everyone is calling me hero but I don't feel like one. I guess we're very similar, huh?"

She laughed again but Mei didn't join her. She straightened up and spoke as gently as she could. "What happened? If you don't mind me asking, that is"

The girl followed her gaze and her expression softened. "Well, I'm not sure how familiar you are with life in the Underworld so I'll start from the beginning, is that okay?"

"Take your time, Lysetia"

"Okay, so, my family is a generations old miner family. My parents spoke of how their great grandparents started their business down here a few centuries ago so it's only natural for me to continue the legacy"

"Your parents let you work in the mine? But you're too young for that, aren't you?"

"My dad always told me that life in the Underworld is a harsh one. If you have an early start than the rest, you'll survive. I didn't really work like the adults do but I tried to help my parents any way I could, that by either replacing the dead batteries or pushing mining carts for them to load with Geomarrow and other minerals. Anything to help us survive, you know?"

"Well, anyway, It's mostly safe because you can't really remove dangers from work no matter what and I was kept from high risk areas where the other kids usually were. Down here, children play in the mines all the time so it was pretty normal. That was until one of the miners accidentally opened a crack on the ground that lead to Fragmentum monster nest"

"Fragmentum monsters? Here?"

"Yup! The Supreme Guardian closed the way up because she couldn't afford to fight in two fronts so they had us sealed down here"

The leather of her gloves creaked dangerously as her fists clenched and Mei had to actively fight the growl threatening to spill out of her throat. She had gotten into they why's but reading cold words and listening first account testimony was two entirely different things. She also didn't think the threat would be so close to the heart of the Underworld, which should've emphasized the seriousness of the threat to Cocolia.

"Did it even cross her mind that if they lost the Underworld, they would also lose their only supply source of Geomarrow?" Thunder asked incredulous for the first time since her silence and Mei was inclined to agree. Either it was an oversight, or Cocolia had something hiding under her sleeves. Knowing the woman it's probably the latter, though.

Lysetia was talking still and Mei tried her best to listen to her story. But between the bubbling anger in her chest and the frustration towards Cocolia's one stupidity, there was not much she could gleam from the girl.

"— tried to stave off the rush but the adults were ill equipped for a fight against monsters. We've had a few groups of Wildfire members in the mine keeping eyes all the time but they're so few of them they're not enough"


"Right" Lysetia muttered sheepishly and Mei smiled at her action. She kind of reminded her of a certain someone, minus the diligence towards books. "They're like the Underworld's version of Silvermane Guards? Is that a good example?"

"Well, I think?"

Saying that we're technically criminals in their eyes won't help...

"Okay. So, when the Guards retreated we knew we couldn't let everyone in a state of disarray so good people like the doctor lady volunteered to become its member. Their job is to keep everyone safe, basically"

"So this clinic is a Wildfire's clinic?"

"No, I think? It's the doctor's. I mean it has her name..." She trailed off thoughtfully before she shook her head and continued. "She's very kind especially towards children. Never asking for payments, which is why my parents always brought me here ever since I was a kid. Rumour has it she once had an orphanage in the Rivet Town before it was overran by the monsters a while ago"

"That's terrible" Mei responded with genuine pity. "She sounds like a good person"

"She is" Lysetia said almost immediately before she paused. "Wait, we're getting sidetracked!"

Mei laughed softly. "I'm sorry. I'm not familiar with all this. Please continue"

"Right... So, where was I..."

"The Wildfire members" Mei supplied helpfully and Lysetia smiled gratefully back.

"Oh, yes. There was only like, ten of them at the time it happened so they couldn't do much. The men sent all the women back to protect the kids while they tried to hold off the monsters. I knew if someone didn't do something soon, everyone would've died"

"... So you did?"


The girl's eyes grew distant as she stared unseeing past the walls and into an invisible target far off somewhere. Mei had seen that gaze before. A thousand yards stare as soldiers called it or more commonly known as PTSD in civilian world.

The burned patch of skin on the left side of her face ran down all the way into the fabric of her collar, obscuring Mei from really seeing the extent of her wound even if it wasn't bandaged. But the bits she did see told enough story for her to understand.

Grabbing Lysetia's hand gently to pull her back to reality, Mei squeezed the digits and smiled sadly when she received a weak squeeze in return. Psychological wound was an ugly thing. Sometimes it was harder to heal the soul than the body and with Lysetia's damage, she was constantly reminded of it every time she looked down to her self.

All of this worried Mei. From her cheerful attitude to her seemingly calm demeanor. People often sought for a coping mechanism when their mind met a barrier to comprehension and Lysetia could have been yet to understand her wound even if it was there for her to see. It was a pattern that led to darkness. The girl before her was spiralling into the void, she just didn't know it yet.

"I volunteered. To be a runner to warn everyone back home" She continued after a while, clarity returning to her eyes. Mei watched her swallow thickly through glossy eyes. "On my way, one of them got me. It was a corrupted automaton with a terrifying flaming sword"

She choked on her words and Mei had to fight back tears of her own. Taking a deep shuddering breath to compose herself, Mei spoke tenderly. "You don't have to continue..."

"No, I promised to tell you. I don't go back on my words" The girl replied resolutely but Mei could still hear a hint of fear in her tone. "Though I really don't have much else to say from here. I remember running and running from it, and then the heat close to my cheek, then nothing. When I woke up the next day, I was here"

"So you don't know how you ended up being here?"

"No, not really. People told me Babochka rescued me before I passed out. I think I heard a flutter of butterflies before I fainted so I think they're telling me the truth"


"Oh! She's probably the strongest Wildfire member around with strange power that can turn her invisible! It was super cool to see her in action because she can beat five adults in a blink of eye! But I think people misunderstood her most of the time because she always looks angry. Truth is, she's actually very kind and the kids like her"

"What does it have to do with butterflies though?"

"It's like a premonition" Lysetia went quiet and made a face. "Is that the right word? What does premonition mean?"

"A feeling that something's going to happen"

"Oh, yeah! Then that's the word. When criminals hear the flutter of butterflies, they instantly know they're about to meet their ends in the blade of her scythe. They said it's inevitable, like the chime of bell for funeral" Lysetia sighed heavily. "People avoid her for that. They call her ruthless, cold-blooded or even sad*stic but she doesn't seem to care. She never cares what people think of her. But the children know of her kindness. Whenever she was not on duty, she would hang around to watch over us. Sometimes even joining us to play"

"I think I know someone just like that from my world..."

"You do? They must be a good person, too"

Mei hummed. Was the other Seele a good person? Absolutely. She loved Bronya as much as she loved Seele and from her experience, even the most destructive of being had a soft spot for certain someone that made them human.

"I'm not like her" Thunder growled and Mei huffed in amusem*nt, earning a curious look from Lysetia. Shaking her head and telling the girl not to worry about her reaction, she spoke again.

"You did something brave. That made you a hero"

"But it wasn't enough" Lysetia mumbled dejectedly, little shoulders sagging. Mei's maternal instinct kicked in before the girl could speak further into self-pity by grabbing her hand comfortingly once again.

"No, Lysetia. We don't talk about whether it was enough or not. You did something when others couldn't or wouldn't and that was enough. You are braver than most and that makes you a hero" Mei paused for a moment to watch the girl's expression, noting every single shift of facial muscles. There were flickers of doubt, disbelief and hurt but the most prominent one above all was anxiety. Mei understood. With each word, each letter she uttered a piece of Lysetia's mask was coming undone and revealing the little girl she was. "You must never hide your pain just because people call you that"

The damn broke and the mask shattered. The first roll of tears and sob rocked her body so violently the bed rattle loudly under her. Mei quickly stood up and allowed the girl to lean against her, feeling hot tears wetting the fabric of her dress as she carefully wrapped her arms around Lysetia to return the one sided hug the girl was giving her.

"I d—don't know what to do!" Lysetia wailed, drawing eyes from around them. Mei used her power to magnetically pull the curtains closed by their hangers, protecting them from unwanted spectators. "I can't help my parents like this. I'll be a burden for them to feed and waste money on for the rest of my life" She laughed then. A short and bitter laugh that didn't fit her youthful tone. "A crippled, useless daughter. You know, sometimes I couldn't help but to hate Babochka for rescuing me. It would've been better if I just died, right?"

"Hey, hey look at me" Mei kneeled down so she was in eye level with the distraught girl. Cupping her by the chin, Mei shook her head frantically as she helped wiping the girl's tears. "You can't say that. You don't mean that"

"Wh—what if I do?"

"No, you don't. Death is a scary thing. Do you know what people think when they're dying? Oh, I should've done that, oh it would've been better if I did that" Mei wiped the tears further until she was rewarded with a pair of shiny rubies, staring at her with a mixture of despair and expectation. Expectation for a speck of hope they had lost.

Smiling sadly, Mei continued. "Death is full of regrets but I can see you don't regret helping those people come home safely, right?"

Lysetia shook her head, sniffling. "No. It's, uh, kind of nice, actually. The kids visited me regularly and they would bring fruits they bought with their allowances for me. Their parents also came to my parents to express their gratitude"

"You saved people's lives. You should be proud of yourself" Hesitating for a second, Mei furrowed her eyebrows and grounded her teeth together. "Listen... I have a friend who can heal you but only if you want to"

Little hand grabbed the front of her shirt tightly as its owner stared at her with wide, wet eyes. Mei circled her thumbs around the girl's cheeks gently. "Really?"

There was the hope she had lost, ignited once more by a simple promise of respite from this fate that befell her. To give people hope. That was what she and her friends had been doing for the better part of their lives and the fact they could do it here in a different world was comforting. Hope was important. Hope kept people alive.

"Yes. But..." Mei trailed off, smiling reassuringly when a hint of fear filled those shining red orbs. Red, the color of courage and steadfastness. Truly a fitting color for a girl who embodied both. "I will have to ask for your parent's permissions"

"They're in the mine" Lysetia whispered, still in an apparent disbelief as she stared back. "Their shifts won't end until another eight hours. They'll come to visit so you can wait here if you want"

"That sounds good. I'll be keeping you company, then?"

"Of course" Hesitating for a moment, Lysetia grabbed Mei's hand with her trembling own. "Mei... You're not lying, right? You can fix me, right?"

"My friend... Is very strong. She can make impossible into possible". Sitting down a little closer, Mei sighed. "But it will all be up to you. From there, the struggle ahead will be yours and only yours. There might be pain until your body relearn how to function normally again"

"But it's only been a few days..." Lysetia muttered and Mei shook her head.

"The extent of your injury is not superficial. Every nerve endings will be mended back. Your brain will have to readjust again" Pausing and with all the seriousness, Mei straightened up. "It'll be better than... this. But you'll have to suffer again. Are you ready for that?"

Lysetia thought for precisely three seconds before she nodded resolutely, the glint of her red eyes showing her determination. Mei couldn't help but smile.

"Yes. Anything to make me useful to others. I don't want to be helped when I can help others instead. I want my mom and dad to have a good life when they become old"

"You are a good kid" Mei said affectionately, brushing Lysetia's long raven hair. "And a brave one, too. You are braver than I was when I was your age. I could only run from my problems, causing a lot of pain to those around me..."

"I'm sure you were not that bad" Lysetia said jokingly and Mei laughed.

"Oh, but I was. I was that bad. You should never hide your pain from those around you. Talk to them, share your burden to those willing. You must not shoulder everything alone" Lysetia nodded and Mei smiled genuinely. "Take it from an idiot who did that once to another idiot who also did just that"

Still smiling, Mei patted the perplexed Lysetia on the shoulder before standing up. "I'm going to look for fresh air" Pulling the curtains open, Mei glanced back. "Can you do me a favor? If the doctor looks for me, please tell her that I'm outside"

"Of course"

"Thank you, Lysetia"

Closing the curtains behind her, Mei took a step after another towards the exit, not even registering the stares she received this time. The double doors creaked open silently and out of them Mei strode before they closed again. A lungful of stale underground air filled her throat and she choked on the heavy atmosphere, managing to walk further and slid down against the building's front rusty support beam to her bottom on the equally rusty metal steps before the first burst of tears broke.

Mei cried silently on her folded arms over her tucked knees, face buried on the muscular flesh. It never got easier, seeing children suffer never failed to make her cry her bleeding heart out. At least she had learned to keep it until she was alone, not wanting to let them see her breakdown like this.

Being a teacher was not an easy job, moreso when the school taught children to go to war and possibly their deaths. Being a teacher meant they had to get attached and being attached meant it was personal. Each time she saw a kid she knew fell in the line of duty, Mei felt a small piece of her soul got buried along with them. A piece she knew would never recover.

But it was a life she chose because not many wanted it, which was justified seeing the risk and impact to oneself. If she had to bury them, Mei wanted to make sure she at least taught them enough to survive so she would have a bit peace of mind that she had done her duty. She was allowed to be a little selfish in a world where she had given so much to the greater cause.

Wiping the remaining tears off her face, she reached for her phone and unlocked it with a trembling hand. Some passerbys saw her and gave concerned look on their way but Mei ignored them, instead focusing on her contact info for that one person who could help her.

Finding what she searched for, Mei pressed dial. It didn't take more than five rings until she was answered.

"Yeah, Mei?"

"Hey, Bronya, are you back yet?"

"We're on the Express already. Kiana and I are about to go now" A pause and Mei instantly knew what crossed over Bronya's mind. "Mei, have you been crying?"

There was no hiding something from Bronya. Mei had spent too much time talking to her in the phone when she was upset about something Bronya could immediately pick up the slightest hint of distress in her tone.

"There's... someone I want to ask a favor for"

"Quit it with the favor things. We're family, you ask and I'll deliver. Just say it"

"Right. I think it's better if we talk in person, though, so you can see what I mean directly. When are you coming?"

"Soon. I'm waiting for Kiana to finish showering. She kept complaining she smelled like burnt steak after yesterday"

"Wait, what happened in the Sea of Quanta?"

"This and that. The Idiotka shot a Quantum monster with Shamash at point blank range, got showered in burning energy innards which contributed to her abhorrent smell"

Mei blinked owlishly before she giggled at the picture forming in her head. "Oh, that... must have been terrible"

"You tell her" Bronya said with a snort. "I'll go check on her now. It's been twenty minutes and she hasn't come out. A little warning; if I catch her singing in the shower again I'm blasting your quarters open and dragging her out myself"

"I think it'll be better if you told Himeko that..." Mei trailed off as a sudden shift in the air caught her attention. Eyes widening, she said the first thing that came to mind when a golden portal opened before her.


"What does that mean? What does 'oh' mean?"

"Well, um... It appears that Kiana is here..."

A flash of white shot out from the formed portal. Mei had a split second time to open her arms and catch a flying Kiana into her embrace, careful to protect her from hitting her head open on the metal beam she's leaning against.


Amidst the screaming Kiana, Mei could hear Bronya muttering profanities in her native tongue through the phone.

"Cyka blyat"

Bronya was mad, Kiana was indifferent and Mei was honestly tired. After letting Bronya berated Kiana through her phone for leaving her on the Express, she set foot back into the clinic with Kiana in tow. A hot minute of name-calling with Kiana later, Bronya relented and told her she would met Mei in the Underground in a few hours, refusing Kiana's offer for a fetch.

Bronya's exact word was"Idiocy is free for all but just because you can doesn't mean you should hoard it all for yourself" To Kiana before she hung up. Kiana stuck her tongue out at the screen as if the Bronya could see her before she handed Mei's phone back with a pout.

Mei giggled at that and Kiana sighed a relieved sigh as she put her arms around Mei, pulling her into an embrace. They knew the reason why Bronya refused Kiana's offer was so she could stay with Mei to offer her support even if it meant Bronya would have to sneak through the frozen plains. Mei didn't feel bad because if she did Bronya would be upset at her for feeling that way.

It was just how they communicated. Subtle along the lines, caring without saying it out loud. The familial bonds between the three were so deep they just knew what the other wanted and thought.

It was especially strong between Mei and Kiana. The power of Origin and Finality connected the two like day and night, sharing their hearts to one another. When a feeling was particularly strong, the other would feel it in their blood and flesh no matter the distance between the two. They promised to not hide each other's pain long time ago and their souls were bound to that promise by the seams.

When Kiana saw Lysetia, she didn't say anything about her condition. Instead, she smiled a knowing smile back to Mei before she introduced herself to the bedridden girl. Lysetia greeted her like she did Mei, cheerful and bright like the sunshine itself. Her character allowed her to form a rather quick connection with Kiana and the two engaged in a conversation rather quickly.

Leaving the two after squeezing Kiana's shoulder in a silent thank you, Mei was rewarded with an equal gesture to her hand. She went to check on her phone again, sending Bronya's the recollection of paths she remembered she took to get to the Underground, before going to where this Bronya and the trio at.

Mei waited and waited, sitting on the edge of Stelle's bed as her eyes roamed about the room. The doctor hadn't returned so she decided to ask one of the passing nurses.

"She's in the operation room doing emergency surgery. Do you need something?"

"No, thank you. I just have a few questions for her. How long do you think until she's done?"

"Uncertain but she's been at it for seven hours now. Patients have been coming from the mine in steady flow, more than usual at least"

"Did something happen?" Mei asked worriedly, glancing at Lysetia and Kiana. The former was grinning at Kiana as the latter formed what appeared to be a miniature version of her Void lances and had them flew around above them in circles.

"I'm sorry, miss, but I can't tell you the details. The doctor asked me to keep it a secret for now"

The strained tone the nurse had did not help to appease Mei's concern but she nodded in understanding anyway. There was no use to bother the nurse further after that so she said her thanks and sat back down, back waiting and waiting.

At one point, Dan Heng woke up followed by March a short few moments later. He glanced around, a little wary and confused, until Mei stepped forth to explain their situation to him and March. They took it all silently and Kiana took the chance to check on them, too.

"How're you guys, doing?" Kiana began merrily with a grin, hands on her hips. "What a way to start your morning, huh?"

Dan Heng huff an air of amusem*nt while March chuckled, the latter replying. "You can say that again. How are you here, Kiana?"

"Eh, y'know. Not important. Mei needed my help so I'm here"

"Bronya is not with you?"

At the mention of her best friend Kiana's eyes inadvertently drifted towards the person bearing the name and face on the bed behind her, a frown on her face before she shrugged noncommittally. "She'll be here"

Both Dan Heng and March shared a glance, the pinkette humming to herself as she hopped down her bed. "Well, new place new spots to explore. Dan Heng, want to come with me?"

Dan Heng looked at Mei, waiting for an express permission in which she gave with a nod. "Just be careful. This place is not entirely welcoming to strangers. I'll be here for a bit so don't be shy to message me when you get in trouble"

"When?" March asked incredulously.

"Yes, March, when. I know it's inevitable"

The girl pouted cutely and Mei giggled at the display, shaking her head she gestured for them to go, muttering to Dan Heng to look after March when he walked past her. He didn't give her a verbal response but he did nod slightly.

They left and Mei slumped down on the now empty bed, sighing. She did that a lot for just one day but really, who could blame her? She had a feeling it wouldn't stop soon, too.

Kiana joined her by her side, leaning her head on Mei's shoulder. They didn't say anything, simply sitting there enjoying each other's company for they had learned to never take any moment together for granted anymore. Hand sneaking into Mei's grip, the warmth was welcomed by the taller woman as she hummed contentedly.

Kiana almost purred in delight, happy she could take some burden off Mei's and Mei was grateful for it.

"She's such a good kid..." Kiana muttered only for her to hear. Glancing at where Kiana was looking, Mei hummed again but this time it was of agreement. "What happened to her?"

The now sleeping Lysetia was oblivious to the two woman looking at her from between the curtains. From the gap, they could see the pained grimace on the sleeping girl's face that tugged on their hearts further. Mei hadn't told Kiana yet but being a perceptive person she was Kiana deduced the cause of her distress pretty quickly on her own.

"Freak incident happened" Mei said back in a similar low tone. "She went to ask for help when monsters attacked the mine and got intercepted in her way" Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Mei exhaled. "She couldn't be older than fifteen..."


Kiana's hand tightened when Mei's began to tremble in her grip. "For a decade I've been a teacher. I've buried countless students of my own but it never gets easier seeing kids like her suffer" She sniffled, the tears welling up again. "I wish it would be... One day"

"Hey, that's not you" Kiana began gently. "That is not the compassionate, gentle and beautiful Raiden Mei I love. I fear the day when Mei looks at children in distress and doesn't feel a thing from it. I fear the day when Mei looks at other's suffering and be indifferent about it" She punctuated each sentence with a kiss from Mei's jaw, to her cheek and then the corner of Mei's lips. "The Mei I know will turn the world around if it means helping someone in needs"

A chaste kiss on the lips and Mei sighed into it. Kiana smiled and nuzzled her head into the crook of Mei's neck. "You are right. This is the life I chose, the life we chose. I'm sorry for being vulnerable"

"You don't have to. Through thick and thin, remember?" Kiana grinned and Mei chuckled. "When you fall, I'll catch you"

"And when you do, I will too"

"Mhm. That's the deal we made. For life"

Silence reigned between the two, each simply enjoying the heat of the other. Mei pulled Kiana closer and the white haired woman was more than happy to comply, practically preening when Mei inhaled on the top of her head to take in her comforting scent. She was glad she bathed earlier because she smelled like an overcooked deer.

Bronya could go f*ck herself.

The moment, however, was shattered when footsteps approached them. Mei glanced back first and gasped and a confused Kiana followed shortly after to see why. The answer was quite obvious, though.

Walking between the rows of beds was a woman they both knew back in their world. One Mei knew quite intimately, in fact.

"Raven?" Kiana blurted out, standing up along with Mei. The woman stopped, her piercing red eyes set on them inquisitively.

"I'm sorry?"

Her voice was softer, different than the one Mei was accustomed to hearing and her gaze was also a lot gentler if not tired. She was wearing a bloodied surgical apron and gloves and in her hands was a tray full of surgical tools covered in yet more crimson liquid. Mei also noticed her hair was a lot longer.

Clearing her throat to get rid of her surprise and confusion, Mei smiled a bit. "Sorry, we thought you were someone else"

The woman smiled and nodded, continuing on her path towards nearby sink. For the next ten minutes, she spent stripping and cleaning her tools off the blood and all they could do was watch her back.

"She's the doctor..." Mei mumbled and Kiana blinked inquisitively.


"The clinic... It belongs to her and she's the doctor for these people"

Realization dawned on Kiana's head and her mouth dropped open into an O shape. True to Mei's deduction, Raven began to check on the patients in the room and administered medicines to them.

"Oh. Oh... Well, it's gonna be interesting"

Mei sucked in a breath.

Yeah, it is.



To the people out there currently struggling with life and are considering self-harm.

My friend, don't think you are unloved. You are here and I love you. I'm just a stranger you've never met and probably never will but nonetheless, I love you. I love you so much and I am proud of you for being here with me, with us, sharing a hobby together. I care about you and so do others to you. Talk to your friends, family and strangers because they will help you if you need it. Humans are social creature, it's in our nature to help each other. Don't hesitate, friend. Let them know.

I love you and I can't say it enough. I love you all.

Chapter 7: No More Fear of Right or Wrong


BronSeele is not high on my ship list so I have a little bit of problem writing them. I hope I do them justice here. It's a learning experience.

For the record, I don't dislike it. If it's canon, I'm most likely into it. The only ships I dislike are the non-canon ones and the reason is not because of the ship itself but rather the fact you'll have to butcher the characters to fit said ship. I'm a character driven writer so they simply don't sit well with me.

Not saying you can't ship anyone you want, though. It's just a personal opinion and preference. Also I think it's worth mentioning my favourite ships are Siegfried×Cecilia, Kevin×MEI and Kiana×Mei. I have a thing for goofballs and their calm, collected wives don't blame me lol.

Anyway, BronSeele. Enjoy.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 7: No More Fear of Right or Wrong

One hour thirty four minutes and twenty three seconds.

That was the amount of time Bronya needed to infiltrate and bypass the heavy security of Belobog. More impressively without alerting a single soul aside from a stray cat in a nondescript alleyway that scampered away when the air concealing Bronya shimmered and revealed the aloof woman under the shadow.

Optical camouflage was a handy piece of technology, one that would usually take a massive amount of resources to build and operate but Truth's power make it easy to create and utilize for personal use. That combined with Bronya's extensive knowledge of silent warfare allowed her to set the record.

Of course, she had Mei to thank for giving the routes earlier. Intel was arguably the most important element in war and Mei provided her a solid one. She knew she could rely on Mei.

Admittedly, she could've gone in sooner but Bronya took leisure in knowing the battlefield. She spent a good few minutes to scrutinize the city of Belobog, memorizing the map with the speed of supercomputer and planning escape ways for when necessary. Bronya refused to get caught underhanded, moreso after learning that her Matushka was the leader of Belobog.

She was bound to be careful. While Bronya didn't hate her foster mother, it wouldn't be wrong to say she wasn't a saint. Cocolia had the tendency to throw everything just so she could achieve her goal, including her family which was rather ironic because that woman loved nothing more than her family. Bronya had learned to forgive her Matushka, but this Cocolia was not her Matushka thus didn't grant her the sentiment.

Cocolia also appeared younger in the brochure she inconspicuously snatched from a bespectacled midget girl in the city's center a while ago, a Silvermane Guard that looked like she would fare better as a scholar than soldier which sort of set some alarms in Bronya's head. The Path of Trailblaze allowed her to read and understand languages she previously didn't understand as explained by Welt and it turned out the girl was a part of Silvermane's Intelligence Division.

In other word; a spook. One thing soldiers hated to see besides their superiors when they called for volunteers. Both spelled troubles and nonsenses soldiers would rather avoid.

Bronya wisely distanced herself from the oblivious girl then, careful with her steps so to not leave suspicious footprints on the snow laden ground. Fortunately, the place was quite crowded so she didn't have to worry too much.

Once she was certain she wasn't being followed, Bronya set foot into the Underground by going through an abandoned ventilation system. It was more akin to tunnel so she had no problem going through the vast space, still as silent as the cold draft blowing from outside world.

Flickering yellow lights that hadn't seen much maintenance were her companions as she traversed the place, following where the dust was the least. Although people didn't come through regularly, there were still traces on the walls and floor Bronya's sharp eyes didn't miss.

Her intermittent journey didn't last long either as soft ambient light crept into the exit on the other end. She stopped just before the light could reach her, a pair of silver orbs taking in everything visible from under the shade like a hunter stalking its prey.

But Bronya was not in a hunt. Otherwise, it would've gone differently. She didn't rig the place with explosives and traps or prepare some defensive spots to pick on said preys, instead she simply walked in to the plain views of the others.


The moment she exited the tunnel, people stopped to stare at her. Some was surprised, some was in disbelief. A lot, however, was hostile.

Bronya hummed to herself.

Looks like Mei was right.

She marched forth, keeping her eyes open and ears sharp. The glares hadn't turned to direct physical assault and if there was something Bronya was a master at, it was ignoring others.

Kiana could sod off.

The thought of her best friend sent another pang of annoyance to her chest and Bronya scowled. She was not upset Kiana left her so she had to go through such a length of sneaking into the city. Rather, Bronya was more annoyed by the fact Kiana jumped the guns, again, into a possibly hostile environment by using her Void power. If she were to use fingers to count how many instances Kiana recklessly charged into battle in the years they knew each other, she would need at least another ten pairs of hands to help her count.

Her hind brain is always in control whenever Mei is involved...

Mei was upset about something and it did worry Bronya a little. She was the kind sister who looked after others wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, that meant she was the one that care the most. Bronya had learned to never get too close to others since she was ten when one of her late uncle Maxim's friends caught a bullet in the head during a raid, a man that was significant enough to Bronya she felt the sadness deep in her heart when he died.

Ever since, the Silver Wolf closed her heart to the world. Rough and jaded like the stock of her Dragunov and cold like the Siberian tundra. She was truly the alpha predator of the snow plains. Her enemies feared her, her allies were wary of her. They spoke of the emotionless girl who could twist a knife into a man's gut and didn't twitch in the face at all.

Even before X-10 and all, Bronya had learned to ignore people and unnecessary things with her mask of indifference. So when a group of armed men and women approached her Bronya easily walked past them until one of them raised their rifle towards her.

Bronya was many things. She was a mercenary, a Valkyrie, a Herrscher, and a game designer rightfully in that order. But above all, she was a fighter from the day she was born.

That was to say her instinct was well tuned against aggressions, more than normal people's.

The moment the man raised his gun, said instinct kicked in in the form of Truth's power. She dismantled the weapon with as much as a thought violently, making it explode on the man's shoulder and sending splinters of hot metal and wood into the man's face and upper body. His hands were outright mauled, fingers missing into a fine red mist and skin set ablaze by Geomarrow powder in the cartridges. His scream of agony was a wake up call to his friends who began to charge at her.

Bronya tensed up, fingers flexing and ready to construct Falcon Flare. But there was something in the air that caught her hearing, an incessant beating that akin to a swarm of butterflies. Her eyes widened as an influx of Quantum energy sliced the atmosphere apart.

In a literal flash of Quantum explosion, the world exploded and the men and woman surrounding her suddenly found themselves lying on the ground, writhing in pain. At the same time a girl flickered to existence right in front of Bronya, her giant scythe shouldered on a shoulder while her other hand rested on her chanted hips as if it didn't weigh in tens of kilograms.

Then she spoke, and Bronya was taken aback by her scathing tone. There was not many that could surprise her nowadays. "You lots have a death wish or something? Looking for troubles right in our backyard..."

She dropped the bladed head of her scythe down and the ground shook from the sheer mass before she walked forward slowly, dragging the scythe against the cobblestone and making an eerie scraping noise of metal against stone. "Well, I don't know what you want but if it's death you seek then I can grant you one"

"I—it's Babochka! Run!"

In an amazing display of self-preservation instinct at work, they dispersed to nearly all corners of the Underworld while dragging their wounded with them. Some hissed and growled profanities but nobody dared to press their attack, not after getting beat so easily and before long there was only the two in the now empty street.

Bronya, still stunned, could only stare with wide eyes and mouth agape.

The golden glow from nearby lamppost bathed the girl before her in a beautiful cascade of shadowy static, turning her flowing long hair into an even more fascinating sea of purple that lost on her back. Her dress dragged into two points behind her, creating an illusion of butterfly wings as they continued to sway along the buzz of Quantum energy surrounding the girl. Beautiful, fierce and dangerous but at the same time nurturing. A nature's keeper.

A swallowtail. Her butterfly.

"What with the rumors of an Overworld's princess in the Underworld?" Said the girl as she released her grip on her scythe, the heavy weapon disappeared in a flash of purple before the shaft could hit the ground. The girl turned around and Bronya was met with a pair of disapproving if not aggravated red eyes. "Are you stupid?"

Not a lot of things could surprise Bronya but being called stupid for the first time by someone with her dearest's face and voice certainly caused her thoughts to grind to halt.

"Are you actually stupid or what? Close your damn mouth before you've got an insect in there"

Now, that certainly didn't help. Seele had never called her insults before. Not even the other Seele, at least not right in her face like this. Bronya was drowning so deep in her shambled thought she almost missed the way the girl's eyes turning color to a more well-versed purple.


Bronya had the thought to expect this Seele turning personality like her Seele did in the past into her gentler and reserved self with the change of eye color but she was certainly wrong because she suddenly found herself under a threat of swift decapitation.

In the two seconds Bronya uttered her name, Seele summoned her scythe back and looped its blade around the back of Bronya's neck, eyes narrowed into a dangerous slit. "Nobody goes with that name when addressing me in this part of the town" The sharp edge pressed closer until it touched her skin and Bronya grimaced once it drew blood, staring down at Seele's cold gaze. "I didn't expect a Rand to know my name either"

Bronya was still as statue. She had no doubt Seele was being serious with her threat. She had seen that gaze before in the eyes of her comrades and enemies, a certain fortitude that they would do the Coup de grâce themselves with their own hands. This Seele had the eyes of killer and it saddened Bronya.

"I'm not her" Bronya tried to reason, voice even despite her internal turmoils. Wasn't that what she good at? Hiding her feelings? She didn't feel particularly proud about it this time. "I won't hurt you"

"Words mean nothing" Seele hissed and Bronya winced, not from the pain as the blade dug further into her skin but because of the flash of sting in Seele's tone. Those three words meant more than what met the eyes and Bronya knew it. "Prove it"

Bronya didn't have to. She could easily fight back but Bronya would rather shoot herself in the foot than to hit Seele even with just a punch and something told her it wouldn't be over with just a punch. Instead, she slowly reached for her phone in her pocket, careful to maintain eye contact with Seele. "Here, you can check on my friends. They're at Natasha's clinic"

Seele blinked, eyebrows furrowing together as she frowned. "The doc...?"

Bronya nodded as she unlocked her phone, scrolling through her chat with Mei until she found a picture of the clinic's interior to show Seele.

Seele glanced at it through the corner of her eye before she sighed, removing the scythe and shouldering it. "Well, whatever. I'll escort you there so go ahead"

Bronya's eyebrows shot up, an amused twitch on her lips as she stared at the girl before her. "You don't trust me"

Seele glared back. "I asked for a proof, you gave me. I'm willing to give you the chance but I don't trust you yet until we clear it with the doctor. I'm warning you, if you try something funny you'll regret it before your head can touch the ground. I've enough bullsh*t for today"

"Alright" Bronya conceded, walking ahead before it could escalate further. She only managed two steps before Seele called her again.

"Hey!" Bronya turned just in time to catch a roll of bandages from Seele. "Fix your neck"

She had half the mind to tell Seele that the wound had already healed but instead Bronya thanked her, using the bandages to wipe the blood than anything else. "Thank you for showing me the way"

"Shove it. I don't want to get familiar with someone I'll probably have to kill"

Bronya hummed. They both were similar in that regard.

"We were? That's fascinating to know"

"In one way or another, yes. But I don't think she has the knack for medicine and all this"

"Well, I'm not much of a fighter myself"

Mei stared at the woman before her with a probing gaze, thumb absently nursing the warm cup of her tea said woman so graciously provided her. In return, Natasha did the same to her from across the table.

They sat near the windows and Mei could see Kiana playing with some kids outside the building with March while Dan Heng watched them with a concealed smile across the street. Stelle, who woke up at some point before, was too busy stuffing her face with a bowl of noodle on nearby food stand to actually care. The view warmed Mei's heart more than the tea could ever, knowing how much Kiana missed mingling with others like this. Kiana didn't tell her that, at least not explicitly, but Mei knew her enough to see the boredom and longing in Kiana's gaze as she was forced to see pale moon rocks for almost a decade. To finally be in civilization again was joyous and Mei could feel Kiana's happiness through their connection.

Kiana's boisterous laughter could be heard from where she was despite the window separating them. Mei hadn't seen Kiana this happy and it made her smile bigger.

From time to time, Natasha would join her and look at where the festive at. Much like Mei, she would also smile softly at the view. It was rather endearing to see Natasha smiled so genuinely like that on a face that usually revealed nothing but sneer and snide, underhanded amusem*nt. Then again, Raven herself never failed to reveal her true self whenever she was with her children.

"You don't find it odd?" Mei found herself asking the woman across of her. Natasha nodded and shrugged halfheartedly, her smile never fading.

"Rather, I find it intriguing. Can you imagine? In the infinite expanse of the universe with all its worlds and galaxies two people share the same traits in two entirely different worlds"

Frankly, Mei had had the thought herself the moment she met Cocolia and Bronya so it was easy for her to agree. Humming in concession to Natasha's words, she chuckled. "It is. One of my best friends is Bronya and I still find it odd to see a different her here"

Intrigued, Natasha smiled and raised her eyebrows at her. "Oh? Does she share a resemblance with Lady Rand over there?"

"Besides physically? Cocolia is also her foster mother back in my world. I don't know her full story but my Bronya is an orphan from the day she was born" Mei took a sip, lips twisting down to a frown as she stared at her reflection on the red liquid in the porcelain cup. "I don't like her"

"Who? Bronya?"

"No. I meant Cocolia" The curious gaze she received from Natasha was so potent Mei could feel it drilling her skull despite not looking anywhere close to the woman. She gently sloshed the tea around with a gesture of her hand as she pondered. "She was manipulative, narrow-minded and careless. Something's telling me she's the same to Bronya here, which is why I don't like it"

"That was... A rather astute opinion" Natasha said with a heavy sigh. "When the Supreme Guardian locked us down here, she did it without preambles. In one night, she pulled her Silvermane Guard Garrison off the Underground and cut the tram behind them. Some that disobeyed ended up joining the Wildfire later on while many, if not all, of them were reluctant to leave us"

"The Guards are not her puppets"

A nod. "No. A lot of them have family down here. Actually a lot of us do" Natasha paused as a sad smile bloomed on her face. "I know I do. Well, I'd like to think I still do have a family up there"

"You're from the Overworld?"

"Yes. I'm a graduate of a prestigious medical school in Belobog's Overworld. My parents both worked in a hospital and my father in particular was a leading doctor there"

"You never told me about your parents..." Mei muttered to herself but Natasha heard her nonetheless. The latter chuckled and Mei realized she said it out loud. "Sorry, I was thinking of you from my world"

"I was an orphan so I can't tell you about my blood parents either"

"... what about a brother?"

Mei watched with acute clarity the way Natasha froze, her smile disappearing into a fine line while her red eyes dulling as her expression emptied itself of all form of emotions. For a moment, she caught a glimpse of Raven in the woman's face but it disappeared as soon as it appeared.

Like a hurricane passing a tropical island, the storm stopped as warmth crept back to her feature. Natasha shook her head, taking her moment to answer. "I had one. He's... Not here"

Mei was tempted to pursue the subject, after all it was the death of her brother that pushed Raven to join Grey Serpent and become a mercenary. At the same time, she couldn't bring herself to pry the subject open because of the clear sadness in Natasha's eyes as she stared into nothingness behind Mei.

Raven and Natasha. Two different people with two different circ*mstances. While Mei started on a shaky ground with the former, which was a little bit of understatement considering how Raven once threatened to kill Kiana, they were now close enough to become friends. Raven was dangerous but she wasn't ruthless. She had a soft spot like everyone else. When everything was over, she opened a bar back in Arc City that Mei made sure to drop by whenever she visited the place, half the reason was because of Sora but the other half was admittedly because Raven knew her way with liquor like nobody else.

This Natasha was more open with her kindness so Mei couldn't treat her like she would hers. She chose to be more sympathetic with Natasha, forgoing her curiosity for the woman's privacy.

"I see. Do you drink?" Mei asked lightheartedly, smirking. Natasha caught up quickly and chuckled.

"Not really but I know a place around here"

"Show me later?"

Natasha laughed. "Miss Mei, are you asking me out out or just out? Because if it's the former, I'll have to decline because I don't want your dearest kicking me in the butt" She gestured at the silver ring around Mei's finger and Mei laughed.

"I just want to talk as friends. I'd ask Kiana but she would decline anyway. She doesn't like alcohol" She had Siegfried to thank for that which she did after she reprimanded him about children and alcohol. The usual Kaslana family shenanigans, really. "Besides, she is the one and only for me"

Natasha smiled knowingly at Mei who had her eyes set on the white haired woman outside. Kiana was playing a game of baseball with the children and Stelle. March was the batter, Kiana was the pitcher and Stelle was the catcher behind the pinkette. From the distance, Mei could see Stelle motioning something to Kiana with her fingers who grinned and nodded.

Kiana took a stance, readied up while March tensed up and threw the ball.

March was rather inexperienced and it showed from the stiff way she did her footwork and swing. Which was why it didn't surprise Mei a bit when she hit the ball with such a force that caused it to shot towards Dan Heng who calmly stepped aside from its deadly trajectory, causing it to bounce against the wall behind him and sail back towards a dumbstruck Kiana's face.

It hit her with a loud thwack and knocked her down to the ground. For a long time there was only silence that was only interrupted by a horrified March when she dropped Stelle's bat down. Mei sighed, opened the window and yelled. "Kiana, be careful with that!"

Kiana promptly gave her a thumbs up, still lying on the ground, and the kids cheered as they returned to playing.

"Is she okay?" Natasha asked worriedly and Mei nodded.

"Kiana is tougher than that" Mei pulled out her phone and giggled, snapping a picture and sending it to Bronya. "She would love this"

"Hey, why are you stopping?"

"... It appears my best friend is eating dirt. What a beautiful sight"


Questions and answers.

A game of catch and fetch. Mei intended to do just that to the Silvermane Commandant when she woke up but she couldn't bring herself to do it as the moment arrived.

Bronya woke up with bleary eyes and confused mental state. She groaned and moaned in pain on the bed, blinking rapidly to adjust her sight to the blinding lightbulb overhead. Her head was throbbing along the steady rhythmic of her heartbeat and everything was spinning.

She felt a warm hand on her cheek, guiding her towards a pair of intense red orbs and she used it to anchor herself. There was a muffled sound from the person holding her but all Bronya could hear was her breathing.

"What... Where am I...?" She managed to grit out through her teeth to the abstract details of a feminine face in her line of vision. The woman paused and spoke to someone behind her but Bronya hardly caught anything.

There was a sudden sting on her right arm and she hissed, the fog in her head clearing. Taking a deep breath, she inhaled slowly and closed her eyes as the pain subsided.

When Bronya opened her eyes again, she was met with a clearer view of the woman's face. She was smiling slightly but all Bronya could think about at the moment was the very fact that she was unfamiliar. She knew almost all the men and women under her command, ensuring to memorize at least their names and faces and that included her medical staff. This woman before her was not one of them and as she looked down to her attire that wasn't very much a standard issued uniform she concluded her circ*mstance immediately.

"Hello, Lady Rand. I'm Natasha" The woman introduced herself to Bronya who blinked back. "How are you feeling?"

Bronya swallowed thickly, her throat parched. "A little dizzy. Are you a doctor?"

"Yes, I am. Don't worry, I'm a graduate of Belobog's medical school so you're in a good hand. Do you want to sit up? I can explain your circ*mstance"

"Are you with those criminals?" Bronya began with clipped tone, ignoring the offer to glare at Natasha instead.

"Oh, don't worry about them. I'll make sure nothing can harm you when you're here" Natasha was unfazed. She helped her up anyway and offered her a drink. Bronya stared at the clear cup of water for a moment before she sighed in resignation and drank it in sips, the cool liquid helping her speak better.

"Where is this, Miss Natasha?"

"My clinic, ma'am. In the Underworld. And please, call me Natasha"

Bronya almost didn't catch the last bit. She choked on her drink and sputtered, hastily wiping the water running down her nostrils and mouth.

"Th—the Underworld?! How did I...?"

Natasha smiled and stepped back, revealing Mei who sat cross-legged on a chair behind the doctor. Bronya's eyes widened and she reached for her weapon only to realize the strap wasn't there around her shoulder, so was her knives that should've been on her belt. Aware she had been disarmed, Bronya couldn't do anything but to stare at a pair of amethyst eyes.

"Madam Rand" Mei began with a curt nod, her index finger absently tapping her knee. "Are you—"

"Bronya Rand, Silvermane Guard Commander. Service number BR—Zero—Eleven—Thirty two—Eleven—Eighty—Sixteen—Charlie"

Mei raised an eyebrow, an amused smile on her face. "—Are you okay?"

Bronya opened her mouth, ready to answer, only to close it again. "The Silvermane Guards do not make compromise with criminals" She settled to say, still glaring at Mei.

Mei simply hummed. "I see. So whatever I say won't be put into consideration at all, correct?"


Thunder laughed loudly inside her head and Mei fought the urge to roll her eyes. "She has the face and voice of the impaired brat! What does it feel to be called impudence by dear Bronya?"



"Shut up"

"Okay, I understand that. But won't you at least tell us our crime?"

"I already told you your sentence"

"Right, conspiring against the Supreme Guardian and all that. But do you have a proof?"

"That is to be settled in the court"

"Are the Guards arresting people who, until proven guilty with sufficient proof of criminal conduct, are rightfully innocent on daily basis?"

"The Supreme Guardian ordered your arrest"

Mei scoffed, leaning forward until Bronya was forced to scoot back into the mattress. Her eyes were intense they were almost glowing as she stared at a pair of defiant silver.

"Your mother manipulates you"

Bronya gritted her teeth and pushed Mei back, jumping down the bed to confront Mei directly. "Your slander to the Supreme Guardian's name is baseless!"

"And your accusation to our crime is baseless" Mei retorted calmly. "Come on, Bronya, you can't be that stupid"

She wasn't. If anything, Bronya was simply being naive, or perhaps too trusting towards the law Cocolia bent to her advantage. Nobody could blame her. In this world she was a career soldier and a heir to the governmental seat. Her whole life she spent studying the ins and outs of Belobog, which was why she didn't know how to react on outside variable like the Astral Express crew. Mei watched with a sad gaze as Bronya sat back down to the edge of the bed, face drawing blank.

However, it wasn't the familiar stoic face Mei was accustomed to seeing. This Bronya was lost as her heart and mind conflicted against the other. There was a time when Mei saw it on her Bronya's face, back shortly after Kiana went to the moon. No matter how the two acted near the other, all that teasing and jabbing, they were practically sisters in everything but blood. Bronya didn't want Kiana to go but she knew the importance of her mission to the whole world. They couldn't afford to be selfish, not when they had a promise to fight for all that's beautiful.

Too much, never enough.

Gingerly, Mei shifted closer towards Bronya but she didn't intrude her personal bubble, keeping a distance yet close enough to let Bronya knew she was there.

"Can you please listen to our story first? You can make your decision later. Your own decision"

"For the record, you are not a prisoner or such" Natasha chimed in. "You are free to go if you wish to. We here are simply asking for your wisdom as the future Supreme Guardian"

"It is my duty to listen to people's aspirations" Bronya muttered resolutely, looking up to meet both Mei and Natasha's stares. There's fire in her silver and Mei smiled internally. "If it's audience you seek, then I'll grant it"

"Thank you, Madam Rand" Natasha said kindly and Bronya shook her head.

"... Just call me Bronya"

"Okay, then. Mei?"

Mei got the memo and nodded, interlocking her fingers with a hum. "My friends and I are with the Astral Express, an interstellar train created by the late Aeon Akivili. Part of our missions is to destroy the Stellarons scattered about the galaxy while reconnecting worlds back to the Star Rail network. This planet, Jarilo-VI, is our first stop" Mei paused, mulling over her words. "My friends and I hailed from a different galaxy to help one of ours who was stranded here before the three of us" She pointed towards Kiana outside and Bronya's followed her finger. "That's Kiana Kaslana who happens to be my wife and I'm Mei Raiden. Our other friend is y—"

"Hey, Nat!"

Before Mei could finish, the doors suddenly swung open and a frigid blast of cold air seeped through the opening. Two figures stood on the entryway, one a little bit behind the other but that wasn't what caught Mei's attention.

It was the figure herself.

"Seele?" Mei blurted out, eyes skipping between an aloof Bronya and a glaring Seele. The former sighed while the latter scoffed.

"Who the f*ck are these people?!" Seele growled and Mei had to do a double take to make sure she heard right. Never in her life knowing Seele had she heard Seele cursed and from the way her Bronya frown told her enough.

"What is the meaning of this?" The Silvermane Bronya demanded as she stood back up, eying both newcomers with confused eyes. "Why are you... I don't think I have a twin?"

Mei chuckled in a mixture of sympathy and amusem*nt, gesturing towards her Bronya. "Lady Rand. Meet my best friend Bronya Zaychik"

"Hey, Mei, did you ca—Oh..." Kiana glanced around the room, scratched her head sheepishly and shrugged. "Well, okay. Call me back when you guys resolve whatever is going on"

She turned around and about to bail but before she could walk out the door again, Stelle grabbed her by the back of her collar and dragged her back, staring pointedly at Kiana's panicked blue eyes. "Nuh-uh, if we have to stay so do you"

"Oh, come on, man! I'm not cut for whatever the hell is brewing! I'd rather fight a Judgment-class Honkai Beast in a locked room!"

"First, I have no idea what that is. Second, you're an adult so it's your responsibility" Stelle punctuated her words by grabbing Kiana's shoulders and guiding her to the center of the room where Mei, Seele, Natasha and both Bronya's sat around a dining table. She made. a sound of distress as March apologetically dragged one chair back for Stelle to force her down to.

"Nice of you to finally join us" Bronya deadpanned and Kiana groaned.

"I literally don't have a choice" Kiana sighed, her expression shifting to a more serious one as she addressed the three natives. A kitchen was hardly an ideal place to have such a heavy conversation but they didn't have much luxuries. "So, where are we?"

"We have a mission" Mei supplied helpfully. "Natasha told me the Wildfire requires our help in the mine, something about an uprising?"

The doctor nodded. "Some miners found a huge Geomarrow vein some time ago and as per rules, finders keepers. However, a few days ago a group of vagrants flooded in the mine and barricaded themselves in, seizing the reserve for themselves and causing an unrest. The Wildfire tried to keep orders but we are overwhelmed and there are also reports of Fragmentum monsters seeping in the area. The situation is rather dire"

"Geomarrow is very potent and thus highly explosive" Bronya said flatly, eyes shifting about the kitchen occupants. "It'll only take a spark for this to explode"

"Will it affect the Overworld?"

Bronya's eyes settled on her counterpart and two pairs of silver met. One devoid of any emotion while the other was clearly full of concern.

Before she could answer, however, Seele beat her to it. "Why? Do you only care about your precious Overworld?"

"N—no! I'm just worried..."

"Get a load of this girl" Seele muttered angrily. Natasha who sat beside her put her hand on Seele's crossed arms.

"Calm down, Seele. She's within her right to worry because it's her duty"

Seele scoffed. "Duty... right. It's their duty's demand they left us here to slowly die while they enjoy fresh air and food up there" She glared at Bronya, eyes red, and suddenly the Commander find herself unable to meet such fierce of a gaze. "Isn't that right, princess?"


"Can't even bring yourself to deny it? Of course. Because it was the truth. Wasteful, gluttonous piece of sh*t Overworlders who take everything for granted as if life provides them everything already. Do you even know how we live down here? We have to fight for every scrap of food, sometimes trading limbs and even life for it so we can go another day and you all throw it down the garbage can!"

"I'm sorry... I'm really sorry"

Bronya's pitiful whispering tugged at something in Seele's heart and she paused, only now noticing everyone except the Silvermane was staring at her because of her outburst. She gritted her teeth before she exhaled, trying to calm her nerve.

When she opened her eyes again, they were back to their original purple. "Your apology doesn't fix anything. Your mother is the one at fault" Seele said evenly, gaze meeting the other Bronya who blankly stared at her. It was so different to the distraught Silvermane Guard Seele was a little taken aback. "... Had she not locked us down here, none of this would've happened. If you're really sorry, fix it yourself. You're the next Supreme Guardian, aren't you?"

Bronya nodded, a little too vigorously as she wiped the tears welling on her eyes. "Yes... I promise, I will. I understand now" She said, addressing the Astral Express crew. They all smiled softly at her except her counterpart who merely stared back. "I'll help"

"Well, then" Natasha began after a short pause. "Now that we're on the same team, I think it's time you set out. Seele" Seele glanced at the doctor. "Go with them"

"... Got it, Nat"

That day the Underworlders were treated with a sight they never thought would see. An Overworld princess walking side by side with Babochka, a girl many considered as the embodiment of the Underworld and its upbringings. Bronya Rand held her head high, taking in every heated gaze she received with honor and pride while Seele's sheer presence kept those more violent down in their lane. Unknowingly, the two women had already created a balance that lost in the years between the two worlds.

Kiana elbowed her Bronya on the side and grinned, the latter rolled her eyes. Still, the nearly imperceptible smile on her face was there for Kiana to see. "Even here, huh?"

"I suppose, yes"

"Still, what the hell happened to Seele? I don't recall your girlfriend being this... straightforward" Kiana paused. "Well, maybe she is when you guys have se—oof!"

Bronya elbowed her hard, eyes shining with warning. "What happened on my bed is none of your business so stop"

Mei saw it all happened and chuckled, catching up beside Kiana from the rear of the group. "Kiana, stop pestering Bronya" She reprimanded and Kiana pouted.

"I'm just curious, okay? I never through Seele would be like this. The one I know is soft spoken and kind"

"She is kind" Bronya said with certainty as she motioned towards Seele, both Mei and Kiana shared a glance before they nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, she is"

Because anyone who worried about the wellbeing of the people as a whole when everyone was being selfish was definitely a kind and caring person.

People and predispositions...



Have we talked about how much of a boomer HSR Bronya is? We probably have.

Watching the concert really got me going. I wrote all of this after watching it which impressed myself to be honest.

Also, I know I said I won't cross-post Renegade but I've been thinking of doing it lately. Should I or nah?

Thanks for stopping by, kudos and reviews are appreciated.

Chapter 8: To the Heaven I Dream


Apologies for the excessive intermediates but there's so much to cover in this chapter with so much characters at once. I promise I'll get you guys a more "personal" chapter later so just bear with me with this one.

I could've made this almost thrice as long but I don't want to stretch it, which speaks a lot of how much compromises I had to make for this one. Believe me, while it could've been longer, it might not have been fun to read. I chose what I think is the best for my story.

Anyway, KiaMei. Enjoy.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 8: To the Heaven I Dream

A lot of words could be used to describe the mining sector of Belobog's Underworld yet at the moment two were the best amongst the many; hot and suffocating.

Geomarrow was a special mineral with even more special characteristics. It was capable of storing energy and releasing it in controlled radiation form of heat while at the same time never losing its potency until it was exposed to open air.

That was to say to keep the Geomarrow 'fresh', the miners had no choice but to build an array of dampeners that kept cycled air trapped in the mine which contributed to the humid heat all around the area. Seele foresaw this and gave each of them a water bottle to keep them hydrated. Judging from the way March sweating bullets it probably had saved them from an inevitable heatstroke.

Kiana, Bronya and Mei had no need of their share but they kept them pocketed anyway for the three teenagers. Kiana had discarded her Valkyrie jacket and changed her Battlesuit to her Void Drifter set, one Mei still found pleasingly appealing to the eyes especially now with how much Kiana had grown. The Kaslana caught her staring and winked cheekily and suddenly Mei felt the heat on her cheeks was more concentrated than the rest of her body.

"You two had sex and the notion of ogling made you blush?" Bronya teased with a chuckle, earning a mortified groan from Mei. Despite Mei and Bronya being on the furthest back, Kiana heard them still and laughed from the middle of the group, startling Stelle who was talking with her thanks to the sudden interruption. Mei felt the heat crept even further to her neck and ears.

"I wasn't staring..." Mei denied weakly and Bronya snorted as a response.

"Right, and I'm a donkey." She deadpanned. "Just don't be distracted too much. The last time one of you was lusting over the other, we literally got run over by a space train"

"Bronya!" Mei hissed in an odd mixture of embarrassment and apology. "There's children."

"They're teenagers, Mei. They know what sex is" Bronya shrugged nonchalantly then. "I doubt they heard, anyway."

Bronya, as always, was correct. The only reason Kiana heard them was because of her Herrscher traits that gave her superhuman sensory receptors. Still, Mei couldn't help but to feel embarrassed all the same. "Thank you, by the way" Mei began anew. Although she wanted to change the subject first from her behind the door life, she was sincere in her gratitude to Bronya. "Your help means a lot."

Bronya hummed and waved her hand dismissively. "Enough, Mei. It's nothing."

Nothing to her but everything to Lysetia. Mei had explained to her what her help was needed for and Bronya was right in her assumption. It involved a kid in trouble as always with Mei. Lysetia was asleep in the short moment Bronya checked on her with Mei, the latter telling the former the girl's story. It was hard to not feel sympathetic and Bronya was sure she would help regardless Mei's request.

Unfortunately, Lysetia would have to wait. While Bronya could create her limbs back with a literal snap of her fingers, the recovery procedures would require a more delicate and closer attention. Lysetia was not a soldier. She was not trained to handle the following shock of having her body modified so suddenly. She would survive, but it would be painful.

Right now, it was a secondary concern. As much as Bronya hated to rank the girl second on her priority list, they had a more pressing issue to handle first. The mine was huge and it wouldn't be a surprise if they got lost without proper guide. Seele, thankfully, knew the Underworld like the back of her hand.

As they went deeper and deeper into the heart of Underworld's economy source, none of them uttered a single word. Like ducklings following their mother, Seele led them into the main entrance where the commotion was.

People of various age and injury scattered about the vast gap of rocks, muttering hushed conversations to each other while they looked out anxiously. Amongst them, two men with red ribbons on their arms stood on guard, expression tight in a grimace.

They moved to approach them, carefully maneuvering between the sea of people. March and Stelle stared wide eyed at the victims around them, horrified at the sight of severed limbs and bleeding flesh.

"This is horrible." The pinkette muttered, clearly horrified. Stelle put a hand on her shoulder to guide her away from the sight, squeezing it comfortingly.

"We're here to help." She said resolutely and March nodded. Mei moved first, again approaching a group of children who looked like they had fallen in a coal pit. Dirty, bruised and scared, she closed the distance as slowly as she could so to not startle them before offering them her share of water.

"I'll let you guys do the talking," Kiana told Seele somberly who nodded back. She turned towards the Astral Express trio and sighed. "I won't force you to join. It's a rather gruesome scene." She began with a reassuring smile. "But if you want, then let's go."

Kiana didn't try to shield them. The old her would without hesitation. Instead, she gave them a choice in which they took with grace. They shared a glance and smiled resolutely while Dan Heng nodded.

"We're here, either way. It is better if we do." He said.

The next few minutes were spent with the crew helping the wounded. Kiana and Mei, being a former Valkyrie thus having enough knowledge in first aid, went and helped Wildfire's medics in administering treatments around them. Bronya watched it all with crossed arms, standing close to Seele and her Silvermane counterpart to listen to their conversation. She would've helped, but she had her own duty to perform as the team's tactical genius.

"—northern sector's is holding up but we're not sure how long the barricade will last especially with the vagrants cutting our supply line." One of the Wildfire members told Seele in angry mumble so to not be overheard by the civilians. "It wouldn't be long until we have a breach."

"Those assholes were usually holed up on Robot Settlement." His friend added with a similar tone. "This stupid mining feud spurred them to arms while they wouldn't be bothered if it was a monster attack. It's money they after."

"Just like any other Underworlders." Seele scoffed. "I wouldn't blame them for trying to survive."

"But it's a crime still, no?" The lone Silvermane Guard asked, drawing Seele's attention to her. It seemed she had forgotten the Silvermane Bronya's existence in the short time she talked with her colleagues.

"Obviously. That's why we're here."

"To bring them to justice?"

Seele's brows dipped as she scowled. Bronya could feel the aggression in the air as Seele stared down the Commander, still she kept quiet and watched from behind. "To kill them. A crime of this magnitude means death."

"Kill?! Surely there's justice system in place...?"

"What f*cking justice system, princess? Your mother took it with her when she closed the Underworld. The only justice around is example." Seele spat, glaring at the startled Silvermane with clear disgust in her purple eyes. "If we kill them, it'll show them to not pull the same stunt again in the future. Do it with actions, that's how it is here."

"... how'd the Supreme Guardian's heir be down here anyway?" Asked a Wildfire member to Seele who shrugged.

"It's Nat. She must be up to something."

Seele took a step away but a hand stopped her before she could took another. Looking down to its owner, she was met with a pair of shocked silver.

"You can't be the judge and jury." Bronya whispered in horror. Seele's cold purple regarded her for precisely three seconds before she tore her hand from Bronya's grasp and sneered.

"I've been the executioner, too." She felt another pair of silver staring at her, courtesy of another Bronya. Glaring at the aloof woman, Seele began. "What? Are you going to stop me, too?"

But the Herrscher was different. Despite the hint of sadness in her eyes, her expression was not changing. That sadness was not directed at the situation but rather Seele herself, something the purple haired woman caught. Seele was not oblivious. She'd noticed the way the other Bronya would look at her from time to time. She couldn't put it into words but it always seemed soft, almost affectionate.

She didn't understand.

"I'm not going to interfere," Said the Herrscher calmly. "However you conduct yourself and your business is not my concern. I'm here to help, that is all to it."

Seele blinked, a pleased smile slowly forming on her lips. "Huh, even if we have to kill people?"


Short, clipped. Almost disinterested. Seele was grinning now and Bronya's eyes never left her shining purple. "sh*t, didn't expect you to be that cold and decisive. I think I like you better than I do this princess over here."

The two Wildfire members were staring at Seele in disbelief, never had they seen her admitting she liked someone upfront. Babochka spoke with her fists and scythe. If there was a conflict, she would resolve it by throwing punches not words. But Bronya didn't find her praise comforting. In fact, it did the opposite to her.

"That's not fair," The Herrscher of Truth began as she uncrossed her arms, looking at a surprised Seele with a reprimanding gaze. "She has her own struggle as I have mine. I grew up in a harsh world and it was a fate I wish for nobody to endure. She doesn't know what you've gone through as you don't know what she has gone through. Until you understand each other, you cannot judge. Hence, it's unfair to say you like me better. Not for her and for yourself."

A breeze of cold air unfamiliar to Jarilo-VI hit both women as the Herrscher brushed past them, it carried with it disappointment and disapproval so thick it left a metaphorical trail behind her. She didn't glance back when she spoke next. "It is not my place to judge either. However, you cannot understand if you do not accept. Trust is vital for a peaceful world."

"Hey, Bronya?"

"What is it, Kiana?"

"Are you mad?"

"... I'm not."


Kiana stared at her through concern filled ocean blue, gone was her usual playful aggravation that usually present whenever she talked with Bronya. The sight made Bronya pause on her work to properly regard her best friend. "What makes you say that?"

The Kaslana shrugged, hands in her pockets as she rocked back and forth. Kiana had always had a seemingly infinite energy in her body even before she gained Herrscher powers, a vessel too small for a hyperactive girl like her. Yet, she seemed more anxious than anything as she asked Bronya. "You're frowning."

It would've been normal to see someone frown, but Bronya was not just a someone. While Kiana was extremely expressive to her emotions, Bronya was not. To see her showing a minuscule of twitch on her face meant she was genuinely feeling it and that emotion she was feeling would've been very strong to begin with. The X-10 experiment took a lot of things from her, which was why the first time Kiana saw Bronya cry was also her last time.

Words couldn't describe their feelings. They never sufficed. Their only option was action and that action spoke louder than what was shown. The fact Kiana was here asking her and worrying about her, was an action enough to show her care to Bronya. A Kaslana could be unbelievably stubborn it was almost impossible for a human, so Bronya relented.

"It's nothing we can do," she curtly told Kiana, continuing on her work. The miners required a transportation for the wounded so Bronya used her Truth power to fix and create mining carts to move them to Boulder Town. The Underworld was a massive mining network all the way to its heart, after all. "They would need to solve it themselves."

Kiana glanced at where Bronya gestured with her thumb, revealing Seele and this world's Bronya. Raising an eyebrow inquisitively, Bronya waved the question she knew Kiana would've asked, the are you certain? and some. "Huh. Are you upset this Seele is not your other self's girlfriend like you are to her back home?"

Bronya, understandably, fixated her with a deadpan stare. "Bugger off, Kiana."

The Kaslana stuck her tongue out and skipped away to where Mei was. Bronya snorted and shook her head, a small smile on her face, one that was similar on Kiana's own.

Kiana had always had an odd way to cheer someone up. These Kaslanas...

The rest of the job was done in a relative quiet afterwards. From time to time, a Belobogian would approach her out of curiosity only to ended up nervous when Bronya's gaze settled on them loosely. Having a face that of a big shot's was not enjoyable at all. There was a reason why she kept secret of her service in the Honkai War, turning them into hearsays in her company for her employees to play guess. Here, however, it was an inevitability and not within her control.

So, Bronya smiled curtly out of courtesy, finding no reason to keep their curiosity at bay. The power of Truth was as fascinating as it could get. Watching materials being made out of thin air with mere thought was beyond magical.

A loud creaking noise to her far right interrupted Bronya's thought and she glanced to its source. Kiana was hauling an overturned mining cart out of the rails with her bare hands like it was nothing. People stared at her with awe and shock while the Kaslana dabbed her hands together, smiling to herself. "Alrighty! We good to go!"

She gave Bronya a thumbs up and Bronya nodded, creating the final piece of the plan; the small locomotive engine to pull the carts with. Again, a simple thought was all it needed for it to appear from thin air right on the tracks.

"Load the wounded." Bronya ordered the others who complied immediately. She climbed onto one of the carts and stretched her hands, pulling people onboard to be transported off. "Children first and those who can stand!"

Through the corner of her eyes she saw a flash of purple and silver amongst the crowd as Seele and her Silvermane counterpart moved to help too. Some were reluctant to grab her hands and the same could be seen happening to the other Bronya, yet it didn't stop neither of the two from helping. With combined efforts, they finally finished loading everyone up.

"What about the dead?" A Wildfire member asked the question everyone knew but refused to ask. His words drew the last straw for them to stare at a group of still bodies remaining on the floor.

Nobody wanted to say it despite knowing it was necessary so Bronya took it upon herself to carry the burden. "Leave them. Make another go when you're done transporting the living." She told him, gesturing for the locomotive. "Go and come back later. There will be more."

More of what was also obvious but this time Bronya kept it to herself. They knew enough an explanation was not needed. She saw him nodded as he hopped into the locomotive and Bronya jumped off the cart, ignoring the looks she received from the people around her.

After all, she had always been good at ignoring people.

The carts moved and with it flow a cacophony of whimpers and moans from the hurt and scared. Mei was on her phone calling Natasha, informing the doctor what to expect coming from the mine. Her worry was palpable as she spoke through bitten lips.

Bronya checked on the trio teenagers then to make sure they were doing alright after such a mentally exhausting endeavor, grimacing slightly when she noticed the blood on their hands and clothes. They were still inexperienced in handling a wounded so it was expected from them to be a little messy. Still, Bronya praised them and their willingness to help. A mess or not, their help was invaluable and praises went as far as they could go to someone.

"I just hope we can save more of them." March somberly told them as they washed their hands on nearby well. Stelle, who was near her, paused and patted her on the back comfortingly.

"We will, March. We will."

"Don't think too much of it." Dan Heng joined in. Of the three, he was the one with less mess on him and Bronya noticed it. He didn't physically try to comfort March but his expression softened considerably as he looked at the two females. "We did what we could."

Bronya hummed, nodding in agreement from where she was watching the three. "Dan Heng is right. Don't think too much of it. There's no end to that thought." She glanced to Mei and nodded, receiving a nod in return from the Raiden. "We have to go. We've been hold up for too long."

March wiped her hands and shrugged, a warm smile on her face. "Well, no rest for the weary. Let's go help more!"

"She bounced back quite quickly, huh?" Stelle mumbled to Bronya on their way and Bronya chuckled.

"She reminds me of someone." She said, gesturing to Kiana when Stelle looked at her inquisitively. "They can be quite the handful bunch."

"Kiana? She doesn't seem like she worries much."

"She used to be." Memories of Kiana shouldering everything alone flooded the front of Bronya's mind and she shook her head to banish them. She was not particularly fond of the thought. Kiana had learned a lot she was no longer the naive girl she was back then. "She's a Kaslana."

Stelle hummed, intrigued. "What does that mean? Aside from, you know, being a part of Schicksal foundations and all that."

How to define a Kaslana? Bronya could think of hundreds of ways to describe them. Headstrong, sacrificial and ridiculously obstinate were amongst the many but one stood up the most.

"They're a loner." Bronya settled to say. "They do everything alone, carrying their pain on their own backs and their longing on their own hearts. A Kaslana dies and be forgotten to protect the weak and innocent, it's in their oath."

It was almost like a curse, or maybe it was. Everything began with Kevin and ended with Kiana, two warriors of two different era's whose ideals clashed against the other like tide against the beach. One strived for a change while the other believed truth was on his side, that options were no longer available and that sacrifice was absolute. In the end, Kiana emerged victorious. Her vision for what was best, defeated Kevin's own and she proved it to him. With that, she fully broke free from the curse of the Kaslana and stopped fighting alone. Finally learning to pave her own way instead of the one Himeko left her.

She trusted her family and friends. Fighting for them was not necessarily a lonely path she must took. She stopped trying to be on their front and taking the brunt with her body and mind, instead she had them by her sides to help her brave the storm, hand in hand and heart to heart. Kiana had changed. She didn't stop caring. She simply understood that she must not care alone.

It was hard to explain yet easy to say. The Kaslanas were always a simple bunch, yet their motivations would either sound idiotic or beyond noble to those who not know them. Bronya took the middle ground for the safest description. "But Kiana is Kiana. She might not be the same girl she was back then but she's still an idiot to the bone. It won't change any time soon."

"I heard that, Bratnya!"

"You're meant to, Kiana Idiotka."

The guards noticing their approach tensed up until they saw Seele in the group. She greeted them by names as they passed by, not even bothering to stop.

The outpost was filled with Wildfire members. Tents were erected in the small clearing, giving housing for the wounded and the officers to conduct their duty. Doctors, fighters and logistic personnel moved about the place like the wind itself, unhindered and certain with their destinations. For a supposedly ragtag group of militia, they acted and carried themselves like professional soldiers.

"Hey, chief!" She called out to someone and a rather elderly man turned around to face them from inside a tent. "Nat got us help!"

He was a rather elderly man, judging from his white hair and short, stubby mustache and beard. His face was set in a frozen stern expression but not unkind, as there was a hint of warmth in that icy gaze as he looked at them with scrutinizing gaze.

The scar on his left eye told a story of an unkind past yet it failed to stop him from appearing friendly. Oleg was, for a lack of better word, a conundrum. His appearance belied his kindness as many who didn't know would think harshly of him while the truth he was your average doting grandpa.

"Thank you, Seele." He said with a slight smile and Seele waved the gratitude off.

"Are you the leader of Wildfire?" Kiana asked the man curiously, entering the tent and offering her hand. "I'm Kiana."

"My name is Oleg. I'm the acting chief of operation." He replied, shaking Kiana's hand with a surprisingly gentle grip. "I'm sorry, I wish we met in a better circ*mstance but alas."

"It is no problem, sir. My name is Mei and these are my friends." Mei began to introduce the rest of the Astral Express crew and Oleg shook their hands in kind. Although, he did appear baffled for a moment when it was Bronya's turn.

"I... was not aware that Lady Rand has a twin sister." He admitted, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. Both Bronya's shared a glance, the Silvermane Guard grimacing while the Herrscher shrugged.

"We are not related." Said the latter flatly. "I'm with the Astral Express and not from this world."

"Lady Zaychik's existence is not something I was aware of until a few hours ago," Continued the former, stepping forward to stand before Oleg directly. "For I am the future Supreme Guardian, I wish to know more about life in the Underworld so I can rule fairly."

Oleg was visibly surprised by the bold declaration, his smile widening further. "Of course, ma'am. The fact you are here is enough testament of your will and intentions. I hope you rule true to your heart one day." He paused to regard her better. "However, I'm sure you are aware since you yourself is a Silvermane Guard but we cannot protect you if you wish to proceed henceforth against the vile monsters hiding in the mine ahead."

"I can take care of myself, sir Oleg."

"Please, just call me Oleg." He raised his hands and chuckled. "All of you."

"Now that pleasantries are behind us, I think it's time we talk about the current situation." Mei proposed in which they nodded in agreement. She glanced around, eyes meeting Kiana's amidst the group and gave Kiana a nearly imperceptible gesture with her head for her to move.

Kiana smiled and waved her hand, stepping back and away. Grabbing both March and Stelle, she gave the two an apologetic smile as she dragged them with her. "Sorry, girls, I need your help."

"Huh, what?" The pinkette asked, confused. A prospect shared with Stelle.

"You guys remember Lysetia?" Her confusion deepened for a brief moment until a sad look passed on March's face while Stelle frowned. How could they forget Lysetia when she was like that, lying on the bed missing limbs and covered in bandages? They voiced their affirmation and Kiana hummed. "I need your help in finding her parents. The folks back on the entrance said they are still here."

"Why? What do you want from them?"

"Me? Nothing. Mei, however, needs their permission."

"Wait!" March jumped to Kiana's front, effectively stopping her on the spot. "Permission for what? Kiana, you need to explain first!"

Kiana rubbed the back of her head and laughed sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I got ahead of myself." She then gestured for them to come closer and whispered to their ears. "Bronya and Welt explained to you what Herrscher of Truth is, right?"

March nodded a little too vigorously and the result was her forehead banging against the side of Kiana's head and knocking said head towards a clueless Stelle's head. They collectively groaned in pain while Stelle whined. "March... I think it's an established fact already that your head is harder than any of ours."

"Thanks..." The pinkette mumbled before her mind could catch up to her lips. "Wait, what was that supposed to mean?!"

Stelle ignored her. "Why are we being inconspicuous, anyway? I know Bronya can build things with just her thought so what's the harm in telling people that?"

All trace of light-hearted amusem*nt left Kiana's eyes and she adopted a more serious stance, straightening up until her back was ramrod straight and expression grim. She eyed her surroundings, making sure nobody overheard their conversation. "The Authority of Truth allows Bronya to create anything and I mean anything, including human bodies." She told them, watching both girls with apt eyes. Stelle frowned in thought for a second until she caught up to what Kiana said, eyes widening and mouth falling open.


March, as expected, failed to understand. "What? What does it mean?"

"... It means Bronya can give Lysetia a new hand and leg." Kiana told her. March mirrored Stelle's reaction only that hers was followed with a hopeful smile. Kiana hated to break that smile but knew she had to. "No, March. We can't."

Her smile disappeared. "I haven't even said it..."

"I know what you are thinking. I felt the same, too." Kiana put a comforting hand on March's shoulder, sighing. "Believe me, I wish we could but the risk is not worth it."

"What's that?"


"The risk."

"... A calamity."

"Did you find them?"

Kiana nodded to Mei's question. "Yeah. Do you want to talk with them?"

The Finality watched her Origin pondered the question, conflict raging behind her pretty amethyst orbs as her gaze grew distant for a brief second. Eventually, Mei shook her head and Kiana smiled a sad smile, knowing the decision Mei took before she said it. "No, it's better if we wait until we're done here."

"They're staying behind." Kiana said softly, drawing a curious look from Mei. "Lysetia's parents, I mean. Her father is a former Silvermane Guard."

"I see..."

Kiana continued. "Now you know where our little heroine comes from with that tendency of hers."

Mei chuckled bitterly in response to Kiana's words. "Duty bound fathers and their daughters, am I right?"

Kiana laughed. "Yup! Doesn't sound that foreign to me. Even in a different galaxy altogether."

Mei shook her head fondly. "Oleg wants us to go to the north side of the mine," she told her after a short pause. "We've reports that the barricade the Wildfire put has collapsed and monsters are breaching in steadily."

"All of us?"

"No. I'll have the kids accompanied our Silvermane friend evacuating the remaining civilians. Seele will go with Bronya and conduct a SAR."

Kiana put a hand onto her hip and grinned. "You and I fighting together again? Can't wait for that."

Mei chuckled. When was the last time she and Kiana fought together? It had been so long she couldn't recall. Sure, they sparred regularly on the Moon in occasions where Kiana wanted to feel her blood rush as they engaged in a familiar dance of blade and pistol but a real fight?

It probably wouldn't be as spectacular and it was probably for the best. Any enemy needing Kiana or Mei to blow kilometers wide hole on the surface was probably a problem big enough for them to worry. Not to say they didn't worry, far from that in fact, for those who survived long enough in the battlefield would start to think they were invincible. That, alone, was the beginning of doom to many.

Never underestimate your enemy. Bronya told them that a lot and there was no better teacher in that regard than their best friend. She told them of instances where people got too co*cky in a battle, oftentimes ending up dead or dying against what should've been an easy target. Kiana might be the Queen of Honkai, but that didn't mean she was invincible.

"Hey, Mei." Kiana began in a troubled tone and Mei blinked, looking down to the white haired woman. Kiana, however, had her eyes set on Seele and Bronya, alternating between their best friend and the Silvermane Guard for the latter. "Are you sure that's a good idea?

"... What do you mean?"

"Bronya," Kiana breathed out. "I don't think she thinks highly of those two."

Mei grimaced as she shifted on her legs. Thunder made a sort of hum in her head, more or less telling her that she agreed to what Kiana said. That in itself was alarming since Thunder could hardly care about other people.

"Bronya is your friend. It would've been troublesome if she folds here." Said the Herrscher persona.

But Mei knew better, her answer was for both Kiana and Thunder. "Bronya is smart and wise. She understands that she cannot expect those two to get along so quickly just because she and our Seele are in a relationship. It is bitter and I can tell from Bronya's expression, but there's nothing she can do."

"Say, what if in this journey you meet another me that hates the other you?" Kiana asked softly. It was a possibility and more a probability, if Seele and Bronya existed with such a conflicting relationship in this strange new galaxy. Honestly, Kiana couldn't picture any of that happening but it did happen with their friend and Bronya loved Seele more than she did the world or herself. Seeing the contradiction between the two here pained Kiana.

"Then it does not concern me." Mei spoke with utmost certainty it surprised Kiana. She put her hands on Kiana's cheeks and leaned in to kiss her in the forehead, practically turning Kiana into puddle as the Kaslana instinctively pulled Mei into an embrace. "You are you. Even if there's thousands of Kianas out there, you are the only one for me. You were the one that held me close when I had terrible nightmares back in Nagazora, the one who put tattered rag on me when the night turned cold and the one that embraced me when I cried my eyes out. It's all you, Kiana Kaslana, not nobody else."

"I'll also have you know," Mei continued after a while, retreating back a little to stare at Kiana's surprised blue eyes. A pair of beautiful sapphire that reflected the soul of the most beautiful individual Mei had ever met. "That you are the only Kiana who gave me happiness, purpose, and chance. You are irreplaceable to me."

Kiana's face had been heating up the moment Mei confessed her heart out to her to the point Mei's touch felt slightly colder. She made a noise behind her throat that sounded a lot like a squeal as she dove into Mei's bosom. "Well, I feel the same way too."

Kiana's voice reverberated on Mei's chest and she giggled. "Bronya feels the same. While it's certainly displeasing, it doesn't matter to us."

Kiana hummed and Mei moved to pat her back comfortingly. They stayed like that for a while until the source of Kiana's worry approached them with raised eyebrows.

"Suckling Mei's tit* in the public, now? There really is no end to your indecency, huh." Bronya began with an exaggerated shock and Kiana glared at her before she promptly flipped Bronya the bird.

"Sometimes I wonder if it's really worth it to worry about you." The Kaslana grunted out with a scowl. "What do you want?"

"I want you to move your ass because it's time we head out." Bronya stated, throwing a bag full of bottled water to Kiana. "Bring that out in case you meet survivors. They've been in the mine for hours in this heat so they might be dehydrated."

Kiana opened the bag to check if everything was in order before she shrugged, seemingly to throw it into a random place until a golden portal swallowed the bag mid air. "Okay, then. Do you know what to expect?"

"Fragmentum monsters. A lot of them, according to the report. Wildfire vanguards are holding on as we speak so you better go now," Bronya urged and Kiana nodded. "Also, more importantly, don't use Shamash while you're near a Geomarrow reserve. The last thing we want is to accidentally blow up the Underworld."

Kiana groaned exasperatedly but she still nodded in concession. "Well, bat it is. Too bad Stelle won't be coming with me, we could've had a match."

"You can always do it the other time," Mei offered gently with a concealed amusem*nt. Kiana and Stelle hit it right off the bat, no pun intended, the moment she found out the latter used baseball bat as her weapon just like Kiana and the countless Kaslanas before her. She even declared Stelle a honorary Kaslana a while back much to Bronya's chagrin and Mei's amusem*nt.

"I'll leave you two to it," Bronya pulled her phone out and showed them the screen. "I've sent the mine's map to our group chat, once you both cleared your area Oleg will send more reinforcement to plug the hole back, he originally wanted to send his men into an all out fight but I convinced him that you two will be enough."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Kiana said with a grin. "Well, shall we?"

Mei nodded, returning Kiana's smile with her own. "Let's do this."



Kudos and reviews are appreciated! Thank you so much.

Chapter 9: Embraced Under My Shield


This was fun to write. Now excuse me while I have my dinner.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 9: Embraced Under My Shield.

After an hour of working together with someone previously so vehement in throwing them into the brigs for a crime they did not commit Stelle could finally conclude that it was awkward as hell.

March was a little jumpy and Dan Heng was... Well, Dan Heng. He didn't appear bothered by it and seemed focus as always as he talked in a normal manner with the Silvermane Commandant about business and it actually was a little fascinating to watch. She still couldn't figure out what kind of an individual Dan Heng was, though she was sure he was a good person and it hadn't changed.

Maybe it was her fault for not really trying to bridge herself with this Bronya but that Bronya could've put someone else to accompany this Bronya instead of her and the gang. Mei was a cool girl and Kiana was even cooler to Stelle, both were universally liked by the three of them including Dan Heng and she could tell, hence it would've been better if it was either of the two.

But here was the problem; none of them was strong enough to fight what Oleg dubbed as "A wave of monsters flooding in every corners" alone so Kiana and Mei were the best answers to said problem, despite their voiced concern about their safety. Bronya, that Bronya, told them to not worry and she said it with such certainty she was almost indifferent. She didn't tell them what their capability was, just a simple "Have confidence on them", or how strong Kiana and Mei were to begin with. They could only believe, it was everything they could do.

The other option was not spoken yet Stelle understood. Pairing Seele and the Silvermane Bronya was a disaster waiting to happen. Hate was a strong word so she refrained from using it to describe Seele's view on the Silvermane Commandant but Seele certainly didn't see her in high regards either. It was a little misplaced to blame Bronya for something she didn't do but Bronya would need to prove herself first to Seele, that seemed to be the rule under here.

So that Bronya had to go with Seele because, somehow, she seemed capable of handling Seele just fine while they had to work with this Bronya. Stelle didn't dislike her for accusing them of something they didn't do but there was certainly a road they must walk first to really understand each other.

The more she observed the Silvermane Commandant, however, the more she saw the person underneath that uniform and it drew her into a more respectable light. Bronya seemed genuinely care for the Underworlders and it showed, extending hands to the wounded and giving reassuring smiles to scared children as they went back and forth from the entrance to the outpost. Her regal uniform, one a Wildfire member Stelle heard muttered to his friend of being a Supreme Guardian's ceremonial outfit, was marred in dirt and dried blood but it didn't stop her from looking all dignified to the people she swore to serve as she helped them through the crisis.

Right now she was on the forefront of the third civilian group they must escort out of the mine, leading her people like she should a good leader. Stelle and March was guarding the rear so she could see the stares Bronya received from her people.

None looked at her with contempt this time. Exhaustion, resignation to their wound and a whole bunch of hope in their eyes. Yet Bronya didn't see it as she was too busy, looking on their immediate area to make sure there was no harm that might come to her people.

That Bronya told her of the Kaslana oath, of being the shield and sword of the innocent, and Stelle could see the Rands doing something of similar actions to their people. She feared it might do Bronya perils like it did the Kaslanas, but as she looked at the young boy resting on Bronya's back as she carried him in a piggyback carry, it probably wasn't a concern for now.

What they needed was an anchor to reality, that although the people came first they should also understand that there was someone or something waiting and hoping for their safe return. That, in the end, they were still as precious to the people around them.

The boy was Bronya's anchor. His weak grasp on her back and subtle warmth were her reminders. The moment she extended her kindness, she had become a precious person to the boy. He would wish for her safety and be remembered as his hero. Someone who carried him home unconditionally despite the grime and blood seeping into her clothes from his various wounds.

Bronya didn't care of any of that. They were nothing but stains. The safety of her people was her everything at the moment as she whispered words of comfort to the boy who could only nod through half lidded eyes as exhaustion ate him away.

They arrived at the mine entrance and started to load everyone back into the waiting carts. This time, a lot of people had joined the Wildfires after they learned of what happened in the mine to help, carrying with them water and medical supplies. Down here, people must learn how to survive, meaning almost everyone had basic medical skills. Down here, people could be selfish to survive but it was also true the other way around, that strength could be found in unity and solidarity.

It was a sight of raw human's nature as social creature.

Bronya moved to a waiting group of Wildfire members, telling them of things they must do. None of them questioned her orders, none of them gave her a second glance as they moved out to carry said orders. Stelle watched as Bronya turned to address her people.

Her voice boomed with surety there was not a hint of doubt in her words. Right now she was not Bronya Rand, right now she was a Silvermane Commandant and an heir to the Supreme Guardian's seat. "Attention, please! We've arrived at the entrance but I will have to ask for everyone to prioritize the heavily wounded and children first! Anyone with superficial wound will go on the second pass! Water is on that tent, go if you need some and please refrain from bothering the Wildfire members unless it's an absolute emergency!"

She passed the boy on her back to a Wildfire medic, ignoring the disgruntled murmurs some people gave her. Some of his blood got stuck on her silver hair and the contrast was glaring yet Bronya paid it no heed, opting to talk with the local leader instead with the trio following closely.

"Are you miss Risa?" She asked the woman on the command post. Unlike Oleg, she was a rather young woman who looked like she wasn't older than thirty year old.

"I am, Madam Rand." The woman greeted respectfully, offering her hand to Bronya who shook it. "How can I help?"

"Nothing at the moment. I just want to ask the situation back in the town."

Risa sighed heavily as she ran her gloved fingers down her shoulder length blonde mane, glancing to the outside of the tent for a brief moment she said in low voice for Bronya and the trio to hear.

"Natasha said she's running low on medical supplies," she whispered grimly, "and I am honestly not sure with how many more we can take in to the town. We had to put patients on the streets."

Bronya nodded in understanding. "Regardless, we have to help. Let's figure how to treat them later, for now we just have to bring them back, alright?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Risa paused, a small smile on her lips. "You're doing alright."

"... I just want to help."

Exiting the tent, they were right on time to watch the carts being pulled away. The boy Bronya carried saw them and smiled, waving his little hand to Bronya who returned it with a warm smile of her own.

"Thank you, Miss Silvermane!" He yelled as best as he could with his condition and it was followed with a series of gratitude from the others for the four of them. Stelle grinned and gave a thumbs up while March waved her hands enthusiastically in return. Dan Heng and Bronya, being on the more reserved side, simply nodded and smiled.

Bronya watched them go for another few seconds before she gestured at the three teenagers. "The way out is relatively safe. If you want to rest, go ahead. I'll ask for a few Wildfires to help me escort people out in the meanwhile."

They shared a glance and came into one conclusion. "We're okay," March began, "We can still go on, come on."

"Are you sure?" Bronya asked worriedly. "Rest is important."

"We're sure."

She gave them a once-over before she nodded, accepting the answer. "Okay, then. Just tell me if you want to switch."

As Bronya led them back into the mine, Stelle concluded that Bronya, indeed, was a good person to the heart. There was no doubt about it anymore.

Oleg was not kidding.

That was the first thought that came to mind when they arrived on scene to reinforce the Wildfire members holding up the tertiary checkpoint in the mine. The third and the last defense against monsters attack before the outpost itself.

The situation was bad. The defending Wildfires were downright overwhelmed but the sheer tenacity of the defenders held the monsters at bay. This close to Geomarrow reserve, they couldn't use firearms so they had to engage in close quarter battles with nothing but melee weapons and crossbows, further limiting their strength.

Kiana jumped into the fray immediately with a loud battlecry, kicking a flying Frostspawn so hard it shattered to pieces with a terrible shriek before she moved to bat another one attacking a Wildfire shielder. Not wanting to be left behind, Mei joined in in a literal flash of thunder, skipping across the battlefield and shocking monsters to death along the way. Their twitching, smoldering bodies were the only traces she left behind.

Both women worked in tandem. Like one mind in two bodies, they danced in the battlefield as monsters fell around them like puppets with their strings cut. Blunt force trauma and electric shock were their songs and death was their audience, all happening in movements so refined only two persons who shared heart could achieve.

The tide of the battle changed immediately with the wave now turning their attention to the threats the two possessed. Monsters roared and charged at them, yet all they met were either Kiana's bat or Mei's lightning bolts.

Stopping with their backs on each other's, Kiana grinned, not even batting an eye to the monsters now surrounding them. "Oh, I so missed this!" She excitedly told Mei who chuckled.

"It had been so long," the Origin replied gently. "But I think we should wrap this up."

Kiana hummed in agreement. "I've got this side."

"I've got mine."

Kiana took a step forward as did Mei, shouldering her bat and smirking as she looked at the monsters around her. "Alright, fellas! Come and get some!"

Her words spurred them to action. With a collective shrieks, Fragmentum monsters charged at her head on, intent of maiming her with teeth and claws. Their attempt of intimidation, however, fell short on Kiana who simply summoned giant subspace walls to trap the monsters in with her thought.

They crashed on the walls, rippling the barriers and sending waves of purple. Kiana then proceeded to narrow the walls until they were squeezed in an indestructible box of interdimensional construct and snapped her fingers together.

A miniature black hole appeared in the box, its intense gravitational force pulled and ripped the monsters apart until nothing was left. Their dying roars and shrieks fell on empty ears as both sounds and air were sucked into the infinite void, never to be seen again.

After a moment, Kiana allowed the black hole to collapse and it disappeared without a trace along with the box. Admiring her handiwork, she grinned and nodded to herself.

Good job, Kiana, not even a scratch on the ground.

Meanwhile Mei chose a more simpler action. She couldn't summon a black hole like her Finality but she still had something on her belt. Literally.

Pulling Seven Thunders out of its scabbard entirely, Mei kept her sharp gaze on the monsters ahead of her as the atmosphere began to shift, heavier and more electrified with static electricity. She could feel Thunder shifting in her domain, almost grinning sad*stically from excitement and it sent more and more of her power to Mei's body, fueling the Divine Key in her hand with the might of a storm.

Her muscles jittered from energy and it took everything in her power to not dash ahead and began to cut. But Mei studied kenjutsu since she was young and she knew patience could bring the best of boons. She had been patient her entire life so this was nothing. This was manageable, compared to the waiting she had to undertake for her beloved.

Gracefully, she went low. Like the water flow, her movement was smooth while her stance was rock solid. Glowing purple eyes boring to her enemies with the focus of a hawk, a predator watching its preys with the intention to kill before, eventually, she made her move.

A slash.

A strike like thunder itself, quick and swift and deadly true to its targets. The air rippled, twisted and thrummed as the Ruler of Thunder unleashed her might.

The attack was so quick all the observers could see was a flash of purple lightning hitting the monsters, burning whatever count as their nervous system and killing them instantly as millions of volts went through their rigid bodies. The monsters fell and disappeared like leaves swept by a tempest, never to be seen again.

Mei sheathed Seven Thunders back, its glow subsiding as Mei cut her supply of power. Regarding the remnants of her action still twitching on the ground, she exhaled lightly and turned towards Kiana who was very much drooling, obviously had been watching her.

"Have people told you how hot you are when you do that?"

Blinking at the absurdity of the question, Mei smirked playfully. "Yes. You."

Kiana grinned, putting a hand on her hip. If she wasn't so busy flirting with Mei, she would've noticed the dumbstruck stares she received from the Wildfire fighters around them who were utterly gobsmacked by the sheer ease they defeated the monsters. The silence was almost deafening, which was why when otherworldly roars echoed from the way further down the mine they sounded extremely loud to their ears.

Another wave of monsters are coming.

The thought crossed Kiana's mind and her grin bloomed wider, eyes twinkling with amusem*nt. Mei smiled and nodded, receiving a nod back from Kiana.

Without a word, they rushed into the danger head on, leaving everyone in the dust as they disappeared behind a corner.

"What the f*ck was that?!" Asked a Wildfire member. His friends had no answer to the question so nobody tried to, more or less wondering the same thought.

The next hour saw Kiana and Mei cutting and smashing their way through into the source of the breach, occasionally stopping to help some Wildfire stragglers by giving them aids. Mei was more experienced in first aid than Kiana so she was the one to administer the treatments, besides she was more than glad to let Kiana had her way with the enemy. Kiana's excitement was so thick Mei could feel her heart hammering from their shared feeling as rush after rush of adrenaline poured down her veins, telling her how much fun Kiana was having from this alone.

This was the first time she actually fought an enemy after so long, moreso done in place where the ground was muddy brown and not dry white chunks of rocks. This was the first time Kiana stepped on a planet that wasn't a desolate, lifeless rock.

So Mei understood. Despite the slight inconvenience of having her body responding to Kiana's rush, that sheer adrenaline under her muscles threatening to spill with every small movement, she still watched Kiana went to town with fond eyes. Kiana was having fun smashing the enemy and Mei would give a leg for Kiana's happiness.

The flood tapered off thanks to Kiana's ceaseless effort and Mei used the opportunity to call the reinforcement Oleg promised them. She pulled her phone and searched for Oleg's contact info, eyes still glued on Kiana as she pressed dial.

It only took four rings for Oleg to answer and Mei went down to business immediately, telling him of the condition near the breach. He told her to wait for the reinforcement and Mei acknowledged the order.

Mei was sitting on a pile of destroyed automatons when Thunder spoke to her, still watching a blur of white and black that was Kiana skipping about the place. She stopped helping when it was proven Kiana alone was enough to fight the monsters and decided to observe instead.

"These monsters are weak," Thunder commented and Mei hummed. "Even Honkai beasts are stronger."

"It's a good thing." Mei answered almost offhandedly, chuckling at Kiana who shot her a pose mid-fight. The Kaslana grinned coyly and Mei blinked owlishly when Kiana gave her a rather... suggestive pose next. "Oh, Kiana..."

"I would appreciate it if you stop with the dirty thoughts right now. I'm trying to have a conversation with you and the pictures are not helping."

"Sorry, you were saying?"

The sigh Thunder let out was so potent Mei couldn't help but feel a little sheepish. "These Fragmentum monsters are spawned from Fragmentum Corrosion, correct? And it reflects on the surrounding areas?"

"From what we read, yes."

"Then, how are they here? As far as we know, a Corroded Area will only appear over a dense monster population. They cannot corrupt an area instantly."

"Lysetia mentioned a nest before but she didn't tell us the exact place."

"She has no idea where it is. Rivet Town fell to the monsters, it's possible there's a whole network of Fragmentum Corrosion in the underground. Maybe hidden beneath these accursed rocks..."

Mei hummed in agreement. She and Thunder were two minds in one body. They shared the same thought, the same feeling, and brought up the same conclusion of the entire situation. The Underworld was one massive, intricate and ancient part of Belobog that was mostly had been forgotten along the passing time. A big part of it went uncharted, either by deliberation or accident in the past, and a lot more of it had fallen into ruins.

There was no telling how much passageways originally there were, or how much entryways were built by the Architects in their Dark Hours centuries ago. For all she knew, the endless wave of monsters might've started from one of the forgotten entryways somewhere in the snowy plains, flooding in and corrupting what should've been the final sanctuary in the entire planet.

There was too many maybe's to point out and too little time to put them into account. Moreover, it wasn't an important bit for them to worry. Regardless how or where it started, all of its root cause was the Stellaron somewhere in the planet. If they could destroy it, then all of the corruptions would stop growing, thus saving the world from certain doom.

It was a little endearing to think, if Mei was honest to herself. Back home, it was such a long and terrible struggle yet here the prospect of saving the planet seemed too simple to achieve. Destroy the Stellaron and it would be the end of the crisis. At least so to the Astral Express crew. The natives of Jarilo-VI would still have to fight even after they were gone, passing the torch to their children and grandchildren. There was also a chance of failure, a big one in fact, that they would face extinction instead but try as she might, it wasn't Mei's, or anyone's from the Express, problem.

Her thought was halted when Kiana flashed to existence beside her, only then Mei realized the crowd of Wildfire members in the area. Some were carrying building materials instead of weapons as they hurriedly went to the holes in the rocks and started creating barricades and sealing them for good.

Kiana sat down and scooted closer to her until their shoulders were touching. None of them said a word as they watched, smiling at the bafflement they received from the people around her. Neither knew it but from that day, the Underworld would know them as The Duo for their seemingly impossible action of singlehandedly defeating the monsters, outnumbered but certainly not outgunned.

While their job was not as critical as the Silvermane Commandant and the trio's, or as spectacular as Kiana and Mei's it was no less important for the small few who was affected by it.

Seele was used to thankless jobs her entire life. Although she understood those who chased after fame, she couldn't bring herself to really care what people thought of her. In the Underworld there was this unwritten rule many followed about being known and famous; better pay, better treatment and better performance but none of it really mattered to her.

Sure, in the past when she had nothing but the clothes on her person she once dreamt of having loads and loads of money so she wouldn't have to worry about putting food on the table or tomorrow's work. Once, she also dreamt of being treated better by the people around her instead of seen as a shivering gutter rat on the streets or a useless heap of trash littering the fronts of their shops but in the end it really didn't matter. It really, really did not matter.

People saw others in ways that fit their images of superiority. What was a girl who had nothing on her to society if not another soul fallen off the abyss of contemptuous fate? She had choices, just like everyone did, but where they led had always been limited. She would need to either give up her soul to death or her body to the greedy. Such was the options she saw on the streets of Belobog's Underworld.

Neither she took.

Oleg was more than just a superior to her. He was the closest she got to a father. Oleg gave her another option, one outside the expected spectrums, and she took it with her heart. The red ribbons tied around her arm were more than just a symbol of her affiliation for they were also her reminders of what path she had chosen.

She purposefully kept them long. So when she fought, she would feel them trailing behind her. Each step she took was another step that would never return, each step she took was a step closer to the future she never knew existed. Seele paved her own way, shedding her past along the way like a butterfly leaving its cocoon.

Taking flight. Free and unchained to its past.

Oleg told them of a bunch of kids lost in the mine during the initial incursion and he wanted them to find and bring the children back. Them being Seele and Bronya.

There was not a lot of occasions where Seele found herself hesitating but this one was definitely one of said occasions. From the moment they seceded from the group, Bronya hadn't spoken a single word to her as she followed a step behind Seele.

Frankly, the silence was starting to get under her nerves but Seele did not know what to say to this Bronya to break the metaphorical thick ice around them.

She looked a lot like the Overworld princess, acted almost similar and carried herself in a near identical way, too. The only difference she could see was her face, which was a little ironic, really.

This Bronya was not an expressive fellow. Seele concluded as much. She hadn't seen her face twitch even a little to either repulsion or gratification since they went together in this mission. It was almost like working with a stoic statue and it was killing her inside.

"Hey," Seele began, stopping on her track and turning around to face her companion. She regarded Bronya for a second before she wrinkled her face. "If you don't like me, just say it. You can turn and go back, I'll find those kids myself."

"What do you mean?"

Even her voice was flat, almost disinterested. Seele glared at Bronya and sighed. "What with the face? You don't seem that you hate or like it here with me. I don't f*cking know because I can't tell."

"... do you want me to smile?"

"Do you want to?"

Bronya fell silent and it felt like Seele had tripped on her head or something. But she didn't care. Seele could hardly bring herself to care as they engaged in a silent staring contest. Eventually, Bronya did that again and Seele was left more frustrated.

Her silver eyes softened, a small smile tugging on her lips. It was a tender gaze and Seele did not understand it.

"Stop that..." She muttered, averting her eyes from Bronya to stare at her feet instead.

"Why? You wanted me to smile."

"Not like that."

"This is how I am when I'm around you."

Maybe if Seele wasn't so distraught she would've caught what Bronya said but she didn't. Bronya brushed past her and went ahead, only then did she realize the oddity in her words.

"Around me? You don't even know me!" She yelled to Bronya who simply glanced back and shrugged.

"That is correct."

"Then what the hell does that mean?! You keep looking at me with this gaze like... Like... I don't even f*cking know!"

Bronya didn't answer right away. Whether it was deliberate or not was up to anyone's question. She continued on her path, traversing the muddy ground and stale underground air with a confused and upset Seele right behind her like a hound chasing its rival's tail.

When she did, however, her voice was soft and nostalgic, as if recalling her most cherished memory. The wind carried it back to Seele, a breeze of cold and bittersweet gust that told more than just simple words.

"I was born in a war torn country," Bronya began without stopping or glancing back, "my father died in a disaster and my mother passed away shortly after giving birth to me. A friend of my parents took me in, I called him Uncle Maxim."

A conjunction in the road made her pause. Bronya racked her brain for the map she had memorized before deciding for where to go. "He was a soldier turned mercenary, the closest I got to a family back then. He taught me how to survive the wilderness and disorder, training me to become a fighter who can fight for her own self, and the art of war."

"When I was old enough, he gave me my first weapon. I still remember it; a Makarov pistol. Small, reliable, easy to maintain and deadly, it became my favourite weapon shortly after."

"I followed his footsteps and joined the mercenary force. I'd argue that I didn't have much choices. It was either that, or throw myself in the pleasure district and lose myself, but I knew I had choices."

Seele's eyes widened, her steps faltering for a brief moment before she forced herself to move. Everything she was told sounded so familiar it twisted her guts in an unpleasant swirl. Still staring at Bronya's back, she barely managed to bring her attention together to pay attention to Bronya's words.

"I had my first kill when I was ten and I still remember it vividly." Bronya's fingers moved to absently pat a small pouch strapped around her hips for comfort, a vague rectangle shape imprinted on its surface courtesy of the object within. A certain butterfly themed notebook, though Seele had no way to know that. "A young man not even past his mid twenties from an enemy faction. I shot him twice in the chest and watched as he bled all over the place, calling for a help that never came before I ended his misery for good."

"You don't forget stuff like that..." Seele mumbled as she hugged herself, remembering her own first kill. Bronya glanced back and sucked in a breath, fighting the urge to wrap her own arms around Seele to offer her comfort. Bronya had to actively remind herself that her Seele would, but this wasn't her Seele thus wouldn't appreciate her attempt to soothe her. Instead, she flexed her fingers subtly to burn the desire away as she nodded.

"No, you don't. People say it was the first kill that was the hardest but they are wrong. It gets harder from then on knowing your innocent days are over and that your new life will involve a lot of blood spilling henceforth. The moment you take a life, your old life dies with it."

"... why are you telling me this? I was not asking for your life history." Seele said with a frown only to be left confused when Bronya chuckled.

"Ah, there. You can be a little impatient sometimes."

"You don't know me."

Bronya laughed and it caught Seele off guard she could only stare at her with open bewilderment. It was the first time she saw her laugh like that and a part of her found it pleasing to the ears.

"I'd argue against that but I'd refrain for civility sake." Bronya sighed. "But please, bear with me for a while. I don't talk about this to just anyone else."

It was the truth. Seele could hear the honesty in Bronya's tone. Grunting, she waved her hand dismissively. "Fine, I'll entertain you."

Bronya flashed Seele a smile. "Thank you, Seele, that means a lot," she confessed. "I made a name for myself afterwards. People called me the Silver Wolf of Ursals because of my swift and rigid precision in killing my targets. They feared me because of it, that my presence was an omen, a harbinger of death coming to claim souls of the dead."

"I didn't revel on it. I didn't enjoy any of it. Any sane person wouldn't. They talked about me, either in fear, disgust, hatred or reverence, didn't matter. I didn't care what they said. I was just trying to survive."

"That's why you don't judge us." Seele said in realization and Bronya nodded.

"People want one thing; to survive. Morality has no say in places where survival is at stake, the only difference between civilized and barbarous is the availability of safety, necessities and comfort, none exist in where I grew up. Down here, people are just trying to survive exitus acta probat. Simple as that."

"What does that mean?"

"The results always justify the means." She answered, kneeling down to examine sets of small footprints on the ground. This side of the mine was restricted for the children so they were on the right track, both metaphorically and literally speaking. "Everything is right as long as you survive. It's ugly, I know, but it's the truth because in the end nothing matters but yourself."

"That was how I thought to myself. Nothing mattered as long as you stayed alive. I went on and on killing people but I never lost count of them. I remember my kills, all one hundred and sixty five of them, and they haunted me everyday. I fueled my life by taking other's. Every time I saw them fell through my scope, I knew I had just taken someone's friend and family from them."

"But I kept going because it was all I could do. I shut myself from the world, not wanting people to get close, and when my Uncle died I finally severed my only remaining feelings."

"I stopped caring to others. I killed and killed until everything just went wrong to me."

"Well, you're obviously not dead so I guess it worked out fine in the end." Seele offered matter-of-factly. "Not many get that. When something goes wrong, that was it for most of us. You're lucky, you know?"

"I considered myself more than lucky." Bronya said, receiving an inquisitive look from Seele. "My mission was to kill Cocolia."

Seele blinked. "The Supreme Guardian?"

"No, not her particularly," Bronya explained, "you see how I share look with Madam Rand? Well, she and I also shared a foster mother of similar name and face."


"Yes, huh indeed. The Cocolia from my world had an orphanage she took me in to after the failed assassination."

Seele's eyebrows rose, disbelief clear in her feature. "You tried to kill her and she took you in? Either she was a stupid bitch or truly believed she could have you under the same roof," Seele paused. "Ah, I didn't mean to insult you personally. It was just a little too stupid however you think about it. Actually, maybe more than a little."

"It was like taking a feral kitten." Bronya agreed with a fond chuckle. "I didn't particularly find it comforting either. I thought she had some hidden intentions for me but she truly wanted to take me in."

She sighed then, again her fingers tap the pouch absently as she mulled over her thoughts. "It was there I met a girl..." She began softly. "Kind, soft-spoken, shy and caring. I had never met someone like her before so I was drawn to her almost immediately like a moth to fire. She's an alien to me, never had I seen someone willing to give her food freely to someone else because they said their sibling was eating less, or offering to help doing a chore nobody wanted to do simply because she could. Can you imagine that? In a place where people were so selfishly fighting for their own needs, someone was helping out of kindness and not hidden malice."

"... she's weak. Kindness in places like that will be exploited." Seele growled.

"You're right. She was weak. Never knew how to swing her punch nor stood her ground in confrontations. She could only hide and cry herself to sleep."

"Pathetic." The girl behind Bronya spat and Bronya was inclined to agree.

"One day after a particularly bad bullying I found her crying in the bathroom alone. I couldn't bring myself to disturb her so I waited outside listening to her sobs and sniffles. At that time I thought to myself; why won't you fight back? why won't you protect yourself and retaliate? they hurt you, it's only right if you hurt them back but then I saw it. I saw her open the door, all bruised up on her neck and arms and limping on her feet, and she still smiled at me through wet eyes as she walked past me."

"The next day I saw her handing foods in the cafeteria, all smile and sunshine as if nothing happened. But I knew. I knew that under her long sleeves shirt and high collar jacket were purple patches of skins she purposefully hid to keep others from worrying about her. It was then that I realized that she wasn't weak at all, she was stronger than I ever could be. Her own little world was harsh but she did not allow it to stop her from being kind and caring, making a choice I did not have the strength to make; sacrificing myself at the expense of others."

"I made a vow to myself then, that I would do anything to protect that. To protect her."

"... you saved her."

Bronya shook her head. "No. They said that but it was actually the opposite. She saved me from my worst enemy, one that would consume and pull me into damnation otherwise." She glanced back and Seele was shocked to see the pure, unbridled rawness of Bronya's emotions in her silver eyes. "She saved me from myself."

"I thought I had discarded my emotions but her existence proved otherwise. I was still capable of caring. One day, I decided enough was enough and roughed up her bullies back without her knowing because I knew she would stop me, I knew she wouldn't want me to hurt them. But it had to be done. They stopped bothering her after I made myself close with her."

They reached a small encampment in a small clearing, one usually used by the miners as a rest area and began to search. Bronya paused her story so she and Seele could properly comb through the place, finding a boon in their effort in a form of a short message.

"The kids are on a fallout shelter ahead," Seele summarized the message to Bronya, "Smart brats."

"Did it mention any monster presence?"

"Yes but it is said here they managed to lose them during their escape. They're taking shelter just in case." The purple haired woman pocketed the message, sighing in relief and completely oblivious to the smile Bronya gave her at the action. "Well, I'm afraid you'll have to cut your story short."

"Don't worry about it. You ask me why I am not as expressive as a normal person is, right?"

"Yeah. I'm actually surprised you still remember. Thought you forgot about it after you gave me an entire life history like that." Seele said jokingly with a grin and Bronya chuckled as a response.

"That was just the beginning of everything, I'm afraid."


"Yes. But, to answer your question? I burned my brain trying to save her after an experiment gone wrong, lost motoric functions of both of my legs, and nearly died from a total organ failure. It's the reason why I can't express my feelings properly, though compared to when I was young this much is a massive improvement."

"You were worse?"

"Yeah. You can ask my friends."

"Bet. You never told me this girl's name though, all this time you talked about her."

Bronya's smile widened.

"Her name is Seele. Seele Vollerei."




Bronya: Sorry Seele but the author decides to be an ass and ends everything in a cliffhanger again.

Kudos and reviews are appreciated. Just, uh, don't murder me in the latter.

Chapter 10: Tiniest Tenderness


Chapter is a little longer than usual. I had the thought to divide it into two but I don't want to ruin the flow so I decided not to.

I also just realized I really be updating this on weekly basis, huh. Last time I managed the same feat, it was back in 2019. Guess I'm just into this story.

Anyway, enjoy.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 10: Tiniest Tenderness

The majority of the Underworlders worked as miners for the living with Geomarrow being a resource that would not be gone for a long time while being in constant demand all the time. It was easy money, compared to other income sources especially in a place like the Underworld.

Which was why the amount of the wounded easily numbered in hundreds.

Patients flooded the streets and corners of central Boulder Town surrounding Natasha's clinic, all in a varying state of distress that ranged from small to big. The clinic itself had long passed its maximum capacity yet Natasha kept taking in people until it was impossible to put someone down without the risk of accidentally trampling over them. When she couldn't take more in, she ordered the Wildfires stationed on the area to set up temporary encampments around her clinic yet it was not enough.

Stelle, March and Dan Heng could only watch helplessly at the depressing scene around them from a corner, wanting to help but hardly had enough medical knowledge to actually lend a hand for the Wildfire medics and doctors attending the injured civilians. Children crying, mothers trying to comfort their kids and the pained groans from the men as they bled all over the place with one or two medics desperately attempting to stave off their wounds with limited supplies was the sight around them. Wherever they looked or glanced.

Natasha was very busy she was literally a blur, moving from one place to another to help directing her staff. Her dress was bloodied and each time she walked on the ground, the crimson mud would accidentally get kicked up and smeared on her back. But she kept her hands and front as clean as possible, washing her hands every possible time before going again to attend for another patient.

Sometimes, the person she treated would nod when she whispered for them a parting comfort, sometimes they were a still figure she left behind without as much as a word. One thing for certain, the doctor did not stop for more than ten seconds once she was done, much less to rest.

Stelle spotted a familiar figure in the crowd and frowned, nudging March gently to gain her attention. The pinkette jumped at the contact, obviously startled, and stammered. "W—what?"

Silently, Stelle raised her index finger towards a figure sitting on nearby bench and March followed it. Gasping, she suddenly stood up, nearly toppling the hastily stacked planks Stelle appropriated into a makeshift seat off and sending her down onto the cold ground. Stelle grunted and stood up, putting a hand on her bottom to ease the pain. Dan Heng was right to not trust her building skill, moreso in refusing to sit with March on such a dubious set up.

"Lysetia?! Why is she...?"

The girl noticed them approaching and smiled, though it looked a lot like grimace than anything else. They also noticed the thin sheen of sweat covering her forehead and neck.

"Oh, you guys!" She exclaimed but her voice trembled at the end. Lysetia visibly swallowed and patted the seat beside her with her shaking one hand. "Come, take a seat."

Stelle and Dan Heng frowned while March gave the girl a concerned look. "Are you okay? You don't seem great." Said the pinkette.

"Oh, it's just a minor discomfort. Don't worry about it." She assured but they knew she was lying through her teeth. March wanted to argue but Dan Heng put a hand to her shoulder and stopped her, nodding at the girl instead.

"Why are you here?" He asked, a hint of worry was audible in his tone. "It's cold."

"I gave up my bed for someone who needed it more," Lysetia answered truthfully with a shrug, an action that caused her to wince though she tried to mask it, "there's a lot of people who need more help."

"You could use some attention too." Stelle interjected disapprovingly, shaking her head, "you're sick."

"I'm not in any need for emergency, miss Stelle," she smiled then and it looked far more genuine than before, "I heard of your deeds in the mine. You're awesome, you know?"

It was clearly an attempt to steer the subject of the conversation away from her well-being and it was obvious. Stelle's frown deepened until she sighed, accepting Lysetia's wish for a change. "It's nothing," she said absently, "we hardly did anything, anyway."

"That's not true. I heard the kids talk about you and how you fought that one corrupted automaton," Lysetia protested. "If you weren't with them, they surely would've had problems."

It happened on their fourth trip. Stelle didn't know what the thing's name was but it had this big flaming chainsaw and could move fast as hell for its size. The robot was corrupted by the Corrosion with some Fragmentum crystals sticking out of its metal shell and somehow managed to slip through the defensive line amidst the chaos.

They succeeded in dispatching it, though, but not without effort. Bronya told them that the machine was built using ancient technology that had been lost, probably something people dug out long ago from the snowy plains, and used for combat purposes. Under their combined efforts and Bronya's guidance, they could defeat it without a loss.

The Silvermane Commandant was one hell of a tactical genius. The way she directed them during the fight spoke of how great of a leader she was. Calm, collected, almost detached to everything happening yet focused. Bronya hardly flinched when a stray bullet zipped past her head during the fight after it bounced on the robot's armored body and embedded itself in the mine's rocky wall.

At that moment she reminded them of their Bronya, though the comparison didn't really do the Silvermane Commandant justice. While their Bronya looked aloof all the time, the Silvermane Guard one always looked determined with the fight. They hadn't seen how their Bronya fight, though, so none could tell for certain.

Speaking of Bronya...

Stelle's eyes drifted towards the Silvermane who stood like a sore thumb amidst the sea of Underworlders but not because of her regal stance nor setups, but rather the fact she seemed like she had just returned from the battlefield after being soaked in her enemy's blood. Her blue and white uniform was thoroughly ruined with blood, dirt and anything in-between, missing some of its ornaments while her once beautiful silver hair had turned into a dark shade of black and red.

Bronya was washing the wound on her cheek with lukewarm water, one she got after accidentally running her head onto an overturned mining cart in her attempt to shove a Wildfire member out of the harm's way during the fight. It cut a little deep and more than likely would leave a scar yet despite it all she still refused treatments from local medics, saying they should treat the civilians first and that her wound was manageable by herself.

Stelle didn't know what sort of approval Bronya would need but in her humble opinion, she certainly had done a lot to earn at least a modicum of trust from the Underworlders.

As if on cue, a pair of man and woman approached her. Although Stelle couldn't hear what they were saying, it was pretty obvious from the solemn smile Bronya gave them both. The Silvermane Commandant put a hand onto her chest and lowered her head, saying something that earned her a smile from the couple.

March sat down beside Lysetia after giving Stelle and Dan Heng an implicit question of offer. Both she and Dan Heng shook their heads, allowing the pinkette who smiled slightly in return to claim the seat. The worry was still clear in March's eyes as she talked with Lysetia about things Stelle's brain tuned down to half performance to listen.

"Yo!" Someone called out from their right and they turned to face the newcomer who was none other than Kiana. The Kaslana had her hands in her pockets and face scrunched in an easy smile as she approached the four. "You guys look okay," she stated, looking down towards Lysetia and greeted the girl, "and hello again, Lysetia!"

"Hello, Miss Kiana," replied the girl softly, "where's Miss Mei?"

"Don't worry about her, sugar." Kiana chuckled with a shrug. "What about you? Why are you here?"


Lysetia told her of the reason but unlike the trio she simply nodded in understanding. There was not a hint of concern nor pity in her blue eyes, instead there's pride and encouragement beneath the gentle pools. "I see... You did good."

"Are you sure about that? Don't you worry?" Stelle asked Kiana. They found it odd how she seemingly did not care about the girl and her predicament with how easygoing she was being. Kiana saw their thoughts and paused, regarding the group better as her gaze soften.

Wordlessly, she went down to a knee in front of Lysetia, drawing confusion from the girls while Dan Heng hummed quietly. Kiana reached out for Lysetia's remaining foot to tie her shoe, earning a gasp from the girl.

"M—Miss Kiana, you don't have to do that..."

But Kiana ignored her, finishing her job and patting Lysetia's knee tenderly. "It's not that I don't worry." She began softly as she stood up, meeting each and all their stare. "I worry. A lot. But I want to support all of you and your decisions, even if they're scary and will end up hurting you in the future. Whatever you choose to be now and tomorrow is all up to you."

"Is that how adults think...?" March mumbled to herself but Kiana heard her regardless. Chuckling to herself, Kiana continued.

"I was a teenager once, you know. I know the rush of young blood in my veins and being a Kaslana only made it worse. We are known for our stubbornness."

"Just like March?" Stelle piped in jokingly and the pinkette pouted.

"I'm not stubborn!"

"That's what every stubborn people say."

Kiana laughed. "She's right, March. I know because I said pretty much the same thing."

Huffing in a mock annoyance, March gave both Kiana and Stelle an incredulous look before she turned for help from Dan Heng. He raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "I do have to agree."

She made a strangled noise behind her throat, Lysetia who had been watching the entire interaction unfold giggled to herself.

"Well, what I want to say is; just do what you think is right even if you come to regret it later." Kiana continued after a moment. "I'm not Mei or Bronya but I know enough about this stuff. I had an amazing teacher myself."


"She's no longer with us." Kiana heartfelt answer was accompanied with a smile for the pinkette. "But what she taught me, Bronya and Mei is what you see right now."

"You three went to the same school or something?"

"Yep. Bronya, Mei and I went to St. Freya. That was fifteen years ago, give or take." Kiana paused, lips pulling down into a frown as a thought suddenly occured to her. "Holy crap, it's been fifteen years! Feels like yesterday we enrolled together..."

Her eyes grew distant as a flood of nostalgic memory filled the front of her mind. Shaking her head with a smile, Kiana continued. "What I want to say is that I got your back," she said as her gaze skipped over the four of them, stopping briefly on Lysetia, "whatever you do. Just know that, if you need it, I'll be more than happy to help you through whatever you're going. I'll help you end your story the way you want. That's a promise from your big sister."

Seele and Bronya arrived last with a bunch of children close to their tails. Immediately after, the kids dispersed after giving them both a series of gratitude to look for their relatives. Seele waved them off with a hum.

"Don't make troubles now, you brats!"

Bronya watched them go with a fond smile, accidentally meeting Kiana's gaze from amidst the crowd. The Kaslana gave her a little nod Bronya returned.

The kids were fine. Aside from a few minor scrapes and bruises, none of them was hurt badly in their escape which was nothing short of miracle considering what transpired in the mine. Still, Seele insisted to check on them thoroughly which was why they returned last.

Bronya saw Mei speaking with Natasha in front of her clinic with the doctor still moving about the place administering treatments, whatever it was about it certainly serious enough for Mei to frown her permanent frown.

"I'll go check on the princess." Seele said suddenly and Bronya blinked, looking at the purple haired woman. "See you around."

Bronya nodded. "Talk to you later."

Seele's stared lingered on Bronya for a few more seconds before she shook her head and moved on, Bronya who saw it all could only smile in mild amusem*nt. Knowing what to do next, Bronya made her way towards Mei, feeling rather than seeing where she was from their Herrscher Link.

"Mei." Bronya greeted with a nod to the woman and Mei glanced at her with a strained smile.

"Oh, Bronya. I take it everything went smoothly?"

Bronya hummed affirmatively. Mei was in the temporary kitchen the Wildfire set up, helping cooking up food for the wounded. A good, warm meal would make the situation better and they had the idea right. With Mei, it was more than guaranteed that the food would be great.

"I saw Lysetia sitting outside. Kiana is with her along with the kids." Bronya paused, gesturing at the kitchen. "Do you need help?"

"No, I got this. There's more than enough hands." Mei said and true enough to her words there were at least five people in the kitchen doing various tasks in the background. "I saw her, too. I sent Kiana so she wouldn't be pestering me in the kitchen to check on her. I'm glad to know the kids are also there. Oh! Before I forget, can you go help Natasha?"

"With what?"

"She's running low on medicines and the Wildfire told me they've depleted their stocks. Maybe you can use Truth power to create some?"

"Sure thing. Did you tell her of my power?"

Mei nodded, not stopping from her work. She was cutting some sort of vegetables, probably natives to this world because Bronya never saw them before. Mei being Mei, she mastered the knowledge rather quickly after being told earlier by the local cooks. "I had to. She must understand the risk," she said as she glanced back to Bronya. "You still remember our deal, right?"

It was a rhetorical question. Of course Bronya still remembered it. She remembered everything that happened the past month in vivid details. Nevertheless, she nodded. "Yes. But first..."

She didn't have to say it for Mei to understand. The miners and children needed their utmost attention and came first at the moment. Lysetia would've to wait a little bit more. "Okay, then. I'll see you around."

"Looking forward for your cooking, Mei."

Leaving the kitchen tent, Bronya looked for Natasha next but it didn't take her long to find the doctor for she was a constant blur in the crowd. The medicine issue was probably the topic Mei had with Natasha considering Mei. She liked to worry a lot about the small things.

Bronya didn't want to interrupt the doctor so she waited until she was done treating her patient. A young man who suffered a shrapnel wound from an explosion. There were splotches of blood on his bandaged midriff but overall, he looked fine.

Natasha noticed her staring and glanced at Bronya, not saying a word to her but Bronya caught the slight dip of her head that was directed at her. A simple acknowledgement and message for her to wait a little longer. Frankly, Bronya didn't mind the waiting because it gave her time to browse through her memory. Particularly one involving this Seele.

She was shook. She tried to hide it but Seele was Seele and nobody knew Seele better than Bronya, no matter which Seele it was. After Bronya spilled the beans, Seele tried to persuade her for explanations but Bronya didn't quite give her any. She did tell Seele that they should focus on task at hand and the girl had to begrudgingly accept her words, knowing Bronya was right.

Bronya didn't mean to leave her hanging like that but after they found the kids, she couldn't bring herself to talk about herself further. She was being truthful when she said she didn't talk about herself to just anyone, in fact besides Seele herself the only people who knew about her past were Mei and Kiana and that was because she trusted them both with her life. Bronya didn't hate her past because her past shaped her to who or what she was now. Even if it was filled with tragedy, horror and pain she still found the most beautiful thing in life and she ought to be grateful for her.

Fate had a funny way to entwine people and it was true to Bronya. Going as far back, if the Second Eruption never happened and Sirin hadn't destroyed Siberia, she probably would've never met Seele at all and Bronya couldn't imagine a life without her. Though here, in this world, it was proven that she and Seele would find each other, one way or another and it was possible she might've met Seele in a different circ*mstance entirely.

But that was a what if. An uncertainty. Bronya disliked uncertainties for the unpredictability. For her, what she had now was the best she could ask for because, in the end, everything just worked for her and Seele. Sure, in a different world or galaxy she probably wouldn't have to jump into the test tube and become crippled, or risking her soul and body to the relentless and chaotic current that was the Sea of Quanta but it had happened and Bronya would do it again and again if it meant she could be together with Seele. Bronya might call Kiana a fool to love but she and Kiana were the same in that regard; helpless fools and, as she told Kiana, fools didn't quit even if they kept hurting because they believed.

Love made people stupid. Love made people irrational. Love was a dangerous thing that drove people to do the most idiotic thing imaginable. Yet life without love was worse than death, a condemnation to happiness no man would want to suffer. Humans needed love, as they did foods and drinks. It was a basic necessity.

Here, Seele and her other self were strangers to each other. They grew without the company of the other, enduring hardships alone. It was unreasonable for Bronya to expect them to get along immediately because, after all, they were their own persons with thoughts and opinions. But it would be a lie if Bronya said she didn't wish for them to get along even though she didn't know why. The simple idea of Bronya and Seele being apart churned her stomach with ugly feelings, as if her very soul despised the idea.

So, Bronya gave Seele a little nudge. Something akin to a gentle encouragement that was implicit as it was obvious. Seele's view on the Overworlders was biased and she had the rights to feel that way considering what she had witnessed and gone through. She needed to understand that everyone had their own struggles, including the Silvermane Commandant.

But Bronya did not want to interfere too much. Everything she had done was all she would do for the two. How they carve their path henceforth was up to them. Bronya chose to believe to those two. Whether it would end up be the best or worst, she couldn't have known. She simply believed them to overcome their differences together.

Natasha finished a few minutes later and Bronya followed her back into her clinic without a word. Along the way, a lot of people would still look at her but their gazes wouldn't linger for more than a few seconds before they drifted away from her. Bronya hoped it was a good sign for her other self, that she had been somewhat accepted by the Underworlders because of her deeds.

Locking the door of her office behind her, Natasha walked past Bronya and rummaged through her drawers. Bronya waited patiently as she put a stack of documents onto the table, assorting through them until she found what she was looking for.

Her voice was soft when she spoke, obviously exhausted in everything but her appearance. Bronya felt a twinge of sympathy for the doctor but she kept it to herself.

"I have not been entirely honest to you and your friends." Natasha began, looking up to Bronya with a pair of weary eyes. "I'm actually the leader of Wildfire."

Bronya nodded. "I suspected as much. Oleg said he's just a mere field commander and the fact he took us in without complaints under your 'recommendation' was the final nail to the coffin. A mere doctor does not have that much influence in the military. You don't have to explain yourself because I understand. I'd probably do the same thing you did."

"Still, I feel bad for lying at you."

"Technically, you did not. We asked for a leader and you pointed us to Oleg who is a leader."

"He's actually my vice, but that doesn't change anything much does it?"

Bronya crossed her arms over her chest. "He's a good leader and even a better man. He has what it takes."

"I agree." Natasha sighed, walking back to Bronya and handing her a particular sheet of paper. "Mei tried to explain to me how your power works but I honestly still don't understand. Maybe a more proactive example will be enough."

Reading through the list of medicines written on the paper, Bronya gave Natasha a nod. As expected, none of the listed drugs existed back on Earth. Possibly because the difference in naming but that didn't matter.

"The power of Truth allows me to create anything that exist, be it known to me or not prior to it. I don't need to understand the depth like I would've as Reason and all it takes from me is..." Bronya pointed at an empty space in the room and Natasha followed her finger, her confusion barely surfaced when a blinding blue light exploded from thin air and forced her to squeeze her eyes shut. When she opened them again, stacks of crates labelled with the names of the drugs she requested sat on the once vacant space. "That."

Natasha's eyes widened. Hurriedly, she moved to open one of the crates and gasped at what she saw. Looking back at Bronya as if she was some sort of divine being, she could only stare in shock and disbelief at the woman.

"How did you...?"

"That's the power of Truth, doctor."

Natasha lowered her head to look at a pack of anesthetic. Gingerly, she reached out and pulled it from amongst its brethren. She couldn't believe it was real and it was in better quality than any she had ever gotten for the Underworlders. Natasha could feel tears welling in her eyes, a sob of happiness racking her body as clear crystal liquid travelled down her cheeks and fell onto the wooden floor below.

Bronya watched it all silently with a soft smile. After a moment, Natasha succeeded in controlling her emotions back and the tears stopped. She turned around and gave Bronya a look of pure gratitude. "Miss Zaychik... Words cannot describe how big of a deed you have just done for us. I can't give you any recompense but I promise you that the Wildfire will forever be indebted to you and your friends."

She shook her head. "You don't have to worry about it, but I'd appreciate it if you give Lady Rand a chance and your support."

Natasha stared at her with a long, unblinking stare before she chuckled. "It seems you are well accustomed to this part of the world," she said. Bronya simply shrugged, fully aware with what Natasha was referring to. Where she grew up, favors were a great thing, sometimes even worth than your own life. To be indebted to someone in that sort of world was... troubling, to put it mildly, so to pay back quickly was a must. Here, it didn't seem to be that much different. "Okay, I will do what I can."

Satisfied, Bronya nodded. "Is that all, doctor?"

"Actually... One more thing," Natasha began and something in her tone made Bronya frown. She sounded less casual and a lot more serious as she regarded Bronya. She was never close with Raven and there was not many instances where they met, whether in their later years or their teenage days so Bronya's view on Natasha was completely based on her character. Raven was Mei's acquaintance, someone even Kiana was not very close with but admittedly still had a better relation compared to Bronya. Mei told her she could trust her and Bronya trusted Mei's judgment enough to give it a go. "Why Lysetia? What's your price?"

"... I guess you can say she got lucky." Bronya answered flatly. Why Lysetia? Because Mei found and promised her. There was no way to sugarcoat it because the truth was ugly. Bronya genuinely wanted to help her, that hadn't changed, and the same could be said to the countless other currently suffering in the streets. But Bronya couldn't, not because she was incapable but because of one obvious reason. "This great power bears an even greater consequence. It comes from our greatest enemy, one that had been harassing us since the dawn of time itself. We prevailed against it only recently but even so it seemed like it was done out of its permission, despite our efforts. There's no telling what will happen if I use it in abundance but I fear it is something far terrible than the Stellaron or anything else you've faced until now."

"As for the price... there's none. Not on this one. It's for my own selfish desire to quench my guilt and an apology for those I can't help. That's all to it."

Seele's original plan to go to the Silvermane Commandant and check on her met a rather unprecedented failure when her colleagues asked for her help on her way to meet her. Knowing where her priority lied, she discarded the thought immediately and went to help, putting the thought about anything else behind a proverbial drawer in her head.

It was a quick work, yet when Seele returned Bronya had already gone from her previous position. Feeling a little annoyed, she made her way around to look for her head of silver hair, stopping a few minutes later when she spotted it from across the street.

Bronya was talking with the Astral Express crew, though as Seele approached she could also see a certain girl sitting on the bench they huddled around. A frown graced her lips at the sight, disapproval and disbelief clear in her feature.

"What the hell are you doing?" Seele found herself asking Lysetia who jumped in surprise at her brisk appearance. The girl's eyes widened and Seele had to suppress the urge to stare at her burnt face.

Before Lysetia could answer, however, Bronya stepped in front of her and spoke to her in the girl's behalf, looking at Seele reproachfully. "She said she gave her bed to a critically wounded, please don't be angry at her."

"I'm not—!" Seele caught herself, noticing the stares she received from everyone minus Kiana who was openly grinning like an idiot at the two. Gritting her teeth, she yanked Bronya by the hand and dragged her away so they could talk in private. "I'm not angry at her," she clarified, "I'm angry at her stupidity. It's her goddamn hero complex that put her to this situation and now she even gave up her bed even though she needs it? Just look at her! She's in pain!"

"There's nothing we can do about it." Bronya retorted calmly, holding her hands up in a placating manner. "I saw it, too. She probably hasn't taken her medicine either, that is why she's in pain."

"Don't tell me she also gave up her meds." Seele hissed through her teeth, crossing her arms.

"Probably." Bronya admitted with a sigh. "I need your help." The sheer desperation in Bronya's voice made Seele paused to regard the woman better. Unlike the other Bronya, the Silvermane Commandant was easier to read so Seele had a very good view of her heart as she peered through her pair of silver orbs. What she saw was a mixture of sadness, concern and guilt but above all one stood the most.


"Whatever you want as payback just say it later but I need your help."

"I'll hold onto that." Seele replied. "What do you need?"

"I need you to refrain from berating little Miss Ratchford for her actions. She did a noble deed and you must not discourage her for it."

At first, Seele was surprised. But then anger rose, threatening to spill out of her guts and up to her throat and mouth. How could you praise stupidity, was what she would've said but something in Bronya's gaze smothered the flare until it was nothing but a sizzling heat. Kids were dumb and Seele had first hand experience of watching them being dumb for countless times. Lysetia was not an exception to the prospect. That was her argument but Bronya also had her own ground to stand and defend.

Seele spoke of stupid decisions, but Bronya believed kindness of the heart. Both were equally right as they grew in two entirely different worlds with their differing views. Although Seele hated it, she relented. A small part of her, that tender and altruistic side of her, won over the turmoil of her own heart as it always did in this particular kind of situation. It might be small and almost insignificant to her whole personality but it was the most precious part of herself for it reminded her of her humanity.

"Fine." Seele muttered, averting her gaze away from Bronya when the Silvermane Commandant smiled at her in gratitude. "Do whatever you want."

"Thank you, Seele."

Bronya walked back to the group just at the same time Seele's phone chimed with notification for an incoming message. Pulling it out of her pocket, she unlocked and began to read the message, forehead creased with each word.

Natasha: Seele, I'm sorry to bother you right now but can you please look for accomodations for our friends? The Goethe Grand Hotel is full with patients so they can't take any more patrons.

Grimacing slightly, Seele began to type back.

Seele: I have a better idea. I'll have them on my flat.

Natasha: Your house? But you don't like visitors on your personal place.

Seele: It's fine. I'll drop them and return as soon as possible.

Natasha: Actually, I want you to stay with them. I know you might disagree because there's works to be done around here but you have to trust me.

Seele's eyebrows rose. Natasha's next message came in after a little while, whether because she was busy piecing her words or she had something to do she couldn't tell.

Natasha: Kiana, Mei and Bronya wield terrible powers. I have witnessed Bronya's power personally and the folks also speak about Mei and Kiana and how strong they are when fighting the monsters in the mine. It's not something to scoff at. I don't think they are bad people and they've proven themselves to be smart enough but they're still new around here. I don't want someone taking advantage of their kindness.

Seele: So you want me to babysit them, is that it?

Natasha: More or less. That's not a problem, right?

Seele: No. I've got this.

Natasha: Okay, then. Thank you.

Seele shoved her phone back into her pocket, not even bothering to reply further. Running a hand over her face with a sigh, she was met with a rather curious scene unfolding before her.

A rather burly man was bowing deeply in front of Bronya, his fist clenched tight over his heart in what Seele recognized as the Silvermane salute, while a woman mimicked his action albeit in a lesser extent beside him. Bronya had both her hands up trying to make them stop while Kiana and the kids could only watch awkwardly from the sideway.

Seele grinned, recognizing the couple immediately.

"Brandon, Anisa. I think the princess gets it." She called out as she approached them and they straightened up to face her. Behind them, Bronya sighed in relief and Seele had to fight a snort of amusem*nt. "Rather than pestering her, you should go talk to your daughter instead."

Bronya studied the couple before her silently now she was not the subject of the conversation. The man was big, almost a head taller than Bronya in fact, and muscular too with piercing red eyes and long dark beard. A deep line of scar ran down the side of his left hand all the way to his elbow, an old one judging from the appearance, that seemed like it was caused by a large sharp object.

The woman, meanwhile, was the exact opposite. She wasn't pristine by any means with dried blood sticking on her clothes but she didn't have the same rough complexion the the man had. In fact, she was beautiful with shoulder length blonde hair and gentle emerald green eyes.

"Ah, Seele." Said the man while the woman smiled at Seele in greeting. "My apologies, I didn't mean to make Mildly Rand uncomfortable."

"It is quite alright, Mister and Missus Ratchford," Bronya assured the couple. "You said you were a Silvermane Guard?"

"Yes, ma'am. Fourth Battalion, Second Company, Tenth Platoon," said the man proudly before his expression turned downcast. "Until I deserted, anyway."

"... the Silvermane Guards take an oath to protect Belobog from both foreign and domestic threats. I still see you holding on to the core value of the Codex to protect the people down here."

"... Ma'am? I don't get it?"

Bronya regarded him in silence. For a moment a glimpse of Rand, the Supreme Guardian lineage, appeared and took over. It was not an unkind stare for it was filled with compassion and pride.

"People make mistakes, Lieutenant. The Supreme Guardian is a mere human, in the end"

The man's eyes widened in shock. "Ma'am... are you implying...?"

Bronya hummed, neither in affirmation nor denial. "Deduce it however you want. Sometimes, staying true to your heart is the best choice. Even if by doing so you must disobey an order."

Anisa chuckled and the smile she gave was so much like Lysetia's own it was obvious who the girl took after. Bright, unreserved and genuine. "You are very wise, Madame Rand. I'm certain you will rule fairly one day." She said to Bronya.

"Our duty as a Silvermane is to protect humanity, whatever the cost. This is also true in a degree for a Supreme Guardian. However, to sacrifice her own people is not the way to conduct her duty. She must ready to sacrifice herself, not her people. It is my sincere hope that I will stay true to myself in the future."

"Indeed," Brandon chimed in. "The way of the Silvermane is to differ between wasting and spending lives and it is the Supreme Guardian's duty to choose between the two."

It was a harrowing duty but someone had to do it. The Rands took it upon themselves to carry the sins on their backs, to write to the widowed and visit the abandoned. Even if they spoke of honor and sacrifice, their words ultimately meant nothing to those bearing the pain. Maybe, that was why many of the previous Supreme Guardians lost themselves and their original visions in their line of duty.

It would be a lie if Bronya said she was not scared that she would lose herself too. Her mother was a prime example, after all. Bronya did not know what had become of her but her earliest memory of her mother told a kind and caring woman who smiled for the world. Ambitious, eager and loving, she wasn't much different to Bronya when she was her age.

But she had changed. Over the course of the year she had grown distant and cold like the mountain ranges surrounding the city of Belobog itself. Far and unreachable, Bronya did not know how to climb her wall of ice so she could feel the warmth hidden deep in her mother's facade.

She loved her mother. Despite what misdeeds she had done, there was nothing in the world that would change her. Only Bronya knew of her mother like nobody else. For the Overworlders, she was the Supreme Guardian and for the Underworlders she was a tyrant who ruled with iron fist. Yet to Bronya she was simply mother. The mother who held her close in the cold nights, the mother who told her stories of past heroes, the mother who taught her the way of combat, and the mother who cared after her until she became an independent woman herself.

Try as she might, she couldn't bring herself to hate her.

"I shall remember this day for it is an invaluable lesson for myself." Bronya told them solemnly. "I do hope that my rule will be fair for all of Belobog's citizens, regardless where, who or what they are."

Mei found them a few moments later, carrying with her foods and drinks in containers. Kiana caught a whiff of the delicious scent and ran immediately towards Mei like a starved kitten, clinging to Mei's front while begging for the foods with watering mouth.

Mei, for the most part, simply shook her head and told Kiana to unhand her self. The Kaslana visibly deflated as she obliged, that was until Mei whispered something to her ear that caused an invisible pair of ears to perk up over her head. After that, she was more than eager to let go, grinning a wide grin as if she hadn't experienced what would've been the most disheartening moment in her life.

If their best friend was there, she would've scoffed and commented on how easy Kiana was and how easy it was for Mei to play with her. Kiana was dancing on Mei's palm and she didn't even know it.

Mei gave the bag to Seele. "I heard Natasha asked you to bring them to your house. Good thing you're still here."

"I haven't told them that. I wanted to but Bronya is a little preoccupied." She gestured towards the Silvermane Commandant who was now talking in a more casual way with Brandon while his wife's attention was entirely on their daughter and the trio teenagers. "They seem to be busy."

"Who are they?" Mei asked curiously.

"Lysetia's parents. I heard Kiana went to look for them back in the mine. What's that about?"

Mei took a moment to answer, looking between the man and woman and then Lysetia. The girl caught her staring and waved, earning a smile and wave back from Mei. "Bronya, our Bronya can fix Lysetia. I wanted to ask for their permission."

"Huh, how? She lost her arm and leg."

"Bronya's power is unique, she can create anything she wants. That includes limbs or even a whole body."

"So she's going to use it to regrow her arm and leg?"

"Yes, that works the plan." Mei eyed Seele for a moment. "You took the information quite well. When I told Natasha that, she was confused and surprised."

Seele shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't care about the technicals and all that sh*t. Besides, I've seen a lot of strange things in my life already. If she can do that, then good for Lysetia."

"You're not going to ask why we don't do it to everyone?"

"No, why would I? You're the one helping, you get to decide who to help. It's not my place to judge or whatever. Don't let people tell you what and what not to do."

Mei nodded in agreement. "Right. Well, I won't hold you up any further now. Do you mind taking the kids with you? There's enough food for everyone."

"Sure," Seele said with a nod, "thanks for the food, I do look forward to tasting it."

"Don't get your hopes up, it's my first time cooking with local ingredients."

"Eh, food is food. As long as it's edible..." Seele trailed off, eyes drifting to Bronya, and she unceremoniously grabbed the Silvermane Commandant by the hand to drag her away.

"S—Seele?! I was in a middle of conversation!" She protested, weakly tugging against Seele's hold to no avail. Seele was simply too strong for Bronya to do anything even with the former being lenient, years of years hefting tens of kilograms of scythe and other things in the Underground paid off for Seele. "You're being rude to Mister Ratchford!"

"Just shut up and follow me." Seele growled, casting her gaze next to the three teenagers. "All of you follow me."

"Huh, to where?" March asked, confused, as she stood up.

"My house."

Mei watched them go with a small smile, giving Stelle and Dan Heng an encouraging nod on their way out. Shaking her head, she turned to face Lysetia and her parents, smile thinning until it disappeared.

She was still aware with Kiana's presence a little bit behind her, the warmth she radiated seeped through her clothes and into her bones comfortingly. Yet, she didn't do anything besides watching her. Mei understood, that this was something she had to deal herself.

Clearing her throat, she began. "My name is Raiden Mei, it's a pleasure to finally meet you both." Mei extended her hand to Brandon and then Anisa, both returned her gesture with an equal amount of kindness. "I have a proposal, no, an offer for you and your daughter."

"We're all ears, Miss Mei."

Mei sucked in a breath, index finger tapping her thigh absently as she mulled over her words. The was no easy way to say it so Mei simply went with it.

"We can heal your daughter, but she will have to suffer through it all again, there's simply no way to negate it. Will you accept my offer?"

The hot water felt sublime on her tense muscles and she allowed a content sigh to escape her lips as she slipped deeper into the bathtub until her face was completely submerged. Basking in the quiet hum of the water surrounding her ears, Bronya let her mind wander along the thoughtless flow of her memories.

Seele's house was surprisingly well kept, not like the ones she often saw in the Overworld but it certainly was in better condition than most Underworld housings. Seele actually managed to find a fertile plot of land and dumped it on her yards where she had planted flowers, beautiful flowers that must have been a rare commodity down here.

Frankly, Bronya did not expect that from a brash girl like Seele but she certainly did not know her enough to judge her character. She had a soft side, just like anyone else, with the difference being how obscure she was with it. Just like everyone else, she had something she liked to do when she wasn't fighting, something to get her mind off of everything, really, and that something was her flowers. Bronya could tell that Seele was rather proud of them, speaking with her head held high when Stelle and March asked her about them.

The house was not big, in fact it only had two bedrooms with one reserved for guests which didn't see many as Seele said it herself. The living room was quite barren without a single personal belonging in place and instead Seele had only the basic necessities like sofas and tables to make it like an actual living room, though without broadcast the TV there was mostly left untouched for years.

Seele made it pointedly clear for them to do whatever they wanted and she said it with not a single concern as she dragged Bronya to the bathroom, leaving the three teenagers to lounge around the living room. Seele practically yanked Bronya's ceremonial dress off, rolling her eyes when Bronya's embarrassed protests were becoming too much, and shoved her into the bathroom in nothing but her undershirt. It happened so fast Bronya couldn't help but to be a little baffled.

"You reek so go take a bath. I'll clean these in the meanwhile. Just take your time"

Seele left without another word after that, leaving Bronya alone in an unfamiliar bathroom. Like the rest of the house, it was also properly maintained and cleansed so it wasn't terrible. Bronya resigned to her predicament and began to strip off the rest of her clothes then, hitting the shower and warming the bathtub. All the grimes and blood clinging to her body was washed clean, visibly turning the water dark red as mud and blood were washed down the drain.

Now here she was in the tub relaxing, for a moment thinking of nothing but the silence around her. No Underworld, Overworld, Silvermane or Supreme Guardian. Just her and her thought.

That was until a soft knock resonated from behind the door, reverberating through the air and into the water. Bronya opened her eyes, rising her head slowly to the surface and leaned back on the bathtub.

"Yes?" She asked worriedly, shifting so she was more comfortable.

"It's me," Seele's answered, "I'm leaving the towel here along with some underwear for you, they're my sizes so they'll probably be a tight fit on you."

"I can just use mine..."

"Just shut up and take them, will you?"

"... sorry. I shouldn't have refused your generosity."

A pause. The sound of droplets hitting the water surface was the only one filling the silence. Bronya's long silver hair cascaded her back, her wet bangs dripping with warm water. A loud thump from beyond the door interrupted the melody as Seele leaned her back against the door and slid down so she was sitting against it.

"It's okay if you really don't want them," she said quietly but it's still loud enough for Bronya to hear. "You shouldn't let people tell you what to do."

"You've been a good patron and host. It will be rather uncouth of me to refuse your kindness. Thank you, for everything."

"Sure." Seele said plainly and Bronya could picture her shrugging her shoulders, a thought that brought a small smile to her face. "I heard of what you did to Little Marco back in the mine."

"I'm... not familiar with the name."

"The kid you carried, his name is Marco. Tough brat, I'd say. He lost all his family members in an accident two years ago so now he has to work to feed himself."

"I see..." Sadness clenched at her heart but she fought it away, shaking her head Bronya then asked "People in the Underworld have suffered so much and I want to help everyone but... Do you think I can do it? Do you think I'll be enough?"

Seele didn't answer right away as she stood up, the sound of her dress ruffling the only noise coming from her side. After what seemingly an eternity, however, she began. Voice soft unlike anything Bronya heard before.

"I can't give you the answer to that question. Only you know your own capability, but if you feel like needing help, just know that I'll be there for you."

Bronya's eyes widened. She scrambled off the bathtub and stood on the cold floor, skin glistening under the yellow lamp. "Seele, I... I promise you that I will change this so none will have to suffer any further than they already have. But I can't change what has happened. I can't return those they've lost and I'm afraid that they won't accept me."

She laid her body and heart bare to Seele, separated by a wall no thicker than an inch. But what the eyes couldn't see, the heart delivered in absolution. Eyes are the windows of the soul, as the proverb said, clear to peer through despite the glass covering them. But if eyes were the windows, then mouth was the door. It might hide hidden intentions, colored in lies and twisted truths, but it also held the honest truth if the soul desired so.

Seele could hear the honesty in the confession, a moment of vulnerability Bronya otherwise couldn't afford to show to someone else for she was the Supreme Guardian heir. People expected greatness from her, but right now she was just a woman with her own insecurities.

"Words mean nothing, princess." Seele reminded Bronya who could only lower her head as a response. If she was a little bit more perceptive at the moment, she would've heard the tenderness in Seele's tone. "I've given you a chance and you've proven yourself. This time, I'm willing to hold on to your word."

Bronya sucked in a breath, staring ahead where the door was with wide eyes. Disbelief, surprise, and joy filled her heart yet she couldn't express them with the torrent threatening to drown her. In the end, she settled to a simple gratitude. "Thank you, Seele."

"Don't disappoint me, Bronya."

That was the first time Seele addressed her by her name instead of her title, one of many to come in the future. At the moment, Bronya couldn't have known but it was the future she would have.

They brought her to this room again.

Vaguely she could remember, a memory her brain repressed to keep the pain from hurting her but it was there. She remembered the long, bright lights above, the smell of sterile tools and medicines, and the soft fabric covering her body.

This time, however, the doctor wasn't alone with the nurses. This time she was surrounded by her family and strangers who quickly became friends in the short time they knew each other, hand holding her mother's who stared at her with her kind emerald gaze.

Once, she found a rock with the same color. She gave it to her father who then had the local jeweler make a necklace for. One she would wear around her neck so she would always be reminded of her mother and how close she was to her heart. Sadly, it was gone now. The chains snapped and it fell somewhere in the mine when she was attacked. She couldn't bring herself to ask for it, knowing people had been busy with more pressing matters to search for an object of mere sentimental value.

Her father was also there. His big, protective presence calming her soul. He had always been her guardian knight, one that was true in more than just a sense some time ago. They told them how they met. A Silvermane Lieutenant falling in love with a nurse who treated him once after he ran straight into a group of monsters to save someone, earning him a deep laceration on his left arm, it was nothing sort of miracle he didn't lose his arm. People said it was cheesy, but she found the story beautiful.

There was also Mei who stood a little back further. She looked concerned, though she tried to hide it. She gave Mei a small smile and the woman smiled back, not quite relieved but it did seem to make her a little better.

Mei was a miracle in itself. She didn't expect she would meet her savior that way. She asked for a simple help and she received more. She should give her one of her books and she had the idea which it would be.

Mei's wife was a lovely woman. Always smiling and energetic, she seemed like she was always sure with herself. Kiana was the hero she read about in her books. Strong, humble, happy and funny. She heard the miners and Wildfires talk about her deeds in the mine and it cemented her view on the woman even further. She wished she would grow up to be someone like her.

Mei's friend was not someone she knew very well. She had the face and name similar to the Supreme Guardian heir's but she wasn't quite her. Frankly, she couldn't discern her character but that was okay. Mei and her friends were always kind people.

Natasha she was familiar with deeply and she trusted her with her heart. The doctor put a mask over her mouth and nose, whispering a simple sentence to her.

"Be brave."

Natasha pumped anesthetic gas into the mask and she breathed in deeply, feeling her eyelids grew heavy with each inhale until her vision swam. Half awake in numbness, it was only a matter of time until slumber embraced her.

But before it could cast her into the darkness, she saw a flicker of light in the corners of her eyes. Two white figures, one was cascaded in a little bit of purple while the other in blue. They stood on each of her sides and her vision burned from the seemingly blinding brightness. Yet despite it, she could still make out the the blue halo hovering over the head of the blue figure, her right arm raised over her body.

At the moment, in her fleeting consciousness, a thought occured. One she had before darkness fully claimed her.

An angel...

Indeed, an angel had descended to grace her with her blessing. A blessing that was also a curse.



Kudos and reviews are appreciated

Chapter 11: Buried Deep in The Earth


Hubris is truly the number one killer of man. Right after I said that I've been updating this story on weekly basis, I fell sick twice in the span of ten days so I couldn't bring myself to write anything. But enough of me and my suffering! Finally finished this so here we go!

There's no action here for I decided that everyone needs to bond even further, so if you're looking for a good ass kicking then I'm sorry I have to disappoint you.

Otherwise, enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 11: Buried Deep in The Earth

The soft glow of the candle illuminated the drying ink and highlighted them on the white paper, Bronya staring at the words she had just written with thinning lips and a frown. She set the borrowed pen between her fingers down on the table and brought the paper close, examining every sentence and letter intensely.

Behind her, Seele was quietly doing routine maintenance on her scythe, tinkering on the giant weapon which she had disassembled to its smallest components on her bed. A linen of white fabric was spread over her sheet where she put her tools and weapon components on while Seele herself was sitting cross legged over it.

When Bronya asked for a place for privacy, she certainly did not expect Seele to invite her to her bedroom. She had requested for a less intrusive place in the house instead of Seele's room, finding the prospect itself a bit daring and disrespectful, but Seele waved the concern off and told her to join her in her room. Seele told her the rest of the house was vacant and that she did most of her works in her room. Bronya did not want to argue further after that.

So, here she was now in Seele's room. Occupying the only table Bronya knew Seele would've used as her worktable otherwise. She tried to hold her tongue but the more she did, the harder it was to ignore the uneasiness she felt until it slipped out of her mouth with none of her order.

"I'm sorry," Bronya blurted out and she immediately clamped her mouth shut. But the deed was done. Seele paused on her work and looked up, a scowl on her face as Bronya turned to face her.

"What for?" Seele asked, bringing a chipped blade up to eye level and glared at it, her purple orbs glinting back in the silver, sharp metal.

She could see Bronya over the blade, looking at her with troubled grimace. "For intruding and troubling you. You should've been using the table instead of me."

Seele sighed, tossing the blade away into a separate box where the rest of the damaged components were for repair later and taking a new one from her supply box. Somehow, Bronya could feel the sigh was not entirely of her dismay to the state of the blade. "I told you it's okay. You worried too much over the small things."

"But still..."

"But not, princess. Are you Overworlders always high up your asses or something? If someone told you it's okay, then it's okay, get it?"

"I'm sorry. I've never personally troubled someone to such an extent. I don't want to overstep my boundaries."

"Really? Not even once?" Seele asked, incredulous. "There must be times where you asked for favors, right?"

"I tried not to," Bronya answered simply and Seele blinked, perplexed, "life as a government official is difficult, moreso when you're the Supreme Guardian lineage. People will try to take advantages of your position by offering things seemingly out of goodwill only to ask for paybacks later. It's difficult if you're not careful so one has to learn to take care of oneself."

Seele scoffed. "Rats. So it's the same with down here, just nicer in appearance."

"There's always people like that."

Seele raised an eyebrow, a mocking smirk gracing her lips. "So, you're not worry that I might see this as an opportunity to curry a favor from you? I thought you'd be smarter than to trust people so easily."

Bronya fell silent for a long moment afterwards. Seele, who had been waiting for her answer, returned back to working on her scythe yet she lacked the focus she had before. Her smirk of mischief disappeared, thinking that Bronya did not deny it because it was true she didn't trust her enough, while an ugly feeling akin to disappointment settled on the pit of her stomach.

Which was why when Bronya spoke next, she nearly cut her finger on the blade of her scythe because of what she said.

"I believe, while selfish people like that exist, the opposite is also true. I've received helps before, ones which were done out of the goodness of the heart, and will continue to do so in the future. I know that you are a good person so I trust you. Even if you ask me something in the future, I know it will be for the greater good," Bronya confessed, giving Seele a warm smile. "You are the most selfless person I have ever met, Seele, and it's an honor for me to meet such a wonderful individual like yourself. I know how difficult it is to care for others tirelessly without hope for rewards."

Seele huffed, yet the smile she had had not gone unnoticed to Bronya. "Well, you're hopeless without me, so..."

Bronya chuckled. A comfortable silence descended upon them afterwards. Seele continued working on her scythe and Bronya was left to finish the letter, putting it in a plain white envelope and held it on the table for her to absently stare at.

"What are you writing, anyway?" Seele asked after a while and Bronya looked back to her, finding a pair of curious purple staring back to her silver ones.

"A letter."

Seele rolled her eyes. "Yeah, no sh*t. I mean, what is it about?"

"I'm planning to confront my mother," Bronya began, tone solid without a hint of doubt and Seele frowned, "so I need an... assurance, to ensure that our efforts will still continue regardless of my presence."

Seele's frown deepened. "You're saying that in case you're gone, you'll still have someone working to fix everything?" She asked, distaste clear in her feature. "Are you planning to die or something?"

"No, I doubt that my mother will hurt me..." Bronya trailed off, "but she's still my superior. If I were to disobey her orders, I'd still be arrested. I'm not immune to justice and rules, after all."

"You sure have it rough."

"Not as rough as everyone else," Bronya admitted and Seele snorted. "It's a small price to pay."

"Just don't die because it'd be suck for everyone else," Seele said with a shrug. "So, who you want me to deliver it to? I presume it's some Overwolder, right?"

"Are you sure that you're willing to take the burden?" Bronya asked worriedly but all she received in return from Seele was a pair of narrowed eyes.

"Don't think I'm stupid, princess," she growled warningly and Bronya winced. "We both know you want me to deliver it since the beginning."

Bronya fell quiet. Shame flooded her heart and she lowered her gaze to the floor. Of course Seele knew. She was the only option. The Astral Express crew were criminals in the eyes of the Silvermanes, to have them roaming the city was akin to putting the lamb in the wolf's den. Their faces were plastered on every walls and corners it would be impossible for them to walk in the open without being recognized immediately. Kiana was the second option since she was not around when they were evicted and chased but Bronya trusted Seele more.

"Her name is Serval," Bronya said as she stood up, approaching Seele who was looking up at her, "Serval Landau of the prestigious Landau family. She runs a shop called Neverwinter Workshop in the Administrative District near the stairways to Qlipoth Fort."

Bronya extended her hand, in it was the letter, and Seele glared at the item as if it had just insulted her and her mother, whoever she was or wherever she was. Sighing, she snatched it off Bronya's hand and asked "Can we trust her?"

Bronya did not even hesitate. She simply nodded. "Yes. I knew her since I was young. She and my mother have a little bit of history. She'll believe you once she reads the letter."

"What do you want me to do? What do you want me to tell her?"

"Destroy the Stellaron. Whatever it takes, whatever the cost, it must be destroyed so none of this will continue. Enough people have suffered due to my mother's negligence. Never again."

Stelle was this close from beating her highest score recorded when someone decided to come to visit. She groaned, tried to multitask and failed pathetically as her thumb slipped on the screen of her phone when she stood up which sent her game character to certain doom into the sizzling pit of lava lining in the stage. Stupid game didn't even have a pause button but she supposed she was more stupid for still playing it despite that one fact.

For the first time in almost an hour, she looked around the living room and scowled at what she saw. March was passed out on the long sofa, snoring lightly, while some of her pink strands got into her slightly parted mouth yet she seemed too far deep in slumber to notice it.

Dan Heng was sitting near her on the floor, reading something from a small book Stelle wasn't sure where he obtained from. He heard her groan and looked back at Stelle, expression flat as usual as they engaged in a little staring contest.

Waiting, urging.

Another knock and Stelle admitted her defeat.

She mumbled something that wasn't really a word, pouting, while Dan Heng smiled a near imperceptible smile at her antics, or his victory. One couldn't really tell with him. Sighing, she made her way to the front door, ready to shove someone off the cliff if it was something unimportant.


It was Kiana.

"Sorry for taking so long."

And Mei. Of course. These two didn't really go alone if they could help it with the former being such an affectionate cat that would stick around and engage in physical contacts as much as possible. There was also food Mei carried which Stelle's brain automatically tagged as priority target.

Mei's cooking was heavenly. If she was to describe it, it was like receiving the grace of the Lord when she was at the lowest point of her life, which wasn't saying much since she lived a grand total of three days but still. A grace that tasted like it was made of the pieces of paradise. March actually shed tears of joy when she wolfed down her portions earlier, plural because one wasn't enough. Actually, she ate four. Which should explain why she was sleeping like the dead.

Stelle was glad Mei actually gave them a lot before, otherwise there might've been bloodbath and a murder scene that greeted her instead of Stelle. Still, she could feel her stomach rumble despite having eaten twice her normal value already.

She was pulled out of her stupor when Kiana elbowed Mei slightly, the grin she had turning smug as she not-whispered-but-pretended-to at Mei. Stelle could hear every word and syllable Kiana uttered perfectly.

"I told you the food is good, just look at her she's about ready to pounce at it."

Stelle glared at Kiana and Kiana feigned oblivious. "I'm perfectly fine to simply have Mei alone to join us."

"Eh, doors don't work on me." Kiana countered casually with a shrug. "There's nothing to be ashamed of, I know Mei's cooking is the best. I'm actually willing to share this one even though it's mine."

Almost instantly, Stelle's demeanor changed. She adapted a warm expression and gesture, offering the entryway for the two to go through. Mei who saw it couldn't help but giggle. "Please, big sis, make yourself at home!"

So there's that. Stelle, a Stellaron vessel superhuman whose mood had been terrible since she died in her game, was tamed with food cooked in a disaster control tent with bare minimum ingredients in an equally limited time. Here she was now on the floor, happily munching on some things she wasn't even sure what, just that it tasted good.

Dan Heng was looking at her as if she was some sort of exotic specimen before he shook his head and returned to reading.

March was roused from her sleep when the delicious smell hit her. She dreamt of grilled meat and Rotisserie chicken in her slumber only to wake up chewing on her own hair. Aside from the disgust as she pulled her spittle laden pink locks out of her mouth, she also felt immense disappointment when she realized it was all just a dream. That was until she sat up on the sofa and looked down towards where Kiana and Stelle were on the floor, busy stuffing their faces with food.

They both saw her up and locked gaze with March, not stopping their hands and mouths as they continued to dig through the food. March was stuck in a state where she was unsure whether she had woken up or hadn't and that what she saw was a dream or not.

"Woghughligheshom?" Kiana asked between mouthful, at least March thought she was asking and not choking on something.


Mei scolded Kiana by pinching her arm lightly. "Kiana, don't talk with your mouth full."

"Soghyy." Kiana took a large gulp of water and sighed, grinning at March. "Would you like some?"

The pinkette stared at Kiana, the food, and back at Kiana. Her mouth watered yet her stomach protested at the idea of downing more of those delicious flavors. She was stuck in a conundrum and there was nothing she could do about it.

"I think... I think I'll pass," she finally decided after a long silence, not without great sadness and disappointment. Both Kiana and Stelle shared a look, shrugging, and continued to eat, oblivious to March's inner turmoil. "Mei, can we... Um, can we have more of your cooking later?"

Mei hummed, smiling. She was also eating but in much more leisure pace and much more lesser portion than the two, occasionally feeding Kiana a bite or two of her own food much to Kiana's delight. "Of course, March. But I don't think we'll have much time after this so maybe once we back to the Express?"

"Yes, that's fine."

"Have you always been such a supreme cook, Mei?" Dan Heng asked, intrigued, and March glanced at where he was. She didn't see him sitting on the carpeted floor since he was obscured by the headrest of the sofa so March had to peer over it.

"Well, not everyone starts good at something so that will be a no," Mei's smile turned nostalgic while Kiana snorted beside her, causing the latter to actually choke on something this time. Mei calmly handed Kiana her water before continuing. "I was terrible, in fact."

"That is hard to imagine," Stelle chimed in, still staring at Kiana as if she was an idiot. "I mean, this is great."

The girl raised the food to emphasize her point and Mei chuckled. "I never cooked for myself," she began, "I was born in a rather financially fortunate family. I had maids and butlers that would fullfil our daily needs so I never stepped into the kitchen to cook."

"Huh, what gives?"

"They were gone," Mei said softly and they paused to look at her, excluding Kiana who kept eating seemingly without a care. "My father was framed for a crime he did not commit and his corporation was swept under. In an instant, the life I had was over."

"So... they left you?" March asked tentatively and Mei nodded. "Is that why you decided to learn how to cook?"

"Not really. I was stuck in a state of depression afterwards and I couldn't care less about what I ate. Everything tasted bland so I didn't really try."

"That must be terrible." March offered somberly and Stelle nodded in agreement. Dan Heng had closed his book and had his entire attention directed at Mei. "I'm sorry to hear that."

Mei smiled warmly. "It's okay, you guys. It's in the past."

"I don't see how this correlate with your cooking skills," Dan Heng stated flatly and March gasped, slapping his arm lightly to reprimand him.

"Dan Heng! Be a little tactful!"

"I'm just saying."

Mei giggled at the display. It looked familiar to her. Actually, a lot of youngsters acted more or less the same to each other and that included themselves, once. It was hard to believe that she, Kiana and Bronya were grown up adults now and were in turn responsible in guiding the kindlings.

"Kiana is responsible for that."

At the mention of her name, the Kaslana looked up for the first time only to see four pairs of eyes staring down at her. She raised an eyebrow. "What? Is something on my face?"

"Yeah, noodles. A whole lot of noodles," Stelle deadpanned and Kiana proceeded to slurp down said noodles into her gullet.

"Did you not hear what Mei said?" March asked incredulously and Kiana blinked.

"I did."

"She was having a moment."

Kiana glanced at Mei and shrugged. "She's telling y'all story, whatchu want me to do? Reenact the scene?"

"Well, you can comfort her?"

"She's not in need of comfort, March, she's feeling proud."

True to her words, Mei was looking at Kiana with a certain degree of pride and not without reason either. "It was all thanks to her that I found passion in cooking," Mei told them after a moment, "she came to me one time and showed great interest in local cuisine."

Kiana hummed. "It was an onigiri. I transferred school to the Far East so I was intrigued to a lot of stuff. Mei happened to be one of them."

"So, Mei fed you and you guys became friends?" Stelle deduced for the rest of them and Kiana nodded. "When was this?"

"Highschool. Mei was a second year while I was a first. At that time I saw her as the best senior someone could get because she was so kind and caring."

"... you're not saying that because she fed you once, right?"


"Kiana was kind, too," Mei interjected with a fond laugh. "She was the only one who came to talk with me."

"Wait, what?"

"Remember what happened to my father, March? My friends and teachers shunned me after the news broke out. Those who wanted to gain my family's prestige left me because I no longer had them. The rest of my school days went painstakingly slow and gloomy, at least until Kiana showed up."

"Not so bad of a love story, right?" Kiana chirped cheekily, earning a giggle from Mei, while March stared at her almost in reverence.

"It's very sweet," the pinkette said with a smile, "I'm glad you guys find your happiness."

Her gaze settled on the silver rings on Mei and Kiana's fingers and they followed it. Grinning, Kiana brought hers up to eye level for the pinkette to see better. "Not too shabby, huh?"

"What is that saying?" March asked, gingerly taking Kiana's hand and turning it around while searching the small words imprinted in the glinting surface of the ring. "From Origin?"

Mei brought hers up and and read hers for March, "To Finality."

"What do they mean?" Stelle asked out of curiosity, though the smile on her face was still very much visible. "Mister Welt said you guys are the Herrscher of Finality and Origin respectively."

"That means we are one and the same, my guy," Kiana laughed merrily, wrapping an arm around Mei's and leaning in against the taller woman who smiled and proceeded to pat her head like she would a cat. "We are connected in soul and everything! True love, yeah?"

"No, I mean how strong are you? Mister Welt is the Herrscher of Reason, right? I can tell that he is pretty strong, so what about you?"

"Well, I'm very strong," Kiana began lightheartedly while Mei chuckled. "But it's not important, is it? As long as it's enough to protect those I hold dear, then it's enough."

"That responsibility is not meant to be carried alone," Mei chimed in, smile turning solemn as she regarded the trio. "When you vow to protect, you must also ready to be protected. Love goes both ways. Those precious to you think so about you, too."

"... you know," Kiana began after a short pause, tone thick with somber nostalgic feeling. Something in her gaze shifted as her hold on Mei tightened, an action Mei returned with a squeeze of her hand on Kiana's. "We both once thought that we must carry the hardships of loving alone. We both ready to sacrifice ourselves in exchange for the other, not knowing that we hurt one another until we realized the pain of separation."

March gasped. "Separation? You two?!"

Mei smiled gently at her. The idea must have been foreign to her, to see Kiana without Mei or the other way around, but it had happened once. Never again.

"I had to go into the darkness so I could return Kiana to bliss. I made a deal with the devil so Kiana could live."

"We fought over it, literally I must say, and ended up hurting each other in the process," Kiana supplied. "We could've talked. If we were a little but more mature, a little bit more understanding, we wouldn't have to fight and our separation would be far less painful. But we were just a bunch of kids in helpless predicament, blindly in love and hurt too much to see."

"What happened?" Stelle asked, voice barely a whisper. Beside her, March was looking at the two women with wide eyes while Dan Heng adapted a more intrigued look.

"A lot happened," Kiana answered for them both. "Our teacher had just died, I was drowning in guilt and quite literally killing myself slowly. Mei... She just wanted to save me, as did Bronya and many of my friends but I was too stupid to understand that. Mei had to beat some sense into me for me to understand."

"Not my proudest accomplishment," Mei said jokingly and Kiana laughed, earning a few strained smiles from March and Stelle while Dan Heng hummed. "Talks are important. They're necessary for you to understand each other. Sure, a simple talk won't solve everything but it's a start. You have to start from somewhere and that somewhere is a talk."

Kiana nodded in agreement. "Share your thoughts and feelings to those around you. Your friends and family care for you." She gave the three teenagers a soft smile, one that meant more than words could tell. "I can tell that you three care for each other. Welt and Himeko, too. Now, though, you can also rely on us as your family so feel free to bother us with everything that is bothering you, yeah?"


"Are you sure?"


A silence followed as Natasha stared at her in a long, unblinking moment which Bronya returned with her usual stoic silver before, eventually, the doctor sighed tiredly in acceptance.

"If you say so."

Bronya nodded and Natasha began to leave, yet in her way she couldn't help but to glance at the man standing beside her. She said something to him briefly and his distraught eyes found Bronya as he nodded.

In an empty alleyway of the central Boulder Town, Natasha's boots echoed dauntingly until the woman disappeared and away, leaving Bronya and the man alone. She crossed her arms and shifted on her legs, waiting for him to talk first. Partially because she wanted him to take his time but mostly because she didn't want to overwhelm him, which she knew she did. Too many people she spoke with looked at her face and got reduced to a stuttering mess because of who she shared it with and it got to the point where it became an annoyance to Bronya.


"Just call me Bronya," Bronya interrupted with a sigh, "I'm not the Supreme Guardian heir."

He looked confused but nodded anyway. "Miss Bronya, please find my daughter and bring her back to me! She's the only one I have left!"

Bronya looked at the man silently as he bursted into tears, for those who didn't know her could only see cold indifference but if her friends were there they would've seen the concern hidden in the pools of silver, a true feeling guarded by years of stoicism. She let her arms down and walked towards the man, putting a hand to his shoulder comfortingly. "I will do my best."

That was all she dared to promise, for it was an uncertainty she was facing. Bronya refused to give the man a false hope so instead she gave her what was within her effort, namely the best of her capability.

He was too deep in his sorrow and worry to answer verbally but he did nod to Bronya. Giving one last squeeze, Bronya made her way out the alleyway, face morphing into a scowl that scared more than just one passerby. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and skimmed through her call history, dialing the one person she wished not to bother but knew had to.

It took her four rings and once the call was picked, Bronya had to move her phone back when a rather boisterous cheer exploded from the other end lest she wanted to damage her hearing.


"Mei, do you have a moment?"

"Of course," Mei said and Bronya could hear Mei shuffling up to her feet, "Kiana, let go of my hand! Bronya is calling!"

"Huh? Bronya? How is she always screwing up our fun time together?"

Bronya could physically feel the annoyance bubbling in her chest. "Maybe you need to learn to not have sex in the living room in the middle of the day so I wouldn't walk on you both? Having a little bit of restraint help," Bronya hissed back harshly, drawing a few awkward gazes from around her.

Kiana snatched the phone from Mei's hand. "Hey, man, first of all, f*ck you. Second, at least Mei and I didn't hack the bathroom's doors and hog it for myself to have an unrestricted threesome. Lucky bastard."

Bronya flushed. It was a one time occurrence yet Kiana never let it die even once. A retort sitting at the tip of her tongue but before she could deliver it, Mei had already had her phone back. "Sorry about that. What is it that you want to say?"

The flame died down and Bronya sighed. "Can you meet me back in the town?"

"Just me?"

"No, bring everyone. We have a situation."

Bronya allowed the barest hint of urgency to seep into her tone, just enough for Mei to catch and understand. Her best friend went quiet on the other end before Bronya heard her sigh.


She hung up after that, not wanting to dwell on further and worry Mei even more. Putting her phone back into her pocket, Bronya sat on the nearest bench to wait, its rusty frames creaking under her weight.

It happened shortly after Mei and Kiana left. Bronya decided to stay behind so she could monitor Lysetia's condition in case she gained some unwanted derivations after her limbs regrow, keeping an eye on the sleeping girl while waving the gratitude her parents gave her with a warm, reassuring smile, when suddenly a man barged in with Natasha close in toe.

Bronya knew it was trouble when she saw Natasha frowning when she entered. The woman barely reacted to her patients and their injuries so it must have been something else entirely. Look and behold, her deduction was on point, as it always was in the past though Bronya wished she was wrong for the first time.

She listened to what they had to say, the cause of concern and problem, and Bronya had to consciously suppress a grimace with each word. That meant something considering Bronya's default expression was as flat and cold as a stone.

Apparently, a bunch of kids decided to sneak into Rivet Town after overhearing Natasha talked about her old supplies of medicine in her old orphanage, not knowing the problem had already been solved by Bronya and her power. Fresman, the man who came to her and Natasha for help, informed them of her missing daughter after he searched about the town for her, finding nothing but clues from the locals that pointed to that one exact location.

He tried to go alone to retrieve his daughter but the Wildfires stationed on the outpost overlooking Rivet Town stopped him and sent him back to Natasha. Frankly, Bronya was glad they caught him because he most certainly would be dead if he went alone.

Which, brought the problem back to the table.

A bunch of kids alone in a monster infested town was not good at all. It would be a miracle if they were still alive somehow but Bronya kept the opinion to herself. She didn't wish to cause the man more distress so she quietly accepted his request after turning down Natasha's offer for help.

"Keep the Wildfires around. You need them to help here. I'll go with the crew."

The Wildfire was short on manpower at the moment and Bronya didn't wish to take more of what was left. With Oleg still leading a Search and Destroy mission on the mine, there was hardly half a platoon left to take care of hundreds of people in the town. Though Bronya knew she alone could clear the monsters, there was no hurt in getting more hands and eyes for the search, not to mention her unfamiliarity with the local landscape which was a problem in itself. She could make due of course, but helps were not to be turned down.

Seele would be their guide, as always, and the three teenagers would be a great help. If what people said about Rivet Town was true, then they would have an entire district to scour through. It would take time and time was the essence in rescue missions. A minute too late could be a cost too great.

She thought through the plan while absently staring at the open notebook on her lap, though it wasn't strictly for notes as she also put some drawings along on the pages. Bronya's index finger nursed the butterfly pattern on its cover, unknowingly finding comfort in the action.

She jotted words down, a continuation of the plot for her latest game currently in planning. Though people might find it inappropriate to do something so low priority at such a dark time, Bronya simply couldn't stop herself to steal moments for this. Habits, as it was, were difficult to change once they were ingrained onto someone and Bronya had long found herself needing the distractions in times of silence like this. There could only so much her supercomputer of a brain could run without her feeling the impulse to pour the information down.

Kiana would agree with her. Having so much running in one's head was hard. Although she and Kiana were different, Bronya could see that her best friend was a genius herself.

Of course, Bronya would rather eat glass than to say it to Kiana because however she was, Kiana was still one big idiot. But it would be stupid to not recognize that fact. Kiana, like Bronya, had a brain that ran a different process than normal people's. Kiana was perceptive to minute details, fast learner to a subject, and creative amongst having a photographic memory herself. Unfortunately, all of it were eclipsed by general laziness and dumb innuendos that was her usual frivolities with Mei.

Speaking of which...

She felt the familiar pulses of Herrscher energy that were Kiana and Mei along with that strange, weaker one inside Stelle approaching her. Bronya felt them first before she heard Kiana and the group and saw them through the corner of her eye. Closing the notebook, Bronya looked up and stood to her feet after pocketing it.

"Good, you're here," Bronya said, eying everyone present. Her silver eyes stopped on her counterpart for a moment, mentally noting the fact that she was no longer covered in grimes and blood. "There's not much time so I'll explain right away."

Bronya gestured for them to follow her and they did without hesitation. "A group of children sneaked into Rivet Town to gather medical supplies and haven't returned. We're going to look for them."

"Isn't that place full of monsters?" Kiana muttered worriedly for them and only them to hear. Mei, March and Stelle stared at Bronya's back in horror while Dan Heng frowned in concern. Beside him, Seele scoffed and gritted her teeth angrily.

"Who the f*ck is it this time? Why can't children stay f*cking put for once?!"

The Silvermane Bronya grabbed her shoulder and squeezed to ease her anger. "Let's just focus on finding them. You can scold them later."

Seele grunted but she conceded. "I'm going to drill some sense on them real hard."

"Of course."

Something had changed between them and although Bronya had no knowledge what of, it was welcomed. The Herrscher allowed a small smile to grace her lips as she led them, ignoring a knowing grin Kiana sent her.

"Someone's happy."

"Shut up, Kiana."

Mei heard their mental exchange and chuckled softly.



I don't know where this sudden surge of enthusiasm comes from but man, you guys rock! People have been giving kudos in the last few days while it usually would stop a few days after an update. I'm glad you guys enjoy this story.

Thank you, and as always kudos and reviews are appreciated!

Chapter 12: Right Away Torn Apart


We've this rolling, yeah?! Another one of the lengthy chapters! Enjoy, y'all!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 12: Right Away Torn Apart

When the Architects designed and built Belobog many centuries ago, one fundamental idea was put above all and considered as the foundation of the fortress city; all must be fair up and below to accommodate not just the souls but also the bodies. In other word, what stretched above was also true to the underground.

Belobog was massive. It had in and around it facilities to support a civilization for generations to come. A self-sufficient city that could persist both time and dangers, a shelter to protect the last cradle of humanity in a planet ravaged by a never ending winter. Power plants, administrative districts, farmlands, agriculture centers and military fortresses were ones amongst many more that were too much to mention. The city was built in a wall as it was the wish of the Architects, to preserve and protect lives against the inevitable destruction of the universe.

However, while time itself was preservation's greatest ally, it was also its greatest enemy. Throughout the years, many portions of the city had either fallen to the never ending cycles of moon and sun due to the lack of care, or the blades and unholy screeches of its enemy. Many of the once mighty castle-city districts had fallen to ruin in the generations after Alisa Rand up to the reign of the latest Supreme Guardian Cocolia Rand, this was even more true to the Underworld.

Neglected for a decade, plenty of the Underworld had been left vacant by its settlers, either willingly or not. Not just once they must retreat back after a monster attack, more often they were forced to abandon the lost ground due to the lack of resources to rebuild even if they reclaimed them somehow, which was far and between, because if they were lacking in material, they lacked more in terms of manpower.

Rivet Town was one of the many abandoned districts. The once bustling Underworld town that in its glory rivalled even Boulder Town was now nothing but a ghost town. Its atmosphere felt thick and heavy with coldness and decay, a whisper of past splendor lingering like dried blood in white cloth. Trash heaps sat on the sides of the roads, remnants from residents once living in the buildings and shops all around them. In the cold, decomposition happened slowly so trash from years ago were still present without someone to feed them into the incinerators.

Once Seele gained the permission to enter Rivet Town from the Wildfires guarding the blockade they immediately set foot and began their search for the kids. The town was significantly colder with the heaters long ran out of Geomarrow to fuel them and dark with street lamps being the only source of lighting for the group.

Seele told them that the Wildfire often expedited into the abandoned districts to maintain the lights, replacing the busted ones with new bulbs to keep the roads lit. So, although the buildings around them were dark, the streets were not. One of the reasons was so they wouldn't live surrounded by darkness where the monsters creep, the other to ensure that those lost might still find a way home, no matter how unlikely was the latter.

Still, trickery of the mind preyed on them no less. The dark houses and shops were haunting with the silence permeating in the air like a blanket of pure dread. The light coming from the lamp posts illuminated the dusty windows, not only once giving an illusion of faces staring back towards the strangers so daring to walk in lands where many died horribly.

Already, the group could see where battles once were fought and the subsequent sight of dried blood and other fluids. Being in the Underworld meant there was no rain and no rain meant nothing to wash the black stain that had seeped into the materials. An eternal reminder of what befallen the town.

The houses themselves were in so terrible state calling them inadequate for living would have been a gross understatement, dangerous would be the best word to describe them. Wood and steel collapsed under their own weight, be it from the elements or the previous fights. Although rain couldn't reach the Underworld naturally, the air itself was incredibly dank it was guaranteed any metal based structure would crumble without proper maintenance for so long.

Whatever houses left standing, they looked worse for wear often with missing doors and window panes, most likely salvaged by whoever daring enough to brave the monster infested town.

March jumped to cling at Dan Heng's side with every noise produced not by the group, looking around her with visible fear and apprehension while Dan Heng quietly allowed the pinkette an easier access to his arm for the pinkette to hold. She hated ghosts and Dan Heng knew it.

Stelle fared much better than her friend as she walked right beside Kiana. She noticed that the white haired woman had her hands on each of her sides instead of pockets while her blue eyes would constantly look around them, occasionally lingering at one spot Stelle couldn't see for it was always beyond an obstacle before they flicked to somewhere else. Kiana had a pair of handguns holstered on her outer thighs, weapons of intricate designs she had never seen before that emitted warmth which Stelle could feel perfectly from near Kiana.

The mood was quiet ever since they stepped foot onto the town and Stelle could understand that. Still, she decided to ask Kiana about the guns, partially to break the silence but mostly because she was curious.

"Hey," she began quietly, nudging on Kiana with her shoulder to gain the woman's attention. "What are they?"

Kiana blinked, a grin Stelle had come to associate with Kiana blossoming on her face. "Family heirlooms," Kiana said simply, her mirth didn't go unnoticed by Stelle. "They're the chosen weapon of us Kaslana."

"Are they Divine Key?"

"Yup! These pistols are actually one weapon! The true form of the Judgment of Shamash is a sword!"

"No way! Can I see?!"

Kiana smirked as she unholstered the guns. "Okay, so when you put them together like this and press these buttons over here they will—agh?!"

Bronya, their Bronya, who had been watching the interaction stepped to Kiana's side and unceremoniously smacked Kiana in the back of her head, scowling. "Must I remind you that we're still in the Underground?"

Kiana glared at her. "But you told me that I can use Shamash!"

"In its pistol form," Bronya elaborated, pronouncing each word slowly as if explaining the nature of rocket science to a monkey. "Shamash's sword form has surface temperature of thousands of degree Celsius, you lit that up you quite literally be carrying a small sun."


"So don't," Bronya said, more than just a little annoyed at Kiana's stupidity. "We don't want to suffocate everyone by burning the oxygen, not to mention the Geomarrow."

"You're such a party popper, you know that?"

Her best friend leveled her an exasperated glare Kiana returned. "I'd rather pop your party than us popping the entire Underworld up and dooming the entirety of Belobog and Jarilo-VI, by extension."

With that, Bronya moved ahead to talk with Mei. The purple haired woman glanced back at Kiana and Stelle before she shook her head with a fond smile.

Kiana threw her hands up in the air after she put her weapons back, interlocking her fingers behind her head and pouting. "Man, what a bummer."

Stelle hummed. "Sorry, I didn't know."

"Nah, it's fine. You didn't know. I'd show you later, alright?" And in a more conspiratory voice she whispered to Stelle "Bronya said that, but the idea of pistol-sword is actually something she adapted to her own weapon! Though, it's a little different but still."

Stelle's mouth dropped down as she stared at Bronya's back. "Really? She got the idea from Shamash?"

"Well, not really. Many Divine Keys have secondary forms or more," Kiana began, voice returning to normal volume and Stelle nodded. She remembered Welt who told them about it earlier and Bronya who also gave a little demonstration afterwards. "Shamash have three power levels, actually, two of which are in its sword form. Mei's Seven Thunders have plenty of forms, too. So much in fact it is known to shift about depending on its users, sometimes unintentionally."

"Unintentionally?" Stelle asked inquisitively, raising an eyebrow at the choice of word Kiana used.

"It can change to whatever it wants without the user's order which caused troubles in the past. Remember the tidbits about how Divine Keys were made of dead Herrscher Cores? The Herrscher of Thunder was the only one who could make it submit because it was basically the same element it was made of. Mei is the only one who can use the weapon effectively."

Stelle's eyes found the sword strapped on Mei's hip. It was of elaborate design, which she supposed was something common for Divine Keys, and extremely powerful. She had no doubt about the later. When they escaped from the Silvermane Guards a few days ago, Mei was this close from taking it out and using it but she hadn't. Yet, the sheer suppressive electricity emanating from the weapon at the slightest of tug was overwhelming, as if the the storm itself was demanding its conquest and dominion of the world's thunder. Welt's weapon was powerful, and supposedly it was wielded in a power not even half of it. Mei's? The user herself was a full fledged Herrscher equal in footing with her Finality. Just thinking about the destruction it could cause made Stelle shudder.

"How many Divine Keys do you have with you?" Stelle found herself asking Kiana who shrugged nonchalantly.

"I have two with me. Mei has one so it's only three if you exclude the Star of Eden." She paused as if thinking of something before she turned towards Stelle fully. "Do you happen to know a blond man who came with Welt?"

Stelle blinked, confused. Blond man? There was never a blond man at the Express. Then again, she was a new resident so she didn't know much. "I'm rather new. You should ask March or Dan Heng about that."

Kiana nodded, the frown she had lingering for a few more seconds before it disappeared. "Alright, then."

Feeling that the subject had turned somewhat foreign, Stelle decided to change it. "So, you and Bronya are quite close, huh? I mean, you guys throw insults at each other on daily basis like sisters would."

Kiana smiled. She didn't deny any of what Stelle said because it was true. "Bronya is my best friend," she said with genuine softness, blue eyes transfixed on the silver hair that was Bronya's. "She and I along with Mei have gone through so much. We didn't start on good term. In fact, when we first met she was hellbent on killing me and Mei."

"Wait, what?"

But Kiana waved it off with a chuckle. "Don't worry about it. Bronya was very different back then," she simply told her as if it would explain everything. Still feeling confused, Kiana must have seen it because she offered Stelle a reassuring smile. "I'll tell you more later. It's a long story."

Stelle nodded her head slowly, accepting the words as were. Kiana continued after that.

"She and I... Well, we've always had this strange relationship. She is always the smart one between us three while I'm not really that big of a thinker. I suppose, I was just jealous of her," she finished with a sheepish chuckle.

Stelle smiled. "She is so much like Welt in that."

Kiana hummed in agreement. "She is. They're not simply mentor and pupil but more to father and daughter. Bronya respects Welt greatly and Welt values her just as much."

"What about you?"


"Yeah. You often speak about this teacher of yours but you never really elaborate."

For a moment, all Kiana did was to stare at Stelle before she grinned a full grin. Perplexed, Stelle couldn't help the confusion that followed.

"She was the most amazing person I've ever met," Kiana began proudly. "She taught us how to fight, to survive but the most valuable of lessons is to never give up. That is the most important bit, I think. Plenty of times, we felt like giving up but she was always there to help us on our feet that even when she was gone, we've known how to stand and carry on forward. To me, she's the kind of person I want to be."

"How did she die, if you don't mind me asking?" Stelle asked gingerly, voice low. Kiana's smile turned solemn at that.

"She burned her soul to save her student. She sacrificed herself to lit up the darkness surrounding me."

A pair of golden eyes widened as Stelle gasped, rendered speechless as she stared at Kiana. A mixture of shock and confusion etched on her feature. "How— I mean, what happened?"

Kiana put a hand onto her chest, soothing the ache that wasn't hers. Sirin remembered what happened just as much as Kiana did, after all they both were the same person, but unlike Kiana she hadn't gotten over the guilt that came with Himeko's death.

"It's okay," Kiana mentally comfort Sirin, "be proud of her."

"I know..."

Clearing her throat, Kiana continued, this time to Stelle. "A lingering hatred from my other half took over myself. My powerlessness allowed her to ravage the world and caused countless to suffer. My family tried to bring me back and they and their love succeeded, though at a price of her life."

It was unbelievable and borderline unimaginable. Kiana, the woman who always looked so cheerful and sure to herself, could have such a terrible past. Not once did she show any indication of her troubles, always smiling and happy it almost like she was content with her life. Pride was one thing she allowed to show, a surety in each of her step as she carried herself ahead, yet there was no condescension in it. Instead of feeling of superiority, Kiana's kind of pride was one fueled by the knowledge that she had succeeded in carrying everyone's hope on her back.

"But enough of me," Kiana said, pulling Stelle out of her musing. "Let's talk about you! We haven't exactly talked about who you are and why are you on the Express."

Stelle shook her head, smiling apologetically. "Sorry, I'm afraid I don't have anything worthwhile that I can tell you."

"Huh, why?"

"My memories escape me since I woke up in Herta Space Station. I only have a vague recollection of them, a name if you would."


"Kafka. That's all I remember."

The dark orphanage loomed over the Rivet Town, its position on the hill, higher than the rest of the town, gave an impression of a castle long abandoned by its master. Light coming from the artificial lights in the ceiling casted a shadow below it, giving it a shade darker than the rest.

The group traversed the rocky stairways with utmost caution, keeping their steps feather light and silent. Oddly enough, or rather more than enough, there was no monster attacking them so far which caused the group to tense even more. For some reason, any monsters they did encounter on the way would go to the opposite direction as far away from them. They noticed this, but particularly Kiana who had the power of Void in her.

She caught Stelle staring at her in wonder multiple times whenever her gaze lingered to something behind a building or rocks, something no one could see but herself. Her authority allowed Kiana to feel the space around her and that included the monsters roaming about the place even without visual contact whatsoever.

Still, none of the monsters approached them, always keeping a distance as if afraid to attack. This little detail didn't escape Kiana who pondered if the monsters somehow had some degree of intelligence to know they were no match as proven by their fight in the mine.

The Silvermane Bronya was currently taking point with Seele close behind her while the trio teenagers found themselves boxed in in between Kiana, her Bronya and Mei. Kiana herself was in the rear, keeping close eyes to everything around her as they ascended the hill.

"This is weird," Seele said, saying everyone's thought out loud, "we should've been attacked by now."

"The monsters seem afraid," Kiana told her and they glanced back towards her in the rear. "Well, not seem but I can feel them skulking around in the dark."

Stelle stared her oddly at that but Kiana waved her off with a shake of her head.

"I guess you guys beat them good in the mine, then," Seele continued with a shrug.

"They know?"

"Uh-huh. You see the Corrosion in our way? The more there is, the more developed the monsters are. They form this network that allowed them to communicate to each other, strategizing and all that. Fat chance they're gonna attack us if we let out guards down."

Kiana blinked. "Huh. Well, I have an idea," she said, drawing Shamash and gripping them up. "I'll go hunt them down so they won't cause us trouble later."

"Alone? You sure?"

A shrug. "It's fine, I'm fluent in 8 million forms of ass kicking!" Kiana smirked cheekily with a wink to the group who now had stopped to stare at her worriedly.

"I'm coming with you," Mei offered but Kiana shook her head.

"You stay with them, Mei. I'll go with Stelle."

"Huh, me? I don't think I can be a great help?"

"Nonsense. Come on, we Kaslanas never shy away from action!"

Kiana walked away before she could protest. Looking back to the group, Stelle offered them a sigh and reassuring smile. "I'll be back," she told them curtly before she jogged to catch up to Kiana.

"Where are we going?" Stelle found herself asking Kiana as she fell a step behind her.

"I sense something," Kiana began in all seriousness, "it's this way."

She led her through a series of abandoned alleyways and main roads, for a moment Stelle feared they would get lost but Kiana didn't seem to mind it as she marched forth. Summoning her bat, she kept a close proximity with the woman, her white hair fluttering behind her with each step Kiana took.

They stopped in front of a building, its door still intact as Kiana gestured for her to stand behind her. A little confused, she only had a split second to think about it before Kiana kicked said door open, making Stelle jump in surprise at the noise.

"Let's go," Kiana whispered, a useless notion considering the loud crash of the door but Stelle nodded anyway. Still following behind Kiana, there was a sudden oppressive feeling as they entered, darkness threatening to pressure them as it surrounded them, robbing them of their eyes.

Suddenly, a small ball of fire came to existence in the air right beside Kiana, its warmth banishing both darkness and coldness around them. Stelle stared in awe as it circled around Kiana before moving ahead of them, illuminating the hallway and the stairway at the end of it.

"What's that?" Stelle whispered to Kiana and for a moment she swore she could see Kiana's eyes glowing blue in the dark when she glanced back to her.

"Something to help you see."

Kiana had no need for it. She could see perfectly in the dark thanks to her nature as a Herrscher. Stelle, however, couldn't, and Kiana didn't want the girl to stumble on something and hurt herself in the dark house.

They walked past doors and rooms alike, each in a state of disarray with clothes and furnitures thrashed and scattered on the cold floor. The ball of fire had ascended the stairway out of their sight but the light it emitted still illuminated the stairs, flickering as the fire danced and burned over literal nothing but pure Honkai energy.

Once they arrived on the second floor, Kiana immediately went to the nearest window with Stelle close on toe, the fire flickered and died behind them, once again shrouding the duo in darkness and Stelle immediately found herself missing the warmth.

Kiana pushed the tattered curtains aside slowly and the light from the lamp posts outside filtered in the room, reflecting in Stelle's golden eyes as she peered out along with Kiana.

"What are we looking for?" Stelle whispered right beside Kiana's ear. This close she could feel how warm Kiana was or how nice she smelled. A combination of smokey firewood and cosmic dust common in Herta Space Station. Oddly enough, it made her smell homely to Stelle.

She shook her head.

Kiana, oblivious as she was to Stelle's thought, pointed to somewhere in the dark corner. "There, near that garbage can," Kiana informed her just as quietly.

Stelle squinted her eyes and focused her attention to the particular spot. At first, finding nothing but a flickering street lamp before she caught something moving in the shadow. Her first thought was a monster, but once the figure step under the light she couldn't help the sharp, surprised inhale she took.

"Is that a person?"

Said figure was specifically feminine, cladded in a thick winter jacket with flowing cape which had blue inner finish that kind of remind Stelle of Bronya's ceremonial dress. She paused at the thought, remembering that the Silvermane Guards would also use some blue clothes to identify themselves as the Supreme Guardian's escorts and the reinforcers of her wills.

Stelle was about to point this out when Kiana shook her head. "Look at its face," she told her and Stelle complied, eyes widening at what she saw. "It has the same energy with Fragmentum Monster, albeit more condensed."

She could barely register the information as her eyes were still glued to the being's face. Where one would usually find eyes was a mask of golden color, protruding seemingly from its forehead to cover them. Its skin was also unnaturally white, smooth and pale as corpse, while its mouth was set in a frozen line that showed no emotions. It was also floating, feet hanging semi uselessly over the ground.

"What the hell is that?" Stelle whispered urgently to Kiana. It looked like a twisted version of a human being, a mocking resemblance to God's image, yet for everything it seemed it was unholy as the devil itself. At least, the Antimatter Legions she fought back in Herta Space Station did not have a human's face and the delicate appearance that came with it.

"I don't know, but I want to find out."

A group of monsters approached the thing and they watched with fascination as it moved its hand and mouth, this far all they could hear was some rumbling from the monsters as they responded to the orders but Stelle was sure there was some actual words spoken by the abomination. "It commands the monsters. Maybe it's their boss or something?"

"Do you think we can talk with it?"

Stelle blinked and stared at Kiana incredulously. "Are we going to capture it? We don't even know what it is!"

"More reason to find out." Kiana pulled her phone, opened the camera and snapped a quick picture of the strange hell spawn. Stelle saw her sending the image to Mei before she pocketed it back. "Don't worry, if it's proven too much of a trouble we'll just have to kill it. Blow its head off or something."

"And if it doesn't work? Fighting an enemy that has no head is significantly more terrifying, you know."

"Then we'll beat it to a bloody pulp until nothing is left. You know how the saying goes; when in doubt, blow sh*t up. Now, come."

The floor creaked under her weight and March flinched at the sound. Looking down to her feet, she was met with a sight of termite infested wood. If that was all, she would've been fine but then one particularly big co*ckroach slipped out from between the gaps and approached her feet. March immediately lose it.

She opened her mouth, ready to shriek in disgust, when a hand suddenly clamped over it and stopped her. March's eyes widened and her breath came in a shallow blow, feeling the co*ckroach now crawling on her right foot.

"Keep it low," muttered the Herrscher Bronya and March whimpered in terror. "I'm going to release you but you'll have to keep quiet, is that okay?"

She nodded frantically, now more than desperate when the little bugger crept further up to her thigh. Bronya released her and plucked the co*ckroach right before it could slip under her skirt, unceremoniously flicking it to somewhere in the hallway without an ounce of contempt.

"T—thanks..." March muttered, shuddering at the ghostly sensation of those little legs on her skin.

Bronya nodded and walked ahead.

March sighed, her bow hanging almost uselessly in one hand while her other hand held her phone flashlight up. Shortly after they made their entry to the orphanage, they agreed to split to cover more ground. The Silvermane Bronya was with Seele in the first floor while Dan Heng and Mei checked on the outskirts of the orphanage itself, meanwhile she and this Bronya were tasked to clear the second floor of the building.

It wasn't even that hard of a job. They just had to check the rooms and look for any signs or clues they could use to find the kids but March had been getting difficulties all about. Her fear for the darkness getting the better of her.

She didn't understand why. Her mind forgot but her body seemed to remember something. Something utterly unpleasant about such an oppressive darkness. Maybe it was because she spent many of her days floating in the dark space encased in ice despite her unconscious state, or maybe it had something to do with her forgotten past. Either way, March abhorred it.

Bronya thankfully didn't comment on any of it. If March didn't know any better, it would seem like Bronya was not aware of her turmoils. But she did know better and thus knew that Bronya was aware. She just refused to bring the topic up, most likely waiting for March to initiate it herself.

She couldn't. Mostly because she didn't understand it herself.

"March, over here." Bronya motioned for her to follow and March obliged, banishing her thoughts for later when they reared their ugly heads again. "I believe these are Natasha's."

Crates of various sizes were stacked in a corner of a particular room, March shone her phone to beside the door where a sign was, on it the word 'storage' was visible with the other half gone in tatter.

"They're empty," Bronya began, drawing her attention back to the woman. "Someone's got them."

"Maybe the kids?" March offered and Bronya shrugged.

"Perhaps. Let's go downstairs, there's nothing left up here."

March nodded, more than happy to leave and join the rest of the group below. She followed Bronya as they backtracked, quicker this time so since they wouldn't have to check every room on the way.

Descending the decrepit stairways was just as nerve-wracking as ascending it, though. It was a miracle they hadn't collapsed under their combined weights. March was not ready to count her lucky stars, however.

Below, Seele and the Silvermane Bronya had been waiting for them, standing close as they talked in a hushed whispers. There was something about their body languages that made March raise her eyebrows quizzically.

"Hey, guys," March greeted them, noticing something in Bronya's hand. "What's that?"

The Silvermane Commandant didn't answer right away, her eyes forlorn as she stared at the small doll resting on her palm. Worn and dirtied, the miniature teddy bear had certainly seen better days yet Bronya looked at it no less fondly. When she looked up, March was surprised to see tears in her silver eyes.

"I remember this place."

Her words caused March thought to grind to halt. "What do you mean you remember this place?"

"She's one of us," Seele said plainly, crossing her arms over her chest and grimacing. "Natasha must have had her at one point. I can't believe that the Overworld princess is actually an Underworlder"

"Wait, does that mean...?" The pinkette trailed off, shocked, as she stared at Bronya with wide eyes.

"I've always known I was adopted, but never from where," Bronya whispered. Her voice sounded like she was holding back the tears. "To think I was actually from down here..."

Seele scoffed. "Disappointed?"

"No. Not at all. I'm just surprised, that's all."

"Seele said she's from here, right? Do you not remember her?"

Seele shook her head. "No. I mean, maybe? It's been so long. I might or might not have been here when Bronya was around."

"My mother— Madam Supreme Guardian— adopted me when I was six. That was twenty years ago."

"Well, that confirmed it. Two years later and we might've been friends."

A sudden stillness filled the air after that. The implication of what Seele said didn't lose on them. Two years. In two years they might've met and become friends. Two people who represented the status quo of the Overworld and Underworld, an exact opposite to one another. Wherein one was a graceful princess of formal etiquettes, the other was a brash enforcer of the people's peace and stability and unheeding to the means, just the results.

March almost forgot about the other Bronya standing behind her who chuckled. "Well, isn't that fascinating," she mused out loud.

"... you said you were in an orphanage, too. That's where you met me, right?"

Confused, March looked at Seele inquisitively but the purple haired woman had her gaze set on the Herrscher. It seemed she wasn't the only one who lost judging from the way the Silvermane Bronya was frowning. "What are you talking about?"

"I have a Seele too," said her Bronya with a smile, "she and I were in the same orphanage ran by Cocolia in my world."

March surprised face was eclipsed by the shocked Silvermane. "Mother? She had an orphanage? What happened to it?"

"It's gone. It's a long story. Simply put, she wasn't a person with good life records. Matushka caused me, my friends and family great sufferings, be it inadvertently or not, and she was jailed for life for crime against humanity." It was a little too much for March. One time she was surprised, then intrigued and then horrified. The barrage of emotions almost swallowed her whole. "Madam Rand, the Cocolia I know would sacrifice the world so she could protect her family, but to us who fight to protect the world her selfish desire served as nothing but hindrance. Although I don't know your mother, I know mine and from what I understand they both share that one similarity."

"... what about Seele? Your Seele? Did she cause her pain, too?" Her counterpart asked, drawing a surprised look from Seele.

"Not intentionally, no." Bronya answered. "Matushka once experimented on children, myself included, but one day during a particularly risky experiment Seele took my place to protect me. She's always been a kind girl, so sweet and brave. Braver than me. Yet it costed her her body. Seele's consciousness disappeared in the Sea of Quanta after the experiment failed."

A deep, shaky breath. The Silvermane Commandant closed her eyes and inhaled slowly. "I'm sorry, Seele. It seemed that, regardless where, my mother always causes you and many others pain."

"Why are you apologizing, you idiot? It's not like you've done something wrong to me," said Seele with a hiss. "Continue the story, that's not all to it."

Bronya hummed. "I tried to get Seele back and got crippled as the result. Seele didn't hate Matushka, though, and she made a promise to me before she was gone that when we reunite for good, we would have everyone to the sea." Bronya paused and March watched in wonder as she put two fingers over her smiling lips. "That was my first kiss, too."

"See? It's all fine." Seele huffed before her gaze flew back towards the Herrscher. "Wait, kiss? What the f*ck? You didn't tell me any of that!"

"I didn't think it was relevant."

"Relevant my ass! You telling me that I kissed you?!"

"Well, technically it wasn't you..."

March made a face. "Why are you so against the idea of kissing?"

"Because I didn't even know her," she pointed at the Herrscher and then the Silvermane, "or her enough!"

"Oh, wow. I didn't know you're such a maiden at heart."

"I knew she has that soft spot in her."

Seele's brow twitched in annoyance, glaring at March and Bronya exasperatedly. The fact that the Silvermane Bronya also silently giggled at her didn't help at all. "Do you want to get your ass kicked? Because that's how you get your ass kicked."

"I'm sure they did not mean any harm. It's actually kind of cute."

"Princess, if I hear you call me cute again I will shove my boot up your ass so hard your tongue is going to be my new sole," Seele growled, "and don't think I'm joking either."

They bursted out laughing at that.

Dan Heng met them on their way out, giving them a silent nod of greeting and raising an eyebrow at the lingering blush on Seele's face. Seele gave him a warning glare to not ask and Dan Heng wisely decided to oblige.

"Mei and I found the kids, they're fine." He told them. "This way."

A relieved sigh escaped March's chest, the pressure that had been suffocating her easing until nothing was left. Seele and both Bronya's also visibly relaxed, though hers seemed more subtle.

He led them to the back of the orphanage, down a small passageway that ended in a small external storage area of the orphanage. The rocky terrain provided a natural shelter in a form of small cave and it seemed Natasha put it into good use in the past.

Mei was there, checking on the kids for any injury. She was talking to them in her gentle, motherly voice, a small smile on her face as she too looked relieved. However, one kid in particular caught their attention as she stood a little taller and behind the other children.

"Mei, how are—"

Bronya was cut off when Seele quite literally disappeared in a sea of fluttering butterflies, too fast for the Herrscher to really see, only to reappear right in front of the kids. She grabbed one of them by the ears and pulled hard.

"Hook! You little runt! What in the world were you thinking going to this place with your troublemaking friends?!"

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Let go of me you brute of a woman!"

"What the hell did you just call me?!"

"Ah! Sorry, Miss Seele! Please, they're going to come off!"

Seele huffed, releasing her hold. "Good, you still can feel your ears. I hope that means you can still listen, too."

She turned her attention to the rest of the kids who now had pretty much hidden themselves behind Mei's towering form. Glaring and earning a few terrified squeaks from them, she looked at the last kid who was still standing alone.


"... hi, Miss Seele."

"What are you doing here?"

The girl, Clara, was significantly older than the rest of the kids. If Mei guessed right, she was probably in her early teenage years.

"I was looking for medicines when I came across them," said the girl. Though her voice was soft, there's a hint of surety in it. A certain degree of maturity. "I thought I'd keep them safe until someone came. Rivet Town is a dangerous place."

"Are you alone?"

"No, I'm with Perkins. He's back there. I told him to wait."

"He's a robot," Mei chimed in softly, "an excitable little thing, I must say."

"I'm sorry about that, big sis." Clara told Mei, clutching her hands together to her chest and bowing to Mei. "He's not a bad robot. It's just that he's ordered to protect me at all cost and we did not expect to meet people in Rivet Town."

Mei hummed warmly. "It's okay. You stopped him before it could escalate further."

"Were you the one who took all the medicines in the orphanage?"

Clara nodded at Bronya. "Yes, people in Robot Settlement need it after what happened in the mine. I want to help them so I went here."

"That's very noble of you," said the Herrscher as she gave Clara one of her rare smiles. "Do you have all you need?"

"Yes, everything should be enough. With these, everyone will get better."

"How is she getting praised while we get scolded?" Hook grumbled, pouting an adorable pout that melted Mei's heart. "We're here looking for medicines to help everyone, too."

"You need them too?" Clara asked, surprised, as she looked at all of them. "I can share some of them with you."

"It's okay," Bronya assured the girl, "we've had it resolved. You go and give everyone the medicines."

Clara nodded and turned to leave, giving all of them a smile. Mei called her before she could take a step, though.

"Wait, where's your shoes?"

"I don't have shoes."

Mei moved to kneel in front of Clara so she was on eye level with the girl, looking her up and down worriedly. "You're going to get frostbite running around without shoes. I'm going to get you a pair, okay?"

"It's okay, big sis. The snow, the cold has never bothered me. Mister Svarog told me I was special that way, though I don't understand."

"Mister Svarog?"

Clara hummed, sweet and short as she nodded. "Yes. He's very kind and knows a lot of stuff. He's teaching me a lot of things so I want to help him taking care of everyone in Robot Settlement."

"He sounds like a nice person. Are you sure you don't want to wear shoes?"

"Yes, but thank you for the offer."

Mei smiled and Clara smiled back at her. Strange girl, but no less kind. Mei always had a place for children in her heart.

They watched Clara go after that before deciding to return themselves. Pulling her phone, Mei dialed Natasha to report their situation.

"Mei, how is everything going?"

"We've found the kids. We're coming back now. Do you need something else from the orphanage?"

"No, I've got everything I need here with me. Thanks for the sentiment but no."

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit."

"Of course. Good job, Mei."

Mei nodded although Natasha couldn't see it. Ending the call, she then sent Kiana a message asking for her whereabouts.

Kiana: wait holdon lemme see for something.

Kiana: ah ye theres this stire called from dusk till dawn. Me and stelles r close next to it.

Kiana: y'all found them kids?

Mei: We've found them. They're okay. What about you, though? Is everything okay on your end?

Kiana: maybe? idk we blew something's head off and poked on it rn still not sure what though.

Mei: We'll be right over there.

Kiana: see you soon babe.

Mei cleared her throat after pocketing her phone. Turning towards Seele, she asked "Do you happen to know a store called From Dusk Till Dawn?"

Seele nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"Kiana and Stelle are over there. They said they found something and is examining what it is."

"Kiana examining something?" Bronya sounded genuinely shocked at the prospect of her best friend actually thinking for once. "I think the underground air messed with her head, Mei. Although, it's messed up already but still."

"I'm actually worried, too. Let's quickly go find them."

"You think it's still alive?"


"How can you be so sure? What pertained such conclusions from you?"

"Kiana, its head is gone."


"So, generally speaking, if a living being that is meant to have head suddenly has its head removed by whatever means is more than likely to die."

"I'm still not convinced."

"Kiana, head equals live, no head equals die." Stelle paused. "Well, only this head in particular, though."

"Dude, this is not the time to make sex joke."

"You did it all the time. I don't see how I couldn't."

"There's appropriate times for that and now's not it. You must not be headless to the circ*mstances."

"Did you just make a pun? Because I swear to God it was awful."

"Whatever, man. How about you poke it again just to be sure? Your bat is useful for that"

"We've been poking at it for the past ten minutes! And my bat is not toothpick for me to pick leftovers with!"

"Look, just entertain me this last time, okay? Just to be sure."

"You can easily kill this thing a hundred times over, why are you so cautious?"

"There's no harm in being cautious. It's actually better to be cautious, in fact."

"Sure, whatever. It'd still be dead anyway. Ready?"


"Okay, on three. One...



"What the hell are you both doing?!"

Kiana and Stelle shrieked in surprise, jumping back from the source of the voice only to trip on one of the monster's sprawled legs and fall onto the ground on their butts. The former immediately scrambled up to her feet, pulling a dazed Stelle with her to face the newcomer.

Or rather, newcomers.

The group stared at them both. Mei was amused, Seele was in disbelief, Bronya seemed vaguely concerned while her best friend shook her head disapprovingly.

"You really are stupid, aren't you?" Said Bronya and Kiana proceeded to flip her the bird.

"Hey, fu—" Kiana stopped herself when she saw a bunch of children shuffling to look at her. Eyes widening, Kiana immediately summoned a chest level subspace barrier to cover the kids from the grotesque view. "—n time we're having, yeah?" She continued, fingers morphing into thumbs up instead.

Bronya smirked in an unconcealed amusem*nt and Kiana suddenly wanted to wipe the floor with her face.

Seele vaulted over the wall, having caught sight of the thing on the ground. She frowned as she kicked its broken leg courtesy of Stelle. "You guys did this?"

"Yeah, not my proudest work." Kiana answered for both Stelle and herself, the former nodding along.

"I bet, its head is gone."

Both Bronya's and March stepped forward, though Dan Heng held March by her collar to keep her on place. The pinkette looked back to protest but Dan Heng shook his head. "You're going to have nightmares if you see."

Mei also stayed back, holding the kids and distracting them from the apparent horror lying on the stone floor. Chewing on her lip, March gave Dan Heng a nod of concession. She trusted Dan Heng. He always had his own ways in caring for others. Much like Bronya, apparently.

"Any idea what it is?"

The Silvermane Commandant nodded. "I've seen monsters of similar nature in various fallen Belobog districts, usually places with heavy Fragmentum Corrosion level," she told them. "We call them Guardian Shadow."

"It looks awfully lot like human," Stelle muttered, loud enough for them to hear.

"They're a mockery of human, of us Silvermane Guards and everything Belobog is. We call it such because it is often heard muttering words of the previous Supreme Guardians."

"How in the hell?" Seele asked but Bronya shook her head.

"We have no idea. It could be the monster's attempt to mimick us but they're in no way related to us."

Kiana sent her Bronya a subtle look, her best friend acknowledging the message with a slight dip of her head. She had a feeling this had a bigger implication, a prospect her Bronya shared.

The last time a monster spoke in the words of other's, it was the Herrscher of Domination. A terrible foe that would've defeated her had her conviction been a little bit smaller, a little bit weaker, yet she persevered thanks to the light her teacher left behind. If this was anything like that...

"Can you get any information out of it? Have you attempted interrogating it?" Bronya asked flatly to the two native women as she squatted down, searching for any sort of connection the corpse might have to any higher being but all she could feel was lingering energy similar to Fragmentum Corrosion.

"They're not speaking, they're mirroring. An echo of the past. There's nothing useful we could gleam from them," said her Silvermane counterpart.

"I see."

Bronya examined the dead body for a few more minutes, noticing that the clothes were actually a part of its body, and its blood was colored in sickly black instead of red. It was also thick, almost like a tar as it slowly oozed from where its head should've been, and smelled rotten.

"I think we should go," Mei proposed and they turned towards her. "We're vulnerable out here in the open like this."

"Right. Let's return to Boulder Town and drop the kids, after that we'll go to Robot Settlement."

"Huh? Robot Settlement? Why?" Stelle asked curiously with a tilt of her head.

"We need to talk to someone."

"What about you, princess?" Seele asked the Silvermane Bronya. "You sure you're heading back up now?"

"Yes, this matter cannot wait any longer, I'm afraid." She smiled at Seele. "Thank you for your hospitality."

"Don't worry about it, my door is always open for you."

"Yes, of course. I'll come to visit again in the future."

After returning the kids to their respective parents and guardians and watching the scolding of the century unfolding before their eyes, the crew decided to report to Natasha while Seele accompanied Bronya to the exit of the Underworld. The doctor was relieved and grateful, something they saw often from her, despite the clear exhaustion in her eyes. The wounded drained her pretty much of everything, be it physical or mental, yet the moment she stepped out of her office Natasha had to don her mask of professionalism that betrayed no emotion for her patients' sake.

It was admirable, if not endearing, the length a doctor would go through to save people.

"You okay?" Bronya heard Kiana ask her and she glanced to the Kaslana standing beside her. Kiana was talking in that voice, soft and laden with concern genuine to her friend. Bronya gave a nod, knowing this was Kiana being serious.

"Yes. I was just thinking."

"About those two?"

Bronya's lips curled into a subtle smile. Kiana, the always perceptive Kiana. Bronya nodded affirmatively. "I need a favor, Kiana."

Kiana blinked and straightened up. "Anything. Anything you need."

"I need you to deliver me to the Overworld," Bronya told Kiana who blinked in surprise. Silver met blue, the displeasure in Bronya's eyes was everything Kiana needed to know. "I need to talk to someone."



This is a little bit of rant so feel free to skip if you want, don't worry we'll still be cool.

So, someone commented a while back but I won't elaborate what it's about because they deleted it so obviously they had a second thought about it, though unfortunately deleting it here doesn't mean it's gone from my Email inbox lol. Don't worry, it's not something bad, just a normal question if anything. It reminded me of something I wanted to say but kept forgetting, though so thank you.

So, the truth is, I've quit Honkai Impact after the end of Part 1 story. Whatever happens afterwards, I literally have zero knowledge about. I just couldn't bring myself to care for the story once the trio's journey ended.

When I first played the game, I immediately fell in love with them but especially Kiana. Kiana is, and always will be, my favourite Honkai character. Watching her growth, her journey, is like watching my own daughter grows. She holds a special place in my heart, as you can probably see in my stories.

This is also one the reasons why I dislike the Elysian Realm arc. Let me explain before you guys murder me lol.

I know that a lot of people like the Elysian Realm arc but I can't bring myself to care for it for similar reason. The story is too detached from the main story to my liking and it is delivered under the assumptions that people know who is and what is from the weekly Elysian Realm game mode, a mode that started as an endgame content, that is written rather than told. I hate written storytelling, which must be surprising because I write stories lol, and firmly believe story in games must be told and experienced rather. I find it hard to read in-game because I will forget nearly everything I read immediately. When I game, I tend to turn my brain off, not to mention that I'm burning my battery through it all.

I had this problem in Genshin too so it's not just Honkai. I think it is better if they make a manga like many before to tell these written stories, or just create a short novel or something instead of putting them in the game. That way, people can actually read when want to read and game when want to game.

Of course, this is just my opinion so please don't take it as a hard fact. People are enjoying it so it's probably a problem a select few like myself is having. What I want to say is that I know jacksh*t about the Elysian Realm so don't expect me to make many references on them. This is also true to APHO but APHO (either 1 or 2) is simply because my phone can't handle the open worlds so I simply never played them.

I hope you guys understand. If you read through it all, then you have my utmost gratitude.

As always, kudos and reviews are appreciated. Thank you for your support so far!

Chapter 13: Across a Land Bare and Dark


Star Rail being a turn based game gives me so much liberties in writing fight scenes and it's hella fun. Consider this as me practicing to write the fight against Cocolia later.

That said, there's a reason why this was a little later update than usual. I usually don't ask people to read my note but please do on this one because it's important for the future of this story. It's at the end because it's a little too much.

Anyway, another lengthy chapter so enjoy!

Warning: Brief mention of suicide.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 13: Across a Land Bare and Dark

A moonless night was not uncommon for the Belobogian living in the Overworld, with the harsh environment of Jarilo-VI the normal weather itself was always cloudy and gloomy. Unobscured sunlight was a rarity, a far and between occurrence that happened only at times in weeks. Once, the planet had summers but now the hottest of days were barely reaching a few degrees higher than the normal days.

The cold wind howled at the darkness in stead of the long extinct wolf species native to the land, few if no records about them were available at all for the children to learn. In the past, Belobog was a symbol of hope and fortitude, the willingness of humanity to win and persevere against the tidal wave of outer world invaders, but nowadays the city had decayed and deteriorated past glory became nothing but a secondary concern.

Its citizens were accustomed to it. Living in the dark night and bitter cold. It was a part of their lives, their normalcy, yet something felt different that one particular night.

The whispers of the wind was disquieting, slithering through buildings and walls alike like an elongating vines of poison ivy, carrying with them a silent promise of a warning in its deceitful, gentle caress; anyone who dared to mingle would know the consequences for it was not compassion that filled the air but disdain.

Disdain of a woman who was so utterly disappointed.

Shadows dominated the room, blanketing the room in the blackness of abyss but she felt no fear for her eyes had been gifted with the power to saw through it. It made sense for the force of darkness to rule over the dark itself. After all, it needed its monsters to stare at their victims in the face before they jumped and maimed them apart.

That's right. She thought to herself, watching the door open before a figure entered through it. The only monster here is me.

She looked at her victim up and down, what little light coming from the hallway providing the unnecessary assistance but was welcomed no less. Despite herself, she couldn't deny the sweet warmth blooming in her chest at the sight, though it was easily suppressed by years of training.

Still, the sight of a woman who undeniably gave her a second chance to happiness brought back pictures of idyllic past long gone but not forgotten, moreso when she looked to be on her prime compared to her actual foster mother rotting in prison in her own world. Her Matushka had never looked so young anymore with stress lines and depressive frowns ravaging her beauty until nothing was left. Nothing but an empty hollowness in her once radiant eyes.

When she was still in the orphanage, scared and wary like a feral kitten brought onto a new environment, it was her that reached out her hand to her first, unheeding the fact that she had tried to take her life in the endless snow. For her, it was just another job and if she was honest, she would've never thought that she would receive a new life and path towards happiness.

It was funny. Her mother was the reason she met her beloved and it seemed it was also true in this world, in a twisted way. Had she never ordered the arrest of her friends, her counterpart would've never chased after them and met Seele in the Underworld, opening an intertwined destiny that bounded across the stars and galaxies. Fate, as it was, had an odd way to reunite the soul and its armor.

She was pulled out of her thought when the door clicked shut, blinking she then focused back to matter at hands. Without a warning, she turned on the small study lamp on the desk before her, making her victim jump in surprise at the noise and sudden explosion of light.

Cocolia stared at her with wide eyes and Bronya returned her gaze with her pair of cold silver, though she knew all Cocolia could see was the blinding light and her glowing eyes due to her deliberately pointing the light ahead of her. The Supreme Guardian reached for her dagger in her dress and held it in defensive grip.

"Who are you?! What are you doing in my personal chamber?!"

Cocolia looked terrified and angry like a cornered animal. Bronya took no pleasure in seeing her like that but she didn't feel sorry either. She watched as the woman who wore her mother's face slowly inched back towards the door and opened it, ready to dash and warn her personal guards stationed in the outside of her room about the intruder sitting on her study.

Bronya did not allow that.

She tapped into her Truth power, transforming the interior material of the walls and door into thick, soundproof metal. Cocolia twisted the knob and pulled but the door was now quite literally glued with the wall, effectively trapping her inside her own room.

All the while the guards were being utterly oblivious.

"It's no use." Bronya stood up, still watching Cocolia who tensed up the moment she spoke. She rounded the table and stood before the light, casting a shadow upon the woman. "You cannot go."

"Bronya? You're back?" Cocolia began, shocked, before it turned into indignation. "What's the meaning of this? Why didn't you report back to your post?"

Bronya kept a rapt attention to the dagger still in Cocolia's hand. Although lowered, it's still in her grip. The implication didn't lose on Bronya.

"You don't even trust her, do you?" She asked, crossing her arms and sitting on the edge of the table. "But it's not always like that, is it?"

"Who are you talking about?"

"It doesn't matter," Bronya sighed, her stoic silver eyes turning sharp as she regarded the woman again. Contempt and disappointment filled her gaze but they were not directed at Cocolia particularly. "What matters is you."

"Me...? Bronya, what are you—"

Bronya raised a hand up and Cocolia immediately fell silent, tensing up as her grip tighten around her dagger. "I shall talk and you will listen." She stepped forward, nearly entering Cocolia's personal bubble, and narrowed her silver eyes. "I am so, so disappointed on you."

Cocolia frowned in confusion. "Is this about my earlier order?"

"No, I have no knowledge about it whatsoever."

"But how could you not—"

"I told you I'm not her." Bronya's expression hardened. "Look closer."

Cocolia did as told. Looking Bronya up and down with a frown until, as Bronya predicted, it clicked on place. Almost in an instant, Cocolia had her dagger up and swung it to Bronya, intending to stab her in the neck as it was the most efficient way with their current position.

She did it with a practiced ease of a military woman, swift and fast and effective. To normal person, it would've been a successful surprise attack but Bronya saw it coming from miles away.

Bronya caught Cocolia's hand, pivoted on her feet and kicked Cocolia in the back of her right knee to force her down onto the table. Cocolia grunted in pain as her head was slammed onto the wooden surface with a loud thud, the sound of the impact muffled by the modified walls to the outside world. Bronya wrenched the dagger off of her grip and brought both Cocolia's hands together behind her, twisting them to the point it was almost painful.

"You're an imposter!" Cocolia hissed amidst her daze, raising her head only for Bronya to push it back against the table with her left hand. Her right hand kept Cocolia's own together until she created a pair of handcuffs to lock them in place instead. "What have you done to Bronya?!"

Bronya gazed at the woman with near cold indifference. Bending against the table with her face pressed on the table. She didn't want it to come to this but Bronya knew it would, regardless her wish. "I'm here to talk," Bronya told Cocolia with a level tone. "If I wanted to kill you, I could've done it differently but I didn't want to do you any harm. You forced me to this, just like you always did."

"Where's my daughter?!"

"She's fine. She's on her way to meet you and will be here soon," Bronya told her as she put the dagger down on the table right beside Cocolia's face who looked at it intently. "Now, this could've been an easy conversation had you not been such a rash woman but that was to be expected. Especially from you."

Cocolia gritted her teeth. "I am the Supreme Guardian. I don't know who you are but I will find and punish you accordingly for what you do to me right now. You are trespassing a state owned building and assaulting a government official, an attempt on my life."

"Did I not tell you? If I wanted you dead, you would be already. I could get close and personal or far and away you would never see it coming, but I'm here for a talk." Bronya released her hold and Cocolia slowly straightened up, glaring at Bronya all the while as she circled the table and sat back down on the chair of Cocolia's study. "Now, let's cut the chase because we don't have much time. The last thing we want is for your daughter to walk on you when you're like this. That would be terrible, no?"

Cocolia's grounded her jaw at the blatant humiliation but kept her mouth shut, earning a pleased hum from Bronya.

"Fine, you have my attention."

Bronya smiled, not kindly but not hostile either. If anything, it lacked all the emotions necessary for such action. There was no warmth to be found nor comfort, just a silent blow of the wind before a blizzard came and ravaged a land where it then forever lost under the blanket of an impenetrable plain white snow.

The bitter stoicism was not something she loved to have. It was a disability that she slowly overcame throughout the years. She had troubles expressing her emotions to her loved ones and those strangers around her, not just once drawing an odd look from the ignorances. But times like this was the one time Bronya actually was grateful for it as it masked her deepest feelings very well from the woman who, ironically, indirectly crippled her in the bygone past and impaired her for life.

Her incapability to show something, anything, was both a practiced skill and an outcome of her predicaments, though right now Bronya applied the former more than the latter as she kept her cold silver on the woman before her. A lot of times it was a normalcy, a default in her routine, but when her emotions were in rampage they might slip and reveal themselves to the world regardless to her will. She had only ever cried a handful of times since her brain was damaged, before she somewhat repaired it with her Herrscher power, and Bronya could remember two instances very clearly amongst the few.

The first time was when she finally got Seele back from the Sea of Quanta, right when the quiet finally settled after a full day of laughter and wonderful memories shared on the beach with her other orphanage sisters. Bronya didn't even know how or why, but she remembered the tears that flowed freely that night when years worth of longing, anxiety, sadness, anger, self-loathing and loneliness were finally scrubbed free off her soul with one wash of relief. Relieved that Seele was home with her and not trapped in an ambiguous plane between existence. She had cried herself to sleep only to wake up with a pair of warm arms around her body and a head of purple hair filling her vision, at one point in the night Seele had sneaked into her bed when she was tossing and sobbing in her slumber to offer her comfort. To this day it was still one of her most precious memories, a comfort to her soul whenever she recalled the groggy smile Seele gave her after how many minutes she spent staring at her ethereal beauty.

The second time Bronya cried it was for the sake of her best friend when they had to separate for the first time on the Moon. Kiana and Mei were her closest friends, closer than anyone else she had been friends with. They were like sisters to her, sisters she never had by blood. Their relationships were forged by blood and tears, shared in both battlefield and home. They had laughed, they had cried and they had burdened each other with the weight of the world around their necks and shoulders. They found solace in each other and that would never change.

It took time for them to fix the Stargate on the Moon, time they had to spend apart. When Bronya thought of a life without Kiana, every stupid actions and decisions the Kaslana had taken in the past suddenly flooded the forefront of her mind. Oddly enough, instead of feeling annoyed or upset about the times Kiana pranked her, a gap formed in her heart with the realization that they would never experience them again in life and with it came the tears.

"It was just 2 years, 3 at worst," Tesla had tried to comfort them after they broke the news to them. Back then, it sounded so short and simple because how long 3 years could be? Turned out, when someone had been a huge part of your life, those 3 years might as well be a lifetime.

Bronya fared a little better than Mei, though. She had Seele with her unlike Mei who lost her beloved. They had promised to stay in touch, to game at nights when they had the time but Mei aspired to be a teacher, a profession she took seriously and thus had little time to spare even at nights where she would drown herself in knowledge until it snapped badly for her.

Frankly, Bronya was terrible at comforting others. That was a job Seele great at, which thankfully she could take when Mei stumbled upon their apartment one particular night looking like an absolute mess. It was their second year without Kiana and Mei decided to bite the bullet and drink senseless for the first time.

They spent the night huddling close to Mei with Bronya on one shoulder and Seele on the other, listening and offering words to the distraught woman as best they could. Bronya didn't quite cry but she did go glossy eye, feeling what Mei was feeling in her own heart.

When morning came, Bronya called Mei's institute and told them she wouldn't be attending lessons for the day and informed Welt to take over their company for her. Afterwards, they called Kiana and spent the day doing nothing but talk until the sun settled over the horizon.

Sadness, however, was a feeling she could easily associate to one person; her Matushka. While she didn't cry, the pitiful state her foster mother was in did make her feel sorry for her. She couldn't hate her for what she did and she was alright with her inability to think negatively of her. That, perhaps, was the reason why she felt the way she did about her mother. Visiting her was a torture to Bronya because every time she saw the malnourished form of her mother, she would always be reminded of her powerlessness to help her. The stress had gotten on her and it robbed her of her beauty, leaving nothing but a shell of a woman she knew behind.

Bronya had hoped that Seele would agree to talk to her one day before it was too late for them. Amongst other Cocolia's children, she was the only one who refused to visit her regularly. Bronya couldn't blame her refusal, though.

Seele was sweet, loving and kind. A quality that made up her character. Bronya loved her for that. But it was also the reason why she couldn't bring herself to talk to Cocolia. Seele blamed herself for what happened to their mother, a feeling shared between the two. As far as Bronya knew, Cocolia never stopped blaming herself for having Seele torn away like that.

They understood the necessity of the X-10 experiment so there was never an evil at play, only desperation and hope. Hope for them to find a light in their darkest hours. They just accidentally burned themselves in the fire when seeking it.

The silence stretched for a long time to the point Cocolia became unnerved. Bronya was not moving, still holding that smile only this time she hadn't moved a muscle. Still as a statue carved of a smooth, pale stone.

Finally, Bronya blinked and the smile disappeared. "Much obliged." She straightened up on the chair, fingers interlocking together on the table. A stance she adapted from her time as the CEO of the Reason Studio, one she would use whenever she wanted to talk about a serious matter to her employees and business partners. "Now, let's begin."

While a snow storm raged on in the Overworld of Belobog, a heart melting scene was happening in a nondescript alleyway as soft giggles and coos reverberated between the walls of the buildings, unheeding to the coldness outside.

A pair of sparkling golden eyes glowed in the darkness, their crossed irises set on the ball of fluff twisting and stretching on the ground as their owner grinned from ears to ears. Sirin petted and combed the stray cat before her happily with her fingers, a notion the animal shared as it continued to play along with her.

It nibbled and swiped on her hand, causing a slight twinge of pain to flare up the appendage but Sirin knew it was just being playful because it refrained from drawing blood. "Aren't you cute?" She mused out loud as she scratched it between the ears, earning a content purr as a return. "Oh, you are!"

"You really like cats, huh?"

"Of course I do! They're cute and so squeezable! Hey, what if we bring one back home? Can we?"

"Eh, we can. I just don't think Himeko will allow it. It's a dangerous journey, after all."

A huff. "What about Mei? I'm sure she will allow it."

"Mei is a guest just like we and Bronya. We can't impose."

Sirin pouted, scooping the cat up onto her arms and hugging it close. It played with a strand of white hair on her face, melting away her displeasure into another fit of giggles. "I suppose this is fine, too."

"We have Stan back home already."

"Stan is too cheeky. I don't like him."

Kiana laughed, the sound reverberating in the deep recess of her mind. She watched cross-legged on the plain white bed her mind conjured for her as Sirin continued to play with the cat, rocking it back and forth while mumbling nothing to it. It was a strange view to see everything happening through what basically was a screen but not something Kiana was unfamiliar with.

Since she learned how to relinquish control to Sirin, she had been watching everything through this screen whenever she did so. Sometimes while munching on food that wasn't really a thing as it was just a simple imitation of the real deal. Kiana didn't mind giving Sirin control every once in a while. She hated it even more to keep her other half locked in her own head. Most of the time Sirin was in this position doing nothing but watch with Kiana at the helm and Kiana knew how boring it could get.

It had been a while since she gave Sirin control so Kiana decided to give her now when they waited for Bronya to return from her personal business with Cocolia.

Although Sirin controlled the body, Kiana could take over any given time unlike before when she struggled against the Herrscher of The Void. She was the ultimate ruler of her soul and body with Sirin being the passenger in their little ride that was life.

Of course she would never do that. Unless during emergencies, Kiana would allow Sirin to have control as long as she wished until the girl had enough for the day. Kiana was more than happy to sit back and watch every now and then because she wanted Sirin to be happy. She believed her other half deserved as much.

After all, she was the continuation of Sirin's will. Her desires for love and companions she couldn't have in her previous life. Kiana loved Sirin and she genuinely wanted her to be happy.

It went on like that for another ten or so minutes. Sirin playing with the cat while Kiana offered her some words of remarks as response. Good thing, however, never lasted and it had always been true to all of them.

The moment met an abrupt end when the air shimmered and distorted on the alleyway entrance. Both Sirin and the cat looking up to see Bronya appearing out of seemingly nothing. Her sudden appearance startling the cat which then jumped out of Sirin's arms and scampered away into the darkness further down the alley.

Bronya met Sirin's golden gaze and smiled. "Hello, Sirin."

"Bronya, you scared the cat away!" Sirin whined with a frown and Bronya adapted an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," she told her, genuinely feeling bad. "Do you mind if I talk to Kiana?"

"Sure. I've had enough playing around, anyway." Sirin shrugged then and closed her eyes.

Bronya watched with a fond smile. She never thought that she would open up to Sirin who, supposedly, was the Herrscher of The Void after all the pain and sufferings she had caused her and her family. Sirin was the reason she was orphaned. Her actions in 2000 took both her mother and father from Bronya, granted she never really knew them for she wasn't born yet.

Yet, when Kiana revealed her existence to them she couldn't bring herself to hate her. Sirin might've caused her pain but she was also the one who opened this path to her. A path where she met her beloved and new family she could call her own. Mei said that often, that tragedy wasn't the end but the beginning of hope and Bronya's life was the proof of its trueness.

Along the time, she and Sirin grew close. Close enough for them to become friends. They spent nights playing games together, switching between Kiana and Sirin, and Bronya made sure to ease up with the latter whenever they competed.

When those eyes opened again, they were colored in sapphire blue instead of gold and Bronya immediately lost it. She squatted down and sobbed, hands over her face to cover her rapidly wetting eyes. Kiana was right over her immediately, wrapping her arms around Bronya to comfort her.

"I've got you... It's okay, I've got you."

They stayed like that for a few minutes. Not once Kiana asked her the question because she knew the answer already. Bronya used all her training to will her emotions back under control.

She put her hand on Kiana's shoulder and squeezed, a silent gesture for Kiana to release her. The Kaslana gave one last squeeze before she retreated back, still keeping her own hands on Bronya's arms.

"Sorry," Bronya apologized, wiping the last of tears from her face. Soon, her expression returned to its usual stoic without a strand of hair out of place. "We should return."

She stood up and Kiana nodded, standing up too. "Did it work?"

Your talk with Cocolia?


Kiana nodded again, staring past Bronya towards Belobog's Administrative District. "You knew it wouldn't."

"Yes, I did."

"Then why trying? Despite knowing it'd only hurt you like this."

Bronya followed her gaze. In the distance, she could see a group of Silvermane Guards surrounding a certain white haired woman as she ascended Qlipoth Fort with measured and dignified steps before the blizzard swallowed them from view. "I felt compelled to warn her."

"You have the tendency to throw away everything around you so you can reach your goal to protect everyone you hold dear. You are contradicting yourself."

"I have burdens I must carry."

"And you are selfish for trying to carry them alone. Do you not realize it? That you are hurting the very people you want to protect?"

"Selfish? For carrying everything alone?"

"You don't have to be alone."

"Then who? Who can carry these burdens besides me? I refuse to subject my daughter or anyone else to them."

"But you already did. You just haven't realized it. I've seen this. I've seen you walk this same path towards damnation so heed my warning; you don't have much time left in this. Soon, you will have to face your fate and it won't be pretty."

"Are you threatening me?"

"I thought we've long past pleasantries."

"You love her that much, huh? Your mother I mean," Kiana said softly and Bronya blinked back to reality. "It wasn't an obligation that drove you to her here."

"I don't want her to suffer the same fate Matushka had," Bronya admitted to Kiana, opening her heart whole to one of few people she allowed herself to be vulnerable with. "She could still fix everything and be happy. It's not too late yet for her."

"But you couldn't," Kiana put her hand around Bronya's shoulders. "She didn't want to be saved and you knew it."

"Yeah. It doesn't make sense for me to even try."

"Love never makes sense."

Bronya smiled wryly. She knew as much but just because she knew didn't mean she understood. "We should return."

Bronya stepped off from the half hug Kiana gave her but not before she flashed Kiana a genuine smile full of gratitude. The Kaslana smiled back and nodded. "Alright, back to business I guess."

A golden portal emerged from nothing, its bright light banishing the shadow around them. Kiana's eyes flashed with the same color for a brief second before they returned to their original blue. She began to walk towards it, hands in her jacket pockets, and ready to enter when Bronya called her name.

"Kiana. What happened here... Can you keep it between us?"

Kiana glanced back and shrugged. "Sure thing. Your snotty face was funny to see and I want the view for myself, anyway."

"You're insufferable, you know that?"

Kiana laughed, waving her hand dismissively all the way until she disappeared into the portal. Bronya chuckled and followed her, not sparing a glance to behind her.

The Underworld was easily the worst of Belobog with poverty running rampant on every of its corners. Mei realized this, but she obviously knew so little about it still. A fact she so unceremoniously be reminded of the moment she stepped foot on Robot Settlement.

Boulder Town was the heart of the Underworld and, despite the slum it was, still leagues better compared to Robot Settlement. There was no building, no Geomarrow heater, and no steady supply line to support it thanks to its rocky terrain. People here lived in makeshift tents, owned by nobody in particular, cramped like a can of sardines to the brim. Firewoods were their only source of heat and they were forced to constantly burn the precious oxygen in the area so they could live in the harsh environment, trading their breath for the slightest bit of comfort upon their freezing muscles.

The state of the settlers was no better either. A lot of them was malnourished and sickly, the former from the lack of food supply and the latter from the shortage of medicine available. In Boulder Town, medicine was a rarity. Here it must be as rare as gold, or whatever this planet's equivalent of gold was.

Mei's heart clenched at the pitiful sight of men and women hunching close together to share what little warmth they could provide to each other.

She dropped the large sack on her back gently on the snowy ground and sighed, the noise it created drawing a few suspicious stares. Mei offered them a friendly smile, pulling the first item out of the sack.

It was a pack of biscuits.

"Everyone, please gather around! I have food to share!"

That was perhaps her first mistake.

All hell set loose as she suddenly found herself surrounded by starving vagrants who immediately rummaged through the sack, pushing each other away and taking in the various foodstuffs inside the sack before running away with their heist. Mei tried her best to direct them but she was just one woman against tens of hungry people so it was easy for her to get overwhelmed.

Order was an odd thing in this part of the Underworld and Mei failed to acknowledge that. Even so, she refused to use force to tell them off. She understood that they meant no bad thing, that they were as much as a victim as they were the aggressor.

Natasha told them that these people came from the now lost districts of the Underworld. Their home was lost and their family was gone. They had nowhere to go so they made an encampment in Robot Settlement where safety could be found under the protection of Svarog and his robot army.

The sack was emptied not even a minute after Mei put it down, some looked and tugged at it expecting something, anything, to fall off for them only to be met with dismay when they realized nothing was left. Mei grimaced and shook her head apologetically.

"I'm afraid that was all."

They nodded dejectedly and dispersed, forced to go another day without anything to eat. Except for one pair of kids who still had hopeful look on their faces.

Mei's hand clenched gently around the pack of biscuits she still had on her and offered her free one to the kids, a girl and a boy who looked a little less to their teen with the boy being the older one, at least by a few years.

"Come with me," Mei told them, smiling, and they shared a glance. "I'll give you this."

The boy was wary but he took her hand anyway, his other one wrapped tightly around the girl's. "I'll do anything, just leave my sister out of this," he said resolutely.

"I'm not asking anything in return."

Mei dragged them to nearby fireplace, gesturing for them to sit around the burning blaze and giving the biscuits to them once they were comfortable. She watched with a mixture of sadness and fondness when the boy practically shoved a whole piece of biscuit into his sister's mouth.

"Eat, Lydia, quickly."

He did it again and again until his sister's mouth was full and she was having trouble swallowing. Mei wordlessly passed them her water bottle.

"Thanks," mumbled the boy quietly and Mei nodded.

"You should eat, too." Mei told her, stealing a glance at the now a quarter full pack.

"She's first. She's more important."

"You can't protect her if you don't eat." That roused the boy from his seemingly mindless stupor. He glanced up and met Mei's eyes, seemingly pondering on something until his sister gripped his side and tugged on his clothes.

He turned to see her pleading eyes and sighed in defeat. "Okay, I'll eat."

She smiled and Mei mirrored the action. He took one measured bite and munched slowly, offering the other half to his sister who shook her head in refusal.

"What's your name?" Mei asked them both.

"I'm Kurt, this is my sister Lydia."

"My name is Mei. Nice to meet you."

Kurt nodded. "Thank you for the food, and sorry for being cautious."

"It's okay," Mei said, making sure her tone was soft. "It's understandable for you both to be cautious."

"I don't think I've seen you before, Miss Mei."

"I'm not from around here."

"Here?" Kurt asked, intrigued. "What do you mean? Are you from the Overworld?"

"No," Mei smiled. "My home is very far away."

"Oh, are you a traveller?"

"You can say that."

"So, not a soldier or anything like that?"

His eyes found Seven Thunders and Mei glanced down to it. She could hear Thunder snorting in amusem*nt in her head but decided to ignore her.

"Sharp kid."

He recognizes a possible threat.

"He's prodding your character to determine your intention. He doesn't trust you."

Which is entirely justified and understandable.

"I'm a teacher," Mei answered instead. "I teach children how to read, count and fight."

The boy was silent for a moment afterwards, obviously not expecting the answer. Mei waited patiently for him to sort his thought. "Oh, I see..."

Mei's eyes widened when the girl started to make deliberate gestures with her hands to her brother, smile vanishing.

"My sister asked if you miss your home."

It took Mei a moment to answer. "No, but I imagine I will one day. My wife and best friend are with me so I don't really feel lonely," she paused and bit her lip. "I'm sorry, is your sister...?"

"She's mute," he said plainly and the girl smiled to Mei, an action that sent a painful throb to Mei's heart. "Our parents they... When my mother was pregnant with her, we were forced to leave our house and come here. They said the bad air caused some complications on her pregnancy."

"Where are they now?"

"Dead," Kurt said bitterly. "Mother died when she gave birth to Lydia and father killed himself out of grief not long after. Useless bastard. The only positive of it is he did it when I was old enough so I could look after my sister."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't," he snapped angrily, glaring at Mei until his sister put her hand around his arm. Kurt took one shaky breath to steady himself. "Lydia is all I have left."

"... You really love her, huh?"

"She's my everything, the only one I trust because I know she'll never betray me. Even if she did one day, I wouldn't mind it. I don't matter, she does."

Through it all his sister had been glaring at him with teary eyes, pulling on his hand and shaking her head vigorously. Mei watched it all with a poignant smile. "That is very commendable of you, a noble cause if I had to say," Mei complimented honestly because she meant every word. But... "But that only makes you a terrible brother."

His head snapped up towards her, the glare returning but this time it was also filled with confusion. "What do you know about abandonment and betrayal?" he hissed through gritted teeth. "What do you know about it? Have you ever loved someone so much you feel like giving up the world for them?"

Mei only smiled. "I have." Her answer stunned the boy who could only stare at her in surprise. "I love her like I do nobody else. I was ready to sacrifice the world and myself because to me she was my only world, my only important part, and the world meant nothing without her regardless. She had this tendency to throw herself into danger and I had to pretend it was okay to see her sacrifice herself again and again for everyone. That was my first mistake, I think."

She continued. "It was painful. That form of selflessness is a form of selfishness in itself. You see, when you love someone, you must understand that you are also loved by that someone. That you are also precious to them. Love goes both ways, that's a lesson she and I learned the hard way, and I wish you to not go through said way. Your sister loves you as much as you love her. She doesn't want you to sacrifice yourself or all that. You are her world as much as she is yours."

Kurt had his eyes on her sister through Mei's speech, looking at her with newfound realization. In return, Lydia was also looking at him with her pointed brown eyes, ones she shared with her brother. No words were exchanged between the siblings, one due to her inability to speak and the other was due to his lack of need for one. Silence was something he associated with his sister so he knew and understood what flowed beneath it just from looking at those glassy orbs.

"I'm sorry," he finally said, hugging Lydia in a tight embrace which she returned with a smile. "I'm sorry for not realizing it."

Lydia nodded on his shoulder, eyes flicking to Mei with a hint of gratitude in them. Mei simply smiled back and stood up, leaving both children to bask in the warmth the fireplace emitted.

Said warmth faded from her skin with each step away from its source but the one in her heart wouldn't dissipate any time soon.

When Natasha heard of their next trip to Robot Settlement, she immediately signed up to join her so she could treat the injured vagrants there. Mei told her of Clara's recollection and reason why she was looking for medicines in her old orphanage and being a doctor herself she found it necessary for her to take a look personally and assist however she could.

Natasha knew the terrible life quality the vagrants were forced to live in so she somewhat had an expectations on what to see. She told Mei that none of these people chose this life, that many of them were the victims of monster attacks in the lost districts. They had no family or relatives, a literal nowhere to go, so they converged here in Robot Settlement where a medicum of safety could be found.

Robot Settlement was that; a place where robots settled. It was formerly an underground mining district, some many centuries ago or so, when Belobog was still thriving. It had been abandoned long ago and due to the abundance of spare parts left a certain combat robot from the Old World had found it fit to call it home for the robots.

Automatons were a big part of Belobog. Many of them was created from the lost technology so not a lot was known about them. Their program, however, was to protect the humans so they served the people quite well. Natasha knew for a fact that the robots were almost impossible to fix due to the lack of knowledge and whatever maintenance the mechanics did was mostly rudimentary at best. One girl in particular, however, had quite the extensive knowledge of it.

She knew Clara. She had been fascinated by her for quite a long time now. A girl in red hood who trekked the harsh environment of the Underworld bare foot to buy supplies in Boulder Town for the robots, sometimes without an escort. Clara was kind and soft spoken but above all, she was exceptionally mature for her age. She was naive, which was normal and good for a girl her age, but she also understood the adults and their way of thinking.

Clara's simple hope was to make everyone in the Underworld happy so she helped practically everyone as much as she could. Not once she saw her in local workshops working on a damaged automaton and not once Natasha stopped just to admire her.

She had this gaze in her ruby red eyes when was working, one she found in her own pair of red whenever she operated on a patient. A mixture of determination and confidence along with hope, that she willed it to work and the surety that it would all the while hoping it would, no matter the cost. In that, she and Natasha were truly a kindred spirit.

Clara was a good kid, there was no doubt about it. Which was why she knew no harm would befall Seele and the three teenagers as she assured Mei.

March, Stelle, Seele and Dan Heng went to talk with Svarog while she and Mei stayed back on vagrant encampment. Natasha so she could treat the injured vagrants while Mei acted as her escort, always subtly keeping an eye on her from the outside of the makeshift medical tent.

Despite what she said to Mei, that she wasn't a fighter and all that, Natasha was far from powerless. She had with her her trusty grenade launcher slung over her back along with her bag of medicine and equipment as a message for those who might be daring enough to attack her to stay away, a deterrence than a threat. She knew she had no use for it in such an enclosed environment but the message was what important.

Mei did gave her a look of disbelief when she saw the grenade launcher for the first time, probably surprised she had something like it despite her profession as a doctor, so it must mean something.

She just finished dressing up the burn wound of a vagrant woman in bandages when Mei entered the tent, her tall stature drawing more than just one pair of eyes. "How's it going?" She asked Natasha quietly.

"All good."

"No problem or trouble?"


Mei nodded, accepting the answer. "I don't know what Seele and the kids are talking with Svarog but it's been going on for a long time now."

"Are you worried about them?"

"Yes. I, um... I have a bad feeling about it."

Natasha smiled encouragingly. "Go on, then."

"What about you? I can't leave you alone."

"Yes you can. They said a soldier's gut feeling is rarely wrong so you definitely must go and check on them."

Mei chewed on her lower lip before she nodded in defeat. Sighing, she gave Natasha a nod of concession. "Alright, call me if you've got into trouble."

"I will. Don't worry about it."

Mei threw Natasha one last glance and exited the tent.

Shaking her head, Natasha had to suppress an amused chuckle from slipping out of her throat. It seemed that Mei and her other self had quite the friendship for her to worry about her well-being this much. Natasha appreciated the concern, she really did, but Mei didn't have to dot on her so extensively either. She could take care of herself and she doubted any of the vagrants would harm her, anyway.

Mei, on the other hand, was proven to be right.

Precisely half a minute after Mei was gone, a distant explosion rocked the area causing a commotion in the camp. Natasha hastily finished her work on a patient before she ran to the outside, eyes widening in shock when she realized that the explosion was coming from Svarog's place. Her thought was further halted when a flash of purple shot towards it at an impossible speed, sending snow flying in a trail of crackling electricity.

"Mei...?" She mumbled to nobody in particular. Natasha thought she saw Mei but she couldn't be sure.

Things went from bad to worse and to utterly unsalvageable for Seele and the three teenagers when Svarog suddenly declared their intention as harmful to the interest of the Underworlders. Their reasonings were denied and he accepted nothing of everything they proposed so now they had to fight him because they were a threat according to him.

It was terrible because it was entirely avoidable but alas.

Svarog was no pushover, either. The moment he declared them hostile, he quite literally vanished into thin air before reappearing right next to Seele. The scythe wielder barely had time to react before he suddenly punched her with the force of a speeding truck, sending Seele flying meters away onto a pile of empty crates. She was the biggest threat amongst them so she was prioritized as the first target to neutralize.

Not a second after Seele was punched, Svarog turned to Dan Heng, intending to do the same thing he did to Seele. Dan Heng, however, was more prepared so he easily side stepped out of the harm's way, using his spear for balance and his momentum to drive it to Svarog's back.

The sharp blade met his armored shell and bounced harmlessly, finding his counter useless Dan Heng then jumped back to rejoin Stelle and March who had their own weapons ready.

"March, freeze the joints. Stelle, you and me on the attack. Don't let up."

Both girls wordlessly nodded.



"On your mark, March."


March let loose a whole bunch of quivers, each hitting Svarog directly on his motoric parts and freezing them. Dan Heng and Stelle went into action immediately, dashing ahead parallel to each other. Dan Heng thrusted his spear ahead of him, intending to hit Svarog on his chest plate, while Stelle gripped her bat on both hands and swung with all her strength.

Svarog's monocular eye zeroed in each of them, calculating at extreme speed, and finding the counter for their combined attack almost immediately.

He vented his reactor, the excess heat melting the ice surrounding his armored case, and charged ahead to meet both Dan Heng and Stelle who were now too far in their attack to back down.

Dan Heng's spear hit his chest first but instead of skewering through the metal plating, he simply angled his body to let it slide to his side. Surprised by the action, Dan Heng couldn't react in time when Svarog suddenly grabbed and threw him towards Stelle.

The impact was painful, the stop was even more so.

With the two vanguards taken care of, March was the only one left. She began to panic when Svarog's back opened up, showing rows of micro missiles which were all primed up and ready to fire. She wasn't stupid enough to not know what, or rather who, the target was.

"No no no no no," she began to chant in terror, shooting quivers after quivers with little to no effect. The cold projectiles failed to leave an effect, each shot hitting only to evaporate into mist on his hot frame that did nothing but to obscure and make him even more ominous with his glowing red eye the only thing visible.

That was until small fires erupted from his back, streaking high into the air before arching down towards March.

March's eyes widened and she began to book it.

She dashed away but the missiles kept track on her, closer and closer they came until all hope seemed to lost for the pinkette. March braced herself and closed her eyes, resigning to her fate, only to open them again when her breath was stolen from her chest by a sudden intervention.


Seele crashed on her so fast March's feet was swept off under her, not long after the ground where she stood erupted into a brilliant explosion of gold and red. They both fell onto the ground with Seele on top of March, shielding her from the debris shower.

March was still catching her lost breath when she gasped in shock.

Seele's face was covered in blood, the crimson liquid trailing down her cheek before they fell down her chin onto the snowy floor in steady trickles, painting them red. There was a large gash above her right temple where she accidentally cut it on sharp wood during her crash earlier.

"You alright?" Seele asked March who nodded. The pinkette opened her mouth to point at her wound but Seele shook her head dismissively. "It's nothing serious, don't worry."

Seele stood up as she summoned her scythe. March, who was still sitting on the ground, yelped when its heavy blade landed on the ground with a loud thud. She watched, fascinated, when Seele's body started to flash with strange dark blue energy, buzzing and rippling like she was a mirage of a nonexistent sea.

A Fata Morgana.

"Svarog, I could tolerate you hitting me but them? They are outsiders, they don't have anything to do with this whole ordeal. They're here to help with no recompense whatsoever yet you intend to hurt them no less."

"Places of origin of the threats are irrelevant to the equations. They have concluded they will help in your plan, therefore they must understand the risks and consequences they will face."

"Equation this, equation that. Do you really not understand the value of emotions? I know you do because you care for Clara for f*ck's sake."

Svarog's eye turned towards Clara who was being held by a small automaton. The girl was frantic, crying and wailing for them to stop fighting which cut a deep wound in all those who heard her.

"... irrelevant. Emotions are irrelevant for decision makings. Rational actions must be undertaken with the absence of emotions for the best of outcomes."

"Stupid f*ck," Seele spat. "Fine, I'll put you down like the guard dog you are."

Her eyes bled red, a pair of sharp ruby as she tapped into that endless Sea. A soul skipping over the surface of a boundless plane of non-existence belonging to the order of the universe itself. Like a shadow, her form began to flicker under the light as she soaked herself more and more with Quantum energy.

Seele took a stance, repositioning her scythe behind her with its blade just over her head, its blade glinting an ominous silver to the world. Her scythe was death's instrument and she was the reaper coming to reap the souls of her enemies.

She shot forward. So fast all that left of her was a trail of purple butterflies fluttering in the wind, the incarnate of the Sea and its chaos manifest, all flowing freely out of her into the real space as she was the gate between life and death, the exist and non-exist, despite her ignorance to it.

Her speed picked up with each step until she was speeding in inhuman velocity, an experience that akin to surfing to Seele. To normal people, it would have been impossible to track but Svarog saw her coming although barely. His sensors detected the fluctuations of energy coming from her and his processors processed all the information provided at lightning speed before, eventually, he made a decision.

He charged ahead to meet her.

His steps were heavy with metallic clanking as he weighed almost a ton, servos and motors whirling in perfect unison with each flare of command from his synthetic brain. A serrated blade emerged from a compartment under his right wrist just in time as he pulled his punch, ready to deliver it to the approaching woman.

Their intentions set on defeating the other, at least until a shrill scream filled the air followed by a small figure dashing towards their paths. Seele's eyes widened in the midst of her charge, watching Clara throw herself right on her attack way helplessly as she was too fast to stop and too close already. All Seele could do was to shift her scythe so she wouldn't cut the girl in half, though with the speed she was moving in the momentum itself would injure the girl gravely.



That was when thunder struck.

A blinding red lightning explode right next to Clara, the searing heat of the electric discharged by the emergence washed over Seele like a superheated air. She closed her eyes and flinched when she felt herself coming to a sudden stop, breath exiting her lungs in a wheeze.

She gingerly opened her eyes, seeing a strange, red mechanical arm holding her in place with her scythe's blade crumpled on its armored side, failed to dig through, and Mei.

"Clara." A synthesized voice called out with great concern. Svarog had his bladed arm held in a grip by a similar mechanical arm. Clara didn't answer as Mei kept her in her embrace, the purple haired woman kneeling down so she had her protected by her bigger frame.

"It's okay," Mei whispered to Clara, tenderly rubbing her back. "Everything is going to be okay."

Clara was shivering uncontrollably from the sheer fear wrecking her body as she continued to sob and cry on Mei's chest. Mei simply held her close while whispering comforts for the girl.

"I don't know what started this, but I have a feeling that this could've been avoided," she said after a long while, finally looking up to Seele and Svarog. She released both of them and the glow in her eyes dimmed until they returned to their normal amethyst, the arms disappearing into nothing. "This was unnecessary."

Seele glared at Svarog. "You tell Tin Man over here that because he started it."

"It doesn't matter now," Mei told her as she scooped Clara up into her arms. "Go help the others and talk for real this time. Maybe we wouldn't have to hurt someone this time."

"Hey, guys. How the— f*ck happened here?!"

Kiana emerged from her portal with Bronya close in toe only to see a sight of pure devastation, the latter rising an eyebrow in wonder.

"Oh, you missed all the fun," Stelle chimed in sarcastically before she groaned in pain, closing her eyes and hissing. She had a bag of snow pressed against the bump on her head as she sat on a boulder.

"Bro, did you run head first into a pole or something?"

"No, just Dan Heng's spear."


"His spear, Kiana. It flew and hit me in the head. I can still feel my brain bouncing around from the impact."

"No sh*t? I mean, how did that even happen?"

"Well, Robodad over there," Stelle gestured to Svarog with her thumb who was talking with Mei with Clara hugging his leg close, "saw it fit to beat our asses because he's a stubborn old boomer."

"What about Dan Heng?" Bronya asked worriedly. "And March?"

"Dan Heng is fine, he's helping Natasha treating March and Seele."

"What happened to March and Seele?" Bronya asked again, this time more urgently.

"March scraped her knees and Seele was bleeding—" Bronya moved to find them before Stelle could finish, she raised an eyebrow at Kiana. "—from accidentally cutting her forehead open. Is she always like that?"

Kiana shrugged. "With Seele? Yeap."

"Huh. I heard Seele is her girlfriend in your home world?"

"Yeah, she is. Wait, who told you?"

"March," Stelle answered flatly. "Word of advice, keep your secrets from that girl. She likes to gossip."

"Eh, it's not a secret anyway and I'm sure March meant no harm."

Stelle shrugged. "Just telling, take it however you want at your own risk."

Kiana chuckled at that. "So, what is Mei talking about with Svarog?"

"The Stellaron," Stelle said seriously. "He's a combat robot from the Old World, remember? Apparently, he has some information regarding it."

Kiana frowned at that. She was a little surprised when she heard who, or rather what Svarog was from Natasha a while ago. To think he's the one taking care of Clara... Well, I guess robots can have feelings, too.

"Whatever crumbs we can get to end this wild goose chase," Kiana muttered and Stelle snorted.

"Right. I just hope it doesn't mean more troubles for us."



God, I don't know where to start. I feel like waking to a nightmare and I'm not even exaggerating. If any of you have seen the announcement for Honkai Impact part 2 then you will probably understand what I'm going to say.

Everything about it looks amazing, like genuinely amazing. I was actually intrigued about the new story I even told my friend that I might play the game again. That was until they announced the new MC.

It's a f*cking self-insert. Or at least, that seems to be the direction they're heading for with current available information.

Mihoyo refrained from using the exact word and instead used the term "supporting character" to describe the new MC and I honestly have no idea what that even meant. "Supporting" implies that this Dream Seeker fellow is nothing but a background character for the player to feel involved in, this ranging from someone like the Captain to any other Mihoyo's self-inserts, which really doesn't mean much yet at the same time they were the MC? Isn't it a little contradictory?

Either way, I absolutely despise it. I was hoping that they would introduce an actual character as our new MC instead of a boring slate that was self-insert, kind of like Honkai Gakuen, but instead they chose to cater to broader audience and follow modern gacha game trend. Honkai Impact does not need that. It goes against everything Honkai Impact is great at. I don't want to play a blank character whose 3 dialogue options mean nothing for the plot in general especially in Honkai Impact, I don't want to follow the story of a character whose entire characterization is determined by the players without proper canonization. If they want to make us feel related to the characters, they could do it just fine as proven by everything in the Part 1. I don't know about you guys but to me, Mihoyo is suck at self-inserts. I've played a lot of gacha games and Mihoyo games have the worst self-inserts with how unnecessary they feel to the story. Stelle (and Caelus, I suppose) is a little bit better because she has a bit of personality even though it's mostly for comical relief but I still feel like it could've been better if she was an actual character, like Kiana for example. Honestly, there are only 2 reasons I play HSR. One it being a Honkai game and two for the fact Stelle JP VA is Yui Ishikawa who's my favourite VA of all time. Otherwise, I wouldn't even bother. Don't get me wrong, the game is good but the storytelling is not really to my taste, as I explained in the previous chapter.

There's one self-insert I can say good of all the gacha games I played, though, which is Commandant from the game Punishing Gray Raven. It's so well written I can actually feel related with my squad and other characters. If you're interested in an alternative, I suggest trying PGR. It's everything Honkai was when it was at its peak, just be advised that the combat might need some practices before you get used to it.

That said, while it's definitely too soon to judge whether it will be good or not I have come to decision; I will disregard everything happening in Part 2 and pretend it doesn't happen. I will take some references if they're THAT important to the lore but I won't mention any character or whatever in this story. If you don't like this, it's okay. It's okay to disagree with me. But if you REALLY don't like my decision then save your breath and kindly f*ck off because I'm not changing my decision. I could've phrased this better but I'm sick of people telling me what and not what to do in my 6 years being a writer. I value ideas and suggestions from my readers but what I write is final because this is my story, anything I decide is for the best interest.

You have no idea how I feel after the announcement. I was sad, I was pissed and to today I still feel sour whenever I remember it and what Honkai Impact will become. I love Honkai Impact with all my heart so Mihoyo's decision is like a knife to my gut. I couldn't bring myself to write for a few days because whenever I think about Honkai Impact all I remember was their terrible decision and how betrayed I felt.

Oh yeah since you're a self-insert and can choose your own gender now then it's safe to assume there won't be any more animated short because no way they're going to animate two animations just for the details. Everything is probably pre-render now so there's that. Unless if they put Dream Seeker off-screen which is why I think they called them supporting character. Either way, it's a terrible omen lol.

As always, kudos and reviews are appreciated!

(P.S I know some might argue that I was just biased because I love Kiana like daughter but it's not that. We've said our goodbyes beautifully to her and I can't ask for a better ending for her story so no matter how much I love her and the trio, it has nothing to do about it.)

Chapter 14: Far From the World


Had a little bit of problem cooking this one up. Too much to cover in so little of a window. This is basically a "short" version yet it's almost 10k in words. I'll let you guys be the judge whether it's good or nah.

One thing; I don't usually specify a character's dress since I don't think it's really that important (definitely not an excuse for my limited vocabulary lol) so I'll leave it to my reader's imagination. But here, Mei and Bronya are wearing their APHO outfits while Kiana's important bit is her jacket. When they're in their Herrscher forms, they mostly aren't changing from the past style unless if I put emphasis on them. Again, tiny little details I'd rather write as crumbs than to throw at once because, as I said, they're honestly not that important in my opinion.

Anyway, a Seele-centric chapter so enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 14: Far From the World

The door opened and a sudden shift in the atmosphere caused Mei to grimace slightly when a thick, heady smell of alcohol and cheap drinks filled her nostrils. She subtly made a face, entering the bar with measured steps while ignoring the ogling from both men and women inside.

Raising her hand to push a strand of purple hair behind her ear, she purposefully showed the silver ring resting around her finger to signal that she was a married woman and not interested in any of the 'fun' they might offer to her. It worked like a charm and the stares immediately stopped coming, not just one of the bystanders expressing their disappointment verbally as they returned to their routine.

Mei smiled to herself. Kiana made it pointedly clear that she was beautiful, in all sense of the word, so much Mei started to have the confidence to believe it herself. She knew that she was quite the sight, too, considering the state of the Underworld and her being an outsider. Her attires spoke for themselves compared to the semi decent state many Underworlders wore so she was sticking out like a sore thumb.

The bar was quite packed but not verily so. Most of the patrons were keeping it to themselves, drinking and chatting amongst only their peers but not just one was the opposite. Mei steered away from the more obnoxious people and made her way to the counter, raising an eyebrow in amusem*nt when she saw the only person she knew already waiting for her.

Wordlessly, Mei sat down on the stool right beside Natasha and flashed her a smile.

"Hello, Mei," she greeted warmly. A shot of... Mei wasn't sure what because it's green between her hands on the counter. Natasha saw her gaze and she chuckled before downing the fill in one go. "Sorry, I started without you."

"It's fine," Mei told her and she meant it. Natasha seemed like she could use a drink or two with the state she was in after the grueling day of putting people together, sometimes literally. "What are you having?"

"This?" She gestured to the bottle on the counter Mei just realized was filled with the same stuff Natasha was having. "We call it the Devil's Lime."

"Is it good?"

"Honestly? I don't know. It's the most common we can find down here so my taste is kind of askew."

Mei grinned. "I'll be the judge, then."


Natasha called the bartender for another glass and bottle and the woman gave them without as much as a word, pouring the drink into the glass she then slid it to Mei's reach with a smile of encouragement.

Mei stared at the green liquid for a moment, silently contemplating why it's green before she brought it near her mouth. She sniffed at it to get a hint of its taste, finding it to be somewhat alright before she took one tentative sip.

She hummed.

It wasn't bad, at least not as much as she thought it would be. She sipped some of it more and rolled her tongue gently, soaking her taste buds and swallowing slowly. "It's okay," she told Natasha before she downed her shot entirely. "Not bad, not as bad as I thought it would be."

"But it's still bad?" Natasha asked with an imploring grin.

"I've had worse."

The doctor giggled as she watched Mei poured more into her glass and silently drank them. "You don't have to force yourself."

Mei raised an eyebrow. "It's not bad. I'd say it's an acquired taste. I'm getting used to it."

Natasha sent her another smile before they fell into a comfortable silence. The cacophony of noises in the background had dulled and merged with the atmosphere, providing an addition to the whole vibes for the two. The night was still young so a lot of people were coming and going constantly.

"So..." Natasha purposefully drawled to gain Mei's attention. "Does your wife know you're here or should I expect an ass kicking after this?"

Mei blinked before she bursted into a laugh. "Oh, she knows so don't worry about it." She told her between chuckle. "Kiana said hi, by the way."

"Was that some sort of subtle message?"

"No, she's being genuine." Mei shifted on her stool and leant her body on the counter, arms crossed over it. "Kiana can be clingy sometimes but she's not an overzealous lover, at least not anymore. I guess, now she knows that we're tied in a marriage she doesn't have to worry about losing me to someone else."

"She puts her faith in you," Natasha said knowingly and Mei nodded in agreement.

"The feeling is mutual, always has been. I always loved her but I was not as straightforward as Kiana was so I couldn't really express my love the way she would. I felt bad that she seemed to be the one who always chased after me but I have my own ways in returning her love."


"We went to the same school and we lived in a dorm with our other friends and teachers."

"You both lived together when you were kids?" Natasha cut in teasingly with a suggestive look on her face. Mei saw it clearly and huffed.

"It's not like that! She and I started as friends!"

"Friends. Right." Natasha snorted and took a sip of her drink, her tone was anything but believing. "If you tell me nothing happened between you two back then I wouldn't believe you."

"Well, nothing happened."


Mei's brows dipped and she skulked, grumbling to herself as she took another large sip from her own portion. "Why am I telling you this..."

It was Natasha's turn to laugh. "I'm sorry, but you're so easy to tease especially when the subject of your wife is brought up." Her laughter gradually subsided until all that left was a grin before, eventually, it turned into a fond smile. "You love her so much, huh?"

Mei glanced at Natasha through the corner of her eye, slightly looking down due to the difference in height, and found the doctor staring at her drink with a forlorn look on her face. "Of course," Mei told her quietly but surely. "She's the one and only person I love like nobody else."


The night went on along the drink in the bottles, now that Mei had her taste buds adjusted to its unique compositions, she found herself enjoying the drink with all her heart. She noticed Natasha refraining from drinking more than a bottle, her empty one sitting on the counter alone right next to Mei's third bottle.

"Keeping yourself up for works?" Mei asked her and Natasha looked up, her red eyes exploring Mei's own and Mei could see the surprise and disbelief in them.

"Yes, I can't afford to get drunk," She frowned worriedly. "You... seem to have a rather high tolerance. I thought you would be drunk by now."

"I can't get drunk."

Natasha blinked, surprised. "Does it have something to do with your power?"

Mei nodded. Being a Herrscher meant a lot of things to many people. It gave them powers, powers beyond any human's comprehension, and curses. Herrschers were the envoys of Honkai, to gain the power one had to give up their humanity. This was true in both mind and body for many people before them. Elysia might've given them the gift to keep their soul but the body was another matter entirely.

When someone became a Herrscher, they practically stopped being a human. Their body was transformed and mutated to accommodate such a terrible power to the point they hardly resemble a human anymore. Their physiology was changed all the way to their cells, turning them into something the Honkai desired for its enforcers.

Herrschers could not get tired. They didn't feel hungry or thirsty. As long as Honkai exist, they would continue to be in their prime. Their metabolism was altered that normal poison would not work on them. This unfortunately came with the side effect of being immune to all sort of drugs, alcohol included.

"But I'm not always like this," Mei told Natasha with a shrug. "When Kiana went to the Moon, she carried with her the seeds of our power. I returned to a normal human being not long after."

She took a swig after that and fell silent, amethyst eyes growing distant as she stared at her fingers nursing the shot glass. Mei... didn't particularly like alcohol because it brought back terrible memories of her time without Kiana but she always made an exception for her friends and workmates and Natasha was as much as a friend as Raven.

Her lips curled into a subtle smirk but apparently not subtle enough because Natasha saw it.

"What is it?"

"Hm? Ah, I was just thinking about the other Natasha," Mei elaborated with a chuckle. "She and I are drinking buddies."

"You two sound like a good friend."

"We didn't see eye to eye sometimes but she's a good person nonetheless."

Natasha shrugged. "Isn't that normal? You don't always agree with others all the time."

Mei smiled softly. "Of course."

Morning came with the usual dull chirping of her alarm. Seele opened her eyes and sighed, rubbing the remnants of her sleep off of her eyes and silencing her phone's alarm with bleary eyes. She sat up and stared at nothing in particular outside her windows, seeing the usual darkness that was the Underworld.

Sunrise was never a concept down here. Everyday was dark with street lamps being the only source of illuminations along with what little light the ceiling lights provided. It was always gloomy and dank but thankfully not as cold as the Overworld due to the constant stream of Geomarrow being transported all through the town.

That, unfortunately, meant an absolute jacksh*t to Seele.

She felt miserable. Her sleep was restless and she hardly felt refreshed after the countless wake ups in the middle of the night. Her wound ached randomly from time to time and her dream was filled with the strange images of headless women wearing an all too familiar attire of the Supreme Guardian. Maybe seeing the dead Guardian Shadow earlier affected her but it never happened before which was very odd.

Seele had seen her fair share of horror so something like a decapitated body shouldn't have fazed her, much less that of a monster. It made her strangely anxious as she felt her body thrumming with energy, urging her to move, to go.

But to where?

She found herself wondering. When no answer was given out, Seele groaned frustratedly and buried her face in her hands. She stayed like that for precisely fifteen seconds, counting through the time passing in her head to both psych herself and calm her ragging heart, before she kicked her blanket off and got herself off the bed. Silently, she tidied up her bed, hissing when her bare feet touched the cold floor. She always hated mornings.

Grabbing her phone and unplugging the charger, she made her way out to the bathroom downstairs only to pause on her second step in the hallway. Her nose twitched, picking up a delightful scent in the air coming from her kitchen, and her eyes widened.

She nearly forgot she had guests in her house and she nearly walked on them almost naked.

Re-entering her room, she quickly grabbed a shirt and her shorts to cover her decency before she made her way down. Seele passed her living room, seeing Dan Heng already awake on her couch reading something on his phone, and continued on after giving a nod of greeting he returned.

She spotted Mei behind her stove, cooking something while humming a tone to herself, and both Bronya and Kiana on her dining table. Bronya was also on her phone while Kiana quietly swayed back and forth on her chair while staring at Mei's back with a stupid grin on her face. All of them heard her coming and turned to face her.

"Morning," Seele mumbled, a little unnerved by the sudden attention given to her. They all turned their heads almost at the same time. "What're you cooking, Mei?"

"Just a simple breakfast," she told her with a smile. For a woman who spent hours in the bar, she didn't show a little bit of hangover whatsoever. Seele wondered about it for half a second before she gave up and mentally shrugged to herself. "I hope you don't mind me using your kitchen."

Seele waved her hand dismissively. "It's fine. I told you to make yourself at home."

Mei's smile widened and she nodded, returning to the food she was cooking. Seele didn't say anything more as she entered her bathroom, taking more time than her usual routine as she had to change the bandages around her head. When she was done with everything, she felt marginally better than before which wasn't saying much.

"f*ck is wrong with me today..." Seele mumbled to herself as she stared at her reflection in her bathroom mirror. She looked like sh*t with bags under her eyes and hair unkempt, at least more than usual, while her eyes stayed in their angry red despite her attempt to calm herself down.

Seele was agitated and she didn't even know why.

Rubbing her eyes tiredly, she made her way back to the kitchen. This time, the three teenagers had joined the adults on the dining table. Or should be if not for the lack of chairs.

Seele never thought of having more than four chairs and it bit her in the ass hard. Kiana was forced to lean against the counter, shoving her face with spoonfuls of food, while Bronya munched on a sandwich beside her in a lot more reserved pace. Mei was the one sitting with the teenagers who in turn looked at them apologetically.

"Sorry, I've never had this much guests at once," Seele told them, grabbing an empty plate and putting the food on it. Mei said simple but this was better than anything she had ever had.

"Dowhwoghyisfighn," Kiana replied, at least Seele thought she was replying and not swallowing her tongue by accident. Bronya finished up her sandwich, took a sip of her coffee she had on the counter, and unceremoniously smacked Kiana in the back of her head.

"You are disgusting," Bronya flatly reprimanded, ignoring the stumbling Kiana who glared at her with murderous intent in return to her action, and addressed Seele. "How are you? How's your wound?"

Mei handed her a glass of juice and Seele gave the woman a thanks, looking around the kitchen she then decided to sit on her crates of supplies and shrugged. "I'm fine, I just didn't get enough sleep last night."

A hint of worry flashed in Bronya's silver eyes, the usual stoic silver filled with genuine concern. Seele distracted herself from it by digging on her food and starting to eat, not knowing how to respond to such a blatant display of care.

The sound of footsteps made her look up, Bronya approaching her position. Kiana who saw it all was openly grinning with unbidden amusem*nt in the background. "Here, take these."

From thin air, strips of medicines appeared on Bronya's hand and she extended it towards Seele. Baffled by the magical display, Seele could only quietly accept the offered drugs. "Thanks."

Bronya nodded. "Is your wound healing okay?"

"Yeah," Seele answered distractedly. Not a lot of people could openly express their concern about her well-being so it was a foreign idea for her. Thankfully, Bronya accepted her answer as it was and smiled briefly to her before she retreated back to her place beside Kiana.

She finished the food in a contemplative silence, consuming the given drugs between gulps of her juice. Idle chatters filled the kitchen as March and Stelle asked Mei about some food recipes and Mei answering as best as she could with the differences between Earth's and this Galaxy's ingredients. The first time Mei did in her free time was to browse about them to seek her own substitutes knowing how much Kiana would love her cooking now they're together for an indefinite time. A quick glance to the Kaslana confirmed that it was a fruitful endeavor as Kiana continued to happily eat her portion and then some.

Seele wasn't used to the lively atmosphere but she had to admit that she liked it. Cold, dull mornings were not particularly something she paid much mind because she hardly spent her time at home but it was there at the back of her mind, nagging like an incessant buzzing of static waiting for her to acknowledge. Her routine went along the line of cleaning, eating and sleeping. Never more until now.

It made her wonder how it would feel to have a family before she banished the thought out of her mind. Not only was it a bad thought to travel but also because she didn't even know how a family work to begin with. She had always been an orphan, even far before the situation turned for the worst for the Underworlders. She never knew her father or her mother or any other relatives her entire life.

Oleg told her she had a peculiar complexion, one belonging to a certain racial group living in ancient Jarilo-VI and that her people were a rarity to find even in the cold basket that was Belobog. It was said that the city was built on the Eastern quadrant of the planet where the biggest landmass was, before the cold froze the oceans, thus becoming the largest hub of cultural integrity. He told her that her people were one of them but due to the war they almost went extinct now.

To be frank, she didn't know what to feel about that. Seele hardly understood her own undertakings to even care about them. She just wanted to survive and live like any other people, any other human, so information like that wasn't something significant to her predicaments. When she told Oleg that, he simply smiled and ruffled her hair.

"That's right," he told her years ago, "we're no different to each other. We're Belobogians striving for a common goal of a better tomorrow. It doesn't matter which part of the planet you hail from because all that matters is to help others. We're together in this."

They gave her a name then. Seele, a word from the long lost country that belonged to her people, meaning Soul in common tongue. Oleg said that the name fitted her like nothing else for she was the courageous soul, the indomitable human spirit, that was always steadfast in the face of the greatest of challenges.

She often wondered how true that was.

She put her empty plate on the sink at the same time Mei did and it turned into a little argument when Mei offered herself to wash them. In the end, Seele relented. Too tired to argue and honestly thought she couldn't win against Mei with how adamant the woman was.

Seele went back to the bathroom to take a quick shower and change to her usual attire, the last thing she saw before she returned to her room was Kiana dragging Mei into the bathroom with an impish smile and a wink. Both March and Stelle made a face at that with the former blushing intensely while Bronya rolled her eyes repulsively. Dan Heng, as usual, appeared unfazed.

"You have five minutes. Exit a second too late and I will bust the door open regardless what sort of predicament you're in," Bronya warned Kiana who then proceeded to flip her the bird.

"Sod off, man."

Seele chuckled quietly.

Repairing her scythe was a routine Seele had almost on daily basis. There was never a shortage of troubles for her to avoid and thus it was imperative for her to maintain her weapon so it would always be on top notch state, a lesson learned the hard way when her scythe fell apart during a fight years ago.

Speed was her ally as such was the most effective way to use a scythe. Usually, a scythe was light so it would be easy for its user to wield but Seele's was the exact opposite. Aside for its sturdiness, the heavy composite metal was meant for additional weight for better momentum and force. Seele did not quite wield it, if anything the best way to use her scythe was to go along with it rather than to control it entirely. It's akin to dancing, a deathly dance but a dance nonetheless, where she should move along the flow of the nonexistent rhythm instead of fighting it.

That said, she was still its master. The strength it carried was her own and the power behind its strike was of her making. Which was why it absolutely baffled her how tough whatever those mechanical arms were when it caught her.

Sure, she angled her weapon at the last second so she wouldn't kill Clara but the strike still carried a huge momentum, enough to cut a man in half at the very least. Seele knew because she had done so in the past and the sensation stuck on her so she still remembered it in vivid details to this day. From what she saw, the arm had not even been scratched. Not the paint and definitely not the material either.

Instead, the blade had been crumpled flat against the frame of her scythe it was a struggle to get it off to replace it. It should have been able to cut metal as it was made of a material with higher density than what was used for the automatons yet it crumpled like a wet paper. Whatever Mei's summon was made of, it definitely was a tough material.

After reassembling the weapon and allowing it to disappear for later use, Seele made her way downstairs for the second time that morning, only this time she was heading for her living room where the rest of the crew had already been waiting for her. Wordlessly, she fished out the letter Bronya left for her to deliver and put it on the only table.

Almost immediately, all of their attention was drawn to it. Seele sat on a nearby couch and sighed deeply.

"Tell me if anyone has a better idea."

None of them said anything because how could they when their options were so limited, or so she thought until Kiana raised her hand up like she was a five year old in the kindergarten.

"Let's go kidnap someone."

All hope disappeared from Seele's heart and she buried her face in her hands dejectedly.

"Denied," Bronya rejected immediately. "To begin with, we don't know who might have the knowledge of the Stellaron's whereabouts. Svarog only confirmed its existence."

"And what malicious giant thing it was," Seele muttered to herself but they heard her nonetheless. "If we don't do something fast, who knows what Cocolia might do to Bronya. I mean that Bronya but you've got the point."

"She wouldn't harm her," Bronya told her with so much certainty it made Seele pause to look up. "Cocolia loves her like nobody else. I do agree, however, that she might do something foolish to her that she might regret later."

"So, what? Our only option is to go to this Serval person?"

"That's our best bet."

"But how do we do that?" March asked with a frown and Stelle nodded along. They both shared the same sentiment. "We can't go up there. We're criminals!"

Seele waved her hand dismissively. "I'll do it," she took the envelope and pocketed it back, pacing back and forth just to get rid of the buzzing in her muscles. "She's foreseen this possibility. She wanted me to go to Serval because I'm the best option, second being Kiana but..."

The white haired Kaslana smiled a genuine smile. "But she trusted you more."

"No offense."

"Nah, it's cool."

"So, you'll go to her and hopefully she knows a thing or two about the Stellaron?" Stelle chimed in.

"That's the plan, yeah."

"How are you going to meet us later?" Dan Heng voiced his concern.

"I can give you a ride," Kiana offered. "I can make portals for us to teleport."

"... I'm not going to ask how but I'll keep that in mind," Seele muttered. "Either way, this is the only option we can take. I'll go up there, get this Serval fella, and when it's clear I will message you guys to rendezvous somewhere safe. Is it clear?"

"Do we have to bring Serval with us?" Mei asked out loud. "She's a civilian, a former Silvermane sure, but is now a civilian. It can get dangerous real fast."

"Bronya told me to bring her. She must've known something we don't. We can only trust her judgment."

Mei nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. "Fair enough. Our main problem is our lack of knowledge regarding the local landscape and state of affairs. The map Himeko sent us is... grossly outdated."

"In other word, we'll have to head in blind," Bronya deduced for them. "I don't know about you but I'd like some intel in our intel."

"... We can't travel in group. Too obvious." Seele rubbed her temple to sooth the ache of her wound and the telltale symptom of headache surfacing. "Kiana, your power... What is the exact requirements for you to use it?"

Kiana shrugged nonchalantly. "If there's space, I can go in. Usually, I'd just memorize the places for references but I can also detect Honkai energy and teleport to near or it." She sent Mei a smile then. "That's how I found you."

Mei hummed warmly and smiled back.

"So, you can teleport to anywhere as long as you have clear image of it?"

"Theoretically speaking, yeah."

Something clicked in Seele's head and she nodded. "How about this, I'll take Serval to somewhere safe and then you can move everyone through your portal. I'll snap you a picture."

"That works."

"Alright, it's settled. I'll go get Serval and you guys wait until I give you the all clear."

"Be careful," Bronya told her and Seele paused to stare at her silver eyes. "You might not be a wanted individual but you don't have ID on you. If a Silvermane Guard catches you, there'll be a huge trouble."

Seele waved the concern off. "Don't worry about me. You're not the only one who can disappear on a whim."

So she said to Bronya but it was revealed to be unnecessary.

The sunlight was almost blinding to her sensitive eyes while the blast of fresh air almost made Seele wheeze due to its richness with oxygen. Seele leaned her head on nearby building and closed her eyes, breathing in and out while counting each exhale to calibrate her sense with the new surrounding. Everything was different. The warmth, the air and as she stole a glance upwards, the sky itself.

She was lost in her own mind as she stared at the heaven and its endless expanse, deep dark blue stretching to the world's end. Without realizing it, she found herself suddenly on the exit of the alleyway she was in and from there the view seemed to only grow greater to her eyes.

Then the oppressive feeling hit her and she swayed on her feet until her back hit a dumpster. She gasped, hands trembling, and forced herself to look down to the ground as she calmed herself.

It was a primal fear of a greatness too great to comprehend. Seele, whose only ever saw the sky once ages ago when she was but a child, was crushed by the sheer majesty. A sudden fright that it would fall and squash her like a bug.

"f*ck!" She cursed under her breath, slapping her knees to make them stop trembling under her. "Move, dammit!"

The first step was shaky and she gritted her teeth frustratedly, the second one was less so but she still felt like her feet might give up on her any time soon. But the third and so on were solid and full of confidence, no different than her usual gait.

Seele exhaled, still keeping her eyes on the ground as she walked. Thankfully, not a lot of people were around to see the strange woman and her even more stranger antic. Despite it, what little around still gave her a variety of looks. Some with curiosity, some with contempt and some with clear interest. The reason was obvious as she glanced at their clothing.

Life in the Underworld was hard but if there's something the Underworld was not, it would be cold, at least not in the town or mine and when compared to the Overworld. It was far from ideal but definitely hotter than the Overworld. Thus, her choice of clothing must have been an oddity for the Overworlders.

They had on them jackets and thick clothes unlike Seele and her dress which, comparatively, was very light. What she sought was mobility. The cold hardly bothered her with her power keeping her muscles abuzz. Seele saw no point in dressing thickly when it could only hinder her movements in battles.

She decided to ignore them. Between her still confused brain and her duty, it was an easy task than normal and Seele normally was an expert in ignoring people.

Seele followed the roadsigns for directions, mentally thankful she wasn't illiterate like many of the Underworld children and Oleg particularly for patiently teaching her in the past, until she found herself in the Administrative District.

It was a grand space, more crowded and definitely more well kept. She would've snorted at the last bit if not for her mind being preoccupied by one last fact.

It was also heavily patrolled.

Silvermane Guards with various weapons and armor were everywhere. Some stood guard on vital public property, some walking around their assigned patrol paths, and some simply stood idle but ready at the same time. Seele grimaced and looked around, looking for an opportunity she could exploit and finding none.

Oh, well...

She marched on, head held high and eyes forward. Neverwinter Workshop was just ahead of her, she could see it behind the giant Geomarrow monument just right near the stairs leading to Qlipoth Fort as Bronya told her. All she had to do was cross the opening and she should be fine.


Seele came to an abrupt stop, bristling not from the cold but a sudden rush of adrenaline in her veins. She turned to face the source of the voice and clenched her teeth.

A Silvermane Guard. Female, short, purple haired and bespectacled. She looked unlike most other Guards and it made Seele wary because she seemed to fit better as a scholar than a fighter. Seele looked down to meet the woman's eyes.

She seemed to be studying her from head to toe, a disapproving frown on her face. "What are you doing, Ma'am?"

"... taking a walk?"

"Your choice of dressing is inadequate to protect yourself from the cold." Seele blinked confusedly but she didn't dare to relax. "Please change immediately for the sake of your own health. If you don't have thicker clothing, I suggest visiting the Civil Welfare and Health Division. They should be able to provide you some clothes."

The woman produced something from her pocket, a slip of paper, and began to write something before she handed it to Seele. Still confused, she accepted it nonetheless.

"Bring this to the receptionist, they should be able to provide you with what you need."

Seele stole a quick glance at the paper, noticing the name on it. "Thank you, officer Pela."

Pela smiled. "Take care."

She left without further word and Seele chuckled to herself, heart finally calming down. Honestly, she wasn't even sure what to do if her cover was blown since she surely couldn't fight the whole battalion of Silvermane Guards alone. "Well, that was f*cking unnerving," she muttered under her breath before she continued on to her destination, slipping the paper into her pocket.

A soft chiming of the a bell signaled her entry to the shop, Seele immediately assessing her new surrounding. Bronya never told her what sort of shop it was but the name had Workshop on it so it should be pretty self-explanatory. Various mechanical parts and items lined the shelves and almost every tables with the counter being an exception in the middle of the shop, some she recognized but many she didn't. She walked to it and rapped her knuckles against the wooden surface, still looking around for a sign of life.


"Yes! Here, sorry I'll be right over!" A decidedly feminine voice answered from the other side of the shop before a blonde woman emerged to her view. "Sorry about that. Are you making a purchase or repair?"

Seele took a second to answer, still looking at the woman up and down. Her blonde hair had some bluish streaks on it, while her lips were set in a friendly smile despite the grease and oil on her cheeks and hands.


Seele cleared her throat. "Ah, no. Neither. I'm looking for a Serval?"

The woman's smile turned larger, though this time Seele could see a hint of alarm in the woman's eyes as she put her guards up. "That would be me," she said, no less friendly. "How can I help you?"

"I have something for you." Seele took the envelope from her pocket and slid it on the counter towards Serval. "From a friend, I think."

Serval's eyebrows rose. "You think?"

"Look, I'm not sure what she is to you so I can only assume especially if she trusts you so much." Seele shook her head. "Please, just read it."

Serval eyed Seele for a moment before she nodded, finding the honesty and desperation in her complexion. Tearing the seal open, she unceremoniously fished out the letter and unfolded it, eyes scanning through the written words.

Dear Serval.

I am sorry in advance for using such an inadequate medium to inform you on this matter but the urgency of the situation does not allow me the reprieve nor the luxury to meet and talk with you directly.

I have been wondering on what to write to you so this won't cause you distress, but alas I cannot find the words to subject you with such ease. Thus, I have decided to say the entire, unfiltered truth; I am in trouble and I need your help.

There should be a young woman who delivers you this letter. Her name is Seele and she's hailing from the Underworld.

Serval paused to look up at Seele who was now distracted by one of the displays, her back turned on her yet Serval could still see the agitation in her from the way her fingers absently drumming against her thigh.

You can trust her for she is a good person. I have been to the Underworld and I can tell that situation is far from ideal for the people below here. I did not understand why Mother restricts me from learning and going to the Underworld but if this is the reason, if she wants me to turn a blind eye on their sufferings, then I can say with confidence that I am not.

I am planning to confront Mother about it. I have told Seele that, if I failed to message her in hours after my departure, she is to deliver this letter to you. I have hoped that you won't have to read this, but if this ever reaches your eyes then it is but a wish.

Seele will inform you of the situation. It's a burden I'm not willing others to take but I know she can and willing. I know you have history with Mother and that I completely understand if you refuse to bear any sort of business with her anymore and I will not force you to aid us if you do refuse. Seele will understand, so will the rest of us, but you are our only hope in settling this matter.

Please help me put a stop to this madness. Please help me in convincing Mother of her faults. I do not want to see people suffer unnecessarily, especially if it's due to the Supreme Guardian's making.

Best wish, Bunny.

The paper crumpled between her fingers, Serval looking up to meet Seele's eyes which were drawn to her from the noise. Folding the letter neatly, she put it inside the envelope again before pocketing it.

For a long time she stayed silent, contemplating what she had just read, while her blue eyes grew distant. The light from the morning sun filtered through the windows and reflected on the ocean sapphires like the glint of the sunrise on the sea.

"That Bronya..." Serval mumbled, sighing deeply. Seele approached her with a worried frown.

"What did she say?"

Serval ignored the question. "You Seele?"

Seele raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, that's me. Did she say something about me?"

"A few things. Are you really from the Underworld?"

Seele's intrigued gaze turned defensive as her eyes narrowed into a glare. "What about it?"

Serval raised her hands in a placating manner, sensing the hostility from the woman across from her. "Nothing. She mentioned that you are and that she has been down there."

"We've had a few matters we needed to settle and she wanted to accompany us. We didn't hold her against her will or whatever."

"I believe you," Serval told her without an ounce of doubt. "Bronya she... She always has a huge sense of duty and righteousness. She refuses to sit idle when there's people she can help."

Seele smirked. "Damn right she does. Are you going to help us or nah?"

"Of course. Please allow me to clean up and change first, however."

"Do what you need. I'll be here."

Serval was a Silvermane Guard because of course since she's Bronya's friend, or at least that was what Seele thought until the blonde told her that she was a former Guard. Her uniform was also different than normal Guards, less armored and more of a... uniform.

"I was a researcher," Serval explained as they exited her shop. She locked the door behind her and put the keys into her pocket, the red blocky Closed sign staring back at Seele. "Part of the Technology Division. Technically, we're part of the Silvermane but we worked closer with the Science Council than the Department of Defense."

"Former, what happened to you? You still look young to retire."

"Well, that because I didn't. I resigned."


"I resigned," Serval repeated. "There are some disagreements in our department and I found it impossible for me to follow the new policy."

"So, you left?"

"Yes." A Silvermane Guard greeted Serval and the she returned it with an equal warmth, Seele watching the interaction with silent interest. "But enough about that. Tell me what happened."

Seele scowled to nobody in particular. "A robot told us about the Stellaron, he has the record about the research taken by the people of old."

"The Stellaron..."

"Yeah, do you know anything about it?"

Serval stopped and Seele paused on her step to look at the woman a little behind her. The blonde's face was set in a mixture of disdain and resentment. "I think I know where it is."

Eyes widening, Seele swiveled her head around to make sure they were alone and pushed the older woman gently into the entrance of an alleyway. "Tell me where it is."

"I will," Serval tried to appease and put her hand on Seele's shoulder disarmingly. "But it will be difficult."

"We have the strength."

"And Bronya? Do you not want to ensure her safety?"

Seele flinched and gritted her teeth so hard they creaked under the pressure. "She made me promise her to destroy it, whatever the cost."

"The Stellaron is the source of our struggle. Seele, whatever the means, whatever it takes, we need to put an end to its vile influence."

"We will. We'll destroy it ten times over for what it did to us."

"... I cannot stress this enough but I'm sure you understand that the future of our children rests solely on us. We cannot afford to fail, not when we're this close, so even if I have to trade lives, I wouldn't hesitate."

"What are you saying?"

Bronya smiled sadly. "The reality."

"Stupid," Seele muttered. "Stupid Silvermane, stupid Supreme Guardian and stupid Bronya. These whole f*ck-ups started because of, what? A goddamn desperation to fullfil their duty? Why can't they just be f*cking honest to themselves?"

The smile Serval gave her was bitter and hiding a suppressed pain. She shook her head and chuckled but it lacked any humor. "Because people look up to them. Because they're the beacons of hope that have to burn the brightest to lit up Belobog in this dark time," she exhaled then as her gaze glazed over. "They burn their souls and who they are the fastest amongst us, so soon you wouldn't even recognize them anymore. The fire dies down and the timber goes cold. Such is the price they have to pay, the price we have to pay."

Lying their way to the Silvermane Restricted Zone was easier than it should've been with Serval on the lead, many if not all of the Guards trusted her enough to let her wander in the outpost, though it was very obvious Serval did not enjoy her action any bit judging from the way her smiles waned with each encounter.

These people were her friends as she knew almost all of them on first name basis and exploiting their trusts like so did not sit well with Serval. Yet, she marched on. Putting a mask of fake indifference Seele saw through with ease.

Seele had always been a good judge of a character. Living in a place where people could backstab you in the back at any given moment required such a necessary skill if one were to survive. At first, she was wary when Serval brought her to the outpost with so many Silvermane Guards around but decided to give the woman the benefits of the doubt anyway since Bronya vouched for her but her opinion on the blonde took a turn for the better with the passing time. Serval did not seem like she was going to betray her, even if she did Seele still had contingencies on place to escape. A single dial to Kiana's number and she would be away in an instant.

For now, she decided to trust the woman since she hadn't done anything wrong to her.

"Why do the Silvermane Guards have an outpost here?" Seele found herself asking the woman, partially to gleam some information from her and partially to fill the silence between the two. Serval glanced to her direction and hummed noncommittally.

"This place is one of the many entry points to Belobog's inner wall. Here it leads to the vast Snow Plain and from there is the Everwinter Hill. When the Fragmentum appeared many of years ago, we dug in here to combat and prevent it from further spreading." Serval shrugged then. "But the outpost also serves as a weapon testing ground, which is why the security here is very tight."

"Yet, they let you walk in without question."

"It's... not exactly the first time I'm here."

Seele raised an eyebrow, intrigued, and asked. "You said you're a researcher? What exactly were you researching? Weapons?"

"No, it's the Stellaron."

"Wait, what?"

Serval sighed. "I didn't mean to keep it a secret from you but I'm sworn to my oath of secrecy. However, now that we've come to it, I think you're more than deserving to know."

"The Stellaron is one of the top secrets of the Architects. The Research Division I was in... It was our duty to dig out the truth about the Stellaron, a truth that now I know has been known for a very long time."

Seele had told Serval the information Svarog provided them and the woman had been oddly quiet afterwards, lost in her own thoughts as they made their way across Belobog. Everything suddenly made sense. "So, the reason you resigned is because they lied to you?"

"More or less. They didn't want people to know the truth so they bury it deep along with those seeking after it. I simply did the deed myself to save what little dignity I have left," Serval scoffed then and her face set into an angry frown. "Almost my whole life I spent looking for something my superiors ultimately hide from us. They didn't care about our lives, they just wanted to cover themselves up in the deceit they created."

"... you sure you should be saying this so blatantly?"

The blonde scoffed. "What to fear, exactly? What else can they take from me?"

Not having the answer, Seele fell quiet. Serval was angry and she could feel the anger radiation from the woman. Hot and suffocating despite her attempt fighting it down so it wouldn't leak out of her heart unbidden. Decades wasted, for some a lifetime they could never have, thanks to a selfish few in power. As foreign as it was to Seele, she also knew the concept intimately.

Maybe not the same, not to the details at least, but the pattern was always the same. Be it on the Underworld or Overworld, those strong ruled over the weak like a pack of tyrannical predators feeding on the foot of the lambs. People exploited each other all the same, if not for money and greed then for survival. None of them was right but it happened all the time because of human's nature and society. Serval was a victim. Not the first from the Overworld Seele met and doubtfully would be the last either.

Bronya was the last. Ironically, the future leader of Belobog was also a victim to its dark reality. Perhaps, it had always been like that. Perhaps, the Supreme Guardians were destined to fall into the same pit they and their predecessors dug since the creation of the city. An unbroken, infinite cycle of tragedy.

They arrived near the gate, the one and last that then led to Jarilo-VI cold wilderness where civilization withered and died. Beyond the wall was dangerous, lifeless frozen lands where no humans presided. Whoever was there was either dead, or belonging to Belobog's Expeditionary Force.

It was only normal for it to have an entire details of Silvermane Guard unit, cladded in heavy armor and weapons. They're the elite force of the Guard, always ready and at the front most of the defense. Naturally, their arrival was sighted by the well trained gaze of the soldiers there long before either Serval or Seele could explain their intentions.

"Citizens, halt!" One of them ordered before he approached them with cautious steps. Behind him, the other Guards were carefully maneuvering their way behind the protective sandbags and not so subtly readied their rifles, eyes never leaving the two women. "This is a restricted area, depart immediately or you will be arrested for trespassing."

More restricted than the Silvermane Restricted Zone? Seele wondered to herself, somewhat amused, but she didn't dare to show it on her face. Instead, she pulled her phone out and snapped a quick picture, sending it to Kiana who replied with a thumbs up almost instantly.

"I need to talk to your Captain," Serval said, not slightly unnerved by the intimidating presence of the Guardsman standing a head taller than her, not even by his equally long spear. "Tell him his sister wants to speak with him."

Seele blinked. "Huh, sister?"

Serval shook her head. No time to explain.

"I'm sorry, but I can't grant your request. Captain Gepard is busy with... confidential matters."

"Don't you give me that," Serval snapped. "Don't talk to me about secrets. Get Gepard here right now fast because things are about to get real ugly for us all."

The man hesitated. Despite the one wearing the bulky armor, he seemed to be the most vulnerable with Serval being his undoing. After a moment of silence, he audibly sighed and muttered something under his breath that oddly sounded like 'f*cking civvies'. "Alright, I'll inform him but if he says no, you must vacate this area or I will have to force you."

"Sure, thank you."

He left then but the two Guards watching over them still kept their utmost attention at them, not easing up a bit.

"So, your brother is the leader around here?" Seele asked Serval who nodded as a response.

"Gepard is my little brother, he's their Captain and responsible for the troops in this area."

"That's quite the rank."

"What about you? You seem like a fighter yourself."

Seele shrugged. "I'm a Wildfire member."

"A what?"

"Wildfire," she explained. "When the Silvermane retreated from the Underworld, we're left defenseless so the local created a militia to combat the monsters and restore orders. That's us, the Wildfire."

Serval nodded solemnly. "I see. It must have been difficult for the people down there."

"Yeah. It could've been better if..." Seele gestured loosely around her with her index finger. "... none of these happened but we managed."

"I'm sorry, truly."

Seele rolled her eyes but there was no malice behind the gesture. "You sound exactly like Bronya. It's none of your fault so don't."

Serval opened her mouth only to close it again when heavy footsteps approached them. Turning their attention to the sources, they were met with Gepard and the Guard earlier. Serval immediately broke into a grin as she regarded her brother who didn't quite share the gesture.

In fact, his expression didn't change one bit. He kind of reminded Seele of Dan Heng.

"Hey, Geppy," Serval chirped happily while Seele snorted quietly at the nickname. "Do you miss your sister?"

Gepard eyed the two of them for a moment before he turned to his subordinate. "Thank you, Sargeant, I'll take over from here."


Gepard then addressed them both. "Follow me." He didn't bring them far, just around the corner, where he then proceeded to block with his towering presence. "What is it, sis— Serval? I'm very busy."

Serval grinned. "Aw, Geppy! Do I need reason to check on my brother? Have you been eating well? And I mean well as in real food and not whatever frozen abomination they're giving our boys and girls?"

"... we've only had our provisions, you know that."

"Unfortunate,' Serval chuckled and Seele watched with fascination the way her smile vanished. "Gep, I need you to be honest with me. Have you seen Cocolia and Bronya?"


"Just answer the question, please."

Gepard crossed his arms and said sternly. "You are not privy to that information."

"So that means you have," Serval concluded between humorless chuckle and unease. "My friends in the Fort said they haven't seen both of them since the morning, which is very odd, but now you're telling me they were here?"

"I'm not telling you anything."

"Yeah, yeah," She dismissively said. "Where are they heading, Gep?"


"Her order?"


Serval grimaced. "I have an inkling where they're going," she turned towards Seele who had been watching the interaction with a mixture of amusem*nt and interest. Catching Serval's gaze, Seele raised an eyebrow.

"The Stellaron?" She asked back, though it sounded more rhetorical than inquisitive. "But why? Did Bronya succeed convincing her mother?"

"No." Seele blinked. The surety in Serval's tone was so clear it was almost unsettling. "Cocolia is uncompromising in her ideal. I doubt Bronya won over her." Serval bit on her bottom lip anxiously, facing Gepard without a trace of juvenile she showed earlier. This time she appeared anxious, almost horrified even. "Gep, I need to go and find them."

"You can't."

"I'm not in the mood to play around," Serval said through clenched jaw, striding so she was now directly in fron of Gepard. Her brother simply stared down to meet her glare. "We have to get to them quickly before it's too late."

"I will not allow you to pass. Madam Supreme Guardian ordered me to not let anyone disturb them."

"You listen here, lil bro, if you won't let us through then I'll have no other options than to kick your—"

"Then I'm sorry." Gepard cut her off, effortlessly hoisting a now very angry Serval up to his shoulder and stepped back to the opening. Seele made a move to follow when he brought his free hand up. "Stop there, if you try anything remotely hostile I'll be forced to hurt you."

Seele's fingers flexed on nothing as a wash of energy filled her blood and flesh. When she blinked, her pupils turned red while her lips pulled into a snarl. Serval kicked and struggled on his hold but Gepard didn't seem one bit bothered by the squirming woman.

Things turned from bad to worse when his men joined him, weapons raised towards Seele and shields bared. Then, it turned from worse to holy sh*t this is terrible when Kiana chose to appear along with the rest of the crew right behind Seele.

The Kaslana blinked, raised her hands up, and cursed. "Oh, what the f*ck?"

Mei emerged next from the golden portal, hand instinctively went to the hilt of Seven Thunders as her purple eyes scanned the situation, and made herself stand right in front of the three teenagers who were just as surprised and confused.

Seele waited for Bronya to appear but the portal collapsed without her exiting it. Frowning at her absence, she summoned her scythe now she was not the center of the attention and held it ready, banishing the thought of Bronya for the moment.

The sound of heavy metal hitting the ground was more than enough to make the Silvermane Guards tensed up, now eying Seele and her scythe warily. Seele, meanwhile, simply twisted and rested it on her shoulder, her other hand on her hip. "Good timing, guys."

They silently drew their weapons minus Mei and Kiana with the former still not moving to free her sword while the latter only stood dumbly with her hands up. The air was still and silent with both parties waiting for the other to strike first.

The material of her fingerless glove creaked as her hand tightened on the shaft of her scythe, more and more Quantum energy bleeding into the world. Seele began to flicker in and out of existence, making the Guards even more on edge at her display and strange power.

Before the tension could snap, a sudden interruption melted the string. A Silvermane Guard running hurriedly past the crew and completely ignoring them. He stopped before Gepard and snapped a quick salute. "Captain! Priority message from the Third Highland Scout!" he produced a small piece of paper from his pocket and began to read. "Massive monster presence in the area, break, direct heading towards the North Gate, break, recommending the enactment of Winter Contingency, end of message."

Gepard's cool mask cracked slightly, his eyes widened in surprise, before he recovered just as quick. "Marshal the troops, bring everyone to the North Gate. Send a message to the Artillery Corps to set up shops on the rear line behind the wall, tell them to immediately prepare for fire missions." He went on like that without a regard to the crew and one by one the Guards left until only a handful of sentries left. Only then did he address them again. "I have an urgent matter to attend and we are short of manpower. Whatever you do now is beyond my capability."

They stared at him dumbfounded, except Serval who grinned. "Aw, Geppy! Thank you so much, lil bro!"

Gepard didn't respond. At least, not right away. He stopped right beside Serval and sent her a meaningful glance. "Serval, I... I trust you. You're smart enough to not put us in further jeopardy." The last bit was accompanied with a quick sweep to the rest of them. "I know you have your reasons but you should know I also have my duty to uphold."

Serval's smile turned more reserved. "I know and I understand. Bronya is... she's like my own child and Cocolia was my best friend. I want to help them. I don't want them losing their friend like I did. There's still hope for them."

Gepard nodded. "I'll have Dunn accompany you."

"Wait, Dunn? He's here?"

"Yes. You're not a fighter so I'll have him protecting you."

"Fine, fine. I know I can't argue with you on this one." She chuckled dryly. "You take care, okay? Try to come back alive."

You're the brother I truly cherish.

"Don't worry about me." Gepard turned, ready to leave, only to stop when Kiana stepped right beside him.

"Wait, I'm coming with you."

He regarded her for a moment. "It will be dangerous."

"That's why I'm coming." Two portals swirled into existence by her sides and the dual pistols they now associated with Kiana emerged from them. Kiana snatched and twirled them between her fingers, showing a dexterity gained from years of practice and combat effortlessly. "Mei, I'll leave them to you."

"Of course. Be careful."

Kiana winked at her. "Back to you, babe."



The next two chapters should be very fun to write. I have decided to divide the fight into two chapters and the reason should be obvious soon.

As usual, kudos and reviews are appreciated! Thank you so much for your support so far!

Chapter 15: Winter Space Between Light and Dark


Well, turned out getting ear infection over the course of the week was not fun. Couldn't think straight because my right ear kept buzzing incessantly and it's driving me nuts.

Anyway, a very fun chapter to write. Here's a little game; take a guess which song the title refers to, the only hint you get is that it is in Japanese. Good luck.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 15: Winter Space Between Light and Dark

"Overlord, Lima Two-Five."

"Lima Two-Five, Overlord. Send traffic, over."

"Lima Two-Five, requesting fire support. Prep to transmit ten digit grids, over."

"Ready, out."

"14282 89042. How copy, over?"

"14282 89042, copy all, out."

"Roger. Target infantry and light armor in the open, over."

"Target infantry and light armor, out."

"High Explosive shell, three guns in effect, four rounds, over."

"High Explosive, three guns, four rounds, out."

"Send, over."

"Send, out."

A deep shrill of high caliber shells sailing through the air made Bronya pause on her way, looking up to the heaven where a whole bunch of them flew across towards their target. Not a moment later, the wall shook as explosions tore the ground in the distance, painting the plain white snow in a hue of red and gold.

Hearing hundreds of pairs of boots thudding onto the battlefield as the Silvermane Guards filled out the protective embrace of Belobog's wall, Bronya peered down to spot a familiar head of white amongst the Guards. Despite the height of the wall, Kiana felt her stare and glanced up towards her, giving Bronya a near imperceptible nod she returned.

Her optical illusion deactivated, Bronya was like a ghost on the lifeless concrete and rebars. Watching as monsters emerged from the smokey haze that caused by the artillery fire in the far off. She summoned a pair of binoculars and zoomed in the incoming horde, frowning despite her expressionless silver behind the glass.

Various kinds of humanoids, corrupted automatons and outright monsters charged across the horizon towards them, their blazing red and freezing blue energy like a contrast to each other. Fliers filled the sky, unheeding to the merciless wind threatening to blow them off course and onto the ground.

The Silvermane Guards were quick on their feet, organizing a defensive position in mere seconds after their arrival. Bronya nodded in approval, picked herself off, and made her way to the highest vantage point on the wall.

A watchtower.

There was a howl of battlecry and it was all Bronya got before the Guards charged ahead to meet up the threats. In the meanwhile, more and more of artillery fire erupted in the rear line of the monster wave in an attempt to thin out their numbers as much as possible. Not long after, artillery batteries built in the wall also opened fire on the two winged monsters flying high over the battlefield.

Shells after shells were shot both onto the ground and into the air, the former impacting with otherworldly rumble and explosion while the latter exploded in a puff of hot shrapnel and black smoke. Both were similar in one thing only; they tore apart monster materials into shreds.

They were also not enough.

The first to meet the monsters were Kiana as she was easy enough to spot thanks to the black Void Drifter Battlesuit she chose for the occasion, followed by Silvermane shielders not a second later. The monsters, numerous and ruthless as they were, were stopped like a tidal wave on a rock and got pushed back by the heavily armored Lieutenants.

That was one thing Bronya found odd. Lieutenant was a Commissioned Officer back on Earth, meaning they shouldn't be on the battlefield like this so openly much less in the front line. But as her gaze swept on Gepard next, she understood.

Gepard was a Captain yet as they fought there was no difference at all. If anything, Gepard seemed to be far high in skill level with how easy he smashed through the monsters ranks with both precision and raw strength. His shield was both his protector and aggressor as he quite literally flattened just not one monster after leaping high upon them with it bared down.

These people fought for neither glory nor profits. They fought for survival. A better tomorrow and their continuous existence. Whatever they chose henceforth was all in their hands and they understood those hands also responsible for the people behind them. They said that often, actually, that a good soldier fought not because he hated what in front of them but because they loved what behind them. And what behind them was their family, friends and home.

They were the first and last line of defense against total destruction.

More and more call for fire resounded and Bronya turned off her earpiece, disconnecting it from her phone which was currently used to hack the Silvermane's communication, and looked around the flat interior of the tower she was in. Her eyes found what she was looking for and she hummed to herself, dragging the empty crate of weapons and bringing it to the closest window overlooking the battlefield.

Bronya sat down on it and put her binoculars on the windowsill where they then disappeared like an ash on the wind.

She had always been a great supporter. Bronya had no doubt about her fighting skill but between Mei and Kiana she was nothing in terms of sheer strength. Mei was an impeccable sword user while Kiana's Kaslana Gun-Kata made her an excellent close to medium range fighter with how versatile the fighting style was. That left Bronya to be the supporter in their dynamic, the back dealer and tactical analyzer who overlooked and planned the moves of the teammates to achieve flawless teamwork. Of course, firepower was relative. With her Truth power she could easily level the battlefield with an endless swarms of missiles or a shot of Gauss cannon that would boil through even the atmosphere with its velocity alone but it would be an overkill especially in a tight formation where friendlies and enemies mingled together like water and oil in the sink.

No, what she needed was something smaller and personal. Something that packed just as bigger punch as it was familiar. She was a supporter and what was the best supporter an army could get in the thick of the battle like this?

A sniper.

Precise, direct and swift. Those were Bronya's traits. Ones she picked up after years fighting in the merciless Siberian tundra with nobody but herself to rely on. A sniper was meant to work alone in the shade and that was what she good at.

She just knew what she would choose for this one.

Tapping back to her Truth power, Bronya's supercomputer of a brain worked quickly to lay down the detailed blueprint of the weapon she had in mind, one she memorized when she was twelve, while her Herrscher authority allowed her to bend the fabric of reality itself to her wish. First to appear was the stock, and then it went forward until the gun was fully assembled without imperfection whatsoever in her arms.

An M82A1.

Bronya unceremoniously deployed the bipod and rested it on the window. Considering what the enemy was and the distance, she wouldn't have to to worry about enemy counter sniper. Removing the scope's cap, she went ahead to adjust the range in her head, calculating based on the grid squares the Silvermane used and her position, and toggled the scope with the results.

A magazine of .50 cal BMG appeared in her free hand and Bronya slapped it onto the gun before she pulled on the charging handle, feeding the chamber with a 12.7mm Armor Piercing Incendiary, and rested her cheek on the cheek pad.

Her fingers nursed the trigger almost absently but in truth Bronya was at zen. This was her domain. This was what she good at. For years she perfected her skills in the harsh cold of post apocalypse Siberia, killing and maiming people apart with her Dragunov all the while evading enemy's counterattacks. She felt no nerves, if anything Bronya was glad her targets were anything but humans this time.

Bronya carefully took aim on her first target, a humanoid monster that resembled a Silvermane Guard so much it would've been difficult to discern from this far if not for Bronya's trained and sharp silver eyes, scooped a ball of snow into her mouth and waited.

Through her slow heartbeat and breathing, time passed almost to a crawl. She saw everything in vivid details like a hawk watching its prey. The red of the snow from the dead or dying Silvermane Guards, the darker tar like liquid similarly oozing from the dead monsters and the vicious clashes of the automatons from both sides as they sent sparks flying in the air in an attempt to turn metal into scrap.

And the smoke.

The smoke was her referral point.

A slight snap to the right to accommodate to the wind direction and its strength, Bronya exhaled. Her cold breath left not a mist so nothing obscured her view to her first victim, blissfully unaware of its doom currently staring at it. Perhaps, it had never had an intelligence to acknowledge it but either way was not an importance to her, or anyone else for that matter. In the end, they were just monsters and monsters deserved nothing but death. Death she had long been associated with.

The Silver Wolf of Urals squeezed the trigger.

A flash of lightning and a boom like thunder itself shook the tower, frozen droplets of water falling from the roof above. One fell onto the barrel of her gun before it shattered against the metal yet Bronya paid it no heed as her eyes were still set on her target.

One and half seconds. Those were the time for the bullet to hit its mark. The bullet itself had muzzle velocity of almost a kilometer per second, meaning her target was over a kilometer and half, yet Bronya hit it without a miss.

It didn't even have the time to understand that it had been killed. The sheer kinetic energy alone should've been enough to kill it as Bronya watched its torso disintegrated into a gaping abyss, the bullet exploding in a flame in its insides and burned everything it touched. Her Silvermane counterpart told them that the monsters picked human's forms to mimick humanity, or rather to be a mockery to it, yet as her target fell into a heap of its own weight and dark blood Bronya saw nothing but weakness inherently owned by all humans.

Her next target fell just the same, so did the next after it and so on so forth. Like a well oiled machine, Bronya worked on her gun with precision, both in her aim and movements. She counted to ten to keep up with the time spent, kills and her ammo expended, never failing to fall behind a count with each shot. Supposedly, she shouldn't need to swap magazine but muscle memories were not easy to ignore. Instead of creating the bullets in the magazine and infinitely restocking them, Bronya created an entire magazine and swapped a new one for each time she ran empty.

Shot after shot rung yet both friendlies and enemies remained unaware of her deed. The former seeing monsters falling with either a limb torn off or an entire body disintegrating, leaving a gaping maw of black flesh behind. One time Bronya hit a humanoid right in the head, turning bits of skull and whatever counted as its brain into a dark mist as the monster crumpled and died.

Originally, the M82A1 was designed as an anti-material rifle so the effect on her adversaries was pretty much an overkill. Even the monsters that bore its pure forms were no match to the sheer destruction as a shot to the head instantly killed them while corrupted automatons found themselves with burned, destroyed wirings as the incendiary effect took hold in their metal casings.

Her bullets created trails of hot air behind them as the flew across the battlefield before they reached their targets, a beauty in destruction and carnage as they were no different to a comet passing a supernova. The kick of the recoil jolted her backward and Bronya let it rather than to fight it entirely, knowing it would only do her more harm otherwise. Another slap of fresh magazine and Bronya paused her cycle at the sight of Kiana being an absolute menace in her own zen.

The Kaslana was a literal flash, each shot from Shamash illuminating the endless snow around her in a golden light so it was easy to locate her at the front of the formation. But Bronya could also see Gepard on the front with his shield raised and held forth against the onslaught of attacks almost effortlessly before he retaliated with as much vigor.

Kiana and Gepard were like a pair of gears working in tandem. The Silvermane Captain tanked attacks easily with Kiana returning the fire almost immediately, ducking and weaving amidst armor and bodies while firing and punching when the enemy got to close. Kaslana Gun-Kata had always been a fascinating fighting style to watch.

Bronya returned back to work with her own symphony soon filling the air once again.

"On your left."

Kiana sprinted and shot at the Frostspawn bearing down on a Silvermane soldier, the super hot energy beam from Shamash practically melting the monster into nothing. It couldn't even shriek as its body disintegrated under the sheer heat of Shamash.

The man nodded his thanks and Kiana returned it curtly, rejoining the fray by teleporting with her Void power to where the monster infestation was the thickest. She found herself facing a corrupted Grizzly who slammed its armored hand to her direction in an attempt to flatten her.

Gepard moved immediately to stop the attack, impressively holding back the force with his own power. Kiana looked at him in wonder as she riddled the robot with fire, destroying it immediately.

"Thanks," she told him and Gepard nodded silently. Gepard was easily one of the strongest men she had ever met judging from the raw physical power he showed, at least for a normal human. "What's the plan now, Captain?"


Kiana nodded. The plan was to hold on as long as possible until reinforcement from the rest of the city joined them, or the enemy dwindled. Though, the latter was most unlikely considering the endless wave that came towards them.

The Silvermane was undermanned and underpowered but they made up the loss with unbreakable spirit, each soldier tearing through the monsters with fierceness born from a sense of duty to protect. Kiana grinned despite herself, knowing she was in her bunch.

Raising both Shamash, she send another burst of shots forward, this time into an unsuspecting Everwinter Shadewalker's torso harassing a shielder. The shots fried its internal organs and killing it almost instantly.

Another one to her right had its weapon raised to strike a Silvermane Lieutenant and Kiana jumped into action immediately, running ahead and kicking the abomination so hard she felt something crack under the pressure of her kick. It then fell on its own weight a few feet away with its lower half limp.

Yet, it didn't dissuade the monster one bit as it tried to crawl back towards the battle, making some ugly gurgling noise in the back of its throat as it struggled. Kiana wrinkled her face and shot it in the head, feeling disgusted at its lack of acknowledgement to its injury which further differed it to humans.

She turned around, ready to find her next target, when a sudden wave of Imaginary Energy washed over her like a terrible gust. Kiana braced herself against it but the Silvermane Guards behind her were not so lucky as they were suddenly pushed back and fell to their backs.

Another shifted in the World's order and Kiana raised her hand, slapping the beam of pure Imaginary construct up and over her head with ease where it then dissipated into nothing high in the clouds. She glared at the source, an Imaginary being that shouldn't have been exist in this place. An anomaly to the Universe.

She charged at it.

The thing, seemingly bewildered by her simple yet effective response, could only float in confusion until it was too late for it. Kiana shot Shamash to its direction and it recovered enough to raise a barrier, stopping the incoming strike, only to shriek in pain when Kiana drove a lance to its torso. Even though it had no eyes, it still moved its head to Kiana and the golden lance that materialized in Kiana's hand that was currently gutting it.

Kiana pushed and the monster fell, twisting the lance as it let out one final dying shudder before it went limp. Letting go of the lance, Kiana watched as the monster disappeared like her lance, both which were made of Imaginary Energy.

Her blue eyes shifted to the heaven itself where a swarm of Frostspawns and Flamespawns were, all of which were having a field day harassing the Guards below. The Silvermane lacked air support and their only mean of retaliation was from the slow firing rifles and cannons they carried, all in which were hardly sufficient.

Gripping Shamash tightly, she jumped into the air, utilizing Imaginary steps she created as leverages until she was in their flight level. Kiana didn't spare a moment as she twisted and turned, time slowing down for the Kaslana as she fired lances after lances of superheated energy beams right at the flocks of flying monsters.

They fell like a bird with its wings cut, all shrieking and smoldering including the Flamespawns despite their aptitude with fire. Shamash's flame was special for it was the ever burning heat of Honkai energy and no normal flame could compete with it.

Landing back on her feet, Kiana ducked low to avoid a slash from behind her. She used her momentum to roll forward, jumping back again when another strike went down to where she just recovered, sending snow and dirt up.

When they settled she found herself staring at an ominous looking burning automaton, its chainsword reeving in challenge as it twitched and jittered. Kiana glanced at it, noticing the burned blood of some poor souls it had claimed, and glared at the red crystal covering the corrupted Direwolf's face.

A special case, huh.

She had seen them before but wherein the others had flaming sword, this one still retained its standard issued chainsword as a weapon. Whether because it was a newly corrupted or else was not something she's willing to dwell too much, especially at the moment when it charged at her again with murderous intent, roaring an unholy roar that sounded both mechanical as it was organic.

Kiana didn't even bother to run knowing how quick and nimble a Direwolf was. Unlike the Grizzly, they were a robot of pure agility and precision, opting a swift and quick attack as means of offense instead of armor. She sent shot after shot and as expected, it blocked all of them with its chainsword, leaving it unharmed.

Unharmed and unarmed.

The heat from Shamash melted the weapon and it literally fell apart in drips of molten metal yet it didn't dissuade the monster one bit. It swung the now relatively harmless weapon at Kiana who slid low underneath the strike and jumped into the air, summoning another Imaginary step beneath her feet to boost her forward as she shot back towards the automaton.

She holstered Shamash and its stead was a subspace lance she summoned with her Void power. With a mighty battlecry, she drove it down the automaton's head and crushed it, impaling it inside the neck vertically, and the monster fell under its own weight as its central command system was obliterated.

Kiana exhaled softly, standing up with her latest kill under her. She took a moment to survey the battlefield and her eyes immediately found Gepard.

It was easy to spot the Silvermane Captain. The sheer destruction he left behind was almost unmatched, second only to Kiana's own, and his brutal yet effective fighting style was a sight to behold. Gepard was covered in the blood of the monsters, painting his once pristine white uniform and armor in vicious black. Every time he smashed his shield down, a monster exploded and sent said liquid to surrounding area and each parry left them reeling.

Right now he was facing a hellish spawn of a monster, something called Blaze out of Space by the locals for it was an alien created by the Fragmentum Corrosion, and seeming to have a little bit of problem as it continued to rain flaming balls at him and his Guards. Kiana understood because it was a nasty thing to fight, even Shamash didn't have the desired effect against it.

That was until two fist sized holes blew its head apart, obliterating the appendage to fine red mist. Like the others, it fell and disintegrated into embers on the snowy ground.

Kiana blinked and she could sense the confusion from Gepard and his team.

"Move, Idiotka."

Kiana did as told the moment Bronya's voice rung deep in her consciousness, jumping down just in time to evade a strike from another one of those Imaginary beings. Kiana unholstered Shamash, ready to fire, when its torso suddenly exploded, killing it instantly.

Nice shot.

Bronya didn't reply but the sight of monsters falling seemingly on their own was an enough answer, each having a hole in their body or a head missing entirely. Kiana turned around, sensing rather than seeing her best friend in one of the towers and grinned.

Bronya couldn't see her either but knew Kiana enough. Kiana also knew her enough to know she was rolling her eyes.

"Quit dilly-dallying."

The Kaslana chuckled, rejoining the fight with a big smile on her face.

The combined efforts of the Guards successfully repelled the monster horde heading for Belobog as the sound of battle died down to a quiet murmurs of the wounded and dying, all that left was carnage soiling the once pure white.

Kiana set down the heavy crates of supplies onto the ground with an audible thud, startling the Silvermane Guards currently resting around a small campfire in front of the medical tent. She flashed them a smile. "There you go, boys."

They gawked at the sheer ease she carried the crates, each weighing in tens of kilograms and almost two meters wide, through the city's gate and back without breaking a sweat. Nobody said anything, though, because at this point almost everyone had heard or seen the feat she achieved during the battle. Of how she singlehandedly dispatched Greater Monsters without assistance whatsoever or how she would jump in to save someone in trouble before disappearing again, sometimes in a portal that seemed to spawn out of nowhere.

Her power was as inspiring as it was terrifying and it showed on their faces, yet Kiana simply smiled and nodded before retreating back to help others. It was normal for human to fear something they didn't understand so Kiana didn't mind it much. To her, the fight was as enjoyable as it was exhilarating since it was the first time she had a battle so openly. A real battle at that.

Fights with Hua, Bronya and Mei are fun but this is fun, too.

Though, she didn't get to use her full power which was probably for the best. The World's order was fragile in the hand of Finality that even Kiana feared she would cause some unprecedented issues if she ever unleashed its full potential. The closest she would get was the spars with Mei on the Moon back home since her Origin was the closest who could rival Finality.

Kiana sat down on a boulder overlooking the small encampment the Silvermane made, hissing when her rear touched the cold, hard surface. She tried to ignore the sight of the dead and wounded and somewhat succeeded in her attempt, focusing on the endless span of snow that stretched further into the wilderness.

Never had it crossed her mind that she would miss the view of so much snow like this but living on the Moon for almost 10 years really put things into perspectives for her despite the lack of fond memories of her childhood.

That didn't mean there was none.

What few she remembered brought a smile to her face. All the little things she spent doing with her Old Man before he was forced to abandon her. Kiana remembered ambling through the snow with Siegfried leading her during one of his teaching sessions where he taught her how to hunt and hide herself from threats, be it human, animals or something utterly otherworldly, and how to fight Honkai in harsh environment. Like the Kaslana you are, he told her back then with not a small amount of pride. We don't back down even if the world is against us.

Looking back, he was probably not the best teacher, or even a father to begin with. From the stories he told her about her late mother Cecilia, it sounded like her mother was the brain in their relationships. But Kiana would never trade him for anyone else, for whatever misconducts he did and how terrible of a father he was he was still her Papa and responsible for teaching her how to survive, and survive Kiana did.

Because if we think about the what ifs, a lot of things in our lives could've been better. That really doesn't mean much now.

The past was imperfect. That was a fact and nothing would change it. Even if Kiana tempered with space time, with all her power as Finality itself, the consequences weren't worth it. What they had was the best and nothing better could come out of it, especially if it was just some passing thoughts.

Besides, they still had their present and future to live and create.

"What are you thinking about?" She heard Bronya asked through their Herrscher Link and Kiana blinked.

Nothing. Just the past.

"... it brings back some memories, right?"

Kiana hummed to herself. She almost forgot that Bronya was just as gullible as she was, perhaps even more so. Kiana's memories on the European wilderness were speckled with her father's warm presence but Bronya didn't have any of it. Bronya's were cold and hard as her namesake, rough and jagged as she knew the terrains could be.

"Eh, some." Kiana shrugged then. "How's things on your end?"

"Fine," Bronya's curt reply was her answer and Kiana nodded. "Supplies keep coming from the city. I reckon the Silvermane won't be retreating any time soon."

"I think they want to make sure everything is fine here first."

"The timing is off."

Kiana hummed in agreement. A sudden attack from the monsters was not uncommon but at this scale? They were lucky the Silvermane was trained to deal with this sort of thing despite the harrowing cost.

The crimson snow covering the battlefield was an enough reminder and Kiana tried her best to not pay it much attention. It wasn't within her capability. Bronya's maybe and even so the risk would be too great. They had learned to not dwell on the what ifs and thinking about something they so utterly were powerless of was pointless. The Guards would've to deal with the aftermath themselves and Kiana had confidence on them.

Of course, the desire to help was there and would not be gone soon. Which was why Kiana kept herself busy by carrying more supplies for the Guards. Going back and forth to the gate and camp provided her the distraction needed and she did just that.

Bronya, meanwhile, had her eyes on her phone almost the entire time since the fight tapered off, still sitting on the same spot she was. Her sniper rifle rested on the windowsill, its cooling barrel still steaming off hot air, while spent casings littered the hard stone floor.

She had drones in the air, each covering certain sectors Silvermane scouts couldn't reach to provide an overwatch for everyone. Constantly, she would listen to the ongoing communication to gain a clearer view of the situation but right now her attention was solely set on a certain group of people.


The trek to Everwinter Hill was by no mean easy with the ongoing snowstorm adding to the difficult terrain, taking visibility to near zero on the highlands. Fortunately, the Silvermane Lieutenant Gepard sent to accompany them had a thorough understanding of the local topology despite the lack of visibility, effectively leading them through inches thick snow and mud.

Dunn was his name. From what Bronya heard from Mei, he supposedly had some relations with Serval in the past.

Bronya didn't worry about them much, though. If anything, she was confident they would reach their destination safely. The Silvermane Guards had proven themselves to be an outstanding bunch, each competent at what they were doing and someone as high as a Lieutenant must be very experienced to begin with.

She turned her attention back to the camp after switching the footage to another drone, seeing Kiana chatting with a group of Silvermane Guards quietly around a fire. Bronya tried to find Gepard but failed, though she got a pretty good idea where he was with his duty as the local leader.

A ping from one of her drones caught her attention.

Swiping the notification, she was rewarded with a view so terrifying she couldn't help but frown.

"Kiana," Bronya said out loud this time, eyes never leaving the live footage on the screen. "We have a problem."

"What?" Kiana responded in a similar fashion, though hers was filled with urgency and apprehension. The Guards she spoke with stared at her curiously as she talked to seemingly nobody. "What is it?"

Amidst the harsh blow of freezing wind, hidden in the rolling wave of snowy mist, figures of various sizes rolled in a literal tide towards the city. Bronya felt genuine dread despite herself after seeing the sheer amount of monsters approaching the walled city, though her expression showed little to none of her feelings.

"We have more monsters inbound."

"What?! How many?!"

Bronya glanced at the counter on the corner of the display, growing past beyond three digits in the first minute that had her drone's processor struggling to count immediately. Her thoughts raced but one question remained above all; Where did they come from? Why now?

That was until a portion of a mountain crashed down, creating a giant gap on the terrain, and from within another fresh wave of monsters poured out like fire ants with its nest set ablaze.

Of course, she thought, the Underground. They probably have something similar in the past around Belobog for defense as they built the city.

Bronya glanced at her sniper rifle and grimaced. "Numbers just go up to two thousands."

"T-two thousands?! Holy f*ck."

"You tell me," Bronya deadpanned. "Tell Gepard he's going to get company."

"I don't think they're up for another fight, especially one that large. I don't know if you can see it but the last fight took quite the toll on them already. These guys told me that was one of the biggest incursions they have in years."

Bronya actually could see it. If not with her drones then her eyes as they kept sending the wounded back to the city. Reinforcements were also scarce with how spread the Guards were that despite the replacements, their numbers were actually fewer than before the battle.

"What do you think we should do?"

Kiana paused on her end, pondering the question silently. She knew the answer but she didn't like it at all just like Bronya.

"sh*t... I really don't want it to come to this..."

"We don't have much options."

"I know. If we retreat now, the city will be sieged. We also don't have time to properly evacuate the wounded." A sigh and Bronya could picture Kiana's defeated expression. "Alright, I'll go talk to Gepard."


The command tent was packed with officers of various ranks and liaisons from other branches Kiana had to literally squeezed through people to enter and find Gepard, receiving an odd stare every now and then which she returned with an easy smile that betrayed her emotions. Nobody tried to stop her here, too. Almost everyone had heard of the woman in black and orange that singlehandedly held back an entire group of monsters alone.

She found the Captain in the middle of the tent, talking with his subordinates around stacks of crates they used as a makeshift table for their war map. Without waiting any further, she stepped forth right in his line of vision, cutting whatever conversation they had.

"Sorry," she told them earnestly and to Gepard Kiana added "We have an emergency."

He eyed her for a second before nodding. "Miss Kiana, right? I haven't had the chance to express my gratitude. Thank you for your help."

"Don't worry about it, there's a more important matter at hand."

"Of course. Anything I can help you with?"

Kiana looked around the assembled officers, some bearing faces older than the others with untold experience behind their gazes. Yet the fire was clear as they looked at her in a mixture of curiosity and interest.

"We have another wave of monsters incoming."

Gepard tensed up, so did the rest of his subordinates. One of them asked her "Is it true? How reliable is the intel?"

"Very," Kiana told the man resolutely. "Very reliable. The last time I heard from her, the numbers of the monsters exceeded two thousands. I imagine they have grown exponentially by now."

To their credits, they didn't react terribly to the news. Aside from a few sharp intakes of breath, they simply stood around all the while sharing glances to each other. One of them voiced his thought to the Captain. "We don't have the manpower to deal with that many after the fight we just had. We need to retreat and fight from within the wall."

"What about our men deep in the mountains? If we cut them off now, they'll freeze to death with Qlipoth knows how long it will take to clear that much monsters."

"I hate to say this but there's nothing we can do about them. They know the risks. If we don't close the gates, monsters will pour in into the city and we cannot afford that."

"Maybe we should send the civilians to the Underworld," another proposed. A woman this time. "That way we can focus on war efforts more."

"The Underworld is unsuitable for that many people, besides we've closed off our way into it long ago. There's no telling what sort of malfunctions may occur to the tram system if we use it at mass."

They continued to throw ideas, each having their own opinions to share that would protect Belobog and its populace. It was kind of endearing to see that many people caring about the city and people they loved with none voicing their safety to the equations. To them, their duty was absolute that even if they had to lay down their lives they would gladly do so if it meant ensuring the safety of the civilians.

Kiana was fond of them.

"You don't have to do anything," she began. Her voice oddly serene in the controlled chaos that was the command tent and they immediately stopped to stare at her. "I will protect you. All of you."

"You? I'm sorry, but you're just one woman. How much can someone achieve in the face of such an overwhelming odd?"

The Kaslana chuckled. "Individual's will is not something to be taken lightly. I have seen men with so much dedication they changed the order of the universe itself with their own hands. I can assure you that you will go home tonight."

Kiana turned to Gepard then, straightening up as she continued. "That said, I still need everyone's help."

"You sound like you have a plan," Gepard stated matter-of-factly and Kiana nodded.

"I have. I need you to bring every available shielders to the front of the formation and I mean every one of them that can still stand." Her blue eyes skipped to all of them and they swore they could've seen the glow in them in the dim light of the tent. "That's the only way you can return relatively unharmed."

The Guards made formation in such a short amount of time it impressed Kiana greatly as she watched from the front, a literal wall of steel protecting the camp in the rear of the line. Their silver shields held up, armor squared and body braced against the incoming horde in the distance.

A horde Kiana would not allow to touch them.

She looked at them for another few seconds, noticing Gepard rather easily with his own specialized shield readied in the middle of the line, and smiled. Ranks, it seemed, were more to a formality in the Silvermane with the leaders being on the lead rather than rear, braving the incoming chaos together with their own by their sides. It was admirable and Kiana had no doubt that every one of them who stood their ground that day was a good person with an even greater sense of duty.

She turned her back to them.

Bronya was constantly informing her of the monster's movements and Kiana listened to everything her best friend told her with apt attention, only when the monsters were close enough she could feel them herself she finally told Bronya that it was enough. That she got it from here. Bronya understood, like she always did, and hummed affirmatively as she cut their Link.

But not before she gave her one last reminder;

"Don't overdo it."

Kiana nodded, though it was more to herself than Bronya who ultimately couldn't see the gesture from this far. Taking a deep breath, the Kaslana took a step forward, and then another and another until her figure was almost swallowed by the building snowstorm, becoming nothing but an abstract shape in the heavy snowfall.

Despite it, she could still feel the stares she received from the Guards far behind her. Looks from men and women who themselves held apprehension and concern towards her as she strode so confidently into the invisible foes yet to arrive from the mountain range.

Kiana stopped after thirty or so steps, shape becoming nothing but a blurry outline indistinguishable from the rocks and dead trees for the Silvermane. Cold wind assaulted her body but she felt nothing out of it. If anything, the blow was diverted entirely by an invisible force field, leaving her untouched by the elements ceaselessly raining upon the world.

Pulling Shamash out of their holsters, Kiana held them up near her chest and closed her eyes. The dual pistols were warm in her grips and for a moment she allowed herself to be lost in the memories of her father teaching her how to use the guns all those years ago in the deep European wilderness. They brought a smile to her face, remembering all the fun and silly things they did together in the short time of innocent happiness.

"This fire... It's everything you lit up for me."

Another kind of warmth spread from within her, burning hot from the core of her very soul as Kiana tapped into her power. Her black and orange Void Drifter Battlesuit glowed red until they disappeared in a golden ember, in its stead was pure white armor and dress belonging to one and only Ruler of Flames.

A long, flowing white cloak extended to behind her, its inner part colored in a brilliant hue of red and orange just like fire itself. When Kiana opened her eyes again, the blue orbs glowed in an ethereal light of beauty and power while her crossed irises shifted up to look at the monsters fast approaching.

Kiana exhaled through her lips, the superheated breath coming out in a form of steam that boiled the cold air into fine vapor. She moved again, this time without the snow slowing her steps as the sheer heat she radiated melted them instantly.

"Judgment of Shamash I call upon thee..."

Kiana smashed the guns together, pressing the buttons to turn Shamash into its sword form.

"Be my sword and I will be the shield..."

The weapons fused into one, parts extending and shifting to fit each other perfectly as intended by its creators in the distant past.

"For the weak and innocent I offer thee my soul..."

A burning blade of pure Honkai energy bursted forth, a light so bright and hot it would have blinded and burned everything close to it to scorch. Yet Kiana didn't falter, if anything she didn't seem bothered by it as she marched ahead undaunted.

"Thou art the fire that cleanse all evil from the world..."

The weapon shifted for the second time. Its hilt morphing into a new form while its blade burned brighter, fiercer and hotter. Snow in ten meters radius melted while the air itself howled with the sudden difference in pressure as the heat rolled out unbidden.

"In the name of the Kaslana I order thee..."

She stopped and took a stance, blazing sword poised by her side, with her fierce gaze set into a determined glare at the monsters now close enough she could make out their forms.

"Purge the vile from this world with your holy blaze!"

The Scion of Flame struck, and the world exploded.

A tsunami of flame rolled over the ground, so hot, bright and potent they swept over the incoming monsters like pebbles in high tides. Gold and orange flames rose into the air, almost as if to burn the very heaven itself, before they came crashing down onto the earth again and again unceasingly. Amidst it all Kiana stood tall with Judgment of Shamash's Zeroth Power form Might of An-Utu still burning with untold wrath in her hands.

The Guards far behind her could only stare awestruck at the display of raw power, from then on a story about a woman encased in fire would be passed down to generations after generations. She was a force of nature, an unstoppable might of the gods, and she would grace those in needs with her warmth of comfort.

A savior of light.

Then, as sudden as the purge started, it ended in a disquieting whimper. The flames died down and the cold came crashing down again. A sudden blow of cold air, so strong it nearly knocked a few Silvermane Guards off their feet, hit the formation as the world's stabilized itself from the sudden emergence of an otherworldly force, pressure returning to normal and filling the hot pocket Kiana's flames left behind.

But the resulting destruction would not recover any time soon.

Miles left scorched, the ground that was covered for well over seven centuries in snow was now obvious to view. The ice now nothing but watery glaciers, running in rivers between the once buried terrains. There was never a hope for the monsters with every single one of them burned to crisp that not even a piece of them remained.

Sometimes, people forgot that Shamash was the Key of Destruction because of its noble purpose in the hand of the Kaslanas. The truth was, it was probably the most destructive Divine Key in existence and the Kaslanas knew it more than anyone else in the world. It had already claimed 23 Kaslanas in the past, each sacrificing themselves to protect people they held dear with only three Kaslanas known to survive after unleashing its full potential so far.

A feat that hopefully wouldn't be necessary in the future anymore.

Don't you think so, Kevin?

"Every Kaslana bold must live by their Oath. Purge the vile Honkai and smash the false gods. Your Sires sleep in the fields as Humanity's brave shields. By the Judgment of Shamash, Kaslanas die and never yield."

"Thou shalt constitute thyself as a shield for the weak and innocent."

"We Kaslanas have wielded you for all these years, the time has come to unleash your full fury. You left many Kaslanas as charred corpses but shielding the weak is our duty. I gladly offer my life for them!"

"To save the one and only her, I can only create new possibilities in the past."

"Mei... this is... my mission."


"But, how can I pretend that this is the right thing to do when the world means nothing to me without you?!"

"You've failed Humanity, House Apocalypse. You murder the weak to sate your own greed. I will stop you here and now."

"I'm sorry, Siegfried. I lied. I won't be going home with you. You must live, Ziggy. You must take care of our Kiana."

"Ich liebe dich."

"Don't worry, this time I will be with you. Everyone will be with you. We won't ever leave you on your own again."



I've been waiting for months to write this part, hopefully it comes out as great as I thought it would be. We're nearing the end of Belobog's arc with maybe... Four or three more chapters to go? Idk I've never been a good planner lol.

Anyway, as usual kudos and reviews are appreciated! Thank you so much!

Chapter 16: Frozen and Banished


Oh, you guys sure loved the previous chapter, huh. Good for you, not good for me since that meant I had to find a way to top it further lol.

Anyway, here's another one. Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 16: Frozen and Banished



"Thank you."

The howl of the bitter winter wind drowned the world in a never ending cascade of snowfall, the cold biting deep into the flesh and bones threatening to freeze her under the thick clothes she wore. Yet the warmth in her tone was unmistakable and the voice was loud to his ears despite the noise around them.

Dunn looked down to Serval, his helmet shifting slightly down so he could meet her gaze. "It's okay. I don't mind"

He had his shield up against the turbulence, protecting Serval against the onslaught easily with his bulk and armor, as the woman ambled through the snow by his side. The hike to Everwinter Hill was long and arduous even by Silvermane standard in normal days, now with the storm coming it had become even more difficult. Dunn had worried that it would be too much for the others but they exceeded his expectations.

A few feet on his back left was Mei, looking no worse for the wear as she led the three teenagers through the heavy snow, with Seele on the rear of the group to provide lookout for them. Dan Heng walked close to March to help her every time the pinkette stumbled on something along with Stelle, ensuring March alright as they continued on their way in a steady pace.

"I didn't mean for this," Serval elaborated with a gentle knock on the inside of his shield and Dunn's attention returned to her. "I meant for helping us."

He paused at that, eying Serval and the rest through the gap of his helmet, and nodded slowly. "The Captain puts his trust on you."

But Serval was not convinced. She rolled her eyes good naturedly and smiled fondly at him. "You know that's not it."

Of course he knew. Orders were absolute and must be executed at the best behest of oneself. This time, however, he had reasons. Personal reasons. "Madam Supreme Guardian is... Was a friend," he said evenly, trying his best to hide the sting from his tone. "The time we spent together was fun. If what you said is true..."

Serval had told him about the Stellaron and its malice because Dunn deserved to know as much and he had been quiet since then. She knew what he was thinking. Serval herself had the thought when she first heard it so she allowed him the moment of clarity, the moment to process, just so he could reach his own conclusion.

Dunn was a good and honorable man. Despite his rather intimidating complexion, he was very gentle and kind to his compatriots. Something Serval had witnessed for countless times when he was a part of her band many years ago. She had no doubt that he would make a wise decision.

"You know what you have to do." He didn't say anything, at least verbally, but he did nod resolutely. Serval smiled again, this time with an obvious sign of sadness, and gently patted his gauntlet wrapped around his spear. "Thank you."

"You're always like this, you know?" Dunn began anew with a shake of his head and Serval could picture him frowning disapprovingly beneath his helmet. "I kind of dislike it."

"What do you mean?" Though, his words could be interpreted negatively, there was not a hint of disdain in it. Rather, he sounded somber and it confused Serval.

"You sticking your nose on something you shouldn't have to," he explained. "It will always end up hurting you. Be it then or even now. Nothing's changed."

"Dunn... I have my reasons. I don't want them to lose their friend like I did mine. If there's a slightest chance to prevent that then I'm willing to take it." Her eyes lowered and Serval sighed a quivering breath. "It's painful. I understand that more than anyone else."

"I might be not as close with her but she's also a friend so I understand, too. This time I will not allow you to suffer in silence again. This time I will bear the pain with you." He then sent her a glance and through the helmet Serval could see the gentle smile he had. "At least, there's two people here who know and understand why we have to help."

Serval grinned. "Lay your heart into my perfect machine."

"I will show you what you wanted to see."

She laughed then, loud and unreserved filled with warmth and appreciation towards one of her best friends. "You still remember!"

Dunn chuckled and smirked. "You kidding? That's my favourite song we've ever come up with."

"Sing it together with me, then!"

"Eh, no. You know I have a terrible vocal."

"What nonsense. Come one, there's nobody to judge! Just you and your old friend!"

"Serval, no..."

But Serval didn't listen. She was already knee deep in the song, continuing where they left out, singing with all her heart and soul. With a defeated sigh, Dunn mumbled along yet the smile he had was unmistakable. If only it was not obscured by the thick metal he wore.

Even you know

Even you know

This was all for nothing

Just a sad show

Just an ego

I suppose though

As far as I know

We were both pretending

I suppose so

But what do I know?

The rest of the walk went in a tense silence afterwards with Dunn occasionally signaling for them to follow his every instructions with clear, easily understood details. The last thing he wanted was for them to accidentally step on one of the many fragile primordial ice surfaces and freeze to death, though he briefly wondered how much tolerance they had to begin with against the cold. So far they didn't show much aside from mild discomfort, which was a lot less than what he expected especially from people who allegedly weren't from Jarilo-VI.

Sometimes, he, Serval and Mei had to help the three teenagers cross a particularly difficult terrain and structures but aside from those moments, the travel went on smoothly and it didn't take long for them to reach the summit of Everwinter Hill.

The rocky mountain side acted as a natural barrier against the harsh snowstorm and it protected them from the harsh wind the higher they went, especially once they reached the passageway that led directly to the mountain peak with it being carved into a ravine a long time ago.

"What is this place?" Stelle asked, glancing around curiously. Dunn regarded her for a moment before answering.

"A research ground," he replied, gesturing with his head towards a mass of scraps and rusty infrastructures in one side of the mountain. A big line of pipe that seemed to run across the mountain itself. "But in the past, Everwinter Hill was one of the many military industrial sites. There was a factory here but it's long gone now."

"Do you guys go here often?"

"Of course. We patrol this place regularly to ensure no citizen is in peril."

"People go here?" March chimed in with a raised eyebrow. "I can't imagine people willingly go here for no reason."

"People sneak out of the city from time to time for various reasons. We hand out permits for those with official business but not everyone gets that privilege. Average citizens mostly are restricted from exiting the city and venturing the wilderness for safety reason."

"But people go out, still." It wasn't a question as Stelle made herself clear but Dunn nodded affirmatively nonetheless. "I kind of understand. Belobog may offer them protection but seeing the same things again and again can get a little boring."

"People are curious. Humans are curious," Dunn repeated, holding a hand in front of March and gesturing for her to walk a little to the side. He stabbed the snowy ground she almost walked on and revealed the dark, otherworldly substance of Fragmentum Corrosion underneath. "That doesn't mean they're less of a headache for us Silvermane Guards, however."

"Fragmentum Corrosion..." Seele muttered, kneeling down to examine it on the ground. The snow couldn't stick on it and it seemed a lot like the dark void of space in the white ground.

"I see figures..." Mei announced and they looked up further up the way, sure enough various humanoid shapes were visible in the mist. "More frozen Antimatter Legions? I can't feel a sign of life."

"They're long dead," Dunn informed, shaking his head. "Let's go, we're close."

They followed closely behind him. It wasn't long until the rock beneath their feet gave away into stairway, another trace from the past, and another wonder found them.

"Woah, what is that?" March wondered out loud and the group looked up.

"Is that a giant mechanical hand?" Stelle joined her, approaching the metal hand that covered the pathway almost like a tunnel. "Is there a giant robot here or something?!" She asked, suddenly excited.

Dunn chuckled at her enthusiasm. "It's the Engine of Creation which we used to build Belobog and assist on its defense in the past. And yes, it's a giant robot."

"Dude, I bet it's just like Titans in Warhammer!"

"A what?"

"Titans! They're these bipedal robots that sometimes are big enough to rival a mountain with weapons just as big." She paused then, hands on her hips. "So, is it still working?"

Dunn blinked behind his helmet, a little taken aback and confused but still managed a shrug. "Nobody really knows when it was last activated, so I'm not sure."

"What a shame," she said dejectedly, tracing her fingers over the enormous digits of the robot as they walked through them. Hers were so small they couldn't even compare. "It would be so cool to see it in action."

"Don't jinx us!" March warned with a hiss. "The last time you tempted fate, we almost got obliterated by the Doomsday Beast!"

Stelle blinked owlishly. "Look, all I said is that if it's really a dragon and not a lizard then it is surely capable of breathing fire."

"Yeah, and you nearly got killed because of it." March groaned, running a hand over her face almost tiredly. "God, that was scary. I still tremble whenever I recall it. I don't want to see my friend die especially in her first mission."

"Don't jinx me!"

They continued to bicker amongst themselves and for a moment Mei allowed a small smile to grace her lips. Children always found the time to joke around, even at the most tense of moments like this, and it's an innocence worth protecting. She had seen it before, multiple times in fact as she had led countless teams of students in the fields, and even before that. Mei could easily picture herself, Kiana and Bronya in the bunch for they were the exact same thing in the bygone past.

That seemingly careless attitude and simple happiness where everything else didn't seem to matter. A thought only the youthful had the luxury to think. Mei was fond of them, of children in general because they reminded her of her cause and reason to fight.

If not for the world, then for the precious smiles. For their budding, infinite possibilities.

"You okay, Seele?" Mei asked the woman behind her after catching her spacing out, a little worried as she hadn't spoken a word since a while. Seele had been anxious and it was obvious to Mei from the beginning.

Seele blinked, clarity returning to her purple eyes as they met Mei's. "Yeah, don't worry about me. I'm just... on edge."

"... you're bleeding out Quantum energy." Mei pointed out, gesturing at Seele's hand. Seele frowned and brought the appendage up, seeing her fingers buzzing and flickering in and out of existence without her intention, and clenched the digits to make it stop.

She shook her head. "I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong, but I don't know what."

"Has it happened before?"

Seele sighed deeply. "Yeah. A long time ago." She paused then as she recalled the memory. "It was shortly before they closed off the Underworld. Oleg was a Silvermane Guard tasked in protecting the Underworld. It was the final monster incursion where he almost got killed."

Mei grimaced. "Well, that is..."

"Not comforting at all, right?" Seele finished dryly with a scoff. "This unease comes up whenever someone close to me is about or almost die. It's like a curse or some other cryptic bullsh*t."

Mei fell silent at that, looking at Seele with wide eyes. Thunder, however, had no problem in voicing both of their thoughts with a mocking laughter that bounced about in her head.

"She cannot escape her affinity with Death. Not even the cosmos can separate her from her role."

"She's also the epitome of rebirth," Mei muttered and Thunder hummed, not denying it. To Seele she then said "I'm sure Bronya is alright."

Seele's head snapped towards Mei, for a second she looked like someone who had just gotten hit by a terrible realization. A mixture of horror and shock etched on her feature before it was gone just as quick as it appeared. "Yeah. She better be."

For some reason it only increased Seele's sense of urgency.

They'd ascended Everwinter Hill for some time now and sure enough it didn't take them long until they finally found Cocolia and Bronya. Dunn directed them past a closed road that led to a former testing ground where the mother and daughter were, though their attention almost immediately went to the Stellaron elevated high on a platform before them.

"Bronya!" Seele called out, taking a step forward only to stop on her feet. A torrent of feelings churned on her stomach as her brain processed at what she saw. "Bronya, we're coming to save you!"

Bronya didn't react. In fact, she didn't seem to hear her call at all with her back facing the group. Anxiety brewed in her chest and Seele began to call for her power, ready to flash in to Bronya and get her back, until an armored arm blocked her path.

"Wait, miss Seele." Dunn shook his head and she proceeded to glare at him, demanding explanation. "Allow me to talk with Madam Supreme Guardian."

"Us," Serval corrected bitterly. "Let us speak with her first."

Seele gritted her teeth but she willed herself to relax, nodding stiffly as she lowered her scythe she didn't realize she had summoned. It came so naturally for her that it didn't take much to imagine her eyes glowing red at the moment. "Something is wrong with Bronya."

"I know, but going headfirst thoughtlessly can only end up disastrous," Serval tried to reason. "Let us figure this out."


"So, that's the Stellaron?" Mei asked the three teenagers after wrenching her eyes from Seele and her interaction with Serval, earning a nod from Dan Heng and March. "Stelle?"

The ashen haired girl blinked at the call of her name, glancing up to Mei who subtly frowned when she saw the unnatural glow in her golden eyes. "I've never personally seen one, actually," she said almost distractedly as she stared up at the Stellaron again, almost in a trance. "It feels... odd."

"Are you okay?"

"Hm? I don't know," Stelle put a hand to her chest where a strange, pulsating feeling surged in and out with the beat of her heart. "I... don't know."

Mei looked at her worriedly, so did March and Dan Heng. At the same time, she saw Serval and Dunn approaching Cocolia and Bronya near the platform, both looking tense as they confronted their past and future.

"Madam Supreme Guardian," Dunn greeted with a salute and Cocolia turned her head to look at him. Her eyes flicked to Serval but it was so quick, as if she was purposefully disregarding the blonde's presence before returning to Dunn. "I am Lieutenant Dunn."

"I have given out strict order to not be disturbed, Lieutenant. Not by you or anyone else." She paused then as she fully turned on her heel to face the group. "Certainly not by those criminals, either."

"I'm aware, Madam, but there is a serious matter you must be made aware of."

"Your city is under attack," Serval cut in. Gone was her warm and playful tone, instead a cold and sharp knife took its place as she set her glare on Cocolia. "Isn't it imperative for the Supreme Guardian to be leading her people in this dark time?"

"I have a more important matter to attend," this time Cocolia did sound dismissive and it made Serval raged internally. "Someone who abandoned her duty would never understand."

"My duty was to uncover the lies you and your predecessors buried. People like you who think lives as mere numbers."

Sensing the approaching storm, Dunn gently put his gauntlet around Serval's shoulder to calm her down. "Madam Rand, you are suspected of treachery for working in cahoots with a malicious power. In accordance to Silvermane Codex, I am hereby declaring your arrest and delivery to the High Council for further investigation to your crime. Should you be found guilty, they will exact your sentencing and appropriate punishment." Dunn straightened up, his already impressive height unfurling even more. "Please do not resist for this is a lawful and reasonable arrest, otherwise you will be deemed guilty without trials."

Silence reigned over them, the only sound was the whistle of the wind and the subtle crunch of snow beneath their feet. Serval crossed her arms as they waited for Cocolia's response, knowing the woman had no choice but to comply to the order. The Silvermane Guards served under the Supreme Guardian but they had the authority to declare them unfit for duty as stated in the Codex as a mean to keep someone from getting too much power. From then, the High Council would then lead an investigation together with the State Department of Justice and the Supreme Court to determine whether the suspicion was justified or not.

If a Supreme Guardian was guilty of a crime, they would be removed from office immediately. Depending on the scale of said crime, the punishment could range from a simple dishonorable discharge to death. With Cocolia's, the latter was the most likely. Serval knew of the law for she was a former Silvermane, so did Cocolia.

"First, you turned my daughter against me. And now, you've also turned my people," she growled to the crew who tensed up at the clear danger in her tone. Even Stelle sobered up immediately with a blink. "Everything had been fine before your arrival."

There was no warning afterwards. With a sudden swiftness, a freezing lance materialized in Cocolia's hand which she then thrusted towards Serval with murderous intent. Serval had a split second to widen her eyes in shock, watching the attack happening helplessly with a flinch, only to gasp when Dunn blocked it with his heavy shield just as swift.

"Madam Rand!" He shouted warningly as he practically shoved Serval behind his armored form. "Madam Rand, what are you doing?!"

"To protect Belobog itself is a necessity and necessity demands prices. Throughout the years I have sacrificed more than anyone else ever has." She brandished her lance as it glow blue with a strange power, a coldness that swept over the land with nary a cease. A reflection to her cold determination. "No price is too big if it means the continuous existence of Belobog and its people. Even if it demands your blood."

"This is madness!"

"No, this is reality. The reality of our survival."

Survival meant a lot of things. For one to achieve it also required a lot of feats.

The strongest survived, the smartest survived, the nimble and quick survived. Each didn't necessarily had to understand the other yet one shared a common prospect; determination.

The determination to live another day, to carry on forward, to survive.

For the malicious itself it was also the same.

In a way, Seele understood Cocolia. Sometimes, the price simply didn't matter. Sometimes, you're forced to do what you thought was right. Something you might regret later but only later, for what was important was that moment you lived at. The present that determined your survival for tomorrow. A dead man had no future, after all.

Regrets would always come later. Regrets were something for your future and future you to worry. The wise would find lessons in them but for the desperate it only echoed one kind of thought; When will I be forced to do it again? Will I survive the second time and the time afterwards?

The matter of survival had no ends. It was constant. Those who were freed from it, were either dead or mad. The sane and living had that burden on their shoulders, the only difference was the weight they carried.

And Cocolia carried with her the burden of an entire city, possibly an entire planet even if what the Astral Express crew told her was true, that Belobog was the last cradle of civilization on Jarilo-VI.

Seele had been selfish in her survival, at least until she learned her lessons to protect her own people. But the few handfuls she had didn't compare to Cocolia's who had thousands under her rule, which was why she could say with certainty that Cocolia was wrong in her conduct.

When you had that many people, names and faces would begin to blur into numbers and, eventually, lives to spend and save in the equation for the greater good. To save two people, you needed to sacrifice one and for Cocolia it would've been acceptable. Adding zeroes would only result in a similar fashion and it would've been acceptable. At one point, you'd stop thinking on how many to save but how many to sacrifice. Such was the life of a Supreme Guardian, a beacon of hope that hid shadows underneath it where its light couldn't reach, a shadow of its own making.

Seele hated everything about it.

The thought of Bronya losing herself like that, just like Cocolia, was both horrifying as it was infuriating. She knew Bronya for only a brief of time yet in that time she had wormed her way to Seele's list of people she cared about because Bronya was better than her in everything, better than the monster Seele knew she was, and she wanted to protect that. Seele was selfish for wanting to protect her friends but Bronya wanted to protect everyone, regardless whether they were good or not because she believed it was right, that it was the right thing. Something Seele would never be.

Bronya had proven herself to be capable and willing to fulfill her wish, working tirelessly to bridge the two separate worlds just so they could be one and together again, so lost families could find solace in each other again. That desire alone was more noble than anything Seele had ever done in her life and it was worth her respect for the Silvermane Commandant.

For that beacon to shine, it needs a friend in its shadow to protect it. A monster so terrible it keeps the others from tainting its light.

The first flutter of butterflies graced her fingertips, a ghostly touch of power belonging to the decayed and dead, and then it moved to caress her arms and cheeks like a gentle and loving touch of a mother to her daughter. Seele leaned in to the touch, finding comfort in the anomaly without an ounce of fear or trepidation, for she knew it meant her no harm. It never meant her no harm. If anything, it was like a companion to her, the other half of her soul that always was there with her. Always there for her.

Seele exploded in a sea of butterflies.

Her movement was fast, too fast for normal human to follow, and she seemed to reappear right beside Bronya to grab the Silvermane back to safety. Cocolia caught sight of her as she flashed back into existence but she didn't make a move to stop her, simply regarding Seele with cold indifference before she disappeared again.

"Get her back to safety!" Mei yelled, just a split second before Seele reappeared back near the crew with Bronya close in her grasp. Seele briefly wondered if the woman saw her moving, impossible as it was but then again it was Mei, with how quick Mei ordered her before she discarded the thought in exchange for a nod. Tugging on Bronya's hand again, she took off into a run down the mountain.

"I'll come back after I get her to shelter!" Seele promised loudly, earning a nod from the crew.

"Serval, we have to retreat." Dunn told the blonde behind her who frowned in return.

"What? Why?"

"I cannot guarantee your safety if we stay here," he confessed with a glare towards Cocolia, a hint of anger and sadness in his eyes. A part of him couldn't believe that Cocolia had tried to kill Serval which the blow was undoubtedly intended to, while a bigger part of him decided that the fight was beyond his capability. He was a soldier and tactical acumen was his best skill so he was certain with his assessment. "Miss Mei, I suggest we retreat and wait for reinforcement."

"We don't have the luxury, I'm afraid," Mei suggested calmly. "The Silvermane Guards are busy."

"What do you propose?"

"We fight her," Stelle declared resolutely. "Right here, right now. The Astral Express don't back down from challenges."

Mei smirked. "You heard her. You go with Serval and leave this to us."

"But—!" Serval tried to protest but Mei cut her off with a shake of her head.

"Don't worry, I'll look after the kids."

Serval hesitated, obviously conflicted. At least, until Dunn tugged on her hand gently to gain her attention. With a frustrated snarl, she glared at Cocolia who watched the interaction with an almost detached look.

"Let's go, Serval," Dunn pulled her and Serval allowed herself being dragged. "We have to check on Madam Bronya."

The mention of Bronya tipped her decision to leave and she grunted with concession, but not before giving Cocolia another glare. "Mei, do what you have to do. All of you."

Mei regarded Serval's indignant expression calmly with her amethyst eyes. "Yes."

Without another word, Serval and Dunn left to follow where Seele and Bronya went to, going down the hill to catch up with the pair. Stelle and March watched them go while Mei and Dan Heng had their eyes set on Cocolia as soon as Serval and Dunn left.

Wordlessly, Mei pulled Seven Thunders out of its scabbard and held the sword in one hand, its blade glowing slightly with electric energy. The trio taking it as their clue to summon their own weapons and prepare.

"Talking you down is a wasteful endeavor," Mei began to Cocolia, tone full of distaste. She tried to not relate this Cocolia with her own but everything the woman before her did was a reflection to Earth's Cocolia. It made her sick just thinking about it. "You can be as stubborn as a mule. At this point, we all know we're past the talking term."

"Your words would not sway my resolve either way," Cocolia responded coldly. "You're just an outsider who know nothing about our way of life. How dare you spite on my reign and sacrifices when you're but a visitor?"

"Your sacrifices... or your people's? There's a difference between spending and wasting lives."

Cocolia's face darkened and Mei knew she had hit something deep, something utterly hurtful that had been buried in layers of pretenses. Thunder was having a blast in her head, laughing and jeering at Cocolia despite her obvious obliviousness. "Enough of this!"

Cocolia swept her lance, sending a wave of frigid air towards the crew and making them brace, but it wasn't the attack she intended. As the cold and mist dissipated, a bright glow emanated from her lance, poised ahead towards them ominously. The Stellaron seemed to responded to her action, glowing and pulsating brighter it made the throbbing in Stelle's chest even more pronounced as she quietly gasped for air.

"I've buried people to protect Belobog and I would do it again and again if it means Belobog's continuous existence. A few more of you would be nothing in comparison." She raised the lance and shouted to the heaven itself. "Rise! Engine of Creation!"

The mountain shook.

Ground splitting open as snow rolled down in a massive avalanche, burying dead trees and abandoned infrastructures in a terrible blanket of pure white. A deep rumble and cracking filled the air before, much to their shock, a gigantic metal construct rose from the mountain side behind Cocolia.

It blocked out what little sunlight the planet got and casted over them a long shadow, giant hands resting on the edge of the cliff beside Cocolia. Stelle felt genuine terror when its four glowing red eyes looked down towards them. Despite the knowledge that it wasn't technically alive, it still looked like it was burning with fury and malice as it stared down on them.

A giant and the ants.

"Oh..." Stelle mumbled numbly. "Guys, I think I really did jinx it for us..."

There was never a response from the others. There was never a chance to respond because the giant suddenly raised its hand into a fist and slammed it to where they were with unmatched might, splitting the ground open with ease.

Seele ran and ran, unheeding to her aching wound or the weight of the person she dragged with her down the mountain through the way they just came earlier. Blood rushing in her veins while her heart beat loudly in her chest with every pulse agitating the wound in her forehead with an uncomfortable pain that come and go rhythmically yet ceaselessly at the same time.

Yet, Seele paid it no heed. Her thought set on one thing only; get Bronya to safety as soon as possible and away from the brewing conflict behind them.

With Cocolia going rogue, the responsibility of the next Supreme Guardian now belonged to Bronya alone. If Cocolia won, she would bury the truth with them so protecting Bronya was a must since she held the power and authority to declare Cocolia renegade, giving her the justice and punishment she deserved. Her testimony was beyond important that even Seele recognized that.

There was also the fact that Bronya would be the next Supreme Guardian. If Belobog lost their current and future Supreme Guardian, chaos might ensue with the power vacuum left behind. The Architects would eventually choose the next heir from the common folks but bureaucracy worked slow, even more so regarding the Supreme Guardian.

If what Bronya told her was true, it could take them years to train and teach the chosen heir. That was one of the flaws of their system, that a Supreme Guardian could not be elected so suddenly as an adult. At most, a teenager might be chosen and while they trained them, the situations in both Underworld and Overworld might have deteriorated too much for everyone.

They simply could not afford that.

Seele's breath exited in a series of rapid puffs, a thin mist that eventually dissolved into nothingness behind her. She kept on sprinting with Bronya in tow, not a word spoken between them as they descended down a flight of rocky steps, while Seele kept her hand tightly wrapped around Bronya's wrist. She had tried to engage Bronya in conversations but she only replied in silence so Seele gave up, thinking that Bronya was probably too disturbed by the ongoing events to properly talk with her.

She had seen it before. When people couldn't comprehend something drastic, they would just shut down from the shock. Seele had lost count on how many times she saw someone stared at their severed limbs or dead relatives with empty eyes, unable to cope with the sudden realization of their lives henceforth, back in the Underworld. People suffered on daily basis it almost numbed her to see but only almost since each time she always felt a pang of pity and sympathy for them.

It was good. It meant she's still sane and normal. Otherwise, she wouldn't be here risking her life to save Bronya and basically everyone.

Seele huffed at the last bit. Everyone. A previously unthinkable prospect she hadn't known would be a reality. She just wanted to live, not play hero in this wretched story.

A deep rumble interrupted her thought as the ground shook. It was all she got as a warning before a giant boulder tumbled down from the side of the mountain high above them. Seele stopped and grabbed Bronya with both hands, steadying and shielding her from the smaller rocks as the boulder rolled down across their path before falling to the edge and further down the mountain side, disappearing off the cliff with a trail of dirt and snow following it close.

"Holy sh*t, that was close," she muttered before she looked up to where it came from. The whispering wind blocked all sound in the distance and the snow covered the world like a thin blanket, making it impossible for Seele to make up anything that was happening in the peak of the mountain but the shaking ground was enough to make her worry for the Astral Express crew.

Mei had told her to go. Actually, Mei was the one that proposed to Seele this particular idea, convincing her that they would be fine fighting Cocolia alone. Seele had wanted to help, she really did as a form of payback to Cocolia for what she had done to the Underworlders, but protecting Bronya was more important than revenge.

"Let us take care of her. For you, preserving your future is more important than your revenge."

Mei usually didn't dictate something for others but that time she did, it was almost like she was an entirely different person. Her tone wasn't unkind, far from it, but the slightest hint of condescension she heard was enough to make Seele double over. It wasn't directed at Seele specifically but the effect was the same regardless.

Mei wasn't wrong, however, and Seele knew that deep in her heart.

Releasing Bronya from her protective embrace, Seele looked over the Silvermane Commandant to make sure she was unharmed, patting her up and down to see for any injury. Thankfully, she found none.

With a sigh of relief, Seele grabbed Bronya's hand again and pulled on her. Only this time she didn't move no matter how insistent Seele pulled to the point that if she pulled any harder it would hurt.

Seele furrowed her eyebrows, turning back to look at Bronya. "Bronya? What's the matter? We have to go!"

Silence was her answer, Bronya not making a noise. Her expression was set in a reverie while her normally lively silver eyes were now dull and cold without a spark of warmth behind them. Not even that Bronya was this detached. Even despite her aloofness there was still a hint of light, of something that indicated her burning soul within.

But this Bronya... she didn't seem to be alive, despite her breathing and warm flesh telling Seele otherwise.

Seele realized something was wrong, terribly wrong with Bronya.

This wasn't her being shocked, she thought as she grabbed on Bronya's shoulder and shook her gently to rouse her with no success. Something happened to her.

Panic, fear and apprehension settled on the pit of Seele's stomach and she took a step back from Bronya, widening eyes never leaving the Silvermane Commandant. Seele fumbled with her phone and paused, staring at her contact list as she was unsure who to call in current situation. She needed help, desperately so, as she could feel Bronya slipping further and further down the proverbial chasm she was in.

In the end only one name stood on the front of her mind and she pressed dial, mentally thankful to whoever set up service towers in the mountain range that made calls possible, and raised her phone to her ear.

That was a mistake.

In the split second vulnerability she exposed, her world exploded in a searing white pain. Seele wasn't sure when she started to scream, or when she stopped, but the burn in her lungs were nothing to the agony blooming in her abdomen. Even once the cause was removed, it didn't stop. Even when Seele dropped to her knees while clutching at her stomach it didn't stop.

Her hands found the source of the pain and she looked down with blown pupils, a mixture of shock and hurt in her gaze as they settled on the flowing scarlet. The substance was warm on her fingers as it slipped through the gaps, down to her waist and thigh before seeping into the white snow beneath, painting it red.

Still in an apparent disbelief, she brought one of her hands up closer to her eyes, trembling and red before her purple orbs. Those orbs would then shifted further up to Bronya and traced the rifle in her hands, its bayonet colored in the same crimson Seele's fingers were.

"Bronya...?" She croaked out, voice hoarse from the scream tearing her throat, before she slumped forward, lying on her bleeding stomach limply.

Time moved in an almost uncertain pace to Seele as her vision darkened, everything tunneling into a shadow that offered no certainty. She laid there in the pool of her own blood, feeling cold not from just the snow on her skin but also an ugly sense of betrayal.

Between shallow gasps, she wondered if this was how she was going to die.

Amidst the slowing beating of her heart and the rush of blood in her ears, she heard the soft crunch of snow as Bronya moved. Her boot filled her vision for a brief second before it disappeared and despite her fading consciousness she could still make out the direction Bronya was heading for.

"W... ait..." Seele breathed out, willing her body to move but only succeeding in bringing her bloodied hand up near her face before her strength finally escaped her. Another sound filled her ears but it was so distant to her she failed to discern it. "Come... back..."

The cold was gone now, replaced by a numbing sense of serenity. Seele's vision had almost gone that the only thing visible was the red of her own blood, now almost frozen on her equally cold fingers. She let one, stuttering breath before her chest ceased moving entirely.

"Heh, look at you."

A purple butterfly landed on her fingertip, so oddly bright in the darkness creeping around her. Seele's unfocused eyes found it but with her life teetering on the edge, she had no power to respond except with one simple last thought.


It seemed to pause, tilting its head to the side as it looked at Seele, before an echoing laughter pierced through her muddled thought.

"You are hopeless without me."

Right before her eyes the butterfly suddenly changed color. Red, like the color of her blood and her eyes.

Seele gasped.

I shall always chase after thee

A lost welt sailing before me

Into the deep end of the Sea.



Y'all let me cook so I cooked. I can already tell people will be out for my blood because of that ending lmao.

Anyway, as usual kudos and reviews are appreciated! Thank you so much!

Chapter 17: Go Fight Against Your Fate


Back after a short break. Couldn't believe it I managed to finish this chapter in three days.

Anyway, I didn't expect the fight with Cocolia would be almost 6k words in total but holy sh*t it is. I tried to spice things up a bit but not too much since I don't want to bore you guys with walls of texts so it might be a little straightforward. I'll just let you guys be the judge.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 17: Go Fight Against Your Fate

In a blink of an eye, her world shifted as everything seemed to recede into a brilliant light, blinding her as it robbed her of her vision and senses.

Her surroundings spun and shifted, so chaotically she failed to discern the feeling she felt until a few seconds later when it all stopped just as suddenly as it started. When she blinked next, it was all thick dust. When she breathed in next, it was the smell of ozone that entered her nostrils.

Stelle felt a warm hand on her cheek then, looking up to a pair of glowing amethysts that were full of concern and hidden fury so much so it sent shivers down her spine. Next to her she heard March coughed out the dust clogging in her throat with Dan Heng covering the pinkette with his broader frame from the raining shrapnel.

"You okay?" Mei asked her and Stelle nodded, straightening up from under the cover of the older woman to look behind her.

"Well, that was terrifying," she mumbled to herself at the sight of the destruction caused by the Engine of Creation a good tens of meters or so behind Mei. It was big, bigger than the Doomsday Beast they fought at Herta Space Station, and Stelle honestly wasn't sure how they would defeat such a gigantic construct. "I'm not sure we can destroy it."

"We won't have to," Mei calmly told her, tone both reassuring and certain. "Our objective is to destroy the Stellaron and defeat Cocolia. That robot is just a tool and has no will of its own."

"It's a weapon," Dan Heng deduced for them and Mei smiled slightly despite herself. "Eliminate the master and it will be nothing but a thing."

"She's obviously controlling it," March muttered in a rare case of clarity which earned her an odd look from Stelle. "What?"

"Eh, nothing. Just a little surprised."

"At what?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Why do I feel insulted..."

Mei shook her head fondly at their antics and smiled. "In any case, we should be smart with our approach, especially with the Stellaron since we don't know what sort of defenses it has against altercations."

"Do you have a plan, Mei?" Dan Heng asked and Mei nodded.

"I do," she began, looking at the three teenagers in the eye before her gaze stopped on March. "And you're a big part of it."

All eyes landed on the pinkette who blinked owlishly at the sudden attention given to her. "Me?"

"She meant us," Stelle clarified with a sigh. "But you particularly have a big shoe to fit."

"So, that means you'll take care of the Stellaron?"

Mei nodded again, impressed by Dan Heng's tactical acumen, as she straightened up. The trio followed suit and stood up, watching Mei peering through the corner of the passageway they sheltered on to get a better view of their enemy.

Cocolia now stood on the Engine of Creation itself, elevated by a platform the Architects used to maintain the massive robot in a bygone past, as she waited in silence for them to make their move. The cold didn't bother her one bit despite the height with her lance emanating an even colder aura that matched only with her determination.

"March, go find a vantage point. Stelle, Dan Heng, you both on vanguard duty and will engage Cocolia directly. I'll try to destroy the Stellaron so that even if we fail in taking Cocolia down, our main objective will still be complete." Mei glanced back, earning nods from the three with March looking a little uncertain. She went on to reassure her. "Don't worry, just do your job and everything will be fine."

"What do you want me to do?"

Mei gestured for March to get to her side with her hand, pointing at certain parts of the Engine of Creation for the pinkette to see. "See those joints? I want you to freeze them with your ice for Stelle and Dan Heng."

"They're so big, though. I don't think my ice can freeze them for long."

"It doesn't have to be long. Just enough for them to ascend it to attack Cocolia." Mei reached for her pocket to take her earpiece, addressing the rest of the crew. "Sync your comm, we'll commence on your mark."

Each of them took their phones and connected themselves to a group call with their own earpieces set on their ears. After making sure everyone was connected, Mei tapped hers and spoke. "Comm check."


"... Check."

"... I'd never think of this feature," Stelle mumbled to herself last, loud enough for them to hear through the earpiece. "The more you know, I guess."

"It's all about improvisation," Mei told her before she turned to March again. "Go, March. We're running out of time."

Before she could hesitate any further, March dashed away from the group. To have her friends rely on her so much was scary, but the thought of letting them down was even scarier so with that in mind she quickly got rid of her own fear to focus on her job instead. Her friends needed her and she would help them however she could.

She ran, she jumped and she climbed the harsh mountain terrain with surprising agility until she found a good spot with clear view of the Engine of Creation. It was truly a massive thing that despite the distance, it still looked big to her naked eyes. March took a deep breath to calm herself and steadily made her way to the edge of the cliff, swallowing thickly before she summoned her bow.

Her voice was a whisper, almost insignificant compared to the howl of the winter wind around her. Yet it was clear to those listen as the second it slipped through her lips, their moment of respite was met with a sudden end.

"I'm ready."


March pulled the string of her bow and for a split second her eyes found her bloodied and bruised pale hands. The cold had numbed them she almost didn't feel a pain from her near frantic ascent but now her brain had registered the injury, a sudden sharp pang bit her and she hissed through her teeth.

Yet she didn't falter, not one bit and not for a second. Still holding the string taut, she called forth her power from deep within her, letting it well on her chest before channeling it through her blood and flesh all the way to her hands and bow. Instead of making quivers worth of arrows like usual, March focused her power to one single point, condensing it into one true strike.

A translucent arrow burst into existence, long and big unlike anything she had conjured up before. Its colors were of her eyes, a mixture of various lighter colors of blue and pink that shifted like the wind itself with its hue reflected in her own orbs, set in a determined glare as she aimed it to her target.

It was a thing of pure energy and will, created from her needs to protect those she held dear in her heart. After all, eyes are the windows of the soul and her soul was reflected well in both her eyes and strike.

So, she struck. Again and again, fueling each projectiles with her indomitable spirit.

A split second before those projectiles hit their marks, Mei was already ten steps ahead from Dan Heng and Stelle, moving in a literal flash of lightning across the battlefield. She saw with crystal clear clarity as the giant arrows sailed through the air, piercing snowflakes and oxygen with ease in an almost suspended movement to her eyes, and she was suddenly struck with a sudden sense of nostalgia.

Maybe it was the hair color, maybe it was the weapon of choice or even the projectiles themselves. But, as she glanced back to where March was, she was suddenly reminded of a certain pink elf she called a friend and mentor a long time ago.

Back then, she couldn't really appreciate Elysia's bubbly attitude with her recent separation with Kiana still hurting her deep yet before she knew it, that cheerful demeanor Elysia always demonstrated to the world had wormed its way into her wounded heart and helped healing her pain.

March was like that, a little less sure with herself maybe which was normal for a teenager such as herself, but Mei could see Elysia in her and her persona. Mei refrained from relating strangers with the people she knew too much because they were their own persons but the thought was there and truth be told, it had been sitting on the back of her mind since she met March.

Talking to Kiana about it was not really helping since Mei was the only one who truly knew Elysia and Bronya was out of the equation entirely because she was even more stranger to the subject which left Mei alone with her thought before, eventually, she dismissed it from her mind entirely.

That was before she met this world's versions of the people Mei knew and suddenly the thought popped back up to the front of her mind. The possibility of another versions of themselves existing in the Tree was not something she just thought but the matter of meeting them? Mei had never imagined it to be a reality.

March was not Elysia. Mei was sure of it. But the resemblances were almost uncanny especially now and it gave Mei mixed feelings whenever she looked at the former.

The first arrow hit its mark without a miss and Mei, still watching in slow motion, saw the way ice crystal bloomed on the point of impact and froze the mechanical joint. Even that reminded Mei of Elysia's crystal flower, granted the color and shape were wrong but still in her mind they still shared some resemblances.

She drew Seven Thunders as she sped past the metal fist still clenched against the ground, sending millions of voltages at once into it and frying its motoric function to immobile it so Dan Heng and Stelle wouldn't have to worry about it being used against them both on their way towards Cocolia.

The duo jumped and landed perfectly on the metal hand a few seconds after Mei electrocuted it with the woman herself long gone and headed straight for the Stellaron itself already, leaving nothing but crackles of purple electricity in her wakes. Stelle and Dan Heng wasted no further time to climb the Engine of Creation, barely sparing Mei a glance as they were too busy themselves.

March's arrows never ceased hitting the Engine of Creation for a second, each impact freezing servos and joints to prevent it from moving. Cocolia had been trying to impede their climb by commanding the construct however she could which was not much by the passing seconds, March's attacks proven to be too effective than what was initially thought.

That was until she vented the Geomarrow reactor of the Engine, much like Svarog did earlier only in grander scale, and melted the ice almost immediately into mist around them. With time quickly running out, Stelle charged ahead, momentarily leaving Dan Heng behind until he too caught up with her new speed.

Two figures pierced through the rising steam, like a spectre in the mist they moved with an almost abnormal speed, jumping and vaulting over compartments and gaps with precision and agility belonging only to those who lived to fight. Stelle, in her frenzy, still heard March cursed silently under her breath through their shared communication as she tried to overcompensate for her melting ice, the intervals of her attacks lessened until it almost became a rapid fire, with little success. In the end, the pinkette decided to distract Cocolia instead by firing smaller yet faster projectiles that exploded around her, pelting her with cold sharp ice shrapnel.

Cocolia, for her part, simply raised her own barrier of ice to encase herself in, protecting her from the incoming attacks.

A compartment opened right in front of Stelle and Dan Heng, both having only a fraction of second to react before a series of exhaust nozzles sprung up from underneath the armor and spat out fire towards them. Stelle's eyes widened as she attempted to stop and evade, fully aware how late it was with how close she was to it so she changed direction and braced herself instead with her bat out as a makeshift shield.

She caught a glimpse of white and green at the corner of her eye as Dan Heng rushed to her front, his spear held forward with its blade pointed towards the source of the fire, and right before her eyes she watched how he quite literally pierced the flame into two and forced them aside, leaving them unharmed.

They pushed forward like that with Dan Heng spearheading the formation now until they reached the nozzles which Dan Heng unceremoniously disabled with a swipe of his spear.

"You guys alright?" March asked, voice unusually strained as she fought her own battle against the pain of her injury and exhaustion. Stelle tapped Dan Heng's arm with her knuckles and he nodded at her.

"We're good," She answered for them both, eying where Cocolia was with her golden eyes. The disgraced Supreme Guardian had retreated into a cocoon of ice and judging from the way March's arrows harmlessly shatter on it, it was no ordinary ice either.

"How do you want to proceed?" Dan Heng queried, a question Stelle herself wondered, until an idea popped up in her head.

"Let's play smith," she said mischievously with a grin. "I'll be the smith, you'll be the hammer and Cocolia will be our anvil."

"I suppose, her ice will be our iron then."



Without another word, Dan Heng took a stance and readied his spear before, with an incredible speed and accuracy, he sent it flying towards Cocolia and her wall of ice.

It impacted with a loud ringing, embedding itself on the ice and cracking webs on its surface. But it held true, not shattering despite the powerful hit.

"Boost?" Dan Heng flatly offered his hand which Stelle accepted with her free one.


"Then, excuse me."

Dan Heng hoisted her up, spun her in the air and then sent her flying.

The blast of frigid air on her cheeks was more pronounced as she sailed forward towards her target, approaching fast thanks to Dan Heng's help. Tightening her grip on her bat, she shifted her position into a stance mid air, channeling her strength into a single, powerful strike.

Her bat glowed white with power, almost humming and vibrating in her hand, and with a loud yell she smashed it on the back of Dan Heng's spear like a hammer on a nail. There was a loud cracking, followed by an explosion that was similar to an exploding lightbulb as the ice wall shatter from their combined efforts.

Stelle's grinned, an exclamation of victory at the tip of her tongue, and promptly gasped when she saw Cocolia staring directly at her the whole time from behind her destroyed shield.

There was no word exchanged, only cold glare as the disgraced Supreme Guardian drove her lance through Stelle's chest. The girl couldn't even scream as it pierced her flesh and bones, freezing her blood and nerves almost instantly the moment it hit her.

Stelle heaved, the last bit of air blowing out of her mouth not in a mist from her frozen, destroyed lungs, before her eyes rolled back and she fell from the elevated platform high over the world.

Her vision spun yet she didn't feel anything besides cold, even so it was distant and detached to her fading thought. The ringing on her ear was a little familiar to her, a voice belonging to someone she knew but failed to recognize amidst the haze. A haze that quickly claimed her.

In the expanding darkness, she felt millions of presence.

Her attack was interrupted by a shrill scream of horror and despair from her earpiece, turning her blood icy cold in her veins as she turned her head to the side to look at its source.

The short distraction was all the Stellaron needed to push Mei back with a wave of terrible energy as her stance slacken from the shock at what she saw, an image of nightmare she knew would be ingrained in her mind for the rest of her life. Yet, another one of her pups falling to the embrace of death.

Mei barely reacted when her vision shifted and she was pulled to the deep recess of her mind, still looking with wide eyes through the familiar screen her mind conjured for her to see the outside with. For a long few seconds Mei was speechless, almost unresponsive to the world.

Flashes of Stelle's cooling body crumpled on the ground assaulted her mind, supported upright in an almost mocking manner by the lance impaled deep in her chest. Her limp hands hanging uselessly by her sides with her head twisted to Mei's direction, empty eyes staring at her amethyst with its fire snuffed out.

It was hardly her first time seeing a kid under her supervision died and she had long accepted whatever came after would be the last either. Yet, the visions were always there, recollections of memories belonging to them that made Mei realize how fragile life could be.

The smiles, the frowns and even the glares were all a sign of a soul living its life. Now it was gone, only a void remained on that frozen expression, slightly twisted with remnants of agony that would follow death in its duty.

"Thunder, she..." Even her voice was small, still in an apparent disbelief, as she spoke at the entity now controlling her body. Thunder, for the most part, simply nodded slightly in recognition.

When she spoke next, however, her voice was soft, almost tender to Mei. "I know."

"I failed her..."

"You trusted her." Thunder took a step, approaching the trio now surrounding Stelle. The Stellaron now behind her glowed and shattered, golden energy flowing high towards Cocolia. Yet she paid it no mind, even when Cocolia began to transform and change into a being unworthy the title of a human anymore. She felt nothing but disgust and hatred at the woman, a truer emotions of her host whose body she now control. "Allow me to take over from here."

Mei didn't respond verbally but she didn't object, instead she opened more of her gate for Thunder, allowing more unreserved power to filter into her Core.

Thunder grinned, though it lacked any humor as a pair of red horns grew on Mei's head. Her Herrscher wing bloomed into existence behind her, crackling with unholy power of Honkai and thunder itself, followed by her mechanical arms by her sides.

Instead of empty hands, they carried with them a giant Katana, a manifestation of Thunder's power in Mei's form. The blade had cut through various enemies in the past and it hadn't lost its edge even after all the years of slumber.

March was openly crying by Stelle's side, holding her cold hand as she wailed for her friend. Dan Heng didn't but the shock and grief were clear in his eyes as he stood motionlessly beside March, looking down at Stelle.

When Thunder stopped near them, March immediately turned to face her, utterly helpless. "M-Mei! Stelle, she... She's..."

The pinkette couldn't even finish her sentence before bursting into another fit of tears. Thunder regarded her for a second before she sighed. "Mei is not here," she told her. Firmly to gain the distraught girl's attention. "I'm in charge."

"... W—what?"

It was only then that they noticed the horns and wing, though what drew their attention the most was the co*cky smirk none of them had seen on Mei's face before. It was unnatural, out of character and certainly unsettling to see on a face that usually showed nothing but compassionate smiles.

"Who are you...?" March asked warily, unconsciously backing away to shield Stelle from the demon looking down at her. The smell of ozone was thick around the woman as she was positively thrumming with energy. It reminded March of the time Mei nearly pulled her weapon out on the Guards during their arrest, just a lot more potent and oppressive.

"I am Conquest," Thunder told her, pulling Seven Thunders out of its scabbard and pointing it at Cocolia with murderous intent. "And I demand your life as atonement for your sins." She paused then before her grin blossomed even more. "Though, you can consider this a mercy for what I'm about to do to you is incomparable to what Raiden Mei would have done. You killed one of her pups right before her eyes in cold blood. She wouldn't have stopped until she ripped your throat out."

"You brought this upon yourself. She brought this upon herself. If none of you had come and stood in my way, none of you would've died." Thunder raised an eyebrow, not exactly expecting an answer from Cocolia. She chuckled humorlessly then.

"You don't even sound human anymore but who am I kidding? Only you can be so sure to sell yourself to the devil without a thought to the consequences."

"The Stellaron saved us all!" Cocolia bellowed in response, "do you not see this power?!"

"Do you not see what become of you?" Thunder retorted, showing anger for the first time. "But, of course you don't you shortsighted moron. Some things are just never meant to change regardless the time and place."

Though, no words were said afterwards the cold fury Cocolia radiated was an enough answer.

A palm raised high and the world shook as the very earth itself was called upon to the call of such an unbidden fury. Chunks of the mountain flew high over the clouds, pulled by an otherworldly power of Destruction, and smashed together to create a giant pile of floating island that loomed over Everwinter Hill itself.

It pulsated with an energy blessed by the Stellaron, golden veins running deep and about its surface as it held suspended by a power bestowed to Cocolia with a simple gesture of her hand, and it would take only a command to fall and bury those beneath her with that might of hers.

It was a power that knew only to destroy and its purpose was to destroy the people who challenged her authority.

March felt utter hopelessness for the first time in her life. Not even when she woke up to the face of strangers without memories of her past gave her as much despair as now. It wasn't just rocks that made up the pile now as the pressure and energy cracked them to molecular level and turning it into a crystal of vicious black and gold. Crystal that was as hard as diamond and just as sharp.

Her feet shook before she fell to her knees, looking up high to the heaven where their verdict lay suspended and ready to be delivered. What could they possibly do in the face of such insurmountable power? Where flight was not even an option much less a fight. They were faced with a power beyond anything they had fought before, a herald of Destruction and its will and demands.

But another entity had her own demands in the vicinity, a power that command the world's thunder and its might. An embodiment of conquest and unbroken will once reigning supreme on a world where dreams and hopes fought to stay alive in daily basis. They had prevailed now as she would always be.

"Getting riled up, aren't we?" Thunder took a step forward, her tone still a belittling rumble that reverberated from the depths of her chest. Just another thing that separated her with Mei even if it was just a little. "Well, do your worst. I'll take you on so you might as well struggle all you want."

Dark clouds loomed over the world as the Queen of Thunder herself demanded the submission of her subject, purple lightning flashing unceasingly in the height of the sky. Sharp, fizzling sounds of electricity supercharging the atmosphere surrounded Thunder as she took a stance, the pungent scent of smoldering air filling their nostrils with each intake of overcharged oxygen into their lungs. They could already feel the sheer power before flashes of small lightnings erupted from Mei's body, striking the ground and leaving them black and hot with the snow evaporating almost the instant they hit.

In the ethereal display of power, beauty bloomed beneath her as patterns emerged from the random strikes. Like flower itself, they blossomed around her on its own. It was short lived, but perhaps it was what make it special.

Cocolia dropped her hand and her strike came crashing down like a meteor, bringing with it a version of its own lightning. The golden flashes were an affront to the Queen and she refused to yield her domain to anything else.

In one smooth movement, Thunder's mechanical arms unholstered the giant Katana and swept, sending a wave of red energy that cut through the island effortlessly. It sliced through the super dense material with the ease of a hot knife to a butter, making it explode in a brilliant hue of red and gold as the two powers clashed against each other.

March watched with wide eyes as the pile was reduced to dust while larger pieces fell like a beautiful shower of meteorites to the earth. It was unbelievable to see, how such an incredibly might got reduced to embers in one strike.

Thunder, for her part, hardly recognize the awe the pinkette gave her with her focus now lay on Cocolia only. That one strike meant nothing to her, almost insignificant even, compared to the threats Mei had faced in the past. It was pathetic, borderline laughable, how Cocolia's grand attack was anything but grand.

She prepared her retaliation then with Seven Thunders glowing even brighter in her hand, its Core supplied by power similar to its own, when she suddenly paused as another form of power emerged from behind her. Thunder looked back, blinked at what she saw, and laughed.

"Would you look at that!" She hollered as disbelief filled Mei's heart, an emotion belonging to her host. "I see why you're so fond of children."

"How...?" Mei whispered in her mind, surprise and joy flowing free in her veins. Thunder simply smiled and turned back towards Cocolia, her grin now more genuine than before.

"The unlimited potentials of the future generations are always surprising, don't you remember?"

Heat rolled out when Stelle rose to her feet as the lance impaling her was now wielded in her hand, its once frozen head a burning magma. March scooted back and away when blazes of flames licked her yet they didn't hurt, instead it was almost reassuring as they touched her skin.

Speechless, she gasped as Stelle stood to her impressive height. Like a phoenix rising back to life with fiery fire burning its feathers. Dan Heng grabbed March's arm and gently helped her up, a mixture of reluctant relief and suspicion in his eyes as he stared at Stelle's back.

How could he not when Stelle, who was clinically dead, suddenly came back to life in a new form? The prospect alone brought back terrible memories he would rather keep away.

"How interesting," Thunder said out loud before she disappeared in a flash of red lightning bolt, heading straight for Cocolia high up. She reappeared right behind the woman with her sword ready, delivering slices after slices that cut away her icy armor before Cocolia could react. Her attacks were quick, far too quick to follow by the eyes, and before long the transformed Supreme Guardian was left weaponless and armorless as she retreated back from Thunder.

She didn't quite get the privilege of respite.

The Engine of Creation rumbled and Thunder braced for attack from it, expecting a blow and preparing her own counterattack. Instead, its fist sailed past her and hit Cocolia, sending her plummeting to the ground with a breakneck speed while her scream tore through the air.

Humming absently, she saw Stelle holding the burning lance up much like Cocolia before and suddenly everything made sense. It seemed that the lance was some sort of control device for the Engine and now it was under Stelle's control.

As if to accentuate the point, Stelle lowered it and the fist eased up, returning to the Engine's side. The girl then addressed her friends behind her who were still in shock to engage her in a conversation.

"You guys ready for round two?" She asked them, glancing back over her shoulder with a smile. It pulled them back to reality with March smiling hesitantly in return while Dan Heng nodded. "Let's end this."

"Are you okay?" March asked as she summoned her bow. Something was different with Stelle and she could feel it from the way her golden gaze met found her, March just didn't know what. It didn't feel malicious, however, and it was all that important.

Stelle nodded affirmatively and it was all the answer they needed. Dan Heng stepped to Stelle's side and held his spear up, glancing at Stelle meaningfully. "Don't die this time."

"Once is hopefully enough."

With that, the duo charged ahead while March sought a new position for her to support her friends. The pinkette launched quivers after quivers of arrows to shroud the area in a blanket of white, blinding a recovering Cocolia, while Stelle's lance dimmed out until the glow died down completely and she disappeared behind the misty ice March created.

Thunder watched them with keen interest, arms crossed while her glowing amethysts shifted about the battlefield below. The grin on her face grew large when Cocolia desperately tried to fend them off by launching a blind barrage of spiky ice projectiles which hit everything but the approaching duo.

As expected, the first one to emerge from the mist was Dan Heng and Cocolia met his attack with her own ice spear. What she didn't expect was for Dan Heng to specifically target her newly created weapons.

He work with methodical precision, smashing the floating spears with his own to disarm Cocolia for the second time. The wound Thunder inflicted on Cocolia hadn't healed and it greatly slowed her down, fumbling and hindering her movement until she had enough.

Cocolia focused her energy in one point above her, creating a blade of sharp ice and preparing it to strike Dan Heng with, only to yell in frustration when Thunder's lightning struck it to bits. Her reaction made the Herrscher chuckle sad*stically, the noise lost in high winter wind.

With her means of offense taken care of, Dan Heng retreated back to safety. The moment he cleared from Cocolia, Stelle suddenly sped off from the mist with her lance poised. Inexperienced she was with the weapon, her strike hit true nonetheless and the lance found itself buried in the woman's chest.

Thunder raised an eyebrow. "Heh..."

Stelle yelled and the lance bursted to life, burning a pillar of fire that shot high unto the very heaven itself. It was like watching a volcano erupted with its might and heat coming out unbidden, hot and unstoppable from the depth of the underworld.

When the blaze settled, only a charred battlefield remained.

And just like that, the evil is cleansed from this world. Purged in a blaze of glory. Poetic, don't you think?

There was never a moment of reflection, at least not one noticed except by a pair of amethyst eyes whose owner now back in control of her body, whose grin now a grimace as she looked down towards a certain ashen haired girl.

Ever since she was a child, she never truly felt alone.

In the dead of the night on the streets of Belobog Underworld where she spent many of her time foraging for food and water to survive and live without a soul in sight was when miracles would happen around her.

At first, it was just a buzz. A glimpse of purple on her periphery. Then, it grew along with her until everything changed.

A field of white lilies unraveled before her eyes with a swarm of purple butterflies flying over them, the flutter of their wings sent ripple on reality like water droplets on the surface of the sea. It was expansive, never ending as far as the eye could see and simply majestic. And it was so utterly familiar and alien at the same time.

The second time, she found the courage to step foot to it, overcoming her fear towards the unknown to feel the embrace of sweet serenity she avoided before. While hesitant still, undeniably it was just right. As if she was meant to belong there. Home it felt right, safe it whispered.

Once she felt the taste of ambrosia, she wanted more and with time she familiarized herself with that place. A space between the exist and non-exist. It was only there she truly felt peace because everything didn't seem to matter. There, she could enjoy and live herself freely from the burden of living.

But, she always came back. To the cold, cruel world to face reality even if it smacked her in the face every time she confronted it. Yet, she didn't give up fighting for herself, and then for others she really cared about once she understood the importance of bonds.

Life was simply that, an endless cycle of struggles and sufferings. Of hurt and hurting. To live in a place where everything was okay was not living for there was no difference than being dead. The dead was free and while she had the option to feel that freedom, she always returned because she had purposes she wanted to fulfill.

As Seele gasped and writhed on the ground from the immense pain burning the entirety of her body, she wondered if this was one of her purposes. To foil a centuries old scheme and stop its curse from being expanded further down the line. Not once had she thought that she would be here, though. Bleeding and dying to save an entire city from a fate of constant stagnation.

Funny how, in the end, there was no Overworld or Underworld. Just Belobog. All it took for Seele to realize it was a stab to the stomach.

"Because you are an idiot."

She gritted her teeth, pushing herself up to sit on her legs. That voice rung in her head and she couldn't decide whether it was hers or not.

"f*ck..." Seele grunted out instead, putting a hand on her stomach before bringing it up. The blood was still flowing out and didn't seem would stop any time soon. Though, as she looked around it didn't seem to matter.

She was back in the field of lilies only this time there was no butterfly in sight, just a plain white blossoms stretching in all directions. The sky, as usual, was dark yet despite it the flowers were all well lit. Glowing in the ethereal beauty of rebirth.

Seele stood up, hands falling to her sides. She had given up in stopping her bleeding, knowing how futile her action was here where reality was but a reflection and not the real thing, and took a shaky step forward. Each time her bloodied foot brushed on the white flower, it left behind a red mark that turned the flower crimson.

She limped ahead, panting in pain with each step sending burst of pain to her head until she was actively grunting. Seele didn't even know where she was heading, just that she needed to move.

"Where are you going?"

A red butterfly flew by the side of her head, orbiting around her. It was hardly the first time she spoke with this thing but it was certainly the first time it was this talkative.

"Because you are dead, stupid."

Seele stopped and glared at the butterfly now hovering before her eyes. "Shut up and help me."

If it had an eyebrow, Seele was sure it would've raised it with the way it spoke next. "Wow, if only I know what's going on in that head of yours... Oh, wait. I do! You want to help that woman!"

"Yes I do."

"Need I remind you that she stabbed you to death?"

"F—f*ck you! That... that wasn't Bronya."

"You've only known her for like, two days or something."

"And she... she's done enough for me to trust her. It wasn't... That wasn't Bronya. I...I know it."

"And you're dead."

"Listen here, you c—c*nt! I'm... f*cking hurting so cut the fu... ck! f*cking game and help me!"

It laughed, right in front of Seele's face and she suddenly had to fight the urge to tear it apart. "That wouldn't work, you know. Also, I remember you so desperately need my help so at least let me have a little fun."


"Dead woman." Seele sighed and swayed, almost falling down to her back but managed to catch herself up in the process. "Yeap, that's about it. You're still dead either way."

"I don't care. Just... let me do good. F—for once."

Silence reigned with Seele dropping her gaze to look below her. In the time she spent talking, her blood had pooled up around her feet with the lilies absorbing the liquid and turning them macabre red. It was abnormal but nothing was normal in this place as she had learned a long time ago.

"Seele..." It spoke again and this time the voice had lost all humor, something that made Seele look up at it. "You can stay here forever and live on, your wound will eventually heal. But I know you don't want that. If you go back, you'll pass away."

Seele smiled, raising a finger to let the red butterfly rest on. "Thank you, for... for everything y—you've done for... me."

"I'm sorry it had to end this way."

Me too, my best friend.

Seele opened her palm and the butterfly bursted into a giant, ominous red scythe she then gripped firmly. The flowers around her wilted and died, leaving the field a barren dark land. Everything was quiet now except for the dripping of her blood on the empty ground which sent ripples of red before they disappeared like everything else in the Sea.

Gaze set ahead, Seele saw a mirage forming before her, followed by another two in the distance. They solidified until they turned into three distinctive shapes she recognized immediately as Bronya, Serval and Dunn.

Seele approached the Silvermane Commandant.

Her shape, her soul, was what she expected from Bronya. Blinding bright with resolve that far outshone anyone else Seele knew. She knew she had chosen right on where she put her trust and this only further confirmed it.

But there was something else. A vile power that coiled itself around Bronya by binding her and forcing her to do its will. Like strings on a marionette, they bound her soul and robbed her of control as the soul itself struggled to break free. Seele saw Bronya's face twisted in agony and despair as tears ran down her spectral face.

Seele smiled sadly.

"Don't worry, Bronya. I forgive you," she began softly as she hooked the scythe around the strings above Bronya, its blade glinting under the nonexistent light. "You didn't kill me. The Stellaron did so you shouldn't blame yourself for it."

Seele paused then, raising her head to stop her own tears from falling with little success. She let out a short, wet laugh that turned into a sob almost immediately. "But you wouldn't know that, would you? You'll be blaming yourself from now on until the day you die. I know because you're that kind of person."

A fond smile found its way to Seele's lips and she took one, last look at Bronya, burning her face to her memory to remember for eternity to come. "Goodbye, you idiot."

Seele pulled her hand, cutting the strings apart, before her world turned dark forever.

Our promise still ring in my ears

I've been nothing but a burden to you

Not this time though, Bronya



Obligatory BronSeele angst because that's what I do to ships I like lol.

I said BronSeele was not high in my list a few chapters back but writing this story really make me like them.

Also, I hope I did the trio justice because this was their time to shine. Honestly, if it was a really lore accurate fight then Cocolia would've died in Mei's hands long before she could even blink so I had to tone down things a little with her.

As usual, kudos and reviews are appreciated! Thank you so much!

Chapter 18: To Wake Up a Dreamer


Tons of dialogues on this one, so enjoy?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 18: To Wake Up a Dreamer

The first ray of the day break hit her in the face, penetrating through the thin layer of skin and muscle that was her eyelids and burning her still closed pupils. She groaned in a mixture of annoyance and pain, throwing a pillow to cover her face from the offending light and willing herself back to slumber.

It didn't work.

While the lethargy remained, the drowsiness had gone that even if she stayed on the bed she would only drive herself to the brink of boredom. With that in mind, she quietly sighed and threw her feet to the warm floor, blinking rapidly to adjust her eyes on the new brightness.

The golden glow of the morning sun filtered through the windows, painting the room in a beautiful light it had never been in in her entire life. The last bit made her pause and snort as she made her way to her dresser mirror to prepare herself for the day.

Grabbing a brush, she made a short work on her hair, purple eyes set on an equally purple strand on top of her head that somehow always found a way to defy her attempt to smooth it. It stood upright if not a little bit curled, as if to mock her of her inability to wrestle it down together with its peers. She huffed, giving up because some things weren't meant to change, before she made her way out of her bedroom.

Down the stairs she went and straight to her kitchen where all kinds of foods awaited her on the table, each equally enticing as it was delicious. The scents alone were heavenly to her nose and it made her stomach rumble yet she lacked the enthusiasm to really appreciate them.

She grabbed a small plate and put a little bit of the food on it. As much as it unsettled her, there was no point on hogging them all like she would in the Underworld where a loaf of bread could cost someone a limb or even a life. Here everything was available in abundance. No more fighting, no more struggling and no more hating.

Seele had accepted this new routine rather quickly. A little hard to do otherwise because she didn't have a choice on the matter anymore. It wasn't a bad life, all things considered, because it was everything she ever dreamed of.

Her foods never ran out, similarly to all the other necessities in the house. The broken pipe in her bathroom was now a pristine stainless steel, her sofa was as soft as new and her refrigerator had finally stopped sounding like a rat was having a stroke whenever she opened it. That was only to name a few. She was sure all else were just as good.

Yet, she felt nothing.

Dropping the half finished meal onto the sink, she quietly made her way to her bathroom, not even bothering to do her dishes because they would be cleansed the next morning anyway. She quickly stripped out of her clothes and walked under the shower, turning the faucet to cold just so she could feel something aside from nothing.

It worked, somewhat, as she hissed from the massive difference in temperature as the cold water hit her bare skin, running down in rivers until they slipped down her feet and into the drain.

She rested her head against the wall and closed her eyes.

Ten minutes later she emerged back to her kitchen, not even bothering to cover herself as she made her way back to her room. Why would she when there was nobody that could possibly catch her in the nude? The only living things outside were some animals she had never seen before and trees. Actual green trees and grass and not just some dead trunks.

It was fascinating, sure. But on the second day it grew old rather quickly.

Finishing up in her more casual clothes, she grabbed her gardening tools on her way out to tend on her flowers. The only thing she found still remotely entertaining to do at this point. Seele opened her front door, squinted her eyes when the morning sun shone directly into her eyes and maneuvered herself towards her little garden.

She did everything she usually did. Pulling off the budding weed from the ground, trimming the overgrown parts of the flowers and fertilizing the soil. The only difference was that she did it all with deliberate slowness, if not to fit her general mood then to kill the time, knowing full well she had nothing else to do afterwards.

Seele sought respite. She was human and it was normal. But even in her days, she hardly took any break for more than a day. Life in the Underworld was harsh and it required constant keeping, a job she took gladly, that even when she was off duty she would've to keep an eye out still.

Here, everything was fine. Here, she could simply rest and Seele hated it. She had no more worries here which was why she hated it. Seele lived her life worrying about a lot of things and in a place where nothing was to worry, she found herself agitating. It simply didn't sit well with her.

Well, that life is over now and this is where I am.

She spent her day like that, tending on her garden while trying to not dwell on the past for much. It was futile. She was hopeless to do anything about it now that she's here where her worldly ties were severed already. Her duty had ended, her time had run out.

She was no longer burdened.

Hours later she found herself sitting under a tree, back against the bark with an arm supported by her folded knee while her other hand held a cup of warm tea.

It was the color of the sunset that reflected on her purple orbs as she gazed at the sea, an open book on her lap she couldn't bother to see. She tried to find new hobbies with one being finally reading her collection of books Natasha and Oleg gifted her in the past but she couldn't bring herself to focus on the words printed on the paper, losing her attention almost immediately the moment she switched paragraph. That alone was a miracle, for her to open a book like this since she hardly read any form of literature.

That fact alone meant she had finally run out of things to do.

So here she was now. Sitting against a tall tree by her house, gazing at the sea absently as the sun settled over the horizon. Another oddity of this place which being the sun that rise and set at the same direction. Always over the sea and nowhere else.

Seele took a sip of her tea and sighed, closing the book and letting it fall from her lap as she slid down further until she laid on the ground with her hands crossed under the back of her head. A cool breeze washed over her from the sea, carrying with it a scent she was unfamiliar with until the first time she was here as it ruffle the leaves and branches above her. It was salty unlike the taste of artificial salt used in Belobog, a true scent of the sea that nobody could truly describe. A few books that spoke about it was borderline fantasy since nobody truly knew the real thing anymore.

Seele knew now, yet in the lonesome she couldn't share the knowledge to anyone but herself.

Her tea had gone cold with the passing time while the sun had disappeared below the sea line, in its place was the full moon that rose unto the sky. A silver glow from the moon bathed her form and her purple hair seemed to shine under it, framing her face amidst the green grass.

Seele closed her eyes and breathed out.

A soft crunch to her side made her open them again, looking over to it she couldn't help but to widen her eyes when a figure stood beside her. Alerted, Seele sat up and instinctively put her guard down as the figure turned around to face her.

It was a young man, probably around her age from the look of it, whose smile was friendly and warm.

"Hello," he greeted. "How are you?"

Mouth agape, it took Seele a few minutes to find her voice. "What the hell? Who are you?!"

"My name is not important, just know that I mean no harm. It's not possible any longer." He glanced around the area then, smile never disappearing. "I see you accommodating well."

"... I thought I was alone," Seele muttered and the man chuckled.

"Oh, everyone is here. Those you knew and you didn't," he paused for a second as he regarded Seele. "Mind if I join you?"

"Suit yourself."

"Thank you."

He sat down beside her, still keeping a respectable distance from her. Perhaps, he felt her distrust towards him from the way her hard gaze was set on him. "You said I knew and didn't. Which one are you?"

"The former."

"I don't remember you."

"Oh you do. You watched me die."

"I watched a lot of people die."

"But none as haunting as my death to you."

The way he said it sent shivers up Seele's spine, as if he was just talking about the weather or some dumb crap that fell on the casual talk category and not the most important event of someone's life besides their birth. "When? Where?"

"A long time ago. I was a fragile old man lying on my death bed after losing a fight against a young girl over a sip of water," he explained and Seele's eyes widened in realization. Sensing her emotions, his smile turned sad. "Said young girl had the misfortune of watching me die by the window pane."

"Oh..." Seele remembered. In fact, she remembered it with crystal clear clarity. It was the day she learned the notion to share and all it took was her inadvertently killing someone because she simply wouldn't. "What, do you want an apology?"

"No." Seele blinked, taken off guard by the offhanded response. "I want to apologize."

"... What?"

"I want to apologize," he repeated. "For what I did to you."

She frowned. "But, you didn't do anything wrong?"

"That's where we're wrong," he leant back on his hands, gazing up at the moon with despondent eyes. "Our situations forced us to normalize such things. In a perfect world, we wouldn't have to fight for every scrap of food and water. In a perfect world, I would've been obliged to give you that water."

"Our world wasn't perfect."

"Yes, thus more of it will happen to someone else in the future." He threw his gaze to Seele then, meeting her eyes. "But that isn't our problem any longer, is it?"

"No," Seele quietly agreed and he hummed.

"You've changed from the last time we met," he said suddenly after a while. "All grown up but not old enough. That's just how it is, I supposed."

"Yeah," Seele sighed and rested her back against the tree again, finally relaxing. "Age is just a number to death. More unfortunate are this kids."

"Sweet little gremlins," he said jokingly and Seele chuckled, nodding. "Well, at least they're happy here."

"Good for them."

"You're not?"

"Things are good. Too good."

"I know what you meant. You'll get used to it."

"I hope," she grabbed the book from the ground and raised it up. "Starting to get bored. There's only so much I can do to my flowers."

"They're beautiful, by the way."


He hummed then, tone somewhat sad. "There will be a lot of things you'll have to get used to around here. You might even begin to miss people one day."

Seele nodded. "It's quiet."

"I don't even remember how noisy the Underworld can be," said the man lightly with a shrug. "It's been too long for me."

"It's not even two decades..."

"Time flows differently here. The three days you're here, it's only been merely hours out there."

She frowned. "How did you know how long I've been here?"

"We watched over you, remember?" He placated, sensing the suspicion in her tone. "Everyone saw you coming over from beyond the sea."

Coming over was an understatement since she found herself waking up on the beach with sand on her face and wet skin, confused beyond reason. She had heard tales about the afterlife and believed it herself for she had caught a glimpse of what the other side was like but when she was finally here, it wasn't what she had expected.

"It's just... not what I expected."

"As I said, you'll have to get used to it."

"What about you?"


"You said to get used but how did you do that?" Seele clarified as she threw him a glance.

"Well, I was old. All my friends were here already. I was never truly alone. As a matter of fact, it was rather liberating to be finally here. Freed from the shackles of age."

"I see..."

"You'll be like that, one day," he continued and Seele raised an inquisitive eyebrow as a response. "Your friends will be here. It's simply inevitable."

"Yeah, well. In the meanwhile I will have to try to keep my head together. I know they won't be here any time soon."

It wasn't like she had many friends to begin with. She knew a lot of people but they were acquaintances at most. If she had a say, then Natasha, Oleg and Luka were the closest people she could count as a friend.

She wondered how they would react to her death. Devastated, probably, which was more than she asked for. At least, some people would still remember her amidst the chaotic flow of life in the Underworld for a while longer.

Another breeze blew from the sea, cold like the night and soft as a silk. Seele inhaled deeply and slumped back against the tree, arms crossed over her chest as she looked up at the pale moon above.

He followed her gaze and hummed. "Oh..."

"What is it?"

"It appears that you still have a choice."

Perplexed, Seele turned her head to the man only to see him already on his feet and walking away from her. "What? What do you mean?"

"She favors you," he said, not looking back. "Your time might've run out but it doesn't matter to her. Time is her domain, time is her power. The Goddess has in her hands the World's order." He stopped and glanced back, the smile on his face was clear as day despite the darkness. "Your time hasn't arrived yet. I pray that when we meet again, it will be at a time when you're old and wise. Farewell, little one."

Right before her eyes he disappeared into a mist, leaving nothing but footprints on the ground. Confused, Seele didn't have the time to process what he meant when something caught her ears.

It was subtle at first, the sound of crunching which grew louder until it turned into an explosion. Seele faced the source, high above her, and widened her eyes in surprise and apprehension when the space between her and the moon shattered like a mirror, revealing the inky blackness of abyss.

She tensed up, instinctively calling for her weapon only to curse under her breath when she remembered it wasn't with her anymore, as a figure emerged from the unnatural darkness.

Steps made out of light bursted into existence and the figure descended down with purple energy flowing around her. The moon, obscured by the tear in reality, glowed brighter behind them as they continued down, its silver light blending with the purple and making it even more pronounce.

The dress they wore was elegant beyond words, ethereal in a way it was divine even in the afterlife. If it wasn't enough to tell her gender then the curves of her body was, hugged by the dress so perfectly they radiated both beauty and blessing.

It was an Empress. A Queen. A Princess of a power beyond anyone's imagination. A chosen token of might so great it could not just defy fate but also alter it.

Seele watched in awe before it turned into a shock, finally seeing who it was.

"Yo," she greeted Seele with her all too familiar stupid grin and Seele could only stare back into her pair of blue eyes, now glowing with the same purple energy. "How're you doing?"

Seele pointedly ignored the question. "Kiana? Why are you here? Are you...?"

"Dead? Nah," she finished for her with a grin and the illusion shattered. Her long white dress disappeared in a flame of purple fire, the two wing things floating by her sides turning into embers that fell onto the ground. Now in her jacket, Kiana proceeded to shove her hands into its pockets as she took the last step down and approached Seele. "As for why... Well, I'm bringing you home."

Seele didn't know Kiana much. Actually, now that she thought about it she hardly knew anyone from the Express much besides Bronya. Her job was to oversee them and they didn't expect anything else would grow between her and the crew, certainly not friendships or any of sort.

But she didn't doubt their intentions. Their kindness and their objectives that were meant for the best of Belobog. She was wary of them which was normal since they were strangers in her home but she had learned that none of them were bad people.

Even though they possessed some strange powers.

Natasha mentioned that before. About the terrible power they possessed. Seele, however, had no scope on it. How terrible and why aside from what was told to her. Apparently, it came with a price just like everything else.

She wondered what price Kiana had to pay for her.

As she followed the white haired woman a good meter behind her, she couldn't help but think what made her special to be given the privilege of a second life. Kiana asked her if she wanted to return and Seele answered with certainty that she did, she still had jobs to do and responsibilities to carry. They weren't enough reasons for the dead always had businesses they wanted to finish yet none of them had this. None of them had the second chance like Seele.

They walked along the beach with the moon being their only source of light, its ray dancing on the dark surface of the sea. Kiana hadn't said anything and for a moment Seele thought this all was but an illusion, a dream created by her desires, until she felt the caress of night air on her cheeks.

Her hair flowed to the side, following the direction the wind heading, while Kiana's remained almost static behind her back. It moved, but because of her walk instead of the wind. Her feet also didn't leave any prints on the sand, either.

It was as if she was a ghost, an apparition or an anomaly, or something so utterly divine the world simply couldn't affect her. Seele wasn't sure what she was but the title Goddess certainly fitted her because she was just like one here.

Funny how Seele, now no longer a mortal, was the one to ponder about spirits when she was one herself. It would've made her chuckle if she wasn't so lost.

"Where are you taking me?" Seele asked quietly. They had been walking for a while now and Seele didn't want to get lost in the middle of the night despite the knowledge she would wake up on her bed the next morning even if she slept it off on nearby bush.

"Somewhere far where the distance between worlds are the shortest," Kiana explained simply with a gentle smile, perhaps sensing her unease. "Don't worry, everything is going to be fine."

"Can you really do it? Bringing me back to life?"


"But why me?"

"Because it's possible."


Kiana stopped and turned around to face her. "I can't bring just anyone back to life. I can't do it to everyone," she paused and kicked the sand beneath her feet. "Alright, this far will do."

"I don't see how I was any different."

"You are different. You're well versed with the Sea. Your soul is unlike any other people's," Kiana pulled something out of her pocket, a ball of purple energy that shimmered in her palm like clear crystal, and threw it into the sea before continuing. "Yours is tough, naturally resistant to the turbulence that would tear normal human's soul apart, and has better chance of surviving the Sea."

"What about you? You're here, in this form, and you're okay."

Kiana shook her head. "I'm not particularly human anymore. Besides, I'm not really here. What you're seeing is the manifestation of my power and not the real me." Her blue eyes grew distant then, looking at a faraway place on the hill behind the beach. "I can't bring my true self here. Even I have loved ones that have departed before me. I don't want to disturb the Order by meeting them before the time, for my own sake."

"You can't or you won't? I mean, you're here, even if it's just a copy of your power."

Kiana chuckled. "Yeah, you're right. I won't. Saying I can't is not quite right. It will only hurt them."

Seele hummed. "So, what now?"

"Now we wait."

"For what?"

"You'll see," Kiana tilted her head, as if listening to something, and grinned again, the solemn mood disappearing like smoke in the wind. "You don't have to wait for long either."

Bluish light emerged from the spot where the ball of energy was swallowed by the sea and Seele tensed up warily, giving an inquisitive glance to Kiana who responded with a reassuring smile only. The Kaslana hummed quietly to herself as another figure appeared from beneath the gentle waves.

She approached them, ambling from the sea to the land easily with her white dress dancing on the water surface behind her. The water clung on her skin for a brief second before it receded down and away, falling in rivulets through her dress and onto the sea and leaving her dry and pristine to the world.

While Kiana's projected grandeur and majesty, hers was more of a humble simplicity. Almost innocent in scheme by design. White symbolized purity of the heart, an untainted soul in a sea of waste, and she was it.

Seele's eyes widened when her eyes found her face.

"Hey," Kiana greeted her, scratching her cheek sheepishly with her index finger and chuckling. "Sorry for calling on such a short notice, I know it's super late back home."

"No worries," she said sweetly with an equally sweet smile that was so odd on such a familiar face. "I don't mind. Besides, I have just finished filing some reports for the company so it's not like you're disturbing my rest or something like that. How are you doing, Kiana?"

"Good. Still working in stead of your girlfriend?"

"Mhmm. I want to help her however I can."

"Man, you're such a good girl helping your girl like that. Makes you wonder how could you end up with such a douchebag, though."

The woman giggled. "Bronya is not that bad."

"She's a ruthless bully."

"I... suppose gaming with you and Mei is her only form of relief nowadays so she might get a little overboard. I do apologize on her behalf."

"See? That's what I meant. It ain't even your fault yet here you are apologizing for her," Kiana paused then before a mischievous grin broke on her face. "You said that but you both have been boning almost every night, right?"

In another display of unfamiliarity, the other woman's face turned beet red so quickly as did Seele's own at the blatant way Kiana joked about it. "Kiana!"

"What? Dude, I'm telling you to tie the knots already! I'm dying to be a maid of honor!"

"You just want to have a payback for what Bronya did in your wedding..."

"Woah, don't blame me. In case you forgot, she made my cake explode right in my face. Literally, I must say. My sister and I spent half a day scrubbing the icing off my body."

"Of course I remember. Bronya had quite the laugh that day. It's hard to forget that."

"Aw, look at you! All smiles and blush over Bronya!"

"Please stop teasing me..."

Kiana laughed, loud and unreserved. It echoed in the air, being the only sound that wasn't of the sea. Seele, still watching the woman in white before her, couldn't help but smile slightly at the warmth radiating from the Kaslana.

"You are me," she began softly and said woman nodded, smiling warmly at Seele. "I never thought I would meet you. Bronya, your Bronya, talked about you a lot."

Her Herrscher counterpart blushed lightly at the mention of her Bronya. "I'd imagined she would. She also talked about you a lot."

"I see..." Seele muttered, searching the other Seele's eyes. They were of a different color, too, light blue like the inside of her hair which was also different than her own, glowing faintly like the dull glow of the moon above. "You're not jealous are you? I heard people in relationships can get jealous easily."

Much to Seele's surprise, her other self began to laugh softly. "Of course not! You are beautiful and if she sees a glimpse of me in you, then it's an honor on my part."

"Well, I think you're beautiful too..."

"Oh! You look cuter when you blush, too!"


"Ladies, as much as I hate to break your little self appreciation talk I think it's high time we get down to business," Kiana chimed in with a laugh. "Shall we?"

The last bit was addressed to her Herrscher friend who nodded in agreement. "Right. It's always fun talking with myself I could lose track of time easily."

"Huh?" Seele queried.

Instead of answering, the Herrscher simply smiled and extended her hands towards her. Confused and unsure, Seele could only stare at the appendages. "Come, let's bring you home."

She turned her gaze to Kiana, asking for explanation, but the Kaslana only shook her head in return. "Just trust her."

Trust was hard to give or gain, a lesson worth a life in the Underworld. Yet here where nothing was at a stake anymore, Seele found herself more than willing to give it up with nary a price. Still, the uncertainty was there and wouldn't be gone any time soon even as she accepted the offered hands with her own.

Fingers interlocked, she felt herself being pulled closer to her other self. Unlike her hands, her counterpart's were soft and cool to the touch. Her eyes were gentle as she stared into those blue orbs with her own purple, feeling her muscles relaxing almost immediately in a way she hadn't felt in years.

Seele didn't realize she was being pulled into the sea until she felt the water on her waist.

Its cold brought her back to clarity and for a moment Seele couldn't help the panic pooling in her heart. She couldn't swim. There was no water source in the Underworld that was large enough for her to learn or find the knowledge useful for. Most of the Underworlders couldn't swim with the former Silvermane Guards being the exception, their trainings mandating them to learn how regardless.

"It's okay," the Herrscher told her reassuringly, fingers tightening around Seele's hands. "I'll hold onto you. I'll be your guide back home. Just look me in the eye."

Seele did just that and gently, ever so gently, she was brought under the surface.

In the endless darkness that followed, a pair of light blue were her beacons. She focused on them the entire time for they were the only things keeping her fears and worries at bay as she travelled the path full of limitless possibilities and uncertainties, fleeting and ever changing like bubbles in the sea.

Kiana watched them go with a small smile. Everything would be fine now. While she could've brought Seele back herself since it was still within her Authority, it was a job fitting for Rebirth herself. Nobody was more familiar with the Sea than her Seele. Not even Kiana herself despite her reach.

Seele spent years in the Sea of Quanta so it was sufficient to say that the Sea was her domain. A soul so bright it could light up the darkness for those lost in its merciless current. Even so, it was vast and without help it would've taken Seele a long time to be here which was why Kiana acted as her beacon first.

A job done without complications.


She shoved her hands back into her jacket pockets and turned around, ready to leave, when a hint of red on her periphery stopped her. There under a lone streetlight sitting on a bench, a woman was staring at her through the darkness.

Her red mane seemed to burn fiery crimson under the light, legs crossed and hands on her lap with her fingers nursing a can of beer between them. Glinting amber met blue, Kiana returned the smile she was given with her own before she pulled the hood of her jacket up and walked away.

Not yet. Maybe next time.

Natasha woke up with a jolt when she felt fingers tracing her hair. Blinking rapidly to get rid of the sleep lingering in her system, she couldn't help but to widen her eyes when she saw Seele staring at her from the bed.

"Hey," said the bedridden patient hoarsely with a small smile. "Can I have some water?"

She stood before she could think, grabbing a bottle of the requested liquid from the nightstand and unscrewing the cap before helping Seele with it. "How are you feeling?" She asked softly when Seele was done drinking, lowering the girl slowly down to the pillow again.

"Like sh*t," Seele answered simply with a content sigh now her throat was no longer dry. "How long was I out?"

"Two days," Natasha told her, moving to check on Seele almost instinctively. Seele, for the most part, only resigned on her fate as Natasha lifted and twisted her limbs around to see for any possible complications on her healing injuries. "Do you feel odd?"

"No, why?"

"Just making sure. It's not every day someone came back to life."

"... what?"

Natasha blinked. "You were dead." When Seele only stared at her blankly, Natasha added "Do you not remember?"

"I do," Seele clarified, though her confusion still linger. "I'm... I feel like I'm forgetting something important."

"I'm sure you'll remember it if it's that important," Natasha suggested with a helpless shrug.

Seele grimaced. "I hope."

"Now, lift your gown up and let me see your wound."

Seele did as told almost immediately from muscle memories alone, wrapping her fingers around the hem of the hospital gown she wore and lifting them up to chest level. Natasha went down to look while Seele raised her head, the latter blinking in surprise at what she saw. "Huh."

"Incredible, isn't it? Miss Zaychik repaired your body and fixed all your wounds with just a touch."

"There wasn't even a mark..." Seele muttered as she traced her fingers over her flat stomach. There was no bump or irregularities on the soft skin besides her muscle, toned as it was from years of hard work and fighting. "I suppose, it's nothing to her since she can grow an entire limb and sh*t."

"You heard?"

"It's a small place, Nat." Seele sighed then, slumping back down onto the bed once Natasha was done on her work. "How's Bronya?"

The doctor smiled faintly, barely visible in the gloom light of Geomarrow heater. "Assuming you meant our dear Supreme Guardian, then there's not much I can say aside from what's visible. She looks fine, quick on her feet too in picking up the torch left behind by her mother."

"So, she's the Supreme Guardian now, huh?"

A hum. Natasha regarded Seele for a moment, noticing the fatigue still in her eyes and patting her head affectionately, before continuing. "Yes. She visited you in the morning before her inauguration and hasn't come ever since."

Seele shrugged. "It's a busy job."

"It is, couldn't be the only reason though."

"What do you mean?"

Natasha sighed tiredly as she stretched, taking her time to answer as she mulled over her words. "Mei told me that Bronya hasn't been herself lately, and no I didn't mean it as her still being controlled by the Stellaron or whatever. The way Mei said it, it's like she's overly stressed by the circ*mstances and the aftermath of, well, just everything. Heavy is the head with the crown, was what she told me. A fitting proverb I think."

"That idiot..."

"She didn't have the time to mourn," Natasha began softly and Seele grunted in agreement before she slumped down onto the bed and closed her eyes with a groan. Natasha shook her head fondly at her action. "In any case, I think it's better if you talk with her."

Seele's eyelids flew open so quickly it would've been comical if not for the sheer disbelief in her purple orbs, boring into Natasha's own red incredulously. "You joking, right? What the hell am I supposed to tell her? 'Hey, Bronya, I know it sucks losing your mother and it's not like I know the feeling since I never have one but you gotta look at the positive'? There's nothing positive about it, Nat." Seele paused then huffed, adding "You're the closest I have that can count as a mother figure and I'm sorry to tell you but our relationships are more like you fixing my injuries and vice versa. It's not the most ideal kind."

But Natasha only stared at her back and something in her eyes made Seele pause. "I didn't mean it like that," she began evenly. "I won't claim that I know her much but I saw something in her eyes when she visited you. Regret, dismay, sadness and a whole lot of self loathing. She's blaming herself for what happened to you."

Seele sighed audibly and deflated even further on the bed, draping an arm over her eyes and silently lamenting on her predicament. "I f*cking knew it..."

"You know her better than me."

"... what about our Astral Express friends?"

"They're still around. Mei told me they're planning to depart in a few days after tying some loose ends. There's a lot of works to be done after the Reunification. Why do you ask?"

"I need to ask Bronya a few things."

Natasha nodded slowly, still regarding Seele with critical eyes, before she got up to her feet. "Anyway, you should rest some more. I'll have Oleg get you your clothes," she threw Seele a smile through her shoulder. "I know you'll be out tomorrow regardless what I tell you so I won't bother to try to stop you. Have a chat with him before you do, though, he was very worried about you."

"Yeah, yeah..." Seele said dismissively with a wave of her hand. "You go sleep, too. I don't need you coddling on me." Their eyes met and Seele's gaze softened, noticing the pain hidden beneath those hardened rubies. "I'm fine, Nat. I really am."

Like many others, the doctor was also a victim of harsh life that despite her gentle nature she was still forced to hide any form of vulnerability beneath a mask of professional stoicism. She had lost more friends than anyone else. People she knew and didn't know for her job demands her a familiarity with death. While Seele killed for justice and peace and thus only ever claimed the heads of criminals in her duty, Natasha's patients were all just normal people trying to live their life only to meet inevitable demise in her care. Many of them were innocent, many of them so young they barely were half the age of the youngest person Seele's scythe ever cut.

Yet the doctor stood fast, never faltering nor complaining. She simply moved on and put those regrets behind closed door in her head. However for Seele who had known her for life, it was easy to see the dark shadows of despair slithering from the gaps.

Natasha was strong and Seele had no doubt about it. She was one of few people Seele respected for her steadfastness and it was not without basis either. Innocent people died on her hands more than Seele's scythe yet she never stopped trying to help despite the pain that inevitable came with it. It took more than courage to continue forward like that.

Killing was never easy, only psychopaths and liars would tell you otherwise, but there's a sense of justification in knowing it was for the betterment of everyone. Some weeds were just too tall and over their heads, or too deeply burrowed your only option was to remove them entirely. Natasha had never had that option because for her, all the weeds were the same.

She just wanted to help, but to nature your intentions were never matter. Everyone was eligible for the harsh reality and fate.

"Just rest for now," Natasha told her and Seele blinked back to reality. "I think both of us deserve it."

Seele nodded again and made herself comfortable, turning her head away from the woman she called mother in the past, who also carried the burden of one for everyone else, and said quietly.

"Goodnight, Nat."

The door creaked open and closed a moment later but not before a similarly quiet wish was whispered to the only occupant inside. "Goodnight, Seele."

In the silence that followed, Seele couldn't help but to bask on the lingering warmth. Left behind by a source that wasn't the Geomarrow heater sitting on the corner all the while her purple eyes were transfixed on the moon outside her window, shining bright in the cloudless night amidst the dark and cold city.

Like a shining beacon of hope.



I always have things I want to say but every time I'm updating a chapter I would forget them. Thankfully, it clicked on place the exact moment I'm writing this note.

So apparently some people have been saying that Star Rail is not a 'Honkai game' and while I don't really agree with it, I can see why they feel that way.

Star Rail is the first title in the series that is so massively different than its predecessors, so much so it may count as a new game on its own in a way it has little to no relations with the past titles. I don't know about you guys but to me the name "Honkai" carries with it a huge legacy so from the very start, Star Rail has a very huge shoe to fill.

I'm not saying that it has to be the same. I'm saying that in that legacy lies a core value that has been passed down for years and instead of adhering to that value, Star Rail is set on creating a new one which I believe is the reason why people feel it doesn't hit them as a Honkai game. Is it a bad thing? Definitely not. It is also worth mentioning that Star Rail is a new game still and the path ahead is still long. Good stories aren't written in just a night, after all.

That said, I think it's necessary to respect that legacy especially by us authors. We need to acknowledge that this story we are telling is a story that has been told and loved by many, and that its core is as important as everything else. "Honkai" is a title worth not just a name, it's a lifeline with infinite possibilities yet in the end those possibilities always find ways to intertwine.

I lost count on how many times I listen to Cyberangel, Angel of Sin, Dual-Ego and Color of Snowy Night when writing this arc and playing in my head scenarios for both Seele and Bronya because I have to acknowledge that their relationships go deeper than just one game, that there's a legacy between them. Songs are a great storytelling medium and Mihoyo always nailed it ever since GGZ time.

Now, I'll say this first as a disclaimer because somehow someone will always find a way to twist it and think of it as me telling them off while in truth it's just an opinion and thus isn't meant to dictate on how you think about something. This is just a personal opinion and it doesn't reflect on the game or story; I don't really like how they executed the relationships between Bronya and Seele in Star Rail for the fact they're just side characters through it all so I went on my way to change things to fit them better in a way they will somewhat resemble the Bronya and Seele we know.

Yes, they're different people with different backgrounds and stories unlike the previous games where they're just a total stranger here to each other and I understand that. However, the relationships they share in Star Rail is kind of shallow because they didn't really have the time to fully develop because they're just side characters. We have one arc and we move on and that's it where in previous games they're basically our companions, a role taken by the new trio and crew so whatever development they have now will happen in the background without us knowing. At least, until it's brought back again anyway.

It's actually one of few things I dislike about this type of games. HSR story is great, but compared to the previous games it's lacking in feelings between characters aside from the main cast. We make friends along the way but we don't really know them in a way we see them almost as a family, if anything it's all just a fleeting moment and easily forgettable because we have to move on and meet someone else. I made it my goal to 'fix' it by actually showing what's behind the scenes even if it's just a fan fiction because it's honestly a waste to not make use of the potentials.

That's just my thought on this and please, for the love of God, do not see it as me attempting to sway your own opinion or something. Have discussions if you want but keep it civil, everyone has the right to have and share their own thoughts.

Anyway, as always kudos and reviews are appreciated! Thank you again for stopping by!

(P.S Kiana's birthday is fast approaching and I might or might not have a special one-shot in the making.)

Chapter 19: Let My Shadow Stand by Your Side


I know, I know. It's later than usual but hey it's far longer so please don't kill me.

Again, I didn't want to ruin the flow so this chapter had to be exceptionally long. I hope it turns out good.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 19: Let My Shadow Stand by Your Side

As expected, Oleg came on the first sign of daybreak to visit her the next morning, hair and beard still a little damp from the shower he took and smelling fresh amidst the sterile stench of medicine.

He immediately pulled her into a half hug after giving her a greeting, his other hand occupied with her clothes he brought for her, while Seele had to put aside her tray of food lest she wanted it to be squeezed between them. There was no words spoken but the way he held her was enough for Seele to understand.

"Morning, chief," she replied softly as she patted his back with her own free hand, smiling. "Sorry for the trouble."

The double implications weren't lost on Oleg who proceeded to give her a squeeze before pulling back, as if to make sure she was real, while his hand grabbed on her shoulder instead. "Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're okay."

"I'm fine," she shoved another bite of her breakfast into her mouth which made Oleg release her entirely to let her eat unhindered. "Sorry to make you worry. How's everyone, though?"

Oleg studied her for a moment before he smiled, finally putting down her clothes on the bed beside Seele. "We have never been better. Foods and aids are coming steadily and everyone can finally reunite with their family. All thanks to Madam Supreme Guardian."

"Good," she nodded approvingly between bites. "As expected from Bronya."

"She's certainly wise, especially for a woman her age."

Seele hummed as she finished the last of her food. It wasn't exactly tasteful but she had had worse and it was far from the worst thing she had eaten, far better in fact she could easily ignore the less than stellar taste. It would be hell on earth before she ever waste food, anyway. "Yeah," she gestured at the blue armband around his left arm with a raised eyebrow, asking "What's that?"

He glanced at it and chuckled. "Just something the Silvermane came up with. They couldn't blitz through the Underworld with the distrust still in the air so they let us Wildfire take care of things as usual. This so we're recognized when we're in the Overworld as an ally."

"Huh, neat. You seem rather proud, by the way."

"Is it that obvious?"

Seele rolled her eyes good naturedly and smiled. "Oh, yeah. What with the smile and all."

"Maybe I'm just happy knowing you're alright?" Seele snorted, though it lacked any malice as she sent Oleg a playful huff. He grinned and proceeded to pat her in the head affectionately. "I really am, kiddo. You have no idea how freaked out we were when we caught the news, especially your brother."

She shrugged halfheartedly. "It's not like I could help it."

"Still, you should go talk to everyone when you can."

Seele nodded slowly, leaning on Oleg's touch almost instinctively. He was the first person she had ever opened her heart for and their relationships ran deeper than the frozen rivers of Jarilo-VI, warmer than the bare sunlight of the planet, too. "I will, chief. Don't worry about it."

But from the way he looked at her told the opposite. Concern and weariness lingered in his gaze as his hand slid down to her cheek, caressing the soft and warm skin there with his calloused palm before, eventually, he sighed explosively and suddenly Oleg seemed a decade older to Seele.

"You're the closest I have to a daughter," he started tenderly, still looking at her in the eye. "When my wife died many years ago, she took with her our daughter. Seeing you grow up filled the void they left behind and with it comes the joy of a father."

She inhaled and put her hand on top of his, squeezing it softly in a comforting manner. "I know. You told me this before."

"I suppose. However, I think it's also important for you to understand how precious you are to me, to everyone dear to you, and that your actions really shook us." A frown graced her lips, so quick and fleeting yet to Oleg's trained eyes it might have been permanent. He knew Seele for a better part of her life so he was well accustomed to her expressions, no matter how small and imperceptible they were.

He shook his head and continued, smiling again but this time with a great amount of pride. "No, I do not disprove of your deeds. In fact, I was very proud of you and your selflessness in the face of great perils. Your actions have probably saved Belobog and everyone from certain doom and for that I am pleased, pleased that you've known the importance of life and the need to protect it."

Oleg stepped back then, warm hand slipping free as he crossed his arms over his chest. "You've grown into a fine woman, incredible in feat and deed we taught you. Yet, when I received the news I felt nothing but great sadness and despair."

Her gaze fell and for the first time she felt the weight of her actions on her shoulders, how deep the consequences could have been or how terrible they might have been to those around her. At that time, she felt nothing but the urgency to help Bronya and nothing else seemed to matter but now the dust had settled, it was truly frightful to think.

Though she was familiar with death, she was never one to be its subject for obvious reason. She didn't know dying could be so scary despite her acceptance that she would one day experience it herself. Maybe, if she was the only one affected by it she wouldn't be as caring but life granted connections and when those connections were severed with said life, things tended to be put into perspectives. It was akin to tearing the heartstrings apart, invisible to the naked eyes but the pain was there.

"I did what I had to do," and it was no excuse either. Saying she had no choice would simply be incorrect because Seele chose to help. She was committed to it, to everything even the risk, so she could save someone she truly found worthy to save. All the years she lived, she did so for herself and nobody else but now someone was more important than her meager existence showed herself, she gladly laid down her life to protect her and her beliefs. "I'm sorry for making you worry but I regret none of it."

Maybe just a little but it was none for herself. She regretted it had to come to that, she regretted for the sake of everyone around her who was affected because, at the end of the day, she was just one woman and the world didn't revolve around her. Even if she had died, everyone would eventually move on and forgot about her.

"As you should," Oleg nodded approvingly, tender and proud, making Seele look up. "I know you care not about honor or valor the Silvermane Guards hold, nor fame or wealth a lot of people desire. What you did was pure kindness done out of necessity and that is the highest form of sacrifice one could achieve in their life." He shook his head fondly, "you know, if the Guards caught a wind of your deed they would seek you out and give you the Qlipoth's Sigil of Defense and you could live for free for the rest of your life. The city is obliged to fulfill every of your needs henceforth."

Seele made a face and snorted dismissively while Oleg chuckled, fully expecting her response. "Yeah, no. That sounds neat but I'll have to pass. Everything has a price and being famous is the last thing I want. I'd rather be dead than to have people flocking on me like they would a celebrity or some sh*t, honestly."

A pause as the father-daughter duo related in everything but blood stared at one another until finally Oleg bursted out laughing, followed by Seele who shared the same sentiment. However they thought about it, the image of Seele being hailed and paraded around the city was an amusing one especially with the knowledge that Seele would be frowning her hostile frown the entire time due to her disdain to the predicament. That alone would scare half the people, probably.

"In any case," Oleg began after catching his breath, finally calming down though the grin was still audible in his tone. "You were right for what you did and you should be proud of yourself. I couldn't ask for a better daughter myself."

The meaning behind those words were as warm as it was saddening. She knew that the man before her had gone through a lot in life and thus was very familiar with loss of loved ones. Natasha might have witnessed more deaths than they both combined, but Oleg's experience was more personal that even before he was a Wildfire, he had lost a lot comrades in-arms in his duty as a Silvermane Guard.

"Yeah," she simply said with a smile. Oleg hated it when she discredit herself so she took it all with open heart knowing he did approve of her. "And I couldn't have asked for a better mentor and caretaker, too."

He taught her the way of life and the necessity of connections when all she knew was how to bite and whatnot. Everyone worth their life knew how to fight in the Underworld but not everyone understood what bond was. Not like she could blame them since that too was understandable, at least in her eyes with all that ugliness she had witnessed.

It was only when Oleg took her in did Seele understood that there was always a bigger picture to everything. Sure, if one was to think everything didn't matter as long as one could live and survive for the rest of their life but then came the question; How long until that?

If everyone was selfish and only thought of their survival, the Underworld would've spiralled into anarchy a long time ago with warbands and lords rising to claim what little resources they could have until they too perished and collapsed on themselves, the weight of the world crushing them with its ceaseless demands. Instead, people like Oleg who believed the betterment of others rose and created a semblance of order for the people, safekeeping them from threats and helping them manage their scarce resources so everyone had the chance to live, to survive, in the shared hole they called home.

It was not without opposition, even the most stable and fair of reigns had oppositions, but they prevailed through it all. The Wildfire was the embodiment of grit and the warmth they casted upon the people burned them into embers that lit up the flame even further.

Seele was one of those people and she was proud of it because, at last, she found her purpose in life when she sworn that solemn oath of a protector. It wasn't an easy job and the pay was hardly sufficient but it was necessary and that was enough for her. If she could help, then she would. Even if she had little love for the way of living of the Underworld it was still her home and that was always worth fighting for.

Oleg chuckled fondly then, once again ruffling her hair which made Seele groan knowing it would be even more unruly now. In response, Oleg merely laughed before he stepped back. "We make the best team."

She snorted, though it lacked malice as proven by the playful smirk on her face. "Yeah, well, someone has to take care of things now that you're a senile old man."

"Oi, I'm not that old."

"Have you seen yourself in the mirror lately? Your hair and beard are all white."

"They're always white."

"Whatever you say, chief."

Another bout of laughter, another tender moment between the two. Oleg excused himself after it died down, telling her that he still had works to be done and Seele, not wanting to hold him back, simply waved her hand with a reassuring smile.

"Oh, before I forget," he poked his head back through the doorway and Seele raised an eyebrow inquisitively, "Natasha told me that you should go find Serval to get your phone back. It was damaged before so she took it upon herself to repair it for you."

"Now? I'm afraid she's busy, though."

"Why would she be and how do you know?"

Seele shrugged, jumping down the bed and stretching, sighing in pleasure when she felt her joints popped. "She's a former Silvermane, her expertise on recent matter is invaluable so I imagine she would be busy helping her brother and all."

"Her brother?"

"Yeah, he's a Silvermane Captain. Gepard is his name." There was no response from Oleg so Seele looked properly at him, raising an eyebrow at his surprised expression. "What?"

"Gepard is her brother?"

"Yeah, why? Do you know him?"

"He's the Silvermane's liaison officer in the Underworld. This whole joint operation thing is his idea."

"Huh. So that armband is his idea, too?"


"Wait, is he the reason you look so proud of them?"

"Yeah," Oleg answered sheepishly and Seele blinked in disbelief.

"You're weirdly simple sometimes, you know that?"

"... yeah?"

Once Oleg left, Seele made a a short work on preparing herself to visit Serval, changing out of her hospital gown into the clothes Oleg brought for her in record time. She combed her hair in the blind since there was no mirror nearby, scoffed disdainfully at that one lock that always stood defiant on the top of her head before slipping through the door and out of her assigned room.

Her steps were quiet as she traversed the neutral white hallway still lit by the lights, not wanting to disturb the other patients still sleeping in their own respective rooms, until finally she found the exit. Thankfully, Natasha had the thought to tell her where it was when she dropped by earlier to give her her breakfast and prescriptions so Seele wasn't lost.

Well, not entirely anyway. It was still a new environment so it was inevitable that she took the wrong turns a few times on her way out.

The Guards stationed on the front barely spared her a glance when she walked past them compared to the nurses who looked at her for a few long seconds before deciding that she was not in trouble or need. Still, Seele nodded at them in acknowledgement before she took her first step into her first ever sunrise.

It was kind of underwhelming.

She had dreamed about it but now she was there, it wasn't what she expected. Though, to be fair, she didn't know what to expect to begin with. The idea was as foreign as the sea to her, vast and unreachable, until it became a reality.

The freezing atmosphere robbed it almost all of its growing warmth, sparing only the barest to reach the world below. What should've been a warm morning was almost as cold as the night that even the Underworld was warmer with its abundant supply of Geomarrow being constantly mined and transported about. Seele huffed a misty breath, disappointed as one of life's greatest mystery turned out to be not as fascinating as she thought it would be.

The Administrative District looked a lot different than the last time she was there with streetlights illuminating the road and local area with its golden glow while shops were still being opened by their owners. It was still early so it wasn't as crowded, too, with the Guards dominating the count. Seele took in the silence with brief interest, enjoying the atmosphere which was vastly different than the usual Underworld mornings.

She was an early bird so Seele was no stranger to mornings even if she hated them. As many other things she did, waking up early was done out of necessity since she had people to relieve of their duties after a long night of working security. Granted, sleeping schedule in the Underworld was as fickle as the wind itself with no sun to dictate the day and night.

As it seemed, however, she wasn't the only one to think as such.

Many faces she saw were familiar, people from the Underworld who finally had their freedom after a decade of oppression lounging about the District while looking unfazed by the cold, some accompanied by unfamiliar faces she guessed were their Overworld relatives or friends. The sight brought a small smile to her face, especially when she noticed the clear happiness they wore.

None of them paid her any attention, though, and Seele was fine with it. It wasn't like she was that famous, anyway.

Arriving at her destination, Seele promptly pushed the shop's doors open and stepped inside, the chime of the bell above alerting the people inside of her entrance. She ran a hand over her hair to get rid of the snowflakes building on it and sighed at the warmth radiating from nearby Geomarrow heater, walking to the front desk only to pause when she spotted something by the corner of her eye.

Or rather, someone.

"Dan Heng? What are you doing here?"

The aloof young man turned to face her from his position behind a workbench, obviously in the middle of something if the things on it were any indication. Seele didn't have much conversation with Dan Heng so they weren't exactly close, though she didn't doubt his intentions at all, and since he was almost as stoic as Bronya there wasn't exactly much to talk to begin with. He mostly kept to himself and Seele respected that. People who talked less usually had things done better than the more obnoxious bunch.

He regarded her for a moment before he replied, tone as level as usual while his eyes remained critical. "Volunteering," he answered simply as he returned to tinkering on the things. "How are you?"

Seele blinked and leaned on the counter, arms folded under her weight. "Good. Do you know where Serval is?"

"Back there in the house," he gestured at a door to his right while throwing her a quick glance. "She's waiting for you."

"Alright, thanks."


Strange kid but Seele had met stranger. Without further thoughts, she walked into the door and quietly closed it behind her, humming a pleased hum when the smell of oil and grease were replaced with the delicious smell of bread and coffee. "Hello? Serval, you here?"

"Yeah!" A loud voice to her left answered and Seele turned to its direction, walking down a well lit hallway and further into the house. "Over here, Seele!"

Serval was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast by the stove while a basket of freshly baked breads sat on her dining table along with the coffee she smelled earlier. Gawking slightly at the sight, Serval must have seen the look on her face with the way she laughed. "I hope you're hungry!"

"Well, no I actually..." Seele trailed off, contemplating on whether she should tell Serval that she had had her breakfast already or not until she decided to go along with it. Besides, she wasn't one to turn down foods. "Nevermind."

Serval smiled, returning her attention to her cooking. "Sit down and have some coffee. I might not be as amazing as Mei but I know a thing or two about food."

"You've had Mei's cooking?" Seele asked curiously as she sat down, dragging a mug of dark liquid close before taking a whiff of its steam. It smelled heavenly, so unlike the low quality products the Underworld was forced to consume for years.

She took a sip and hummed at the taste.

"Oh, yeah. Amazing stuff. The first day after the battle, we've had to set up camps for the Underworlders who poured out to seek their relatives so Mei volunteered to work on the makeshift kitchen. I heard her skills were quite the talk already with her providing food a while back?"

Seele nodded, though Serval couldn't see it with her back still facing Seele. "Yeah, we've had a problem in the mine with monsters and vagrants disturbing everyone. Plenty of wounded and dead."

"My condolences."

Seele shrugged and took another sip, finding comfort in the warmth blooming in her body. It was unfortunate but not something unheard of. "Don't be, it's not your fault."

Serval smiled sadly at that but didn't say anything further. The general condition of the Underworlders itself was depressing to see, a sight she got to witness first hand, with distrust thick in the air. If it wasn't for the Astral Express crew, she wasn't sure that they could mend the severed bonds between the two worlds that even now with their help it was still a slow, yet steady process.

She sighed quietly as she turned the stove off, put a pair of on mittens and carefully lifted the pot to the table. Seele watched it all with mild interest that turned into a full blown curiosity when she saw what was inside of it.

"What is that?" She asked as she leaned closer for a better view. The smell was great but... but... "Why is it red?"

Serval chuckled at her reaction, putting two bowls and began filling them up with its content. Last but not least, she put a spoonful of sour cream on each, its white a contrast to the near crimson. "It's called Russian Borscht, Bronya's country signature food. She gave me the recipe a while back."

"Is it good? I've never had any red soup before."

"Kiana vouched for it. It's authentic."

Seele raised an eyebrow at that. If even Kiana approved of something Bronya suggested, then it should be good. That in itself was a miracle.

Serval handed her a spoon and Seele accepted it with a thanks. Staring at her bowl for a second, she shrugged and dipped the spoon into the content, taking a generous amount into her mouth.

The moment it touched her tongue, her eyes lit up.

"Oh..." She was speechless. The taste was nothing like she had had before, which was fair since it was the first time she had Borscht, and it certainly new. Taking a spoonful, she scooped the meat mixed in it and brought it to her mouth again, humming at the explosion of taste once she bit it. "Oh, this is amazing!"

Serval watched her with a mixture of amusem*nt and fondness. "Dip the bread into it."

Seele did as told without thought, at this point too enraptured to even conjure a comprehensive thought. It was an endless waves of new experiences, each ingredients tasting different than the last, that she was certain it was the best food she had ever had, second only to Mei's.

Frankly, if Mei ever cooked a Borscht Seele would probably die on the first bite with sensory overload being her cause of death. Serval was amazing but Mei was simply a step above divine.

She proceeded to wolf down the rest much to Serval's amusem*nt. Watching the younger woman eat her fill gave her pride, knowing she did great for her first time cooking the food. In a much more languid pace Serval followed suit, humming quietly when she got the first bite into her mouth.

It was... understandable, for Seele to enjoy it as much as she did. Bronya gave her one hell of a recipe despite the substitutes she inevitably had to use as ingredients.

Eventually, Seele emptied her bowl and Serval who had been watching her through her periphery caught her glancing at the pot with hunger clear in her eyes. Chuckling softly to herself, Serval loosely gestured at it. "You can have more if you want."

A pair of purple eyes flicked to her direction almost scandalously before they returned to the pot. It wasn't as much as a battle as it was a struggle which Seele had already lost the moment she got her first taste of the food. Grunting loudly, she filled her bowl with another hefty portion and began eating.

Another portion later and Seele finally had her fill, not out of satisfaction but rather physical limitations as her stomach was filled to the brim. She couldn't bring herself to take another bite but the taste...

The goddamn taste...

"I can give you the recipe later," Serval proposed, her own empty bowl on the table before her, long abandoned after the first time it was emptied. "Or you can go ask Bronya yourself. Maybe she will offer you some personal suggestions while she's at it."

"I'll do just that."

Serval smiled as a comfortable silence descended upon them, content to just bask in the moment. She rarely got guests so early in the morning and judging from Seele's expression the feeling was mutual.

Besides, it wasn't like a lot of people frequented her, anyway. After everything that had happened to her, she was content to live a life of solitude doing her hobby as work. Serval had decided to leave the world of politics and bureaucracies behind when she was stripped of her uniform.

Well, at least until recently anyway.

"So, what is it?" Seele asked after a long pause, beating her ahead by a small margin. Looking up, she saw the more familiar eyes of a determined and fierce girl she first met in her shop a few days ago.

Serval cleared her throat. "There's something I need to tell you."

"Yeah, I figured. You wouldn't have asked me to meet you otherwise." Seele shrugged then as she crossed her legs under the table, smiling a friendly smile. "I mean, don't get me wrong I really enjoy this but you really should've just been upfront about it, y'know."

"Sorry, I really didn't know what excuse I could use." Serval laughed sheepishly then. "But, hey. It worked."

Seele snorted. "I guess. But you do have my phone, right? Is it still usable?"

"Oh, yeah." Serval got up to pick a small box from the top of her refrigerator, sliding it to Seele as she sat back down. "I fixed it already. Don't worry, all the data is still fine since all I had to do was replace the screen."

Seele opened the offered box where her phone was carefully fitted between soft paddings, pulling it out she then tapped the screen twice, sighing with relief when her usual wallpaper greeted her. "Thanks. I'll pay you up as soon as I can."

But Serval merely waved her hand dismissively. "Nah, don't worry about it. It's on the house."

"You sure? That was a lot of money."

"It was just—" Serval stopped herself, remembering who she was talking to. While the Overworlders might consider it cheap, the same couldn't be said to the people living in the Underworld. It was just a screen, yet it probably costed the same as someone's weekly salary down there so instead Serval simply nodded and thinned her lips, trying her best to suppress the grimace threatening to spill forth. "It was a thanks, from me."

She sighed as she leaned back on her chair before continuing. "It's the least I can do after all the sacrifices you made for us, every single one of us."

Seele pocketed her phone then after turning the data off and the onslaught of messages stopped. Most of them were from Luka and for a second she wondered if someone actually told that dumbass that she was in a coma the past few days or not. He could be so clueless sometimes, or just plain stupid.

"If you say so."

The near dismissive way Seele said it had Serval pausing. Nodding slowly, she raised an eyebrow at the purple haired woman. "How are you feeling, though?"

Seele shrugged nonchalantly. "Better."

"That's good to hear. You gave Dunn and me quite the scare, back then."

Seele snorted and took a sip of her cooling coffee, letting it soak on her tongue as she mulled over her words. "It's not like I could help it. Still, tell him I'm sorry for the troubles."

The blonde visibly hesitated, chewing on her bottom lip silently before Serval sighed deeply. "You do realize that you were dead, right? How could you be so indifferent about it?"

Words couldn't describe the pure dread she felt when she and Dunn found Seele and Bronya a short while later after picking up a call from the former, a call which echoed nothing but a scream of pure agony that had her heart plummeting to the pit of her stomach. Serval knew something was terribly wrong but the sight of Seele lying in the pool of her own blood while Bronya was stuck in a murder trance wasn't what she expected. She caught a glimpse of Seele's blood on Bronya's bayonet a second before the Silvermane Commandant turned her rifle on them, if it wasn't for Dunn and his impeccable reaction speed she was sure she would've caught a bullet to the stomach.

Dunn's words still lingered in her mind whenever she recalled that moment.

"What the hell is happening?! This is the second Rand that is intent on killing us!"

What happened afterwards was even more strange. Amidst the pinging of bullets on shield and the sparks they created, she saw a flicker of purple and red energy practically oozing from Seele's body before Bronya suddenly stopped on her track and fell on her own weight, unconscious. They had to carry them both back to Belobog then with Dunn practically bulldozing through the snow like it was nothing, urgency fueling his sprint, with Seele carefully wrapped around his arms.

The red that painted the white snow as Serval followed him with Bronya on her back would forever haunt her. It travelled down Dunn's armored form before pouring down to the ground, leaving behind a scene of pure horror until it just stopped. Somehow, it was even more scary because they knew it was simply too late then.

They arrived at the outpost a few minutes later with Serval hyperventilating from both panic and exertion, from then everything was almost a blur. She felt Bronya being removed from her back and brought to safety with a full escort by the Guards, the gentle squeeze of Dunn's hand on her shoulder yet all she could focus on was the body left in the medical tent, the doctors there briefly checking on it before they shook their heads and left.

Not even the cold could stop the warm tears from falling as she broke down there and then with thousands of thoughts racing in her head. She was no stranger to loss but to experience it was always despairing no matter how much it had happened.

She stayed like that for God knew how long, almost as motionless as the dead before her and barely blinking. At one point, the Astral Express crew returned and the absence of Cocolia was enough explanation on what happened to her yet she felt nothing when Mei told her the news.

Mei... was shocked when she saw Seele, but it was fleeting compared to the three teenagers who pretty much shared the same reaction as Serval's. At first, Serval thought she was just that jaded but when she called Kiana she knew it wasn't true. She was simply aware of something they weren't.

Of course, Serval had heard the tale about the Express even if it was just briefly. Some books had records of their arrival on ancient Jarilo-VI but it had been centuries since then so nobody really knew them anymore. One thing she was certain of, however, was that nobody should posses the power Kiana had.

Kiana arrived through her portal, not looking worse for the wear even a slight bit, but it was who that followed her that had Serval reeling in surprise.

She had Bronya's face, voice and name but she wasn't the Bronya Serval raised alongside Cocolia. Her silver eyes were hard as steel and nearly as cold, almost unfeeling even when she saw Seele's cooling body. Almost because Serval certainly saw a flicker of shock even if it's just for a split second, a feat possible to achieve for the sole reason that she had known thay face for years and thus could count even the smallest of shift.

They didn't say anything but somehow managed to hit the same consensus from the stares they shared with each other. A silent communication possible between people so close they were one in all but body. Mei moved with grace to close the tent flaps before she stood right before the entrance, hands clasped together in front of her as she offered Bronya and Kiana a near imperceptible nod.

What happened afterwards could only be described as miraculous.

They saw with clarity how Kiana's jacket burned away along with the rest of her outfit, whittled away by a purple fire which then coalesced and condensed on her figure into an elegant dress that radiated elegance. The energy from it alone was enough to make her heart pound in anticipation, every fiber of her being telling her that she was in the presence of something great, something powerful words simply couldn't describe yet it wasn't oppressive but rather comforting, like the flow of cool spring water on the skin of the weary.

Although, the same couldn't be said to both Mei and Bronya themselves.

When the energy hit them, something flickered and out of existence around their body, outlines of armor and dress that perpetuated similar energy. They seemed to resonate with each other and it was so fascinating to watch, more so when Bronya put her hand on Seele's chest right over her heart and let the energy flow into her body, repairing all the damage and injuries she sustained with ease until she was breathing and alive again.

"Wait," Kiana interrupted her then when she was about to grab Seele, still encased in the strange energy, to make sure she wasn't seeing things. "It's not done yet."

"She's alive, right...?"

"Her body is. There's another thing we need to get, something as precious but more intricate."

"The soul," Bronya chimed in, voice level even as she continued to stare at Seele's rapidly reddening face now her blood was flowing again. "The world doesn't allow one to gather the pieces of a soul. We'll have to get her back."


"She's in the afterlife now, resting on beyond the Sea."

"But how?"

"By guiding it," Bronya glanced to Kiana who nodded before the Kaslana pulled out her phone and dialed someone, much to Serval's confusion. "We know someone."

Three rings were all it took before it was answered, three rings that felt like eternity. "Hey, it's me. Sorry for calling suddenly but do you have a moment? No, no Bronya is okay we just need your help. Uh-huh, yeah with that. No, just go first I'll catch up later. Okay, yeah thanks, Seele."

Kiana pocketed her phone back, ignoring the dumbstruck stares she received from Serval and the girls while Dan Heng was looking at her with intrigue, and grinned. "Don't worry, she's gonna be fine. That I promise."

Without another word, Kiana raised her hand and snapped her fingers and everything just stopped. The energy gone along with her dress while the woman herself swayed and fell back towards a waiting Mei's embrace, unconscious.

They had assured her then that everything would be alright and she chose to believe them. After all, the rise and fall of Seele's chest was enough proof that the girl was alive again. Whatever they did, it obviously worked which further being accentuated by the fact that very same girl was now sitting behind her dining table. Alive and well.

"I guess you'd just have to accept it," said Seele with a shrug. She did that a lot today and it was still morning. "I've known that I'd one day die."

"Yeah, but weren't you scared?"

Seele scoffed. "Of course I was, and still am in fact. It's just that you shouldn't live with that fear. When you die, you die. Nothing you can do will stop it." She shook her head after a short pause, "but I guess that mindset is just another byproduct of our society. People die almost every day in the Underworld and we're dying already so there's really not much stake left."

Serval saw that. In the eyes belonging to the Underworlders when they first went to the Overworld after a decade of forced seclusion. Gritty, hardened eyes that reflected the souls of everyone but the hope was unmistakable, especially ones displayed in the eyes of the children.

"The future generations are always ahead the rest of us," Mei had quietly commented then, obviously seeing what Serval was seeing. "They see the world for what it is; full of possibilities and limitless opportunities. That innocence is what make them better for when all we see is struggle, they instead see hope. Pure, unadulterated hope and wonders."

"Everything will be fine," Serval offered and Seele grunted, not denying nor agreeing. Hope was as dangerous as it was beneficial, being tentative about it was the smartest move when it come to it. "Bronya is smart and wise. She will lead everyone fair and just."


The blonde chuckled. "Always so quick to agree about Bronya, huh?"

Seele glared at her but Serval was unfazed, returning it with a sly smile of her own. Rolling her eyes, Seele answered "I have faith on her. She's better than her mother was and she won't lead us astray."

The smile on Serval's face vanished and she looked down to her empty cup of coffee. Noticing the way her eyes grew distant, Seele raised a questioning eyebrow.

"I wouldn't exactly agree..."

"What do you mean?"

Serval audibly sighed as she pondered on her words, languidly twiddling with her thumbs as she mulled over them. "Actually, this is what I've been meaning to tell you."


"I'm sure Bronya had mentioned this before but Cocolia and I had histories." Seele nodded silently. Bronya had, in fact, told her about it. She also had told her about Serval's apparent hatred on Cocolia.

"Yeah, you didn't like her. I think it's fair, though."

Serval chuckled dryly. Seele was being mild with her words and she could see it. "Dislike didn't do it justice, I hated her guts to the point I couldn't stand in the same room with her." She ran a hand over her face then, leaning back on her chair and gazing up to the ceiling. "But it's not always like that."

"Oh," Seele scratched the back of her head and frowned. "Were you guys like, lovers or something?" She asked tentatively.

Serval made a face at that, looking at Seele straight in the eye. "No, how did you reach that conclusion?"

"I dunno, all my life I've only seen former lovers hating each other so much to your description."

"It's not like that. And by the way, you should work on your definition of lovers, missy."

"Former, and for the record I've never engaged myself in a romantic relationship so I wouldn't know."

Serval's eyes bulged out almost comically, mouth hanging open. "Not even once?"

"Nope, no time.'

"Oh, my poor Bronya."

"What does Bronya have to do with it?!"

Serval promptly buried her face in her hands and lamented. "My poor, poor Bronya. I think you should go talk with Mei or Kiana to understand this matter."

"Okay...?" Seele drawled, still unsure. "So, like what were you guys?"

"We were best friends," Serval settled to say, gone was the jovial glint in her gaze as she stared at nothingness behind Seele. "Sisters even, related by everything but blood."

"But you hated her?"

"Not always. She and I shared many things in common, including hobby."

"You mean your fondness to music? Was she a fan of your band or something?"

"Nope, she was our member. Our bassist, to be precise."

Seele blinked in disbelief. "That Cocolia?"

"It's hard to picture, right?" Serval said bitterly. "The Cocolia you know is the tyrannical leader that forced you and many others into difficulties, but to me she was more than just that."

Seele snorted indignantly, though it wasn't directed to anyone in particular. At least, not anyone present. "Just you said..."

"It's hard to believe, I know but it was the truth. Cocolia was kind, caring and ambitious in her youth. Much like Bronya." The last part made Seele's eyes snapped towards Serval who readily met her gaze with her own. Smiling sadly, the blonde continued. "Precisely like Bronya I must say since she and I taught and raised that child to who she is now."

"... where are you going with this?"

"The truth I'm afraid will be buried now it was in the past. I'm merely telling you this to show you what might come to you now you're bonded with our dear Supreme Guardian."

Seele scowled. "Bronya won't turn into a monster like her mother."

"I wouldn't have thought Cocolia would too but she did."

"No, she won't."

"How can you be so sure? I did happen to her mother and I assume many previous Supreme Guardians."

"Because I'm here," Seele exclaimed resolutely. "If she even thinks about relinquishing our freedom for survival like her mother to another power, I will smack her again and again until she returns to her sense but only if it happens which I doubt it will. Bronya knows what is best not just for the city but also the people. I have faith in her."

Through her confession, Serval's smile grew and grew until it became a full blown grin. Seele didn't see it at first as she was too busy rambling. "The road ahead will be hard and people will change along the way. It's simply inevitable."

"But their core values won't. The Bronya I know will change but her kindness and fortitude will stay the same. Besides, she and I made a promise and until it was fulfilled, I'll continue on demanding it from her."

A memory that felt like a lifetime ago, which technically was true, of a promise that still rang true in her heart and mind. Bronya had promised her out of desperation to help her people but there's undoubtedly a sincerity in it, a desire to fulfill it no matter how.

"I'm afraid that they won't accept me."

"She's doing everything for the interest of the people," Seele continued softly, a tender smile blooming on her face that had Serval staring in wonder. She traced circles on the rim of her mug mindlessly as she formulated her words. "It will be hell on earth before she even turn her back on the helpless."

"You are right," Serval said just as softly. "She has you and many others. Unlike me, you won't abandon her in her time of needs."

"Do you regret that?"

Serval sucked in a breath and nodded. "Everyday. Everyday I think of another possibility where I didn't walk away, where I was just a little bit stronger. That perhaps I could've saved Cocolia from the path of certain doom she's walking into."

"I see..."

"Don't be like me," Serval told Seele solemnly. "Don't give up on Bronya. You both will disagree on something, you will fight over it but whatever happens, do not leave her alone. It will be more painful once everything's too late between you both."

"I was told I could be a little too stubborn, though."

"Well, it's the better then," Serval laughed and Seele cracked a smile at it. "Be stubborn. That's when you know you won't give up no matter what."

"Can I ask you something, though?" Seele began after a short pause, smile still lingering on her lips, and continued when Serval gave her a 'go ahead' nod. "How's Bronya when she was a kid?"

The sudden shift of the mood had Serval grinning from ear to ear, she cleared her throat and hummed noncommittally. "Well..."

Hours passed, by the time Seele emerged back to the world the sun was already high in the sky and bright. The talk itself was enjoyable and Seele found herself intrigued the more they talked, however every good things must end and Serval unfortunately still had works to do so after a quick good-bye she made her way out of the shop with mood better than before.

The Administrative District was more crowded this time with people finally woke up and about the place, either working or simply enjoying themselves in the relatively clear weather considering the fact Jarilo-VI itself was an icy planet. At first, she didn't have certain direction to go so Seele merely strolled around mindlessly, taking in the sight of the Overworld properly.

Currently, she was watching a bunch of kids as they learned about the history of Belobog near a large Geomarrow monument with the very same bespectacled, midget woman she met days ago giving the lecture. Seele was a good tens of meters away so although the woman didn't notice her with how crowded it was, Seele could still see the passionate smile she had despite some unruly children doing unruly things amidst the bunch.

Seele smiled faintly when she noticed a few familiar kids including Hook and her gang, though she seemed more interested with the moving tram that went around the city every now and then than the lecture itself. She couldn't blame them though. Even if she understood the importance of education, it was still boring as hell.

Her thought was interrupted when someone bumped into her back. "Hey, watch it!" Seele hissed angrily as she turned around, only to pause when she realized who it was before a grin broke on her face instead. "Oh, it's you guys."

"I'm so sorry!" March apologized profusely, almost instinctively, until she too realized who it was. "Seele?! You're out already?!"

Seele waved her hand dismissively. "Just sneaked out this morning, how about you guys? What are you doing?"

Stelle approached them and raised the blue camera in her hands. "March wanted me to take a few pictures so I figured now that we're free, it's time we do just that."

"Oh, yeah. I heard what you guys did. Thanks for helping everyone."

"Nah, don't worry about it. The pay is good."

Seele smirked. "I saw Dan Heng in Serval's place early this morning, where is he now?"

"Last I heard he's picking something up from the Underworld, we didn't quite have the time to rest so we made good of our time instead."

"How long have you guys been running errands?" Seele asked worriedly, properly looking at both girls. They didn't look worse for the wear so it's hard to imagine that they had been working nonstop. "You're not pushing yourself too hard, are you?"

"It's fine," March assured her with a smile. "The Path of Trailblaze gives us the strength. We could go on for a whole week without sleeping so this is nothing."

Seele regarded the pinkette for a second before she shrugged. "Well, if you're sure. Speaking of which, have you guys seen Bronya?"

"Which one?" Both March and Stelle chorused before they shared a glance, the former giggling in amusem*nt while the latter rolled her eyes playfully. Seele simply shook her head at their antics and smiled.

"Your Bronya."

"Truth be told, we haven't seen her much these days," Stelle answered and March nodded along. "She can't really show herself in the open since it may cause some confusion so Bronya usually went on her own ways without us. Try checking on Mei or Kiana, they probably have an inkling or two on her whereabouts."

Seele hummed in thought. It made sense for Bronya to hide from public's eyes since she shared face with her Bronya and to have someone that looked exactly like the Supreme Guardian running around the place would raised some alarms. Still, it didn't explain why Bronya didn't pick up her call.

"You know what, I'll do just that." Seele settled to say. "Do you know where Kiana and Mei are?"

"Oh, they're eating lunch over there." March raised a finger to somewhere far and Seele's gaze followed it. "Just go to that direction, there's an open restaurant that way."

Seele nodded. "Alright, thanks. I'll see you two later."

"Sure. It's good to know you're well, by the way."

"Yeah, me too. Later, March, Stelle."

She bade her good-bye to the two girls who returned it with smiles and nods. As she walked away, March grabbed Stelle's by her arm and yanked her close, whining "Why didn't you warn me?! That was embarrassing!"

"What? Bumping on Seele in a literal manner sounded quite funny to me," Stelle retorted flatly yet the amusem*nt in her golden eyes was unmistakable. "She was ready to chew you alive, too."

The pinkette groaned. "You're unbelievable. As an apology, you'll have to accompany me for the rest of the day."

"Wait, what?!"

"You brought it upon yourself! I intended on having Dan Heng with me but your action changed my mind."

"Oh, come on!"

Their voices faded into background noises the further Seele go, heading straight to the direction March gave her. It wasn't a long walk as she saw both Kiana and Mei sitting under an umbrella.

"Mei, Kiana," she greeted the pair with a nod, gaze stopping on Kiana when she noticed the strange color of her eyes. They were vibrant gold instead of her usual blue with some intricate patterns in them.

Those very same eyes flicked to her direction before they rolled dismissively with a scoff.

Seele blinked, surprised and baffled by the sheer curtness of the action.

Mei laughed warmly. "Sorry, Kiana is not exactly here."


Mei proceeded to spoon-fed Kiana ice cream, of all things, whose expression immediately changed to delight as she squealed. "This is Sirin."

"... who?"

"Sirin," Mei explained, "it's a long story but Kiana has two personalities inside her. One being Kiana and the other is Sirin, who's currently in control of her body."

Seele frowned, scratching the back of her head in confusion before she shrugged helplessly. "I wouldn't believe it if it's someone else telling me this, the idea of dual ego is a little farfetched."

Kiana, or rather Sirin, glanced up to her direction before bursting into laughter. Her voice was a little different than Kiana's, younger but the smugness in it was obvious as she spoke. "Oh, that was rich coming from you," she simply said before returning her attention to her food.

"Sirin, that is not very nice to say," Mei scolded the girl who only pouted as a response. Shaking her head fondly, she then addressed Seele. "She's a little straightforward with her words but she's not a bad girl, still I apologize on her behalf."

Still staring at the girl, Seele hummed. "Nah, it's fine. I like people who're honest with themselves." A sigh. "Speaking of honest people... do you know where Bronya is?"


"Yeah, your Bronya," Seele clarified. "I tried calling her but she didn't pick up my calls."

"Hm," Mei tilted her head slightly to the side, appeared to be in thought. "Oh, she's having a meeting with her company's board members right now and didn't want to be disturbed."

"I see..."

"Why are you looking for her?"

"I need to ask her a few things."

"Is that so? Well, Bronya just told me you can come and see her."

"Huh, how did you— You know what, I'm not even going to ask. Just tell me where she is."

"It's a cafe called Hoffnung, here let me send you the city's map." Mei unlocked her phone and after a few seconds, Seele felt her own vibrated in her pocket. Fishing it out, she downloaded the file Mei sent her and hummed to herself, taking in the map briefly.

"Thanks," she said and Mei nodded. "I'll be going now. See you later."

"Of course."

She met Dunn on her way in a tram.

At first, she didn't recognize him since she hadn't seen him outside that bulky armor of his but she did recognize his voice even if it was slightly different now it's not muffled by his helmet. He was large, burly, and a little too pale yet the gentle smile he had was true and honest.

He asked her a lot of things and Seele did her best in answering him, in return she asked him about the finer details of Belobog's Overworld layouts to memorize for the future. She had a feeling that she would be around often and when she told him that, he simply chuckled.

"It's nice, isn't it?" He had asked her then, "Everyone is finally together again."

She agreed wholeheartedly, even though she didn't exactly have anyone on the Overworld to look for but the joy of everyone was enough for Seele. For the first time she saw her people so jovial and alive, finally quenching their desire for reunion with their loved ones and it was enough.

Unfortunately, their meeting didn't last long with Dunn first hopping off at his destination. It was his day off and he had places her wanted to visit. He promised her that they would meet again after exchanging contact information, among which he also told her that the Guards would always have her back henceforth.

Apparently, Bronya was not only held in high regards but she was a close friend to them. When words got out that Seele and the Crew saved her, they made it their duty to return the favor by including them in their fold. Dunn explained that whatever they needed, the Guards would be willing to help as long as it was within reasons.

Seele understood the weight of it. From tactical standpoint alone, it meant that the Wildfire would have backups now in fighting the remaining menace in the Underworld. It was just words and while she wouldn't usually take them at face value, she'd learned to trust the Guards through Bronya and her actions. These people were the pillar of defense and they upheld their Codex highly so they would keep their promises.

Still, besides the job ends it also gave her butterflies to learn that they had forged relations already. Seele made sure Dunn heard her gratitude when he walked off.

That was roughly an hour ago. Now, the feeling was gone and all that remained was frustration. She had tried to get her bearings but she learned that she sucked at reading maps too late now she had been walking in practical circles around the area. It took Seele almost another half an hour in which she had to ask for assistance from Bronya until she finally found the cafe.

With her mood now decidedly sour, Seele briskly entered the building and looked for a head of silver hair amongst the tables. It was easy to spot Bronya since her appearance stood up like a sore thumb but it was the fact that the waitress and owner were staring at a certain spot that gave it away.

Their expression was one that could be described as bewilderment and shock, looking at Bronya like a deer caught in headlights while the woman in question easily ignored them by favoring her laptop on the table. It was open and as Seele approached, she noticed the wireless earphones on her ears.

She was also smiling, something that made Seele pause.

Seele sat down across of her and Bronya finally looked away from the screen of her laptop towards Seele. She obviously had seen her through her periphery since she sat facing the entrance.

Bronya removed one of her earphones, still smiling, and greeted her. "Hey."

"Hey," Seele mumbled, still baffled by Bronya's expression. It wasn't one she had seen before and for the first time Bronya actually looked human. "Are you busy?"

"No, I've just done with my meeting. Sorry for not answering your calls."

"It's fine. It's not like it was something urgent."

"Glad to hear," Bronya paused as she took a sip of her coffee. "Would you like to order something? Maybe lunch? The cake is great, by the way."

Not one to usually turn down food, Seele shook her head instead. "Thanks but I'm still full. Serval made an amazing Borscht and I... had a few."

"Really? That's amazing. I've only given her the recipe yesterday."

"Yeah, she told me it was from you." Seele sighed and allowed herself to relax, leaning back against the couch and crossing her leg above the other. When she looked back to Bronya, she saw her following every of her movement, as if to ascertain there was nothing wrong with her.

It was brief and Bronya's gaze returned to its passive attentive not a second later. "How are you feeling?" Bronya asked gently only to raise an inquisitive eyebrow when Seele groaned exasperatedly in return.

"Everyone has been asking me that a lot it's honestly getting tiring. I'm fine, no need to worry."

"Well, we were worried."

"You should've known that I'm fine. You're the one who brought me back to life."

"That would be Kiana."

"Don't discredit yourself. Whatever bullsh*t you pulled certainly helped, too. Natasha told me." Bronya hummed but didn't answer verbally and Seele continued on. "What is it with Kiana, though? She has two personalities?"

"Oh, you've met Sirin?"

"Yeah, she was... well, different I guess. A little scathingly frank but I don't dislike it."

Bronya's smile turned somewhat sad at that. "That girl has gone through a lot. It's a long story but she was a victim of our circ*mstances. Thirty years ago she lost all her friends and herself, now we made it our goal to see her happy."

"But, how did she end up in Kiana's body?" Seele asked confusedly but instead of answering the question, Bronya shook her head.

"That's not my place to tell. If you really want to know, you'll have to ask Kiana yourself."

A shrug. "If you say so. What about Kiana though? You know, since she's not in control is she like... somewhere else?"

"Oh, she's probably sleeping in her own head. Bringing you back took quite the toll on her and we haven't exactly been resting after everything. Plenty of jobs between the Overworld and Underworld to take care of."

"She brought me back to life. Her being exhausted from using her power is not really that surprising."

"You're mistaken," Bronya curtly said and Seele blinked at her. It was only then did Seele notice that throughout their conversation, Bronya's other hand was busy sketching something on a sketch book over her lap. Bronya didn't seem bothered by her either as she made a steady progress on drawing... Svarog and Clara?

"Bringing you back barely took a percent of her power, however to control it is a different matter entirely." Bronya caught her staring at her sketch book and smiled faintly, bringing it up to the table so Seele could see it better. "Her power is like the ocean, vast and limitless, and just like the ocean if left unchecked it will flood over the world and drown everything in destruction. She was the floodgate that control it, and using it on you is akin to filling a straw with that water. It takes precision and precision requires control, in which can be exhausting."

"Is that why you guys don't use your power freely?" Mumbled Seele who was now openly staring at the drawing with fascination. It looked so detailed and Bronya drew it from memory alone which was impressive in itself.

"More or less. There's also a danger that came with it which is the number one reason why we don't use our Authority freely."

"For you?"

"For the universe." A sudden silence descended upon them as Seele stared at Bronya with wide eyes, shocked and speechless by the sheer certainty in Bronya's tone. The woman before her also wore another strange expression, one Seele hadn't seen on her before. "A snap of her fingers can collapse reality, a wave of her hand can conjure an army of beasts that will bloat the galaxy in its shadow. There's no telling what will happen if she were to use her full, unbridled power but the end of time is not all that farfetched of a prospect."

"But don't worry," Bronya assured with a smile. "Kiana isn't a tyrant who oppresses people under an iron fist. I doubt she has thought of the idea either. She's just a girl who fights for all that's beautiful and she would never use her power to make others suffer."

"I—I see... That was some scary things you said."

"Sorry, I was just being frank. I'm not good with words." Bronya leaned back and sighed, glancing to the screen of her laptop briefly with a small, barely noticeable, grin and folding her arms over her chest. "So, while it's a fascinating talk, I assume you're not here to talk about Kiana?"

Seele shook her head. "No, I actually have a few questions for you."

"Sure, ask away."

"What do you think of your mother?"

Bronya paused and frowned in thought, not expecting this particular question. "My mother? Matushka Cocolia?"

"Yeah. I know the previous Supreme Guardian is not your mother but ever since you told me that your version of Cocolia is also your mother, I can't stop thinking of what kind of person she is. Obviously, your world is not suffering from the Eternal Freeze like mine so she can't be a Supreme Guardian too, right?"

Bronya nodded. "That would be correct. Matushka was a branch leader of Anti-Entrophy, a human military organization whose sovereign was my mentor."

"Your mentor?"

"Yes, his name is Welt Yang. He's the first person from my world to arrive on this side of the universe, it's thanks to him that we're here."

"Where is he now?"

"Onboard the Express. If I were to say, he's your Oleg for what he is to me."

That painted a very clear picture. Though not everyone could see it, she suspected Bronya's and her outstanding perception saw through the thin veil of professionalism she and Oleg showed in public. Seele was never one to show affection, she simply didn't know how, but the small gestures were there to see for people like Bronya.

The brief touches, the glances and the subtle change in her tone... All of it were Seele's ways in expressing her feelings to someone and the way she talked and looked at Oleg gave it away.

"How do you feel about all this?" Seele continued quietly after a short pause. "Cocolia is dead and while I understand she's not your mother, she's still a version of her."

Bronya sighed deeply and for the first time her smile vanished. "Disappointed mostly because I knew this would be how it end."


"I tried to warn her," she explained with a shake of her head. "But she wouldn't listen. I knew it's a futile endeavor but I had to try anyway. She could be very stubborn at times but now I learned that it wasn't any of her will... Well, I wish I had done more to help her."

It wasn't like she could detect the Stellaron's influence on Cocolia either. It didn't give her any superpower so there wasn't an energy to detect to begin with. Unlike Stelle's, the Stellaron here wasn't imbued in someone's body but rather it used its power to fill the world with its poison, a promise of salvation that led to nothing but stagnation and then decay.

"Do you regret it?" Seele asked tentatively and Bronya nodded.

"I do. I thought that, if I hadn't given up on her so easily then things might have gone differently. I let my biased view on Matushka blind me."

"Serval told me that," Seele eyed the woman before her, taking in every of her reactions. "That I shouldn't give up on Bronya no matter what. I don't want her to turn into her mother, she's too good for this world."

A nod. "She'll need you. She'll need people to help her forward. Nobody can survive the cold alone."

Nobody except her but Bronya kept the thought to herself knowing the prospect itself would only result in more harm than good. In no way did Bronya enjoy the harsh loneliness of it and she certainly didn't want anyone to experience what she experienced in the distant past. Seele might not have found her sooner in this world but she was here now, her anchor to the world and reason to kindness. They would complete each other like her Seele did to her.

"it's a rather big shoe to fit, but I'll do my best to help her."

"I know you will."

"... do you love her?"


"Your Seele. I don't know what kind of person she is but you always talk so fondly about her. I'm not her and I can't be her to my Bronya."

Bronya's eyes softened. "I know. I'm sorry if you feel pressured by the fact she and I are lovers. You are you and you both don't share the same story nor past, if anything it's my fault for bringing it up to you. You and Lady Rand didn't know each other to consider yourself more than her friend, much less something romantic."

"No, it's not like I'm against the idea. She's a good person but I barely know her."

"Then you can start now, right? Even if you both turned out to be something different, it would be enough. Worst case scenario you might get a new friend which is not a bad thing, anyway. I'm not expecting you to love her like my Seele did to me because you're not her and Lady Rand is not me. You are your own person."

Seele fell quiet, gaze drifting away from the woman before her to the outside world absently. What Bronya told her was true. She should start to know that Bronya properly now the crisis was over and peace was restored. The concept of romance was foreign to her and while she didn't feel anything romantic towards that Bronya, it was undeniable that she'd grown on Seele.

It was hard to not admire that courage of hers especially for Seele who'd lived only for herself. A woman who carried the weight of the world on her shoulders and the countless souls that live in it tirelessly without complaints worth everything of Seele's service, a service she hoped would be enough to help Bronya even if just marginally.

Her younger self from a long time ago would scoff at her and call her stupid, that there was nothing more important than her own survival. But she wasn't that girl anymore. Oleg and her friends taught her the importance of bonds and sacrifices for others, that there was always a bigger image in the smallest of things. Something as minuscule as sharing a bread could be the difference between someone's life and death, a life that potentially would bloom into a bright candle that lit up the darkness ahead.

Nobody could know, yet they taught her to treat everyone the same for their lives were equally precious. However, Bronya's was certain so for Seele it wasn't even something to think.

She is that beacon, and she would do everything to keep it alive because she was important, not just as a figurehead but also a friend for many.

Bronya watched Seele delve into her thought in the silence, the smile she had tugging even further up. Tapping on the last earphone still on her ear to disconnect it, she grabbed her laptop and turned it towards Seele's direction, a brief mischief flashing on her silver eyes as they met the screen in the process.

"I want you to meet someone."

Bronya's voice brought Seele back to reality and she blinked, a mixture of intrigue and confusion painting her expression. A who? sat at the tip of her tongue but before she could say it, she suddenly stopped and froze.

Two pair of purple met, separated only by a thin screen and a distance so far away they were galaxies apart. In any other circ*mstance, it would've been impossible but thanks to Bronya's Authority it was made possible.

Not that Seele knew that, nor she registered the ramifications of it as her brain practically shortcircuit in her head. When the girl on the other side of the call smiled, Seele's felt her mouth dropping open further.

"Wah! You're so pretty!" She said, voice slightly garbled but unmistakably hers, albeit lighter and lacking the wittiness. "I see what Bronya meant! Hey, Seele, come look at this!"

Seele, still trying to process basically everything, didn't respond. She only watched as a pair of arms wrapped themselves around the girl's torso from behind her, the dark room concealing their owner until they leaned their head on the girl's shoulder.

"What? You're on call with Bronya?" Said the newcomer as her face came to light.

Seele's breath hitched in her throat.

She had long dark hair just like the girl but wherein the girl's inner mane had light blue color, hers was crimson just like the color of her pupils. Pupils that blown wide just like Seele's own from shock as they stared at each other.

In that moment, only one thought crossed both women's heads.

"What the f*ck?"

"What the hell?"

"Run me that again?"

"As I said, you cannot enter without express permission or permits."


"Ma'am, you're requesting audience with the Supreme Guardian. We cannot allow just anyone entry for security reason. Unless you're a staff or government official, you cannot freely roam this building."

If look could kill, the glare Seele sent towards the Guard blocking her way would've ripped him apart.

She was right there, a literal few steps away from entering Bronya's office, when one of the Guards stationed by its door stopped her and asked her for identification in which she couldn't provide for the fact she never had one. She grew up in the Underworld where bureaucracy was practically nonexistent and with Cocolia closing their way up, she never had the chance to make any.

Now she was stuck with two peope who looked like they would rather be anywhere but there blocking her way and asking her questions for which the answers were the same no's. In any other circ*mstance she would be sympathetic of their predicament but she was positively pissed at them she couldn't care less about them.

"I understand your concern," Seele gritted out through her teeth, watching in pleasure the way they recoiled in surprise when her pupils bled red. "But I'm Bronya's friend. I've been through a lot of bullsh*t today just to get here so either you step aside or I will kick this door open with both of you along."

"Please do not cause us trouble," said the man warily as he and his friend tensed up.

"You're the one causing me troubles!" Seele snapped heatedly. "What the f*ck happened to the whole joint operation thing between the Silvermane and Wildfire?! Do you not see that I'm a Wildfire?!"

"You do not seem like one."

"Why? Because I'm a girl?"

"Because you don't even wear a proper identification. We know Wildfire members wear red ribbon on their arm."

"What do you mean? I have it right—" Seele stopped, hand coming up to feel her nonexistent red ribbon. She must have forgotten to wear it earlier in the hospital. "I... forgot mine."

"Not that it would suffice, anyway. Anyone can just find themselves some red piece of clothes and claim to be a Wildfire. Until we can get everyone proper identification, this building is off limits for the Underworlders."

"We're sorry. We don't mean anything by that but we cannot risk the safety of our Supreme Guardian." His friend explained and Seele sighed in defeat.

"Fine, you're right."

Seele turned to leave, feeling just a little disappointed by her failed attempt to meet Bronya. The Guards weren't her enemy and if she was to make any aggression on them, it would only cause more troubles for Bronya and Oleg. She had her own responsibility to carry and she couldn't just be selfish, even Seele understood that, so with leaving as her only choice at the moment Seele made her way out.

Fate, however, said otherwise.

Her small stature made her almost unnoticeable to Seele until she crashed on her as she turned around. Eyes widening in surprise, Seele scrambled to help the woman to her feet before picking up her scattered belongings from the floor. "Sorry, I didn't see you. Are you alright?"

"Yes, and don't worry it happens more often than you imagine." Pela looked up and smiled reassuringly, though it quickly turned into a frown of recognition. "Oh, you're that girl from a few days ago."

Seele handed her the sheets of documents and books she picked up, smiling somewhat sheepishly. "Yeah."

"What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk with Bronya but since I don't have the permits for it they sent me away," she gestured with her thumb at the Guards flanking the door who were now staring at nothing in particular, boredom clear in their gesture.

"What businesses do you have with the Supreme Guardian?"

Seele shrugged nonchalantly. "I just want to check on a friend."

Pela huffed. "Everyone can be friend, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, but I doubt she stabbed any of her 'friends' to death before."

Pela's icy blue eyes widened behind her glasses in a mixture of surprise and recognition for a split second before she caught herself and schooled her expression back to neutral. It was a little endearing to watch but it was true to her job as an intelligence officer.

She pushed her glasses up to the bridge of her nose and said to Seele curtly "Wait here."

Seele raised and eyebrow as the small woman briskly walked past her and into the office, the Guards letting her pass without as much as a glance, and waited as instructed.

Three minutes later Pela exited the office, now empty handed, and again gestured for Seele to follow her. Still baffled by her action, Seele only did as asked and began to trail the much smaller woman at a much slower walk since her steps were far bigger than Pela's.

Once they rounded a corner, Pela exhaled rather audibly as she visibly deflated. "Bronya is not in her office," she told Seele quietly. "She retired early today."

"So, where is she now?"

"In her chamber."

"And where it might be?"

Pela threw her an amused glance. "I'm bringing you there so you won't have to sneak around the Fort."

Seele snorted but conceded anyway with a shrug. It would be so easy to sneak through the hallways and straight to Bronya's place with her power, the only problem being her lack of knowledge about the Fort's layouts.

Oleg had told her about Qlipoth Fort before, a building so massive it's a literal fort built by the Architects many centuries ago to act as Humanity's last bastion. It housed Belobog's governmental body amongst many things, including its own garden, Geomarrow supply and space available for the people in case of a siege by the otherworldly force attacking the planet.

It was meant to be the final line of defense where everything was lost, but as Seele ventured it deeper still all she could see was an echo of past glory.

The reinforced wall felt cold and the air whispered nothing but emptiness, for a building so vast it had very little soul residing in it. Perhap, it was for the best yet the quiet was unnerving.

Pela didn't seem bothered by it, though. Her strides were sure, full of purpose, and her head held high with gaze set forward. Seele studied the woman before her quietly, wondering what she was to Bronya and what their relationships were.

She called Bronya by her name and Seele hadn't met anyone from the Overworld who called her such aside from Serval and Serval was technically a mother figure too to Bronya, or at least something close to it if what she told her about raising Bronya was true. They were very respectful with her title that was all they used to address her. The fact that Pela called her by the name easily meant that they knew each other enough to be on first name basis.

Of course, she did it when none of her peers was around. She made it pointedly clear when she dragged Seele away from the Guards earlier.

"May I ask your name?" Pela asked her and Seele nodded.

Realizing she couldn't see the gesture, Seele answered her verbally. "It's Seele."

"So, miss Seele, are you an Underworlder?"

"I am."

"I see. Thank you for taking care of our Bronya."

"I wasn't the only one who looked after her."

"That might be true, but dare I say none had done more than you."

Seele hummed absently. "I did what I have to do."


They spent the rest of the walk in silence afterwards, Seele being fascinated by the sight around her almost crashed on Pela the second time that day when the smaller woman suddenly stopped right on her track.

"We're here," Pela announced.

Tilting her head curiously, Seele followed Pela's gaze which was set on a nondescript door. It didn't look anything extraordinary, rather it seemed normal it was almost indistinguishable to any other doors they'd passed by on the way if not for the small plaque on the wall beside it.

Bronya Rand, it read.

This was Bronya's room. Right on the other side of the door was Bronya herself. Seele huffed and grinned, finally able to meet the silver haired woman again after everything that had happened.

"Wait," Pela stopped her right after she took her first step and Seele obliged, though the inquisitive dip of her eyebrows was obvious when she faced her.

"What?" She shot back, sounding a little harsher than she intended.

Pela didn't seem bothered by it. "Can you wait for a few moments? I'll be back soon."

"What? Where are you going?"

"The kitchen."

Pela made good of her promise and returned not even ten minutes later. Seele, feeling somewhat indebted, waited as asked for her the whole time outside Bronya's room. It took everything in her power to not just say f*ck it and barge in, knowing patience was not her strong suit, and was right on the verge of it when she spotted Pela approaching from around the corner.

She was carrying something in her hands. A small box she immediately handed over to Seele who confusedly accepted it without thought.

"What's this?" She asked, raising the box up. It felt a little warm on her fingers.

"Food," Pela told her and Seele blinked, perplexed. "Bronya hasn't been eating well lately so I hope that you can give it to her while you're in there."

Seele sighed exasperatedly. "That Bronya..." she muttered angrily yet the concerned look on her face was obvious as her eyes drifted towards the door. "Thanks, I'll make sure she eats it. One way or another."

"Please don't be too hard on her," Pela jokingly said and Seele snorted. "Then, I'll leave it to you."

"You sure? I might do something horrible to your precious Supreme Guardian, you know. I'm literally nobody you have no knowledge about."

Pela scoffed and crossed her arms. "One, it's rather bold of you to assume I don't know about you, miss Wildfire." She said smugly and Seele rolled her eyes. So all the questions were a test.

"And two..." Pela continued, expression softening. "You're the one she's been agonizing about the past few days even if she tried her best to hide it. As of late, she's been trying to see you in the hospital but since her works required her attention, she couldn't spare the time. I imagine she's troubled by it."

"She's always been like that, huh? Hiding her feelings and keeping them to herself."

"Simply because she must. A Supreme Guardian cannot waver in her duty, else people will start to doubt her. I'm sure you understand." Seele nodded, earning a warm smile from Pela. "Sorry for the trouble."

"It's fine."

With another warm, albeit sad smile, Pela left. The clicking of her heels echoing in the empty hallway until it faded away.

Running a hand over her purple mane, Seele allowed herself a moment of reflection. There beyond the door was Bronya, in whatever pitiful state she was in and being on her most vulnerable. Something that nobody else was allowed to see.

The idea alone brought Seele sorrow.

Without much preamble she knocked on the door, staring ahead at the wood as if to bore through the material with her gaze alone. There was a soft shuffling, and the faint noise of footsteps approaching before the knob twisted and the door was opened from the inside.

Throughout the whole ordeal Seele had been tense with her muscles taut around her bones. She didn't know what to expect or what to say now she was here. When she decided to visit Bronya, she just wanted to make sure she was okay. Maybe ask a few questions here and there before leaving but the more she learned of her wellbeing, the harder it was to just dismiss and pretend everything was okay. That everything would return to normal tomorrow.

How pretty the lie was it's almost disgusting.

"Hey, princess," Seele blurted out before the door could open fully. She heard a sharp intake of breath and the door stopped moving, frozen in place just like its owner. "I've come to see you."

Silence. Seele waited patiently for a response but nothing came out, both figuratively and literally, for a long time it started to worry her. Frowning in concern, she pushed the door gently and opened it further.


The moment her foot set step inside the room, she was suddenly enveloped in a tight embrace that had Seele wheezing from the initial impact. A what the hell? was stuck in her throat when she realized Bronya was quietly crying on her shoulder, her hands tightly wrapped around her middle as if to make sure she was real, while her body shook in bouts of shivers.

Seele sighed sadly, putting her free hand between Bronya's shoulder blades and patting her in a comforting manner. "You're such a crybaby, you know that?" The words held no malice as they were delivered with a layer of humor, though it fell flat at the moment. There was no response from Bronya aside from her further tightening her embrace around Seele.

Seele kicked the door behind her closed, placed the box of food on nearby dresser, and guided Bronya back into her chamber. "I'll say this upfront, Bronya," Seele whispered to Bronya's ear, settling them both down on the edge of Bronya's bed. "I'm terrible at comforting people so I'll say this; don't hold back. If you want to cry, then cry. Nobody will hear you except me. I promise you that."

The dam broke, shattered under the pressure left built up for so long. What started as a whimper turned into a heart wrenching wailing that felt like a knife to Seele's chest. Yet she took it all, making good of her promise by taking all of Bronya's misery and suffering alone. Nobody was here to witness her pain except Seele, nobody was present to judge her in her moment of imperfection as Seele had promised.

Under the golden glow of a dying day, a pair of bloodshot red eyes glared at the frozen world beyond the window. Silently cursing it for its cold cruelty, a cruelty that had claimed yet another individual into its reality.



I couldn't think of anything for Kiana's birthday so I might just skip it this year smh.

Anyway, Acheron reveal and she's voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro, our beloved Mei's VA. While I'm excited about it, I hope it's a similar case with HSR Bronya and Silver Wolf where they shared the same JP VA, and that we will get the 'proper' Mei in the future. If not, I'm pretty happy with Acheron as our HSR Mei ngl.

Her being a Galaxy Ranger really puts things into perspective. I know people have been saying that HSR Kiana is probably the Aeon of Finality but I think Kiana being a Galaxy Ranger makes more sense, considering her whole "I fight evil" character throughout Honkai games. But honestly I'd like to see Kallen more as a Galaxy Ranger than Kiana, idk why but I think she just needs more love lol.

Anyway, next chapter will be the last chapter of Jarilo-VI arc so yay!

As always, kudos and reviews are appreciated! Thank you for the support so far!

Chapter 20: New Stories Have Yet to Start


You know, when I first started writing this story one of my objectives is to introduce the world of Honkai Impact to those new to the series due to Honkai Star Rail. Now, I don't know how many of you guys are in that category but I'd love to know your thoughts on it so far.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 20: New Stories Have Yet to Start

Who are those little girls in pain, just trapped in castle of dark side of moon.

Twelve of them shining bright in vain, like flowers that blossom just once in years.

The blizzard was thick that night, just like that time she returned to her home after learning the truth her mother had so precariously hidden from her and the world. A secret that, by intentions, had secured Belobog and its future for generations, even if it's a false one.

Neither Bronya or Seele said a word, the former quietly munching on her food while the latter watched her under a careful gaze from a chair near Bronya's nightstand. Seele's eyes were stern but not unkind, silently imploring Bronya to eat and finish her food.

She had to after Bronya refused to eat, saying that she lacked the appetite to eat anything at the moment, which made Seele mad just from listening the excuse.

"You know damn well how precious foods are so you better not be wasting any. "

Seele had snapped at Bronya, feeling terrible when the woman flinched in fear from her tone only to push said feeling away a second later. She did what she needed and if she had to hurt herself to make sure Bronya was fine, then she would do it.

But in the end, it was a near futile endeavor. Bronya stopped after the fifth bite and put her meal down, head casted low and away from Seele's gaze. Try as she might, no matter how hard she swallowed the food would always try to push back up her throat, rejected by the body and its wounded soul.

Seeing this, Seele sighed and put her leg down from its crossed position, the soft thump making Bronya jumped slightly as it sounded like thunder in the quiet. She heard Seele approaching before the bed creaked and dipped under her weight beside Bronya.

Seele gently picked the small box of food, took a spoonful of its content and motioned it for Bronya. "Come on, now. It's only a few bites left."

She should've been embarrassed but Bronya hardly felt anything to really care if someone spoon-fed her her foods, moreso in the safety of her chamber where nobody could judge her in her most vulnerable moment. Seele had promised her that and Bronya believed she would keep her promises.

Opening her mouth, she caught a glimpse of grin on Seele's lips as she shoved the spoon into Bronya's mouth, giggling. "You really are a baby, are you?"

"I'm sorry," Bronya apologized and went to take the food from Seele's hands only to blink in surprise when Seele pulled her hands away from her reach.

"I didn't say I mind," again with the grin, only this time more noticeable. "Don't you indulge on this kind of thing, princess?"

"What kind of thing?" Bronya asked back as she swallowed the food and almost immediately Seele shoved another spoonful into her mouth.

"Being pampered, I mean. You lots like to give the most mundane of jobs to the peasants, right? Anything to keep your hands clean? But, ah, who am I kidding, you're a soldier first and foremost so it's unlike you to shy away from labor, either."

Bronya thought over it for a second before she shrugged weakly. While there's people like that out there, she wasn't one. Besides the ethical reasons, Bronya didn't like wasting resources if she could do something herself. "Why would I?"

Seele chuckled. "Why would you, indeed."

Soon, the box was emptied. Thanks to Seele's attempt at smalltalk Bronya managed to distract herself and suppressed the bile in her throat from rising again. Seele carried the now empty box with her and put it on Bronya's dresser, sitting down on her previous position on the chair.

"Have you eaten yet?" Bronya asked Seele after taking a little sip of water.

"Yeah, I've had my fill." Which was almost twelve hours ago and Seele was now positively starving after so many time passed. Not that she would tell Bronya that knowing she would send her away to eat. Besides, holding back hunger wasn't something new, anyway, so Seele easily ignored her needs for now. "Serval made something interesting."

"You've had meal with Serval?"

Seele hummed and nodded. "She had a few things she wanted to tell me. She also fixed my phone." Deliberately leaving the this morning part out, Seele shrugged in what she hoped was a nonchalant shrug to Bronya. "Honestly, she's such a kind person."

A small smile bloomed on Bronya's face, the first one Seele saw after coming over. "I know she is."

Seele grinned. "She also told me some very interesting things, though my favourite would be the one about a Bunny and a Wolf in the vast castle."

Bronya flushed, inciting a laugh from Seele. "I can't believe she told you that."

"It was kind of sweet. Who knew you could be very unruly as a child."

"I caused Mother and Serval so much troubles back then."

"Was it true, though? That you climbed a flagpole once in your game of hide and seek with Serval?"

"It was." Seele laughed again and Bronya joined her a second later, unable to keep up the pretense. She still remembered that day when she scaled the top of Qlipoth Fort and climbed said flagpole like it was yesterday, that and the pure terror on the Guard's and Serval's faces when they found her hugging the pole for dear life. "Not my proudest accomplishment."

"I'd be very proud of myself, honestly."

"Well, when you're an heir of a great power with even greater expectations put on you it is important for you to not be selfish about yourself. What I did was a selfish act that endangered not just myself but also the future of Belobog."

"You were just a kid. Kids make mistakes."

"That might be true."

"Might? It is true," Seele said, rolling her eyes. "Cut yourself some slack here and there, everyone makes mistakes even as an adult."

"But a Supreme Guardian cannot," Bronya said matter-of-factly and Seele fell silent. "We live not for just ourselves but also others, what we choose will affect everyone."

"The sum is always greater than its parts..."

Bronya hummed and nodded. "And I am an important part in the dynamic."

Being the Supreme Guardian was a solemn duty she had sworn to carry, even far since she was young she knew that she would be one in the future. It's just that Bronya never expected she would inherit the title from her mother this way.

In the bygone past, back when her mother's warmth was still radiated in abundance, she had caught a glimpse of what it was about. As she grew up, it only got clearer and clearer until it was all she'd known. Bronya understood the burden and responsibility of a leader, joining the Silvermane Guards and subsequently being their Commandant served only to further increase her understanding of the role. That said, while prepared in theory, nothing could've actually prepared her for the actual thing.

Just a week ago everything seemed normal with her mother in charge but now here she was, leading her people in her own light. Bronya hoped that it was sufficient, that all she did was right and just so far, and she had reasons to be once she was told about the Underworlders and their recent predicaments. Still, it was but a small step and it would only get harder therefore.

She was on the right track, but bumps were inevitable in the future and nothing she could do but brace and wait until they actually revealed themselves to her watchful eyes.

"Hey," Seele said softly and Bronya looked up, noticing the unease in her purple eyes. "I tried asking people about you and your mother."


"I still don't understand."

"What you don't understand?"

"How it feels to have a mother," Seele's gaze dropped down and in a much smaller voice she added "and how it feels losing her."

Bronya grimaced. "I'm sorry, it must have been difficult."

"You don't get it. I'm not worry about me. I never have one so I don't really care about mine." A sigh as Seele slumped down on her chair, fingers absently drumming her thighs as she gazed at the ceiling in thought. "I wanted to understand so I could at least offer you some words, maybe condolences even but I simply couldn't. When I think about Cocolia, all I feel is dissent and disgust."

Seele shrugged helplessly and continued with a snort. "So here I am, cussing over your dead mother who you obviously loved."

"I don't blame you," Seele blinked and looked back towards Bronya, raising an eyebrow while Bronya tiredly rubbed her eyes. "I heard the whispers even before I went to the Underworld and saw the truth myself. At first, I simply dismissed them for normal discontents but it was only after meeting you I understood that they purposefully lowered their voices around me in fear of reprisals."

Seele sat up straight with a scowl. "... do you remember what I told you? About not letting others tell you what to do?"

"I do," Bronya admitted, a small smile gracing her lips before it was gone just as quick. "It was when we promised each other."

"I was wrong."


"I was wrong," Seele repeated, pronouncing each syllable with emphasizes. "I said that not knowing your circ*mstances, I said that based on my way of living. You don't live my life and the opposite is true so to assume both of us live off the same principles won't do. A leader that doesn't listen to the people is no different than a tyrant. While you'll have to be decisive, you'll also have to be transparent with your conducts. This, of course you understand. It's just that I want to apologize for being... uncouth?"

Bronya chuckled at her hesitation in choosing word and Seele rolled her eyes, huffing exasperatedly. "What you told me is not wrong," Bronya began with a smile. "But it's not a conduct I can afford to follow. Living a carefree life is not something I know."

"We have our own concerns," Seele concluded softly, earning a nod from Bronya.

"That we do."

The parallel of both worlds. Wherein Seele lived to survive with foods and safety being her drives, Bronya lived with the constant thought of survival for all of Belobog. Survival was their objective, just that they had different paths to reach it and different measures altogether.

It wasn't lost on them, the cold hard fact of reality. Perhaps, there was never a difference between the two worlds aside from the ones they created themselves. Perhaps, the barrier was never physical alone but also that of idealism, invisible as it was to the eyes with no way of knowing until it was lifted by Bronya's decree.

"Is it possible for you to ever forgive my mother?"

The question caught her off guard with how sudden it was and Seele, unprepared, answered with the first thing that came to her mind. "No," it was short and curt with deep certainty, but what made her regret the delivery was the unintended heat that made Bronya flinch away as if she was struck. Taking a deep breath to ease herself, Seele continued anew. "You have to understand that it's still her fault a lot of my people suffered unnecessarily. I won't condemn you for loving her for it is your right, but I won't ever forgive her. Although, it's in the past now so I really couldn't care less about her anymore."

"... Mei told me that in her last moment, she broke a smile. Whenever I recall it, I couldn't help but shudder at the implication. Had my mother always been controlled by the Stellaron this whole time, then how much of her love was actually true and not just some fabrications to prepare another puppet for it to reign? How much of it was fake and how much of it was genuine? Had my mother truly given up against it or was she still fighting it until finally being liberated by death?"

The sweet promises of certain future and continuous existence whispered by the Stellaron through her mother's lips were like a poison to her mind, flowing in her veins until they reached her heart and gripping it in its tight grasp. It made her chest seize with searing white pain, knowing it was but an illusion that led to decay.

Worst of all, her mother believed it.

She couldn't even begin to comprehend the why but the more she told her the more Bronya understood her reasoning. As always, it had been desperation for the future that drove her mother to agree to the devil's proposal, relinquishing all control for another day and another generation. Bronya understood, after all it was a job where survival was the objective and with that many people counting on her, she was bound to doubt herself until she started cutting corners.

It's just that Bronya couldn't accept it. The duty of a Supreme Guardian was to lead the people ahead through the blizzard, even if she had to make sacrifices it must be her own before her people's and it had always been true which was something her mother unable to bear any further.

Sending people to wars took but a word for leaders such as herself, but the burden of the inevitable deaths would lay heavy on her conscience therefore until the rest of her life. It didn't just go away, it didn't work that way, and Bronya imagined her mother had long collapsed under her burden she stopped being on the lead by letting something else took the role.

It was one of the reasons why Bronya rejected the Stellaron.

By letting it took control she would have to sacrifice her people as proven by the seclusion of the Underworlders, a ploy she now knew was orchestrated by the Stellaron itself to further deteriorate Belobog, and nothing could tell what more sacrifices it would've demanded. Her people needed a leader, not an oppressor from outer space who knew nothing about the Belobogian and their struggle.

Her mother was wrong, that was irrefutable yet Bronya couldn't find it in herself the will to hate her.

"Does it matter, now?" Seele retorted calmly, gaze hard and cold as iron. "Whatever she was to you is but what you believe, regardless whether it was genuine or not. You believe she was a good mother and I can't say otherwise because only you really knew her. What she is to me was a tyrant, but to you she was a mother and nothing else. Though if you asked me, there must be a point in the past where she genuinely loved you if what Mei said was true."

"I couldn't help but to ponder about it."

"That's fine, you ought to be selfish sometimes. You've done so much so you deserve as much."

"Can I really?"

Seele sighed deeply, scowling. "This is what I don't like about you. You always put others above yourself and forget that you're also human with your own needs."


"See? Even now you're apologizing needlessly." Seele shook her head fondly and in a much smaller voice she added "But I guess that's what make you special."

"Then, can I ask something of you?"

A pair of purple blinked in a mixture of intrigue and surprise, not expecting Bronya to be upfront so quickly. "Sure," Seele asked gingerly. Although she trusted Bronya, she had terrible experience of agreeing on something so blindly so she wasn't that thrilled. "If it's within my capability."

"Well, it is but..." Bronya trailed off and Seele raised an eyebrow at the clear anxiety bleeding in her tone, she was also fiddling with her thumbs on her lap, blushing deeply. "Only if you're agree to, um..."

Seele narrowed her eyes. "Just spit it out."

"Well, will you stay the night and accompany me?"

Bronya's voice steadily lowered until it was but a whisper with rosy tints painting her cheeks. Gaze falling down to the floor, she waited for a response in the deafening silence that followed, waiting for what seemed to be an eternity she actually began to reconsider her request when Seele didn't say anything at all.

"Sure," Seele said offhandedly and Bronya blinked, baffled by her casual response. Catching the purple haired woman's smile, Bronya forced her expression to stay neutral. "I'll stay."

Bronya nodded slowly, lying down on her bed with her back facing Seele. "Then, join me," She whispered.

"What was that?"

Bronya's lips trembled from embarrassment, feeling the heat spreading to her chest and neck as she blurted out. "Join me."

There was no response as everything suddenly fell quiet. With her eyes squeezed shut, she couldn't see anything except darkness behind her eyelids, ears pounding with the rapid beating of her heart Bronya felt like it was going to burst out of her chest.

So when the bed dipped slightly on the other side, Bronya nearly jumped.

"Really..." Seele mumbled as she sat there and untied her shoes. Opening her eyes, Bronya turned her head to Seele's direction, seeing her purple hair cascading her back with her reddening ears peeking out for her to glimpse. "You're unbelievable, you know that."


The bed dipped even further as Seele's full weight settled on it. Both women lay there, backs facing the other and words escaping their thoughts that only silence prevailed. Seele watched the blizzard steadily dwindling into nothing outside the window to distract herself from the fact she was lying in the bed with someone else for the first time in her life while Bronya's silver gaze was locked at the reinforced wall of the Fort, trying in vain to stave off her myriad of emotions swirling in her chest.

For a long time, neither said a word. Simply lying there with their heat seeping into each other, heat that even the Geomarrow heater could not reproduce. Bronya, being able to control herself better thanks to her training and experience, inhaled deeply and broke the silence first.

"Thank you. For keeping up with my selfishness."

Seele shifted as tension eased out of her body, finally letting her muscle to relax with a long exhale. "It's alright. If it's only this much then it's nothing."

"I won't force you if you don't want to. You're free to go if you so desire."

"I said it's fine. It's not like I mind, either."

"You know you don't have to keep up with me, it's me who owe you and not the other way around."

"What are you on about?" Seele shot back as she turned around to face Bronya who took a shuddering breath in.

"I... am grateful of your support, of everything you've done but I can't allow you to do what you did back then again."

"What? Saving your ass from the clutch of the Stellaron? You know I had to."

"No, I meant sacrificing yourself like that." A pair of wet silver met sharp purple, glinting in the glow of the white light above. "I've lost friends and will continue to lose them in the future, having to endure still ahead and I've accepted that but this is the first time I get to speak with one of them again after they've died and it's... I can't even begin to explain."

"If what you meant to ask is whether I regret it or not... then no, I don't and I doubt any of your friends either. I'm sure they understood the necessity of it because I did. They're willing to sacrifice themselves because they believed in you and the future you'll make." Seele's gaze softened as she peered into Bronya's soul, seeing the emotions raging inside. Emotions that previously were so closely guarded because of the expectations put on her shoulders. "You'll do good, Bronya. I'm sure of it."

They smiled, finally finding understanding on each other after all that happened. Bronya, that Bronya told Seele that it was unfair to judge this Bronya too soon when she hardly knew her back then when she told her that she liked her better than the Silvermane Commandant and she had begun to understand that. Bronya was not like what she expected for she had her own struggle, her own demon and her own aspirations she strived to achieve.

She worked hard, probably harder than anyone else in the world for a selfless goal of prosperity for all. An admirable dream few ever dreamed and fewer still to have achieved.

"Get some sleep," Seele told Bronya tenderly. "You haven't gotten any lately, right?"

"I've been having a nightmare," Of you never coming back, "and works have been taxing, too."

"You can forget about it all for now," for I am here with you, "for now, just sleep. Tomorrow's a big day."

Bronya hummed, pulling the blanket for both of them and Seele shuffled into it. Grabbing her phone, she remotely turned off the light with it and the room turned dark, illuminated only by Geomarrow heater in the corner.

She exhaled softly and closed her eyes, finding comfort in not just her bed but also the companionship. "Goodnight, Seele."

There was a split second delay before Seele said anything. "Goodnight."

They're dancing in the shadow like whispers of love.

Just dreaming of place where they're free as dove.

March found Kiana already waiting for her in the hallway that morning, back against the wall with a hand in her jacket pocket while the other was busy typing something on her phone. The white haired woman saw March exiting her room through the corner of her eye and waved in greeting which March returned with a smile as she approached Kiana.

"Good morning."

"Morning, March. Sleep well?"

March hummed affirmatively and nodded. "What about you?"

"Still a little tired," Kiana admitted with a frown before she shrugged, pocketing her phone back. "But nothing I couldn't handle."

"I see," March joined Kiana by her side, stealing glances to the Kaslana who had her arms crossed and eyes closed in mundane thought. "Where's Mei?"

They both went to bed together last night so March was right to assume they would be together now, instead Kiana was alone without Mei in sight.

"She has something to do so she went out early," Kiana supplied softly, still not opening her eyes as she rested her head against the wall behind her. She still looked a little out of it.

Bronya explained the nature of her power a while back and the reason of Kiana's exhaustion. Apparently, she had a choice of recharging her vigor by using it but Kiana decided to let her body recover naturally so to not further strain the world with unnecessary 'Honkai leakage', so to speak. She told them that they're on a verge of Eruption with the excessive usage of their Authority, a feat that made Kiana a living legend with the way she burned away thousands of monsters in an instant, and Mei when she cut away Cocolia's meteor strike which was a spectacular thing on itself.

So here she was, drowsy but decidedly better.

Next to join them was Dan Heng and it actually surprised March a little that she managed to wake up earlier than him with opposite being the usual. Dan Heng was an early bird, often waking up before sunrise to train with Welt about both the sword and the thought. He was gifted and Welt took him under his wings with little trouble, finding excitement in mentoring the young man as he showed great promise.

He silently stood beside March after greeting them both, waiting for the final member of the Express to join them after receiving a smile from March and a nod of acknowledgement from Kiana.

Finally, Stelle emerged from her room, looking perplexed as she was met with three pairs of eyes the exact moment she set foot on the hallway. Raising an inquisitive eyebrow, she grunted. "What is this? You guys looking like you're about to thrash someone up like that."

Kiana shrugged lazily while March rolled her eyes, surprisingly it was Dan Heng who answered for them, voice filled with a hint of humor. "I have just been here so I wouldn't know."

Humming to herself, Stelle snorted. "Right. So, everything's done?"

"If you guys don't have any other matter to attend then yeah we should be good to go." Kiana started as she gave them a once over, earning nods and a thoughtful look from Stelle who then shook her head and smiled. "You've got the things, right?"

Stelle patted her pocket and nodded. "Yeah, they're right here. Do you have someone to give them to?"

"Nah, not particularly. Mei has had it covered so it's up to you guys now." Kiana gestured with her head for them to follow and they began to move, taking the first step towards departure of many journeys to come. Meetings and partings were one and the same, in which one couldn't occur without the other and it was inevitable as it was a part of the Order. Even Kiana with all her might and power couldn't stop them from happening as they were fundamental.

It was poignant but only if one were to think it that way. In the end, it was all a matter of choice whether it would be joyful or sorrowful.

This time, they would have the taste of the former.

People didn't recognize them much as they exited the hotel and they liked to keep it that way. The goal of the Nameless was to travel and forge bonds, exploring and helping those along the way. All the fame that followed was secondary, or rather a byproduct of their deeds and not the objective as they liked to be known as simple travellers.

Of course, the Express' fame preceded them as it was rather well known in the cosmos but the Crew themselves were oftentimes hardly seen as an individual but a collective instead. Only those that had been touched by their kindness would know the actual characters, the people and not just the title.

So, although the people didn't recognize them, the Guards did and their response varied greatly to each other.

Awe, reverence and respect bled through their actions as they greeted the Crew along the way, many in which was directed to Kiana and Stelle for their actions. They had seen what the Herrscher was capable of and it struck both fear and admiration while Bronya's action in gifting the Control Lance to Stelle was seen as a symbol of utmost respect for it was a weapon wielded by many of the previous Supreme Guardians including Alisa Rand herself.

Frankly, Stelle was a little uneasy when she received the lance from Bronya knowing the significance of it but the now Supreme Guardian assured her that she deserved at least as much.

"This lance is a symbol of our timeless struggle," Bronya said firmly back then. "We've had it since the beginning of everything and since then it has been passed onto many others before me. Now, however, it belongs to you as the fire only reflects upon your fiery soul. No better candidate than you may achieve the same feat you did."

She accept it with gratitude then, thrilled to have a new weapon beside her bat. It was an amazing weapon, too, as it was crafted by many talented hands of the Architects using a method now long forgotten. The weapon was sturdy and powerful, capable of channeling her power to burn everything into molten slag with a single strike.

However, for some reason Kiana seemed to be more excited about Stelle receiving it than Stelle herself if the way her eyes snapped open and alerted were any indication. Kiana had been on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion due to the endless works they must do so it was rather endearing to see how Kiana pulled herself together just to say five words in total in response to the revelation.

"That is so cool, dude!"

Mei also said some interesting things about it and after a short but quiet exchange of words with her wife they came to an agreement about training Stelle on how to use a lance properly. Stelle, for the most part, only accepted since she knew next to nothing on how to use a lance to begin with. Sure, she could just swing it around and it would've worked with her experience in batting things going as far as to bat a Doomsday Beast to death before but that was suboptimal at best. Archers didn't go to melee and stab people with their arrow if they could help it, after all.

"Alright, I have some things to speak with Captain Gepard," Kiana announced just when they saw Bronya descending the stairway of the Qlipoth Fort with Seele in tow, looking better than she was before after a proper night of rest. "You guys good?"

Kiana gestured at Bronya subtly before looking back at the trio imploringly, smiling when she received solid nods of affirmations from the three. Without another word, she left to where Gepard was talking with Serval in front of her shop.

"Shall I do the honor?" Dan Heng offered flatly, meeting both Stelle's and March's eyes. The former shook her head.

"No, we'll do it together."

"It's a team effort," March added and Stelle hummed. "Although, I always get cold feet during something so formal. I wish Mister Welt was here."

"It's a good learning experience, March," Dan Heng assured the pinkette as they walked forward to meet Bronya and Seele. "We can't just rely on the adults."

"I know, but it's unnerving still."

"Just act like usual with your friends," Stelle chimed in as she shot Bronya and Seele a friendly smile. "Good morning, guys." She greeted the duo.

"Good morning, everyone," Bronya replied lightheartedly while Seele grinned behind her. "Is this everyone?" She added, making a show of looking around the area.

"Kiana said Mei has business in the Underworld while Kiana herself has something to discuss with Gepard, Bronya—err, our Bronya returned early last night since she didn't want to cause unnecessary confusion for everyone." Stelle explained as best as she could.

"I see, that is rather unfortunate. Do you mind giving my regards to Lady Zaychik later?"


"What's the deal with Mei, though?" Seele piped up as she stepped to Bronya's side, looking a little concerned. "Something the matter in the Underworld?"

"It's a personal business. Kiana told us so we didn't know the details," March said with an easy smile. Stelle was right to let them talk like friends would rather than people in power. It made things easier to know Bronya was still Bronya. "I'm sure everything is okay."

Seele didn't look convinced but she conceded either way. Things in the Underworld were not okay as March called it but the pinkette wasn't wrong either. If it's the same old, then everything was technically fine. "Is that so..."

"I'm surprised to see you this early, though. I thought you would be in the Underworld."

"I am yet to return to the Underworld, actually."


Seele crossed her arms over her chest and shrugged. "Bronya needed my help with something."

They threw the Supreme Guardian a look, something between inquisitive and intrigue as Bronya didn't ask anything from any of them before. It must be something only Seele could do, then, and they pretended the subtle blush on her face was but a trick of morning sun.

Bronya cleared her throat. "Anyway, shall we go down to business?" She paused, pondering her word before chuckling. "Wait, that's wrong. This is nothing sort of business."

Stelle laughed, as did March while Dan Heng shook his head fondly. "Yeah, it's not. Let's not become strangers now."

"That I agree," Bronya nodded, her smile turning solemn. "Thank you, for everything you've done. Truly, if there's a way we can repay your kindness and sacrifices, please do tell."

"Mister Welt said that journey and adventure are just a medium, the true rewards are the bonds and memories we make along the way with those we meet." March told Bronya softly. "We can't ask anything better."

"But I wouldn't refuse if you're to give something, though," Stelle joked, ruining the moment which earned her a light slap in the back from March. "What? Rewards are always nice."

"You're unbelievable," the pinkette muttered.

"Still as straightforward as ever, huh?" Seele commented, grinning. "I really like you guys for that. Never change, yeah?"

"Eh, sure. Beating up the bush is not my style anyway."

"It's beating around the bush, actually." Dan Heng corrected, a hint of amusem*nt in his eyes which Stelle returned with a nonchalant shrug.

"Unfortunately, as right now Belobog cannot grant you any rewards. Still, gratuity for sacrifices is the way of the Silvermane so I promise to recompense you for all of your troubles one day."

Stelle rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "It's fine, I'm just joking," she began, realizing Bronya was taking her words seriously. "You don't have to feel indebted."

"We're friends, aren't we?" March added with a reassuring and bright smile. "Although, we didn't meet in a favorable circ*mstance we eventually understand each other so it's alright."

"Friends rely on each other so you can always expect us to help you in the future. Free of charge."

"Well..." Bronya regarded the trio for a second before chuckling to herself. "In that case, it is my obligation to provide you with help, too. From henceforth, Jarilo-VI will be a safe harbor for Astral Express and its crew while the Silvermane Guards will always stand ready to assist you, shall you need it. This is my solemn promise to you as a Supreme Guardian."

"That is more than enough." Stelle extended a hand and Bronya shook it with her own almost immediately. Just like that, ancient bonds between the Trailblazers and the people of Jarilo-VI were reestablished after over seven centuries of cold and darkness. "Thank you."

"The honor is mine." Bronya replied with a nod. "So, this is goodbye?"

"Yes, but..." Stelle let go of her hand and looped her arm around March's shoulders instead, pushing the shorter girl forward. "Alright, March, time to shine."

"Huh, but they're with you...?"

"Nope, they're in your pocket."

March frantically felt her dress and sure enough she could feel something was in her pocket. "When did you put them in there?!"

"Who knows? Certainly not yesterday when we're out taking pictures, or maybe it was."

March groaned in disbelief while Stelle grinned cheekily at her. Dan Heng, completely oblivious, simply blinked in confusion. "What are you both talking about?"

"Himeko gave me a bunch of Express Passes," Stelle explained, gently nudging March on the side. The pinkette sighed and fished out the content of her pocket and held it up. "Said we should give them to our important friends."

"A journey is about forging bonds, at the end of it all that's left is to maintain those bonds." March handed both Seele and Bronya a Pass each. "I hope we continue to be friends." She finished with a smile.

The Passes, silver and rigid with a pattern of the Express' locomotive on the surfaces, glinted under the morning sun. Both Bronya and Seele stared at their respective Passes, no different than a normal ticket in size, for a long moment before the former nodded and smiled in gratitude. "Thank you, I'll cherish this gift forever."

"What is this for, though" Seele asked, waving her Pass for emphasize.

"They're like an identification card for you, unique for each person." Dan Heng supplied, finally understanding where the conversation go to. "Take another look, your name should be there now."

Seele looked down again and sure enough, she could see her own name now written on the Pass almost magically. Mouth falling open in clear fascination, she glanced at Bronya's and noticed her name was also written on her own Pass.

Bronya's had her full name on it while Seele's, after another closer inspection, saw that the last part looked odd. It was almost like it had been scrubbed off, leaving just a single, faded letter behind.


"It's different to our own," Stelle gestured at the similar Pass pinned on her coat, right over her chest, which was gold instead of silver. "Yours are Visitor Pass and as the name suggests, will only identify you as visitors on the Express."

"With them, you guys should be able to visit us whenever you guys want." March paused and laughed sheepishly. "Though, a notice would be appreciated."

"How do we use them?" Seele asked softly. Truth be told, she was a little dejected when she learned that the Crew would have to leave so the chance to visit them whenever she desired was an opportunity she wouldn't miss. There was still a lot of things she wanted to discuss with them, especially about a certain purple haired girl living in a world galaxies away with a certain silver haired woman she had not the chance to properly send off.

"It's simple. You go to nearby Space Anchor with yours out and ready. It should transport you to the Parlor Car immediately."

"A little warning, the first time will always feel odd so if you have an... out of body experience then consider it normal." March warned and Seele raised an eyebrow at her. "You'll understand."

"That is... good to know I guess."

"Just remember to message us prior," Stelle reminded both women. "We don't want you to transit when our hyperdrive is down. Trust me, it wouldn't be pretty for neither of us."

"But don't worry!" March quickly assured. "The Fast Beam is totally safe otherwise!"

"Thank you for the warning," Bronya said, amused. "I'll come and visit when works have lessened a little. As of right now, I'm afraid it's not feasible."

"So I heard," Stelle sighed, smiling sympathetically at Bronya. "You have your hands full keeping Belobog afloat. It's honestly amazing that you manage to keep up with everything."

"It's my duty. Plenty of people rely on me."

"I bet." Stelle straightened up. "Well, it's high time we go. I wish you luck guys luck."

"Likewise. Goodbye, for now."

"Come visit again, will you?" Seele added.

"Of course."

They shared another bouts of smiles before the three teenagers turned and left, heading towards nearby Space Anchor. The Pass in her hand felt heavy and a quick glance towards Seele revealed that the girl was practically thinking the same thing judging from the way she's staring at her own Pass.

"Off they go to another world.." Bronya mumbled and Seele looked up, just in time to catch the trio's glowing bodies disappeared in a flash of rainbow and shot up to the sky. "They're noble people."

Seele hummed in agreement. "I've never met such an interesting bunch before," she admitted with a fond smile. "The Nameless, huh..."

"I'll have their deeds recorded for safekeeping, so when they visit again in the future people will still remember them and their selfless actions."

"You do that," Seele pocketed her Pass, careful to keep it. "It's the least we can do."


"I have to go too," Seele announced suddenly. "I'm still needed in the Underworld. You cool if I leave?"

Bronya nodded. "Yes, thank you for everything."

"Don't worry about it. Just call me if you need me."

"There's something, though." Bronya said just when Seele was about to take her first step away. "About the recovery project..."

"What about it?"

The hesitation was clear in Bronya's tone as she explained. "Recent conflict took a toll on both Overworld and Underworld and I understand that. However, to really start a recovery I'll have to focus on the Overworld first before moving to the Underworld. The Overworld has production capability that is crucial for the effort and with it we should be able to—"

"Save it," Seele interrupted and Bronya's mouth snapped shut. "I have absolute zero clue on what you're spewing. You do what you have to do. I trust you, Bronya."

"... thank you, Seele."

Gepard was in a middle of conversation with his sister when Kiana approached the siblings, trained eyes finding the Kaslana approaching from between a growing crowd of people. Serval, noticing that her brother had his attention somewhere else, fell quiet and followed his gaze.

"Hey," Kiana greeted. "You guys busy?"

"No," Gepard answered quickly, too quickly in fact. The glare Serval sent him set off all sort of sibling alarms in Kiana's own mind and it made her chuckle quietly. "How can I be of help?"

"Easy, big guy. Always ready to help, huh? Can't say I don't understand, though."

"A Silvermane Guard has to stand ready to serve and you've proven yourself to be a honorable ally." Gepard cited almost instinctively. "It is my duty to provide you with assistance."

"It's fine, I don't need anything but your time."

"Of course."

Kiana nodded, giving Serval a friendly wave the blonde returned with equal warmth. "I don't want to assume but I have no problem if your sister joins us."

"It's no problem. I trust her."

Serval smirked but didn't say anything.

"Right. So, there's something I need to tell you." Kiana pulled her phone out, opened the gallery, and scrolled through her collection of pictures for a second before turning the screen to both Gepard and Serval who leaned forward slightly to look at the display. "These are Honkai beasts."

"Honkai... beasts?" Serval muttered as she frowned, testing the word with her inexperienced tongue while her eyes still set on the picture. "What's Honkai?"

"It's a lot of things," Kiana began, gauging each of their reactions. "But the best way to describe it is that it's a ruinous power beyond comprehension."

"Why are you showing us this?" Gepard asked, glancing towards Kiana who sighed tiredly.

"Honkai is the source of my power," she went on, lowering the phone so she could look at the siblings in the eye. "While I have total control over it, sometimes it's just impossible to fully contain it. When I use my power, I risk a rift in reality we call Eruption and I can feel that this planet is on the edge of it."

The last bit caught Gerpard's undivided attention and he straightened up, looking at Kiana seriously. "You mean there's another threat on the horizon?"

"A possible threat," Kiana assured. "But yes, a threat nonetheless. Before an Eruption, smaller incursions might occur and it's usually marked with the emergence of these beasts. In the past, it also would give birth to a Herrscher but I'm not sure if it's the same here."

In the past, Herrschers were born from the fragments of Finality's Authorities in the form of shards which manifested in their hosts after an exposure to Honkai Energy. Shards, or Gems which hardly over a fist size yet contained enough power to sink a continent or control millions of minds at once. Here, there was no Cocoon nor Finality so Kiana had no certain way to tell whether there would be a Herrscher or not following an Eruption.

Better safe than sorry.

"Naturally, I have the power to strip them off Honkai," Kiana continued after a while. "So, if you see any oddity that is not the usual oddity, I'd appreciate it if you inform me immediately."

"How dangerous is this new threat?"

"Very dangerous."

"Understood. I'll relay this information to the troops."

Kiana smiled. Gepard's focused nature was truly something admirable it's easy to imagine he'd come with various counters for the threat already. "I'll send you the full information later. It contains everything so you should give it a read later."

"I will," he put his hand to his chest and bow slightly. "Now, if you excuse me."

"Sure." Kiana's smile turned apologetic as she faced Serval next. "I didn't interrupt something important did I?"

The blonde shook her head. "Nope, just the good old sibling quarrel I suppose."

"I'm a little envious. My sister and I never really have that."

"You have a sister?"

A hum. "Bianka is her name."

"Are you not close?" Serval asked tentatively, studying Kiana's expression.

"Oh, we are. It's just that we didn't really grow up together so it feels like there's a barrier between us. We're sisters but it's almost like we're best friends instead."

"What happened? If you don't mind me asking that is."

"Well, best way to describe it is that we're both a victim of our circ*mstances. My father lost her when they went to rescue me from the clutch of this evil man, for years he thought she'd died until like a decade later. After that, well... we didn't really know each other because her memories had been tampered and she'd forgotten about a lot of things."

"Well, that's..."

"Terrible, right?"

"Unfortunate." Serval finished, shaking her head. "But hey, you guys still have the chance to make up for it."

Kiana laughed. "True. We don't really push and shove like siblings would but we still love each other dearly. I made it my goal for my sister to get along with my father again and they're doing pretty good nowadays."

Serval's smile faltered for a second before she forced it steady. "You and your father sound close."

Kiana scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Honestly? Not the best dad since he left me alone when I was eight or something. But he did teach me a lot of things including our oath as a Kaslana," she paused, smile turning nostalgic. "That useless old man..."

"Can I ask you something?" Serval started anew after a short pause. Kiana noticed the slight change in her tone and adapted a more serious look.


"That familial responsibility of yours as a Kaslana... what does it mean to you?"

At first, she was unsure with the sudden interest of the topic but Kiana recovered quickly. "It's my duty, one I am expected to carry until my last breath. Thou shalt constitute thyself as a shield for the weak and innocent, is what my father taught me."

"Do you not feel burdened by it?"

"Not exactly. I do it because I like it. In a way you can say it's been encoded in our blood, not to mention that our legacy goes as far as time immemorial." She paused, frowning. "Why did you ask, anyway?"

Serval sucked in a breath and looked away, the scowl on her face was clear to see. After a moment, her expression loosened to resignation. "My family, the Landau, have served Belobog for a very long time. Be it military, politic or scientific there was a Landau in every sector. It is kind of expected for the next generations to continue serving the city."


The blonde smiled bitterly. "You get what I'm saying? In a way, we're alike." A sigh later and Serval continued. "But unlike your father, ours could be very strict about it. He expected perfection to the boots and when he didn't get it he could go physical."

Kiana gasped. "That's horrible..."

"I could take it. But Gepard was young he couldn't even understand what he did wrong yet so I started to fight back for his sake." Serval chuckled and it caught Kiana off guard she tilted her head questioningly at the blonde. "You should see him when he was a kid, always clingy and very energetic around me."

"We're talking about your brother, right?" Kiana asked jokingly and Serval laughed.

"Unbelievable, I know but it's the truth. Nowadays he can look after himself, fight better than me too so I can rest easy knowing he's grown up to be a great man. Back then... well, I had to protect him with all cost from our father."

"You love him so much, don't you?"

"He's my little brother and will forever be. Even if he can now smash someone's skull open with his bare hands, he would still be the little boy I need to protect."

"I'm sure the feeling is mutual," Kiana offered and Serval hummed in agreement.

"Forgive me to say this and I don't mean to belittle you or your beliefs at all but to me, familial oaths are nothing but unnecessary burdens for the children and they shouldn't be expected to carry them in their lives. They should be free to choose their own paths, their own futures without some dead people's words dictating their actions."

"I understand what you meant," Kiana smiled reassuringly at Serval, not offended in any way. "There are times where my Oath has taken me to a very dark place. It was only after I learned that love goes both ways did I realize that I shouldn't carry it alone. My friends and family care for me as much as I care for them and this Oath should be the bridge for us to cross together than the river that separate it. It was meant to be a selfless act, but when you turn everything and everyone out it becomes a selfish decision."

"Though, I'm ashamed to admit it took Mei kicking my ass for me to understand. Literally I must say," Kiana added with a grin.

"You can't be serious."

"Oh, I am serious. Mei can be really scary."

The mental image of Kiana, a literal living Goddess, shrinking in fear under Mei's wrathful glare was too amusing Serval outright doubled over laughing. The Kaslana scratched her cheek sheepishly as she recalled that one particular moment where Mei came announced and barged into her room and caught her red handed eating her fourth cup of instant noodles.

What transpired next was not something Kiana fond of remembering. Hell, she would rather fight Kevin again than to experience it the second time.

Needles to say, she'd learned her lesson.

"Your wife's the only one who can keep you in check, huh?"

"It's in the family," Serval laughed again at that and Kiana turned slightly red from embarrassment. "L—look, it happened to my dad so it's not that odd."

"I'm not saying it's odd. It's just so cliche it's actually funny."

"I mean, what can I say? She completes me like nobody else."

They said that often times at a journey's end one would visit the place where it all began. A place where the first string was tied to create an unbreakable bond until it stretched further down the way, entangling more strings of fate and creating even more relationships.

The universe was one big, infinite cycle consisted of chaotic yet orderly happenings, regardless how contradictive it sounded since contradiction itself was a part of the cycle. In it, countless chances, possibilities and even certainties worked ceaselessly to create what one might call a destiny.

Perhaps, it was a destiny that she met Mei in her clinic and nowhere else, baffled as she was when she saw a face so familiar yet foreign at the same time. Or perhaps it was just a single, unplanned occurrence. A stroke of luck that happened in one of a trillion chances, specifically in this part of the universe where countless leaves rustled and danced in between the cosmos.

There was no way to know, not except someone were to peer into the secret of the Universe like many had tried before eventually failing in the past and the upcoming future. Nevertheless, it had happened and it happened again right at this moment of reflection.

Mei first sat on that specific seat a few days ago, days that felt like a lifetime ago, nursing a cup of tea that was also within her hold with Natasha across of her just like now. Whether it was coincidental that their first meeting started with them talking at this exact place and ended with their parting in yet at the same place was a mystery impossible to solve by mortals.

Yet, as they basked in the silence, they concluded that it didn't matter. The vastness of the Universe was up to everyone to wonder but the simplest of things, the smallest of moments, were not something many could appreciate and they were determined to savor theirs up to the last.

That morning when Mei visited Natasha, both women barely exchanged a word. In fact, nothing was needed to convey their thoughts. Natasha understood what Mei was coming for while Mei knew the doctor would grant her that without question. Not like either minded it but sometimes words were just not necessary when one's intention was as clear as day.

Before they go, however, Natasha proposed for another alone time for just both of them and Mei was more than willing to accept it. While they knew it wouldn't be permanent, it would be quite some time before Mei would visit Jarilo-VI again.

Of course, contacts wouldn't lost. They'd exchanged numbers and could talk to each other any time they wanted while the Space Anchors would allow them to come whenever they pleased but Mei would be gone into yet another adventure, stars away to a place so distant it would be no different than the rest of the twinkling specks in the night sky. Now that she's still here, it would be wise to spend as much time with the woman Natasha could call a friend as long as possible.

It was just rather unfortunate that good times would always have to end, sometimes too early but that was just because of one's inability to discern time properly at the height of their emotions.

With a soft thunk, Mei put her empty cup on the saucer and Natasha's piercing red eyes found it. The message was clear which only got clearer when amethyst found ruby red.

"Do you know where Lysetia and her family live?"

Natasha hummed. "I do."

"Do you mind showing me the way?"

"Not at all."

Natasha finished her tea and put the now empty cup on the table before standing up to her feet, her chair scraping softly against the wooden floor as she rose to her full height. Mei, who was considerably taller than her, followed suit and not long after they'd found themselves walking out of the clinic side by side.

Even the streets were unusually quiet at this hour. After the blockade was uplifted by Bronya, efforts had been made to replenish and replace various aging mining tools used by the Underworld miners with the latest design created by the Architects, improving the work standard and increasing production values. No longer people had to work day and night to meet the needed quota. After a decade, people could finally rest.

The same couldn't be said to her, however. Being the only qualified doctor in the Underworld put a strain on Natasha but nothing she couldn't endure. After all, it was a life she chose and one she wouldn't trade for anything else. She was here, helping people and that was all where she wanted to be and do.

Lysetia's house was unremarkable, nestled between other houses with nearly as unremarkable nature. Just like many Underworld housings, it was old and certainly seemed like it had seen better days. It was, however, far from not decent as maintenances were carried out regularly by its occupants.

They stepped to the porch, the metal surface beneath their feet groaned and creaked audibly under both of their weights, and while Mei moved on ahead Natasha decided to hang back a little behind the taller woman as she rapped her knuckles against the door.

A second passed, and then the unmistakable noise of footsteps came closer from the other side. It was slightly off, abnormally slow and tentative, which they noticed almost from the get go.


The door swung open on its hinges, there in the hallway was a girl they both were so familiar with for the past week. She froze when she saw Mei, eyes wide before an equally wide smile blossomed on her face.

"Mei!" She threw her body to Mei's and Mei readily caught her in her embrace, laughing at the liveliness of it all.

"Hello, Lysetia." Mei greeted back between laugh. "How are you?"

Lysetia tightened her embrace and Mei returned the gesture warmly, after another second the girl finally released her but still keeping her hands on Mei's.


"I'm doing great," she stopped then, looking past Mei to a smiling Natasha. Blushing, she laughed somewhat sheepishly. "Oh, doctor Natasha! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there."

"It's fine. Where are your parents?"

"Mom's asleep and dad is still out in the mine helping his old Silvermane friends remapping the area."

"I see."

"Would you guys come inside? I'll prepare you some tea."

Mei shook her head. "Thank you for the offer but I'm afraid I'll have to decline. I'm here to say goodbye."

In an instant, the girl's smile crumbled as her shoulders sagged. "Oh..." she mumbled in realization, looking up to Mei with concealed sadness in her eyes. "Is it time already?"

Mei sighed and nodded somberly. "It is."

"... will we meet again?"

"We will."

"You promise?"

Mei's fingers wrapped themselves around Lysetia's smaller ones. "I promise."

Her smile returned, brighter than before without a shadow of doubt nor gloom. "Can you wait for a bit? There's something I want to give you."

Mei, hesitant at first, quickly nodded in both concession and acceptance. A gift was nothing foreign to her and turning one down was as insulting as it was hurtful for the giver. Despite the knowledge that she had little to none to give, Lysetia was still willing to give Mei one of her prized possession. It was clear that the girl valued her dearly and Mei was obliged to return it.

"Of course."

Her warm digits slipped free from Mei's hands as the girl retreated back into her house. Mei saw the way she was limping and wincing with each step she took but didn't comment on it. She had told her that it would've been painful until she had fully recovered and recalibrated, knowing it was solely because of Lysetia's own fortitude and sheer will that the girl was walking right now.

"That girl is truly something else," Natasha began and Mei nodded.

"She's a good kid."

"Makes you worry, right?"

"... a little. But whatever she do now is up to her and it is our responsibility to guide her and many of our children to a path they won't regret."

"You speak from experience?"


Lysetia returned not five minutes later and Mei schooled her expression before she could see the worried look on her face. "This is one of my favorites," she handed her a book and Mei accepted it. "I hope it'll remind you of me when you're out there travelling the stars."

The book was well kept, true to Lysetia's claim of it being one of her favorites. Although it had seen uses, the magenta cover was still pristine with gold letters imprinted on it. The title, Mei realized.

"A Blue Dove For the Princess?" Mei read, intrigued.

"Oh, I know this one." Natasha chimed in. "It's quite popular and old."

"What is it about?"

"Razgriz," Lysetia answered for her with a wide, excited smile. Happy that Mei found it interesting. "The Demon from the Ancient North Sea."

"A story about a demon?" Mei looked up, a little confused.

The girl laughed, short and sweet. "I know, but it's not what you think! It's a tale of a hero rising from the destruction to put a stop on a never ending war between man."

"When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself. First as a dark demon. As a demon, it rains death upon a land and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns. This time as a great hero." Natasha recited, earning a look of awe from Lysetia. Chuckling to herself, she turned to Mei. "It's the summary of it."

"I see... It does sound interesting." Mei smiled and put her hand on Lysetia's shoulder then in gratitude. "Thank you. I'll cherish this forever."

"I hope we can talk about it when you visit again, or maybe you can tell me your own stories! About the stars, the people and the wonderful Universe!"

"I will. But until then, you'll also have to promise me to work hard to stay alive."

"I'm very good at keeping promises," Lysetia raised her pinky finger and Mei hooked her own with it. "Until next time, Mei."

"Until next time, Lysetia."

In the end, you will go beyond the graves and create a future we could not reach.



Obligatory Ace Combat reference because I must.

Now that we're at the end of Belobog arc, I'd like to share some ideas that I had but never truly made it into the main story;

1. Originally, at the start there would be a scene where the HI3rd trio meet their mothers and receive their blessings. How? Space magic and sh*t idk I ultimately scrapped it.

2. The conversation between Honkai Impact Bronya and Seele was intended to happen in the Rivet Town but due to plot reason it's impossible to put it there without breaking the flow.

Some other things also popped up in my head but I'd keep them for now since I might have use of them later. I don't want to spoil it so yeah I won't.

That said, the next arc is Luofu which I honestly haven't thought through. The thing about Luofu arc is it's unnecessarily complex yet at the end nothing seems resolved, leaving things hanging. Not to mention the amount of terminologies of things which confused the hell out of me.

I mentioned this before that I don't like "reading" plot, I want to experience it, and Luofu relies heavily on this if you want to really understand what is happening. I get the gist of the plot but the execution is just so all over the place I can't get a good feel out of it.

It might be a while before I update the story due to this. Thankfully, in 1.6 they're going to introduce a sort of "replay" feature where you can read past stories so it might help me a bit in refreshing my memory because I don't remember a thing about Luofu arc, compared to Belobog arc which I pretty much write based on memory alone.

Idk, man, it's just so forgettable for some reason.

As usual, kudos and reviews are appreciated! I'd try to talk with you guys more now that we don't have to worry about spoiling Belobog arc but I'd still keep some things to myself if it's too dangerous (for the story) lol. Feel free to ask or discuss things!

Chapter 21: To Taste the Love and Pain


Look who's back after disappearing for over two months! Yeah, that's me.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 21: To Taste the Love and Pain

"I don't understand."


"I don't understand why I have to be here."

Bronya stared at the person on the other end of the call, warm silver meeting a pair of confused red through the screen. Though the pools of crimson wine reflected nothing but bewilderment, a hint of annoyance and irk were also visible beneath the surface, swimming deep and concealed except for Bronya whose eyes were trained and well to see it just there.

It was a skill honed not from training, hell it was easier to learn to spot a hare in a tundra than those emotions. No, it was a skill born from experience and experience alone for no amount of training could allow someone to really understand others.

A trial by fire and one Bronya struggled to pass due to her own inability to process emotions. If it weren't for Seele, she doubted she could understand her other self so deeply.

They shared the same face, same traits and habits it was a good start for Bronya to learn about this Seele. In the past, she had feared for that Seele when she told her there exist an entity in her body whose goal was unknown. The fact said entity seemed to be as destructive as Honkai in nature justified her distrust to her, at least until she learned about her more.

Bronya loved her as much as she loved that Seele. There's no denying it. After everything, it was clear that she's not a bad person but rather the contrary. Her fierce persona hid the kindness of her heart and her harsh words held nothing but unfiltered truth. She was pure that way and Bronya couldn't help but to love her, too.

Not that she would brag about it especially to Kiana. That one time she caught them being a little adventurous was a time Bronya wouldn't forget because Kiana kept reminding them of it each time she had the chance. Besides, both Seeles liked to keep things between them where they could whisper sweet nothings in the comfort of their bed unlike Kiana and Mei who were so open with their display of affection, something Bronya herself preferred.

"Well..." Bronya drawled, a sly grin flashing on her face before it disappeared just as quick. "Maybe because I simply want to talk with you?"

Seele snorted, her voice slightly distorted as she entered an elevator. "Then talk. All you did was stare at me the whole damn time."

"Can I not admire the view?" She said with a shrug, earning a huff from Seele.

"You've been around Kiana for too long and it shows."

"What does she have to do with this?"

"Because she's super cheesy and all that crap with Mei. Come on, do you even realize how lame that was?"

"But it's the truth?"

Seele rolled her eyes good naturedly and huffed. "Yeah, whatever." She paused then as the elevator door slid open and Bronya, through the call, noticed that she was now in some sort of a hallway Bronya herself had been so familiar with. "So, why am I here?"

"I've already told you the reason," Bronya explained gently for the nth time that day, though this time she let honesty bleed into her tone as she locked her eyes with Seele's red ones. "I wanted to talk with you."

She must have seen it because Seele didn't retort and instead fall silent as she pondered on Bronya's confession. Sighing, Seele ran a hand through her red mane and scowled, though it directed to nobody in particular. "You know I don't like her, right? And I'm not that girl. She might be blaming herself for what happened but I'm not. I just plain hate her, simple as."

"I know," Bronya admitted softly. "And I understand. I'm sorry for being selfish."

"It's fine," Seele dismissed her apology with a shake of her head. "Besides, we haven't talked much recently with how busy you were. And no, your talks with Seele don't count because all you guys speak about is work and more work. Honestly, you ought to be grateful she's kind enough to deal with your problems but knowing Seele she's definitely happy to be of help to you so it's good, I guess."

"She's kind that way."

"Mhm. She's always like that."

"I can say the same about you, though."

"I'm not like that."

"No, but similar enough while you both have your own ways in expressing your kindness." She offered with a smile. "You're unique that way."

The redhead before her was different than her other self and Bronya had learned to view them as such a long time ago. In a way, they were twins with their own traits Bronya was grateful she had enough love to share with them both.

Their relationships were never complicated because they loved each other equally, though she admitted that sometimes it could be difficult to express her feelings to the two Seeles without making the other feel left out. Fortunately, Kiana was there to offer her some advices at the expense of Bronya having to listen to the Kaslana and her teasing. Kiana had more experience about love life that even Bronya acknowledged, which again she would never tell on her face even if someone were to put her at gunpoint.

It was also thanks to both Seeles, however, that it could work. They understood her more than Bronya understood herself, always caring and taking things at a pace they both were comfortable with when it come to Bronya. Luck was a variable Bronya hated to put into the equation but there was no denying that she was very lucky to have Seeles as her better halves.

Even right now she could see the way Seele was staring at her. Scrutinizing and searching through her warm silver eyes like an experienced diver just to find the glimmer of something beneath her pools. Like her namesake, she understood human's soul like nobody else and with her eyes being the windows to it, it didn't take long for Seele to find the compassion there.

They would argue that the other Seele was better at it but Bronya's belief was firm that they both were equally just as skilled. Ignoring the fact that this Seele would often water down her honesty, she was still Seele and they all shared the same traits.

Bronya smiled briefly at that, remembering another Seele she just only met a few days ago. An interesting individual in her eyes that each time Bronya saw her, she could feel the adoration reserved for her own beloveds only. She couldn't help it. With the way she carried herself, it was like looking at a combination of her own Seeles and the result was very interesting, being both familiar and foreign at the same time.

When she confessed her feelings to the other Seele, her dearest had been amused while Bronya felt nothing but embarrassment. Bronya knew that Seele wouldn't get jealous or anything like that with how open the three of them were to each other but she still felt a little anxiety and worry which turned to be for nothing.

Bronya had expected Seele's reaction, though. At least somewhat. Both her girls loved to tease her with the other Seele being on the more mild side of it but nevertheless, and Bronya loved nothing more than to indulge them.

Still, it was a shame that Belobog Seele didn't remember their first meeting. It seemed that, although her soul was strong, it wasn't strong enough to completely negate the effect of the Sea and her memory of it was washed away in its dark current. Perhaps, it was for the best. Nobody should know what was on the other side besides Death itself. Even Kiana purposefully erased her memory of it after each encounter with the afterlife, understanding the sacrilege it might bring forth.

"Regrets are the roots of misuse," Kiana once said during the graduation of a fresh batch of St. Freya Valkyries in her speech, giving them a glimpse of a woman who had gone through so much in so little. They all knew that beneath her idiotic tendency was a healed scar that told thousands of lessons but nobody knew it better than Bronya and Mei. "And in misuse regrets are born. Powers don't equal absolute authority, otherwise it will be a tyranny. Acknowledge that your actions don't just affect yourself but also the world around you, so be wise with your choice."

She finished with "I spent a whole night thinking on what to say and almost forgot about it because my Mei is there. Thanks for the distraction, babe, you're so perfectly stunning standing there." Which not just ruined the solemn mood but also gave Mei the darkest shade of red Bronya had ever seen on her face from the embarrassment. The Kaslana had quite the laugh back then but oddly enough Kiana never brought it up again, even more odd considering Kiana loved to babble about her wife at any time possible. Whenever Bronya mentioned it, Kiana would blush deep crimson and shut up instantly which gave her a new meta to silence the Kaslana.

Mei also muttered "She has been taken care of," the first time Bronya asked her about it before she caught herself and smiled innocently at Bronya. Whatever those two were up to, Bronya had no interest in knowing.

Kiana had always been like that so Bronya simply rolled her eyes while the rest of the students who weren't as familiar with the white haired woman and her antics stood dumbfounded trying to process the massive curve she threw their way so offhandedly. Still, what she told them was true to her heart and Bronya knew that it wasn't meant for others only.

Kiana had the power to alter reality and bring back what was lost to the world. It would have been so easy, so simple even, but so risky in and on itself.

The power she spoke of had in it a temptation stemming from a desire for reunion. A reunion with those who had departed for all eternity to beyond the Sea. Kiana could easily traverse its current and meet them, fulfilling her wish for a day where they were all together again like the old time, but she refused to do so because it wasn't meant to happen. Because it went against the Order and everything the Universe held up.

Until the proper time she would have to wait and she was happy as she was. Although she had people she wanted to meet again, cherishing the present and future was what they all strived for and they had been doing just that. The past was a reminder, not a goal to reach for it had been gone and thus was unreachable, nevermind the fact she could.

Cherishing the living, those they actually still had the chance to cherish, was what they should do and Bronya took the word out of the book and laid it down to view. Though Seele said nothing to signal her arrival, Bronya knew it for she had been where Seele was for many of times she could count each lightbulb and the reinforced door lining the concrete walls.

It didn't take long for her first reason to call appeared on her screen.

Her Matushka's face replaced Seele's as the latter all but threw the communication device onto her lap, distaste clear in her action as she had to be in the same room with Cocolia. Seele stood and crossed her arms right in front of the older woman, glaring down at her with her fierce red eyes.

"Bronya wants to speak with you," she grounded her teeth, forcing the words out of her mouth like burning acid. Cocolia looked back at Seele's stare with blank expression, not slightly intimidated by her hatred to her as she picked up the phone.

Bronya heard the interaction through their call and sighed quietly, more than just a little sad with how it went down. It had always been like that with this Seele and so far Bronya's attempts to bridge her with Cocolia had been met with failures. She just hated Matushka that much for what she had done to the other Seele and nothing could change it.

To her credits, Cocolia hardly reacted to Seele's less than thrilled visage and if anything, she simply looked tired. That was one thing her Matushka had been for the past years; tiresome and melancholic with regrets eating her brittle bones and weak flesh off her body.

Gone was her youthful beauty Bronya knew so much, replaced by creases and permanent frowns that came with age and stress. She wasn't like Belobog Cocolia who, despite their ages being roughly similar, still radiated beauty and dignity. No, her Matushka was the definition of a withered flower who showed nothing but former glory of its bloom it was actually saddening to see it gone.

"Bronya?" Cocolia wondered out loud as she looked at the screen and Bronya, despite herself, couldn't help the small smile from blossoming on her face when their eyes met through the call. "Well, this is highly unusual," she continued with a glance towards Seele, meaning the words not to only the obvious.

Seele, this Seele, wouldn't visit her without Bronya's company and even then she wouldn't want to meet the woman they called mother if she could help it. In the past decade, she and Cocolia had only exchanged a handful of words and even then it was done out of necessity.

"Hello, Matushka. Are you well?" Bronya greeted warmly, hiding her turmoil from the older woman as best she could. Judging from the way Cocolia's gaze settled on her, though, it was anything but successful.

Yet, she didn't comment on it. "I'm fine, you shouldn't concern yourself with me too much."

"How could I not? You're my mother."

"... did something happen?" Cocolia asked next and Bronya's smile wavered briefly. "You look a little out of it. Why didn't you come all by yourself?"

Seele returned the glance Cocolia gave her at the last bit with a sneer but didn't say anything, content to glaring at the wall instead the woman knowing it would only worsen her mood. It was nobody's secret that Bronya liked to come and visit Cocolia whenever she could, if not from her frequent leave then the invitations she kept asking to either Seeles. Of course, she would rather have Bronya nowhere close to Cocolia but Seele didn't want to keep her dearest from one of few she could call family. Even if Seele despised Cocolia, Bronya had nothing but love for her.

"I'm currently away," Bronya answered simply. "I wouldn't be home for a long while."

"You working?"

"Da. I'm with Mei and Kiana so you shouldn't worry."

"Did something happen?" Cocolia repeated, though this time with a hint of urgency in her tone. Having Mei with Bronya was normal with the two of them often crossing paths on their missions but Kiana? Last she checked, Kiana was still on the Moon attempting to neutralize Honkai. Not to mention if Bronya was working, that meant the three of them had to work together and anything requiring Kiana and her powers could only mean one thing; dangerous.

Bronya had no intentions to burden Cocolia with the knowledge, that was to say the woman before her had no rights to know of her assignment. Although Overseer Theresa hadn't strictly told her nor Mei to be secretive about it, confidentiality was the norm in their line of duty.

Whoever not a part of Schicksal had no business in knowing its conducts without the Overseer's express permission so nobody except the closest of friends and family knew of their whereabouts at the moment.

One might argue that Cocolia fell on the second category but due to her history, Bronya knew she couldn't just tell her everything. She might trust her Matushka, but none of her friends did after everything she had done to them. Not like Bronya blamed them.

"You can say that," Bronya answered curtly and her mother nodded in understanding. Telling her stories during her visits was one thing and even Cocolia understood Schicksal's Standard Operation Procedure. She was one of them once. "I... suddenly feel like seeing you."

"You can see me any time you want, Bronya." Cocolia told her softly, detecting the barest hint of sadness in Bronya's tone. All those years ago, before all her misdeeds, Bronya was a normal girl who smiled and cried like many other girls her age. Gifted as she was, she was still a child and Cocolia understood children best. Her mistakes costed Bronya her emotions and she regretted all of it but now she had mostly healed, she could see a glimpse of the girl she took in back then.

Bronya was strong, stronger than most being in existence even. Yet, even the strongest of armor had its weakness, its vulnerability in certain circ*mstances. Cocolia saw not a reality bending Herrscher or the genius tech master and hacker everyone feared and admired. No, she saw Bronya, one of her children she loved dearly even if that love sentenced her into her own damnation.

"You know I'm not going anywhere," she added as a joke and Bronya smiled bitterly.

"Recently, I can't help but think how true that is. I wish for you to be with me forever but I know that's impossible." The first trickle of tears felt warmth on her cheeks and Bronya hastily wiped them with the back of her hand. Staring at her wet fist for a second, she shook her head in an attempt to compose her emotions, to no success. "One day, you would be gone and I wouldn't have a mother anymore and I realize how lonely that sounds to me."

There's plenty of things Bronya feared and a lot more she didn't. As a Herrscher owning the Authority of Humanity's future, she could deal with almost all the problems and enemies the Universe might throw her way. But one thing scared her the most, one she had the power to manipulate but knew would never do because it would cost too much and just plain wrong.

She couldn't rewind time, nor could she cut the thread of destiny itself. Those are Kiana's and Mei's powers. But as Truth, she could still tweak with space-time even if it's marginal compared to her best friends' abilities. Bronya was aware she was the weakest between the three of them in term of raw power, yet if given the opportunity she could still change a lot of things.

Cocolia was frail. She was old in both mind and body. Bronya feared that their time together would come to an end soon which was why she'd been trying to mend the relationships between her Matushka and Seeles to the edge of desperation.

She didn't want them to have regrets because the marching of time was one of those things Bronya feared of.

"You are not alone anymore, Bronya," Cocolia began gently and Bronya was reminded of the way she would comfort her in the distant past. "You have your own family now."

"I know. Mei and Kiana are like sisters to me and the bonds we share run deeper than blood."

"Don't forget Seele."

A smile found its way to Bronya's face, one that was mirrored by Cocolia. "I'll try to make her happy."

"You both will. You have no need of me anymore and although my dream of seeing Seele wearing a dress has become just that, a dream, I know that you both are the best of fit." Realization found Cocolia who hummed quietly as she glanced at a certain redhead in the room as her. "The three of you are."

Seele scoffed but didn't say anything back. She knew that Cocolia wanted nothing more than to reconcile with her children and she genuinely loved them all with her heart. Still, her wrongdoings left a terrible taste on Seele's tongue she couldn't bring herself to accept the gesture much less return it.

Her other self's reason was different to her. Wherein she hated Cocolia for what she did, the other Seele hated herself for forcing Cocolia to do what she did. Of course, it wasn't true in the slightest since Cocolia had been experimenting with people even before that so her hands were not exactly clean either but she was an idiot to the bone she couldn't see it. It was just one of her other self's defining tendencies so Seele couldn't bring herself to blame her for it.

She cared for people and their feelings too much she would always go out of her ways to help them whenever she could it was a miracle nobody had yet to try and take advantage of that kindness, something Seele made sure would never happen under her careful watch.

So, even though Cocolia tried to humor her, Seele merely rolled her eyes at her.

Afterwards, Bronya continued to share her experience with her Matushka, barring the sensitive details that would only raise more questions like the existence of their counterparts and the Stellaron. Her mother had no business in knowing them but she did tell her about other, less important things.

Cocolia listened to her story mostly in silence, offering comments here and there to Bronya to let her know she had been listening. She liked to hear Bronya's stories whenever she came to visit because it was the only way she could learn that everything was well.

Through it all, Seele was silent and unmoving from her position, displaying patience that would've been odd a long time ago on her.

The first to return was the trio, their arrival signaled with a brief flash that caught Bronya's attention. The quiet was broken by March's rather enthusiastic voice as they engaged in conversation. Well, it was mostly March talking with Dan Heng listening and Stelle quipping every now and then.

They walked past her, smiling in greeting in March's and Stelle's cases while Dan Heng nodded almost imperceptibly towards Bronya.

"Oh, hey." March greeted and stopped, peering down at the open book on the coffee table curiously. "What are you up to, Bronya?"

"I'm currently on call with home," she told the pinkette just when Stelle joined her after parting with Dan Heng. Gesturing at her phone propped on the table, she continued. "There's a few ideas I'd like to consult with my girlfriend that might be useful for our game projects."

"Your girlfriend?" Stelle chimed in with a tilt of her head, also looking at the phone. It was on and displaying a video call but there was nobody on the other end, just the interior wall of some kind of building. "You mean Seele? Where is she? Can I say hi?"

"She's taking her orders. It's lunchtime where she's at. She should be back soon." Bronya explained. "What about you guys? Is everything done?"

"Yeah. Our dear Supreme Guardian sends her regards, by the way," Stelle continued distractedly, still looking at the screen expectantly. She was curious about the other Seele Bronya called a lover, mainly because she wanted to know how they ended up together and how different she was to Belobog Seele. Looking back to the way Bronya handled the latter, they must not be too different if Bronya knew what to say to appease the fierce girl.

"It's unfortunate that I couldn't bid my goodbye to them personally but I didn't want to deal with the questions and attention, too. They will visit us, right?"

"They will, just not any time soon with how busy they are."

"I've also told them to message us prior to their arrivals so we will know when," March added and Bronya nodded approvingly.

"That's good."

"Oh, you guys are back." Another voice joined in and they turned their heads to its source, revealing a smiling Himeko who approached them. "So, how was it? Bronya has told me about her experience and I'd love to hear yours."

Stelle shrugged. "It's fun, I guess."

"I also heard you were..." The redhead deliberately trailed off, unsure how to phrase her words as she gestured at Stelle's chest. Bronya had been direct about it, too direct in fact she almost gave both she and Welt heart attack when she told them that Stelle had died.

"Oh, that," Stelle chuckled dryly, hand subconsciously went to the spot where she was impaled to death before. The fabric of her coat and shirt was torn to pieces it was thanks to Bronya she still could keep it after she repaired them for her. "It was certainly an experience, one I honestly don't want to experience again."

"I'm glad you're alright, though I'm curious how you managed to pull such a feat to begin with."

Stelle shrugged again at that, helpless in giving the answer because she wasn't certain how herself. She remembered pieces and flashes of it. The feeling of having thousands of eyes staring at her as an ancient presence filled the ethereal realm. Then, the next thing she knew she already had the lance in her hand as heat washed over her skin and flesh. "I don't know," she offered, looking at Bronya in hope that she could give the proper answer. She had learned that the three Herrschers were very acknowledgeable regarding the Universe, at least the more mysterious parts of it.

So when Bronya shook her head, Stelle couldn't help but deflate. "That's not something I know, either."

"Yeah, figured. You're not from around here so I don't blame you."

Bronya shrugged. "We are not omniscient. None of us knows everything, although knowledge itself is just a matter of looking for the right question."

"Rather than how," Welt said as he sat down across of Bronya, in his hand was a small sketchbook he then put on the coffee table. Bronya took and opened it without waiting for permission, silver eyes going through the pages silently. "I think the appropriate question is why. From what I could gather, it seems that Lord Amber themself had their gaze on Stelle here so why is the question. Why are you chosen and be given their blessings?"

"Is it possible because of the Stellaron inside her?" March asked Welt, frowning in thought. "Or maybe because she's a Trailblazer?"

"Akivili is favored throughout the cosmos," Himeko supplied as she closed her eyes in thought, arms crossed over her chest. "And although the concept of 'friend' is not common between the Aeons, suffice to say that Akivili was as close as one to many others."

Welt nodded. "Akivili was well regarded because unlike many others, their goal was rather simple and harmless."

"Wait, hold on." Stelle raised her hands to stop the barrage of speculations. "Blessings? So, not only Qlipoth brought me back to life but they also blessed me? But I don't feel any different!"

"You have the control lance, have you not?" Welt asked rhetorically as he leaned back on his chair. "The power to wield it and the fire that fueled it come from Qlipoth. From what I understand, it's been a symbol of Preservation in Jarilo-VI for so long. First, it controlled the ice in hope to preserve all life but now it has become the fire that melted the ice to once again preserve all life."

"But I wasn't the only one to ever wield it. In the past, countless Supreme Guardians had been using it and their will was just as fierce."

"Which brings us to the topic; why."

"It wasn't just luck, either." Bronya added, fixing Stelle with that flat stare of hers. "You've been embraced by Preservation."


"Your soul was put in their dominion, being safe kept until your resurrection. See, I believed we've mentioned this before, that the world does not allow a soul to gather its pieces, and they went their way to protect yours specifically before the Sea could claim you. That, I believe, meant that you're special in their eyes now."

"So, what am I now? Am I still a Trailblazer or an Architect?"

"I don't think that necessarily mean you've changed Path," Himeko assured with a smile. "Just that there's more possibilities for you to travel."

"Think of it as an extension," Welt told her as he summoned two cups of coffee with his power, giving one to Bronya who accepted it with a nod of gratitude. He caught her stare of disbelief at his blatant abuse of power and smirked. "After all, it's convenient for everyone."

Stelle and March shared a glance while Himeko chuckled.

"Don't worry too much about it, hun." Said the redhead. "If it turns out to be dangerous, you have four god like beings covering your back. I'm sure they'll figure a way out if it comes to that."

Himeko flashed them another smile, this time more to reassuring, before she turned and left towards the locomotive. Now that almost everyone was back, she could prepare and plot for their next destination. Kiana and Mei should be back soon from their businesses.

"So..." A familiar voice drawled, slightly distorted and synthetic, and both March and Stelle looked down towards its source on the table. "You guys done?"

A pair of red eyes stared back through the screen, belonging to a face so familiar they would've mistaken it to someone they knew if not for the red hair framing it.

"... Seele?" March mumbled tentatively yet in the silence it might as well had been a lightning strike. Seele's red eyes found the pinkette and she instinctively flinched back at the sharpness behind that gaze.

"Who's the brat, Bronya?" Seele asked Bronya instead, although her eyes were still set on March. Despite the virtual barrier, it was still as if she was looking at the depth of their souls, drinking in the rivers of life flowing there. Something about her gaze seemed unreal, borderline non-human, as the pools of crimson were too much like blood.

"That's March 7th and that one is Stelle," Bronya introduced them both, pointing who was who. She didn't sound bothered by Seele's gaze, instead nothing but adoration was visible in her own eyes. "They're the younglings of the Astral Express along with a boy named Dan Heng."

"I see." Finally, Seele broke the eye contact as she looked down to slurp on her soda. "You're training them?"

"No, but we've been guiding them. Kiana, however, has her eyes on Stelle."

Stelle blinked at the mention of her name, head snapping to look at Bronya in surprise. "She does? What does she want from me?"

But it was Seele who answered, voice oddly sad*stic that not even Belobog Seele was known to use. "Oh, Kiana? Girl, you better be ready, then. She picked a thing or two about training from Durandal. That is including her grueling, relentless series of trials. Good luck, you're gonna need it."


"Her sister," Bronya answered Stelle's question.

"I thought her name was Bianka?"

"Durandal is her middle name."

"Which is also a sword. Those Kaslanas are weird." Seele quipped and Bronya snorted. "But they're also a strong bunch so you're in the right hand."

March then proceeded to pat Stelle's shoulder in sympathy. "Well, you do need that good luck from the sound of it." She said somewhat jokingly.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so smug about it, March." Bronya cut in with a little, devious smirk. "You still have Mei to worry about yourself."

"Huh, what?" March asked, baffled.

"Mei saw one of you died. She doesn't take children under her care dying lightly. Which is why you should start expecting something similar from her."

Welt hummed in agreement, taking a sip of his coffee and smiling. "That's Mei for you. She loves the children under her watch like they were her own and it pains her greatly to see kids suffer." He gestured at Stelle with a nod. "Seeing you die is probably one of the worst things she has ever experienced."

"She doesn't seem like she's bothered by it much."

"She's also great at hiding her feelings, only a few can understand her."

The last bit was accompanied with a meaningful glance towards Bronya who hummed noncommittally. She knew how Mei was and understood her more than anyone else that wasn't Kiana. Hell, she'd lost count on how many times the purple haired woman went to Bronya's place in seek for comfort after a particularly harrowing day.

Mei had always been like that. She and Kiana weren't much different in that regard which was probably why they fit each other so well, simply because they understood one another. Unlike Kiana, however, she had always trusted her friends and didn't hesitate to share her feelings if asked.

When Mei left to join World Serpent a long time ago, Bronya was surprised but not doubtful about her intentions even after she beat Kiana and left her in the wake of her actions. Bronya knew that, although Mei didn't say it out loud, each hit she delivered to Kiana hurt her more than the Kaslana and that each slash was like a blade to her own bleeding heart.

She knew because Mei was nothing but kind and caring. She knew because Mei loved the world even if it hurt her.

Once, her world revolved around a certain Kaslana only but along time it expanded to those under her care. Sure, it wasn't the same love she reserved for Kiana but it was love nevertheless and Mei had done much in the name of love before, even going as far to turn her back to it if it meant preserving said love.

It was nobody's secret that Mei would do anything to protect those she loved and Mei loved her pups.

God help those dare to harm them because not even Kiana dares to stop Mei when she is dead set on killing something she puts her mind to.

Just when Bronya finished thinking about her best friend, said best friend suddenly emerged to existence with a flash in the Parlor Car. Not a second later, another flash occured and another one of her best friends also returned.

Both Kiana and Mei stared at one another before the former laughed, earning a grin from the latter. The Kaslana then went to give her wife a hug which Mei reciprocated readily. "Oh, didn't know you'd be back so soon," she said as she planted a quick kiss on Mei's cheek.

"I didn't want to make everyone wait," said Mei as she patted Kiana's head adoringly. "It seems I was just in time, too."

Kiana hummed, finally releasing the taller woman. Turning around, she was faced with four pairs of eyes all looking at her and Mei. "Hey, guys," Kiana greeted, pulling Mei along with her to join Bronya and the rest. "Is everyone back? Where's Dan Heng?" She asked as she joined Bronya and the rest with Mei right on her tail, looking around the Parlor Car in search for the young man.

"Oh, right. You didn't know this but Dan Heng volunteered to keep on records of our recent journey. He's probably in his room doing just that," March told her and Kiana nodded.

"I see," she drawled as she peered over Bronya's shoulder. "Oh, Seele? You guys on call?"

"I think that's obvious," Seele replied with a huff, still the smile on her face was obvious. "How are you, Kiana?"

"Good, good." Kiana ran a hand over her hair and sighed. "A little sleepy, though, so I think I'm going to hit the sack after this."

"Bronya told me of what you did. I think you deserve a little more rest considering the handicaps you have to deal with."

"Yeah, well. It's not like there's much to do now that everything's done." She turned towards Mei next, smiling a gentle smile. "You coming?"

Mei pondered the offer for a second before she shook her head regretfully. "Later. I still have to compile a report for Overseer Theresa." She kissed Kiana on the crown of her head then, both as an apology to Kiana and comfort for herself. "You get some rest."

Smiling, Kiana nodded. "Okay. Later, guys."

The Kaslana bade her goodbye to the group, heading straight for her shared room. Mei, after watching her dearest go, proceeded to sit on one of the sofas and pull her phone out, silently typing said report.

"I suggest you girls get comfortable," Welt told the teenagers then. "We're about to depart."

"Well, I sure hope we don't run over people this time," March joked with a laugh that had Bronya chuckling along.

"I'm sure the Idiotka is a one in a trillion individual in this Universe."

"That's a shame," Stelle said. "Kiana is a great person. More of her wouldn't hurt."

Bronya's smile turned tender at that and she nodded along, her tender gaze meeting the stars outside the windows with something indecipherable dancing in it.


The Nameless and their journeys were rarely peaceful with bumps inevitably rousing in their ways, ready to slow and hinder them from reaching their destinations on time.

It also ranged from something as simple as an unexpected technical issue, to a galaxy-spanning threat they would need to solve and prevent so they could carry on their journey.

But oftentimes, it wasn't as trivial or grand. Sometimes, it could be a mere personal conflict that stopped them on their tracks and had them pondering on their own predicaments. Of their own destiny, as one might call it.

Because, even a hero was no more than an individual with their own will and doubts.

Perhaps, it was what made them special to begin with. A person no different than others who rose in time of great perils and, whether out of needs or necessity, went to fight the malice of the world. Powers, strange or powerful they might be, were eventually useless if not used so everything began with one thing; drive.

What drove someone to pick up the sword and stand tall against the tempest if not their own will? What drove someone to carry on in the face of overwhelming odds even if they knew it was futile?

It started with courage. Not power or title but courage. Courage was to defy fate. Courage was to continue even in fear and doubt, regardless whether it would be triumph or doom waiting for them in the end.

The people from Herta Space Station and Jarilo-VI hailed her as hero, yet as Stelle lay on her bed in the safety of her room she was no more than a confused teenage girl, anxious and uncertain about herself all thanks to a certain woman.


Her existence was akin to a ghost to her, a spectral image in her memory that blurred and flickered like fire in a cold winter. She was there but not there, exist and not exist in her fleeting recollection. At least, from what she remembered of the woman.

She arrived just like such, under the glow of emergency red light that bathed the Parlor Car as Pom-Pom was forced to cancel their transition into hyperspace. A second bump in their road but while before was a joyful reunion of old friends, this was anything but. This was a dreadful encounter that heralded crisis and conflict.

There was never a pleasantries for her presence was the exact opposite of pleasant. Although it was nothing more than a projection of her actual self, a mere veneer on the sculpture, it was revolting just the same to the rest of the occupants.

Her words, distorted as it was by the sheer distance between her and the Crew, carried with it an alluring danger that made her skin crawl. Her mind might have forgotten it but her body didn't. It still remembered the terror that beautiful voice had sown on countless people in the past.

"Hello, Astral Express." She had said then as her purple gaze swept over everyone, stopping on her in a nearly imperceptible way if not for the small, coy smile ever so subtly tugging on her lips. Stelle could do nothing but to stare back with wide eyes, lost in those dead magenta like a drunken soul in the depth of wine. "Long time no see."

The meaning behind those words wasn't lost on her, understanding just what the woman was implying. Stelle remembered her, albeit imperfectly, in the flashes of her own dreams. Dreams of a past denied to her.

Himeko came rolling from the locomotive, jumping down the high ground instead of using the stairs to confront the uninvited guest with such heat in her tone it broke Stelle out of her daze. She had never seen the woman so pissed before and it frankly scared her. "Kafka," Himeko spat, saying the name sitting on the tip of Stelle's tongue she couldn't quite utter. "Always one to make a scene."

The elusive woman laughed and if it weren't for her nature Stelle would've found it attractive and compelling. But she knew. She knew behind that laugh was a sinister woman bereft of remorse.

"You must be our esteemed Navigator," Kafka said as she strutted towards the redhead, walking past everyone including a very alarmed Bronya and Mei. "Himeko, right?"

"Scram," Himeko hissed, not even acknowledging Kafka's attempt at talks. "There's nothing for you here."

"That's where you are wrong, dear." Kafka began to circle the other woman, her gait almost casual if not for the knowing smirk she had. She stopped behind Himeko after the third circle, looking beyond the redhead's shoulder and straight towards Bronya and Mei before, once again, her gaze stopped on Stelle. "You picked up some interesting people I'd love to know more about."

Kafka stepped forward then, completely phasing through Himeko's body. The black umbrella in her grip flickered and disappeared and, much to their surprise, Kafka suddenly bowed towards Bronya and Mei. "Your Highnesses," she greeted with utmost sincerity it baffled both women with how suddenly her tone shifted. "I am Kafka of the Stellaron Hunter, a warrior of vanity and a woman stripped of her fear."

She straightened up then, eyes flicking towards Stelle with a gleam of something.

"I am also a mother of one you call Stelle."

It couldn't be true and it possibly wasn't. Kafka was known to inflict deceit upon the populace for her own gain. After all, it was easier to create terror in a confused society and it was what she was good at.

And yet.

And yet, she sounded genuine.

Everything afterwards was a blur to Stelle. Kafka didn't even elaborate the metaphorical bomb she had just dropped on the crew. No, confusion was what she was after and she got exactly that.

She went on to explain of her intention and although Stelle's mind was in jumble, she still caught a few things about Xianzhou and Stellaron. The next thing she knew, she heard Himeko agreeing to the devil's proposal and they decided to make a detour to fulfill it.

Kafka left not long afterwards, her eyes twinkling with open smugness and satisfaction. She got what she wanted and Stelle couldn't help but feel like a lamb being led into a cage of tigers.

"The Luofu is a day away from us," Himeko announced for the rest of the Crew, her tone was anything but thrilled. "I suggest you take a rest until we arrive."

Stelle did just that. Or at least, she tried to do just that. For an hour she stayed in her room, sleep was but a distant prospect for the girl as Kafka's words continued to echo in her skull.

"I am also a mother of one you call Stelle."

She had never thought of that, actually. About parents and stuff. Stelle didn't remember any of that. For her, it was as if her life began on Herta Space Station, shortly before Dan Heng and March found her alone and helpless. Still, she had always found it odd that although she remembered none of her past life, she still remembered basic social courtesy to not seem like a fool, retaining some knowledge about the Universe she hardly remembered.

It was a work of Kafka, of course. She still remembered the hazy image of the woman as she whispered words to Stelle almost in what one might describe as fever dream back in the Station.

Kafka was cunning. It was one of her many terrible traits. She did everything with cold calculations, never wasting resources unless in the most dire of situations. She knew the Express would find and pick her up. She knew that Stelle would be a Nameless.

It was all a part of her plan, whatever it might be.

So here she was, wondering on something she desperately wanted to know yet too afraid to truly comprehend. Kafka obviously wanted her here, to fulfill a role forged and paved for her own gain and it scared Stelle because all she had done so far was all orchestrated by Kafka.

She worried what she might become in the future and it was so, so frustrating.

A knock from her door nearly made Stelle jump. It wasn't even loud but in the silence it might as well be a series of gunshots. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Stelle cleared her throat and told whoever it was to enter.

"Hey," Kiana said as she stepped inside, immediately stopping as she took in the state of Stelle's dark room. "Woah, dude. Gloomy much?"

Stelle glared at the woman, her golden gaze reflecting the only source of light shining from outside her window which none other than the hyperspace itself. The Express had entered Warp a while ago, travelling in light speed to reach their next destination.

"What do you want, Kiana?" Stelle didn't mean it but her tone came out harsher than she intended. Thankfully, Kiana didn't mind it as she casually strode in.

"That's a dangerous question, you know." She sat on the edge of her bed then and Stelle caught a glimpse of sadness in the woman's eyes as she stared mesmerized at the passing stars. "I want a lot of things, things I can't gain without paying too much prices. Would it be worth it? Of course. But only if I was that selfish."

"Then, what is the alternative? What do you want me to ask?"

"You? Nothing. But let me ask you this; do you believe in destiny?"

The question caught Stelle off guard, both because of how sudden it was and how serious Kiana sounded. Kiana was now looking at her straight in the eye and in the dim light of her room Stelle could almost make out the glow in those sapphires.

"I don't know," she answered after a long pause. "Destiny is an abstract prospect but I know just because it can't be seen, it doesn't mean it's not there. Does it really exist?"

"Do you want to know?"

That was a good question, actually. Kiana was a ruler of the Universe, her powers allowed her a lot of things and peering on the Order was one of them so what she was going to tell Stelle was not without basis either. Still, looking back she truly wanted to know whether what she had gone through was someone's machination or her own destiny, that she was there out of her own volition and not someone's else.


Kiana smiled. "It does, and it's more simple than many think."

"What do you mean?"

"Destiny is like a string, right? That's the best metaphor people come up with to meet human's comprehension. But what people don't know is that it's not taut but rather the opposite, it's loose and easy to manipulate by outside force."

A golden thread materialized over Kiana's palm, its glow illuminating her soft skin. Stelle sat up to stare at it, fascinated by the way it stretched and danced in the air.

"Yet, it's still a string." Kiana continued as the thread moved over itself, intertwining until it became one coalesced ball. "Even if you twist and jumble it this and that way, there's always a beginning and end of it."

Two ends of the thread slithered out from the ball, the beginning and end Kiana spoke about. "Destiny is one with life but they're different. Your destiny won't end when you die because it's affected others even if you don't intend it."

More threads came into existence, one was pink and the other was green. They moved to join the golden one, creating even a bigger ball with multitude of colors on its surface and inside it. "So, it doesn't matter what you do because you end has been predestined. All the encounters, all the triumphs and pain in your journey will always be there regardless. It sounds convenient because it is. Your story is already written, you just have to go through its pages."

"So, you're saying I'd be here regardless?" Stelle muttered thoughtfully.

"Yes. This is where you're supposed to be. Not because someone made you but because it's your destiny." Kiana allowed the ball to disappear, turning it into an explosion of color that rained around them as embers. "What you do is of your own doing."

The girl stood up and began to pace in thought, all the while Kiana watched her with her tender gaze. She would let Stelle think, to make her own decisions. She had done what she could to pick the girl up in her moment of crisis.

It was one of many things she had learned as she grew up; to let the younglings make their own decisions even if it hurt them. Her job was to ensure they're in the right path, nothing else.

"... I'm heading out," Stelle suddenly announced and Kiana blinked inquisitively.

"To where?"

"Herta Space Station," said the girl as she unplugged her phone from its charger and pocketed it. Putting her shoes on next, she didn't waste a second to put the rest of her outfits on. "I need fresh air."

Kiana nodded in understanding, standing up herself. "Okay. Don't worry about the others, I'll tell them."

"Thanks." Stelle grabbed her coat and made her exit, Kiana close in toe. After putting her coat on, she turned to face Kiana with determination burning in her golden gaze. "I'll find the answer myself," she said resolutely and Kiana grinned.

"Atta girl. Don't be late for dinner, though."

"I won't be long."

She turned and left without another word, heading straight for the Parlor Car. Stelle was just about to open the carriage separator when Kiana called out to her.

"By the way, dude. Your mother is hot as hell. Not as hot as my Mei, though, but she's definitely up there."

Stelle wrinkled her nose in disgust as she glanced at the Kaslana. "You're unbelievable."

Kiana's laughter reverberated in the empty carriage "I'm joking! My Mei is still number one!"

Shaking her head in disbelief, Stelle opened the door and stepped through into the next carriage.

Only to freeze in her step.

Kiana wasn't there when Kafka came... How did she know how she looks like...?

She turned her head around, slow and almost trepid in the motion, to face the carriage behind her.

It was empty.

The Kaslana was nowhere in sight.

A soft purple glow burned through her eyelids, rousing her from the shallow slumber and dream of a world so distant it was almost incomprehensible. She opened her eyes slowly, adjusting to the gentle brightness now bathing her room while the rest of her sleep slipped away.

"My Queen," an unfamiliar voice called to her, coming from the light beside her bed, and she turned towards it to find a woman kneeling with her head bowed down.

"Who are you?" She asked, tone a mixture of wonder and suspicion as her blue eyes raked over the woman's purple mane, the only thing she could make out of her head with her face hidden in the shadow of it.

"I am Kafka, Your Highness." She answered humbly, still refusing to look up and it made her frown in discomfort.

"Kafka?" She muttered in thought, memories bringing her up to speed to a certain scene stored in her head. "Wait, Stelle mentioned you before... Are you a friend of hers?"

"Friend..." The kneeling woman chuckled dryly. "I dare not to claim myself as such. At least, not anymore."

"What do you mean? And can you stop that? You're making me uncomfortable with your... courtesy."

"By your will." Kafka stood up then and for the first time she stared at her in the eye, surprising her with the sheer vulnerability in those purple orbs. "She was a friend before, but her path now is different to ours. She is free and not free. She is precious and disposable to me."


A smile. "She is my destiny, my Queen."

She scowled. "Enough with the riddles, just be upfront with me. I'm not good with riddles."

"It is not my intention to mince my word but in the face of destiny, nothing is certain," said the woman. "I'm not you, my Queen. I cannot peer into it and change it however I wish."

"... you know what I am."

It wasn't a question. It was a statement and Kafka was quick to catch it.

"Of course, but it's a mere speculation. There was nobody like you before. Your existence is none of this part of the Universe. Your presence alone is murky to see even in the eyes of Destiny's Slave himself. You are an anomaly, an unknown variable and a new addition to the game. Your power alone does not conform to the established rules, my Queen."

"Stop calling me that, will you? I don't like being called that."

"But isn't it true? You are capable of rewriting and altering destiny itself. Doesn't that make you the Goddess of the Universe? A Queen to all existence? After all, you rule over them."

Kiana abruptly stood up to her feet and Kafka immediately moved back when she walked towards the window despite her lack of physical body. She stood there in silence, looking over the frozen planet that was Jarilo-VI as it spun lazily on its axis.

"What do you want, miss Hunter?" She eventually asked, looking back over her shoulder towards the woman standing at a respectable distance behind her. Her blue eyes glowed slightly and none of it because of the light reflecting through the window pane.

"I came here with a message, a question and a request, Your Highness."

"I'm listening," Kiana said as she turned around, hands clasped behind her back as she regarded Kafka fully.

"The request... is mine and mine alone."

"Stelle," Kiana stated.

"Yes, Your Highness," Kafka answered with a nod, not slightly bothered by the fact that Kiana had been reading her mind with the Authority of Sentience. "She is precious to me. It is my humble request that you protect her in her journey. I can rest assured knowing you are there to keep her safe."

"You didn't have to ask. Stelle is my friend. I keep my friends safe."

"I am grateful of your generosity, Your Highness." Kafka bowed again and Kiana fought the urge to scowl, maintaining a neutral expression instead. "Now, for my question..."

"You have the power to alter one's destiny but you have not... why is that?"



I'm probably going to get cooked for saying this but whatever so I'll be blunt.

I dislike the ever changing ships in gacha games, the way a character will be paired with another character with each patch, and it happens a lot in HSR. That's why I won't be shipping anyone from HSR unless it's official, because I can't bring myself to do so.

Ships are special to me. It's romantic and thus different in execution than the others. When you do something special for much, it will eventually stop being special.

I like KiaMei. It's my comfort ship and every KiaMei moment in this story is as much treat to myself as it is to yours. It's special to me because it actually affects and shapes the characters (Kiana and Mei) throughout the game. It's not a cheap, baseless ship that happens solely because of headcanons and 'implications'. No, it has roots and clear dynamics.

The way characters are shipped in HSR by the fandom feels cheap to me because it's mostly based on "they look great together" and that's it. When another character is announced, people will change ships immediately so it also lacks consistency. I simply don't like that because it undersells the involved characters.

But please don't be mistaken. This opinion is mine and mine alone and I do believe that people should be free to ship whoever they want. Just because I don't like it doesn't mean everyone should stop doing what they love, after all the point of fiction is so people can fulfill their fantasy and if it makes them happy then they shouldn't be stopped. Happiness is scarce nowadays. Everyone has the rights to feel happiness.

I'm not one of those idiots who rave over something just because they don't like it. I wouldn't even bring this topic up if it's not necessary going further. When I don't like something, I simply move on. Something people should do more honestly.

On the topic of ships, while I like romance here and there I still think platonic relationships are just as great. Kiana and Bronya for example have the best platonic relationships in fiction I've ever seen. Just imagine it; two people so different in personalities yet they still find it in themselves to care for each other dearly. It doesn't necessarily have to be romantic, you know.

Now then, this next one contains a little spoiler of Penacony story so if you haven't finished it I suggest skip reading this note further.

Maybe, just maybe, the real Honkai is the suffering we encounter along the way.

It's actually funny to see people losing their minds when they "killed" Firefly lol because I've seen that sh*t coming the moment I saw her smile in the White Night trailer. I've also read to leaks about her character story months ago so my literal first thought was "She's gonna die. I can feel it." Lmao.

But I don't believe she's really dead. Acheron practically disemboweled us in that one cutscene and we simply woke up from the dream. I think something similar also happened to Firefly and now she's out there in the real world, probably inside Sam or something.

I enjoy Penacony story so far. Haven't finished it but I do like Firefly too. I hope she's going to be a long term character like Kafka and not an arc-limited character like literally most other characters we met before. It's the biggest gripe about HSR story I'm not a fan of as I mentioned a few chapters back.

Anyway, as usual kudos and reviews are appreciated! Thank you for your continuous support, everyone!

Chapter 22: For One to Memorize


Sorry for the long update, everyone, I had some real life circ*mstances. Read below note if you care to learn what.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 22: For One to Memorize.

The gentle chime of her alarm clock roused March from her slumber, pulling her back to reality and away from yet another dreamless sleep. She slowly turned and shifted on her bed to deactivate the alarm before sinking back onto her pillow face first and sighing on the soft material.

"Ugh..." She groaned quietly after a minute, finally turning around to face the ceiling with bleary eyes. Blinking rapidly, she pressed her hands over her eyes and rubbed them, attempting to get rid of the rest of her sleep.

Rolling over to the edge of her bed, she put her foot onto the floor and hissed at the coldness, sending shivers up her spine and waking her up further. Putting her other foot down, she blindly sought for her phone on the nightstand where she left it to charge the last night. It took her a few tries to locate it, nearly dropping it to the floor when she accidentally pulled on the cord of her charger instead.

The light from the screen practically blinded her in the dim room and the pinkette couldn't help but to close her eyes again out of instinct. Squinting her eyes with yet another hiss, she lowered the brightness first before turning on the light of her bedroom with her phone.

With her eyes finally adjusted to the light, she could finally stand up without worrying on tripping on her feet or other objects scattered about her room. She glanced at the clock again, seeing that she'd woken up precisely 30 minutes before their estimated time of arrival to their destination and hummed to herself.

Silently, she went to make her bed and do the rest of her morning routine, taking a quick shower and dressing up for the upcoming journey. It was moment like this she was grateful of her short hair since it meant she didn't have to spend too much time drying it after shower without sacrificing its health and beauty, a fact the pinkette was proud of as she stared at herself through the reflection in the mirror.

"Today is a great day," she said with a smile to her reflection and it returned right back to her with all the warmth and eagerness. "Let's do our best!"

Next, March went to the small fridge she kept in her room where she stored left over food and drinks for breakfast only to pause right as she was about to open it.

"Oh, right..." Her smile broadened and she straightened up. "Mei said she's making breakfast today."

The thought of the older woman's cooking made her stomach rumble and March took it as a cue to go to the Express' kitchen right at the rearmost carriage. It was where the other miscellaneous facilities were including a small training room and a gym for the Crew and Passengers to utilize, though they rarely saw use nowadays besides for Welt and Dan Heng routine training.

March herself trained every now and then, but compared to Dan Heng it was almost insignificant. For some reason, he would spend a lot of time in the training room when he wasn't sleeping or indexing their recent journey. Once, she caught him training in the middle of the night on her way for some midnight snacks and when March asked her about it, his answer was a simple "I couldn't sleep."

Of course, it made her worry but Dan Heng didn't budge an inch when March asked her about the reason. Instead, he gentle urged her to carry on and knowing Dan Heng it was the closest he would tell her to mind her own business, even if he didn't explicitly tell her that.

She had asked Welt about it out of concern yet his answer was just as curt, albeit with a hint of sadness.

"I'm sorry, March. But I can't answer that. It's his right to tell you."

March stopped bringing the subject up afterwards but she hadn't stopped worrying about Dan Heng. She could not help it. He was a friend, a family even. The closest she could get as a brother despite how unfamiliar the concept itself to her.

He had kept her safe in countless circ*mstances and his small gestures of kindness were hard to forget. Dan Heng might not be vocal about it but he cared for them in his own way. He was the kind of person who would wordlessly pass the salt over during dinners, or doubtlessly stand in front of impending dangers if it meant protecting those he cherished, and she knew that he cherished them.

March wanted Dan Heng to know how much he meant to her, to everyone else, and that all his good deeds touched them the way only he could provide. She wanted to return the gesture which was why March had been trying and worrying over him.

At the same time, she understood that everyone had a past. She might have forgotten hers but Dan Heng's was a mystery in itself since he never talked about it. Still, she took Welt's advice and refused to pry on it knowing it was something he had to decide and tell himself. Respecting that decision alone was one of the ways to return his kindness.

Lost in thought, the pinkette arrived at the kitchen without her noticing until she stood right on the doorway. The moment the door slid open, she was greeted by a smell so good it immediately caused her mouth to water and pulled her from her reverie. She blinked, seeing Mei washing the dish with Kiana sitting behind the dinner table playing on her phone.

Mei turned to face her when she heard the door open, smiling softly at the younger girl. "Good morning, March," she greeted warmly. "Come sit. I've saved up your portion for you."


"Everyone has had their fill," Kiana informed as she threw March a glance before returning her attention to her phone. "You're a little late."

"Wait, what?" March responded, baffled. She had made sure to wake up earlier than usual today and she was sure nobody should have been awake at this hour already. "That soon?"

"Well, it seemed everyone was eager to try Mei's food." Kiana groaned out loud and dropped her phone on the table in frustration, failing to clear yet another stage in her game, before she sighed and grinned at Mei as the latter put March's breakfast onto the table. "Although, I can't really blame them for it, can I?"

Mei leaned over and bopped Kiana's nose with her index finger. "Didn't you say you're going to talk to Himeko?" Mei reminded her and Kiana laughed.

"Right," Kiana stood up then, pocketing her phone. "I'll see you in the Parlor Car."


"Enjoy your food, March. I know I enjoyed mine."


"Did you sleep well?" Mei asked her next just as she sat down on the chair, putting a glass of milk for her to drink.

"I did. How about you?"

"I've always had great sleep with Kiana around," Mei admitted, sitting down herself right across of March. "That's not something I got a lot back home."

March frowned, hearing the longing in Mei's voice. "What do you mean?"

The woman didn't answer right away. She gestured at March with a dip of her head to eat and March obliged. After watching the pinkette's eyes brighten at the explosion of taste from the first scoop only did she answer. "Kiana... was away for a better part of our lives. A few years prior to our wedding, she had to stay on the Moon and with lives catching up to the rest of us after the war we didn't get much time together either. We did visit her every now and then but, well..." Mei chuckled bitterly then, obviously remembering something rather unpleasant.

March slowed down on her munching, studying the older woman before her with sympathetic gaze. It seemed that, despite her power and might she was still a woman with her own worries and weaknesses. A normal human, even if she bore the power befitting a goddess.

March decided she didn't like seeing Mei sad.

"Then, I suppose it's a good thing that you both are here now, right? With us?"

Mei laughed merrily at that, once again leaning forward but this time to wipe the sauce marring March's cheek, earning an embarrassed blush from the girl who had been practically wolfing down the food. "You're very kind, March."

"Not as kind as you," March mumbled but Mei shook her head in disagreement.

"Don't sell yourself short like that. We aren't much different. I've met plenty of people in my life and taught all sort of students. Being a teacher means knowing your students and dare I say I have a very good grasp on someone's personality because of it."

"What do you think of us, then?"

"Well..." Mei trailed off, crossing her fingers over the table and giving the question a serious consideration. "Stelle seems like she does what she wants as long as it is entertaining and interesting, which I think stems from her blatant curiosity to things around her. That's a good thing, actually, even if she sometimes can be a little questionable."

The last bit was a joke, delivered with a sly smile towards March who chuckled in silent agreement. She knew how odd Stelle could be, often catching her staring at something for to long as if to ponder the existence of said something. But she also knew a lot of stuff thanks to it, including some formulas she saw in a passing from Herta Space Station. Her memory was rather impressive, which was probably why she had been agonizing over her forgotten past even if she wasn't vocal about it.

"She kind of reminds me of Kiana back in the day. Minus the attention span," Mei continued with a chuckle.

"They both were alike? No wonder they get along very well."

"Kiana get along with everyone as long as they're not hell bent on destroying the world. I think the reason she's sticking to Stelle is because of how awesome Stelle is being. The Kaslanas have a thing for heroism and stuff." Mei shrugged then. "That, and she practically declared her a honorary Kaslana already."

Mei's smile turned nostalgic as she fixed March with a stare, looking right at the pinkette in the eyes. "You remind me of someone very dear to me. An old friend and mentor who guided me back to light after falling into dark despair. Your enthusiasm, your unreserved cheerfulness... You're so much like her it's like looking at a copy of her. You both even shared the same hair color and weapon type."

"... Elysia, right?"

Mei blinked, surprised, before she nodded slowly. "Yeah... Did Kiana tell you?"

March mirrored the action, looking down at the now empty plate as she fiddled with her spoon. "She did. She said that she can feel your feelings whenever you look at me and that it only happens when they're particularly strong. I'm sorry for making you feel that way."

"Don't be," Mei assured quickly with a shake of her head. "It's not your fault. I'm just being sentimental."

"You value her that much, huh? Elysia, I mean."

"Bronya, Kiana and I have people we look up to. For Bronya it was Welt, the closest she got to a father, and for Kiana it was Himeko. Elysia was that person to me."

"Kiana said Himeko was also your teacher."

"Oh, she was. She's half the reason I wanted to become a teacher myself."

"So, she's just as precious to you?"

A glimmer of pride painted the surface of those amethysts as Mei nodded. "She saved the three of us. If it wasn't for her, none of this would've happened. It was thanks to her kindness and burning passion we could be who we are today. She always trusted us. She always believed that we're destined for greatness, but more importantly she knew Kiana would be the person she is now. It was that steadfastness I admire and strive to achieve."

"It must be hard to see her all well again."

Mei hummed, not denying the pinkette's words. "It is hard, but it was Kiana I worried the most." She leaned back on her chair, gaze drifting away to nothing in particular behind March and ahead where she knew the Express' locomotive and Himeko was.

Mei knew that the Universe was very vast and that in every branch was worlds full of people so familiar to them. She knew that out there countless Himeko's exist, each having their own lives and circ*mstances. It's not an oddity at all for this Himeko to travel the stars knowing it was their teacher's dream once.

It was the fundamental rule in this Universe. No matter how different or how distant someone was, they would always share some traits with their counterparts. Mei had witnessed it first hand in the Sea of Quanta where dying worlds reflected back through its bleak surface, saw the lives of the people she knew being played out with so much familiarity.

Fate had a funny way to bring people together. As scary as it sounded, it was also fascinating to see the myriad of scenarios playing along its strings. In one world, something that could go wrong did go wrong while in the other none of the bad things happened. In one world, her father was never framed and she still retained her heiress status. Good in the surface but she didn't get to meet Kiana until much much later because of it.

That was why they believed that whatever happened in the past it was for the best. Because no matter how terrible it was, everything still worked out in the end. Because out there, there were worlds currently being ravaged by Honkai with it winning the fight. There's no way to know just how much worlds similar to Earth still stuck in the endless Samsara of the End.

"Kiana said that Himeko died protecting her," March drawled as she pieced her words together, a little unsure whether she should broach the subject or not with Mei looking more than just a little sad at the mention of her late teacher. Eventually, her curiosity won over her hesitation. "I can only imagine the guilt she felt."

Mei blinked, looking at March again after her moment of stupor. She opened her mouth, hesitated for a bit and then closed it again. Instead, she sighed deeply and almost dejectedly.

"That's not all." She almost sounded defeated when she continued. "But that's something you need to ask Kiana."

"You won't?"

Mei shook her head, standing up to pick up March's empty plate. She sent the pinkette an apologetic smile before answering. "She's my wife but that doesn't mean I can just say everything about her without her consent, especially one with such a great impact in her life. I respect Kiana as much as I love her and keeping up the secrets of your other half is a key to healthy marriage. You will understand one day," she added with a chuckle, leaving towards the dishwasher to wash the dish.

The sound of water spraying on the plate filled the otherwise silent kitchen and March allowed herself a moment to think as she mindlessly sipped on her glass of milk, silently pondering on Mei's words.

"What about Dan Heng?" She asked after a moment, glancing at the woman's back.

Mei twisted the faucet off before answering, putting the plate into the dryer and wiping her hands on nearby towel. "I know kids like him. They like to keep silent about their problems and I can see that he has some."

"You too?" March's face scrunched up in thought. "I think the same, too. But, like he never talks about it so I can't help him at all. It's a little frustrating."

"The best you can do for people like him is to give them space. Their silence are not distrust. They're simply not used in sharing their thoughts. When the time comes, he will open up but for now you just have to be patient."

"I know that..."

March learned that Mei's motherly nature went further than her duty as a teacher. She genuinely cared for the children under her care and thus willing to help them through all the uncertainties they faced. She offered her advices invaluable to young people like her, earned from years of fighting and teaching alike.

And March wisely listened to it all as her respect and adoration for the woman grew bigger and bigger. Mei might not be as old, but her wisdom was just as valuable as Welt's and it showed from the way she explained things; patient yet firm, thorough yet simple and easy to understand.

She was a teacher first, an excellent one in fact, and a soldier second. March could see it now. Not that she doubted it before but March had only seen Mei's warrior side on the surface. Welt was right when he said that Mei didn't like to flaunt her thoughts unless asked.

So she asked as they walked towards the Parlor Car together to join the others. "So, um. What kind of person was Elysia?"

Mei blinked in thought, not expecting the sudden question at all, especially that particular one. "Well, she loved to tease people and when she wanted something, she's getting it by any means necessary." A ghostly sensation of soft fingers on her currently nonexistent horns made Mei pause and close her eyes. For a moment, she was back in Elysian Realm facing a head full of pink hair as its owner insistently pestered on Mei for something. The memory was fleeting, however, and she returned to reality just as quick. "She's also caring and loving with love so big it reached everyone."

"I wished I could appreciate it more back then."

"What do you mean?"

Mei smiled sadly at that, stopping for a moment to stare at the stars outside the windows. Their lights were faint from this far yet their shines were unmistakable even amidst the void, as if to tell the Universe that no matter how dark everything was there would always be a glimmer of hope in it to seek and reach.

"Tragedy is not the end. It's the beginning of hope," Mei recited softly. "It's what she told me."

"Wasn't that the thing you told the Supreme Guardian?" March asked as she joined the purple haired woman, standing beside her. The height difference forced March to craned her neck up to look at Mei's face, studying and watching the myriad of emotions in her one visible amethyst.

Mei hummed and nodded. "I think she knew because there's nothing better to describe my life with," she looked down to meet March's stare then. "You remember what I told you about separating with Kiana?"

March nodded slowly in affirmation. It had only been a few days yet it felt like it had been a long time ago, too. But she did. If not for the talks then for the very first lesson Mei gave them.

"Talks are important. They're necessary for you to understand each other. Sure, a simple talk won't solve everything but it's a start. You have to start from somewhere and that somewhere is a talk."

"You said you had to go to darkness to protect her."

Mei hummed again, this time more to acknowledgement. "To return her to bliss, I must tread the darkness. And it was a cold, lonely path."

How many nights Mei spent lamenting their separation? How many nights she spent missing the warmth of her sun? Her gentle touches and radiant smiles were Mei's most precious memories in a world so bleak it was consuming.

They called her kind and caring, but many didn't know of her sins. Mei, like any other human beings out there, had her dark side hidden inside her. She had killed millions innocent people and destroyed a city in her fit of rage, rage towards the unfair world, and it was only thanks to Kiana she snapped out of it and became who she was now.

Kiana changed her destiny from the moment they touched. She pulled her away from the path of damnation, giving her a chance to live a life full of wonders and smiles. It's not an exaggeration to say Mei owed her life to her dearest.

The same could be said to Kiana.

"Kiana was dying," Mei continued softly after a while. "The doctors said she had three months to live."

March gasped in horror, eyes wide and mouth dropping open. She watched the tears welling in Mei's eyes, glazing her beautiful purple irises in a cloud of sorrow. But they never fell.

They didn't fall because it was a past long gone.

"So, I took it upon myself to save her. Just the thought of living a life without her scared me. So much so I'd rather be condemned for life by my own family. Anything I could do, I did it. These hands are not clean, March," she raised the appendages up and stared at them, as if to see the invisible red staining them. "They'd been used to do things so terrible you wouldn't be surprised to hear it from a sinner."

"But, you did it to save Kiana, right?" March offered hesitantly but Mei shook her head.

"There's no justification to misdeeds," Mei said with a shake of her head. "When you start making excuses, you'll find yourself being the villain."

"Then, what did you do?"

"I accepted it. I accepted everything and now I have to carry the burden for the rest of my life."

"... is it hard? To carry your terrible past like that?"

"It is," Mei stated softly, clenching her hands before lowering them down to her sides again. "It haunts your dreams and reminds you in your every waking moment."

"Sometimes I couldn't help but wonder what kind of person I was," March began anew when Mei fell silent. "Why was I floating in a block of ice in space without memory of my past," she shrugged then and smiled bitterly at nothing in particular. "Maybe I did something bad, too."

"Or maybe someone did that to protect you, and that you were loved as you are now," Mei shot back with a shake of her head. "It's not always been for bad reason someone lost their memories for people do anything to protect those precious in their eyes. Do you truly believe you were a bad person?"

"I... I'm not sure."

"Well, I don't. I know a bad person when I see one and you are not it, March. You are far too kind and too cute to be a bad person." Mei patted March's head, not unlike how she would to Kiana's, and smiled gently at the pinkette. "Even if you did something, it's all in the past now. What important is the present you for whatever you decide hereafter will be your future. Strive on for it. Make it so you don't regret anything because regret is a terrible thing."

Her hand lowered until it grasped around March's own and squeezed encouragingly, smile turning into a proud grin when March squeezed back. The younger girl nodded resolutely and said "I see why you're a teacher," with a laugh Mei followed.

"I've had amazing people guiding me."


Kiana's loud exclamation greeted both March and Mei the moment they stepped into the Parlor Car, making the former jump in surprise while the latter frown in concern. Their gazes immediately found Kiana who had her face buried in her hands as she practically screamed into it in pure horror.

In front of her was Stelle who had her phone out with its screen facing a distraught Kiana and displaying Kiana's source of distress, her own face indifferent.

Bronya took a passing glance at it, raised an eyebrow and snorted in amusem*nt but didn't say anything as she sat on one of the sofas, leg propped over the other.

"What's the matter?" Mei asked urgently, jogging towards Kiana and Stelle. Kiana heard her and immediately clung onto her front and whimpered.

"Mei! This side of the Universe sucks!" She said as she buried her face to Mei's bosom

"What do you mean?" Mei implored curiously as she rubbed comforting circles on Kiana's back despite her lack of knowledge on the situation. It was all instinct at this point for her to do so.

Her gaze shifted towards Stelle, inquisitive as she tilted her head slightly in a silent question. Stelle simply turned the screen of her phone again and showed it to Mei.


"There's a Bratnya!" Kiana wailed, blindly pointing at Stelle's general direction. "And we've only been here for like a week!"

"What's so bad about it?" March asked, genuinely confused as she peered at Stelle's phone. The image was that of a familiar face indeed, just much much younger.

Kiana released Mei and immediately went for the pinkette, grabbing her by the shoulders with intensity befitting a desperate victim. "What so bad, you asked?! Bratnya is just Bronya but ten times more insufferable! She's a ruthless bully who beat you in games despite your pleas for surrender! She's cold-blooded, ruthless tyrant!"

"For the record, it was you who refused to yield despite losing for hundreds of time. Also, it's mostly just skill issue on your part," Bronya chimed in, giving Kiana a pointed look the Kaslana returned with a glare.

"Giving up is not in our dictionary! I have my pride as a Kaslana!"

"If only your brain is as big as that pride of yours."

"What was that, you bastard?!"

"I said, you're an idiot who never know when to quit despite the obvious disadvantages."

"Why, you little—!"

Mei expertly tuned out Kiana's voice as she began to argue with Bronya, instead focusing her attention on the picture on Stelle's phone. She made a gesture at the ashen haired girl who blinked owlishly back to her, baffled by Mei's seemingly unperturbed visage at Kiana and Bronya's banter. "May I?" Mei asked, further accentuating her request for Stelle's phone.

"Um, sure." Stelle glanced at Kiana and Bronya again as the former began to pester the latter for a rematch of a game they played last night. "Are they always like that?" She asked, handing over the phone to the older woman.

Mei barely looked up from Stelle's phone as she answered. "I thought you're used to it by now but yes, they're always like that." A frown graced her face the longer she stared at the picture, mind drawing images of younger Bronya she remembered from their fond days back in St. Freya and before that. "Silver Wolf..." Mei mumbled out loud, reading the name below the picture. "Where did you get this?"

"Herta Space Station," Stelle supplied, pocketing her phone with a shrug after Mei gave it back to her. "From a wanted poster."

"She's a criminal?" Mei couldn't help the surprise in her tone.

"A Stellaron Hunter, actually."

Now it was Mei's turn to blink owlishly. "A friend of Kafka?"

"Probably," Stelle answered with a helpless sigh. "You can't be certain with them."

Mei studied Stelle's expression for a second, mentally noting the scowl on her face that came and went just as quick. The subject of Stellaron Hunter obviously brought distaste to the girl, though there's also a clear hint of curiosity in her feature. A curiosity Mei knew was justified.

She didn't believe a word that Kafka woman said, if not from the way Himeko acted towards her then the talk she had with Kiana last night which only further confirmed her stance on the matter. Kafka was manipulative and liked to sow discords with her words and last night's encounter was exactly that.

Mei had spent a good few hours searching about the Stellaron Hunter last night shortly after Kafka departed and what she read make her realize that they were no ordinary crime group. Besides their obvious objectives, each and every one of its members also had their own agendas they wanted to fulfill. They served Elio, the so called Destiny's Slave who could read the future in a form of script in exchange for various rewards Elio promised them.

Kiana said that their intentions in sending the Express to Luofu were good, but she also told her to be careful with them and to not see them as friends. At least, not in the foreseeable future and Kiana could see the future. All of it she learned from reading Kafka's mind, something Kiana so utterly hated to do to someone even if that someone was a ruthless criminal, and she knew just exactly what the Hunters wanted.

Still, she refused to tell Mei the full story and Mei completely understood. She understood the weight Kiana had to carry so when Kiana profusely asked for apology Mei simply pulled her into a hug and assured her that it was okay, that Kiana's choice was for the best for everyone involved and Mei knew it.

There's a reason why Kiana refrained from using her time-space Authority excessively, more so to read the very future itself. She wanted nothing but being oblivious, to let destiny ran its course and for the Universe to work as it was intended. By knowing, she might change a few things and from knowing there might grow the desire to intervene which would then inevitably alter everything.

Everything that was never black and white.

"Is that why you and Bronya returned late?" Mei asked after a while, bringing Stelle back from her gawking at Bronya and Kiana as they began to wrestle on the floor. Well, it was mostly Bronya kicking Kiana's ass and mopping her face to the floor, though.

"I didn't know what Bronya had been doing..." Stelle drawled just as the aforementioned woman put Kiana in a chokehold. March looked like she was about to get a panic attack from watching the duo duke it out while Welt looked almost indifferent if not for the amused crease on his face. "She went her way shortly after we arrived."

Stelle found Welt and Bronya discussing something in the Parlor Car before she set out to the Station, something they seemed to do often, and told the woman that she was going to Herta Space Station when asked. Bronya then asked her if she could come and Stelle rather offhandedly told her she could since she's a part of the Astral Express now.

Bronya didn't tell her why she wanted to come with Stelle aside from a simple "It might shed some inspiration for my works," and it seemed to be all to it. After introducing her to Asta, Bronya practically disappeared and with Stelle busy being pestered by Herta she didn't exactly have the time to look after her. Stelle trusted Bronya, though. She seemed to be a responsible woman and she was.

Hours later, after the whole shenanigans with Silver Wolf, she finally got a message from Bronya telling her she was ready to go back to the Express. Stelle was too tired at that point to question her so she didn't. Once they returned, Welt was still waiting in the Parlor Car much to her surprise.

"I feel rather invigorated," he said back then as Bronya joined him, pulling a sketchbook and handing it to Welt who readily accepted it. "Maybe I'll go and join you kids in the next journey."

Glancing over at the man, it seemed like he's making good of that promise.

"What is going on here?" Himeko called out as she joined them, looking at Bronya and Kiana with clear concern in her golden gaze, and then the rest of the Crew inquisitively. "Is everything alright?"

"It's just the usual Kiana and Bronya," Mei answered with a reassuring smile at the redhead. "How about you? You look a little... troubled."

Mei had seen that expression on an entirely different Himeko's face so much she's well a accustomed to it. The way she would bit on her lower lip subtly and the slight dip of her eyebrows...It was all to familiar to her and Mei couldn't help the way her heart skipped a beat as a rush of memories flooded her brain for a brief second.

"Is it that obvious?" Himeko asked back.

"Well, not exactly."

Himeko must have heard the unspoken reason because the solemn smile she gave Mei was unmistakable. Shaking her head, she went on to explain. "I've been trying to hail the Luofu traffic control but haven't gotten any reply at all. It's worrying since it's a Xianzhou ship we're talking about."

The Express had exited hyperspace a while ago and been travelling in sublight speed ever since to meet the Luofu in real space, all the while transmitting their transponder so the Luofu knew they weren't an enemy. It's all standard operation procedure in the galactic community to come slow when approaching others.

Besides, the Xianzhou could be very jumpy and the last thing Himeko wanted was for them to blow up the Express on accident. Even now as the gigantic ship came into view she couldn't shake the anxiety from rising within her chest, knowing they had all the firepower to obliterate them to smithereens.

All it took would be a simple mistake, such as failure in communication.

"What do you mean?" Bronya asked as she shoved Kiana off her grips without regards whatsoever.

"The Xianzhou Alliance is known for their trade besides their military might," Welt answered in stead of Himeko, standing up to his feet to stare at the growing ship in the distance with narrowed eyes. "They're similar to the IPC in that matter."

Bronya hummed in thought. "I see. By that logic, traffic should've been very busy and neglect on the communication network can be very catastrophic. Have you tried different channels?" She turned to Himeko then.

"I've tried everything, even the emergency ones yet the result is the same. It's almost like nobody's home."

"I sense major space distortion from that ship," Kiana chimed in as she jumped to her feet, glaring at Bronya who pointedly ignored her. "Could it be...?"

But Welt shook his head at Kiana's unspoken concern. "The Xianzhou Alliance ships use space-folding technology to house their residents. Even if it somehow fails, there's won't be a total silence from their end like this since each area has its own Reality Anchors. What you're feeling is probably their technology working as it's intended."

She nodded and smiled with relief, accepting Welt's explanation. "Maybe take a closer look?" She suggested to Himeko.

"I'm reluctant to do so. The Xianzhou has a rather... strict policy towards unknowns."

"You don't have to worry," Bronya stepped forward to Welt's side to join him. "I'll prepare a barrier if things go haywire."

Himeko grimaced, looking at Welt who nodded encouragingly at her. He's confident with Bronya's ability and fully supported her suggestion.

"Right." Himeko sighed. "Pom-Pom?"

The Conductor was nowhere to be seen but Pom-Pom heard her anyway as their voice resonated through the intercom. "Pom-Pom will approach the Luofu now. Please ensure the Express and its Crew are safe throughout the ordeal."

"Don't worry, not many can go through Bronya's armor," Kiana vouched for her best friend, displaying confidence unmatched as if they hadn't just on the floor throwing punches. She even accentuated her point with a thumbs up that had Bronya rolling her eyes. "So, rest assured."

Stelle turned to Mei and asked "Are they always like that?"


While they didn't immediately get blown up the moment they approached the ship, it did take them a fair amount of time to find an available entry since most of the mooring gates were closed for whatever reason with nobody answering their requests still.

It was not the ordinary entry way they had to take. Usually, visitors would be directed to Central Starskiff Haven immediately but since this gate was mostly used for trading, the Crew had no other option but to disembark on Cloudford instead.

The moment they stepped out of the Express, their eyes were immediately drawn to the bustling trade complex of Luofu itself as containers being transported in and out of the ship with Starskiffs.

The process was fully automatic, meaning there was not a single living soul visible in the vicinity. It's probably safe to assume nobody knew of their arrival yet.

"Well, here we are I guess," Stelle began with fake enthusiasm, tuning towards the rest as they stepped out too. "It's... a bit underwhelming, if you ask me."

"Shouldn't there be people?" Kiana asked warily as she eyed their surroundings. "Where is everyone?"

"I suppose the only way to answer that is by going ahead and seek for them ourselves," Welt chimed in, pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose. "Although we don't exactly engage ourselves with the Xianzhou Alliance for much, we still have some cooperations with them to vouch for our intention. It should clear some possible misunderstandings."

"Misunderstandings?" March frowned. "Are we going to get into trouble with the local authority again? Because once is honestly enough."

"I'm not sure how to tell you this but I think it's inevitable in the future, March," Kiana told the pinkette with a dry chuckle. "Given the nature of this journey."

"Still," Himeko began as she stepped out too to observe the area. "Welt is right. The only way to make sure is to find people."

"Oh! Himeko! I've been meaning to ask but do you mind going out with me?" Kiana asked excitedly as she grabbed the redhead by her arm, giving her a half hug while grinning from ear to ear. "It's a date!"

"Well, I don't mind but someone has to stay on the Express..." Himeko trailed off, chuckling, as her gaze drifted towards Mei who had been watching her and Kiana. "Besides, isn't that something you must ask Mei first?"

"Ah, don't worry. I have asked Mei and she's fine with it. Right, Mei?"

Mei smiled and nodded, meeting Kiana's eyes and then Himeko's. "I don't mind at all. You guys have fun, I'll wait on the Express until you're back."

"You're the best, babe." Kiana proceeded to give Mei a quick kiss on the cheek before returning to Himeko and grabbing her hand, leading them ahead. "Have you been to Luofu?"

"Specifically, no. But I've been to other Xianzhou ships before. They generally have the same layouts."

"So, you know where the best place for sightseeing and foods?"

"I have some ideas, yes."


Mei watched them go with fond eyes, once again reminded of a similar scene from a distant past. It had been so long since then but the memory was so fresh and preserved Mei could still recall it with clarity in her mind.

"Is that really alright?" Stelle asked her then and Mei nodded without hesitation.

"Kiana looks happy," and she was, judging from the large smile she wore and the enthusiasm she exhibited as she walked side by side with Himeko. "I'll never deny her happiness."

Stelle nodded slowly, accepting the answer. "So, it's up to me, March, Bronya and Welt now, huh? At least, for now?"

March swiveled to face both Stelle and Mei with surprise the moment the former finished talking. "Wait, Dan Heng is not coming with us?"

"Nope," Stelle supplied. "He said he's feeling unwell."

"Is he sick?"

The ashen haired girl shrugged and March's gaze went right through her to the Express' carriage where she knew Dan Heng's room was. "He looked a little pale this morning so I guess he is."

March bit her lower lip worryingly. "Should we really leave him alone in that condition?"

"Don't worry, March. I'll look after him," Mei assured the pinkette with a pat to her shoulder. "You guys just go."

Her gaze then shifted towards Bronya and Welt, exchanging a quick nod in the process, before Mei stepped back inside the Express and closed the door behind her. March, still looking a little unsure, couldn't help but frown.

Stelle put a hand to her shoulder next and squeezed gently. "You heard her. Dan Heng is in right hands."

Slowly, she relented. Giving a small and reluctant nod to Stelle. The taller girl returned the gesture promptly before offering her hand to March and March accepted it, allowing herself being dragged forward to their destination by Stelle.

"Let's go," Welt told Bronya and wordlessly the latter followed him. Ahead to yet another adventure in their long journey with heart ready to overcome all the upcoming hardships and troubles.

Always troubles.

Some things just never change.



I don't know how to start here but... I need your help.

So, I've been saving up for a new phone these few months since I can feel my phone dying (I bought it for daily use, never thought I'd be playing such a heavy game like HSR) and I honestly don't know how long it can hold itself together anymore.

Thing is... There has been an unexpected circ*mstance and all my savings are gone now.

My grandma got hospitalized a few weeks ago. Initially, we thought she's just having the usual illness (you know, since she's old and all that) but turned out she got a severe infection so they had to operate on her. Unfortunately, she passed away last Saturday from it.

She's the first "direct" family member I lost so needless to say it shook me to my core. I wasn't in the right state of mind when I wrote this chapter so I apologize if the quality is lower than usual.

That said, I need your help. If you have a few bucks to spare, please consider joining so I can get a new phone before this one falls apart on me.

But, I'll have to let you know; I am not offering any benefits, nor am I making promises. I don't want that. I don't want to offer something I am not certain I can keep. I also don't want it to be a continuous thing since I really hate to do this, as I mentioned before that I write for fun and not profit so money is not something I really seek when sharing this story, but I don't have any other options here. That is why I will close my (Redacted) three weeks from now, or if I've got sufficient fund to get a new phone.

For those willing to donate, you have my thanks in advance. For those can't, don't worry about it since your companionship in this journey is the best thing I can ask for from you guys so don't feel bad or whatever, yeah?

Anyway, as usual kudos and reviews are appreciated!

Edit: due to concern of strike, detailed links are now on my Twitter and you can check it on my bio.

Here's the link;

Also if you guys want to talk or something, I'm pretty open on Twitter. Just don't take some of the things I said too seriously because I honestly only use Twitter for fanarts and memes lol.

Chapter 23: Life Blooms Like a Flower


I honestly don't know what qualifies as "too violent" but there are certain descriptions here that probably fit it. Consider this a warning.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter: Life Blooms Like a Flower.

Ironically, the first sign of life they found on their way was not alive at all. Although, technically it was more alive than most things, it lacked everything describing a living being.

Mainly the ability to think besides rabid, unfiltered rage.

It was a thing of hideous abomination of what was formerly a man, mutilated beyond recognition besides its most basic form. Its arms were transformed into two sharp, golden blades and its body was covered with similarly colored flowers that constantly emitted some sort of pollen around it, giving an illusion that the thing was divine in this mortal realm.

But that was all to it. It was a thing, a creature stripped of everything except its basic nature. It knew no thought aside destruction and its divinity was nothing but a trick.

Kiana made a mistake by calling it out, right before Himeko could stop her.

What happened next was something straight out of horror movie. Kiana watched, horrified, as it jittered and screeched at her after revealing its disfigured head. The sound alone was unholy, the look more so with it looking like someone had just run head first into a tree, split their skull open and had someone shoved all sorts of vegetations into the gaping void. Its 'mouth' had a branch sticking out of it, appearing to have grown from within its body.

So Kiana did the most natural thing a sane person would do in the situation the moment it began to charge at her with murderous intent.

She unholstered Shamash and promptly fired a shot straight into its head.

"What the f*ck?!" She yelled in both terror and shock as it fell onto the ground in a heap, a good portion of its head missing after Shamash's superheated beam obliterated it. Cautiously, she approached it, noting the thick, honey-like liquid that leaked out from its wound. "What in the—"

She didn't get to finish her sentence because it screeched again as it tried to scramble back to its feet despite its missing head.

Kiana, understandably, screamed.

In her bouts of panic, she smashed Shamash together and changed it to its sword form before she swung it at the thing, still screaming, and cleaved it into two. The sword, designed to cut through and melt entities beyond mortal's comprehension, easily went through the thick, fleshly barrier that was its body and only then did it stop twitching.

Kiana kicked the upper part of the thing warily only to jump back and raised Shamash again when it crumbled into golden ember, disappearing from the world as if it was never there.

"What in the f*ck was that thing?!" She finished, turning towards Himeko to both ensure her safety and question her, expression tight.

Himeko lowered the briefcase she was holding, where it came from Kiana had no knowledge about, and grimaced. "I think that was what they call Mara-Struck soldier."

"A what?" Kiana asked back, bewildered and lost.

But before the redhead could answer, another otherworldly shriek resonated, followed by another and another all around them. Kiana refocused her attention to her surroundings, carefully taking a step back to close her distance with Himeko.

More of the thing showed up, one and then two and three until it was too much to count. They jumped, climbed and crawled from, between and through the containers around them, all in their own macabre states that couldn't be possible in a living being.

Himeko opened her mouth and prepared her weapon but Kiana extended a hand to Himeko's front and blindly gestured at her to stay behind her as the Kaslana readied herself, all without facing Himeko.

It was mostly instinctive. Fueled by an innate desire within the white haired woman that was born from her feelings towards an entirely different person. It was misguided, but Himeko wouldn't deny her that.

Mei warned her about it before.

Kiana, oblivious to Himeko's thought, charged to meet the incoming threats with Shamash blazing its righteous fury in her grips. It was far from its full power, in fact it was barely a fraction of its power she was willing to use in fear she might set everything around her aflame, but it was far enough than what was needed.

She liberated herself from all manners of considerations, all sorts of holding backs, as she would to enemies like this. Gone was her reservations, abandoning it in exchange for brutal efficiency. In her eyes, she reminisced of her time in Nagazora many years ago, fighting mindless zombies with almost a glee.

Now, it wasn't so different.

The things attacking them were not humans. They were mindless beasts. Kiana didn't have to feel remorse like she would when she killed humans and that put her heart at ease. That made her glad.

So, the first abomination to reach her was quickly dispatched with said brutal efficiency. Namely with a quick swipe of Shamash that cleaved it in two from waist up, leaving it to tumble and fall like tree cut from its roots.

Kiana didn't linger. She didn't watch to see whether her targets were dead or not because she was sure they were. With each swing, an abomination was cut and killed, their healing factor couldn't keep up with the unreserved destruction that was the combination of Shamash and a Kaslana. A combination that once challenged the End itself.

Her expression was serene, the face of a warrior completely immersed in a world belonging only to her and her kin. A fascinating sight to behold, especially from an outsider's perspective like Himeko.

The Kaslana moved with measured steps and weaved with calculated grace, all born from years of experience. Shamash glowed with faint golden shimmer on its edge6, giving an illusion of a trailing star with each swing Kiana delivered to her enemy.

Yet the destruction she left in her wake could qualify her as a black hole, surrounded by the ethereal light of golden sea around its event horizon. Anything got close to it was immediately torn asunder, rendered to pieces and bits of its former self.

Himeko was only pulled from her stupor when she saw one of the monsters sprinting towards her from her left, slipping through Kiana and her destruction. The Kaslana turned and was about to make a short work on it when Himeko beat her to it.

A portion of the briefcase in Himeko's hand opened and out it extended a sharp, circular saw blade the redhead then unceremoniously directed towards the monster. It whirled to life just as it was about to make contact, spinning in speed of thousands RPM.

Suffice to say, the result was just as gruesome as Kiana's attack.

Thick, golden liquid sprayed out of the monster as its torso was sawed open, splattering everywhere and painting Himeko's dress in its 'blood'. It screamed in pure agony, trying in vain to pull itself away from its spinning doom.

Not a second later, just when Kiana saw the blade finally cut through the screaming thing's back, it suddenly bursted ablaze with red flames and burned the monster into crisp from inside out, guaranteeing not just certain death but also an agonizing one.

Kiana who witnessed it all laughed.

She laughed and laughed until she felt tears prickling on her eyes.

Only then she cried.

She cried because even in this part of the Universe Himeko's fire burned bright and fierce.

Just like back home.

Just like before.

"It's my turn now... I hope you don't mind, girl."

The rest of the group found them not too long after hearing the fight, running straight towards the small opening where it took place. What greeted them, however, made them pause after rounding a corner.

They slowed down and approached the two women, eyes critically scanning the various remnants of some things on the floor around them, before finally settling on both Kiana and Himeko. Intrigue and concern were clear in their gazes but it wasn't until Bronya made a move did the questions start coming.

"Kiana," Bronya urgently called out to her best friend and approached her, face morphing into a worried frown when she noticed the tears flowing down her face. "Kiana, are you okay?" She asked, tone true to her feeling as she pulled the Kaslana by her hand closer to her.

Kiana didn't deny the contact, letting Bronya grab her arms in a comforting manner. She turned towards her and blinked, hastily wiping the tears with the back of her hand and laughed airily.

"Ah, yeah." She chuckled then, glancing towards Himeko over Bronya's shoulder who was now talking with Welt and March while Stelle wandered around to check on the dead monsters. The Navigator sense her stare and glanced back and for a brief second their gazes met before the redhead turned her attention back to Welt.

Bronya saw where Kiana's gaze went to and squeezed her arms tighter. "Is it Himeko?"

Kiana nodded, slowly and distractedly until Bronya squeezed once more, regaining her attention. "Sorry," she said sheepishly. "I just... remembered something."

"Something painful?"

"Something precious." Kiana clarified.

Bronya smiled, small yet genuine as she released Kiana. Her best friend gave a short nod of gratitude which Bronya returned before her expression morphed back to its usual flat.

"So, what are those things?" She asked, gesturing at the three, twitching creatures currently impaled with Kiana's subspace lances a few meters behind the Kaslana. Said Kaslana glanced back and shrugged nonchalantly.

"Himeko said they were Mara-Struck soldiers? I have no clue what that means, though."

"They were Xianzhou natives," Welt joined in with Himeko, March and Stelle right on his tail. Kiana noticed the 'blood' on Himeko's dress slowly disappearing from the white fabric, almost like vaporizing into thin air, returning her dress to its original state. Around them, the corpses Kiana left behind were also slowly disintegrating in similar fashion.

"The natives?" Kiana furrowed her brows, looking at the three still impaled things. They were alive, as horrid as they seemed at the moment with the lances gutting them and keeping them upright but they were. The low groans and hisses they let out were inhuman, fitting more to a monster they were so how could they be the natives?

Welt sensed her unspoken question, seeing it rippling in her blue eyes, and gently tapped his cane against the floor to summon a gravitational ring under the three monsters. The effect was immediate as they suddenly got pulled below, forcing them through the lances until they hit the floor with a scream of agony. Wordlessly, he increased the force until they were crushed under their own weight and stopped twitching altogether.

"They're not human anymore," he finished.

Kiana's opened her mouth, closed it when nothing came out, and opened it again after a second of thought. "That was ruthless, Mister Welt," she settled to say with a lopsided grin.

Welt chuckled to himself. "I wasn't the one who cut them in two... or more," he added after a quick look around him, earning a laugh from Kiana.

March had never seen this side of Welt before so all she could do was to stare wide eyed at the older man. Usually, he was so reserved with his power all he did was to support from behind but after watching him crumple the things with barely a twitch of his fingers she slowly realized how powerful Welt actually was.

Had he been holding back...?

"What is Mara-Struck, Mister Welt?" Bronya asked next, back to the topic at hand. She stood up from her kneeling position near a fallen monster, done observing it with her critical, albeit cold eyes, while Stelle poked it curiously with her bat.

Much like Kiana, she had no remorse in killing mindless zombies. Even more like Kiana she was also glad it wasn't a human they had to kill for Bronya had done plenty before.

None in which she relished.

Bronya didn't have the time to read about the Xianzhou Alliance. Last night alone she spent refining the ideas she had for her new games after touring Herta Space Station before sending the results back to Seele. It was fascinating as much as it was inspiring, to see a space station that wasn't Schicksal's in nature and design, and Bronya couldn't resist the temptations to develop what she had in mind further and send it immediately with excitement only Seele could see.

Seele, too, had been very accommodating. Bronya would never get over the fact of how lucky she was to have her as her other half.

Before Welt could answer, an explosion suddenly interrupted their conversation, coming from somewhere close to their sector. The Crew slipped back to their cautious state smoothly and faced the direction it came from, noticing a thick pillar of black smoke rising high into the artificial sky above. Welt threw Himeko a glance and the redhead nodded, a silent agreement between the two, before he ordered everyone to check.

Stelle stored her bat after watching Kiana holster Shamash back, falling a step behind the older woman as she sprinted to the direction of the smoke. March, meanwhile went with Bronya after the latter told her to follow, going to a different way to find a vantage point so they could use their weapons unimpeded.

Himeko and Welt were slower but not by a large margin, simply because Himeko wasn't much of a fighter despite her ability while Welt trusted Kiana enough to let her handle the problem herself. The Kaslana was a fighter to the heart and if there was something she was excellent at, it was fighting.

And fight they must.

The first sign of the battle was the sight of blood. Red and not gold, meaning there had been normal people and not just monsters out there. It painted the dark floor with sickening crimson, pooling about everywhere.

The second sign was that of a man being thrown against a container with the speed of a car right as Kiana and Stelle about to round a corner, his mauled body stopping on the hard surface with a crunch as his bones shattered while his organs got pulverized from the force alone. Kiana pulled Stelle before she got caught in the way, purposefully shoving her so she wouldn't linger on the gruesome sight for long.

They didn't stop, knowing there was nothing they could do to him. With a quick shuffle, they continued sprinting to where the fighting was.

"Careful," Kiana told Stelle, pointing at the hole in the floor. The 'sky' was visible underneath it and although Kiana could fly, she didn't want Stelle to fall down into the unknown that was Xianzhou space-folding tech.

"We're close," Stelle said, seeing the carnage left behind. She could see bodies, ones covered in that strange gold flowers and aura while the rest leaned more to the normal category. "These are... the Cloud Knights?"

"You heard about them?"

"Dan Heng told me about them," Stelle supplied with a grimace as she stared at one particular Knight on the floor whose head was missing as they ran past them. "He talked about Xianzhou a bit when I called him for breakfast this morning."

"Is he from here?" Kiana asked, curious. Dan Heng's name sounded awfully close to a Chinese name so was Xianzhou. As much as it boggled her mind there existed a space version of China, Kiana couldn't really put off the possibility considering the vastness of the Universe itself.

"I don't know." Stelle scowled. "Now, that's the thing. We don't know about him at all since he's not a talker, you know."

Kiana was about to respond when another explosion interrupted her, this time being much closer, before her eyes widened when a whole container flew high above them and crashed somewhere far, shaking the floor and making the area rumble. She brought a hand up to signal Stelle to save the conversation for later and the ashen haired girl nodded in concession, understanding the weight of their current situation.

When they arrived, it was a scene pure out of nightmare.

They encountered bodies on their way but the first sight they arrived to was of a Cloud Knight being gutted by one of those monsters. The woman screamed until the breath in her lungs was empty as she desperately tried to push the monster away, a useless notion as it simply stared at her through its mutated eyes, before its head suddenly evaporated into a fine golden mist after Kiana shot it.

Much like before, it simply stumbled and gurgled through the stump, blindly swiping its bloodied blades around until Kiana peppered its body with countless superheated beams. With its body being nothing but a smoldering meat, it fell and died slowly into a twitching pile of burnt flesh.

She and Stelle jumped into the fray immediately, putting themselves between the monsters and the remaining Cloud Knights that had been so desperately trying to stay alive. It wasn't much of a fight as it was a desperate fight for survival.

"Who the hell are you?!" One of them asked, surprised and not just a little wary at their sudden appearance. Kiana threw the man a glance, noticing the subtle gold in his helmet instead of pure silver the rest of his friends had.

"We're with the Astral Express," Kiana elaborated, giving Stelle a covering fire as the teenager dragged a wounded Knight back to the rear line. "We're here to help."

"Look, I know you have questions but right now we better focus on saving the wounded," Stelle interjected, rummaging through her pocket for a dosage of painkiller. She always carried some after the incident during the first Warp, fully aware that she would only get hurt more in the future and that she should be prepared for it. Kneeling down, she rather unceremoniously injected the syringe into the thigh of the wounded Knight and he immediately stopped squirming in pain. "There's more of us coming, just so you know."

Right on cue, Himeko and Welt joined them a second after Stelle finished administering the drug. She was about to wrap a bandage around the man's torso where a large slash was when one of the Knights stopped her.

"I'll take it from here," the figure said, voice decidedly feminine despite the helmet she was wearing. Nodding to the woman, she helped lift the wounded Knight to the female medic's back, barely concerned when said medic easily carried his weight.

"Kiana," Welt called out, approaching the white haired woman who was still in a middle of stalemate with the creatures. They seemed to understand the danger she possessed hence the hesitation, growling and hissing at her yet not making a move. Even though Kiana appeared relaxed, her eyes were as sharp as they could be as she regarded the monsters around them. "Bronya and March are in position," he informed, looking up to a certain pile of containers in the distance.

"Yes," Kiana answered curtly as Stelle stepped to her side. "Sorry, Mister Welt, can you please help evacuate the Knights? Stelle and I will handle this."

His answer was immediate and without doubt.

"Of course."

He left without another word to join Himeko. The redhead was already in the process of gathering the wounded, helping the remaining Cloud Knights to reorganize in the mess of a battlefield. Nobody questioned her orders when she told them to move the wounded further back.

"Alright," Kiana exhaled. "Do it," she continued to nobody in particular.

Confused, Stelle was about to Kiana what she meant when one of the monsters suddenly exploded right before her eyes, a bright blue energy beam piercing through its body clean. Then, another one followed and another with each beam instantly killing a monster.

Amongst these beams were a more familiar sights of translucent arrows belonging to a certain pink haired girl. March didn't shoot in quivers, instead opting to use a larger projectile for both accuracy and efficiency.

And efficient they were.

One of her arrows lodged itself in the abdomen of Mara-Struck soldier, not a second later ice bursted out from it and sent frozen guts and viscera into the air. The thing died with ice blooming from its inside, unable to even screech as it fell to the ground.

Despite both supporters' efforts, the sheer numbers of the Mara-Struck soldiers meant Kiana and Stelle had to fight them off still. The former glanced at the latter as she holstered Shamash back.

"Lose your bat," Kiana told Stelle curtly and the younger girl frowned.

"Why?" She asked.

"Blunt force trauma is ineffective against them," Kiana explained and Stelle jumped in surprise when a golden portal emerged beside her. She stared wide eyed as Kiana pulled a white lance out of it. "Get your lance out."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," Stelle admitted hesitantly yet she did as told, materializing the control lance into her hand. "I have little experience with this thing."

The Kaslana flashed her a smile. "Don't worry, I'll teach you. After all, no best teacher than experience itself."

Stelle watched as Kiana readied herself, the white surface of her lance glinting under the artificial sunlight. It must be the Divine Key Kiana mentioned before, a lance of intricate design with elaborate patterns resembling flowers on its surface while its tip was painted deep purple. What it actually did Stelle had no idea but she was certain she was going to witness something amazing judging from Judgment of Shamash and its capability in Kiana's hands.

Lost in thought, she almost missed what Kiana said next.

"Lances are special," she began loudly. "They're not your ordinary weapon."

Kiana brought the lance up, positioning its tip towards her first target.

"They require you to have strength, precision, speed and grace. All must be equal and balanced in application."

The thing seemed to notice her intention, screeching as it began to charge at her. Yet Kiana remained calm, eyes almost passive as she regarded the approaching monster.

"They're the weapons of the front liners, a symbol of steadfastness and unwavering resolve. They're meant to be used against enemy head on, to move forward without hesitation. But..."

In a blink of eye, the Kaslana disappeared in a blur, speeding ahead in breakneck speed that was impossible to follow by mortal's eyes. Stelle only saw her again when her lance met the offender, impaling it through its back and more. Stelle thought it was all until she saw something strange happening to the thing.

It started from the lance's point of contact, a webbing of sickly flesh, until it travelled to the entirety of its body. The golden flowers signaling its abundance of life withered and died, turning ugly black like the rest of its complexion before it crumbled and fell onto the ground with a wet plop the moment Kiana pulled out her lance from its body.

And then the smell hit her.

A putrid smell of rotten flesh that made Stelle gag and instinctively cover her nose and mouth.

Her eyes widened in shock, watching the thing rapidly decompose until all that left was a heap of armor, clothes and bones on the floor. She stared wide eyed at the lance in Kiana's hand, just in time to catch the Kaslana's glowing blue eyes looking back at her.

"But, more importantly, it's a weapon to protect what's behind you."

"What... is that lance?"

"... many years ago in a distant past, there existed people in my home world who believed in a goddess. It is said that she has ruled the underworld."

"A goddess who ruled over the dead?"

"Yes. But she's also known as a goddess of rebirth, believed to be reborn every Spring."

"... are you saying that the lance Kiana uses is blessed by that goddess?"

"No, March. This is no more than mere mythology and what you're seeing is a recreation of a Herrscher's Authority. But that goddess has a name; Ataegina."

The sound of battle grew distant as they traversed the winding maze that was Luofu's Cloudford. Between the high piling containers and blockades erected by the Cloud Knights, sound had hard time to reach other parts of the area, mostly respelled back by the artificial walls around them.

That, unfortunately, meant all the sounds they created also bounced back to them in the corridor and Himeko had to force herself to ignore the choking breath of a Cloud Knight as he breathed his final breath on the back of his friend. Said friend sensed the person he'd been carrying went still, turning the urgency in his eyes into despair Himeko could see through the slit of his helmet.

She looked away when he began to sob.

Welt led the way, beside him was another Cloud Knight. He was a little different with his helmet having a hint of gold on it and from what Himeko read about the Xianzhou it signified his rank as a Captain in the Knight rank.

That alone meant he had a lot of experience since the Xianzhou Alliance consisted of long-life races. To reach a rank of Captain meant he had been in the service for at least almost a century and it showed.

None of the Knights was panicking per se, but the Captain held himself together like nobody else. His gait was certain and his orders were clear that after the initial confusion caused by the Crew's sudden intervention had vanished, he immediately regained authority and directed his soldiers to safety.

Said safety was apparently not too far.

"There's a blockade ahead," Himeko heard him say to Welt. "The control panel to remove it is on the other side."

"Can we?" Welt asked calmly, his cane tapping the floor and sending echoes with each step he took.

"We'll have to send someone around to notify the troops on the other side since comm is down."

Welt looked back to the rest of the Knights and shook his head. "With all due respect, Captain, I don't think that's a good idea. The Mara-Struck behind us are being drawn by the fighting but this far ahead there's probably some stragglers. None of your soldiers seems like they can fulfill such a feat, given their current state."

Many of the wounded were in bad condition they simply incapable while those who didn't seemed like they were going to collapse from exhaustion. There was no telling how long these people had been fighting for since Xianzhou ships mostly operated independently in the stellar seas.

"I will perform the action myself," said the man.

Welt shook his head again. "Your men need you, Captain. It is unwise to leave them," he paused, index finger tapping the handle of his cane absently as he pondered on something. "I can help you lift the barricade."

Himeko raised an eyebrow, incredulous not at what Welt said but by the offer itself. She knew he was capable of it, but Welt had never been so active before to offer his assistance so easily. His powers were limited, severely stripped from its original might he usually wouldn't use them unless absolutely necessary, yet here he was.

When they arrived at the aforementioned barricade, Welt nodded at the Captain almost imperceptibly as he stepped forward. The grip around his cane tightened slightly as his fingers flexed, gaze set on the large container blocking their way to exit. After a brief second, he raised his cane up and it glowed with untold power as dark energy thrummed and crackled around in a form of black lightning before an abyss, zapping around his hand harmlessly.

Those who saw could only stare in awe and wonder, both which turned into a shock when Welt all but smashed his cane back onto the floor.

The impact created a particularly loud echo but the noise was drowned by the gaping void that suddenly opened up underneath the container. For a moment, Himeko thought Welt was going to destroy the container and what was inside with his black hole but he simply moved it aside with a swipe of his cane as if it weighed nothing.

It probably is thanks to his power.

On the other side, a squad of alerted Cloud Knights was waiting for them, each in their own state of surprise. Not that Himeko blamed them. Seeing a multi-ton container floating in thin air would do that to people.

Welt eased the flow of Honkai Energy and the black hole disappeared, making the container land back to the floor and shaking it. "After you, Captain," he said while offering the now clear passageway to the Cloud Knights.

"I've had my doubt," said the Captain. "I should've known the Trailblazers would always find a way out of their problems.You have my thanks."

Welt returned the smile he was given with his smaller one. "We're glad to help."

With the Knights successfully linking up again, the danger had mostly passed and Welt stepped back to join Himeko. The Navigator regarded the Herrscher for a moment before she chuckled to herself.

"Something the matter?" Welt asked, looking down to the redhead due to the height difference. Himeko simply smiled.

"You weren't joking when you said you were invigorated."

Welt nodded. "It's because of Kiana,"

"Speaking of which, how is she?"

Welt fell silent for a moment, no doubt communicating with Kiana through their Herrscher Link. With the local network down, they couldn't send messages with their phones so their only option was to use said Link.

"They're doing well."

Just then, the Captain walked back towards them and extended a hand for Welt and Himeko, both which readily returned the handshake. "Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Jian Dao, acting Captain of Cloud Knights Rainbow Orbit Fleet."

"I'm Himeko, Navigator of the Astral Express and this one over here is Welt Yang."

"You can call me Mister Welt, everyone says it has a nice ring to it." Welt gave the Captain a friendly smile. "Pleasure to make you acquaintance, Captain."

"Likewise." He motioned at them to follow and both Himeko and Welt obliged. "I want you to meet our Amicassador Lady Tingyun. She's better fit for diplomatic talks than a measly soldier such as myself."

"An Amicassador, Captain? Here?"

"I didn't know where to start, Mister Welt, but you people came in a bad time. The Luofu is currently in a lockdown after a series of incidents."


"How much do you know so far?"

Welt and Himeko shared a glance.

"We tried to hail the traffic control but got no response," Himeko slowly explained, careful with her words. If what the Captain said was true, the Express shouldn't have access to the Luofu much less dock to it.

Who opened the gate for us, then?

"We've just arrived so we know practically nothing," she finished.

"We were dispatched to the Cloudford to reinforce the local units by the General himself following a ship-wide communication failure. When we arrived, almost everyone had turned."

"Those Mara-Struck were originally Cloud Knights?" Welt frowned in thought when Jian Dao nodded curtly. "The local units you mentioned?"

"Some civilians and dock workers, too."

"I still don't see how Lady Tingyun could be here," Himeko admitted. "She's a diplomat, right?"

A nod. "She has just returned from a diplomatic mission when communication ceased throughout Luofu. Many airborn Starskiffs were forced to make emergency landings to avoid accidents," he scoffed then. "There are mouth-to-mouth reports of accidents already but with no solid communication network, there's no way to ascertain the exact numbers."

"Does this happen often, Captain?" Welt asked as they finally arrived at a small clearing the Cloud Knights used as a makeshift forward operation base where the remaining Knights gathered. There was no tents since they didn't have the resources but the Knights improvised by using some of the containers to house the wounded or the command staff along with other necessities.

Jian Dao led them to a certain container where the civilians and non-combat personnel were.

"Sometimes network breakdowns do happen but never in this scale. We have separate systems to prevent that in each sector. Moreover, we Cloud Knights have our own system. It's highly unusual for everything to fail at once like this." He then gestured at a certain woman amidst the crowd of people with his index finger. "That one is Lady Tingyun. I would accompany you but I still have things I need to take care of. Still, you have my utmost gratitude for your help so if you need anything and that anything happens to be within my capability, just ask."

"It is no problem."

"Then, excuse me."

Jian Dao left without another word, leaving Himeko and Welt to deal with the next person. They turned towards where Tingyun was and Welt allowed himself a moment of appraisal of the Amicassador.

He had read about her kind before. Hard to not know about them when their beauty was known throughout the galaxy. Foxian was what they were called and the name itself was pretty self-explanatory. They were human with fox traits, a half-beast if he were to explain it in Fantasy RPG term, mostly with additional fox ears and tail. The first time he learned about them, he had thought about some anime series back home that had similar characters and Welt couldn't help but think how interesting it was to know they actually existed in real life, even if it was galaxies away from Earth.

Some folks back home would truly appreciate the knowledge and he had no doubt that if any of them came to visit, they would be a celebrity with how popular the idea of animal-person was in mainstream media.

Tingyun herself was true to the stereotype, mainly in the beautiful part. She had lively green eyes, long brown hair that darkened to red on the tip, and a bushy tail of similar color to said hair. The way she carried herself also spoke of her experience as a diplomat, cool and collected as she tried to calm the confused civilians around her with the grace of a professional.

All in all, she seemed to be a good person.

"Lady Tingyun?" Himeko called out to her, squeezing through people to get within the woman's earshot. Welt, meanwhile, stayed behind to observe.

"Yes? Can I help you?"

Himeko offered the woman her hand with a reserved smile and Tingyun immediately accepted it into a handshake. "I'm Himeko of the Astral Express. Captain Jian Dao told me to speak to you regarding our visit."

Tingyun made a show of thinking but it was just that; a show. Himeko could tell that the woman before her was also studying her, subtle as it was befitting a person whose occupation demanded her to work along politicians at often times. She wasn't a pushover herself to not notice the way those emeralds lightened up by the end of it.

"Ah, of course. Please do forgive that our honorable Captain is in tight schedule to fully commit himself to be of help for you."

"It is no problem, Lady Tingyun. We've had our own jobs."

"Precisely," Tingyun's smile broadened for a brief second, either because of the double meanings behind Himeko's words or something else Himeko couldn't be sure. "It is rather unfortunate for you to arrive at such... unfavorable predicament, but I'll do what I can to make this visit memorable to you, Miss Himeko."

"That's more than what we can ask for, and please call me Himeko."

"By your will," Tingyun paused, eyes finding Welt who himself had been watching the interaction. She gave him another one of her friendly smile but compared to Himeko's, Welt's response was almost cold.

Cold to those who didn't know him.

He nodded back. "Lady Tingyun."

"And you are?"

"I'm Welt, Ma'am, a Trailblazer."

"Ah, Himeko's friend?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

Tingyun hummed and nodded. "Are there any others I should meet?"

"Well... I'll call them right away."

Contrary to popular belief, Kiana was not one to make a scene. At least, nowadays once she had learned that flaunting her powers was not a cool thing to do especially considering the consequences they might bring forth. Although it took quite an intensive repercussion and equally as intensive grilling from Mei and Bronya, it succeeded into making her a more wise woman she was now.

So, the sudden ruckus she involuntarily made was not her fault. Nope, not at all.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" Of course Bronya would take it as a chance to roast her. Every time Kiana made a mistake, she would jump head first like shark to blood. Like those times when they game and Kiana's fingers slipped on the buttons of her controller which would result in Kiana's defeat.

Naturally, she rebutted. Exactly like those times.

"What the hell did you just call me, you little—"

"Guys, can we please not do this?"

She had almost forgotten the existence of two additional individuals with them.

"Um, can someone please remove their foot from mine? And, uh, Stelle I think your lance is poking on my butt."

"Lance? What lance? I've stored mine when Kiana pulled me into her portal."

"Kiana Idiotka, that's yours."

"O-Oh... Sorry, March, I forgot to throw this thing off when we transitioned."

"You're an idiot, you know that?"

"What the hell did you just call me, you little—"

Before Kiana could finish, the side of the container they were in suddenly opened up, flooding the cramped and dark interior in bright light of artificial sun. The four of them couldn't help but to squint their eyes as they tried to adjust to the new brightness.

Once they did, however, it was clear that Kiana had just made a ruckus in a scale greater than she expected.

Cloud Knights surrounded them from all directions, their weapons brandished and stance ready the moment the container was unsealed. March and Kiana instinctively raised their hands up in surrender, Abyss Flower fell with a deafening thunk, while Stelle buried her face in her hands and groaned out loud.

Bronya simply looked past the gathering Knights to where Welt was waiting for them, his eyebrows ever so slightly raised at the odd tangle of limbs and bodies that were the four.

"I'm innocent!" March cried out loud and Kiana nodded vigorously in support, hands still raised.

"It's her! The source of the strange energy is that woman with white hair!" One of the Knights pointed at Kiana, a strange device in his hand which beeped rapidly the closer he directed it to her.

"You! Explain yourself! What did you just do?!" Another one demanded.

"Me? I didn't do anything!" Kiana tried to defend herself frantically.

"I think ripping open space counts as something," Bronya mumbled to nobody in particular, strangely looking unfazed by their current predicament. "Why are we inside a container, again?"

"Look, whatever tech they used for space-folding, it's super delicate," Kiana answered in similar fashion. "I didn't want to spend too much time inside my own dimension since it might cause some complications with it so I didn't have the time to pre-see our exit. It was a blind jump."

Bronya hummed in understanding. Usually, in order to use the Void Authority for travel, Kiana would've to 'see' the other side so she could make an estimate of the place they would want to be. In case of blind jumps like this, she could still appear to where she wanted based on a rough estimate of the place. It ranged from a beacon, or description she would then use to imagine the place.

In blind jumps, Kiana could ascertain the destination before they arrived. She described it as 'surfing over the surface of the sea and seeing the bottom before you jump in', some sort of brief vision she could then use as reference. But just like the sea, unless you're trying to see its bottom all you see would be the deep blue covering it.

In this case, Kiana chose a container during the brief time she glimpsed on the area instead of some random places. There's a risk they could be clipping inside someone otherwise.

"Stand down, soldiers," a familiar voice told the wary Cloud Knights and they turned to face the newcomer, realizing it was the Knight they talked to before. "They're with the Astral Express."

Welt made his presence known, stepping forward with a cough to gain the attention of the wary Knights. "We are very sorry for the trouble. These ladies are also the Crew of the Express," Welt finished as he raised his Pass to view before pointing at the ones on the four women's clothes.

"It was thanks to their effort we could evacuate safely," Jian Dao added calmly to his colleagues. "They're trustworthy."

Slowly, the Knights lowered their weapons and Kiana did the same before inconspicuously kicking Abyss Flower into a waiting portal in the floor to store it. The lance disappeared from the world, all the while Kiana kept her eyes on that particular Knight with strange device to note every of his reaction.

When he didn't say anything, Kiana allowed herself a small, relieved smile.

"Thank you, Captain," Welt said to Jian Dao who nodded before taking his leave. The rest of the Knights followed suit, albeit in a more reluctant way. "How are you girls doing?"

"We're fi—" Stelle was about to stepped out when her foot got caught by one of the crates inside the container, making her stumble and sputter out. She would've kissed the floor if not for Kiana grabbing the back of her coat and stopping her fall.

"Careful there," March scolded her friend before she proceeded to do the same except this time it was Bronya who caught her. Stelle who saw it snorted in amusem*nt, much to March's embarrassment.

"Careful there," she teased and March's face suddenly gained a few shades of red.

Welt chuckled before he offered his hand for March to grab, the pinkette readily accepted it as he helped her navigate through the narrow space. He did it to the rest of them before finally managing to get them all out of the container.

"Thanks, Mister Welt," Kiana said as she flashed the man a grin he returned with a nod. "Where's Himeko?"

Welt pointed at a certain direction where he left Himeko at with the tip of his cane. "She's that way, currently discussing some matters with the local Amicassador."


"They're basically Xianzhou's diplomats. The discussion has probably finished by now."

"Let's go check on her?" March suggested and Welt hummed in agreement.

"Follow me."



I took the advices you guys gave me and opened a Kofi for the donation and since I don't want this story to get nuked, everything's on my Twitter

Anyway, I'll need someone who actually plays GGZ to confirm this but... Ever since I learned that in GGZ Little Kiana is the embodiment of Kiana's deepest wish I haven't been the same person lol. I realized that in Graduation Trip Animated Short, we see her younger self head back to Earth while current her head to the Moon. It's like saying that, although the current Kiana understands she has to do what she has to do by going to the moon and that she's alright with it, there's nothing more she wants but to reunite with her family back on Earth, no matter how long it'll take.

I learned this like, a year ago when HI3rd and GGZ ended more or less at the same time before both games started a new journey respectively so... Yeah. Subtlety and all that.

Also, there's something else I forgot to address in the previous chapter; I don't mind the long reviews you guys gave me. If anything, I'm honored to know you guys like this story enough to spend efforts and time writing those. If I don't reply to your review, please don't take it personally because there are things I would like to keep for myself for the sake of the story and that sometimes I feel like replying to "simple" compliments will bother you guys with the notification and all.

They are not "simple" at all. They mean a lot to me since oftentimes I find drives to write by re-reading these reviews. To know that there are people who look up to this story so I can't just give it up. As long as you guys are here, I'll do my best to deliver so please don't be discouraged. I appreciate you guys.

Also, do you guys think I should add the warning tag for the violence and all that to the story? These tags are useful but at the same time I feel like they're also spoilers which is why I keep them at bare minimum. What do you guys think? I honestly prefer to just add warnings on the chapter but I'll add the tag if you find it proper.

As always, kudos and reviews are appreciated! Thank you for stopping by!

Chapter 24: The Beauty of This World


What a fun chapter to write. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 24: The Beauty of This World.

The ride they had to undertake with the Starskiff was truly a unique experience for the Crew. It was smooth and steady as if they were sailing on water instead of flying in the sky and with communication still unavailable it was a rather peaceful journey with the gentle hum of the engine being their only friend.

None of them said a word the whole trip, content to just savor the moment. A respite even if it was brief was not to be taken for granted especially in a journey where uncertainties were the norm. Who knew what sort of troubles awaited them in the future and who knew when they would get a moment of rest hereafter.

When they arrived at their destination, it was after they went through multiple gates separating the multiple sectors of the Luofu. Each time they did so, the feeling washing over their body was a familiar one, specifically one they felt whenever the Express underwent a Warp and broke through the barrier of reality itself. It wasn't uncomfortable, if anything it was sort of comforting so despite the concerned questions their host asked them they could just smile and assure her that it was nothing.

Tingyun was the first to exit, followed by Welt as he sat close with the woman to occasionally chat quietly with her regarding some things about the Xianzhou. As usual of him and his courteous nature, Welt extended a hand for the four women to help them out of the Starskiff.

"You are such a gentleman, Mister Welt," Tingyun commented the moment Kiana stepped out, being the last person to do so, and thanked him with her usual grin.

"It's nothing," he replied to both Tingyun and Kiana, giving a nod to the latter before turning around to face the former again.

They talked about something then but Kiana was too distracted by the sight to pay any attention to the topic. Her mouth opened slightly as she took in her new surroundings, awestruck by a world so full of life and colors amidst the sea of intricate buildings. One stuck out the most by the sheer size of it, dwarfing the shops and stalls around it and covering them in its shadow.

This was her first time looking at a proper civilization in years. Belobog was a nice place, all things considered, but Jarilo-VI was a planet currently suffering from a disaster and it affected the city despite its occupants' best efforts of keeping its light burning. It was what one might consider as a bare minimum for civilization but the Luofu didn't suffer from similar fate. The Luofu was a working civilization at its peak and it showed from the glorious stretch of architecture and vibrant mood.

Everywhere she looked, everything just seemed alive.

Merchants lined up the streets, hollering their products in hope to gain attention of the passerbys walking about while street vendors went back and forth delivering the orders of their customers to the tables. The Xianzhou Alliance was a military entity but it also was one of the biggest trade partners of many businesses in the galaxy. Their population alone was too great to ignore for even the IPC so everyone wanted a piece of it.

So, for it to be this packed was not entirely surprising.

Especially on the dock.

"Dear guests! We are currently experiencing technical issues so all flights in and out of the Luofu are being delayed until further notice! We apologize for this inconvenience but your safety is our top priority!" A Xianzhou official announced at the waiting group of people as the Crew and Tingyun made their way out of the dock, squeezing through a sea of people to get to the higher ground.

Kiana noticed that some of them weren't wearing Xianzhou traditional clothes the natives wore, some even wore suits and dresses belonging to foreign corporates. There were also heavily armed soldiers mingling with them, their intentions lost to the Kaslana, but all equally upset at the unexpected delay. She would've felt bad for them, she did actually, but the fact people were dying trying to quell said 'technical issues' made the thought far and distant.

Finally arriving at the top of the stairs and away from the crowd, Kiana allowed herself to relax a little and let her attention diverted from the two teenagers in front of her. Stelle had her hand on March's the entire time to help the pinkette navigate through the crowd safely while Kiana looked out after them both to make sure nothing bad would happen to them during their short walks, fully aware how dangerous their new environment could be.

"That would be our next stop," Tingyun announced, pulling Kiana from her reverie. She blinked and faced the Foxian woman just in time to catch her smile. "Lady Yukong should be in her station at this time of the day," she finished with the same smile.

If she noticed the strained smile Kiana had on her face, she certainly didn't show it.

"It is wise for us to talk to her immediately in regard to our visit," Welt suggested and Kiana took it as her sign to finally detach herself from the group.

"Right," she scratched the back of her head sheepishly while throwing a certain redhead glances. "So, I see you guys later?"

"Oh? Is there somewhere you need to be?" Tingyun asked, smile turning curious and inquisitive.

"I have a date to attend."

"My, oh my... Who's the lucky person?"

Kiana laughed bashfully. "It's not like that! I'm married, see?" She brought her hand up to show the silver ring around her finger for Tingyun to see and the woman cooed adoringly as a response. "She is the only one my heart belongs to... But this date of mine is also special, just not in that way," she finished with a meaningful look towards Himeko who only smiled back.

"Well..." The Foxian woman smirked as she threw Himeko a glance too, making a show of thinking by putting her thumb under her chin. "I suppose Mister Welt will be suffice for our upcoming talks. Or maybe our young fellas here can represent the Trailblazers instead?"

March shook her head frantically. "No way! That's too much for someone like me to shoulder alone!"

"March is right," Stelle backed the pinkette up with a casual shrug. "It's a group decision and Mister Welt is a better fit to uptake that."

Tingyun laughed softly. "I was merely teasing. Well, then, shall we?"

"We'll see you both soon," Welt told both Kiana and Himeko, gaze stopping on Kiana with something beneath those bespectacled orbs. He hesitated for a moment as he regarded the Kaslana before settling to a simple wish. "Try to have fun."

Kiana's eyes softened. "I will, Mister Welt. Don't worry."

He took her response with a nod. If there was something he learned from her bloodline, it would be that they would do anything to keep their words. A Kaslana took pride in their steadfastness and the ability to fulfill their promises, which was why every words spoken by them held values that couldn't be found somewhere else. They were a family of knights and honor was their code of conduct.

Their sire was a prime example of this. In the 50.000 years he lived, his entire goal and commitment were set on a single promise he gave to his dearest wife; purge the Honkai regardless the price of the victory. Although Welt only knew a handful of Kaslanas with two closest than the rest, he could tell that all of them held similar values.

Not even the Sea could erase the sheer willpower of a Kaslana. No amount of betrayals and sorrows would taint them of their honor. They of course sometimes doubted themselves, everyone did at a certain point in their lives, but they would always bounced back to do the right thing. That preservation was admirable and probably half the reason why their world survived and won against the Honkai in the first place.

The proof was right there in front of him, wearing her jacket and usual goofy smile. A woman who had gone through a lot but still managed to stay true to her heart and that heart brought her to where she was now in life full of happiness she desired the most. So, although he worried for her, he knew there was nothing she couldn't face anymore.

Bronya obviously had the same thought as he did. The three of them understood each other so much they practically could read the thoughts of the others. She was far from worry, if anything Bronya seemed proud if the spark of light in her eyes meant something.

"Try to not cause troubles, okay?" She told Kiana with a tone befitting a kindergarten teacher, an attempt at humor which was further accentuated by the subtle smirk on her face. "Listen to Himeko."

Kiana promptly flipped her the bird. "Ride it."

"I would but I have girlfriends already and you are married. Also, it's you we're talking about here."

Kiana rolled her eyes and grabbed Himeko's hand. "Let's go, Himeko, I'm sure there are better places we can be where we don't breathe the same air Bronya does."

"I'll leave it to you, Welt," Himeko managed to say just before Kiana dragged her away.

The Kaslana's hand around her own was warm and occasionally Himeko would felt the fingers squeezed her own digits. Kiana didn't seem to do it voluntarily judging from how sporadic it was. The redhead squeezed back after the nth time and Kiana let go of her grip as if she was burned, smiling apologetically at Himeko.

"Sorry about that," she apologized as she shoved her hands into her jacket pockets. "I didn't mean to drag you away like that."

"It's fine," Himeko assured her sincerely as they fell in a more comfortable pace. "Is something the matter, though?"

Kiana sucked in a breath. For a moment she contemplated on whether she should tell Himeko or not but the concern on Himeko's face was too familiar Kiana could feel her resolve crumbling just from glancing at it.

"There's something wrong with Tingyun," she began slowly as to pick her words carefully. "At first, I thought it's just something special belonging to her kind but I can't feel the same thing to other Foxian people."

She gestured loosely at a passing Foxian to accentuate her point and Himeko's gaze drifted towards the Crew behind them just in time to catch Stelle disappearing into the Palace of Astrum to meet Yukong.

"What did you feel?"

"Power. A strong one. It's hiding inside her and it's stronger than the Stellaron inside Stelle." Himeko's eyes widened in surprise and worry. There's not a lot of things more powerful than a Stellaron considering one of them was enough to destroy a planet.

There's only one thing standing between a Stellaron and an Aeon.

"An Emanator..." Himeko whispered, suddenly having the urge to go and warn them. "Why didn't you say anything?"

There's no accusation in her tone, just plain curiosity mixed with a hint of urgency. Kiana raised her hands to calm Himeko down. "I've consulted with Mister Welt. He said we should sit back and see first."

"But it's an Emanator..." Himeko trailed off anxiously.

There was not much beings that could qualify as a 'god-like' but an Emanator certainly could easily fit in that category. They were people once, normal people whom had received blessings and direct powers from the Aeon whose Path they travelled on.

An Emanator didn't necessarily mean they were strong. Depending on the Path and Aeon they followed, their 'strength' also varied. She knew one Emanator quite closely and although fighting wasn't her forte, she was one of the brightest brains in the Universe thanks to said blessings from Erudition themself.

An unknown Emanator, however, was a wild card. Unless they figured out who they served, they ought to be careful around them. The worst case scenario here was for that Emanator to be a follower of Destruction because amongst all Paths, that would be the most dangerous to encounter.

An Emanator was generally the enforcer of their Aeon, meaning that an Emanator of Destruction would want nothing but to lay waste on the Universe and those residing in it. Destruction was an enemy of existence itself and the Express had come into conflicts with Destruction in the past.

They were not friends.

Kiana, however, didn't seem bothered by it. She still looked concerned but not as much as Himeko expected someone would to the news. A part of it was probably because of Welt's advice but the other part was because of an entirely different reason.


"You don't have to worry," she tried to reassure Himeko again. "Bronya and Welt are with them."

"But if it was the Destruction's enforcer then they are a planet-level threat."

"The key here is the if. She could be anything else." Kiana waved her hand dismissively then. "Besides, something like that won't be a problem to Bronya in particular. When I said not a lot can go through her shields, I meant it."

The Central Starskiff Haven was one of the Luofu's many recreational areas, acting as both the center of public transportation and tourism. People came and went through the bustling skyport, though with crisis currently befalling the ship none of the Starskiffs lining the port were allowed to fly.

The Jade Gate, usually alive and open for exit and entry, was now closed shut and dark. Cloud Knight's military Starskiffs replaced the usual civilian ones in the sky, flying in squadrons from one place to another. Himeko was sure that if it weren't for Tingyun, they wouldn't be granted an entry much less to fly through and conduct their business.

But there was always one thing the Xianzhou Alliance was known to have; their ability to control the flow of information and keeping their populace oblivious to governmental problems. So, although Cloud Knights patrolled the area more than usual nobody managed to draw a conclusion that something was wrong out there.

Ignorance is a bliss, huh...

For those who knew, however, there was just a right amount of tenseness in their gait. An expectation of something to go down at any moment. Knights gripped their weapons just a little bit too tightly while government officials walked in a brisk pace back and forth to their destinations.

For Himeko, she was just a tad too busy to really worry about it.

Kiana was an energetic woman that even now in her late twenties she still had enough energy reserves to rival teenagers. She dragged her here and there, talking enthusiastically about the food, view and literally everything she saw. Himeko tried her best to keep up but it just seemingly impossible.

She wondered how Mei did it.

"I think it's high time for lunch," she had told Kiana then after looking at the time on her phone, all the while hiding the exhaustion from her voice. They had been going around for over an hour now. "Let's find a place to eat."

The grin the Kaslana gave her was so bright it reflected just how much more Kiana still had in her tank. "Wouldn't say no to food."

That was ten minutes ago. Now they were seated on an open restaurant called Sleepless Earl with Kiana practically inhaling the third bowl of noodles they ordered and happily munching on them with little to no care to the world. Himeko had just finished her own bowl and she could vouch that the portion was in no way small or anything of sort.

It was no wonder Kiana was a very active woman if her diet meant anything.

"Please don't tell Mei about this," Kiana began, stacking the now empty bowl over its brethren on the table just in time for the restaurant's owner to put another one for her. She was a small woman and Kiana made a mistake of thinking her as a child the first time they arrived. "Thank you, Ma'am."

"Just to make sure... you guys can pay, right?"

Kiana paused just as she was about to put the noodles into her mouth and shot Himeko a look that pretty much meant we can, right?

Amused, the Navigator nodded as she sipped on her tea. "We have more than enough budget," she calmly told the owner and Kiana breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, okay. I'm sorry I just want to make sure. I've lost count on how many people bailed on me after eating."

"I'm sorry to hear that but I assure you we are not some petty thieves."


"We do have the money, right?" Kiana whispered once the small woman was out of earshot, suddenly looking concerned. "I mean, I literally am broke here."

"The IPC hasn't reached your galaxy, right? And judging from the distance, they probably won't be any time soon so the currency your people use is invalid here."

"That and we actually didn't bring any money," Kiana paused as she leaned forward onto the table, voice turning conspiratorial. "Say, if I make some... will I get into trouble?"

"You mean money? It's practically a crime so I advise you refrain from doing so." Himeko shook her head then. "You don't have to worry about money. The Express is pretty well-off. We make more than enough from selling merchandise and commissions."

"We uff thogh?" Kiana asked between a mouthful of noodles, surprised, and Himeko raised an inquisitive eyebrow at the unclear question. She swallowed the food and repeated, this time more clearly without noodles clogging on her throat. "Sorry. We have those?"

"The Express is rather well renowned so it's only natural."

"And this?" Kiana raised the golden Pass pinned to her jacket for Himeko to see.

"That's a mark that you're now a Trailblazer. Only those who have travelled the Path can own it."

"So, it's quite rare?"

A nod. "Akivili was different. They didn't have people worshipping them, nor did they wanted people to worship them. Trailblazers are people who follow them as companions rather than servants, and those who inherited their will for travel and adventure. That innate desire to see the Universe and find journeys exists in all thinking beings so everyone can be a Trailblazer."

"Did they not have an Emanator?"

Himeko shrugged. "That I do not know. We aren't the first one to go through a journey with the Express, and very likely won't be the last either. As long as there are places to explore, the Express will explore even after we're long gone." She paused then before shrugging again. "Well, maybe one day you'll see it pierce the cosmos again with entirely different Crew."

Kiana frowned as she stacked her now empty bowl on top of the previous three. "... what do you mean?"

"You're a goddess, right? Doesn't that mean you will outlive us mortals?" Himeko explained.

Kiana blinked and put down the iced tea in her hand down to the table, a bead of water rolling down the glass surface where her fingers were. The weather was warm enough that day and the coldness she felt inside her wasn't entirely from the tea.

"I hope that I will die one day," Kiana started, voice soft like a whisper. Her blue eyes grew distant as she stared at a far away place beyond the invisible walls that were Xianzhou's space-folding technology, beyond what a mortal could see. "I have people I want to meet again." She laughed then, but it lacked any humor as she absently draw circle on the table with her finger. "But that is not something I can be certain of."

Herrscher didn't need sleep nor sustenance. They, for all intent and purposes, had been liberated by the shackle called mortality. They could live for as long as Honkai exist and the only way for it to completely disappear was for the Universe to collapse and come to an end.

She didn't have the luxury to dispell it for herself either since the Cocoon connected her to that higher dimension and Honkai itself even if it was just an abstract idea. Even right now Kiana could feel the steady flow in her veins that surged along her heartbeats for it had been a part of her ever since she accepted the seat of Finality.

There was a price for every power. Inevitable loneliness was what she had to pay.

"Do you miss them?" Himeko asked softly.

"Well..." Kiana mulled over her words for a second. "I never really knew my mother but from what little I remember of her... She was definitely an awesome woman. That, and my dad's drunken babbling about her should've told me enough," she finished jokingly which earned her a somewhat sad smile from Himeko.

Kiana didn't remember any real interaction with Cecilia simply because she didn't exist at that time yet. Bianka, however, ever since her memory started to return she had been getting flashes of time when their mother would take care of her as a child. Her sister said that it was one of her most precious memories, sharing stories of what she remembered with Kiana while Kiana told her about the brief meeting she had with Cecilia in the simulation many years ago. In a way, both sisters completed each other as they reminisced about a past denied to them.

"I have a friend who's been alive for over fifty thousands years now..." Kiana continued after a short pause, noticing the way Himeko's eyes widened in surprise. Fifty thousands years were by no means a small amount of time even by Universe standard and Fu Hua lived through it all, enduring the pain and loneliness it brought. "I've seen what that much time can do to someone and it honestly scares me sometimes."

"Hey, Class Rep, can I ask you something?" Kiana had asked then when Fu Hua came to visit her on the Moon. The two of them were in the kitchen that day with Fu Hua responsible for dinner since Mei asked her to check on Kiana since she had been too busy to do so. Fu Hua being Fu Hua couldn't really refuse the request even though she was also busy with her business on Shenzhou, not that she told Mei or anyone that.

"Of course," she replied casually, not moving her eyes from the vegetables she was cutting.

"When do people draw the line that immortality is not a blessing but rather a curse? Is it when they lose everything, or is when everything is lost to them?"

She was never one to go tacit so although Fu Hua was used to it, the question itself still caught her off guard she stopped cutting the carrots to face Kiana instead.

"Where did this come from, Kiana?"

Kiana blinked then, as if realizing that she had just asked the question. "Sorry, forget it. I was just thinking out loud."

At first, Fu Hua seemed like she was about to press on but she didn't. With a reluctant nod and a hum, the Phoenix turned again to continue with her task. Kiana thought that her friend had dropped the subject entirely until she suddenly answered.

"Immortality is only a curse if you've lost yourself. You are what you are and it must not change with the passing time. What you are now is what you have to be tomorrow," she glanced back and Kiana caught the gentle smile Fu Hua threw her way before she turned away again. "Someone I know taught me that."

But Kiana didn't have Fu Hua's resolve nor drive. All these time she had been fighting for her friends and dearest. If she were to lose them in the inevitable marching of time, she didn't know what might become of her.

"But you don't have to worry. The doctors will figure a way to return you to mortality and if they couldn't... Well, you get to stick with me for a little while longer until someone do, right?"

Honestly, that was not a terrible idea. Fu Hua was one of her best friends, responsible for bringing Kiana from depth unfathomed. She owed her life to Fu Hua just like she did to Mei and just like to Mei it was also quite literal.

The ghostly sensation of the warm barrel of her revolver, pressed against her skin still made Kiana shiver to this day. The despair she felt that day was too overwhelming she almost resorted to the final option if not for Fu Hua who reminded her of the beautiful things around her.

"But we've all made a promise to cherish the present. What comes next is for later and living at the moment is the blessing we refuse to take for granted. Not anymore," she finished.

It was also one of the things they failed to appreciate before. When her family was still complete, when St. Freya was still her home and every moment still existed in abundance. A sweet dream they so violently robbed of by reality. Once it was all lost, they finally realized just what they had so they wanted it back.

Yet, no matter how much they had struggled, no matter how much they had accomplished, some things were just not meant to return even if she could bring them back if she ever so wished.

Like fire that has been snuffed out.

"The people of Xianzhou know that rather intimately, I believe." Himeko gestured loosely to around her. "Do you see how they live their lives seemingly without care? These people are used to living under a constant threat of Abundance."

Kiana hummed. "It is nice here. Too bad things aren't as peaceful as it seems."

"Everyone has their own worries," Himeko reminded her and Kiana nodded in agreement. It didn't matter how happy someone was for there was always something they would get to worry about. That was simply what life was. "What was that about?"


"Back then in Cloudford I saw you cry."

"Oh..." Kiana laughed again somewhat sheepishly. "I was just being sentimental, that's all."

But it wasn't all and Himeko knew it. "Welt told me about you lots," she began softly, watching every and each shift of Kiana's facial muscles closely. "You know I'm not her. You don't owe me anything."

The breath Kiana sucked in was audible as she leaned back on her chair, eyes closed and lower lip nibbled between her teeth. The stiffness on her shoulders reached its peak, making them shake, before she released it with an equally deep exhale.

Finally, she opened her eyes and stared directly into a pair of tender amber.

"When you see fire... what is the first thing that come to your mind?"

Himeko fell quiet as she thought over the question, a little unprepared by it judging from the sudden crease on her brows. At first, she thought Kiana was just being dismissive but something in her gaze made Himeko seriously consider the question.

Fire meant a lot of things but when she saw it, the first thing to pop in her head was the heat and that she should stay away from that all-consuming destruction. An instinct ingrained to humanity since time immemorial, far before they reached and conquered the stars.

"I'd say destruction," she settled to say. "Fire burns everything regardless friend or foe and it will not stop until everything has turned to ashes. It is, after all, the oldest and most efficient weapon humanity has to date."

"That is true," Kiana nodded in agreement. Fire was the number one killer in the Universe and as Himeko said herself it was also the most dangerous of a weapon due to its sheer self-sufficiency. Fire wouldn't stop burning until its source of fuel had been consumed, leaving nothing but a charred remnant of a grand display that was existence itself.


"But when I look at that blaze, all I can feel is hope."

"How so?" Himeko implored when Kiana fell silent, appearing to be lost in thought.

"Fire is one of humanity's very first inventions. It has been with us since the very beginning, lighting up the dark nights and keeping us safe from dangers lurking in the darkness. It heralded a new era, a new dawn for us, a bright future where we can fight back and triumph against that darkness itself. Fire is a symbol of hope and a source of warmth for those lost."

"There once a fire who burned so bright in our life," Kiana heard Sirin mumbled from deep within her and she hummed in both acknowledgment and agreement. It was the first time her other self spoke since they landed on Luofu and Kiana couldn't be more proud of her at the moment for willing to address their deepest pride like this. "She lit up the darkness around us at the cost of her own life."

Himeko couldn't hear her of course but Sirin pretty much summed up what she meant, after all they were the same person so they shared the same thought too.

"She brought a new dawn to me, a new hope, and banished all the darkness surrounding my body and soul. The dark void was no match to her brightness and her burning warmth brought me back to the beautiful world, all at the cost of her own life. Himeko was my fire, the one who guided me until I could find my own way."

The path her teacher paved for her was long but it's not without end. Once she had learned to move on her own way, once she had learned to shine her own light did Kiana finally let her go.

"But I'm sure you know that I'm not her."

Kiana smiled. "Yes. There was only one her out there in the infinite possibilities," she shook her head in admonishment, not to the redhead in front of her but to herself. "Maybe I'm a fool, maybe I'm simply selfish. Hell, maybe I'm a selfish fool but after what she had done for me... This feeling in my chest whenever I look at you is unmistakable. My head tells me you are not her but my heart cannot distinguish you both. To it, you both are Himeko and so the love I have for her is also shared to you."

"Do you not want it?"

Sincerity filled Kiana's voice but Himeko could also hear the vulnerability in it. The woman before her was practically a stranger to her, having just met a few days ago only in which they barely spent a time together with everything keeping them apart. Yet as she sat there, looking at her with slightly glossy eyes that were full of hope and expectations directed at her she could tell that the person Kiana was seeing in her must be a very important person to her.

Himeko wasn't her.

She could never be her.

"I'm not the perfect teacher she was," Himeko mumbled as she looked away, finding the gaze Kiana gave her too much. She had met a lot of people in her journey with the Express, the foul, the spiteful, the hateful, and not fewer were the fools. But there was also the honest, those who did good deeds simply because they could without needing for rewards.

Sometimes, it was easy to tell who was who just from talking to them alone and right now she was certain that Kiana wanted nothing but to cherish her the same way she wanted to cherish her old teacher, one she innocently took for granted in the haze of youth.

"Nobody is perfect," Kiana chuckled, smile turning nostalgic. "She certainly was not. She was a drunk. A shameless and hopeless woman who would sneak into her student's bed buck naked in her daze after a particularly terrible date night and scared the living daylight out of said student in the morning, lazy to the boots and liked to wake up super late in holidays."

"Maybe, that was what make her special," Kiana continued. "Her flaws were many but despite it, she still surpassed them when it mattered. Despite it, she still found a way to become extraordinary, guiding her students until the very end of her life. Heroes are the people who rise up to the challenge, is it not? And bravery doesn't mean the absence of fear, either. It's the willingness to overcome them no matter what."

"I still think it's... misplaced, for you to see me the way you did to her."

"I just want to keep you safe."

I just want you to end your story the way you want.

"I understand you are not my teacher."

Even if you wear her skin, her eyes and hair so beautifully just like how I remember.

"And I will respect you like I did to her."

We took things for granted once. We didn't know what we had until we lost it. Once it's gone, we fought tooth and nail to get it back.

"But, it can't be the same."

Some things are just not meant to return.

"You're an entirely different person, unrelated to my past."

Yet, our present and future will only intertwine more.

"As it is, you're still a Himeko in my eyes."

One who will keep on burning bright and only brighter still.

The gleam of hope in Kiana's eyes made Himeko's breath stutter in her chest, it was clear and unadulterated, glinting on the surface of those sapphires like sunlight on water. She found herself unable to refuse, not when Kiana was being vulnerable to someone that was practically a stranger. She didn't know Kiana much and the fact the younger woman was willing to lay down her heart like this made the situation feel more constraining to the redhead.

She knew just how easy it was for someone to take advantage. She could feel the trust Kiana had for her in the air, pressing on insistently from all directions and squeezing Himeko's own heart in its warm embrace. Kiana knew it was misplaced and although a snap of her fingers was enough to collapse reality itself, she was simply powerless against the needs of her heart.

The goddess cherished her humanity more than her divinity, for it was where the true her resided.

"Okay..." Himeko breathed out. "I don't mind your help."

At first, Kiana's expression stayed as her brain started to register Himeko's words. Then, a grin so bright the sun couldn't compete broke on her face. She grabbed Himeko's hands on the table, this time without hesitation, and squeezed tightly. "Thank you. Thank you for giving me the chance."

"But," Himeko interrupted, eyes serious as she squeezed back. "You don't have to coddle on me the whole time. I can fight myself."

"Yes, Ma'am!" Kiana gave Himeko a mock salute and the redhead rolled her eyes, though the amusem*nt in her smile was visible for Kiana. "Can I ask you something, though?"

"Sure," she said with a casual wave of her hand.

"Can I get another bowl?"

Himeko's eyebrows shot up incredulously. "You're still not full yet?"

Kiana, understandably, could only scratch the back of her head sheepishly.

The talk afterward was much easier now the difficult part was over and Kiana happily engaged the redhead in the conversation with a big smile on her face. They talked about a lot of things, exchanging stories and tales about their respective journeys in the past. Through it all, Kiana felt like she was talking to an old friend, finding comfort in the familiarity of it.

Himeko, this Himeko was not much different than her teacher. So much it was almost scary if she didn't know any better. The Universe worked in a mysterious way that only a select few could see, but even mortals could understand that people, regardless where or when, would always share the same traits no matter how small.

She was not looking for validity from this Himeko. She had gotten that when she bade her goodbye to her teacher in Theater of Domination when Himeko entrusted her with her fire. Kiana simply wanted to protect her, to keep her safe in a Universe full of dangers.

Maybe, a small part of her wanted it as a mean to repay her teacher. To return the favor given to her. Or maybe she simply wanted to do it because it was the right thing to do.

Kiana certainly didn't care for the reason as long the objective was achieved.

After another hour and no sign of the rest of the Crew, Himeko decided to return to the Express after giving Kiana more credits than what she would need. The Kaslana practically gawked at the bundle of money Himeko fished out of her purse and put on the table, never seeing that much in her life before since it wasn't really a priority at all. She lived her life as a soldier and her needs were fulfilled by Schicksal most of the time with what little she had being only the bare minimum in case of emergency.

That, and Kiana was dirt poor when she was a child so money wasn't really a luxury she could have.

Kiana wisely pocketed it. By the time she managed to pull herself together and turned to thank Himeko, the redhead had already disappeared in the crowd. Presumably going for nearby Space Anchor.

Huffing to herself, Kiana smiled and sank back into the chair, head resting back to stare at the darkening artificial sky as thunderclouds rolled and merged with one another.

What is taking so long, Bronya?

She asked through their Herrscher Link and Bronya answered almost immediately, voice slightly tainted with annoyance which wasn't directed at Kiana for once.

"The negotiation is bogged down because Madam Yukong doesn't want us interfering with Xianzhou's internal affairs. Thankfully, the General is here to discuss a middle ground for us."

Huh. I guess we better wait, then. It's about to rain out here.

"What about you? How are things with Himeko?"

Eh, it's been fun. She's heading back to the Express right now.

"Did you guys talk?"

We did.

"How are you feeling?"

Kiana closed her eyes.


There was a pause but when Bronya spoke next Kiana could see the smile on Bronya's lips.


Kiana chuckled, pulling out her phone out of her pocket along with a pair of earbuds she then put on each of her ears. She unlocked her phone and was about to connect it when a selfie of her and Himeko made her pause, smile broadening and matching her self in the picture.

Shaking her head fondly, she closed her gallery and opened her music app after connecting her earbuds to her phone, scrolling through her collections until she found what she was looking for. Without much preamble, she pressed play and began to hum along the song.

Now playing; Kiana's Album of Awesome.

Linkin Park - Iridescent.

When you were standing in the wake of devastation

When you were waiting on the edge of the unknown

And with the cataclysm raining down, insides crying save me now

You were there, impossibly alone

Do you feel cold and lost in desperation?

You build up hope, but failure's all you've known

Remember all the sadness and frustration

And let it go

Let it go

The first droplet hit the ground with a silent splash, blooming and spreading into yet smaller drops around its point of impact. Then, another followed and another until thousands fell from the sky above her.

Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled between the clouds, all but a simple imitation of the real thing due to the danger they possessed. The canopy above her opened further, creating a larger shield against the onslaught of water that was Xianzhou's artificial rain and protecting Kiana from getting drenched.

The ship had its own weather cycles along with seasons, some parts separated than the others but no different in that regard. Similarly, time was also constant, all in hope to simulate a real world to adhere with people's biological needs.

Although necessary, some people just weren't as prepared. Perhaps that added to the realism of it, a cherry on the icing or something like that.

Kiana felt rather than saw or heard someone approach her in haste, then a gentle tap on her shoulder that made her open her eyes to look at the newcomer. She pulled an earbud off her ear just in time to catch the song resolved.

"Yes?" She asked, looking at the drenched girl before her with a hint of pity. She was also carrying some stuff with her, wrapped in a tarp and judging from the amount it wasn't light either.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but is this seat taken?" The girl asked back with a gesture to the seat Himeko used before, still able to give Kiana a bright, hopeful smile despite her state.

"Oh, no. Not anymore."

"Great! Do you mind if I take a shelter here? Everywhere else is packed."

Kiana took a quick look around and sure enough the other spots were full of people already, either by the natives or foreigners with each having their own places. It seemed like everyone had their own friends already.

"Not at all."

"Thank goodness," the girl let out an explosive sigh as she sat down, putting her stuff down on the floor before she undid her hairstyle by untying the red lotus hair ornament keeping it up and let her light orange hair spilled onto her back. "Oh, man, I'm totally drenched," she lamented then, running her fingers over her hair and groaning at the wetness of it.

Kiana smiled in sympathy. She had seen this girl before in the streets, performing some sort of stunts for entertainment. "Weren't you the girl that did that sword-swallowing stuff?"

In a flash, the girl's demeanor changed as she grew a grin of her own. "Oh, yes! That was me! Were you watching? I'm sorry, I couldn't tell because of the crowd," she offered Kiana her hand and Kiana accepted the handshake. "I'm Guinaifen, but I usually go with Lil Gui when performing."

"Kiana, Kiana Kaslana. We saw you earlier but that sword-swallowing stuff was a little too uncomfortable to my liking so we didn't linger for long, sorry."

"Oh, that's fine. I totally get it," Guinaifen laughed. "Is this your first time to Xianzhou?"

Normally, it would be a terrible idea to be honest about that matter to a stranger in an even stranger place but Guinaifen didn't seem to be a bad person so Kiana allowed her guard down a bit. "I'm not from around here so... yes, that would be true. My friends are currently in the Palace of Astrum and I'm waiting for them right now."

"Huh. That's where the big shots are and people don't usually go there..."

"Well, we do have some businesses with the Helm Master and my friend just told me the General has also shown up for them."

"I see... How did you communicate with your friend, though? My phone still hasn't gotten any connection for hours now."

Kiana raised an eyebrow as Guinaifen pulled out her phone to check on the network, groaning exasperatedly when there was none still. She had expected the girl to ask about their businesses but it seemed she was more concerned about something else entirely.

"I have my ways," Kiana cryptically answered, not wanting to reveal her powers since they would only bring more questions.

Guinaifen shrugged, she must've realized that Kiana refused to answer but didn't pursue the subject anyway. "Must be nice. This is honestly just suck because I can't stream or call my BFF."

"You're a streamer?" Kiana asked, intrigued.

"Oh, yeah. She and I usually go on about streaming stuff around here on her free day and today's supposed to be it. She didn't even tell me what's up, just that she got called for her Cloud Knight duty early before communication went down." Guinaifen gestured at her phone on the table, still a bit wet from the rain. "Worst of all, she's still a Recruit. She wasn't supposed to be handling Cloud Knight matters until she's a full fledged Knight."

"Maybe she's just that good?" Kiana offered with a nervous smile, feeling like she's treading a dangerous water with Guinaifen. The Knights seemed like they wanted to keep things under the radar and Guinaifen was so close to figure things out on her own accord.

The girl before her snorted, though there's nothing but fondness in her eyes as she spoke next. "Sushang is a total klutz."

The gears in Kiana's head grinded to a halt, smile disappearing as her face turned blank. Guinaifen kept on talking but the white haired woman was too stunned to process what she was saying.

"What did you just say?" Kiana interrupted, voice uncharacteristically flat.

"She's got the right heart and potential but she's still far from excellent?"

"No, not that. Her name."

"... Sushang?"

"... does she have brown eyes and hair?"

"Yes?" Guinaifen tilted her head inquisitively. "Do you guys know each other?"


"No," Kiana said instead, flabbergasted. "Oh, man. This ought to be interesting."



So, after some consideration I decided to add warnings on each chapter instead of tagging it to the story as a whole. There won't be too much of it but I don't promise anything.

There's not much to say here except that I hope I do this chapter justice. I know a lot of people are waiting for this moment and I can only hope that I've met your expectations. There should've been a little bit more but I decided to keep those moments for later instead of putting everything together at once so it is what it is I suppose.

As always, kudos and reviews are appreciated! Thank you very much.

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Chapter 25: Where Will You Belong


Heyya! It's been a while, huh? Sorry about that I had a little bit of problem writing this next chapter. It's a little longer than usual so hopefully that's enough to stop you guys from staking me to the wall lol.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 25: Where Will You Belong.

The Express was quiet with most of its Crew gone as Mei learned as she sat on a couch in the Parlor Car typing in some mid-term reports of her students with her laptop, a job she had taken with her whole heart that despite being in a middle of long-term assignment she still would find time to work on these reports.

She had to for it was her responsibility as a teacher, understanding the importance of academic achievement as much as fighting prowess of each of her students. To know the weaknesses and strengths of her students individually was paramount to cover them in battles, especially for team assignments in the future and Mei would always put everything into serious consideration, oftentimes to the point of headaches because some kids were just unique.

But Mei never complained. At least, not publicly in front of her students. She, of course, had her gripes on the matter that she would tell her family and only her family which meant Bronya and Kiana sometimes. Although, Kiana's approach on it was too liberal to her liking Mei would either scoff at her "Eh, let them have their fun" or rolled her eyes exasperatedly at her "That sounds hella cool and also you have to ease up a bit" so Mei would wisely consult to Bronya more, much to Kiana's chagrin.

It wasn't like Kiana was a bad teacher herself. She had her own students, in fact Overseer Theresa had been sending the more problematic ones her way to train and teach on the Moon Base, some returning in weeks while others in months, and the results had been overwhelmingly positive. Mei was not sure how Kiana managed to tame them down and she suspected the main reason Theresa sent them to the Moon for Kiana in the first place was to get back on her wife for all the troubles Kiana had caused her in her teen days so it's not necessary to hand them over to Kiana to begin with. Yet Kiana did it, defying all odds and expectations when her first few students returning with a sense of maturity previously not exhibited.

Mei was surprised while Bronya looked outright disturbed by the results of Kiana's teachings, especially considering Kiana was an idiot. Books were never her forte and she would always, always, bail on writing reports. Yet the kids under her care did not just improve but also show a great leadership and potential.

She had tried to take a peek before but even after marrying Kiana for years and knowing her for far longer, there were still times where she didn't understand Kiana. Her quirks, as one might call them, were many and equally confusing which naturally translated to her way of teaching things too.

"It takes one to know one," Bronya had commented when Mei brought the subject up during a lunch, referring to the fact that Kiana was an unruly kid herself back then. "She has ways to connect with the kids."

Mei could see that, actually, in the eyes of Kiana's students. The respect and adulation they had for her was reserved for Kiana and Kiana only that despite being far from the best sort of teachers, she was the one they needed the most to help them through whatever they're going through. Kiana knew people so it was easy for her to understand the deepest struggle someone buried in their chest.

"It's not like they choose to be like that," Kiana once said to Mei in the quiet safety of their bedroom, voice sending pleasant rumble on Mei's chest where Kiana had her head on. "Sometimes, being a troublemaker is the best option than whatever the other is."

She just wanted to help, Mei concluded as she treaded her fingers over Kiana's white mane absentmindedly, humming an acknowledging hum that had the Kaslana snuggling even further into her. There was never a glorified, nor righteous need in her action. No, what Kiana had was a simple desire to help a bunch of kids because in her eyes, a life was a life no matter how much she had saved before.

Kiana had ways with words. A smooth talker but not one to drown her words in lies. Rather, Kiana opted the opposite where she would lay down her earnest feelings to hear. The kids under her care had their own circ*mstances, rarely Schicksal's young Valkyrie candidates came from a normal family considering their line of work, and Kiana would take her time to understand each and every of them.

The first thing she did after introduction was to speak with her students and it was when Kiana would work her magic in a rather endearing way. Then, depending on the kids, she would take whatever measure necessary to guide them. Sometimes, it involved a spar, sometimes a good heart-to-heart talking between two women that was Kiana and her student. Regardless which, the result would always be Kiana earning her student's respect.

But relationships between Kiana and her students were unique as Mei had observed. They talked like old friends rather than pupils and mentor, joking and laughing together like a bunch of well-tuned people.

Kiana had always preferred to see her students as friends and now she did the same to the three teenagers of the Express. Moreover now she had her attention on a certain ashen haired girl. It wasn't without reason, too, with Stelle's well-being as the number one reason.

The girl was unique and not just 'having a nuclear reactor in one's chest' unique but also her predicaments. She was related to the Stellaron Hunter group at one point in the past and clearly still valuable to said group if Kafka's visit meant anything. Of course, Mei believed not a word the woman said and Kiana outright refused to prod on Stelle's locked up memory just to find out about her past, never liking the prospect of violating someone's head like that even if it was to help that someone. So, with her interest now on Stelle, Kiana decided to take up the mantle of guardian for the girl to make sure no harm might befall her.

She did it subtly, though, and not overly zealous either. Stelle would have to face hardships herself, paving her own way while Kiana offered a simple help of kicking away some pebbles that might hinder her journey. She understood the necessity of growth and the kids needed to grow up on their own accord.

Unless it was the most harmful of harm then Kiana would step back and let the three teenagers take the spotlight, watching from behind like an adult she was watching her successors. The world was beautiful, but it was also rife with ugliness. One couldn't exist without the other and the Universe was more black and white than what many believed.

What important was their ability to choose their path. To walk down their decisions they had taken until the very end. Because, whatever awaited them then, was what they believed the most. What they would come to cherish the most.

There would be a time where they would look back to their journey, reminiscing about the meetings and the inevitable goodbyes. Right now, however, the present was what most important as it was where they lived.

Mei closed her laptop down and sighed quietly, finally done with her work after sending it back home via the Quantum Beacons. She folded her hands over the silver case and leaned back on the sofa, amethyst eyes staring at the bright ceiling absently.

Hours had passed since Kiana and the rest left. Occasionally, she would feel a surge of giddiness and excitement in her chest she knew wasn't hers. The connection she shared with her Finality allowed her to feel Kiana's feelings and that was exactly that. Mei didn't mind at all despite it sometimes distracting, in fact she was happy to know Kiana was happy with her time together with Himeko, knowing she was right on her stance about her wife's view on the redhead.

They had talked before about this Himeko back in Belobog when they finally got a brief moment of rest. Thunder had been very vocal with her worry for Kiana she forcefully took over Mei's body just to make her point across, much to Mei's annoyance. She could still take back control if Mei ever so wished and locked her other self in a proverbial cage to prevent her from doing basically anything, but Mei didn't want to put shackles on Thunder like that especially when she was being vulnerable with Kiana.

Well, as vulnerable as Thunder allowed herself to be anyway.

Thunder had called Kiana a lot of things then, ranging from reckless to stupid. Through it all, Kiana was silent as she allowed her to vent her frustration towards their whole ordeal. Knowing that, beneath those harsh words was a concerned soul who wanted nothing but the best for Kiana.

But her best was what she decided, as Mei had learned to accept, so Kiana did what she could to appease Thunder in her borderline frantic growling and hissing.

A kiss so deep Mei could practically taste Kiana despite being on the backseat silenced Thunder, turning the static storm around her into a stunted sizzle that disappeared in both confusion and desire. Surprised, Thunder barely reacted when Kiana pulled away after a good ten seconds with a sly grin on her face while Mei chuckled in her own mind, mouth still open and tongue lolling out slightly from the way Kiana ravaged it inside.

"God, I wanted to do that since a long time ago."


"Shutting you up," Kiana grinned impishly as she draped her arms over Mei's borrowed shoulders. "You know, you're hot when you're like that I couldn't resist myself. No pun intended."

The unyielding Thunder whose will demanded submissions from all the world's lightnings practically shrunk down under Kiana's intense blue eyes, now merely centimeters away, as the Kaslana tiptoed so they were on eye level. The Herrscher closed her mouth and swallowed, blushing slightly at the familiar taste of Kiana that had the other woman's grin grow wider despite the subtlety of it, and scowled. "I'm being serious," Thunder growled but the intensity was lost with Kiana pinning her down with her stare. "I don't want to see you hurt."

Kiana's grin disappeared at that, in its place was a genuine smile. She could hear the wish in Thunder's voice, so similar with Mei's but also different, and it made her heart soar. She leaned in again and gave a quick peck to those beautiful lips, not wanting to startle Thunder for the second time that day.

"You don't have to worry about me," Kiana began as she pulled Thunder into a hug, arms tight around her. "I'm not the woman I was."

It took a few long seconds but then Kiana felt a pair of arms around her self, wrapped far tighter than Kiana's own around Thunder's. She didn't say anything back to Kiana, not even when Kiana felt Mei return in control but that was alright. Thunder had never been big with words anyway as her actions spoke more than anything her mouth might conjure so that hug conveyed everything Kiana needed to know of Thunder's feelings.

Thunder hadn't mentioned anything about it since then, seemingly content to sit back and quiet in Mei's head. Mei had been concerned but a short visit to her head had revealed that her other self simply didn't have anything to say.

"She truly has changed," was all Thunder said and Mei was inclined to agree. After all, it was her who told Thunder that first.

"Passenger Mei," a voice called and Mei blinked, looking down to see Pom-Pom with a mug of steaming coffee in their hands. Mei didn't mean to stare but to see Pom-Pom holding a mug while having no fingers baffled her so much it was all she could do. "Would you like a coffee?"

Mei cleared her throat and smiled, putting aside her laptop before taking the mug from Pom-Pom. "Thank you, Pom-Pom."

"It is no worry," Pom-Pom jumped to sit beside Mei on the sofa, little legs swinging back and forth merrily while Mei took a sip of her coffee and hummed at the rather strong taste. "Taking care of the Crew is also Pom-Pom's duty."

"You are very kind," Mei praised again as she offered the Conductor another smile. "Is it always this quiet?"

"Only when Pom-Pom is alone," they said with a nod so adorable Mei had to fight the urge to hug them knowing Pom-Pom wouldn't appreciate getting squished out of blue like that.

"What do you usually do when everyone's gone?" She asked instead.

"Cleaning and basic maintenance, which Passenger Welt and Navigator Himeko have been a great help especially with the youngsters and their mess." Pom-Pom huffed then, pouting. "Pom-Pom had to sweep the floor regularly because it kept getting dirty."

Mei's smile turned sympathetic, recalling the time Pom-Pom scolded both Stelle and Dan Heng that morning in the kitchen for leaving a mess after their return from Jarilo-VI. It seemed that Kafka's unexpected visit only affected the Conductor as much and they bounced back to their usual strict mood almost immediately.

"Sorry for the inconveniences we caused," Mei sincerely apologized, downing the rest of the coffee in one go before picking up her laptop and standing up to her feet. Through it all, Pom-Pom watched with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue in their eyes.

"Where are you going?" They asked and Mei sighed quietly.

"Dan Heng hasn't been feeling well so I think I'm going to look after him for a bit."

Pom-Pom frowned, or so Mei assumed they were since she wasn't all that familiar with the expressions of that fluffy face. "We have medicines onboard and if you feel it necessary, the Luofu should have plenty on sell. We can ask one of the Crew to bring some back."

"Good suggestion, but I don't think it'll be necessary. Besides, I'd rather to not bother them at the moment. I can take care of Dan Heng myself." Mei raised the empty mug briefly. "Again, thank you for the coffee, Pom-Pom. I really appreciated it."

"Well, don't mention it."

Mei nodded, making her way back to the passenger car towards her shared room. She walked through the carriage separator and glanced out the window towards a faraway place when her heart did another emotional equivalent of parkour, though this time it wasn't a feeling she'd felt before from Kiana.

Anxiety bled into Mei's heart, connected to her other half's a few dimensions away. The feeling was brief but it was intense enough Mei couldn't help but to bite her own lip as an instinctive response, feeling her skin crawl and stomach dropped. For a moment, Mei contemplated on whether she should contact Kiana or not but eventually decided for the latter, telling herself that if Kiana needed her help she would've asked it.

She had her assumptions on what Kiana was doing at the moment and all Mei could do was to trust her to pull through even if she wanted nothing more but to be beside Kiana, holding her hands Mei knew she would be using to fiddle with something right now as usual when Kiana was anxious about something. But Kiana had to make her peace with this Himeko. She had to tell both herself and the redhead that things were not the same, no matter how similar everything was, so they could finally start anew.

So they could begin a new story untainted by past tragedy.

With a shaky exhale, Mei wrenched her gaze away from the thick glass and continued on with her steps, this time focusing more on someone she could actually help. Mei's gaze briefly lingered on Dan Heng's door when she walked past his room and decided that the concern she felt from the action was hers and hers alone.

But first, she wanted to do something for the young man. Something that hopefully would help him recover from his illness, even if it's just marginally. The thing bothering him was not simply physical and Mei knew it, though she couldn't really just pry into whatever it actually was.

She meant what she told March about people like Dan Heng. They liked to keep things for themselves and that probing on their problems would only seal their mouths shut further. He wasn't the first person with such traits Mei had met and undoubtedly wouldn't be the last either.

Still, each and every of them were unique she couldn't just walk in and declare she understood just because she had experience on the matter. No, what she needed was the bigger picture which the only way she would get was by being patient with Dan Heng and if there's something Mei good at was that; patience.

Didn't matter how long it would take for Dan Heng to share his troubles with Mei and it certainly wouldn't be a problem if he decided to keep them to himself completely. Mei wouldn't hold it against him for not sharing it. Some things were just too hard to share, sometimes.

But first...

She wordlessly made her way to the kitchen and washed the empty coffee mug, going to the Omni-Synthesizer to acquire the necessary ingredients, and began to cook something simple for Dan Heng to eat. Mei noticed his low appetite that morning and his even lower intake of food, taking just the smallest amount and letting Stelle wolfed down the rest of his portion. Mei thought it might have been the food, not the taste or anything of sort because she knew it was sublime as usual, but rather the complexity of it. Sick people tended to prefer something more... economical, so to speak, since it would be easier to eat.

The first thing she did was to wash a small bowl of rice, letting the water run through the grains and occasionally turning them over with her hand to make sure it was thorough, before putting the rice into a pot and filling said pot with just enough water. She'd made this particular dish for too many times than she liked, oftentimes for when she visited one of her students in the hospital, so Mei was pretty much an expert at it. Then again, she's a master of a lot of dishes so something so simple wasn't something someone could screw up easily.

"I know someone who would," Mei heard a familiar voice reverberated from the depth of her consciousness and chuckled, knowing just who Thunder meant. "A disaster in the kitchen."

"Well..." Mei drawled as she put the pot over the stove and turned the heat up, briskly moving towards the refrigerator to get the shredded chicken from last night and dumped some into the pot. "Kiana has done a lot to improve that particular weakness of hers so something like this shouldn't be a problem."

"Really, now? You don't sound convinced yourself."

Mei grinned as she twirled the ladle absently between her fingers, watching as the porridge began to boil and stirring them languidly. "She would still require supervisors, at times."

Kiana wasn't a great cook and that was a fact. But these past few years, Mei had been rather adamant with the betterment of Kiana's diet her wife really hadn't a choice but to learn to cook for herself. Mei could tell that, if left alone, Kiana would go on with her days eating instant noodles and she simply couldn't allow that.

"Just because you can't get sick doesn't mean you can eat these everyday! They're not good for your health!"

"H—huh?! Wait, wait, Mei! Where are you taking them?!"

"Into the incenerator."

"Noooooooooo not my Indomie!"

"But her cooking is edible now, which is a massive improvement if you ask me," Mei smiled at the memory as she turned off the stove and sprinkled some salt onto the porridge, giving it a quick taste test and humming to herself when she found it to be perfect. Taking a bowl, tray and spoon, she began to fill the bowl with the Congee before putting the now full bowl on the tray along with the spoon.

Last but not least, she filled a glass with water and put it on the tray right beside the bowl, storing the rest of the porridge still on the pot in the refrigerator. Kiana would eat it later as usual with their leftovers, often waking up dead at night to snack on something. After washing the ladle and making sure she'd taken care of the mess she made, Mei exited the kitchen and made her way to Dan Heng's room with the freshly made porridge.

"Dan Heng? Are you awake?" Mei called out, giving his door gentle taps with the tip of her foot. There's no sound from the other side and for a moment Mei thought he had fallen asleep again, at least until Dan Heng's voice resonated from within.

"Mei?" He called back, a hint of surprise and confusion in his tone. "I thought you went out with everyone."

"Himeko did. I volunteered to stay back and watch the Express," and you sat at the tip of her tongue but Mei swallowed the words back. "May I come in?" She said instead.

"Of course."

Balancing the tray in one hand, Mei pressed the door open and stepped inside Dan Heng's room, smile turning curious as her gaze shifted about its interior. March had told her that Dan Heng was responsible for the Express' Data Bank but she didn't tell her that his room was it.

"Are you here for the Data Bank?" Dan Heng asked and Mei blinked, amethyst eyes settling on the young man sitting on the mattress below with piles of books surrounding him.

"No," Mei started casually. "I'm here for you."

Dan Heng tilted his head ever so slightly. "Me?"

"Yeah," Mei walked towards him, careful to not step on the books. "I saw you weren't eating very well this morning so I made you something." She gestured at the tray with her head before offering it to Dan Heng who accepted it quietly.

"Thanks," he eventually said. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to turn down your cooking then but I couldn't really work the appetite."

"Don't worry about it. Stelle got you covered on that matter," Mei joked with a chuckle which turned into a grin when Dan Heng smiled at her. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," he answered simply as he scooped a spoonful of the porridge and put it into his mouth.

Mei nodded. "That's good to hear. Do you mind if I take a look around?"

He shook his head. "Feel free to do so. Everyone's done that."

"So, what have you been doing?" Mei began anew as she interacted with a terminal on the wall, giving Dan Heng a subtle glance from the corner of her eye.

"Reviewing some past indexes," he said. "In case there are errors."

"I see," her fingers flexed as she typed in her inputs, slow as the holographic keyboard was arranged in a rather odd way. Well, odd by Earth's standard anyway. "Are you comfortable here? I didn't know your room is the Express' data center."

"I am. Himeko offered me an actual room before but I turned her down. I prefer it here since I can do my works more efficiently this way."

"Is that so? Well, as long as you're comfortable."

Silence descended upon the duo then. At one point of Mei's reading her interest Dan Heng had finished the porridge and downed the water which both the bowl and glass now sat empty on the tray once more. The only sound was the occasional beeping of the holographic keyboard as Mei's fingers tapped the display, writing and deleting words important to her quest.

Through it all, Dan Heng stared in contemplative silence at Mei and the information on the terminal from his position on the mattress.

"You're from Xianzhou, right?" Mei prodded casually, still not turning her gaze from the terminal. Had she looked, she would've seen the way Dan Heng's fingers twitched and balled into fists on his lap. "Can you give me a first-hand knowledge about it?"

"Where do you want to start?" He asked, voice level betraying his emotions.

"The leadership." Finally, Mei turned to face Dan Heng after shutting down the terminal, having seen what she was looking for in the vast Data Bank. "Tell me about this General Jing Yuan."

So he told her, about everything the Xianzhou was. Be it from what's written in the travel brochure, Astral Express' very own database or his personal opinions, all was told. Mei listened through it all in a measured silence, arms crossed and eyes sharp and only speaking when asking more questions.

But the questions were secondary as she cared more about Dan Heng than whatever Xianzhou was at the moment. They weren't as important as the necessity to have him talk so to understand the underlying sadness in his eyes. Mei noticed its existence almost immediately when Dan Heng entered the kitchen with Stelle despite his best attempt at hiding it under his usual aloof expression.

"Their eternal war against the Abundance blinded them of reasons."

Mei blinked, her once neutral expression turning into a deep frown. "How so?" She asked when Dan Heng fell silent.

The look Dan Heng gave her was new, one she hadn't seen on him before, so although brief Mei saw the flash of guilt and shame as clear as day before they disappeared.

"The Xianzhou Alliance prided themselves as Lan's unbending arrow, swift and certain with its target, and nothing can stop them from completing the Hunt's will. They kill and destroy with purposes, but those purposes have led them to commit countless crimes against life itself."

"Crimes against life...?"

"Yaoshi. They are the symbol of life and its abundance." Dan Heng leaned against the wall behind him, eyes downcast as he mulled over his words next. "Mei, do you know the origin story of the people of Xianzhou?" He asked with a resigned inhale as he closed his eyes.

Mei slowly shook her head, approaching the young man and joining him on the mattress beside him. "I haven't gotten to that yet."

Histories were important, but with so little time learning about the present it was all she could learn and even then it was just a quick glimpse.

Dan Heng hummed in acknowledgment. The question was more rhetoric than anything, anyway. "A very long time ago, a civilization finally embraced the stars, leaving the cradle of their birth. Then, they learned that they were not alone in this vast Universe and created an alliance with the other intelligent races they encountered. This ancient alliance held true through millennia, fighting, learning and prospering together until they become one people."

"When their technology could no longer satisfy their needs to pursue inventions, they turned their eyes on the Divine to reach the height of paradise."

Mei sucked in a breath at that, the quiet inhale loud enough for Dan Heng to hear. He opened his eyes and gave her a look that was borderline helpless.

The promise of paradise, the life after life itself. There was only one thing that's unattainable in this life but available in that life.

"Immortality," Mei mumbled in realization.

"Immortality," Dan Heng repeated with a nod. "And there's only one being capable of granting that, then."

It was obvious enough what that being was saying it would be unnecessary. Then again, if the people of Xianzhou worshipped them before, why did they become an enemy? Even going as far as to change deity whose Path was the other side of the spectrum? The Hunt was not the hater of all life, that would be the Destruction, yet they still went against Abundance whose gift was presented to all life.


"We thought they could grant us that. What started as few, turned into a mass by the end of it. Everyone wanted a taste of that sweet promise, not knowing it would be the beginning of eternal suffering."

Mei understood it rather intimately. Making deals with the Divine rarely ended in good regards, at least unless that Divine was Kiana but that beside the point. What they called as gods in this Universe were not the ever-loving and merciful of beings, despite what many might claim them to be. They, for all intent and purposes, were also a thing living in the Tree that was bound to their own agendas. Mei had tried to understand the Aeons and the more she read, the more it sounded like they were the monarchs who couldn't be bothered by mortal's fleeting existence.

There was not a single shred of humanity in them and thus they were unable to appreciate humans and their struggles. For them, humanity was akin to an ant living in a pit of giants, so utterly insignificant even a single mistake from them could erase it from existence.

Akivili might be on the other side of this, yet the most human of Aeon was dead a long time ago. Other Aeons who might consider walking with humans were either doing it in search of hedonism or because of said agendas, not because they wanted to appreciate the beauty of the weak.

Humanity fought for its existence every day against forces incomprehensible originating from the deep cosmos. Wars, diseases and catastrophes happened on every corner of the Universe constantly. Every second, every inhale of their breath, was a galaxy being obliterated and swallowed by the Sea in a ceaseless cycle.

"Everything could be holy, but not everything could be human," was what Kiana said and Mei was bound to agree because the Divine was numerous while Humanity was one and only.

"Death, for us, is a faraway concept," he continued. "For people who live for hundreds of years, today's nothing but a fleeting gust."

"But you do die, correct? Does that mean Yaoshi failed?" Mei finished when Dan Heng nodded.

"They didn't. An Aeon rarely fails in their aspiration as long as it's correlating with their Path. It's just that the Abundance's view of life might be different than what we know."

Mei frowned at that. "What do you mean?"

"The Abundance sees life as what it is. As long as it's breathing, as long as it's growing and prospering then it is life. Their gifts don't discriminate and they can also become twisted."

The Herrscher grimaced at that. "Everything has a price," she concluded for Dan Heng. "What price did your people have to pay?"

"Madness. The wars we waged against the Abundance were meant to erase the abominations it created and put an end to everything life itself was not. We don't hate all life as we are also people with our own lives, we hated the mockery of it created from our mutilated friends and family."

"How could you know all of this?"

For the first time ever, Dan Heng's face twisted with hesitation and Mei had to fight the urge to grab his hand to comfort him, knowing the contact wouldn't be appreciated. The question alone was far from harmful, but it seemed it was all she needed to hit the point of his deepest agony despite Mei lacking the intention to begin with.

"Mei, I..." Dan Heng drawled and Mei watched the way his jaw clenched and unclenched repeatedly as the words got stuck somewhere in there. "I have something to tell you."

"... who?" Stelle asked, both confused and perplexed as she stared at a certain white haired woman. Said woman was grinning from ear to ear and bouncing on her feet like an overexcited puppy.

After hours of talking and discussing their intentions to the Xianzhou officials, time in which Stelle herself spent trying to not glaze over the talk itself and failing, the sight of Kiana being excited over someone that wasn't Mei for a once was both unexpected and endearing to see.

Frankly, she didn't know what to expect to start with but this was definitely not it.

"Sushang!" Kiana exclaimed again, still looking like she was going to explode from the excitement. "She's here!"

Stelle closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose exasperatedly. "That's cool and all but literally who the hell?" she reiterated but Kiana had had Bronya to bother with the information to respond. The other woman looked intrigued but definitely nowhere as thrilled, though to be fair Stelle had never seen Bronya got excited at all over something.

It was Welt who went on to explain. "Li Sushang is Schicksal's S-rank Valkyrie. She's a master swordwoman whose skills are rivalled only by her master." He paused to watch as Bronya nudged Kiana's side hard to silence the Kaslana and Kiana proceeded to glare at her as she clutched the point of contact.

"Idiotka, what did you do this time?"


"There's a little girl glaring at you there."

"Little girl? Who the— Oh, sh*t. I almost forgot to pay for the food. Be right back."

Welt chuckled. "Sushang is a good friend to them so to see a version of herself here on the Xianzhou must be very exciting."

"You said she's an S-rank Valkyrie, Mister Welt? Does that mean she's strong?" March piped in, voicing Stelle's own question.

A nod. "Her martial art skills are unparalleled and her affinity with swords is not to be scoffed at either. She's also one of four people who've mastered the Edge of Taixuan at present time."

"Edge of Taixuan?"

Welt pulled his glasses off, staring at the clear surface for a moment as he worked on his words. Bronya saw his thoughtful expression from the corner of her eye but didn't say anything, letting her gaze locked on Kiana as her best friend began to apologize profusely to the little girl.

"During the Second Honkai War..." Welt began slowly as he slipped his glasses back on. "The Second Herrscher who had acquired six Herrscher Gems threatened to destroy our world. We fought back but she was protected by the Will of Honkai and its guidances, making it not just difficult but also almost impossible. It was when our plans were on the brink of failure we saw it, a burning blade of pure Honkai Energy that pierced and cut through everything including the Second Herrscher's link with the Will of Honkai. It was the ultimate technique that saved us all."

And it costed them much, too, but nobody paid the price more than Fu Hua. A lot of people sacrificed themselves to stop the Second Eruption, be it in the hand of the Second Herrscher or Otto, but Hua quite literally burned everything she was so humanity could win, giving up all her body and soul for the greater good. Back then was a desperate time everything just seemed acceptable as long as victory was the result.

"Why's so few people know it?" Stelle asked, tilting her head to the side curiously. "Is it hard to learn?"

"It is. It has five forms with each requires you trainings achievable only in a lifetime for a normal human with the fifth form being the hardest one to learn yet." He offered both Stelle and March a gentle smile then. "But maybe you girls can go and try to learn it, after all. We won't know unless we try, right?"

March laughed nervously, unsure with herself, while Stelle shrugged. "Sounds good to me. Will you teach us?" the latter asked casually, eliciting a small laugh from Welt. "What? You said it was worth a shot."

"My apologies, but I'm afraid that is beyond my capability. Besides, you're asking at the wrong person."

"What do you mean?"

Welt gestured to behind them with his cane and they turned around just in time to see Kiana accidentally stepped on a puddle on her way back to the group.

"Kiana there is one of those four people."

They blinked, dumbfounded, as they stared at the woman who now muttered curses under her breath while Bronya snorted at her predicament in amusem*nt. Kiana, oblivious as she was, glared at Bronya. "Real funny," she grunted, all but amused.

"Not my fault you're an idiot," Bronya quipped back.


"I wouldn't believe it if I didn't know what she's capable of," March mumbled to herself, ignoring the two bantering women as they threw insults at each other.

"Is there an end to her awesomeness?" Stelle asked rhetorically. At the first glance, Kiana seemed like a goofy airhead whose thoughts escaped her like smoke in the wind but the more she learned about her, the more it was revealed that her act on the outside really didn't justify the real her.

Or rather, the goofy her is the real her while her awesomeness is just a byproduct of it...

"Never judge a book by its cover," Welt advised the two teenagers. "Not all those pages are white and pristine. Some are wrinkled from uses, some are printed in a different color altogether so until you see them for yourself, don't be too certain."

Welt stopped suddenly, a dark expression adorning his face before it disappeared quickly. Clearing his throat, he called to Kiana and Bronya to gain their attention, putting their little verbal battle to an immediate stop. Kiana gave him an inquisitive look before it turned into a scowl when Bronya grabbed her by her jacket collar and dragged her closer to Welt.

"I'm not a damn dog!" She protested as she yanked herself free from Bronya's grip.

"No, a dog is a better listener than you are," Bronya deadpanned, ignoring the growl Kiana sent her way with an expert ease to ask Welt instead. "Are we good to go?"

"I think it's time we tell them both," Welt said with a nod towards Stelle and March. "Will you do the honor?"

Bronya nodded, turning to the two teenagers with face set in a serious line that made them stiffen on their feet. However, just when she was about to speak Kiana suddenly threw her arms around both girls' shoulders and ushered them away with her.

"I'll do it," she stated, uncharacteristically serious and although Bronya seemed annoyed at first she quickly recovered and nodded.

Kiana dragged them away from both Welt and Bronya, arms still locked around their shoulders. Her expression was sharp as she regarded her surroundings and for a moment Stelle was treated with the sight of Kiana the warrior whose experience was forged in the anvil of war. Someone who, as she understood, mastered a technique only a handful knew as Welt mentioned.

"What's wrong?" March asked loudly when they stopped, right at the peak of the arc of a bridge connecting the two major streets of the sector. She had to speak up since the buzzing of military Starskiffs constantly flying below them practically drowned any other noises.

Kiana shifted her arms so she was now grabbing them by their shoulders, gesturing with her index fingers for the girls to come closer still. When Stelle hesitated from the weirdness of the situation itself, Kiana simply shook her head and smiled.

"Come on! Don't worry, I don't bite. Unless you're Mei, that is," she added with a cheeky grin.

Stelle wrinkled her face but did as told. "The last time we hunched up together, we hit each other's heads because March couldn't keep it cool."

"I said I'm sorry, okay?" the pinkette whined, earning a giggle from Kiana. "So?"

Kiana's grin disappeared, in its place was a tight line that reflected on her thought. They waited as the Kaslana gave one quick look around before sighing deeply.

"What I'm going to tell you, you must not tell anyone else other than the Crew," she began, tone serious not leaving a room for argument. Her blue eyes pierced through March's colorful ones and Stelle's golden ones, the latter realizing the unasked affirmation in that gaze.

"I can keep secrets," Stelle assured as she elbowed March lightly. The pinkette got the memo and nodded in support immediately.

Kiana waited for precisely three seconds before the lines on her face disappeared. "Good."

Then, she explained and with each word she uttered Stelle couldn't help but to widen her eyes in shock while March seemed like she was about to collapse from both fear and surprise. Stelle didn't blame her, though, especially after learning how close they were to something so dangerous even if that something was wearing a skin of someone so likeable and kind.

Kiana let them digest the information patiently, watching both teenagers with keen eyes all the while subconsciously keeping tracks of their surroundings with her Void Authority, seeing everything without the need of her eyes including things invisible to said eyes.

It was a little surprising that March was the one to break the ensuing silence, though, pretty much voicing Stelle's own question.

"Are you going to do something about it?" she asked, tone hopeful with a hint of wariness in it. She didn't know how strong Kiana truly was but she should be able to take out something as strong as an Emanator, right?


But Kiana simply shook her head with a grimace. "As much as I want to, I can't."

"Can't or won't?" Stelle shot back, crossing her arms over her chest. "You seem to have a clear line between the two."

Kiana locked her gaze with Stelle's, silent as a Foxian woman crossed the bridge behind them. She was not alone, carrying with her her child in her arms who laughed merrily about something her mother told her. Said woman barely gave them a glance until she and her child were gone further down the street.

"Whatever she is planning to do on the Luofu..." The Kaslana drawled after making sure they were on the clear. "We have to wait and see before we can determine our next course of action. For now, trust nobody but keep your act as natural as possible around people. Got it?"

They nodded, wary and troubled. Kiana saw the unease in their eyes and swiftly changed the mood with her usual grin. "Don't worry, we've got your back," she added, patting both girls on the shoulders affectionately. "Come on, then. I believe we still have things to do."

Welt quickly brought Kiana up to speed, explaining the deals they made with the Xianzhou officials regarding their visit and intentions. Apparently, the Helm Master turned down their offer for help and refused their involvement in Xianzhou's internal affairs, citing that the Knights were more than enough to stem any troubles that had and might arise on the ship even if it's something as terrible as a Stellaron.

The Luofu had a garrison of tens of thousands of Cloud Knights ready to deploy at any time so they didn't doubt Yukong's words nor confidence. They also didn't condemn her way of thinking, knowing that the Luofu was more than experienced in the art of warfare. They had fought against threats so large and numerous they could easily run over a star system and won so something as trivial as outbreaks and criminals on the loose were nothing to them.

That was precisely why the Crew were worried because the Stellaron Hunters were more than just mere criminals. Countless civilizations and worlds had underestimated them before and many found themselves either burned to the ground or missing important head figures in the morning only to find them dead in a ditch somewhere, if they were ever found at all.

The Hunters were skilled. They were cunning and powerful befitting a group who pulled strings behind the scene to make the symphony of fate go on and on to whatever their leader had prophesized for all involved.

Fortunately, the General wasn't one of those people. He and his wisdom had found it fit for the Crew to go and apprehend the Hunters encroaching their territory, overriding Yukong's authority as it was within his rights as the leader of the Cloud Knight for military matters. He tasked them with one and only goal, not wanting to stretch their limited numbers to the limit, and gave them a guide to help them navigate the crowded ship.

Said guide happened to be a very familiar Cloud Knight Captain, much to their surprise.

"We have intel that Kafka is hiding in Stargazer Navalia," Jian Dao told them as they boarded their designated military Starskiff and Stelle was surprised to see a full squad of Cloud Knights already onboard waiting for them. The Captain himself had his helmet off and tucked under an arm as he addressed them, showing a face of someone in his late thirties if he were a short-life species. Stelle couldn't help but to stare at the scar running vertically up his right eye all the way until it disappeared under his brown scalp.

The man himself didn't look as thrilled as the Crew thought he would be and Welt decided to voice that particular thought.

"Is something the matter, Captain?" He asked just as the Starskiff took off to the sky heading for their new destination.

"I'm a soldier, Mister Welt, and it is my duty to follow orders," Jian Dao firmly replied as he slipped his helmet back on. "That said, that doesn't mean I get to like all of them."

"You don't want to be here?"

"No offense to you and your companions but that would be a no. It's nothing personal, I like you for saving me and my men from perils but I don't enjoy getting pulled out from the front line while there's still a clear threat. I'd rather be there and fight alongside the others."

"Don't worry, I completely understand," Welt assured with a nod. "Camaraderie between soldiers is not something to scoff at. I must thank you in advance, however, for your help."

He nodded and the conversation died down afterwards, leaving the Crew and Knights in silence for the rest of the ride. The Knights were rigid on their seats, appearing uninterested with the Crew as they stared into nothing ahead of them. If Stelle didn't know any better, she would've thought them to be a bunch of robots instead of people with how stiff they were being.

Aside from the occasional murmurs between Bronya and Kiana, there was nothing but the hum of the engine as the Starskiff carried them further into the Luofu's many sectors, passing gates after gates, until they arrived at Stargazer Navalia and docked.

The Crew waited for the Knights to completely disembark before stepping out themselves, taking in their new surroundings immediately.

At first glance, it looked a lot like the Cloudford with containers and Starskiffs placed and parked in the vast majority of the sector, turning it into yet another maze of metals. But as they looked on further, they could actually see that the area was meant for something else, too.

"The Starskiffs are grown?" Stelle asked, baffled, as she stared at one of the growing Starskiffs currently floating inside a large container as they walked past it. "You mean they're alive?"

"They technically are," Jian Dao replied casually, gesturing at another one further down the line of production with a quick nod. "They are grown en masse from embryo stages and then separated into their respective breeding tanks after they've grown into certain sizes."

"Why don't you guys just build them?"

"Supply and demand. It's faster this way and the results are reliable enough."

Stelle's gaze lingered at one of the growing Starskiffs and for a moment she swore she could see the tendrils inside the green liquid twitching the closer she got to it as if sensing her presence. Suppressing a disturbed wince, she shook her head and tried to forget what she had just seen.

"A little unsettling, don't you think?" March mumbled at her side and Stelle nodded.

"Fascinating, too."

"I'm sure it is to you."

After a short discussion, the group decided to branch into three elements to shorten their search time for Kafka with each having at least a Herrscher with them to communicate with. At first, Jian Dao was skeptical with the idea until Welt assured him that their means of communication was foolproof and instantaneous.

Bronya took a team of five Cloud Knights with her while Welt went with four including the Captain, leaving Kiana to lead the remaining two in their search. The teenagers, naturally, decided to stick with Kiana to boost the numbers, giving her a total of four people under her command.

"Remember, if you find her, do not go in alone. The Hunters rarely hunt alone so she must have some backups. Call for support and keep an eye on her and your surroundings," Jian Dao reminded his men before shifting his gaze to the Crew. "The same goes to you, too."

"We understand, Captain. We're a team."

So Welt said but the Knights accompanying them were hardly what one might call 'teammates'.

They did their job alright, but they also barely spoke a word to the Crew during their whole search. They did what Kiana asked them to do without questions and reported curtly back when questioned about the. Other than the bare minimums, the Knights didn't seem as interested to make friends with the Crew and it was actually a little jarring to see.

Kiana made it work though, with smiles and gentle yet firm words. No signs of frustration was visible in her eyes at their predicaments even when the search turned fruitless by the hours it went on.

By the time the artificial sun had dimmed and moved down the horizon and the shadows were long, the Crew decided to call it off. Knowing that continuing search in the dark would be too dangerous and risky.

They knew Kafka was around and tweaking with the sector's cycles would alert her that she had been found out, despite it being an option. Kiana herself had tried to locate her with her Void Authority but the amount of civilians and Knights made it impossible to find the female Hunter, not to mention she had to severely tone down her power so to not mess with the space-folding technology itself.

"It's like searching for a needle in a haystack," she told the girls as they made their way to the rendezvous point to regroup with the rest. "I could find her precise position if I knew her aura but alas we haven't truly met for me to get a zero on her."

The walk was a long one, the sheer size of the sector alone was enough to stretch them to the limit, and was mostly spent in silence. The Knights behind them barely uttered a word to the Crew, content to speak in hushed whispers to each other. At least, Stelle knew one of them was a woman from her voice earlier.

The lights around them had just began to lit up when Kiana suddenly stopped dead on her track while Stelle who had been walking right behind her almost crashed to her back. She was about to ask the Kaslana the reason she stopped when a bloodcurdling scream interrupted her, making the hair on her nape and arms rise.

Kiana had just finished unholstering Shamash when the large container before them exploded in a gory display of golden viscera, just in time to shoot the giant gorilla Abomination that bursted out of it, to little effect.

Then, before they could recover from their initial shock, a flood of Abominations rushed out from the hole like water from a dam straight towards the group, hissing and screeching like a bat out of hell.

Kiana unceremoniously turned around and shoved Stelle back, not a second later a purple energy barrier sprung up between the group and Kiana, separating the Kaslana and the Abominations with the rest of them.

Stelle was still recovering when she found herself flat on her bottom, ears ringing from the rushing of her blood in her veins. She saw a flash of pink on her periphery before she realized it was March.

It took her a second to realize the pinkette was screaming in both terror and desperation as she banged her fists against the barrier.


"Run! I'll cover you! Don't look back!" Was all Kiana told her back before she smashed Shamash together and turned it into its sword form and rushed forward to meet the approaching horde.


But Kiana could no longer hear her, too far and too busy fighting the monsters. Stelle slowly stood up to her feet and grabbed the hunching pinkette, pulling her into her embrace to shield her from the carnage Kiana created.

"Let's go, March," she whispered gently as she tugged on the pinkette, swallowing thickly when she heard March sobbed and cried quietly on her shoulder. "We have to go."

March nodded against said shoulder before she backed away to wipe her flowing tears. "... yeah. Let's go," she finished more firmly.

Stelle grabbed March's hand and used it to pull her along with her, sparing one last glance behind her to the flurry of red and orange that was Shamash's flames. Although Kiana was nowhere in sight, it was enough affirmation that the woman was at least still fighting.

"Where to?!" Stelle asked one of the Knights who replied almost instantly.

"This way!" he exclaimed urgently as he took point.

"We need to report to the local commander immediately!" said the female one. "Hopefully your friend's sacrifice is not for nothing!"

"Kiana is not dead!" March denied with such a heat and certainty it caught Stelle off guard.

"Look, girl. I know you're mourning but nobody could survive that."

"Kiana is not a nobody. She's super strong something like that is nothing to her."

The Knights shared a glance, one shrugging while the other shook his head. Stelle knew what was going on in their heads and she too would think the same thing had she not known what Kiana was truly capable of doing and what she'd seen was supposedly barely a fraction of it.

Even Bronya was not sure what would happen if Kiana were to use her full power.

Her thought was interrupted by a loud bang from their side and Stelle reacted immediately on instinct by throwing herself aside towards March to cover the pinkette when the wall to their left exploded, sending a cloud of dust and concrete flying.

She coughed and blinked rapidly, trying in vain to spot the two Knights running ahead of them with the dust still thick, before her hands patted March up and down to ensure the pinkette was alright.

March felt Stelle shift and groaned to herself. "I'm fine," she declared, grabbing Stelle's hand to assure the ashen haired girl. "Are you okay?"

Stelle was about to respond when a loud gunshot stopped her, the sound piercing through the ringing in her ears and brought clarity back to the girl. She turned her head towards its source just in time to see a very familiar silhouette amidst the dust, not a second later a flash of gold followed by another deafening bang made Stelle flinch right over March.

Her grip on the pinkette's hand tightened to the point of pain but the fear in those golden eyes stopped any protests from leaving March's throat. Instead, she wiggled her body to look at where Stelle was looking only to gasp at the sight she saw.

The two Knights accompanying them were on the ground, unmoving, with crimson pooling around their body originating from the hole in their heads. But what made her truly afraid was the familiar woman standing over them, her magenta eyes transfixed on the girls still on the ground with teasing coyness in them.

"Well, that is truly a sight to behold," Kafka began, stepping over the dead bodies of the Knights towards Stelle and March. "Has my dear Stelle finally found a love interest?"

The Hunter's gaze settled on March and although there's no malicious intention behind it, it was enough to make her shiver in a newfound fear.

"Kafka," Stelle hissed through gritted teeth. This was bad. She had no backups, no way to communicate with the rest of the Crew and no clear way out through the maze of containers without risking of running into the Abominations. Yet, as she looked down towards March, so small and fearful she's practically on the verge of tears, Stelle decided to take that risk if it meant of getting away from Kafka.

With that in mind, Stelle yanked March off the ground and began to haul her away, grunting when pain flared from her left leg with each step she took.

Kafka for the most part only seemed amused by it.

"Aw, leaving already?" said the woman with fake dismay and a frown. "We haven't even talked yet!"

f*ck that, Stelle thought to herself, adrenaline rushing in her veins dulling the pain into an incessant throbbing. She had no idea where to go but she knew she needed to keep as much distance between her and Kafka. March was still unresponsive and the disgusting slick on her leg told her enough she was losing too much blood.

Then, it just became too unbearable for Stelle to power through and she crashed down with March still in her arms, vision blurry and head swimming from blood loss

Despite it, she still managed to drag March into cover before slumping down completely.

Stelle risked a glance to her injury, grimacing when she saw her leg had been completely coated in crimson from thigh to toes. The source of it was a chunk of metal that pierced through the skin of her upper left thigh, embedding itself in her tender flesh and forcing blood out of her body. Even now she could see the steady flow of her life source seeping out and that was not good.

"March," Stelle called thickly through the lump in her throat to the pinkette. "March, I need help."

The desperation and urgency in Stelle's voice finally pulled March out of her stupor, the pinkette recovering enough to move and begin searching for her first aid kit. Her eyes were wide, pupils blown as she stared at Stelle and her injury.

"Oh, God..." she mumbled in horror, pressing a roll of bandage around Stelle's thigh to stop the bleeding. "I'm... I'm so sorry! I—I couldn't do anything at all!" she cried out. "I'm so useless!"

Stelle grabbed the pinkette's arm and shook her head, staring into those wet pink hues with as much assurance as she could muster at the moment. "Patch me up and we're even, March."

March took a trembling breath and nodded, steadying herself as she worked on Stelle's injury again. Her hands were wet with blood and the metallic smell of it practically filled the small alleyway Stelle dragged them into.

The piece of metal jutting out of Stelle's flesh made March wince every time her fingers brushed it, knowing nothing she could do unless she wanted to risk Stelle losing even more blood. Biting on her lower lip, March was about to inject Stelle with painkiller when her friend stopped her.

"No, not yet. I want to keep a clear mind."

"But you're in pain!" March protested.

"Geez, it's not like I would know," she replied sarcastically with a roll of her eyes. When March didn't show the reaction Stelle was hoping she would see from her quip, she sighed and gave the pinkette a small comforting smile. "I can manage. Don't worry about it. But we really have to go now."

March was obviously hesitating, but she also knew that Stelle was right. Staying in one place with such an adversary hunting them would be a terrible idea considering Kafka was also a skilled hitman. They had to keep moving if they wanted to lose the woman, no matter how small the chance itself.

Wrapping an arm around Stelle, the pinkette carefully helped her friend up to her feet, grimacing when she heard Stelle grunt in pain. She had to keep a tight hold as Stelle kept swaying from the blood loss, making it difficult to traverse the narrow alleyway.

"Do you know where to go?" March asked Stelle. When no response came from the ashen haired girl, she glanced at the injured girl only to see the way she squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her jaw. "Stelle?"

"J—just go wherever," Stelle answered through her teeth.

"Okay," March said, hiding the resignation in her tone with a fake smile. "I'll get us both out of here so you just hang in there, okay?"

Stelle couldn't answer verbally so she settled with a nod, focusing her attention to her steps as she limped ahead with March supporting half her weight. It was painful as hell but the only thing keeping her awake was the pain itself so Stelle had no choice but to bear it through, knowing full well that March wouldn't stand a chance if she were to carry her whole weight the entire way.

This was the only way, the only modicum of comfort even if it's a false one as she knew that deep down the only reason Kafka didn't stay on their toes during her mad dash was because the woman let her and March away, knew that the Hunter was playing with her preys like a panther stalking in the dark.

It was only further confirmed when March suddenly stopped and went rigid on her feet and Stelle didn't need to look up to see why.

"There you are, little puppies."

March sucked in a deep, terrified breath, arm tightening around Stelle protectively as she positioned herself so Stelle was now slightly behind her. Her eyes, usually bright and full of joy, was now wide with dread and conviction, both equal in measure.

Kafka stood there right at the exit, her purple hair glowing with the light of the artificial moon in the sky, framing her face in an angelic beauty. But she was no angel and as she unsheathed the sword strapped to her hips, its blade colored in the same color of her hair and eyes, March realized that nothing of the woman was holy.

Rather, it was as if she was staring at the devil herself, if the impish smile on the woman's face meant anything.

"Are you going to run again, little pups?" Kafka teased, smile widening as she took the first step forward. "Or are you going to lie down and show me your bellies in submission?"

March weighed her options, biting her lower lip anxiously as she pondered on it. Kafka was taking her leisure time, walking in a slow and deliberate strut towards her. The Hunter was obviously toying with her and despite the situation, March couldn't help but be mad at that fact.

Still, she forced herself to swallow the feeling and assess the situation as calmly as possible which was not much with death practically staring at her in the eyes. She knew she couldn't run, not with Stelle barely hanging on reality, and she was sure as hell didn't want to surrender in the face of such a terrible woman like Kafka. There's no saying what she would do to her if she showed even a moment of weakness and March was sure Stelle wouldn't want to find out, either.

In a move that surprised Kafka, March chose the third option instead.

The pinkette gently set Stelle down, back propped against the wall and comfortable, before she turned to face Kafka. With the one desire she always had in abundance she chose a path defying the lain options, a desire to protect those she held dear with every and all of herself.

With shaky hands, she summoned her bow and nocked it, aimed true at the woman before her. Stelle's blood on her fingers turned the translucent arrow she created crimson, giving it a more sinister look as it lit up the alleyway in a red glow.

But her heart was still true, pure and kind befitting the one and only March 7th.

"Don't come any closer!" March warned, fear apparent in her voice and eyes yet she didn't let it stop her or to drown her desire to protect her friend. A desire that outmatched said fear if the size of her arrow meant anything.

"Oh? This puppy seem to bite," Kafka remarked, unfazed and amused. "March, right? I'm happy to learn that my dear Stelle has someone like you by her side."

"Stop! I'm warning you!"

"So brave and selfless..."

"March... just... run..." Stelle mumbled just loud enough for the pinkette to hear.

"No! I'm not leaving you! Not again!"

"You can't... you can't win. N—not against her."

"I don't have to win! I just need to stop her long enough until someone comes to help us!"

No one is coming, Stelle wanted to say but a sudden flare of searing white pain interrupted the words before they could escape her mouth.

"Don't worry, dear," Kafka said with a look to Stelle. "I'll be gentle with your friend. I promise it won't hurt," she finished as a predatory grin settled on her face.

With a yell, March released her arrow, sending the crimson projectile forward towards her target. Then, without rest, she did it again and again, each intensifying the sound until her throat was raw and sore.

For Stelle, however, it was all a blur. All she saw on her periphery were flashes of red and purple followed by the sound of ice and electricity clashing until everything just fell silent to her ears.

It was then the first roll of tears fell down her cheeks, and then another until they became a steady flow as she sobbed on the spot, unable to move a muscle with how much blood she'd lost.

She hardly reacted when she felt gloved hands tenderly wiping her tears and if she didn't know any better she would've found it comforting. But she knew and that was why it was tragic.

"Let your sorrow run, my dear," Kafka whispered lovingly, cupping her cheeks in her hands and guiding her face so their gazes met. "You were always one to care for your companions and I'm glad it hasn't changed even after all that."

Her voice was soft and smooth like honey while her touch was gentle like a silk, but under all that Stelle could see the cruelty behind those magenta eyes. Pooling and reflecting from the depth of Kafka's soul.

"... why?" Stelle rasped out.

"Why what?"

"Why did you do all of this?"

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't do it?"


Kafka chuckled, smile broadening. "You think so lowly of me, dear. I will never lie to you. To others maybe, but you are special in my heart you deserve nothing but the truth."

Stelle swallowed, feeling something worming its way deep inside her. Something akin to a soothing whisper that eased her aching heart and body until all she could feel was serenity as she stared at Kafka's glowing eyes.

"What did you do to me?" She asked, voice louder than before now her mind wasn't being occupied with pain. "What is this?"

"Nothing that will harm you. If anything, it'll help console you."

Kafka brushed a strand of ashen hair out of Stelle's face and tucked it behind her ear, the same adoring look still on her face. Stelle was too confused to properly react, only able to stare at the woman with her big, golden eyes.

The woman before her was a lot of things and contradictive was one of them. Perhaps, it was necessary so she could sow chaos and confusion, or perhaps she did it because she found it amusing. There was no certain way to tell so it was very frustrating to try and figure Kafka out.

She knew she couldn't believe the woman before her yet Stelle still asked her, anyway.

"Why are you here?"

This time, Kafka's smile showed teeth and whatever it meant Stelle had no way to understand it.

"The same reason you are," the older woman replied casually. "Exciting, don't you think? For us to work together for a common goal. Ah, but do apologize, I reckon you won't know what I mean." She leaned forward, breath tickling Stelle's neck and making her hair stand. To her ear she then whispered, "just like the old time, you and me."

Stelle eyes widened, mouth hanging open as she tried to look at Kafka's face, just to see whether she was genuine or not, but the hand still cupping her face stopped her from moving her head.

"What do you mean? What... What were we?"

Kafka retreated and shrugged, digging through her pouch to find her injection of painkiller. "We were what we were, a past forgotten for tomorrow." Without warning, she jabbed the needle into Stelle's good thigh before continuing on, ignoring the hiss the girl let out in the process. "That's not where you will belong, now."

Stelle closed her eyes and shook her head to clear the sudden rush of cloudiness as the drug did its job, when she opened them again the woman before her had stood up and had her hands up in the air in surrender. Confusion blossomed in her chest until she heard a very familiar voice reverberating between the walls.

"That's enough, Kafka. Game's over."

With great difficulty, Stelle craned her neck to its source, inhaling a sharp intake of oxygen when she saw Kiana standing there in all her glory.

The white dress she was wearing formed a tight fit on her body, hair set in a single ponytail on the center with streaks of red on it, while her cloak billowed back and forth from an invisible force behind her, its inner part colored with the same red and orange of flames.

Those eyes which were normally filled with joy and compassion were now set in a fiery determination, glowing so bright they're almost burning as she stared at Kafka coldly.

She raised a gauntlet and Stelle's gaze followed the movement, only then she realized that beside Kiana was March standing on her feet. The pinkette's eyes were vacant as she stared into nothing, some kind of purple thread that started from nowhere going into her chest where her heart was. If Stelle could scream, she would with the pure relief and joy she felt at the moment at the sight of her friends being okay.

The moment Kiana's hand made contact with March's shoulder, the thread was cut and March jolted awake, clarity returning to her eyes as she looked around frantically. It took her a moment to realize who was holding her.

"Kiana...?" she whispered, disbelief clear in her tone. Kiana looked at the girl and grinned, all the coldness gone just like that.

"Hey, March," she replied warmly and laughed when March threw herself to hug her. "Alright there, darling."

"I knew it! I knew you would be fine!"

"Well, yeah, thanks for the vote of confidence. Something like that is nothing to the good old me, y'know? Easy peasy lemon squeezy." Kiana's smile disappeared as she patted March's back apologetically. "Let's talk about my awesomeness later, okay? I need to take care of Stelle," she finished with a playful lilt in her voice.

At the mention of the ashen haired girl, March immediately stiffened and released Kiana, turning around to face the source of their problem she had completely forgotten. Kafka was still there with the same smug look on her face, just this time she had her hands up in the air.

Almost on instinct, March summoned her bow and prepared herself for another battle.

"That won't be necessary, dear," the Hunter said with a shake of her head. "I surrender."

"... what?"

Kiana casually strode forward, the sound of her heels clacking on the concrete floor too loud in the ensuing silence. March watched, fascinated, as her dress and cape disappeared in a burning ember until the woman was back in her usual outfit.

March didn't miss the way Kafka stepped out of her way as she walked to gather Stelle from the ground even without Kiana uttering a word.

"You know what to do," Kiana told Kafka indifferently, hardly sparing the Hunter a glance as she scooped Stelle up into her arms.


Kafka unhooked the belt holding her sword, then her guns and grenades. When it came to her coat, the woman visibly hesitated for a brief moment before she also shed it off her body.

They fell onto the ground with a thud, Stelle's blood immediately seeping into Kafka's coat and turning the color darker but the woman paid it no heed as she stepped over it to follow Kiana out, now dressed in her white dress shirt.

It was all so weird to March she could only stare. The Hunter who had killed people in cold blood surrendering without a fight?

Is this some kind of ploy?

But Kafka didn't seem like she was going to stab Kiana in the back, despite having a clear and unhindered access to said back. Instead, she just seemed... casual. Not even resigned, just neutral, as she kept a respectable distance from Kiana.

Kiana, meanwhile, simply cradled Stelle close to her chest and the girl snuggled further into Kiana, finding her warmth not just comforting but also familiar. The painkiller Kafka gave her did wonders but even so it couldn't block the lingering warmth the Scion of Flame used to burn the malice of the world.

And her wound... it simply stopped leaking blood the moment Kiana touched her, though it's not like she would know that. March did know, though, as she fell a step beside Kiana.

"How are you feeling?" Kiana asked her softly, gone was the bitter coldness from her tone as she addressed Stelle and its place was her usual sunny warmth.

"Like sh*t," Stelle mumbled and Kiana snorted.

"Yeah, dude. You do look like one."

"Eh, no wonder."

Kiana laughed and Stelle found herself smiling along. "You just sleep, okay? We'll take care of everything."

Stelle hummed and closed her eyes, once again focusing on that gentle heat Kiana emanated and allowing it to lull her into the sweet embrace of slumber. It was a nice feeling, like lying on a field in a bright Summer day, and it washed over her aches and worries like the calm and sweet breeze.



"Thank you."

"Anytime, dear."

Stelle let go and fall, into the darkness that gave off nothing but warmth.



I did warn you guys that I will change a lot of things so... Yeah.

As usual, kudos and reviews are appreciated! Thank you so much.

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Chapter 26: I Feel Your Sigh and Breath


Well, that was fun.

Minor mention of suicide, be warned.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 26: I Feel Your Sigh and Breath.

Stelle woke up with the biggest headache she had ever experienced in her life, curling on herself and clutching on her head as she felt it like it was about to split open from the sheer pain alone.

She opened her eyes and immediately regretted it when she found the light to be too much, squeezing them shut with a pained groan. Clenching her jaw to the point it hurt, she fought the bile rising in her throat and instead focused on her breathing, mentally willing the throbbing in her head to subside.

It took her a long while, a few agonizing minutes of her lying on the bed sweating bullets of cold sweat, but she finally won the fight. With a heavy exhale, Stelle rolled to her back again and tentatively cracked an eye open, finding none of the pain she felt before and opened the other one.

She laid there staring at the unfamiliar ceiling, blurry vision forcing her to blink a couple of times to clear it. Wiping the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand, she turned her head around to take on her new surroundings.

Only to pause when she saw a head full of pink beside her.

"Ah, you're awake," Bronya began as she stepped into the room. Stelle didn't even hear her enter, too transfixed at the person sleeping next to her.

"Why..." Stelle trailed off and swallowed through her dry throat, eyes never leaving the sleeping pinkette. "Why's March on the bed with me?"

Bronya chuckled quietly, moving to fetch Stelle the water bottle she left on the dresser earlier for this particular situation she had expected to occur. "She's rather adamant with her request of staying the night with you." Helping the younger girl up to sitting position, Bronya then handed the bottle after uncorking the cap to Stelle. "She's concerned, verily so."

Stelle didn't answer right away, partially because the world was still spinning to her vision the only reason she managed to stay sitting was Bronya's hand on her back and because she was mulling on Bronya's words itself through the mud that was her thought.

"... is she okay?"

Bronya hummed, low and gentle as she let go of Stelle to sit on the edge of the bed instead. "Just exhausted."

"Good to know." Trusting herself to not throw up on the first contact of water, Stelle proceeded to take a few gulps down her throat, mild so she wouldn't overload her still churning stomach. "How long was I out?"

"A few hours," Bronya answered with a nod towards the window and Stelle's gaze shifted towards it, seeing the darkness outside. "It's just past midnight."

Stelle handed the half full bottle back to Bronya who subsequently put the cap on before putting it onto the floor. She was about to ask Bronya of their whereabout when another wave of migraine stopped her, making her hiss. "My head's hurt," she groaned in pain as she pressed her palms over her eyes. "What's wrong with me?"

Bronya sighed in sympathy. "You've lost quite the amount of your blood," she began quietly so to not further increase Stelle's suffering by adding noise into it. "I've fixed your leg but your body will still need to recover what's lost."

"Why didn't you replace it, too?" There was no accusation or demand in her tone but it still came out harsher than Stelle intended with the pain clouding her sense. She immediately realized it and apologized through gritted teeth.

"I understand," Bronya said with the same compassion, not bothered a bit. "However, there are orders to things we can't bypass just because it's convenient. Your body is capable of recovering naturally so we'll let it do just that, in fact it's recovering at a rate faster than any normal human's body should."

Bronya rummaged through her pocket then before fishing out a stripe of medicine and popping a pill open for Stelle. "Here, this should help with the pain."

"This is?"

"Paracetamol," Bronya answered curtly, going to hand Stelle back the water only for the younger girl to dry swallow the medicine without much preamble.

"What do you mean my body's recovering faster than normal human's?"

Bronya shrugged lightly at that. "Mister Welt said it has something to do with the Path of Trailblaze, something akin to its ability to shield you from the cold back in Jarilo-VI. It's also the reason you still managed to stay conscious for so long after losing that much blood."

At the mention of blood, Stelle's fingers slipped to beneath the blanket searching for where she got hit earlier on instinct. She knew that Bronya had removed it and that her skin was as flawless as it was before the injury yet she couldn't help but to feel it herself.

"Thanks..." Stelle mumbled, seemingly to nothing that only Bronya could see. Bronya waved her hand dismissively with a small smile to the girl.

"It's nothing,"

Stelle turned towards March when the conversation died down, watching the pinkette sleep so peaceful helped eased up the pain in her head. Or maybe it was the drug Bronya gave her finally kicked in. Regardless, she was glad that her friend was alright after all that.

Words couldn't describe how terrified she was when everything just fell silent following March's defiance in the face of the unforgiving predator that was Kafka. At that time, all she could feel was despair and cold resignation, knowing there should only be one outcome for her and March.

Her knowledge of Kafka's ruthlessness came not from memory but instinct, told by her body instead of mind as the latter had forgotten what it truly entailed. Yet, the chilling shiver that shot up her spine when she heard that sweet voice was unmistakable, a clear sign of her self-preservation screaming at her to run, to get away as far as possible from the impending doom of many unfortunate individuals in the past and future. It was such a simple action from Kafka that made every fiber of her being shake in place and Stelle hated how small it took for the woman to instill fear inside her.

She hated how all she could do was run while March, that March managed to push through that fear based solely on her need to protect someone she cherished, fighting against the biggest fear in her life and emerging victorious when it mattered the most.

"She's strong, isn't she?" Stelle muttered, hardly loud enough for Bronya's superhuman sense to catch. Her golden eyes traced every contour of March's face with adoration clear in them while her fingers ever so softly treaded through those beautiful pink mane. All the while March was blissfully unaware in her deep slumber. "I hope I can be as strong as her."

Bronya didn't answer right away, quiet as she watched Stelle smile when March sighed in her sleep. The girl wasn't talking about physical prowess, that much was obvious considering how strong she was, but rather something deeper, something more meaningful Bronya knew so closely.

"Desperation drives people to fight stronger than they've ever been in their life, cornered as they are like a scared animal, but they're stronger still when they have someone to protect. It's been ingrained in our DNA since time immemorial."

"And March is stronger when she's protecting us."

It wasn't even a question at all. Stelle personally had seen what March was capable of during their fight with Cocolia, seen her massive translucent arrows leaving trails of light in her periphery before they slammed against the Engine of Creation and immobilized it. For the first time ever, Stelle was given a sight of March's protective side and it had been majestic.

Compared to her own drive it hadn't even been a competition with how insignificant hers was it was almost laughable. Despite wielding the bright lance that pierced through the winter that day, March's light outshined everyone's else with the purity of it all alone.

Because March was true to her heart, always had been and always would be. Her memory might be gone but who she was still remained to this day.

Stelle felt like she didn't deserve her company. Disgusted to the point she resented herself for her lack of motivation. She of course cherished everyone on the Express but her reason joining them was never clear, thinking that she might find it one day so she stepped aboard to see the stars and nothing more.

For March, the Express was her home and its Crew were her family. For Stelle, it was merely a place to stay and venture with because Himeko offered her, lost and clueless as she was with memory practically wiped clean.

Funny how all it took was for the very same woman who denied her of said memory scaring her to near death to make her realize that.

"She called herself useless," Stelle began, hand gripping her chest when a painful knot bloomed inside it. "But I think she's the most valuable of us all."

How many times did March drag Stelle and Dan Heng along during their stops to explore the new scenery for her pictures? To find the best restaurants for them to eat together? Or when she just wanted the companies so she could share life the way she viewed it? So bright and vibrant with laughters and smiles? March had always had a unique view on the world, so carefree and cheerful with naught a worry in every of her actions. It was enviable how easygoing she could be despite having her own internal conflicts herself, never letting that doubt to define the March 7th everyone knew and loved.

Looking back, March was the one who kept things interesting, the one who made things fun even if Stelle sometimes found her energy to be too much to match. She was the glue who kept the three of them together and the thought of losing her had filled Stelle with ugly dread.

Because things would never be the same without the one and only March 7th.

"She also thinks of you the same way, of us." Bronya smiled as she put her hand on Stelle's shoulder comfortingly, a warm and genuine smile that pierced through her stone wall of expression like a battering ram. "I know exactly what you're thinking and feeling. This gaping doubt in your chest, a suffocating fear of losing the very thing you didn't realize you've come to cherish."

"You've been through the same, haven't you?" Stelle whispered as she turned to face Bronya, finally successful in wrenching her gaze from March's face.

Bronya studied Stelle's expression for a second, searching those dim amber with a hint of sadness in her own pools of silver. Nodding slowly, she let her hand fall from Stelle's shoulder.

"There was a time when I thought the same of Kiana. Now you see, putting March and Kiana on the same level would be an insult to March so I will refrain from drawing the comparison," Bronya said jokingly and Stelle found herself smirking along the woman. It was quick, though, and Bronya's face returned to its thoughtful state immediately. "When I first met her, we tried to kill each other."

"I remember Mei mentioned it. It was over her, right?" Stelle asked when Bronya fell quiet, appearing deep in her own memory. Her words pulled the older woman from her mulling and she nodded again.

"I was tasked by Matushka Cocolia to bring Mei in by any means necessary. I never asked why. I was never one to question orders in my youth especially ones from Matushka herself." Bronya began slowly, brain recalling that particular day in her life like it was yesterday. She remembered all with avid details, her supercomputer of a brain rarely forgetting things that had happened. "Perhaps, that was my first mistake. I saw my targets as that, targets, rather than a person they were and to me Mei was just another target on the list I needed to take in."

"Kiana was not a part of the variable. She was an anomaly. An unknown in the equation. Just like all deviations I set my eyes on removing her so my mission could carry on smoothly. But I underestimated her and her connection with Mei."

Maybe Bronya should've figured it out the first time they met. A girl like Kiana surviving the disaster stricken city and befriending the very cause of said disaster should've been impossible but impossible was what Kiana fought against every day. Everything went out the window after that fight. The plan, the mission and the objective because Kiana was there.

"At first, I joined them because I wanted to carry on my mission. But Mei's genuine care to me made me realize that for the first time I actually had something that wasn't a mission."

"A family," Stelle muttered for Bronya. "That's what you found, wasn't it?"

A hum. "Funny thing about it is that it comes at the time you least expect it," she gestured loosely towards March, still sleeping so blissfully, before shrugging. "And you don't realize you have it until you lose it."

"Do you think we take things for granted too much?"

Bronya paused as she regarded the question. "I wouldn't say we do. Humans are inherently ignorant to things around us. Mostly because we can only care for so much before it overwhelms us. When you care for something, you'll think about it all the time and with so much to care you'll end up living a life full of fear instead."


"The fear of losing and the fear of missing. Instead of living in the moment we'll think about the inevitable future," Bronya elaborated. "Life is a series of meetings and goodbyes. Those we have and know will eventually leave us. We never truly have something to begin with. Just us and our feelings."

"Yet those feelings..." Bronya continued in a drawl, tapping her index finger to her chest to accentuate her point. "Are our most prized possession. Our love, our yearning and griefs, are all a part of our life. We may lose coins, but our feelings will be with us for our entire life even if we have nothing else."

Stelle frowned in thought. "Then, by that definition, life is just us trying to fulfill our desires? If so, what does a family signify?"

"Family is those you can share your feelings with without fear of prejudice. Those who're willing to bear the burden of pain and sorrow with you and shield you from what's hurting you in the first place. You understand this even when you don't because right now you're feeling what I meant."

And Stelle, without doubt, agreed to it completely.

Her story began with tragedy. Of a place ravaged by Destruction embodied and deaths. Her past, obscured as it was, was not important as she remembered none of it. As far as she was concerned, March and Dan Heng were the very first people she could call friends, the ones who looked after her back when she woke up still in the midst of her confusion.

They said that bonds created in battles were stronger than bonds connected by blood. Many might claim the opposite, that it was not true, but those who had experienced it would agree without question. They knew not honour nor conviction until they felt the back of someone's pressed against their own, protecting them with all they got knowing the feeling was mutual. Knowing that their thoughts were returned in equal measure.

Stelle was sure she never had siblings, but she's willing to wager that the love and affection she felt for Dan Heng and March were it.

She knew no place in the galaxy where she could fit better than with the two, with the Express and the rest of its Crew.

"Do you know where Kiana is?"

Bronya noticed the change in Stelle's tone and smiled internally, pride filling her chest like the oxygen she inhaled. "I'd suggest you to rest but it seems you have something else in mind."

Stelle nodded distractedly as she gently pulled the blanket off her body only to drape it over March. Looking down at the pinkette now comfortably snuggled in the thick material, she smiled to herself before climbing down the bed.

Her feet were wobbly and she noticed she was wearing a pair of black shorts instead of her skirt. Bronya, who stood up along with Stelle in case her feet decided to give up on her, saw the confused frown on her face and went on to explain.

"Your skirt and coat were drenched in blood it's actually a miracle your shirt is fine. I had to change you in your sleep. Sorry about that."

Stelle shook her head, the whiplash was mild this time. "It's fine. But please tell me they're not beyond saving."

"I've just finished cleaning them so you should be able to wear them again when they're dry. I know how to cleanse blood from clothes," Bronya finished flatly.

Stelle blinked at that but didn't pursue the subject further. Partially because her mind was still reeling from the headache but mostly because Bronya didn't seem like she would want the talk. "Right," she said instead. "So, do you know where Kiana is?" Stelle repeated.

"Outside the hotel. You'll find her in the bench not so far from here."


"We're back in the Central Starskiff Haven," Bronya explained, handing Stelle a plain long black pants to wear from the dresser.

"I see..." Stelle trailed off thoughtfully as she put on the pants. It's a close fit but nothing uncomfortable. "And Kafka?"

"The Knights took her in."

Her stomach churned and it took Stelle a second to realize it was concern she was feeling. Even after all that had happened to her and March, her body still reacted negatively at the prospect of Kafka being in trouble. Perhaps, that was the reason she managed to recover so fast when Kafka revealed herself despite the initial shock, that deep down she knew that the woman in purple wouldn't hurt her the way she did to others.

Stelle hated herself for that.

She hated that whatever she and Kafka were, they were close enough for her body to trust her even when her mind did not. A knowledge seeping deep into her DNA, something akin to instinct that had been ingrained to her very core. Worst of all, she hated how it felt right to worry for Kafka as if the Hunter was an old friend in trouble.

That's probably right, isn't it?

The thought surfaced so suddenly Stelle's mind grinded to halt immediately, every cog stopped turning and left those words floating in the proverbial lake that was her consciousness. They drifted there and no matter how hard she tried to drown them back down they stayed up as if to mock her and her predicament.

A friend with Kafka...

Criminal, thief, instigator.


Stelle's breath hitched as a shudder ran down her spine. She tried to suppress it, to hide it from Bronya's ever so watchful eyes but she knew it was futile. Nothing escaped those sharp silver unless their owner let it.

Yet, Bronya didn't comment despite clearly seeing it. Instead, she pretended to not notice by changing the subject entirely.

"If you plan to head out and find Kiana, I suggest you wear something thicker. It's cold outside."

Stelle looked down and pulled on the collar of her plain white shirt. Sure it was simple but it's thick enough to protect her from measly cold, not to mention the Path of Trailblaze itself offered her more than enough protection against the elements. Bronya knew it and Stelle was aware she changed the subject to distract her thought from the downward spiral she's falling into, for Stelle's sake.

"Wait here."

Stelle nodded silently, not trusting her voice to not crack at the moment as Bronya exited the room. She did as told, waiting while trying to calm her raging emotions down into a more manageable ember inside her.

The silence that followed was rather unenjoyable, though.

Thankfully, Bronya returned not long after she was gone. Barely a minute and she went back inside, this time with something in her hand. Something Stelle recognized almost immediately the moment her eyes landed on it.

"Isn't that Kiana's?" She asked, gesturing at the familiar white and orange jacket belonging to the one and only Kaslana in this side of the Universe.

Bronya held it up and nodded before handing it over to Stelle. "She left it in her room so I figure she won't need it soon."

"Don't you ask for her permission?"

"No. She doesn't mind."

Stelle would've been a little more hesitant but it's Bronya. She and Kiana were that close. So, shrugging to herself, Stelle put on the jacket and zipped it all the way up.

"I thought it would be more loose on me," she said, genuinely surprised at the remaining thin space between the jacket and her body. "It's a near fit."

"Kiana's body stopped aging for a few years after she got her power. It's only recently she's growing again." Bronya fixed the jacket's collar for Stelle before she patted the girl on the shoulder affectionately, eyes glimmering with mirth. "Besides, you're a big girl yourself."

Stelle smiled. "Yeah, people say that a lot."

"I'm sure they do. Now, go and find Kiana. I'll look after March."

Stelle nodded again and went for the door. She was about to open it when she paused and in the most sincere tone she could muster she thanked Bronya.

"What for?"

"All of this."

Bronya's response was another smile and for a moment Stelle thought, for a woman who was said to rarely show her emotions she did smile a lot around her.

Night life on the Luofu was, for a lack of better word, otherworldly.

Despite being long past midnight, the streets were still abuzz with people and festive, turning the supposedly time for rest into a lively moment instead. She watched in fascination at the never ending stream of excitement that seemed to flow in the blood of the very people she met along the way, laughing and chatting in the most jovial of fashion.

Drinks were opened and cards were distributed on the table as everyone engaged in themselves, a circle of friends and coworkers unwinding after a long day of work. Some others that preferred the quiet sat on the further tables but the lack of noise didn't mean the lack of contentment as shown in their eyes.

The street lights provided a rather unnecessary illumination as the shops around her were bright enough to cover the streets, colorful in their own lights it was almost like rainbow was painted on the ground. It was just so refreshing, so normal, despite the dangers lurking in the shadows like a malignant tumor.

Dangers the populace could have possibly known.

Or perhaps they did. After all, they'd lived for centuries knowing the risk of mutations lying dormant in their cells. Mutations that could turn on a hair's breadth and ruin everything they had ever accomplished. Maybe that was why they chose to enjoy their lives as they were; joyful instead of cowering under the ever present fear. A fear Stelle failed to recognize until recently.

Her walk was short but to her it felt almost like an eternity with her thoughts preoccupied as they were. She spotted Kiana on exactly where Bronya told her not far down the street, somewhere more secluded but not obscure to the eyes if one were to look. What she didn't expect, however, was the sight of Kiana lying on the bench with her head resting on an armrest while her legs were propped on the other, a half empty pack of beer down on the floor with a generous amount of empty cans scattered about it, and an opened one in her hand resting over her stomach.

She also had her free arm draped over her eyes as she laid there on her back.

"What are you doing?" Stelle began, an eyebrow raised in disbelief at the state she found the Kaslana in.

"Chilling," Kiana answered simply, still not moving a muscle.

"Please don't tell me you're drunk."

"I'm not. I can't get drunk." Finally moving the arm covering her eyes, she gave Stelle a once over before kicking her feet sideway to sit up on the bench with a groan. She fished a can out from the pack and passed it over to Stelle. "Besides, they're non-alcoholic. I don't like alcoholic drinks."

Stelle caught the can easily with one hand and turned it over. Sure enough, the label said it had zero content of alcohol. "Must've been nice," she commented as she cracked it open with a shrug before sliding down to sit beside Kiana.

"I was just admiring the view, too." Kiana gestured with her head to the sky above them and Stelle followed her gaze.


"Pretty, right?"

Stelle could only nod, too mesmerized by the assortment of colors high in the sky to answer. They shifted and drifted like oil on water surface, blending and separating with and from one another to create these incredible hues that lit up the star full sky.

An aurora.

"You know, Mei once gifted me that for my birthday," Kiana continued casually, a small but no less loving smile on her lips as she joined Stelle in enjoying the sight. "An aurora so bright it's visible from the Moon."

She would never forget that day when her family called her to wish her happy birthday only for Mei to give her the best gift she had ever received in her life. Although life had been lonely in the earlier years of her time on the Moon, Mei made it like she had never left the Earth behind, celebrating her birthday by gathering everyone despite life keeping them busy. Even her father was there along with her sister and Kiana was once again reminded that she chose right as she gazed at those beautiful amethysts through the screen of her laptop.

Sometimes, she felt like she didn't deserve the overflowing love Mei had reserved only for her. It didn't feel right for that much love to be given to a single woman alone. But Mei, the beautiful and kind Mei told her it was only exist because of her and nobody deserved it more than her. For everything she had done to preserve that love, to cherish that love and to receive that love when everyone else turned their backs on it.

In the past, Kiana saw a girl whose kindness and love were wronged by prejudices and it hurt her so much so she took them in her open arms just so that girl could have someone to love. Now, when everything was said and done and that girl's love and kindness had grown along with the girl, turning into a beautiful thing that eclipsed the beautiful world itself, she couldn't help but think how lucky she was.

And in my heart, you're the most special part of all the beautiful things in the world.

"It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," she finished, a single roll of tear falling down her cheek before disappearing from view. She had no doubt that Mei was feeling the overwhelming love she felt for her at the moment, connected as they were by the hearts, and her smile widened even further at the prospect.

Stelle glanced at the Kaslana through the corner of her eye and hummed, seeing the big, dopey smile Kiana had at the moment. "It must be nice."


Stelle took a sip of her beer. "To be surrounded by people who love you unconditionally like that."

"It is," Kiana affirmed with a smile. "Every day I am reminded of how lucky I am to wake up with someone I love so dearly beside me and a family waiting for me. It's invaluable and I will never trade them for anything else."

"Not even for your power?"

Kiana's answer was immediate. "Especially for this power."

"You know, people would kill and sell their soul just to get even a fraction of what you have."


"And you don't even want it?"





Kiana paused at that, putting her now empty can down amongst its brethren on the floor, and stretched the kinks off her joints. The bench was comfortable but it was still made of stone and equally hard on her back and neck.

She took another can and unceremoniously cracked it open, sipping lightly at the cool liquid inside.

"With great power comes great consequence," she began softly. "And my powers are meant to protect those I cherish. This... is a gift from everyone, made possible by their helps and beliefs that I would succeed on my endeavor. Without them, I am nobody so it's only fitting if I use my powers to protect them."

"I just want to live my life surrounded by those I love, that's all." Kiana sighed deeply and for a moment she simply looked... tired, as she slumped down onto her back.

"You know, that thing has been with me through most of it."

Stelle blinked, confused at the sudden shift in Kiana's tone.


"That jacket," Kiana clarified with a nod towards her, more specifically the white and orange jacket she's wearing. "It's been with me for over a decade now and went through just as much tears and patches I did."

Stelle looked down towards herself, suddenly aware of the weight of the jacket on her body. She had completely forgotten about it, too comfortable to notice its presence. "Sorry," she said as she moved to unzip it. "I should've asked for your permission before wearing it."

Kiana's hand gently stopped her, squeezed lightly around Stelle's own currently holding the zipper halfway down. "No, it's fine. You wear it." She tugged on Stelle's hand and pulled the zipper back up, grinning at the younger girl when Stelle was about to protest. "I was just saying that this thing... it's been with me at my lowest lows, too."

Her hand moved to her shoulder then, patting it gently and adoringly. "It shielded me from the cold reality when I had nothing else, giving me warmth when the fire was extinguished forever. It has witnessed our failures and triumphs, seen our deepest angst and happiness, and it is still here to this day. I'd like to think that it is meant for you to wear right now so you can take comfort the way I did from it."

"And besides," she went on, this time with a cheeky grin on her face. "You look good in that. Not as good as me, obviously, but good enough."

Stelle, who had been listening intently, scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Seriously?"

"There's certain charms only older women have and you're not it. Not yet."

"Well, for a woman who claims to be old you sure act like a kid," Stelle jabbed back and Kiana made a show as if Stelle had stabbed her in the chest.

"Come on, man, that's uncalled for!"

"Sure was."

Kiana pouted playfully before it turned into a full blown grin and laugh. Stelle found herself laughing along soon, long since accepted the fact that Kiana's joy was infectious in the most extreme degree possible. In a way, it was rather endearing to see a woman her age still able to laugh so carefree. Almost as if nothing in the Universe could stop her from enjoying life as it was.

Eventually, though, their laughter died down and silence once again befell upon them. The duo sat there, basking in the soft twinkling light of the stars and ever shifting colors of the aurora above.

A breeze that started from nowhere washed over them and Stelle relaxed at its gentle caress, cool and comforting as if to take all the worries from her muscles and bones. She let her mind wander to nothing in particular, simply enjoying the moment of peace the Universe granted them as her golden eyes lazily stared at the stars.

"I like this," she mumbled to the wind, letting it carry the sincerity in her tone to everywhere it went to. Perhaps, it would reach a kindred spirit somewhere. Someone, anyone, other than the Kaslana beside her.


Stelle nodded, realizing Kiana couldn't see the motion as she too was busy admiring the night sky, and answered verbally instead. "Yeah." She ran a hand over her long grey hair and closed her eyes, the lingering coolness of the beer can she held providing a near therapeutic feeling to the dull pounding in her head. "I never had anywhere else to go, you know."

"Really, now?"

"Well, there was always an option of becoming Herta's lab rat but that doesn't count, does it?" Stelle said sarcastically with a roll of her eyes. "I mean, she's not a bad person but I feel like the only reason she likes me is because of the Stellaron inside my body."

Like, was actually pretty generous when it came to their relationships. While Herta herself never explicitly told Stelle she disliked her, she never said she liked her either. Hell, Stelle was yet to meet the actual Herta and that was saying something.

"When March and Dan Heng found me the first time, they thought I was one of the workers there. I had just woken up from whatever Kafka did to me so I was too confused to deny their assumption." She laughed then, mirthless and bitter. "At least, that's what I told myself. Truth is, I was too scared to tell them that I wasn't supposed to be there. I did not belong there."

"I remember Kafka was the one who put me there, the one who put the Stellaron inside me, along with another face I've just found out to be none other than Silver Wolf. She said that I'd forget about her, about everything like a blank slate, but I keep getting these... flashes of her in my dreams and only her."

"Maybe she failed doing whatever she did to you?" Kiana suggested softly, blue eyes now directed at the teenager next to her. She watched with sympathy at the clear frustration in Stelle's golden eyes, twinkling like the stars above.

"She doesn't fail. I don't know how but I know." There's so much certainty in those words alone that Kiana couldn't help but to believe her. "So, she either left those imprints in my head deliberately, or the effects of what she did to me is disappearing."

The last one didn't sound as convincing even to Stelle herself because if it was somehow true, then she would remember many other things that wasn't just Kafka. She hardly recognized Silver Wolf back in the Station and she was there when Kafka left her.

So, it was just Kafka. The illusive ghost of her past that kept haunting her dreams and reminding her of the bygone days. No matter how hard she tried to distract herself, no matter how long she'd stare at something that's marginally interesting in her journey, she would always see flashes of purple in her periphery that sent her reeling inside.

Kiana watched with sad eyes as Stelle folded forward, hand coming to clutch on her hair and pull just to feel something that wasn't despair and uncertainty. She knew that feeling precisely, the doubt to one's self that mingled with confusion and anger at the world itself. Wide and gaping like an insatiable pit, ready to devour everything.

She knew because she'd experienced it back in Arc City when her past she didn't even know came to haunt her waking hours, whispering terrible and mocking words to her obliviousness.

"She said to me..." Stelle began, voice shaky on the verge of breaking down and slightly muffled from her position, as she pulled hard on her hair to feel the burn in her scalp amidst the pounding in her ears. "She and I used to work together for a common goal. Can you believe it? She and I would commit crimes for God knows what, plundering and stealing and killing! Always the killing in cold blood like she did to those Knights as if they were no more than bugs! Why would she do that?! Why would I do that?! M—maybe all of this is a mistake, after all. Maybe I shouldn't be here with kind people such as everyone. What if they use me to hurt you? Or March, or Dan Heng or everyone. Anyone?"

Kiana wordlessly rested a hand on Stelle's back when the girl began to sob quietly, patting and drawing comforting circles on Schicksal's symbol emblazoned on it. Her heart ached in her chest at the noise Stelle made because it was all too familiar to her ears.

She, like Mei, wished for nothing but for kids to live a life full of happiness. They knew how it felt to be forced to taste the bitter world and the harsh reality of adulthood before the supposed time, how it felt for that moment of blissful ignorance to be ripped from them so brutally and suddenly.

It was impossible, she knew, but she'd try anyway.

"I've been through a lot, but in the grand scheme of the Universe my pain and sufferings are insignificant." Kiana sighed sadly, her hand moving to Stelle's head and gently pried the fingers fisting her lock open. She proceeded to stroke it back into place, easing up the lingering pain from Stelle's own action earlier. "But that doesn't mean it's insignificant to me or anyone near me."

"I was created for a purpose," she continued as she pulled Stelle close to her side, holding the girl into a half embrace and smiling when Stelle rested her head on her shoulder. "A purpose I never wanted to be. For a while after I learned the truth, I was lost and despondent to it. I kept thinking of my existence and the reason of it. Had my destiny really been written from the moment I exist and that I was hopeless to change it? Was fate so cruel as to let me be the worst of myself? If so, why did I need and feel love to those around me? Especially if I were meant to hurt them in the end?"

"There was a time when I thought that I was a mistake, a time where I feared my past would end up hurting those I held dear. I could never escape it as it was a part of myself, it's simply impossible, so you know what I did?"


Kiana's grip on Stelle's arm tightened a bit and the next words that came out of the Kaslana's mouth was probably the most horrifying things she'd ever heard someone say.

"I tried to kill myself." The sharp exhale Stelle let out didn't go unnoticed by Kiana who proceeded to hum and nod noncommittally. "I thought that, if I were to remove myself, then I wouldn't be able to hurt my family anymore. But that way of thinking is just wrong."

"Those dear to me also think the same way of me. I love them and they love me. Their sacrifices are meant so I can carry on forward, to live and love along with them. I am precious to them and they are precious to me so if I were to die, it would be the biggest pain I could inflict on them instead of whatever my past might bring forth."

"Love goes both ways," Stelle mumbled in realization. The three of them said that a lot but the deep implications of it never really reached her.

Kiana smiled. "It does and you know this. You love March and she loves you just as much, that's why you both were so selfless in your actions to protect each other. Simply because deep down you know you're precious to each other, now. It happens subconsciously, you know? You never really think about it. Before you know it, your body will move in harm's way so you can protect those dear to you."

Kiana took one long sip of her beer and sighed. "So, I don't believe that you would do something that might hurt us."

Stelle craned her neck to look at Kiana, looking into those bright blue eyes and searching for any sign of deceit. Yet all she found was surety and warmth, glimmering among the myriad of colors of the world itself.

"How can you be so sure?" She whispered, small and frightful to something she didn't even know yet; her future. "How can you believe in me so much?"

"Because someone believed in me before." Her answer was simple and short, almost casual even, in the truest fashion of the Kaslana. "Sometimes, that is all it needs. Sometimes, having someone there who trusts you unconditionally is all it takes for you to break off of your predetermined path. So, I choose to believe in you. When the world itself is against you, when you have to inevitably face your own destiny, I will believe in you to pull through. Most importantly, I believe you'll stay true to yourself despite whatever will become of you then."

"Because you are kind and caring so you deserve just as much. Do you truly want to hurt us?"

Stelle immediately shook her head. "No. I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than to hurt you, or March or anyone else for that matter."

"Then, there goes your answer," Kiana quipped lightheartedly, tone taking a more positive turn as she flashed Stelle her signature grin. "Your past does not define you. You've forgotten it so why agonize over it now when you can start over? You and Kafka might've been friends but does it really matter now?"

Does it really matter?

The question echoed in Stelle's head as she mulled over it. A huge part of her knew Kiana was right, that whatever she was, was not important to her present. It might be in the future, but that didn't define who she was today. Didn't define the Stelle who wanted nothing but to protect those around her.

"People change," Kiana continued when Stelle stayed silent. "It comes with being alive and growing up. Nobody is an exception to it. Not even you."

Stelle inhaled deeply and closed her eyes, focusing on the soft warmth wrapped around her courtesy of the Kaslana. It wasn't just physical as she also felt the same trickle deep in her chest, prominent enough to rival the always present heat of the Stellaron inside her.

She knew she was right to choose Kiana. The woman next to her might be a goofball but she was also wise and very understanding, seeming to have every answer to every life's problem. She probably did. Otherwise, she wouldn't be the woman she was today, always guiding and helping to pave the paths of many who'd lost in the dark veil of destiny.

She had long become the fire that lit up the future and it would only be fitting if she were to share the light and warmth with those around her, especially the uncertain teenagers, she'd thought.

As much as Stelle wanted to bask in the comforting presence Kiana offered to her, she still had something to ask of the woman. Something she'd decided to learn no matter how difficult it would be to learn so she could be stronger and protect her friends, so she could face her past without trembling on her feet like a pathetic little mutt in the rain.

Because she knew her past would come to confront her one day and that day was only coming closer by the seconds, imminent and real.

"Can you teach me the Edge of Taixuan?"

The hand caressing her head stopped mid stroke and Stelle looked up to see Kiana's expression through half lidded eyes. Her body was tired but her spirit was still burning with energy which made it weird to Stelle.

"That depends..." Kiana drawled, an eyebrow raised as she met Stelle's gaze. "Will you see the training through?"

Kiana didn't even ask why because she knew the answer to that unspoken question and Stelle realized this as she stared at those intriguing blue eyes that seemed to always shine with life no matter what. Because Kiana had put her faith in Stelle.

"I was told it's rather gruelling."

Kiana hummed as she resumed her stroking. "It is."

"And that only four people know it at current time?"


"But I wouldn't know until I try it, right?"

Kiana's proud smile would forever be imprinted in Stelle's memory. "Hell yeah."

"So, is that a yes or no?"

"I mean, you want to learn it so I will teach you." Kiana's expression shifted slightly, a fleeting shadow of firmness passing through those eyes and stayed as she spoke next. "But, I'll have to inform you that you're not the first one to ask me this, and that nobody has ever truly succeeded learning it."

"That's fine," Stelle said resolutely. "I'm not a nobody."

The look disappeared and Kiana's smile returned at full force. "Atta girl. That's the confidence."

"When are we going to start?"

Kiana gave her a once over before she replied. "Now would be good."

Stelle blinked, forcing herself to sober up. She was about to wiggle off Kiana's half embrace when the Kaslana stopped her by tightening the hold. "Okay... where?" She asked, confused.

"Here would be fine."

"You're not suggesting we train to use a mass destruction technique in a crowded place like this, right?"

"No, what do you think am I? Crazy?"

Stelle was about to argue that some of Kiana's conducts in the past were borderline that, but before she could open her mouth to shoot the words the sight of Kiana's open palm being held horizontally in front of her stopped her to silence.

"What did Welt tell you about Edge of Taixuan?" Kiana asked as an ethereal red and white feather began to form over said palm. It was glowing with bright light, enough to illuminate them both, and Stelle had to blink the sudden fixation she felt towards it.

Something in her mind felt like it was being tugged by it, pulled and sucked gently until she felt like she was going to fall asleep from staring at it alone.

"It's, uh..." she drawled, drowsy and slow which only spurred her on to further snuggle on Kiana's comforting warmth. "It's a Honkai sword technique... or something. Powerful stuff."

"Powerful stuff," Kiana chuckled, the sound sending a pleasant rumble to Stelle. "Well, you're not wrong but I think the most prominent part of it is the discipline it requires and instills to its learner."

"Why so?"

"It's the hardest part of it. Many give up halfway because it's just that demanding."

"Well, if you can then I'm sure I can too," Stelle said jokingly through the haze in her mind. She had expected Kiana to respond to her jab similarly so she was surprised when Kiana replied in the most solemn tone she'd heard from the woman that night.

"I have a very amazing friend to thank for that. Her patience is the reason I could learn it in the first place." She bounced back really quick, though, something Stelle had learned the Kaslana was good at. "So now, it's my turn to teach you."

Stelle yawned and closed her eyes yet somehow she still could see the feather behind her eyelids. "Why am I so sleepy all of sudden?" She asked in a mixture of confusion and apprehension. She trusted Kiana and had no doubt whatever was happening to her was her doing but at the same time it was so odd she couldn't help the unease in her chest.

"I'm putting you to sleep," Kiana answered frankly.

"I thought you're going to train me...?"

"In your dream and I meant literally, so just sit back and relax," Kiana urged tenderly and Stelle did as told, letting herself slip even further into the waiting slumber. "When you open your eyes again, I'll be there waiting for you."

Not having the will nor strength to answer, Stelle nodded slightly. If it weren't for the fact her head still rest on Kiana's shoulder the motion would go unnoticed entirely. But Kiana felt it, if not for the nod then the way her breathing slowed down until it evened out.

Without warning, she closed her palm and the feather disappeared in her fist along with the termination of her Sentience Authority, cutting the flow of Honkai Energy from within her. The feather was a recreation of Fenghuang Down, conjured together by her Reason Authority to help her control Stelle's consciousness and put her into a sleep she designed.

Stelle should be meeting her dream version right now, a miniscule fraction of Kiana's own mind that was her entirely. It wouldn't be different than her so she should know what to do with Stelle and where to continue henceforth.

All the while Stelle's body was left in the waking world, cared by the real Kiana who pulled the girl closer and held her there as if to shield her against the cold night. She would need to move and put Stelle in her bed so she could get a proper rest, but for now she wanted to be a little selfish with her affection to the girl.

"You are destined for greatness," Kiana muttered, resting her head on Stelle's crown and closing her eyes. A bitter smile settled on her lips as she took a shuddering breath. "But you will also encounter many hardships in your journey. If anything, the pain and suffering you will witness and face will only mount up from now on."

"You won't have a choice but to forge on ahead, walking through the thorns that will only slow you down and hurt you. You will see the injustice and unfairness begotten upon those around you and fight to break them free. You will be tricked, fooled and ridiculed and taken advantage of for your kindness. It will never end even when this journey's reached its final destination."

"Your destiny stretches further ahead still, to a place only you can reach. Only then you will find your happiness and only then you'll make peace with your past."

"But I believe you'll succeed even if nobody else does despite all that you will encounter. Do you know why?"

Stelle could hear none of it, too deep in her dream to catch even a bit of Kiana's heart. But that's fine, Kiana thought with a genuine and warm smile. Stelle didn't need to hear it to understand. She needed to feel and experience it.

"Because you are Kiana Kaslana's student."



Happy belated birthday to the beloved Major Himeko!

Look, the girl you had always believed would be a fantastic person has grown into an amazing woman, guiding the young to find their own paths to the future. You'd be so proud of her even though I know you were already. You had always been.

Stelle has her own emotional support Kaslana. Good for her lol.

As always, kudos and reviews are appreciated! Thank you so much.

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Chapter 27: Every Night Brings A Dream


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 27: Every Night Brings A Dream.

Frankly, when Stelle heard that Kiana was going to put her into a dream she created with her power, she had no idea what to expect of it. Her mind raced through the thick fog of slumber, thinking of the possibilities behind those simple words in a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, until the answer presented itself to her in the most unexpected form.

The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes again was the clear blue sky above her and the glare of the sun that was so bright it was almost painful. Then, the tall albeit soft grass on her back that tickled on her nape and ears like a lover's caresses as more and more of her sense returned to her.

The first thing she heard when she sat up was the rustling of her familiar black and gold coat, followed by the howling of the wind as she took in her new surrounding. For a moment, her mind was lost at the sight of gigantic rocky terrains that jutted up to the sky, tall enough that cloud cover was below it instead of above, and the fact she was on one of the mountains.

It was almost like she was in heaven with how clear everything was, an otherworldly beauty that could only belong to a celestial, and how peaceful everything simply was. Her worries, many as they were, were washed away as she unknowingly relaxed at the soothing sight. Even if it was fabricated.

She could sit and watch it for the rest of her life, enjoying the gentle touch of the wind and the creaking of the woods and bamboo shoots growing around her, if not for the fact she still got things to do.

"What is this place?" She asked to seemingly nobody in particular, golden gaze still set on the rolling clouds in the distance. They seemed so soft and she couldn't help but think of cotton candy.

Kiana stepped to her side, hands in her jacket pockets, and answered curtly. "Taixuan Mountain."

"Taixuan..." Stelle muttered with an intrigued hum. "As in the Edge of Taixuan?"

"Yup! Its very birth place!" Kiana dusted a non-existent grime from her jacket, then. "It's only appropriate for you to learn it here."

Stelle stood up to her feet, her pair of gold meeting Kiana's blue as she looked at the Kaslana. "So?" She asked excitedly, cracking her knuckles and rolling her neck. All the soreness in her muscles was gone and her mind was as sharp as ever. "What next?"

"Next?" Kiana began rhetorically , making a show of thinking. "How about this..."

Out of nowhere, a sword materialized in her hand and Stelle's eyebrows rose when Kiana began to twirled it around with ease between her fingers before said fingers slid up the blade, pointing the hilt towards Stelle.

"Show off," Stelle grumbled under her breath as grabbed the sword and all Kiana did was to grin back at her. Stelle had half the thought that it was a dull, practice sword but the weight in her hand was too real so was the sharp edges of its blade. "What? We're going to spar or something?"

"Patience, man." Kiana said it jokingly with a roll of her eyes but Stelle could still hear the seriousness in her tone. "You give me a few swings and then we can work our way from there."

Her request wasn't odd, yet Stelle couldn't help but to blink in disbelief since she didn't expect it at all. "Swings...?"

"Yeah. Both hands. Legs firm under you. Like this."

Kiana took a stance, raising her hands as if to grip an imaginary sword, and did a repeated chopping motion by swinging the entirety of her arms forward. Stelle hesitated only for a second before she gingerly did as shown, glancing at Kiana to make sure she did it correctly, and continuing when she was flashed a thumbs up back.

"How much do you want?" Stelle had asked then, neither stopping nor slowing down despite the increasing numbers of swings she mentally counted in her head.

"I'll tell you when it's enough."

Turned out, that was where her first training began, and turned out Kiana was not exaggerating when she told her it would be a gruelling one. The first few three digits numbers were a cake to her as Stelle easily kept a steady grip on her sword but when she hit four hundreds and somewhere plus, her palms were all rough and slippery from all the sweat she secreted.

When her swings hit five hundreds, she'd truly felt the weight of the sword as her arms began to tire. At one point the sword even slipped from her grip and fell rather unceremoniously onto the ground yet she was merely told to take it up again by Kiana, the woman herself watching over her like a hawk.

Stelle hit a thousand and realized that Kiana's enough was nowhere close. So, she kept on swinging and swinging until she was practically drenching in her own sweat and bleeding from the tears in her palms. Even then it wasn't enough and she lamented the fact that the sun hadn't moved an inch from its scorching position above her even though she was certain she had been swinging the sword for a full day.

It fell and she picked it up again and again for countless times with each time she was forced to watch as drops of her blood trickled down her fingers onto the grass below. It hurt like a bitch just to wrap her fingers around the hilt but Stelle ignored the pain and kept on doing what she was told until Kiana's voice turned into a white noise in the background.

Only then did she fall and succumbed to the exhaustion and lightheadedness, brought forth by the blood loss and fatigue. She watched helplessly as the world spun around her, unable to stop herself from faceplanting into the ground.

All she could hear then was the rushing of her own blood in her ears, the pounding of her blood in her head and the desperate gasping for oxygen her body demanded. Stelle tasted copper in her mouth and suspected she might've accidentally bitten her tongue or something when she hit the ground and with how parched she was she could only swallow what little spit and blood in her mouth, cringing internally at the disgusting taste in the back of her throat.

A shadow casted itself over her as Kiana stepped into her, blocking the sun with her frame and letting Stelle see her and her smile through the haze of exhaustion.

"Good job."

Stelle could only groan in response, gritting her teeth as she pushed herself to her back before closing her eyes tiredly. Falling asleep in a dream was not something she knew was possible, though with her state it certainly was not. Every time she felt like slipping through that edge, her ruined palms would burn and force her back aware, denying her of the rest her body needed.

Kiana was quiet through it all, watching and waiting for Stelle's breath to even out. The sight of the girl's blood dripping onto the green grass under her hands incited some sympathy from Kiana but she refrained from doing anything about it as it was a part of her training.

"... is this a test?" Stelle mumbled suddenly, a half lidded eye staring at Kiana yet Kiana could see the sharpness behind the foggy gaze.

"What makes you think so?"

"I just couldn't help it." Stelle sighed and squeezed her palms into fists, hissing at the surge of pain it caused, before letting go of her muscles after a long while. It worked like wonder and the burning in her palms turned into a dull throbbing instead, her pain tolerance bumped up slightly. "You said it's a technique that requires patience and discipline."

Kiana smiled, more than a little proud at Stelle's attentiveness. "It is. But it's also an integral part of your training. "

Integral was no exaggeration either. Three actual days had passed since then and Stelle spent her slumbering moments hacking at empty air until she felt her arms were about to fall off their sockets. In her waking hours, Kiana also told her to practice with a sword she bought from some redhead she said to have met earlier using Himeko's pocket money, though not as intense as in her dream it was still very tiring to her body.

She said that it was necessary. Her mind could only be so strong without her body on equal level. A healthy mind required a healthy body and vice versa so Stelle did understand the sentiment.

Not like she could complain about it, nor would she as it was her own request that put her through the proverbial hell itself. In her short second life, she had never felt so beaten up as the last few days she trained under Kiana with the Kaslana practically pushing her through her limits and beyond. On the mornings, just after Stelle woke up from yet another hellish trainings, Kiana would tell her to run a marathon around the Luofu's many sectors and since the ship had its own seasons, she had to endure freezing winter cold and burning summer heat depending on what sector Kiana would choose that day and it was painful.

By the end of it, her feet would have blisters on them as she had to run for tens of kilometers distance. Path of Trailblaze be damned as Kiana gave her no rest the whole trip. If she hadn't known any better, she would've thought that Kiana hated her but the older woman had been running with her too by her side, though it had little to no affect on her despite having lowering down her Honkai reserve to a minimum to make it fair for her.

Stelle suspected that Kiana, even without Honkai powering her body, was still a superhuman herself. Bronya, being the one to heal her blisters after each run, once mentioned to her that Schicksal's Valkyries were basically supersoldiers capable of inhuman feat. Bronya said that it was largely due to their Battlesuits allowing them that but Kiana was also supported by her ancient warrior bloodline so she was pretty strong and durable even without a Battlesuit.

Stelle did appreciate Kiana's company, though. She was stern at times but not discouraging, the exact opposite as a matter of fact, and a good teacher in general. She could've just sat and waited for her to return but she didn't. She went with her student to make sure Stelle see her teaching through even if it meant having to go through the same length.

"My duty is to teach you, yours is to learn what I teach you."

She might be the first teacher she'd ever had but Stelle knew that she's a good one like that. Best thing about it, however, was how little things changed between them now they had an entirely new dynamic. In fact, Kiana was rather vocal with her wish to keep everything the way they were before the training and all.

Kiana was still the goofball she knew, but now Stelle had learned to respect her a little bit more. Three whole days might've passed on the real world but in her dream, it was almost a whole week. A whole week she spent learning about Edge of Taixuan and the woman teaching her the technique.

Suffice to say, the Kaslana was every bit of a teacher Bronya vouched to be.

On her fourth day, however, things changed. The second slumber claimed her on her bed, she was greeted by the all too familiar sight of Mount Taixuan. But instead of the training ground, she found herself standing near one of the many hanging bridges connecting the mountain peaks with Kiana waiting for her.

To say Stelle was confused would be an understatement.

She had just returned from another kilometers long run in the real world and by routine she should be swinging sword by now. The bewilderment on her face must be noticeable as Kiana shook her head with a disarming smile.

"There's something else I need you to do this time."

"Uh, okay?"

Kiana gestured for her to follow and with great reluctance she did so, traversing across the bridge close to the Kaslana as she felt like either the planks or ropes would snap at any given moment and send her to her plunging death. Stelle wasn't even sure whether she could die in her dream or not but she didn't want to find out especially after hearing stories from the scientists back in Herta Space Station talking about brain dead instances on comatose patients.

The wind was rather harsh the further they went as it was redirected by the rocky formations between the deep valleys instead of repelled away. Thankfully, the trip itself was short and they'd arrived to another part of the mountain that Stelle had never been to before.

Although, to be fair she hadn't been to a lot of places of the mountain itself. Too busy training to really get the luxury of exploration even it she wanted to.

Too lost in her own thoughts, which was rather ironic considering all she was seeing right now was the conjugation of her very mind and Kiana's, Stelle almost crashed onto Kiana's back when the white haired woman suddenly stopped.

"We're here."

Here was apparently a large building that seemed to be an oddity in the surrounding, styled with the all too familiar Xianzhou Alliance architecture design. That was another thing that baffled Stelle the first time she saw its kind in this dream, thinking that Kiana deliberately designed it so Stelle would have something familiar to recognize until she explained that it was actually a design native to a people of her homeworld.

Needles to say it did bring about questions that even Kiana couldn't answer. Then again, another thing she learned about the Kaslana was that she wasn't very big on academic stuff. Her words, not Stelle's.

Wordlessly, Kiana pushed the equally large double doors with one hand and they split open almost effortlessly under her pressure. A little jarring if Stelle was honest, after all they did look sturdy and heavy, but whatever comment she got was stuck in her throat at the sight that greeted her.

What in the...

A vastness so great it was near imperceptible stretched forward and high with stars themselves acting as the ceiling and floor so pristine and white it was practically glowing under her feet as Stelle hesitantly stepped inside with Kiana leading her. But that wasn't what caught her attention, not the grand scale of the Universe nor the captivating beauty of it, but rather what lined up the wide passageway on their sides.


Coats of varying sizes wrapped around faceless mannequins, each colored in black with white under suits visible beneath them. Some of them had unique touches that were unlike the others, having longer ends or less frills thus simpler to put on and so forth.

Amidst these, she spotted an all too familiar gold and black coat and this time, the mannequin wearing it had a face. A face she'd see everyday.


There was no mistaking it.

Something about it was different, though. Her hair was longer it reached her back and her skirts were far longer they actually covered her knees. It was also a little taller than the current her and Stelle was a tall girl herself, making it almost towering by female standards. It's almost like she was staring at an adult version of herself and Stelle didn't know what to make of that knowledge.

She didn't realize she'd stopped until she felt Kiana's hand on her shoulder.

"What is this place?"

Kiana took a moment to answer, also staring at the mannequin before them. "It's your heart."

"Then, this must be..."

A nod. "Your memories. At least, a fraction of it."

"Why did you bring me here?" Her hand swept to where the other mannequins were, finally realizing who they represented even without the faces. "Didn't you tell me to let people from the past to stay in the past?"

"I did. It's not my intention to reveal your past like this."

"Then, why—"

"In due time."

Stelle's mouth snapped shut. Whatever complaints she might have were stopped by those simple words, delivered with a tone she'd never heard from Kiana before. The Kaslana did sound apologetic and regretful, but her conviction on the matter was real and true.

She also sounded resigned. Unfathomably so.

They went further into the building and Stelle decided to drop the subject for later, instead focusing on one thing Kiana told her. "What do you mean this is my heart?"

Kiana glanced at her briefly and Stelle met her gaze halfway. "Precisely what it means. You see, the heart and brain of a man constitute what we know as a soul and they both are always connected. By gaining access to your brain, I can also set you to this part of your heart."

To prove her point, Kiana waved a hand to her side and an image of March sprung up. It took Stelle a second to realize that it was her point of view from when she talked with the pinkette that morning, something about local teahouse if she remembered correctly.

"Everything that you've witnessed is stored in your heart, regardless whether you remember it or not." The Kaslana made a sharp turn on her heel to look at Stelle. "But don't worry, the real me won't know what I'm seeing over here as she made it pretty clear I should only guide you."

"Guide me to where?"

Kiana didn't reply, continuing on her step instead after giving Stelle a quick reassuring smile. More than a little rustrated at the lack of answer, Stelle could only sigh before she rejoined the Kaslana at venturing into her own memory.

She saw a lot of things, then. Some a mere phantom, fleeting and unclear, while others were more pronounced. A few she recognized, like Kafka's guns, and not a little that left her baffled and confused.

Like the sight of a lone, green firefly rising from a burning earth to the space above, leaving destruction in its wake yet still beautiful to her naked eyes as it pierced the darkness above her in all its glory. Even comets were pale in comparison to it.

What more baffling, however, was the nostalgic feeling that bloomed inside her at the sight. She knew it was a part of her memory, a past so distant it was unreachable to her, not anymore at least, but she recognized the unmistakable comfort she felt.

"What is the first thing you see in a sky full of stars?" She heard someone asked. "A light brighter than the rest, or the lone twinkling over the horizon?"

In the end, they're the same aren't they?

"That they're different than the others?"

No. That they're destined to disappear when morning comes. All of them are.

Then, without warning, everything shifted.

The marble floor beneath her gave way to a field of green grass, stretching to every direction and tall enough to reach her calves, and the sky darkened until no stars were visible anymore. For a moment, there was only darkness and Stelle subconsciously took a step closer towards Kiana, wariness bubbling in her chest at the strange occurrence.

A white, pale moon rose from over the horizon, its silver glow slowly yet steadily illuminated the dark land and Stelle watched with fixation the way Kiana's body seemed to shimmer under its light when it finally reached them. When the Kaslana looked towards her, her sapphires seemed even brighter than the moon itself.

"The Edge of Taixuan is a Honkai sword technique," she began and Stelle frowned at the echoes in her voice, finding it both fascinating and frightening. It's as if Kiana was talking directly into her head, which Stelle supposed was exactly what she had been doing in the past few days. "And as the name suggests, it uses Honkai for its power source."

Stelle had no idea what Honkai even was, much less its exact form. They'd told her that it was basically some sort of energy that didn't adhere to the laws of nature itself, including physics and such, so it had very special properties. All the feat the Herrschers displayed were fueled by it and looking back, it must be very powerful.

"So what? Are you going to give me Honkai or something?" Stelle said halfheartedly, a little unsure where Kiana was heading with the subject.

Kiana shook her head and firmly denied it. "No. I will not subject you to its power if I can help it. Bronya using her Authority to heal you is one thing, but to directly expose you to it?" She shook her head again, as if the idea alone repulsed her. "It's a dangerous thing. Verily so."

"Then, all the trainings I did are for nothing?"

Stelle wasn't angry, knowing it was far from the truth. She'd learned a lot from Kiana, from swordplay to how to use her lance properly, yet she couldn't hide the dismay she felt at the revelation especially when her main reason to train was so she could master the Edge of Taixuan.

"There is an alternative," Kiana started anew, hands clasped behind her back as her gaze drifted away from Stelle's towards the vast field before her, ignoring the dumbfounded expression on the ashen haired girl's face. "But it would be entirely up to you."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm talking about the Stellaron inside of you."

Stelle inhaled sharply, realizing where Kiana was heading. "To replace the Honkai..." She muttered in realization.

Kiana nodded, still not moving an inch. "It's powerful enough, at least more than required. But since you have no experience handling the power inside you, it would be dangerous and painful."

"Hence, why you brought me to my heart where the Stellaron is," Stelle concluded, closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose tiredly. "So, it's here isn't it?"


She hummed to herself. Kiana's proposal was not terrible, in fact it was the opposite as she finally found a way to utilize the nuclear reactor inside her chest instead of letting it sit there for whatever reason it was put there. But as Kiana herself stated, Stelle kind of had been letting it exist and ignoring it for the most part. Wouldn't be a lie either to say that she was hesitant to use it after what almost happened on Herta Space Station back then.

Man, it feels like ages since then...

"You want me to control the Stellaron? Is that it?"

Kiana turned and looked at her incredulously. "No, dude what the hell? Do you want to obliterate a planet or something?" Stelle returned the look with a glare and Kiana proceeded to roll her eyes.

"Your voice sounds ridiculous, by the way."

"f*ck, I know. This supernatural bullsh*t is starting to become ludicrous." She crossed her arms and huffed exasperatedly. "So, you in or nah?"

"Why don't you tell me what I have to do first?"

Kiana nodded. "We both know that your body is special, otherwise how could you live with a Stellaron practically being a part of you?"

Stelle had thought about it, actually. In every tales of knowledge she'd read about the Stellaron, it was described as a powerful Seed of Destruction capable of destroying a planet with ease. Herta told her that the Stellaron in her body was a little special, namely because it was more 'docile' compared to the others, but it was still a Stellaron nonetheless. No mortal being should be able to house such power, moreover if said being was a delicate little human.

"Mister Welt, however, told me of your little escapade against that Doomsday Beast. Awesome sh*t you pulled, by the way."

"Right." She certainly remembered it clearly how she almost went supernova by the end of it, though.

"It proves that your body has a limit on how much you can expend the energy itself, but more importantly you can expend the energy inside you to your use."

She mulled over the offer quietly and Kiana waited for her answer with great patience, eyes softening and whole body relaxing as she put her hands into her jacket pockets. There was no need to rush, after all they had all the time they needed in the world, moreso for a decision this big.

Eventually, Stelle sighed deeply and threw her hands in the air. "Hell, whatever, let's do this. We've come this far, haven't we?"

Kiana grinned and nodded. She liked how decisive Stelle could be sometimes. "Come here."

"Before you do whatever you're going to do, though..." Stelle drawled as she closed the distance between the two. "I want to ask you something."

Kiana hummed, offering her hands for Stelle to take and the younger girl grabbed them almost immediately. "Fire away."

"I know I said all those stuff to you, but... What if I fail?"

"You won't."

"How can you be sure?"

"Because you're my student and none of my students have ever failed."

Her words were meant to be comforting but instead Stelle felt the pressure increase tenfold in her chest. That sort of expectations were too much despite her high self-esteem, especially if it came from someone like Kiana whose teachings were proven to be top notch.

She didn't want to fail her.

"Didn't you say none has actually mastered the Edge of Taixuan?" Stelle muttered, trying to hide her inner turmoil with little fruition since Kiana was quite literally in her heart thus able to see through it. "Doesn't that mean that they've failed?"

Kiana blinked, realization hitting her like a flying brick. "Oh, that," she said somewhat sheepishly. "Well, let me tell you this; there's no such thing as failures for fighters such as ourselves nor is there a defeat in our fights. We learn new things everyday. New tricks to the book, new techniques and knowledge that will help us fight better for ourselves. Who to decide how big or small that knowledge is? Who to tell you what you learn is meaningless? Nobody. Nobody but ourselves because the only time we lose is the time when we give up on learning."

"And when we die?"

"Bro, people die. That's like, the fundamental theorem or the principle of life itself. An inevitability does not decide, us and our free will do as the deciders." Kiana squeezed the hands on her hold and smiled. "Tell me, are you not a better fighter than the you from a week ago?"

"I am," she answered resolutely. Everything she'd learned had served to improve her own skills and there was not a sliver of doubt about it.

"Then, as far as I'm concerned you've already succeeded. No knowledge is too small or too big. As long as it's useful, then it's valuable." Kiana's tone took a more solemn tone then as she sighed. "A teacher like me wishes for nothing but the best for our students because we know the length you'll have yet to go through in your journey."

The most beautiful ending of a teacher's story... is to become her student's strength on her journey onwards.

"So, don't worry." Kiana grinned brightly. "Strive on for the future you want and break through all the doubts clouding you. I will always be the star that guide you so whenever you feel lost, seek for me and I'll always be there to light the dark night for you."

A promise for help, all given for nothing in return. The Universe was filled with all sorts of people and Stelle, in her short time knowing it, had encountered peculiar individuals herself. But the woman before her, whose smile and tender gaze always warm, was the first she'd ever met.

Beautiful, Mei told her with a loving smile.

Strong, Dan Heng curtly said with a nod.

Cool, gushed March excitedly.

Wise, Himeko marvelled warmly.

Resilient, Welt proudly stated.

Idiot, Bronya flatly replied.

Kiana had been described a lot of things by everyone she knew and for a long time Stelle found it difficult to decide her view on the woman because she was everything there was.

But now, as she stood there holding those gentle hands that never pushed, she finally knew what to describe Kiana with her own word.

"Understanding..." She muttered, staring at their intertwined fingers with a smile.


Stelle looked up towards those beautiful sapphires, smile widening. "Thank you for being such an understanding person."

Kiana raised an eyebrow and chuckled to herself. "Of course."

She exhaled deeply, shuffling on her feet before straightening up. "Okay... Okay, I'm ready," she told Kiana with determination burning in her own golden eyes. "What do you want me to do?"

"Right, listen. Right now I'm holding back the Stellaron from flooding into your body and overloading you with its power."

"Wait, you? Aren't you just a minuscule part of Kiana? You sure you'll be enough?"

"I've been holding it since we first talked," Kiana deadpanned and Stelle could only blinked owlishly in return. "I'm more than sufficient."

"Uh, cool...? Good to know, I guess. Nicer if you'd told me earlier, though."

The Kaslana rolled her eyes but didn't comment on the jab. "I will be the catalyst between you and the Stellaron this time, but in the future you'll have to reach out to that power by yourself. Right now, though, we'll only need to acquaint you with it so a small trickle would do."


"The Stellaron power reserve is like the ocean, it's vast and plentiful. I know we've likened it to a nuclear reactor but frankly it's more like a star so if you're not careful you'll drown in its heat."

Stelle shuddered at the picture Kiana gave her. "Well, guess now we know why it's called Stellaron," she joked nervously and Kiana snorted along.

The impromptu humor served to ease her nerve a bit and Kiana, being the empathetic person she was, didn't rush her through the process either. She told Stelle to close her eyes which Stelle did without question as she whispered her next words to the younger girl.

"Be brave."

It was all the warning she got before Kiana gradually opened the proverbial gate separating her from the all consuming Destruction, a filament of protection lifted with as much care as one could possibly give. She knew she could rely on Kiana but the first touch of the Stellaron to her spiritual body made her flinch nonetheless.

An undescribable warmth spread from her fingertips, flowing along the rush of her blood in her veins to her arms and chest before it enveloped her entire body. It was unlike anything she'd felt before as the warmth offered no comfort or safety, completely different than the usual life-giving blaze of the sun or the tender and assuring heat of Kiana she'd come to familiarize.

Rather, a huge foreboding feeling wormed its way into her soul, opening a rift of bottomless pit that robbed her of her sense. Stelle felt panic flooding in as numbness spread to every part of her, devouring all and everything that was her. She wanted to scream, but she could no longer feel her mouth amidst the searing fire inside her.

It was as if she had just jumped into a hot magma with said magma burning every nerve ending in her body and leaving charred numbness in their places, both excruciating and numbing as nothing was left. Swirling, flaring.


In the moment when she felt like her very soul itself was going to burn away into ember, a brief squeeze on her hands from Kiana cut the flow of the otherworldly power and Stelle was pulled back into her sense immediately. The girl gasped and toppled over as her legs gave up on her and Kiana caught her into her embrace, ignoring the lingering hotness in the girl's skin as she patted and rubbed her back comfortingly.

"There... There, I got you."

She lowered them both onto the soft ground beneath with Kiana's unceasing comfort and hug upon Stelle acting as her anchor. Kiana didn't say anything afterwards as she simply held her in her embrace for what seemed an eternity, wheezing and shaking as the last bit of the unholy power left her.

"That was..." Stelle began only to stop mid-sentence, the words got caught in her still constricting throat. "That was intense," she finished after swallowing thickly, bringing her shaky hands to her eyes and rubbing the odd tingling sensation behind her eyelids.

"Are you okay?" Kiana asked softly as she set Stelle's head over her thighs, fingers tracing her grey hair with just as much tenderness. Her voice had returned to normal, all traces of divinity leaving her.

"I feel like I could run for miles and not at the same time," Stelle groaned. "It's weird."

"Well, you did harness the power of the sun for a second there... even if it left you charred." Kiana sighed, then, as her gaze drifted upwards to the moon above. "That's enough for today."

Her words weren't meant for a suggestion and Stelle understood instantly. "Did we achieve something today? I mean, was that really enough?" She clarified, remembering her conversation with Kiana earlier.

There's no such thing as failures for people such as ourselves.

"Yes," Kiana assured warmly with a smile. "You've done well."

The praise made Stelle smile herself, despite the lingering burning in her body still boiling the blood in her veins. "Thanks to you."

"You did the important bits," her face fell, much to Stelle's confusion. "But I'm afraid you can't rest just yet."

Stelle frowned in thought and was about to push herself up when Kiana stopped her by putting her hand on her shoulder. "I thought we're done?"

"Something's going on in the real world," Kiana told her and Stelle's eyes widened in surprise and worry. "You need to wake up."

"Is it urgent?" She asked slowly.

"I don't know. They're waiting for you."

"Me? Did I do something wrong?"

"Well, only one way to find out right?"

That was all the warning she got before Stelle found herself blinking awake staring at the dark ceiling of her room, a little disoriented by the abrupt scenery change and the sudden rush of bodily sensations that didn't fit her previous one.

Her muscles no longer felt like they'd been set on fire but she could still feel the dull warmth underneath, same with the firestorm in her chest that had become a bonfire. Out of instinct, she flexed her fingers to recalibrate her sense, a routine after waking up from Kiana's dreamworld.

She threw the blanket covering her body aside and groaned in disgust and discomfort at the sticky sensation of her wet shirt clinging to her body, not realizing how much she'd sweat until she sat up to check. Silently, she dropped her feet onto the floor and slowly stood up, mindful with her own disorientated state so to not crash and hurt herself on accident.

When she was certain that she wouldn't fall, Stelle made her way to the wardrobe where she kept her spare clothes in. After the first day training with Kiana, she figured she would need a few extra shirts and clothes which the hotel happily provided with a few extra cost from her end. Thankfully, Stelle had gotten her fair share of rewards from previous missions so she had the necessary fund. Not that she needed to with Kiana offering to pay in her stead but it just felt wrong to ask the older woman for more after everything she'd given her.

Pulling the dirty shirt over her head and tossing it into the laundry basket, Stelle unceremoniously took a new one from the wardrobe and put it on just in time for someone to knock on her door.

"Stelle?" It was March's voice, slightly muffled by the wooden barrier but unmistakably hers. "Are you awake?"

"Yeah!" She called back. "Give me a second!"

She quickly put on her coat and after a short consideration she decided to tie her hair into a single ponytail instead of letting it free like usual. Stelle couldn't help it, she felt abnormally hot still.

Unplugging her phone from its charger, she went for the door and opened it. March was still waiting for her near the doorway, looking a little groggy herself.

"What's up?" Stelle asked as casually as she could and March was about to reply when she stopped suddenly, mouth halfway open while the remnants of her sleep washed away.

"Woah, what happened to you?"

"What do you mean?"

Instead of answering, March fished her phone out and opened the front camera before she practically shoved it to Stelle's face. Stelle, who was more than a fair bit confused, looked at her own picture on the screen.

Her breath hitched.

Her eyes were practically glowing with the all too familiar golden light, brighter than the overhead lights which made her irises more pronounced. Blinking a couple of times in an attempt to return them to normal with little to no avail, she pressed her palms over them and grunted frustratedly.


"Are you okay...?" March asked worriedly, looking at Stelle with overflowing concern. "Should I get someone?"

"No," Stelle assured immediately with a shake of her head. "It's, uh, expected."

Maybe not the way it was now but Stelle had at least expected the Stellaron to leave some sort of effect on her body. It's just impossible to tap into that much power without having her body react in some ways, even if it was just in her dream.

"Right..." March didn't sound a little bit convinced. "Are you really okay, though?"

"I'm fine, March. Tell me what's happening."

March nodded as she stepped aside to allow Stelle exit. "Well, to be honest I don't know what's happening either."

"That's new," Stelle muttered. "You're always the first one to gossip."

"Ugh, I'm serious!"

"So am I."

The pinkette promptly jabbed a finger to Stelle's arm, huffing in fake annoyance while Stelle giggled. "I just woke up like, ten minutes ago. Bronya said I need to fetch you up to Mr. Welt's room and didn't tell me anything more."

Stelle furrowed her eyebrows.

Welt's room was downstairs on the first floor, close to the hotel's lobby as he had personally requested it. Bronya once mentioned that it was so he could prepare an exit during emergencies and for if they had guests, be it wanted or unwanted, to accommodate. After the thorough combing Bronya did on their rooms, they were probably the safest place for them onboard the Luofu.

"Any word about the Stellaron?" Stelle asked anew.

"The Knights still want to handle it internally or something," March grumbled. "Honestly, I don't even know why we're still here, or why we're here in the first place beside for whatever that woman told us."

"You don't believe Kafka?"

March gave her a look. "That's a dumb question, you know. I'll never believe a thing she said." And in a much smaller tone she added, "not after what she did to you."

Stelle grimaced. What could she possibly say to March? That a small, almost insignificant part of her actually believed some of what Kafka said? She still couldn't explain why but she did. Kafka telling her that she'd never lie to her only further complicating matters, more than they already were anyway.

But March wasn't referring to Kafka's actions towards her only a few days ago. No, she meant more than just the petty game Kafka played on them both that night.

Namely her demanding, borderline brutal, training with Kiana.

March had the misfortune to catch her after a particularly hard session and to say she was horrified would be an understatement.

Stelle and Kiana had been spending time alone from the rest of the Crew lately so they hadn't seen each other much for her training. But that evening March happened to have just returned to the hotel the same moment she and Kiana did. Seeing her all worn out with palms and feet bleeding out had spurred the pinkette into her protective mode, demanding explanation from both Kiana and Stelle personally.

It was a little endearing to see March mad but not surprising, Stelle knew she was more than capable, but it was the first time that anger was directed at her friend for the sake of said friend's wellbeing. Kiana had given her a 'you got this?' look from behind before slipping off unnoticed once she received an affirmation in return from Stelle.

"I train for myself," Stelle said, the same thing she told March back then. "And if I can protect my... friends, then it's a bonus."

March made a frustrated noise behind her throat but didn't respond verbally, instead scowling at the floor ahead as they made their way to Welt's room.

"I wish I could tell you I'm sorry," Stelle continued evenly, shoving her hands into her coat pockets and clenching them into fists, a habit she subconsciously picked up from Kiana. "But I'm not."

"I know." Stelle's gaze snapped towards March at her meek tone, seeing the pinkette's head casted low and shoulders sagging. "I just... feel like I should do better. Seeing you pushing yourself like this makes me angry at my own weakness."

"Don't say that, please. You know you're stronger than that. Hell, you're stronger than me and I'm pretty strong." Slowly, she draped her arm around March's shoulders to give the smaller girl a chance to pull away from the half embrace, before continuing on when she didn't. "You're the one who taught me that strength is found in protection. No matter the odds, as long there's something to protect then we must fight for it with all we got. March, you're stronger than anyone else I've met."

"... you're quite the narcissist aren't you?"

Stelle blinked owlishly.


The pinkette didn't reply right away as she discreetly and carefully snuck her own arm behind Stelle. "Stronger than me, well..." Now she knew she got the momentum, she suddenly swivelled around and pulled Stelle into an actual embrace, making the taller girl yelp in surprise as she was lifted in March's arms. "You couldn't even see this coming!" March finished with a laugh and grin so bright Stelle felt like looking at the sun itself.

The hallway was a blur as March spun her around, her infectious laugh fueling Stelle's own despite her protest. Sometimes she forgot that March was also blessed by the Path of Trailblaze, making her stronger physically than her appearance suggested so carrying her around like this despite weighing more than the pinkette herself was a breeze for her.

Both figuratively and literally.

Eventually, their joy subsided and March set her back down to her feet. Still grinning from ear to ear and giggling at each other's silliness, Stelle was surprised for the second time when March pulled her into a proper embrace, face buried in Stelle's chest.

"I will also get stronger. Strong enough nothing will harm my family ever again. You just wait."

The sheer conviction behind March's statement was so strong Stelle felt her heart skip a beat. March must have heard the irregularity in the steady rhythm as she gently tightened her arms around Stelle for a second after it happened.

"Yes," Stelle said, returning the embrace fully by wrapping her arms around March's smaller frame. "Let's go together."

"Ah, Miss March and Miss Stelle... I'm glad you two can make it in time. Please, do join us."

Stelle would like to, in fact it was only right to do so at the behest of the requester, but she couldn't. Not with her brain practically freezing up and displaying error command in her head again and again and no matter how much she tried to close the tab, it only mounted up until she simply blanked out.

Because, apparently, Bronya liked practical jokes and this time she outdid herself.

There were two things Stelle never expected to see the most in this life of hers. One being Kiana grovelling in apology to Bronya for swapping her toothpaste with sour icing yesterday, and the sight of Xianzhou Luofu's General sitting on a chair that seemed too small for his bulk in Welt's room.

But she supposed, as she stood there on the doorway paralyzed with March in equal state, there was always a first time for everything.

It was March who recovered first, stuttering on her words as she tried to make herself more presentable. Poor girl was still in her pajamas.

"G—General Jing Yuan?! What are you doing here?!"

The General smirked, or so Stelle thought he was smirking as it seemed to be his default expression. "Apologize for my unannounced visit during this inappropriate hour, but I'm afraid there's a matter that cannot wait."

"Trouble?" Stelle mumbled, finally snapping out of her trance.

"That depends on what you might call trouble, Miss Stelle."

"You two come in and close the door," Welt told them both and it took Stelle a second to realize he was sitting on his own chair in front of the General.

Blinking to clear the haze in her mind, Stelle took a step in and scanned the room, seeing Kiana and Bronya with the former sitting on the edge of the bed while the latter stood by the window. That was a little unfair, if she were honest. She would like a room with windows, too.

After a quick consideration, she decided to join Kiana and silently sat beside her, feeling the bed creak and dip under her weight the moment she settled on it. She had half expected Kiana to say something but the woman simply smiled at her before returning her attention to the General. March followed her and sat on Kiana's other side after closing the door behind her, brows furrowed in worry.

"Now, I believe it's in everyone's interest that we skip the pleasantries?" Said the General with an easy smile to Welt and the rest of the occupants.

"Did you come alone?" Stelle blurted out before Welt could reply and the General's gaze flicked up towards her. He wasn't an intimidating man by default, as a matter of fact he had a rather friendly face, but to gain the attention of such a huge figurehead still made Stelle grimace internally. "Sorry..."

Jing Yuan chuckled. "No need to apologize, Miss Stelle," he assured. "Yes, I come alone. I'm not particularly fond of crowds, if you know what I mean."

"Crowds? Isn't it a part of your duty to engage with the people for leader such as yourself?" March asked, confused.

"He meant escorts, March," Bronya supplied patiently and Stelle could see the nonexistent light bulb lit up over March's pink hair. "I see shadows, though," finished Bronya with a quick glance to outside world through the window.

"You have keen eyes, Miss Zaychik." He sounded genuinely impressed at Bronya's observation skills and Stelle couldn't blame him for that. "Unfortunately, there's nothing I can really do about that." And genuinely dejected, too.

"General," Welt called out, voice business-like which was very fitting at the moment. "Forgive my forwardness but is there something we can be help of?"

The General crossed his arms and leaned back on his chair, for a second Stelle feared that it would snap and shatter to splinters under his weight but it miraculously held out. "I have a request for the Astral Express, an informal one."


"That means off the book," Bronya explained for March, expression hardening. "Is it, General?" She finished, eyes locked on Jing Yuan.

"It's true," he calmly replied. "But I can assure you that it's not without payoffs."

"We came to help so we will help," Welt chimed in. "That's said, we cannot fulfill just any request as we also have our own safety and moral to uphold."

"Of course. That's only sensible for us both." His eyes swept on the Crew and for the first time Stelle felt like the friendliness in them was a ruse unlike before. "How about we do this the Xianzhou way?"

"Xianzhou way?"

"Trade," Bronya said to March but her gaze stayed on the General. "A business, essentially."

The General nodded. "Correct. As you know, Kafka is currently being held at our custody." Stelle stiffened up at the mention of the Hunter and Kiana quietly put a reassuring hand onto her shoulder to ease her down. "And I'm fully aware you lots just might want to know what she has to say."

"What do you mean?" Stelle asked with a frown.

"It is so happen that our Master Diviner is going to interrogate her using the Matrix of Prescience to find out what her true motive is."

"... when?"

"An hour from now at the Divination Commission."

"And you just told us this now?!" March cried out in a mixture of frustration and dismay.

"Pardon me but I am quite a busy person."

"This is bullsh*t," Stelle was about to say more when she felt Kiana's hand on her shoulder tighten, stopping her instantly.

"General," the Kaslana began for the first time and something about her smile was a bit different. It looked the same outwardly but it lacked her usual warmth somehow as she addressed Jing Yuan. "What's the deal, exactly?"

"I have intel regarding a certain sect of forbidden alchemy practicers that I'd need you to help confirm."

"Why us?"

"Because this sect is so deeply rooted in our very government. They know how we operate, how we move that sending out Cloud Knights will only jeopardize our operatives further. Believe me, we tried."

"You want us to take down this sect and in exchange you will grant us audience with Kafka?"

"Nothing of sort," Jing Yuan said with a shake of his head. "I am merely asking you to investigate as it's odd for them to make a move now."

Kiana hummed. "Okay. We'll do it."

"Excellent," he smiled then. "My source said that they are about to converge in Exalting Sanctum tonight so I suggest you start from there."

"Exalting Sanctum..." March mumbled to herself in thought. "Isn't that where we fought off that Mara-Struck Cloud Knight?" She asked, much to Stelle's confusion.

"Wait, what?"

"Last night when you were asleep we went to explore the Luofu," March explained. "And we accidentally stumbled upon this, uh, rather disturbing scene where a Cloud Knight suddenly turned in the public."

"And you just tell me this now?"

The pinkette shrugged. "Well, it didn't sound important...?"

Stelle only stared at her incredulously and Kiana chuckled.

"Then, we'll take the deal. Unless my companions have objections?" Bronya and Welt shook their heads and March followed the gesture a moment later, leaving Stelle alone hesitating at the prospect. "Stelle?" Kiana nudged her gently, urging her to speak up.

"Are you okay with it?" She asked back instead, biting her lower lip anxiously. It was a lot to ask and she knew it.

Kiana simply nodded, short but no less reassuring. "Do you want to talk to Kafka?"

"I... yes." She sighed, resigned at her own heart and its needs.

"That's that, then." Kiana turned to face the General. Again, her expression was soft but it still lacked the warmth she usually exhibited to her or any of her friends and family. It took Stelle aback that this must be Kiana's 'business face'. "We have a deal, General."

"Very well."

Stelle still couldn't see why they'd need to go through such length to begin with. As far as she was aware, they'd earned that right when they successfully captured Kafka and put her into custody.

This is bullsh*t.



Things haven't been great for me and my family lately so I couldn't update this story sooner. 2024 is shaping up to be the worst year in my life and it's still July ffs.

I don't think I can keep updating this story at the previous pace. I'll try my best but I can't promise you guys anything. At worst, I might stop writing altogether.

Anyway, thanks for your support this time. I'll just say it now in case this is the last chapter I've ever written.

Kudos and reviews are appreciated, thank you so much!

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Chapter 28: For One To Read Through The Lines


Couldn't believe it I actually managed to finish this chapter in less than a month. It's also a little longer than usual so yeah, hope y'all have fun reading it. I know I did writing it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 28: For One To Read Through The Lines.

Throughout the Universe's vast histories, countless stories of growth and decays accompanied many civilizations in their quests to prosper and survive the harsh, merciless marching of time. These stories built the backgrounds of intricate cultures and the very people themselves like bricks on extravagant palace, piling until it reached and went beyond the sky itself.

On Earth, it was the story of Adam and Eve. The very first humans created by the Creator. On the Luofu, or rather for the Alliance itself, it was the story of the Sanctus Medicus.

Their history stretched as far as the earliest days of Xianzhou Alliance's space exploration era thousands of years ago when the first ships went to sail the cosmos after the first alliance was forged following a war with a cosmic entity. A first contact the Alliance had with the broader Universe resulted in a bloody conflict that only further them into their then unknown doom.

For a man, the deepest fear his thoughtful mind had was the inevitable end that would end his entire existence. An end that come with life and everything it brought. Since the birth of the Universe there existed a force that even said Universe could not escape, a force it had been subjected to since its sprout grew from the Beginning.


The End of everything and nothing, a true state of non-existent for everything had ceased to be where futility was the norm.


The bearer of seed of the most primal fear of any living being, be it organic or inorganic, in all corners of the Universe.

The drive to survive and live on was the candlelight of progress, the backbone of every great empires in the past, present and future. A strong society was created from the fundamental rule of survival and its natural filters where the weak and frail were crushed under the unstoppable wheel of fate. For one to survive, they must first emerge above the wheel, above anyone and anything else that might flounder them into the Ruinous Sea.

Worlds where the strong failed were destined to fall and disappear, their carcasses recycled for new ones to emerge. Even in the higher spectrum of fundamentality, the idea of survival existed.

Such was the Universe that held no love for its subjects. Only empty coldness between the beacons of light that were civilizations.

As for the Xianzhou Alliance and its people, their idea of transcending their rooted in weakness was to turn to a higher being and seek its help, oblivious to the suffering it would inflict on the generations to come.

The Elixir Seekers was the first to taste ambrosia, then their words opened a gate for an entire civilization and heralded them into the depth of no return. When they realized the folly of their action, the roots of corruption had already taken ahold in their very veins and casted them into the light of eternal torment, forever turning them into the monsters they unknowingly wanted to be.

Because nothing short of divine could last forever and no man could walk the earth forever without eventually falling to rest. An attempt to cheat this Order was an affront to the Universe itself and everything that was holy, including life.

And so, they were punished by the very power they sought after. Their bodies twisted and their souls ripped asunder to create an abomination, one that knew no values but rabid insanity. They got what they wanted, but at a cost of themselves.

They might live forever, but what would it bring except ruin? Perhaps, death was truly the best of end for everything that had lived. Perhaps, a brief existence was all humanity ever meant to have.

Because, for a candle to be a bonfire it would need to burn itself out sooner than it meant to and only then would it illuminate the persistent darkness around it.

One might say that they shot themselves in the foot there...

The Court of Tranquility was, as its name suggested, a rather peaceful place in an equally peaceful district of Exalting Sanctum. Here, daylight never emerged as it was one of few sectors on the Luofu that prioritized serenity for its residents above all. Thousands of people live there, each wanting nothing but an eternal calm night to enjoy.

The unspoken rule of solemnity was adhered by everyone equally as every conversation was held in low tone while merchants resorted to billboards and banners to promote their goods instead of hollering and yelling their lungs out.

All in all, it was a good change of scenery after seeing the hustle and bustle of the Luofu the past few days. Though, if Kiana was honest the real attraction was the giant stump of tree in the distance that seemed to grow over the artificial clouds.

"The Ambrosial Arbor..." Kiana heard Bronya mutter through their Herrscher Link and she hummed back noncommittally, leaning back on the bench she's sitting on. "It is said here that it's the tree that granted the people of Luofu immortality by eating its fruit and consequently drove them insane after getting inflicted with Mara. This is where everything began."

"The Forbidden Fruit... Just like Adam and Eve, huh?"

"Close. The Hunt struck it down and it became the way it is now, yet any attempt to fully remove it from the Luofu is met with failures as it's too deeply rooted to the ship itself. It's like cancer the Alliance cannot dispose of."

The tree might not be what it was, reduced to a stump by a single arrow that pierced through the cosmos, but it was far from dead. No, the plaguemark was well and alive as Kiana could feel the spark of life lying dormant inside of it from this far.

"Should we be concerned?" She asked Bronya casually, turning her eyes for a brief second to a certain rooftop in the distance where she knew Bronya was. Her naked eyes couldn't see her best friend but Kiana didn't need them to pinpoint the exact position of Truth, not when Bronya and Mei were connected with Kiana by their power.

"It's none of our concerns," Bronya curtly told her. "Rather, are you really okay with sending Stelle alone to confront Kafka?"

The sudden subject change made Kiana pause, not because she didn't have her answer but because she frankly didn't expect Bronya to ask it at the moment. "Well, she's not alone is she?"

"Not what I meant, idiot."

Kiana rolled her eyes. "Have faith on her. Besides, it's not like I have a choice."

"I could do this alone."

"I don't doubt that." She really didn't, knowing full well how capable Bronya was in hunting people out. "Thanks for accompanying me, by the way," Kiana finished sincerely.

The infamous Silver Wolf didn't answer right away and Kiana was content to let it hang like that, fully aware of Bronya's answer even if her best friend didn't vocalize it.

"I could do this alone but you could not," Bronya eventually replied, her voice soft and lacking of crudeness she usually reserved for Kiana alone. "Someone has to watch your back."

Kiana chuckled. "Yeah. Yeah, you're the best at that."

"Not to mention I couldn't just leave you to wander without an adult's supervision at night. Mei would be upset if you get sidetracked."

"Way to ruin it, asshole." Kiana scoffed and flipped Bronya the bird by raising it into the air at random. Despite what Bronya called her, she wasn't stupid enough to reveal her friend's position to possible, unwanted observers.

She did get a few weird looks from some passerbys, though.

"Do you have any idea how Mei is when she's jealous?" Kiana shuddered, remembering certain instances where she and her crass mouth landed her in the exact predicament of the current subject.

"Do you have any idea who you'd speak to in the following mornings? Me. It's hard not to piece things together when you looked like you've been through the wringer every time your idiot self accidentally flirted with someone," Bronya countered flatly and Kiana winced, laughing sheepishly to herself. "Don't act like you don't like it, either." Kiana could picture Bronya rolling her eyes at that.

"I mean, it was fun, you know? Mei is usually gentle but when she's all riled up..." The Kaslana purred at the memories, an impish grin blossoming on her face. "That's when you know you're up for a ride. Literally, sometimes."

"Thanks, I really did not need to know that."

"What about you, though?"

"What about me?"

"Yeah, you and Seele. Do you guys, like, ever spice things up a bit? Maybe with the red one? She has all the vibes, you know."

There's a long second delay before Bronya answered and it was all Kiana needed to know. "... no."

"Bullsh*t. I bet my left nut she's got you do all sorts of things. Maybe the infamous Bronya Sandwich too, you lucky bastard."

"You don't have one."

"Don't try to change the subject on me."

Kiana could hear the exasperation in Bronya's tone when she spoke next. "My sex life is none of your business. Besides, Seele is a pure and gentle girl so she wouldn't do any of those... indecent things."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, Miss I-Lock-The-Bathroom-Door-To-Have-An-Uninterrupted-Threesome-With-My-Girlfriends. Honestly, I didn't know you were freaky like that."

Bronya audible groaned. "Will you ever let that one go?"

"No, f*ck you."

"You're insufferable," muttered Bronya back.

Kiana grinned but didn't say anything back as the conversation died down. For a long time, that one certain incident had been her silver bullet to shoot Bronya down since Bronya had no actual counter to it. She had to admit, accidentally walking on the three of them when they were at it had been rather mortifying on her end, too, but Kiana couldn't not use it for her leverage. The temptations were simply too great.

She never used it in front of Seele, though. Personally, she thought the girl could use some explorations with her lovers and despite what she said to Bronya she fully supported Seele with all her heart. It's just impossible not to love such a sweet, kind girl like Seele.

"You know..." Kiana began softly. "You really should consider marrying them."

"Get off my back, Kiana."

"Bronya, I'm being serious," Kiana told her best friend. "I know you're comfortable with the way things are but really, don't you at least consider how Seele feels?"

"... she said she likes it as it is and is willing to wait. I've asked her and she told me I can do it when I'm ready."

"You know that's because it's Seele. She's waited for you for years, man, and she probably thinks it's okay for another few years." Kiana sighed and brought her hands together to her lap, staring at the silver ring around one of the digits and absently toying with it. "Look, I know it's none of my business but Seele is as much as a sister to me as you are and I want nothing but the three of you to be happy so go ask her again the next time properly for her sake."

"I'm... still unsure. I have been very busy with works and we hardly see each other for much nowadays with her duty as a Valkyrie keeping her away from home most of the time. I doubt I'd be a very good wife, that way."

Kiana scowled, not at Bronya specifically but at her self-admonishment. This was one of those times where Bronya was being vulnerable with her about her feelings so Kiana accommodated accordingly, aware that Bronya basically let her in to her heart which otherwise was locked behind bars and walls.

She was one of few people Bronya allowed inside and that was a honor no medal could compare and a trust no words could express.

It was a testament of their strong bonds.

"Marriage is not just about physical contacts," she began wisely, telling Bronya the lesson she'd personally learned from her own relationships with Mei. "It's also the mark-up of spiritual bonding between souls. You and Seele... Well, the three of you are already bonded, aren't you? The years you spent with each other have practically glued you guys together, accepting each other's strengths and weaknesses as a part of the others. Things might or might not change if you guys decide to get married but you know it'd make Seele happy regardless."

"That's said... I'm actually glad you hesitate. Marriage is a huge commitment so that proves you're serious with the matter, even though I know you are already. Just know that Seele will wait for you forever."

She said that with a hint of disdain and Bronya heard it clearly despite the physical distance between her and Kiana. Bronya also knew that Kiana meant not to belittle as it was directed at the notion more than at Bronya in particular.

Bronya had noticed the gleam in Seele's eyes whenever they went to visit Kiana on the Moon with Mei and it had been painful. How could she not see the way those beautiful eyes lit up every time Kiana and Mei acted like the married couple they were? Every touch and every small gesture the two of them shared fed the longing in Seele's eyes more and more until it was almost unbearable for Bronya. Not just once Bronya caught Seele staring at the rings in either Mei's or Kiana's fingers during a dinner party and not just once she caught Seele's own fingers tracing the empty ring finger of her own.

She knew what Seele wanted, yet when she brought it up to Seele all she said in return was that it's okay.

"It's okay. I don't mind waiting. You can take all the time you need, Bronya, because I know you are very busy."

What could Bronya say, then? Marriage was a commitment from all parties involved so when she could hardly commit, what was the meaning behind it? What could she give besides her words and meager presence when Seele would give her everything? There was a time when Bronya had nothing, but now she had everything thanks to the two women she loved the most that the idea of asking more was repulsive even to Bronya.

Because she knew that sometimes, she deserved nothing. All the terrible things she had done, all the crimes she had committed in the name of survival and all the sins she had to bear the rest of her life. Bronya was no angel despite the halo crowning her head, nor was she a saint despite the armor she used to protect the innocence.

Yet, Seele would stay and wait for her simply because she loved her as her world and Bronya would be reminded of it every night she climbed up to their bed after a long day of work with both her butterflies by her sides, loving her for what and who she was unconditionally.

No depth too deep would erase that love and no darkness too dark would take it from Seele and to Bronya, she couldn't ask for anything more. Especially from such a selfless person like Seele.

She wished she was as brave as Seele believed her to be so she could take that big step. As of right now, asking them to marry her would only burden both of her lovers more as Bronya believed.

But, maybe...

Maybe, Kiana was right. Maybe she was thinking over it too much. Bronya was never great with emotions so she would often turn to either Kiana or Mei for relationship advices, aware that both her best friends had more experience in the regard than Bronya. Things might or might not change between her and her girlfriends but at least that would make Seele happy, at least Seele would stop waiting for her. There was no certainty in that particular plan and Bronya herself hated unknown variables but that was just love, wasn't it? Nothing was certain about it so until the last second, there was no way to know the results of her decisions.

"Love is the mettle of faith," Kiana once told her. "You just have to believe on yourself and your partner. Well, I guess it's partners in your case, huh? Lucky bastard."

"You are right," Bronya eventually said with a small smile, referring to the memory and Kiana's most recent statement to her. "I think it's about time I propose to them."

Kiana grinned. "Life is too short to worry about everything. Sometimes, we just have to jump into the water, you know?" She heard Bronya hummed in agreement.

"They've waited for too long. Never again."

Kiana's smile turned solemn at that, easily understood the double meanings behind those words. Seele and Bronya had a complicated situation and while it was not necessarily a bad situation, it was still a complex one. Seele was a lot like Mei, in that Kiana meant not just having a near identical shade for hair but also their duty as Schicksal's Valkyries. While the other Seele was more free with her time, she preferred to let her other self to take the reign in their relationships despite Kiana's joke of being the more dominant one of the three.

That was to say the red haired girl was often content to sit back and follow where Bronya or the other Seele decided to go with their ideas. Kiana might not have experience in polyamory relationships and if she were honest she probably would never experience it herself in her lifetime but she could tell that Bronya's ordeals with the two Seele's weren't as simple as her own relationships with Mei.

Well, as simple as a marriage itself anyway.

As Bronya herself dubbed it; Kiana might fool around on accident but she would never cross that sacred line holding her marriage with Mei together. For all her worth as a Kaslana, and the ironic upbringings of its implications, she was as a loyal of a wife a woman could be. No Kaslana had gone back to their words and certainly not Kiana.

So, while Kiana didn't quite understand the entire deal between Bronya and her girlfriends, she could confidently say that they loved each other just as dearly and equally. For that she had no doubt.

That was why she understood the pain of waiting they had to endure. Honkai might not be the problem anymore and the Sea could no longer be the barrier between Bronya and her butterflies for it was now their domain but life went on. Life and all its dazzling beauty and ugly.

The river of time never stopped and its current would keep sweeping humans and all of Universe's subjects under. There was no shame in ignorance for it was a part of humanity, but sometimes one had to gain clarity and a deep, filling breath before proceeding on so they wouldn't drown.

And now, the time for them to carry on their duty had arrived after the brief moment of reprieve the Universe granted them passed. Fleeting, as was everything meant to be.

"Target is on the move," Bronya's voice had lost all its warmth when she spoke and Kiana slipped into her own zen, knowing full well that their little heart to heart moment had been suspended for later. It wasn't a topic that couldn't be resolved in just one sitting, after all, and certainly not in such a fleeting manner.

"Time to contact?" Kiana asked curtly as she straightened up, blue eyes scanning the scant crowd around her for their target.

"Fifteen seconds until she enters your line of sight."

"Understood." Putting on the dark blue cap Bronya handed her before they separated to help make her less noticable, Kiana adjusted it so the brim covered her gaze from unwanted observers. Bronya reasoned to her that with their hair being of a brighter colors, they would stick out like sore thumbs in the night so the cover was necessary. "You know... I usually like more intel in our intel."

The General practically told them a name and left the rest for both Kiana and Bronya to figure out. If Kiana didn't know any better, she would've thought that Jing Yuan was screwing with them for the laugh of it.

"I've given you what I could find on the fly and I had to skip through an entire history of their organization to not bore you. There's tons of it in the Luofu's database and more still in the Alliance's wider network."

"You've snooped that far already?"

"I was bored myself when we had nothing to do for the past few days so I decided I might as well take a peek into their system. That's when I caught a glimpse of the Disciple of Sanctus Medicus."

"So, you've known of its existence?"

"Yes, but not its significance. I mostly skimmed through them."

Skimmed for Bronya meant absorbing as much information as she could in as little time and with her memory being practically perfect, she had more than a decent knowledge of the organization. The only problem with that, however, it practically useless as it came from the Luofu itself so what she knew was also what the General knew.

For what it was worth, their mission's objective was to gain a new knowledge from the Disciples. Regarding what was up to Bronya and Kiana to find out.

While Bronya had spared Kiana the useless details of their target, she didn't refrain from informing her the absolute necessities of it. Namely the traits and appearance of the woman whose name the General mentioned to them.

"There's Dan Shu on your two," Bronya told Kiana and the Kaslana's eyes snapped to the direction her friend pointed out, sharp blue easily spotting the target as she descended down a series of steps.

"Is she really blind or it's just something she made up to make us lower our guard?"

"Her files showed that it's genuine. Still, I recommend you proceed with utmost caution."

"Got it," Kiana stood up from the bench she had been sitting on and brushed the nonexistent grime from her bottom, all the while keeping her gaze conspicuously on Dan Shu. I'll talk this way from now on.

"Stick to the plan. If things go haywire, I will provide you support."

The plan was rather simple, at least in theoretical manner. Kiana had proposed to just snatch their target and bring her in for questioning but Bronya wanted to know the extent of their operation and for that, Kiana would need to let the woman lead her inside.

Bronya, meanwhile, stood on overwatch for Kiana to make sure she wouldn't walk into an ambush. Right now she was on top of a nondescript rooftop, choosing another anti-material rifle for her weapon after a short consideration of their possible threat.

The Mara-Struck were extremely durable and Bronya had no doubt about it after witnessing their strange rejuvenation under Shamash's fire, which was precisely why she chose the CheyTac M200 this time. While a shot to the head was proven ineffective, a center mass shot would be sufficient with the caliber she chose.

It was an overkill on normal humans but Bronya was overcompensating.

"Bounding now," Bronya told Kiana and the Kaslana nodded on instinct. She wasn't slightly worried as Bronya repositioned herself across buildings and rooftops for a new vantage point, aware of the small drone keeping track on her and their target.

The Silver Wolf of Urals was known for a lot of things. Besides her accuracy in shooting, Bronya was also agile on her feet which was a feat she'd never lost even when she was still using prosthetics. Now with Honkai powering her body, her strength was also amplified, easily carrying the rifle in one hand by its carry handle as she engaged the flight mode of her Silverwing Battlesuit on, gliding and flying between buildings to her next destination as silent as an owl.

Not a minute later, she'd finished setting up shops on a tall tower she spotted earlier during her recon, back to staring at Kiana and Dan Shu through the scope of the M200 and the display from her drone camera on her phone.

"In position," was all she told Kiana who simply hummed internally as a response.

Minutes passed in silence between the two as Kiana kept a toe on Dan Shu as inconspicuously as possible the whole time, not letting the woman off her eyesight for even a second if she could help it. Their target, impaired as she was, carrier herself with surprising grace that despite her imperfection she still managed to navigate the winding roads with ease. If Bronya hadn't told her of Dan Shu's blindness, Kiana wouldn't have known.

That was why she was very careful with her approach by treating Dan Shu like she would to any other people. Kiana would even argue she did more because the woman was clearly something else.

The information Bronya provided for her spoke of the woman's misfortune, how she was born with her blindness and its irreversibility due to her nature as a long life species, and how she lost her best friend during the war three decades ago. It, however, also spoke of her greatest achievement which was none other her former title of Chief Alchemist.

Dan Shu was gifted, in one way than another, and known for her medical knowledge. A further delving into Xianzhou's more obscured history by Bronya, however, revealed a more disturbing truth shielded by the officials.

Apparently, they had known of this supposedly illegal medicinal practice for a long time but due to its usefulness to the general populace they opted to turn a blind eye on it. For all the contempt the Sanctus Medicus was to the Hunt, their followers could not ignore the fact that it helped, that it healed their wounds.

Keep your friend close but your enemy closer, huh...

"What's that?"

The Hunt's eternal enemy is Abundance, isn't it? Yet the people of Xianzhou still use Yaoshi's gifts for themselves even if unknowingly.

"It's no different to us," Bronya said. "We use Honkai to fight Honkai."

Kiana hummed quietly. What Bronya said was true as everything the Valkyries used during the Honkai War was practically Honkai itself. The Divine Keys, weapons and Battlesuits and even the fission missiles Otto so carelessly used to erase the traces of his crimes were all powered by Honkai.

Fighting poison with poison is truly a universal idea, huh?

"Only if it works, otherwise we're only condemning ourselves. Honkai possesses risks of corruption and the Sanctus Medicus is no different. They're an extension of Abundance's will, the enemy of Hunt and their followers."

Extension would be an understatement for the Disciples reflected on what the old Xianzhou was. They sought out the Divine and their gifts after tasting what they might give so in a way, they were what Xianzhou was before catastrophe hit them at light speed in the face.

Their motivations might vary, be it voluntary or not as Kiana had seen what desperation could do to people, but they were one in their goals. The fact that their followers were consisted of people from varying backgrounds didn't help either.


So, when Bronya announced that she had been found, Kiana wasn't really surprised. After all, that much people meant some of them possessed particular skills others weren't privy to. Skills that helped keep them hidden from unwanted eyes for many years.

Your thoughts? Kiana asked casually.

"Let them. They don't know that we know."


"It's the the shopkeeper you've just passed thirty meters back. I intercepted her messages and she mentioned you. The ten recipients are closing in to your position."

Is that all?

"For now, yes. But I advise you to expect more."

Kiana took the advice to the heart. Besides the fact that Bronya was her only source of intel, her best friend's skills in tracking targets were unparalleled between the three of them. Hell, Kiana was confident that Bronya was probably the best on Earth when it came to breaching and gathering information on the internet. No network was safe from Bronya and no system was perfect to be impenetrable and that was without her Truth Authority coming into play.

The Herrscher of Truth was a unique existence amongst the three of them. While Mei's Origin and Kiana's Finality represented the Divinity of the grander Universe and all it was, Bronya's true Authority was Humanity and its future. It represented the ability of man to create and destroy, a power to build and lay ruin on everything. Bronya could create basically anything she desired including completely new matters and life forms with the only limits being the amount of Honkai Energy Kiana supplied to her. In theory, if she so desired she could create an entire solar system or even a galaxy with a snap of her fingers. They never truly tested the limit of their powers but Doctor Einstein theorized that they could do anything except creating their own Tree.

"Honkai operates by the Tree's will, that much we know, so it's still a part of the Tree. While there exists Honkai in the Sea of Quanta, its presence is minuscule compared to 'normal' space, so to speak. For a power that derives its energy from the Universe, it would be impossible for it to be more than its source so Honkai cannot exceed the Universe."

In some places, Bronya would be considered as a goddess with her power to create being the cause of worship. While she was the weakest of the three, by no means she was weak especially with the bars being set so high.

After all, Kiana's one and only weakness was none other than her biggest strength.


The Finality's Origin whose Authority could cut even the Divine. Whose Beginning ended the End, and Kiana whose End started the Beginning. Maybe, just maybe, it was how things were meant to be. Nobody could escape the endless cycles of death, not even the Divine despite all their might and certainly not some mere mortals despite their so called ascension.

For everything had a price.

A ruckus from ahead pulled Kiana from her musing back to present and she swiftly pivoted on her heels into nearby alley when Dan Shu suddenly shouted something, not a second later a chorus of terrified squeaks and stammers followed. Kiana risked a peek to Dan Shu and frowned when she saw a group of children scampering away from the woman but her attention was immediately drawn to the young girl curling on the ground.

The sight sent a pang of repressed memory to the front of her mind, especially when she noticed the bruises and dried blood covering the girl's tender limbs and clothes. Kiana heard a sharp inhale from deep inside her heart, one belonging to her other self.

"It's okay. I drove them off. You are safe now."

The girl slowly rolled over to her back and it was when Kiana noticed that her eyes were unseeing. "Lady Dan Shu...? Is that you...?" Whispered the girl between winces, fighting to sit up properly with Dan Shu's help.

"Yes, child, it's me."

"Are you here to give me my medicine?"

At the mention of medicine Kiana almost jumped out of her cover and yanked the girl away from Dan Shu but Bronya's words stopped her before she did.

"Calm down. It's very likely it's nothing. They wouldn't risk revealing their nature like that."

Dan Shu seems like she really wants to help.

"She does. She is helping. Just not that way."

"I have it here," the woman rummaged through her pocket for a moment before she pulled out a packet of the aforementioned medicine, handing it to the girl and stroking her hair tenderly. "Are you okay?"

"I..." for a second, it seemed like she was going to lie but the girl decided to settle for the truth instead. A truth whispered and only because of Kiana's super hearing could she hear it. "I don't know what I did wrong. I tried to be like them but they wouldn't let me."

"That is just how the world is to people like us," Dan Shu replied firmly but not harshly. "No matter how much we tried, we will never be enough."

"Did you try, Lady Dan Shu?"

"I did, child, I did... But it's all in the past now. I've done my best and whether it's enough or not is no longer my concern." Dan Shu patted the girl on her shoulders, a signal before she helped the girl up to her feet. "Now, I just want to make good."

"You are very amazing. I hope I can be like you one day. So strong and reliable."

Dan Shu laughed at that and the girl followed, albeit more reserved, yet all Kiana could see was bitterness on the woman's face. "Go home, now. Ask your parents to patch you up, okay? And tell them I was the one who gave you the medicine and not to worry about the pay. I don't need it."

"Mhm... Thank you."

The girl limped away, slow and tentative on her feet. Unlike Dan Shu who had lived through centuries of darkness, she was still young with even fewer experience of traversing a lightless life. Kiana's heart clenched at the sight but she stayed her ground and a deep sigh from Bronya's end revealed that her best friend was also feeling the same thing she felt.

It was never easy to see children struggle against life. They knew how it felt as they were ones.

Dan Shu moved again and Kiana blinked away the memory of endless snowy plains from her vision, pushing herself off the wall she'd been leaning on. Sirin was quiet but Kiana knew what she was thinking. After all, words were never necessary to communicate their feelings as they were one person.

Still, Kiana mentally assured her other self with a gentle pat to the head while giving the downcast girl a reassuring smile. She made it her duty to give Sirin happiness in her second life and she would die trying.

The minutes passed with Kiana tailing Dan Shu to wherever she went, steps light and presence minimum as she tried to blend in the shadows. It didn't take long for Bronya to realize that Dan Shu was basically taking Kiana in a circle to possibly buy time for her compatriots, and that said compatriots were moving to box Kiana for an ambush.

Fingers flexing over nothing, Bronya stared at one of Dan Shu's people through the cross hair of her scope as he made his way across the scant streets towards the painfully obvious ambush site, unaware of the fact that his life could just end with but a single squeeze from Bronya's trigger finger.

"There's a large open area where Dan Shu is heading, a courtyard of sorts. A perfect place for ambush," Bronya warned Kiana just as Dan Shu entered said courtyard, her figure disappearing behind a wall and from Kiana's vision. "I suggest you approach with caution."

Kiana didn't reply but Bronya knew she understood. Sighing and appearing as casual as possible, she rounded the last corner and stepped into the courtyard. As expected, the trap was sprung and Kiana found herself surrounded by twenty people plus thirty more inside the buildings around her, hidden from naked eyes but not her Void Authority.

Each and every of them held a weapon, varying from swords to daggers and spears. The details didn't escape her critical eyes and almost immediately a plan was made in her head to properly dispose of the threat they presented.

No ranged weapon for close combat, which means they're planning to beat me up and close.

She saw Dan Shu a few meters ahead of her talking with one of her people, back turned to Kiana which she could only see for a brief second before a rather burly man stepped forward and blocked her line of sight.

Or, they want to capture me.

"Records showed that these people do not hesitate to use violence to extract information. Bagging their targets is also their modus operandi." Bronya turned on the scanner on her drones to see the people inside the buildings and not a second later she'd found the firing solutions for all of them. "Don't worry about possible ranged attacks from the rest, you just use that tongue of yours to gather information from Dan Shu."

This tongue is privileged to Mei only.

"Otvratitel'no i besstydno."

Ty tozhe.

Swallowing the cheeky smile back down to where it came from, namely her heart, Kiana feigned surprise and horror by raising her hands up in surrender. It was always fun to jab back at Bronya in her native tongue as her best friend would often least expect it despite knowing Kiana was fluent at many languages thanks to the years she spent travelling across the world when she was a kid.

"Wh—what are you doing?" She pretended stammer at the man while backing off on her feet. She didn't plan to exit the courtyard but with the gate suddenly closing behind her she could commit herself further by pressing herself against it.

"That's my question, missy," his voice boomed as an attempt to intimidate her. "What are you doing?"

Ohhhh he thinks he's slick.

"What are you even saying..."

"I was just taking a stroll," Kiana said to the man, the lie coming out as smooth as her breath. "Is it wrong?"

"Don't play dumb! We know you've been following Lady Dan Shu for the past fifteen minutes! Do you think we wouldn't notice?!"


"I said don't play dumb!" Kiana wasn't sure if the man noticed that his attempt at intimidation had fallen short or not, but she kept up her pretense nonetheless by cowering to herself.

"Please! Please don't hurt me!" She wailed with probably too much gusto than necessary.

"You're a terrible actor," Bronya commented and Kiana could hear the smile in her voice.

Shut up!

"Yicheng, that's enough." Dan Shu stepped forward to the man's side and although her eyes were lightless, her voice was sharp enough to compensate for her otherwise piercing gaze as she addressed Kiana next. "Apologies for his behavior. Yicheng here can be a little... persuasive, with his speech."

"It's fine, Miss," Kiana played along to, seeing the man stepping back after shooting her another glare. "Happens to the best of us."

"Indeed," Dan Shu smiled and the way her lips curled up sent all sorts of alarms blaring in Kiana's head. "Indeed it does. But, brash he might be, it's not without reason."

"... such as?"

"Such as why a Nameless is following me around as if I was a subject of interest for her."

The moment Dan Shu finished speaking, a tense silence swallowed the area. So prevalent it was Kiana could hear the gentle flow of water from the garden outside and the ever present hum in the air.

When Bronya spoke in her head, it was as if lightning had struck her in her core. "We've been compromised."

No sh*t, Sherlock.

"You knew?" Kiana asked back as she straightened up. No need to keep the damsel in distress act now it was pointless.

"I might be blind, but I have more eyes than most people do," Dan Shu told Kiana who scowled in return as she regarded the people around them. They were slowly inching closer to her and Dan Shu, perhaps sensing that Kiana now no longer held reservations from using violence if necessary. "One of us saw you with the Astral Express Navigator. From there, it wasn't hard to conclude that you are a Nameless especially after seeing you spend time going about the Luofu to train your young. I believe her name is Stelle? And the pink one is March?"

Kiana narrowed her eyes and when she moved her hands to put them into her jacket pockets, she couldn't help but to glare at Dan Shu's underlings as they suddenly and rather blatantly pulled out their own weapons on her.

"To be honest, I didn't know our Navigator was that famous," she said casually, voice betraying her stern expression. "She certainly never told us."

"History is Xianzhou strong point. For many civilizations, hundreds of years are generations worth of eras but not for us. We live through the centuries, we are living history. So, although a lot may have forgotten about the Trailblazers, we have not. We know of your excellent deeds in the past."

"That's quite the pickle isn't it?" Kiana replied sarcastically. "I'm not even from around here."

"Oh? Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?"

"A faraway place."

Dan Shu smiled again but there was nothing in it. "What does the General ask of you?"

Kiana huffed and leaned back against the closed gate behind her. "Wouldn't you want to know?"

"I would, yes."

"Well..." The Kaslana drawled. "That's a shame because I was supposed to be the one doing the asking so... no can do."

"Quit playing. Just bag her and go."

Give me time. I prefer her to talk on her own than us forcing her to. Besides, we can do this all night.


"I'm confident that I'm the only blind person here but in case you cannot see, we have you surrounded. A woman of your title has the reputation of defying odds but I don't think you can take all of us alone and expect yourself coming out of here alive."

"Yes, you and your hooligans. It's hard not to notice when one of them is slobbering from the thought of cutting my head off." Kiana pushed herself off the wall with an exaggerated sigh, fingers flexing over nothing as she pulled her fists out. "I wouldn't be so sure if I were you, though."

The smile on Dan Shu's face had long vanished, all veneers of courtesy leaving her complexion. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I want to help," Kiana said resolutely, nodding at Dan Shu and the rest of her people but more importantly Bronya who had been listening to the entire conversation. "I saw what you did for that kid. I saw that you have kindness in you for your fellow human being and that makes you a good person for her. I won't claim to understand your struggle or pain, but your cruelty does not have to define you."

Because if cruelty is all we see in people, then kindness has no place to blossom.

Kiana knew it more than nobody else. She as Sirin had been so cruel to people around the world by inflicting immeasurable pain to them during the Second Eruption. It was a lifetime ago for Kiana but when she accepted herself for who she was, all the memories of her past life flooded in to her mind and drowned her in her bottomless sorrow and regret. She had wept for those she killed, be it advertently or not, and wept some more for the love she severed with her own two hands.

It was actually Bronya who told her that and she had never forgotten about it since then. Her best friend was one of many people close to her who was affected the most by her actions. If it weren't for Kiana, Bronya would've been living a normal life with her father and mother. If it weren't for Kiana, Bronya's parents and homeland would be well today.

"I also told you I wouldn't trade this life with anything else," Bronya chimed in softly. "Mamulya didn't die because of anyone's fault. She died because she was a great mother who chose her daughter's life over her own, just like any mother would."

You really think so?

"I see no cruelty in you, Kiana. A lot of idiocy, sure, but certainly no cruelty. Even right now you're being a huge idiot."

Because Bronya had found her own happiness. Just like what Alexandra Zaychik believed she would all those years ago in a remote cabin in the cold Siberian tundra.

"Your mother also believed in you."

Kiana smiled faintly at that. Cecilia was probably the reason why Kiana was the woman she was today, surrounded by the people she loved so dearly. No words were enough to express her gratitude towards Cecilia that Kiana could only hope that she could be half the mother she was.

Looking back... everyone's got my back since the very beginning, huh?

"And we will only continue to watch over you. At least, I will."

"You're so naive it's almost disgusting…" Dan Shu sneered and Kiana shrugged, the other woman being wholly unaware of the conversation between Kiana and Bronya.

"Maybe I am, or maybe I have seen too much unnecessary evil I'm sick of it. When my companions and I started this journey, we made a vow to have compassion for others first, that it's not our place to judge because we know that everyone fights for a reason. We know that injustice and survival can be a reason for everyone to fight as they have their own struggle. We all do."

"So, that's your reason for offering your help to us?"

"No, I'm offering you help because you still have a shot for redemption. If you do what you're going to do, whatever it is, it'll be too late for you. Too many have walked down that path only to regret it and I'm sure you know what they told you about regrets."

One of Dan Shu's subordinates, a woman this time, moved to whisper something to her ear and despite Kiana's super hearing she couldn't make out what it was. "Yes, I do. They always come late, don't they? But, such is life."

"Such is life," Kiana repeated as she gave the people around her a once over. "So, before it's too late..."

"It's already too late," Dan Shu cut her off. "There's only one being who can grant us salvation and you're not it."

"I told you you shouldn't be so sure. Don't be the monster you're not."

"Monster?" Dan Shu laughed cynically. "Miss Nameless, that's where you are wrong. I'm not becoming a monster. I'm ascending to what we are always meant to become; immortal and perfect from all the deficits of mortality. It's what we sought from the Divine in the distant past and it is what we are going to get for our future."

"Don't you see how we live?" Dan Shu went on, loosely gesturing to around her. "We've been made fools by the gods. We've tried to serve them but our servitudes were so insignificant for them to even glance at. The lives we owned were nothing compared to theirs and our goals did not even matter. We are ants in a pit of giants and we are destined to be squashed down into nothing. Such is life."

"She lost her friend during the war thirty years ago. It was the Hunt's Arrow that killed her," Bronya supplied quietly and Kiana grimaced internally at the information.

"Why do you serve the Abundance, then?"

Dan Shu didn't answer right away and Kiana wondered if she actually saw something from the way her vacant eyes was set on her.

"The Master of Immortality granted us a gift," she said softly. "And like many gifts, we must first unwrap it. This vessel of mortality serves as nothing but hindrance for our transcendence and it is our duty as their Disciples to spread their words. We serve the Master because their gift must be spread and shared, we serve them because it is our birthright as Xianzhou people to become more."

"Your more is to become a mindless monster," the Kaslana scoffed. "How do you call that life?"

"Yes, that is rather an unfortunate outcome of our transcendence," Dan Shu replied, the bitterness palpable in her tone. "Perhaps, a mortal's soul is too weak to handle that much change. But we've found a way to keep our sanity."

"Are you going to tell me or just leave me hanging?" Kiana retorted when the woman fell silent.

"As much as I'd love to... I can't. I'm telling you this because you're an outsider and your status as a Trailblazer."

"Charming..." Kiana muttered with a roll of her eyes while preparing to summon a portal and grab Dan Shu. She genuinely wanted to help the woman, but if she wanted to make things difficult then who was she to refuse? "I guess that's the most you're going to reveal without further persuasion, then."

"Miss Nameless— Kiana, can I call you that?"

"Yeah, sure," Kiana replied dismissively. She had to admit that the Disciples had quite the network to be able to gather that much information in such a short time but she supposed what the General told her about their involvement in the government was true enough. "No harm in it."

"Thank you, Miss Kiana. I have a question before you do whatever you're going to do."

"Go on."

A faint rumbling in the distance alerted Kiana and her eyes snapped towards its source warily. What she saw made her skin crawl with horror, a feeling that only further amplified when she heard the all too familiar screech.

Then another.

And another until all conjoined to create a cacophony of madness, far too close and numerous to her liking.

Then, the screaming began.

Screams of pain as the first Abomination sank its blade to its victim. Screams of terror when the first street was suddenly flooded with mindless, immortal beings.

Screams of despair as the first life was wrenched away by a being of life itself.

In the ensuing chaos, she almost missed what Dan Shu said next.

"Are you still willing to help people like us? Or is our sin too great for your offer of redemption?"

"What have you done...?" Kiana whispered, eyes wide with pure horror before her surprise was replaced with anger. "What have you done?!" She repeated, this time louder as said anger bled into her voice.

"Spreading the gift of true immortality, that's what."

"You're insane!"

Kiana was about to move and grab Dan Shu when Bronya's voice stopped her. "Kiana, get out of there."

But Dan Shu—!

"Leave her. There's nothing we can gain from her anymore now she's achieved her goal," Bronya paused and when she spoke next Kiana could practically hear the grimace in her tone. "The Ambrosial Arbor has been revived."

Kiana's gaze drifted towards the giant tree which stump had somehow grown back into a full tree, alive and thriving as if it had never died. She didn't know how Dan Shu did it but the tree itself gave off enough energy she could feel it from her position.

"I'm going to need your assistance," Bronya continued with enough urgency for Kiana to hear. "It's a tide and the Knights are being slaughtered."

Kiana gritted her teeth and sent a glare towards Dan Shu, the intensity behind it alone made the woman recoil despite her unseeing eyes. Silently, she summoned a portal, eyes challenging the rest of the Disciples when they stiffened at the sudden display of power.

"There's a saying from my world; the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Yours weren't good but they certainly would lead you to hell." Kiana stepped back into the portal, letting the void to swallow her whole. "Just know that you've walked down this path yourself and remember that regrets always come last."

The first shot from her rifle rung through the long disturbed silence of night sky, its serenity had been replaced with the clamor of battle, and the bullet flew before piercing through the center mass of a Mara-Struck. Just as Bronya had expected, the high caliber bullet was sufficient to kill common Mara-Struck in one shot as her target fell into a heap, a huge portion of its back blown off from the excess energy behind the shot.

She didn't linger long on her kill, not when the streets below were swarmed with the things left to right. Bronya wasn't one to exaggerate so when she told Kiana that it was a tide, she precisely meant it.

The green glow from the newly revived Ambrosial Arbor bathed her but Bronya paid it no heed, focusing her attention on her targets, rifle and ammunition count as she kept her fire steady. Each time she squeezed the trigger of her M200 an Abomination fell yet no matter how much she killed, ten were ready to take its place.

It soon became painfully obvious that her firepower wasn't enough. The rifle was meant for precision strike in long range, not extended cover against a horde of mindless zombies. That and the fact that the Cloud Knight positions below her were on the verge of breaking prompted Bronya to take the fight head on.

The Knights did an admirable job fighting the incoming monsters and keeping the civilians safe, but they were also caught off guard without much time to prepare. During the initial attack alone Bronya had witnessed a lot of them getting slaughtered like animals by the Abominations and while she did her best to help them, it was impossible to do so to everyone with the sheer size of the sector being the primary factor. Bronya was strong but she was just one woman. Unless she wanted to destroy the entire sector, she couldn't bring out her full arsenal to bear.

No, what she needed was a more head on approach and she just got the right idea how she was going to do it.

Standing up to her full height, Bronya then vaulted over the ledge of the tower to the street below her, descending like an angel from the heaven itself. She took aim with her rifle and fired as she glided down, preparing a landing zone between the pinned Knights and the Abominations for herself.

One of the Knights noticed her and turned his spear to her direction on instinct, expecting an aerial attack, before he lowered it again just before Bronya's feet touch the ground.

"We need to get them to safety!" Bronya told one of them, gesturing at the civilians taking cover in the rear of the formation with her head as she slapped a fresh magazine into her rifle. "Bring them to Realm-Keeping Commission to prepare them for evacuation!"

An Abomination attempted to break through the line by slamming itself on a Cloud Knight shielder and Bronya shot it in the head, turning it into a yellow mist, before finishing the job by shooting it in the center mass to prevent it from berserking.

"Who the hell are you?!"

"I'm with the Astral Express! I'm here to help!"

"A Nameless?!"

A nod. "I'll clear a path for us, but I need your cooperation."

"How are you going to do it?! We're going to get ripped apart before we can walk ten feet from here!"

She pointed at the men ahead of her who were so desperately holding back the tide. "I need you to call back your shielders. Tell them to drop their shields and run back to the rear on the count of three."

"Are you crazy?! They're the only thing holding them back!"

Bronya didn't answer right away. She cleared her weapon out of instinct before putting it onto the ground where it then disappeared in a flash of blue light along with the spent casings littering the ground. "I'll open a path for us to go through," she repeated.

"You?! You're just one woman!"

"Just do as I say." She took a step closer to the front liners, fingers flexing to prepare herself for her next summon. The man she spoke to, a Lieutenant if what she read about Cloud Knight ranking system was right, hesitated for a brief moment before he gave a resigned sigh.

"You better know what you're doing," he told Bronya before he informed his men in the front be ready to retreat as instructed. "We have lives at stake, not just ours," he finished with a brief glance towards the civilians behind them.

The Silver Wolf of Urals nodded. "Trust me."

Without another word, Bronya channeled her power to her hands, an Authority to create anything with just but a thought. She knew what she wanted to use so a brief picture of it in her head was all it was needed to construct it into her grips.

Another flash of blue light and Bronya found herself carrying an M134 as if it weighed nothing. It was actually nothing to her and her superhuman strength so despite weighing almost twenty kilograms, it might as well have been a feather to Bronya.

"One," she aimed the six-barrel rotary machine gun to where she expected the Abominations would push first.

"Two." Pressing the trigger for its electric motor, she was rewarded with the all too familiar whirling sound the gun made as its barrels began to spin.


The Knights on the front pushed with all their might to throw the Abominations off before they turned and sprinted back, their shields discarded onto the ground with a series of heavy thuds. Now with nothing holding back the tide, Bronya was faced with an infestation that reminded her too much of Honkai zombies, all screeching and barrelling towards her with reckless abandon.

Yet, her eyes reminded calm and critical. Almost serene even as she waited for the last Knight to dash past her.

She caught him staring at her through the slit in his helmet, a moment that was so brief yet so long as Bronya managed to notice the mixture of red and gold blood covering his armor, before it passed.

She fed the weapon with ammunition.

Every and each of the bullet was summoned by Bronya inside the gun as it had no belt, making it less cumbersome to carry without sacrificing basically anything. With her Truth Authority, all she needed was a thought and it was more than enough with her sharp mind being her greatest strength.

The moment the first bullet was struck in its primer, the fate of the Abominations was sealed.

What was a passive droning noise turned into a roar as the weapon fully came to life, spitting out bullets faster than someone could count in the first second alone. A hot, bright flare of fire erupted from its front as the screeching of the Abominations was replaced with its thunderous fury.

The effect was instantaneous.

The first Abomination to be hit was turned into a paste immediately by the sheer rate of fire of her M134. Bronya easily handling the weapon's recoil and aiming to the approaching horde, cutting them down like grass to a scythe.

It didn't even matter what type of Abomination she was shooting at as everything received more leads than what was needed to kill them as she spared them no chance at getting back up to their feet. If she couldn't be precise, then might as well use overwhelming firepower to counter the tide.

It wasn't like these things were compromising, anyway.

Too preoccupied with her slaughter, Bronya didn't see the way the Knights went slack jawed behind her, their eyes wide at the ease she was killing the Abominations. They had weapons more powerful than that, sure, but they had never seen someone handle something so devastating like it was nothing.

When Bronya finally released the trigger, a minute or so later, she had expended thousands of rounds alone. The smell of gunpowder was strong in the air and the barrels of her Gatling gun were so hot they were glowing under the dim light of night sky. There was also another smell in the air, a putrid and more sickening smell coming from the pile of minced meat littering the street ahead.

Burned flesh intermixed with bodily fluids.

A silence that was so loud it was deafening ensued as Bronya scanned the results of her work with mild interest, expecting nothing less from the M134. Careful not to slip on the hot spent casings on the ground, she turned to face the Knights and civilians behind her.

"Road is clear," she stated plainly as she hefted the weapon before relaxing. "It's now or never."

Her voice seemed to pull them from their stupor and the Knights exploded into a flurry of activity. Bronya, now her job done, stepped aside to allow them passageway as she deconstructed the M134.

"Thanks," said the Lieutenant. "Quite the gun you had there."

"It's the result of a washing machine's company ingenuity," she muttered back, staring at one of the civilians in the back. The Knight simply stared at her and despite his helmet, Bronya could see that he was perplexed by her response. "Where's your Medic?" Bronya asked him as she approached said civilian.

The Lieutenant followed her gaze and sighed before falling in step with her. "We've run out of medical supplies in the first few minutes of the incursion."

Bronya frowned as she knelt down, silver eyes looking up and down the wounded woman sitting on the cold ground alone. She looked young, probably in her early twenties so younger than Bronya herself, and terrified too.

The moment Bronya reached her, her green eyes exuded helplessness as she stared at the Herrscher.

"It's going to be okay," Bronya assured, carefully putting a hand to the woman's shoulder to comfort her. Bronya's gaze drifted down to the woman's thigh where a large chunk of wood embedded itself.

"Please help me..." She whispered, desperation painting her words.

"I will. I'm going to take a look, okay?" The woman nodded and Bronya took it as a consent to lift up her torn skirt, doing her best to suppress the grimace when she saw that the wood had penetrated through the appendage completely. Despite her attempt, the woman still seemed to feel her as she began to sob.

"Please... don't leave me... I can't..."

"I'm not going to leave you," Bronya told her. "I promised to help you and I will. How about you tell me your name?" She asked as she created a shot of morphine.

"R—Regina... My name is Regina."

"Hello, Regina. My name is Bronya. I'd say nice to meet you but we're in quite the pickle, aren't we?"

The little humor earned her a weak chuckle from Regina and Bronya smiled. "Definitely... I... this isn't what I expected when I wanted... to visit Xianzhou."

"Tell me about it," Bronya briefly turned towards the Cloud Knight Lieutenant standing guard behind her. "Can we expect doctors on our assembly point?"

"There should be some, but I wouldn't count on it. She won't be the only one in dire need of medical attention," he told her grimly.

"Am I going to die?"

Bronya's head snapped back towards the woman before she shook it firmly. "No. You're going to be okay. Your wound is just worse than it seems."

"But... it hurts so much..."

"I know," she brought up the morphine in her hand to Regina's line of view. "This will make it better but I will need you to stay awake. I'm going to carry you so you don't have to worry, okay?"

Regina nodded again and Bronya proceeded to inject the morphine into the woman, holding her more firmly when the effect started to take hold. She kept a careful eyes on the woman the entire time until she settled back, somewhat. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," Regina answered through the haze in her mind. "A little funny, actually."

"That's normal. I take it no more pain?"

"No," her speech began to slur. "Oh, Miss Bronya is so pretty from up close! Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Is she hitting on you?" Asked the Lieutenant, dumbfounded.

"It's the drug," Bronya answered to the man as she carefully scooped the woman up to her arms, ignoring the excited squeal she let out to answer her earlier question instead. "And yes, I have girlfriends already."

"Bummer, how come all the beautiful women are taken already?" Regina pouted before she lit up somewhat. "Wait, girlfriends? You have more than one?"

"Yes, Miss Regina, I have two and my heart only belongs to them."

"... do you have place for another one?"

Bronya sighed and although the Lieutenant tried to suppress it, it was rather obvious that he snorted.

I'm just glad Kiana wasn't here...

"What was that?"

No, nothing. Get out of my head.

"Hey! No need to be a dick about it!"

Shut up, Idiotka.

Bronya terminated their Herrscher Link before Kiana could retort. When she looked down at the woman in her arms, she found that Regina had been staring at her as if she was a rare specimen, eyes full of expectations and hopes for something Bronya couldn't give.

Sighing for the second time, she resigned herself to her fate. Fully aware that the morphine's effect would only get more intense as time went on.

This is going to be a very long walk.



I know everyone is excited for the meeting with Luocha and so am I but I can't promise you it will happen soon. I'm changing a lot of things here to make the Luofu arc somewhat comprehensible and that includes adding and removing some scenes and interactions. They will meet but won't be for a few chapters later.

Anyway... Really, you guys have been an awesome readers that the reason the story is where it is now is none other than you so let me say this again; thank you for staying with mea and thank you for tolerating me and my mistakes. It's been fun and I will try to keep it that way.

By the way, the Russian bits between Bronya and Kiana are from Google Translate so bear with me haha.

As always, kudos and reviews are appreciated! Thank you so much!

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.